Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, January 25, 1823, Image 1

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SAVANNAH GEORGIAN hEW bElUES—VOL. II. AViKdAVWiU % tid TUHD.iY JANUARY 25, IS23. NO 27 SAVANNAH : FRIDAY MORNING, JAN. 24,1823. The Intelligencer announces the ap pointment of Hugh Nelson, of Virginia, by the President of the United States, to be Bkvoy Kitroardinary and Minister Pleni- . piotentiary to the court of Spain, in the piace of Mr. Forsyth, who is about to re- turn home. A letter received in Charles, ton from Washington, states? that the no ruinations of Ministers to Buenos Ayres and Colombia, as published in our last, had just been sent to the Senate for confirma tion^ and that in a few days, similar ap- .pointmenta to Chili and Mexico would be made. Theatre.—A. letter from Richmond, of Jhe 17th inst. mentions that the Manager’s power “ is on the seas.’* Their arrival may, therefore, be expected hourly. 1 he company sailed on the v 15tli, in the schoon- Ann, Capt. Brownell. A passenger in the James Monroe States, that Mr. Zea, the agent for the Co. Jombian Republic in England, died at Chel tenham in the beginning of December. The last papers from Cavaccas co tain the official announcement of Ins power having been revoked at a period antecedent to contracts made by him for extensive loans in England for the ui^e of the Republic. It has been recominended to Congress, 1>y the Secretary of the ^nvy, that Com modores and Rear Admirals should be ap pointed in the American service. The former to rank with Brigadier Generals in the Army and the Utter with Major Gene- -Sals. Some difficulty has occuredin the legis lature of the state of Maine, in the election <>f a Senator to supply the vacancy which Will occur on the expiration of the term of aerviceofMr. Chandler, The House of Representatives has passed a vote to d - fer the subject, but notice has been given that a rc-consideration of the vote would .be moved. The dissention is betwee . the friends of Mr,Crawford and Mr. Adams Congress.—In the House of Representa- fives, on the 15th inst. Mr. Reid, of Geor gia, moved aAnmendmentto theConsiitu* lion, that “ Congress shall have power to construct Roads and Canals.” The House afterwards took up the bill supplementary to, and to amend a i act, entitled an act to regulate the collection of the duties on imports and tonnage, passed the 2d of .March, 1799, and to repeal the supplemen tary act of 1818, The following is an ab stract of the bill, which is very long, from the Intelligencer .* See. I provides that from and after the fid March, no goods, subject *to ad valorem duty shall be^dinitted to entry, unless the true invoice of the same be presented to the collector at the time of entry, or unless the same be Admitted in the mode authoriz (I anil prescibed in the ensuing section' w this act. • . Sec. 2. Provides that »vhen no in voice of such goods has been recei ved, the owner, &c. shall make oath thereof, nod the Secretary of the Trea sury shall be authorized to cause them to be appraised«-the owner to give bond to produce the invoice wirhin ei^ht monlhs if from European ports, &nd fifteen months, if from beyond the Cape of Good Hope or Cape Horn, or from the Cape of Good Hope. Sec. S. Directs that, where »onds are not entered in pursuance ot this 01* any other revenue act, the same deposited in the public ware- .■bo:j;iT. Alter remaininginrihe ware- *v>r v’ght.ot' fifteen months, us till case nay be, the said "nods to be aoW, &c- Perts!;:*ble article to be ex posed to earlier sale, il necessary. Sec. 4. Prescribes, the oaths, in cases of goods entered by invoice, to be taken by the owners, importers, consignees, or agents. Sec- 5. Prescribes the manner in which the ad valorem rates of duty estimated, viz, by adding to the actual cost, all charges, except commissions, outside packa ges and insurance, and also 20 per cent, on the said, costs, &c. if impor ted from ocfbeyord the Capes. Sec. 6. P ovides that no goods sub ject to ad, valorem duty,belonging to residents, but nut at the place where the same are intended to be entered *ehai! be admitted to entry, unless bond be given to produce to the col* lector within four months the invoice, duly verified by the owners’Oath. i fieri 7. Provides that no goods im ported dud belonging to non-residents ■hall be admitted to entry unless the notice be vended by the