Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, January 28, 1823, Image 1

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Jt SAVANNAH f? (0*. GEORGIAN -*■ NL.t sivAJmM TUHSD.lV MJltXIXQ, J.INUjMV 48,18*). NO S8 SAVANNAH MONDAY MOBNING, JAN. 27,1823. No mull mu received lint night north of Richmond. Vmcent T. Matthews, Esq. was on Fri day Admitted to practice luw in this state, byt fie Superior Cou.t now in session. The Bill for further regulating tips duties on imports appears to have claimed the ser. rious attention of the House ofBepresen* tatives. If we may judge from present in* •! dicAtims, says the Intelligencer, there i 8 tio doubt it will pass the House, without material amendment, in the form in which "it wus reported by thetjommittcc of Way s }j%nd Means. Tins, we believe, will be a- agreeable information to the respectable mercantile community, at the same time that, if matured into a law, the bill will prove advantageous to the revenue, by fen cing the law for its collection with surer ''gtH^tdS. G ’n. Chandler who is supposed to be a /friend of Mr. Crawford has been ununlmw- ty choseirtn the senate of Maine, as a si- nut or in Congress, Jin the House of Re presentatives the subject of his election ' was postponed by a majority of ten to a tubsequent day Major William Crafts is announced as n candidate for a seal in Congress from South ^’toftivlina, in die room of Joel tt. 'Foilisei, at the election in February next. Joseph jBlack of Abbeville, is also a candidate for Congress in the room of Mr. M‘Duflie. ( A nomination of a candidate for the pre sidency, was made at Columbus, Ohio, on ' the 3d inst. Mr. Clay received 50 votes, Mr. Clinton 5, Mr Calhoun, and Mr . Adams 1 vote This caucus was evidently . compos ’d of the friends of Mr. Clay, : we arc informed that many went away be* l fore the vote was taken, and we know V too that a previous attempt to make a iiom- 1 inotiun was fruitless. The whole number | of the Legislature of Ohio is about one b hundred. $ Commodore Porter arrived at Norfolk on the 17th inst. from New-York, in the steam - brig Sea-Gull, in 58 hours from light to light, including a detention of the greater ‘if part of one night, during which she had to j by too. The Woollen Factory owned and oceu ( pied by Capt. Samuel Davenport, situated on Norfolk Hirer, has been consumed by- ' fire together with h.s books and nearly a 1 * ita contents. The amount of property destroyed is estimated at $4,000, only 750 of which was insured. There were imported into the U. S. in 1821,12,47 W0 Began, which, *1 2 cent s' each, would amount fo g249,560. It is supposed alarger number of domestic man ul'ucture was comm mod. An Edinburgh paper asserts that the fiun^bcr sold of I’everil of the Peake i s eq'*l to tl A* of any of the former produc. tiui.6 of its author. The PiMshnrg Gazette announces seven Steam floats to start from that pity early in’the spring. . JtF&fS.—Account* from Euraroa, ef tlie I3:ii Die. trerived at New Ynrli.aive seme infiirmation confir* Bialorjr of Hie defeat of this active paruenn, and liis desertion of Mara caibo. Tlie accounts state that after ait days despgrate figting with the ReiiuWicaO, under Mantilla' in which he itaahim.elf wounded and lost 300 men,kill'd including several of his best officers, and many prisnnoi- and destriers, lie pursued Ids relies I tonaida Coro, rlosely pursued by ftlontilla. Such ia'lite confusion ami nncertnn'y of S.iuih American ac counts, that it is almost impossible to come at the troth—the reader iiiubI judge of their correctness—as we of necessity give them as we receive them. j. Another story in related in late Havana papers received in Charleston. It is that on the'.till of Dec. Morales returned to Maracaibo “ covered it is said with new triumphs and Iaurelcfrom Coro.” - Time, who unravels all things w ill tin" ravel, the contradictory intelligence from Maracaibo—til! which patience only is