oath, of the owner to his ownership and to the ac tual cost of the goods. The bill enninius in all thirtywveri factious of uiuute detail, of which the preceding synopsis of seven of them may give nil idea. The apprai sers are to continue lobe appointed as now provided by law, The occasion* al appraisers*are to be allowed five dollars per day, and to be fined fifty for each refusal to act. A third dis interested person may be called in to join the appraisers where a first ap praisement shall not be satisfactory, &c. &c, Several amendments were proposed, and made to the bill, one of whioh was to extend the time allowed for voyages be yond the Cape of Good Hope, or Cape Horn, to eighteen months. After some discussion on tlic bill the Committee rose. The U. S. Steam Galliot Sea Gull, with Com Porter on board, went to sea from N* York on the 13th inst. for the purpose of jnipingthe squadron now fitting out at Norfolk to act against the pimles. He is to be followed by the U. S. store ship De coy, Captain L. Kearney, destined for the same service. The Philadelphia papers complain that “ that city is at present infested with a horde of desperadoes, who seem intent upon doing all the mischief they can.”— Several att- mpls hnd been made, but with out success, to set fire to the Circus. Beautiful Phenomena,—The Heavens, at Philadelphia, on the^l3th inst. presented a n’vel and and beautiful appearance. It seemed as if there were four or more suns, in the radii of the sun’s rays, each emitting a mild transparent stream of light The phenomena were interesting for their beauty and singularity. The New York American informs us that the new Memoirs of Napoleon by him self, are announced in the foreign papers as neatly ready for publication. The adver tisement states that they were commenced by Napoleon on his passage to St. Helena, and continued as his constant occupation, during the 3ix years of his captivity. He rarely wrote himself, as his pen could not keep pace with his ideas, but dictated to h J 3 Secretaries, who w;ere obliged to write so rapidly, that it ofteh happened that the night sufficed with reduce to order what they had taken down during the day. Ths copies were carefully revis ed by the Emperor, and corrected with his own hand. The manuscript is preserved as a valuable relic of this great being, and a proof of the authenticity .of the publica. A young lady was barbarously murder ed, on the 26tli ult, in Tyrrell Goun'ty, N. supposed by four negroes, who have been arrested. She was found in an up per room with her throat cut; and died soon after.. A letter from New Haven states, that Lieut. Governor Ingersoll died on the 10th inst. alter an illness of ten days. Canuto.*—Gov. Yates of New York, in his message to the legislature oftluft state, convened on the 7th inst speaks in the fol lowing terms of their canal system: w It gives me much pleasure to state : that the canal system, so wisely adopted and suc cessfully pursued in the st« *•, promises to realize the expectations of the community The convenience already afforded to the inhabitantants, by the facility with which the products of the count$ may be brought to market, has exceeded the most sanguine hopes of its warmest sup porters.” • 0 Cheap Living.—The Cincinnati Inquisitor says, ” The vast quantity of produce which has of late (noth withstanding the wretched condition of the roads) been poured into the city of Cincinnati, has introduced an era'of extraordinary plenty. As an in stance of the cheapness of eatables, the following may be related. On Friday last a person was disputing with a coun tryman the price of a turkey, for which he asked 25 cents. The bargain was at.last concluded by an offer of the countryman, that if thef purchaser would give him the quarter of a dollar for the turkey, he should have four chick cut in ! .Lord Effingham was this year, 1633, ap pointed Governor of Virginia and express ly ordered “to allow no person to use a Printing press on any occasion whatever.” This must no doubtf have been very ac ceptable to those politicians whose nerves were too delicate to bear the cogitations of the “kennel newspapers.” In 1692 the Legislature of Massachusetts' passed an act'prohibiting any of the French Nation to reside, or be in any of the sea ports or frontier towns Within the pro- vince without license from the Governor and council. The U Sfiigute Constitution, arrived at Gibraltar, 22a November—remainder of the Mediterranean squadron expected there in a few daya. FROM OUR COR ICESl’ON DENT, Office ef the Mercantile advertiser } New York, Jan. 15.3 From Montevideo,—The brii; Ho- rnliij? tilings advice# to the 20(li of November- Affairs remain unsettled. The troops under Gen. Lecor were stationed about 18 leagues from the city. It is stoted that three Ameri can ships had been engaged to carry Portuguese troops to Lisbon. Flour was obout 9 dollars on board. There was 28,000 barrels afloat ot Monte video and Buenos Ayres. The price of ox and cow Hitli'S was 52 to 51 rials—bulls, 44 to 40—horse, TO to 75 cents each. Fire.—Yesterday morning, be tween 3 and 4 o’clock, a Are broke nut. in the Engle Breweiy, No. 63 Crosby street, which, with a stable ad joining, were reduced to ashes- The wooden dwelling house on the north side, was also burnt to the ground. —The wooden dwelling house on the south side, and the brick front house No. TO, were nearly destroyed. The Brewery was a considerable es tablishment, owned, we understand, by Mr James F Drpeyster, and was occupied by Mr. Wright, who also carried on the distilling business in tlu-some premises, Most of the ma chinery and stock was destroyed. Guillaume Echtiusse, whose death is announced in the Courier’. report, is the character known in this city loi some years post, to (lie terror ol all naughty children, as "Old Shoes'’— He had once .seen better days, and conducted u respectable business here but meeting with losses, and falling into poverty and distress, his mind be caine impaired; he secluded himself from the society of man, and in a wretched hovel, surrounded by nomer- ous Dugs, he passed several of the last years of his life. It was his occasion al practice, when driven from his den by the wonts of nature, to prowl about the streets,attired in the most wretch ed habiliments, with a long matted head, and dishevelled hair carrying over his shoulder a large sack, into which ho crammed old rags, paper, ropes, iron, ullals, ami every filthy thing which he cuuld find, in one Undistinguished mass. ■ The former were selected at his leisure and occu- sinally soldi -whilst he and Ilia Dugs regaled thcmselvcB upon the nauseous masses of vegetable and animal ufflls collected in these his peregrinations. I.ately, he had given himself to intox ication; when he could procure the tneanB, he would drink to excess, and might be seen lying for a whole day or night in the streets—Whilst his Dogs would keep up the most discordant howling until his return. Not hav- ing been seen out of his retrent for some days and attention being attract ed by the incessant howling of its in mates, the door bf his hovel was forced open, and his miserable, lifeless re mains found, surrounded by his faith- lu Dogs, who with suily fidelity de fended their ben ," clor, even in death against the approach of the human form—and it was not without some difficulty, arising from this opposition that his body could be removed foi interment. On the same day (Saturday) were committed to the grave, the remains of another no less celebrated character —celebra .cii, indeed, by other traits than tho-.e nhioh marked the closing career of tile unfortunate Eschausse — this was Primus Swain, a black man, the oldest Branch Pilot of oai harbor; who had been upwards ot for ty years engaged in that arduous, and perilous service, His repeated hair breadth escapes, in the course of his professional career have heretofore been adverted to; and his death was at last occasioned by a fall from one ol our wharves into the dock, when about to take a vessel to sea, and when the tide was low, by which lie was so seri ously injured as to cause his d -ath in a few days.- [Charleston Courier, Mexican”affairs. Translated from late Havana papers, for the Charleston ' tty Gazette. . J^ew Spain, jlcayuyun, Wth Dec. 1823. Muitaut ufthe 4tii Division. “ I inclose toyuur excellency a copy of the act decreed by the Junta ol war formed yesterday iu order to proclaim to this people, the republican govern ment. At 4 in the afternoon, I united my self at the Consistorial Hail with this illustrious Junta, to whom 1 manifes ted the orders and proclamation of your Excellency, as likewise (he acts of my own Junta, which after having duly discu-sed The matter, gave their concurrence, and immediate promul gation to the new system of republican government. The troops having been harangued, they joined themselves to Ihe Junta, reiterating with joy “ Viva la Uepublica.” We merched "id pro cession to the Church where a sol emn te deum was chanted, amidst the ringing of bells and repeated, dischar ges of artillery. ,1 caunot omit to recommend to vnur Excellency, these worthy officers and suboidinato troops who when they learnt that your Excellency was chief and mov- r of this happy and henifl- rent system shewed every enthusiasm in your favour. 