the remedy) one thing is pretty certain the marauder cannot hold it, especially a. it is highly prabable tHe ttepubheans have by this time the naval ascendency. Indeed it Is su,wising that lie lus so lung been per mitted to keep session. LATEST I'ROM ENGLAND. By tliu ships Perfect and Conan arrived at Cliarknon on Friday, Liverpool papen to the 13th, and. London to the 10th of December have been received. Accounts from France, are of course not so late as received at this port. The tone of the Lori' don papers is materially changed, as to a war between France and Spain, which is now considered as quite improbable. They appear to think that after all the bullying of the French government, it is alarmed ME’en at the sound itself has made !’* An&will realise the old epigram upon the ancestor of Loois XVIII, who 11 Wi.h forty thousand men Marched up the hilb-and.then—marohed back again.” It ia repeated in tile Courier, however, that in case of a war, Great Britain will maintain a strictly neutral stand. Cotton it appears, ia rattier dull—the fol lowing exhibits tile latest view of Hie mar ket : Liverpool, Ike 7.—In .the early part ui Inis week, there was little doing in the Cotton market: but afntr wauls, lor some days, in (he middle olthe week, thetc a go d demand which, however, lias again enusidera, lily ubated ; and at tins public sale yesloidiij, so little spirit was evinced that it w .s found necessary either to withdraw part of the Sea Islands, in to submit In u decline of id. I rum previous tales. Those sold were at that r-duction. The new Uplands went oIho lower than w ts expected— for the olhers, the currency of the duy was obtained. The low quality ol Uplands have been in goutl demand, whilst the belter kinds were not so saleable, in consequence of most ol the new Cotton prnvitg of that class, and their being pressed upon the market. Orleans continue in limited request at former prices.— The belter qualities of 'Tennessee are in dennmd. The sales of Sea Islands by private,are quite trifling. There is nothing doing on speculation, atitl little or nothing for eiport. The total sales of Cotton this week, a- 08 mounted to 8070 hags of all soi ls , of which 5750 are American, say 3830 Uplands-190 at 6.], BOO at 6 5 8, 03O, fij, 130 at 0 7-8 380 a'. 7,170 at 7 1. 8, 530 a l 7*. 110 at 7 3-8, 5-10 al 7j, 40 ni 7 5-8, 80 at 7J, 20 at 8. 10 nt 8-4, 10 at 8{. £90 at auction, 64 a 3J. 460 Ol leIlia—10 at ~j, 60 at 8, 80 at 8$ 30 m !) 1.8, 90 at 94,110 10, 10, 60 at It'S, 10.H 13, (Out auction. 940,720 AVli te—75 at 12, 25 at 1BJ, 10 at 17, 600 at auction, 114 a 144, 140 stained Den island—60 at 94. 80 ut 9|- 600 Tonnessees, at 6 1-8 a 7Jd. U. S. Ashes ere in demand, but there is no stock hero. Montrcals have in a great measure recovered the depression of list week. There has nothing uf consequence been done this week. Tobacco, 2 a fill.,- llicc 14 a 19 . ; U. S. Ashes, Pols, 4* a 48s.; Pearls, 49s | Montreal, Pots, 43 oil, a 44 ; Pearls 47 a 48-; Tar 12 u 15s ; Tur pentine, 11 a 1S«. 3d. , Sola of Ctlionin l,iiirpial,frim‘ the 7 th to the ’(Jt/i Ihcemher'inclvaivc Uphnis—22h»gs at fid per lb. 190 at G 5-8 ; 115 at l)j : 14(j' al 6 7-8 ; 80 in 7; 255 a 7 I 8/ 184 at 74 ; 96 al 74 I 100 at 7 3-8 1125 ut 7J— utul. 1313 bags. Orletnn—17 biles nt 74-1; 14 at 74tl! 64 nt 8 ; 20 at B$ ; 34 ut 8J ; 30 at 8 5 8 ; 12 at 9 ; 12 ut 10 ; IS at K |—total, 221 bait s; icmiessefsi—138 b- los at 6 t-8d ; 310 al 64 t 30 ut G 3 8; 10 al 6J : total 438 bales. Sea Islands—20 hags at 12d ; 30 at 1244 ; 14 at 124d ; 22 at 13; 18 ot-14d—total With 110 Putnams, al IO4 (o' lljjl 115 Italiius al 9.J to 104-1/ Maianhains al 94'l to 104; 110 D'-ioeratas at 94'U 13 Minas Geras, ol 8J4; and 30 Ui n- gals, al 6 1-8 per lb.— ntal,8S84 bags. The market dul', with n wry litnt- 4ed demand on the I lilt December, 500 bags ol New Uplands being nd- vetlised for sale by auction,on Fiiday the 13th, for which the current prices were barely expected, say 7$d to Sjd. Glasgow, Dec. 6. tfolfoil.