1 hope you excellen cy will favour tne with further orders, as to the management, of these events, as I am fully persuaded that Iht'hntly under my direction is completely determined in favour of our much desired republic. Gad and thellepub- lie! 'il Jlcayucan, Wth Dee. 1822. To the most Excellent Sr. Marcos dc ■ Oliva,, Antonio Lopez be Sant* Anna, First Chief of the llepuhlicunWrmy. Proclamation directed to the officers and tfoojis of the columnbl Gt'ena- diers by qne of the Officer*. Companion'; in arms ! M.V friends and Children.—One of youn company by the orders of a chief who deserves all your love, i. spoakiug to you through me, to explain to you how the ambitinn of one man was leading you to slavery—a man who trampled un der feet every law—destroyed the supreme constitutional congress, ami imprisoned and exiled tho Deputies. Among the first of these, we find the deserving liberal, patriotic, and vala- rous soldier Sr, Brigudicr, Heiieha, your Colonel, wllojso often conduct ed you to reap crowns of laurels in victory, and treated you as his cltil. dren— Will yog then suffer with indifference, the Attempt of a tyrant against an innocent man ? Decide tny friends ; unite to those who are. about to liberate America from slave ry, wherein she; is already sunk.— Have no other guide to your operu lions, discard self interest and ambi tion, let your motto be liberty or death. From this step, there is no doubt yurt will be able to drive from the capital, the tyrant w ho already trembles at our approach. No (Inubt there will be' some evil disposed among us, who-tiV their intrigues, will endeavour to persu ide you, that you are going to be the victims of our resolution.— Hut you, valiant grenadiers, who were die first to proclaim liberty and a republican government, Ihoonly one that becomes us, will not be last to proclaim liberty which will render us happy in our union and hereafter leave it tu our posterity, VEtuCnuz, 20lli Dee. 1822. To the Liberating Jinny. Citizen GenSrid of the Liberating Army, D. Antonio Lopez de Kan ta Anna, says ihe WWiAving to me: "It is now 5 o'clock, A. M« I have just takenhy suipize (his point mak ing 45 prisoners of the culum nl gren adiers, and of the cavaly corps No. 1 1 and 2—1 piece of artillery and a re gular park. Thu fire lasted fur about half an hour, I have observed that the onemv suffered much. Par our part only T killed have been reported to me. isend you this for your sat- isfaction, and that of the troops, in order to celebrate this happy begin ning with the necesary demonstrations pf joy. Give it all the publicity iu your power to the. whole proving)* un der my command. Gail and liberty. Plains uf Bio, 9th Dec. 1822. Anto. Lopez Santa Anna, Sr Brig Governor of Vera Cruz, to citizen Petro Madeira. Every event which I have commu nicated to these brave troops both tiere and in the province for their sat refaction, and so interesting to the na tion’s felicity, does at the same time -hew visibly the dispensation uf Hea ven to the ju-t cause of liberty we are pursuing, and which we shall tint a- oatidun unlii its consummation. The Artillery and Soldiers ol every deno mination and the Oii’xens are here participating in ihe g> tieral Jubilee, on Bccnuni ol the abqve communica tion lied desire unanimously to live free or die. Very Cruz 20th Dec 1822. 3d year oi Independence, noil Istol Liberty.