-j-iacn island, fine. Is 4(1 to Is 84; gootl Is 2d to Is Sri; Bowed Georgia, 7d to 8jd; New Orleans, 84(1 to 10J4; Deuterarn ami Berbice, 946 to 114 1; Pernambuco, Tl if to Is, Mur- anham. 9d to 10J<I. • The King, of Ktigland contemplates a visit to Hanover next summer, It is sat-l that Mr. Kean, is about to purchase Edinnmplo Castle, Glcu- ample, on Loch Lord, North Britain. The private luttcrs Iiom Paris state that the French Minister, M. do Vil- letfe,-is vety decided in resisting the war against Spain; uud the Bing will nut engage in it'wtthout the consent of the British Government. A meeting of the ambassadors of the lour principal powers was expect td to be held upon the afl’iirs of Spain; (..’outlets were ac.VveJy employed be tween the Frcuch and Spanish Capi-. tals, A true bill has been found in Lon don against the publisher ol Lord Jgjj run’s"Vision of Judgment^ The Queen ul Porlugil, it Is said, has rcl'ustd to swear obedience to the Cnnstitulion. On being, in conse quence of this rtduval, manned with expulsion from the kingdom, her Ma jesty replied that she would con sent to it, provided that the dower which she brought to the King, hot- husband, was returned to her. Tbs small pox is spreading its rava ges in three great cities of Europe,— Paris, M .drill, and Amsterdam. The accuunts from Spain worn fa vorable to the constitnliunalists, ami the loyalists were taking de fend their head quarters at Urge! Accounts from Ti flits ol 20th Sepf. say, the Persians are negotiating with the Turks, and that a treaty id peace ia on the point nf being concluded — Cul. Wright, of the English army, lately passed through this country on his return from Persia. He brought the same intelligence, but as nothing is yet known of it at Constantinople, it tines not appear to be certain. A dreadful storm was experienced, nt Liverpool on the 5th of December by which immense damage was done to the shipping in the dock and neigh- baihood. and a great number of lives lost. The vessels in dock were lock et) and jammed together by the vio lence of the gale in an astonishing manner, and the fragments nf wreck were strewed in every direction — The O1I10 lor New York, was driven akhttre,opposite the 8 .rid Hills, with the loss .of her mizeumast, and ah-tit three miles to Ilia north, lay the Gil be;t II entlmon, lor S;ivunn *li v on he beam ends, and lull of wilier, with Iohm nf masts, yards and running rigging, all blown away as clean as it they bad been cut by design. 'IV Topaz, a new inward-bound vessel, on her fust voyage from Boston, luy full of watei on Crosby Point; a number of other vessels in diftfcmri’pluees. The wind is represented to have been a perfect hurricunc. * There wefc upwards ut two hundred sail of vessels in port, wind bouud, at the time of the cole London, lkcembvr 9. Stock Exchange, 12 o'clock — Con* soU opened this morning at 80J, and went up to 3, and up to this hour are 80J. In the early part of the morn ing, a good deal of business was done. Three expresses arrived this morning from Paris, with the closing price of the French Fund- on Saturday* even ing, which was 88.—Neapolitan 77, Spanish 55} f. Foreign Fundft.—Li t tl e d oingo x • cepi in Spanish Bonds, which opened this morning at 54, and are now 53. The information from Paris is of a very pacific nature. The price* of foreign securities are the some as on Saturday, up to this hour—Spmish ^crip, 11 dis.—New Spanish Bonds 53. Stock Exchange 1 o'clock,~The Funds are rather worse within the last hour—ConSi for Acct. are 83 3 .8. PRESENTMENTS OF THE GRAND JURY. \ Superior Cnwt, Chatham County,} January Tern, 1823. $ Present, his Honor Junim \Vatnb I. The Grand Jury of the • County n( Chatham, congratulate his Honor Junnr: Wathk, on his elevation to the bench of the Superior Court. II. i'he Judicial office is of the highest importance, particularly in our country, .vhere the constitution and laws place the rights of the citizen on a buCis too firm to be shaken by the intrigues of ambition, or the oppressions of power. To preserve that constitution inviolate and ndmiuistei those latvs wisely, are the chief duties of a .fudge; and he, who in the performance of those duties, displays the talents, firmness, and integrity, which emphatically belong to that station, will merit tho approbation of his fellow citizens, and reap a rich re* ward in the consciousness of having faith fully performed his duty. • III. Under the direction of the Court, the Grand Jury have examined the ac counts of tlie receipt and expenditures of County money, for the past six years. IV. TbeTaxColleciet exhibited vouchers for every hern of his account., & they have now hern certified by u committee of the Grand Jury. The accounts of thisofficei bear no evidence of any previous examina tion. V. Ah account current rendered by the Commissioners of Roads, commencing June 10th, 1815, and ending 18th July, 18*0, was duly approved and passed by the Jus tices of the Inferior Court, July ^3, 1820, and a subsequent account ending -50m May, 1822, was then rendered and approv. ed by that Court/ TJicihj iccouma bear evidence of great tegularity ; but we must express our decided disapprobation to the accounts of any public officer, however cor rect, remaining for such long per oils with out settlement. VI. The accounts pf the fclerk of the Superior and I. f.*»irfr C *urts, appear to have been 'annually rendered, passed and sigued, by the Justices of the Inferior Court. VII. The receipts for Tavern licenses, appear to have been credited and settled in the amiual accountj also P-dlars' licen ces, and proceeds of IGiruysj *u far as we have any evidence uf their having been received. The receipts for fines appear to have been retained by the officers of the Court, under the orders of the Judge, in pan payment of their fees on insolvent crimi nal cases. The receipts oir. this account are so small, that we apprehend, fines in curred fisu^e not been rigidly collected. VIII \Yc find no money credited for for feited recognizances, and . arc informed none has been collected. We consider it it neglect uf duty# io the proper officers, 4* U>at they have not been effectually pro* ■ ented. IX. rhe Esr.hcator hat rendered to the Grand Jury a sutcincnt of property es cheated, an<l in toe enunre of cKchcat ac- cqmpanied by explanatory remarks. We recommend rind mis document should be published in the Gazcttci of the city.* X. We rc« ommciid the Justices of the lufci ior Court to hsvc all accounts sanc tioned by them, recorded in a hook to be kept for that purpose, and to form u part of tho public record olthe county, XI. By a report niade to the Grand Jury by the clerk of t)ib .iuperiov and Inferior courts, it appears that the County is about two thousand fire hundred dollars in ur- '•e.»rs, uud in consoq lencc thereof, that county claims are selling at fifteen per cent discount. Believing, as we do, the county tax suf ficient for all ordinary purposes, we can the attention of the Inferior court to this report, uud seriously recommend to them the necessity of s > ecGhopiising the count) expenditures, as that the present arreara ges may he extinguished withdut ream ting to mlditi*>aul taxation.^. * XII. We regret wo are eompoll d to notice, thut the'Justices of Hie Inferior court have not compiled with fhe resolu tion of lire General Aiseidhly iplthe Slate jfU :orgta, which directs, that “ The Infe rior court shall annually liy In-lore the Grand Jury, h statement of the receipts and expendituea of the county money. 