—Diariode Vera Cruz MAttniED. Last evening, by the Uev. Mr. Animnv, thoWv. Mr. LkIihok Wiiitk, of Charles ton, to Mrs. Duzaustii Uuotis of this -.ivy: Prisoners Escaped — The jail of Newberry district, was broke upen on the 5di inst. knd entered by several persons unknown, who with tools of various kinds, which must liave been prepared for the purpose, literally cut to pieces the doors by which they en tered The doors of three .cells of the dungeons were thrown open and three prisoners made their escapei viz: — The three prisoners were confin ed in separate cells, and as soon as they got out of the walls of Ihe prison mounted horses, widen, had been pre pared for them, and galloped off. Sheiiffs. magistrates, and consta bles should look out for these fellows. The governor will no doubt oiler a ie £ ward for their arrest. [Columbia Telescope. At the Salisbury (I n.".) sets! na, M ry Pike wasconvicied ofste-iiinf? ♦ ric'r * t»* the value of thr e firthings t : ml in consequence of her having b en he <.fUhe mo-t b ne* volent women in Salisbury, nnd'oi'> able character* 'n nlace of aevei/ye-e bin nishment has only been sfr.unctu to f-w mwtfAVimprisonment- costs of suit to li»e city, 35 pounds.-The value of all the voo«?f f r wh ch prisoners were tried* at fie-e a Fiiousi does not aiuoiint to 40h While the charges amounts to 275/. A recent English Traveller in France bus published the following verses on the fate of the late Mrs. Juitinn who, after living with the Duke utOlarcnce •a* Ilia wile, fur tt long series ofyedVs, and havintj borne him many children, w.ih left tvi die in penury und deaola lion, near Paris. 1 could not close this desultory lay Nor speak of Violonte ! she was not Sunk into disrepute, vwt stole^awny From the world’s honours—lost, but nuforgot,' 'Ti» sweet her sad and simple tttle to toll.. Whifc the. lull bosom at her mention Warms j > And thoughts,like magic, on the memory swell, As tWi'fty called her back dressed in her tliou.vttnd oharms.',; ^ r She died in a strange land—he .rt-broken died- ; ' Left in her worse than widowhood—the tie. Of wenty summers snap! forayming bride Younger than her young daughter! None was nigh To smooth the desolate couch, whereon she lay Withering; but—like the tempest strick en leaf, Tlmt wuitsfor nature’s summon to decay— She shrink before the fury of her grief, I stood beside her grave: her grave— whose tone Was melody to millions—and I wept i Remembering that ev. n that was not her own, 4 But there - by casual charity**she ri-pt! For she died destitute, nor left withal To buy the rites of sepulture \ yes, sho— Whose life was one rich boQnty -"lucked a pall, While //(jithat should have mourned kept bridal revelry. Poor Violanto! there she lies at last With all the Perditus i but one strange band, To twine a coronal for all the past, And one chance pilgrim at her stone to stand ! His conscience be his curse, who left her so— I name him not, his name would slain my page: 1 Sw »pt down oblivion’s gulf I let him go, Mixt with the meaner base who scanda lize the age. MARINE. POUT OF 4MKWmi& (JLKaVHED. Ship Mount Vernon, Kuwson, Liverpool, Win Gastoin Ship Indus, Brown, Liverpool, ■ * 8 Wright* Bchr Maria, Trewin, Brunswick, Sloop Mary, Brown, charleston, ' T. Cohen.' Sloop Cynthia, B-nrir, Charleston, ARRIVED. Ship >Vill*am Penn Philadelphia, 10days, in ballast to Wm Gaston. Passengers, Mrs. Willis ami servant, Mr .V VUl and ser vant, Messrs Smith, Pieraol, and DeLaugli- ery% \ i Sclir Efiza & .fane, Salowich, Ossaba, 4 days, with cotton to Bulloch & Dunwoody. sloop Mercy, Uolles, Riccboru, 4 days, with cotton & rice, toR&J Habersham, Bill och &. Dunwoadv, Tufts & Reed, John M'Nisb, J A Maxwell, und Jl Richardson £.* co. • Steam boat Samuel Howard, Augusta, ,3 data, with boats Nos 1 8t 28 }n tow; with cotton lo J Humming & on, C (J Gris void, J Latin op 8c co. Perry 8c Wright, 0 Taft, B Burroughs, d Campbell, Petersen, Hum- mond& co. and A H Fannin & co, up von THIS POUT. At'New-York, 14tli inst. ship Charlotte, Simcs, to sail in three days, clkahkii foii this four. At Charleston, 22d tnsL brig Clnriian, Bossieurc j tfchr Stephen Jones, *r homas. At Ncw-York, 13ih inst, ship Clifford Wayne, Allen. The sclir Ann, Brownell, sailed from Richmond, for this po.t, on the 15th inst. The brig Punthca, Brucllny, for Charles ton, was to sail from'Ncwriiaven, the 14th inst. ' The Br brig Fountain, Howard, from [ rinadud for sit 'l lidums, has be n wreck ed near Porto R|co. She wus iisurei t at Boston. The tqmnish au.horities^ took irom capt II, $4000. Thp Luacllcs, capt Seiihouse, from Mu- raiihsm, was driven on th banks of South- port, in attempting,fo*make the hurhor ol Liverpool/during die pr vulenco of u vio lent gale on the 18th Nov. and every per son on board, consisting of 23 or 24 pe rished. It was supposed, the vessel went fo pieced us .upwards of 400 bales of cotton had been washed ashore. v Another vessel, the