1 ' Ana we recommend to them hereafter, a strict perfonn.iiice of that pan of their duty. Still. We present Ui an evil, the inade quacy of the law on the iubject of In- quCHt^Vmd recommend to the Represeii- «ativ* s from this county to tjru next Legis lature, to use their influence to procure l ie unuctrm h* of a law clearly defining the duties of C.a oners, the dr/iy of Inquests, tho places from whence they may be sum moned, and to compel the coroner tu ac count to rite county for finps incurred. XIV The Grand Jury cannot refrain from expressing their regret, that the able representation from his county in the las 1 Legislature, should have failed to procure lire enactment ot a law to establish in each county an office for recording births, a» recommended by the Gruntt Jury of this county, at the last May term! Viewing the subject as \«e do, ol great importance, we again present it to the attention of our Le- ISIl'tOII. « XV. We present the lurfce wooden build ing on lot letter Q, St. Junes’ Square, m its present dilapidated elite, io? a nuisance to the neighbourhood, uitd daug. reous to the city ; aod recommend the City Council o adopt proper measures to Imve the building taken down. XVJ. We present ns a grievance the con- tidooil practice of ope: mg shops for trade- ou the Sabbath day, which wc consider a opposed to the laws of God, und the sta tutes of our own State. XVII. Wc present us an evil the want ol »Comfortable room for the Grand Jury during the January session, ami recommend that lie County furnish one proper lor that purpose. • XVIII. We beg lea veto cull the atten tion of the Court to the fact, that the do tics of the Grand Jury fall almost exclusive ly on the members who reside within the li.nits of the trtv i sml hope this notice will he sufficient to induce those mcmbeih who re tidein the count y, to u mure prompt dischu gc of their duly. We recommend these our presentments, be published in the (b:fc<*ito« of this city W. t\ Charles Hoyt, J, r llenry, William GrJg, S. C. Um ur, Hubert Taylor, J\ Onernnl, Isaiah Davenp,rt % Gardner Tufts, William /’. Hems, VVIL'.I - MJ,'For»:mm. Charles K> hey, S C. Schenk, Jonathan Jlehs, J. Petjie'.d James .y. Hulloch, John M Aish, •Michael J Kappel, Jacob Shiffc S. ii. Turkman. Upon the reading of the presr.ntmcn's of the Grand Jury, it is oidered that a copy of the 5th prcsuiitipentbe furnished to the 'chairman of the Conimissionera of Roods, That a copy of the 8th presentment be fur- nislied to Mr. Solicitor Central. That a copy of the 10th, 11th, 12th, uii-i 17th pre sentments be furnished to the Justices of the Inferior Cou t. And that a copy oftho l.lth and 14'.h presentments he furnished to the members of the next Legislature. And that a copynf the I5th and lt>th present ments be furnished to th • City Council of Savanuuli, l that the whole he published agreeably to the rripiest of the Grand Ju ry, together with the statem* nt of the Es- citcutor of Clintlunn county, submitted to and repo* ted on by the Jury. Extradt from the Mumt*s. ; JOB T. BOLLES, Clerk. I certify that the members to the last General Assembly of this State, were not tarnished with a copy of the presentment ; of the Grand Jury of May Term 182*2, in relation to the Registry of Births. JOB T. BOLLES, Clerk. • DIED, On Friday last, aged 38 years, Mr. Tmeo* do uk SruouiiDK, of this city. MARINE. PORT OF SJlVJlXXAIl. ARRIVED. Sloop Messenger, Porter, Oharleston v 12 hours, to s A Condy, with sugar and coF fee to I’ Hill, and others. Arrived on Saturday, steam boat Colum bia, Blackman, Charleston via Beaufort; 2 days. Housenffms, Mrs Elliot and serva .to, Miss Hazard, Ur Skyinauski and lady, J. J Smith & Lady, Ur Wriglitrnai,. U. 8. A, A Smith & Servant, Messrs Firand, Don- nandey and Bold. Arrived on Saturday, steam boat Alata- maha, Augusta, 61 hours, With boats No *9 & 22, with cotton to Vf Gatiton, G Gordon, It Campbell, J Jleigs, \ k E Wood, C Davis, Peterson, Hammond 8c co. B Bur- rougin', I’once & M Kenzle, Cummiiig 8c Gwatlimey, O’ C Griswold and t)ul!amcl 8c Auze. The A. sailed same night fox Au gusta, will) boat# tfuj 20 tu ^ or ron this ronT. At Ncw-Vork, lCtli inst, brig Brutus, Nyo. • At Baltimore, l7tl» Inst. »chr Cyrcnnc, Simmons. At Liverpool, Ihli Dec. brig* Lightfoot, Fisher { Wellington, Mondell i Eliza, llragg, all with Immediate despatch AttlMVXL* PUOM T'ltia »'OUT. At Liverpool, llth Bee. ship Richard* flasket, Stewart At Havana, 18th inst, schr Opposition. At Norfolk, 17th inst. schr Juiius Mott* roe, Saunders, 4. The ship ilmmrock Boyd, and the htifc (’aledonia. for this port, sailed iroiu Li Verpdol on the 12th till. HlIARLEh rON, Jan, 25 -Arr. ships Corsair, Petrie, Liverpool, 46 j Perfect, Prince, do t t2; hng Kight-Uons, Low, Am* sterdam, r<i{ Muugo-'dark, Fattlke, i’or.* Antonio, (Jam.) id, ’tnchei & Sally,Noyes, Havana, ; sclirs Maid of the Mill, Wulkx er, .t Thonius, lU; Lark, Morrill, Acquiu^ s r F(Domingo,) 14 j Mary, button, Matan- z.s, 4. UVEUPOOL, Dec. 11,-Afr Manila, W • krtcldey, N. York ; Hess, Dowd, from Wexford, with t48 bales cotton, oeing part of the cargo of the hero,, from N. Orleans, which was wrecked near the a «>vc place, Hope, Quirk, >V xford, with hales cot ton. being part of the cargo of the Hope, YromN Orleans. Advertised at Liverpool, Dec, 1L---Ship Richard Plaskct, for f'harleston, to sail on the 17th; ship Hannan Graham, do imme diately i Robert Qnaylc, Roper, do to sap 15th, ship Buyfttd, Vandyke daily expect ed. The packet ship James Cropper arr at Liverpool from New York, In 18 days, dir tying papers to the 17th of Nov. The N rval, Leslie, which sailed fr m Liverpool 2 si h Nov. had put back—The Brothers, for do which sailed 29th, was seen ofl’Ormshead 2d ult. PORTSMOUTH Dec 9—The squadron, consisting of one 74, • ne frigate und three sloojia of war, under Com, Owen, snp|m - cdtube destined tor Cuba, will rendez vous at Plymouth. wmmrn® Oi ^t\cv| OfesCYiyitUiiv, IS DONE AT TUB GEORGIAN JOB OFFICE, IN THE BEST STYLE, On New and Conspicuous Type, ANI1 UH MODERATE TERMS. In addition to Law, Notarial, and oth**' Blanks, which are furnished ready printed, or ext tlted at the shortc st notice, are the following Commercial Blanks i— Shipping Articles Commointnd Letter-sheet Bills of Lading Korfeign and D-imcstic Bills of Exchange, •intries of Merchandise Foreign outward, Voreigh inward, and Coasting Manifests Charier Parties of Affreightment Itul *d Tables ofJCxporto of Rice, Cotton, &c. Labels fur Counting Room! Bteum-Boat Yard Receipts Merchant’s Labels, for marking the dif ferent departments of Business Hhecka on tho dificront Banks in this city Patroon Receipts bicHin-Bnat Receipts Ship Surv«!yor*8 Certificates, Statements of Damages, for the Recovery of Insurance Muster Roll and Articles for Vessels Seamen’s Warrants and Protections Custom.House Bonds Counting-House Almanacks SiatementM of Exports Foreign Export Entries Passe*ngei-H* Entries Dray B Its ' (O* Apply at the Job Office, the same re- ently occupied by II. P. Russell, r at the dice of the Gkouoian* cc 23 23 l'ALVTlNG, G1LDINU, GLAZING and PAPER HANGING. T HE Subscriber begs leave to inform his Customers and the Public in gene rut, that lie has removed to Thompson ft Hunocy* buildings. No. , Will'TAKER- STREET, Near the Bay, where he .continues to carry on the above business in all its vuriuu* branches, on the most modern and a| prov ed pTincipIt fi Walls Fainted in Oil or Destemper Colours, und Ornamented in the most Fashionable European style, .. ON HAND, London White Lead, ground in Oil American do do do do Linseed Oil in barrels, in ihe best order Barrels Spirits Turpentine ♦Viniiow Glass in boxes of various sizes English Crown Glass in<cratc», suitable for large Panes, Pipturtl, (Jc. Fine Colours of alt Afinds. Painter’s Brushes of all tdls While Wash do ZrV’ A great variety of different color Frosting Blue Smalft, Cc. £Ic, All of which sold at the lowest prices. Orders, f. om the Coitnlry punctual', ly ui tended to. Colours mixed re<£y for use, snd directions .gtydu furling them, if required. PATRICK MARLOW, nov 15{101 Cod Fish. QUINTALS first quality Cod Fish, tor sale on beard sloop Piragou ai l ayi*/r’s wharf. Apj)ly to J B HERBERT U CO. dec-27 27 dec 27 SALT. UllSHELS Salt .float, fo aalo bv tlALD, HOYT U CO. 27 PUBLIC SALE'S. Slici'iira Sales. y'lUdu,/n.l/rrf/i not-, \W ., • , " ,,l 1,1 1,10 Doom lltm.e In ,s*# the rny uf Savnimnh, between the In,urn o! ten and four o’clock. two neg*o**s. Augustus and Owen, levi* cd oil undcrafor'-clostirn of a mOrig.ige, nd the pronertyofOrrai. Uyrdgto satisfy Elea* xei Gariy, Aiso, xll the Ifriinchol 1 nnd Kitchen Fur- n ,.» rt ' belonging Or»n Byrd, now conulnf ^.1 m the 01»y H.dol. Ah., fir e n<gr**.