Brunswick from .’Smyrna, wus lost the following warning on Barret’s Wharf,and it is supposed all hands perish ed. A line of packets lit* been established be- tweenNew-YorkandHavreto consist of the ships Niagara, Beebe j Marmion, Hawkins: Bayard, Vun Dyke * Cadmus, YVhi lock* ana a ship now building one of which wj'l sail on the 1st of ev ry month. The line to be commenced dn th* 1st ofFe- bruary, by the sailing of the Niagara. Providence Harbor, on the 10th inst. was so much obstructed by ice as to pre vent vessels coming nearer the town than F eld’s, about 3 mites below. v BALTIMORE. Jan. 15-Ari* brig Ala- bama, Parrott, Rio Janeiro, 41 j schr Nu- thaniel Potter, TiiompeOn, Jeiemie, 13. * NEW-YORK, Jan. 14—Arr brig Hnp-* tlu, Ball, (hue, who dif4'ftf tb?pa*. jPEasiipaaica Of livery Uescrijlion, IS DONE AT the ' GEORGIAN JOB OFFICE, IN THE BEST, Oti New utid LuMspi£uuu3 Typfc, » AND OR MODKRaTE terms. In nddition to Law, Notarial, and other Blanks, which me furnished ready printed, or executed at the shovt^st notice, are the following Commercial Blanks Shipping Articles iCommonWl Let tor-sheet Bills of Lading Foreign and DotiMtlc' Bills of Bxchauge Retries of Merchandise Foreign out ward, Vcicign inward, and Cdashag Mauifekta Charter Parties of AllVeightment Ihded Tables ot Exports of Rice, Cotton,^ Labels fur Counting Rooms *5team Boat Yard Receipts ftfcrciiaut’tf LMJtils'j.for marking the dif* foi but depart men ik of HuHiiit'M Chec.ku on the djfferent Bunks in this city. I’atroon Receipt a Sleilm Boat Receiptfl Ship Surveyor’s CeriificatV, Slatements of Damages, foMhr Recovery of Insurance \ Muster Roll and Articles for \VmhIj Seamen’s Warrants and PiotecVoni Custom-!Ioiiso Bonds , \ Couniingllouse Almanacks \ Sjatements of Exports Torcign Export Entries Passengers’ Entries Dray B Hi ;■ * qj* Apply lit tho Job Office, the sam^re* v»utly uceupie.l'by il. P, Russell, rat the ffieeof the Gronouv. dec 28 23 \ , • MNWO, GILDING, GLAZING and i’AFEU HANGING. '■HIE Subscriber begs Uave to inform JL Ihh C’ustomcra and the Public In gene* al, that he bus removed to Thompson fit Bouneys buildings. No. , WHITJUCER-STRFsKT, Near the Buy, where he continues to carry on the above business in all its various brsnohes, nu the most modern und approv 'd principles. Walls Painted hi Oil or Distemper Colours, and Ornamented iu the most Fashionable European Style, OVHAND, London White Lead, ground in Ot) American do do do . do Lihhoed Oil in barrels, In Uio besv order Barrels Spirits Turpentine Window Claw in Hove# of various sizes English Crown Gloss ih'cratca, suitable fof large I*aiic9, Pictures, tie, Fine Colours of ail Aimls Painter’s Brushes of all sixes White Wash do A great variety of dido rent color Frosting Blue Smalts, (Jc. Me, All of which will be sold ot the lowest nrices. Orders from the Country punctual• in attended to. Colours mixed ready for use, and dircctlomt. glyen for using them, if required. , PATRICK MARLOW, nov 15 |lQl Cod Fish. QUINTALS firHi quality Coil Fish, lor sale on host'd sloop Paragon at l’ii) iur’n whlif. Apply to J 1) HKitUKUT (J CO. dec 2/ 2T dre 27 S A LT. UUSIIELS Salt afloat. Pet aa|c hy IIALI, HOYT V CO. •XT CORN. ltu»hels. White Tliot Corn afloat, for sale in lots tu -nut imiChalera, on rt'aaonnble ternia. ’Applp tu HALL, HOYr y ’CD. dec 18 30 b'rcsli Teas, China and Troy Candles. . ■ TF.N catty boxes Hytnti Tea 150 do do do Gtthpbwder 50,do do do Impc-risl 5‘» five catty botes Imu- rjal 3o catty,cmnistfr!* of fmpevhd & Gunpowder 1\ j, ' Fresh imported ■ 50 boxes China Wire, 6»i>t*iiiiriif BroukDim, Dinner ii Ton «ctsj» 200 boxes Troy Candles , Landing from ship Garonne, and’for sale by J % D.lIEUnP,nTA co. dee 25 2fi ft T OYi ¥< Js* VTOROM the Hoiibu ofliid subscriber, Ten . sJ? half Eagles undone English Guinea, ii u metal purse, gilt. The theft was com mitted about throf weeks since, as appear® from circumiitahtial lest mony, anil the thief is s^pectcd. If the money is return ed, no questions will be asked j if any of the Game denomination should be offi red under susp'cious circumstances to any per son, they are requested to stop it. JOSEPH CUMMING. * dec 28 ft 28 —7-7~y.-; , y - Apple Rraully. ; ; . A» BAIUIKLS Apple Rrandy Juatteceiv<!d,andf'or s l-br*. ;. UAKEK-W Mlh pn I f c 42 i Landing, ^ From hrtg Levant, from New- Yorkf S> BOXES Muscatel;Ilaisins For sale 4«•« ichcun. Jamatct Item J. B;a£fiBEBT<fca ftoni : bv