*a n woman numci! Syiv .’i i nmlsttu woman named M.liu nmi neg o m»u lhu* d Prince, It vied, on under al. re .ioj.ur* ol « mortgage from Elisabeth Box l j R. j J. n .lino. , „ Allil D'l.YON.s. c. c. jau 6 34 Shoriir’s Sules, Continued Jo Jjj-./At itlny h, M b'mil, nnxt, li t. be itoU hi tlie (ji.-it-t imitne In 1 -u «ity or Rh»,• mill, liotwocn the hour, ol ten and limr oVIooIr, A IiimIhUo notti i nnmctl .lane .ml her cliil-l, le.ied on as tin; piopertt o|‘ An' el Hoi.v-;,.tolatisfy two eJtrculiiin. From Jna- tee Itiim-ll*.court, 'inf»vorof,liiliu H-upt iml tiFtoi'., to me by a ci nstulilc, 'toil 0oM ut the rink ol t.'io iiirmrr purclia. ■r, lie not linviiij. complied unit the term, ol -.itle Aiao, nil '.lie lluildin^f on lot No 14 (four* test.) Wwiliif.Kiiin nurd/ botuuleu Unrth uy u Ittno, Plinth b, llri.ui-s r.-et, east liy tot No 13. ivest by lot No 15 Itvied on na : ic njoperty of John 1, Hoherts, to so '-.IV ui execution. C. H. Hayden ya Join. 1. Roberta, iodois.-r. Also, lot No 24; and Kltiili1iri|-n, Ctteritj '■(•wit, levied on as the pfnperty of floored dillert, to autialy an e.eoution in liivo of ' m. Cntij;. Am D-I.YON, . c c. jun 9 37 She; ill* 4-ales. 'In tin-frit ftnnmlny..iter , fieJSru Tuathty in i'vhrunvy lie.if. W .oldat the .1 it-k.-t Hour? 'n t'tc town ,d St. Mery's, but mu uio- a of ten and r-'tir oVlotik i> that day, One llmise nil pmt nf I .nt No .1, levied on aa the properly of Johnston Vniaupa, to at i«!'v nn exccullSn ia favor of Lotna (lacllli)tt. OKOtlGB l.ONU, nice. St. Jilnry’l, Dee 2l, 1022. ileo 2H t JH Shcriir Sales. On the fast Sat nr lay after the fust Tuesday in I'Vhrunry next, VtWlLLbc sold nt. th*; Atariut lloitre In \t-4 • lie town nf St, Mary’s, Uuiwcen tfio ut , jften and four o’cluckoftlut day,the lulltiwing property, viz. Part of Lot No 4, and the improvements < -n rooti, containing 33i feet in front ml Irynnt street, and 60 feet «lc p. hc jiig-tlm hit In the west of Sumnel pl wie’s lot; Also. 116 purl of Lot No 26, being 100 feet lVum th*! North (Fast corner the ouf, on •he rmrthside of ihibonce running South '00 fei t, thence 50/feot Weal, thence North JOO foot, and East 50 feet# to place ofbe- ginnning Ahopirt of Lot No 23, being J00 feet bar.I? und 55 feet front, being the north east corner, of snul lot, aLevied on ui the property of Samuel Clark, AdtninfetV. David Lewis, dciicased, to satisfy uu execu tion in favor oi Janie* Vincent.' Property, pointed out by Defendant’s Attorney. GKOIHLs LONG, dicc, St.,Miry's, life, 26, 1822. doo 28 } s, flic, 26, ] siici'iir 8 Sal(!8. O/i the fret Safuvduy after ihcf si Tuesday in Alnrc.h next. W II,L hr Sul 1 at the Mirkot U'.ysr in thu To^nofSt. Murv’s, between the hours often and four o’clock of that day, 0*if negro Woman nkmed 8usan, levied on as the praps^y <*f John Ifoge, to sutlsiy mi execoti»n>in favor of Willifoid & C'ooki property pointed out by plaintiff** Attor- nrv. rtlen county. Jan. II, 1823* * mEORGE'LONG, n * c c. Nt. Mary's, ICam Tcb j in 18 45 Slicl id’ Sale Continued. On theft st Sat dr day after tpe first TucsdaQ in Febfnuiy next, W ILL be sold at th** Mu.kct House In the Town of St. Many's,.bet ween ^ho hours often mid four oclrek of that day, Oiib nVgro ffoy named Frank, levied on :ts tlie nroprrty of Matthew W. Itcssrmt, to nutisly an t*x**eution on a forecl***tirc of if Moi tg^e, io favor of Lawrcnoe & Ti.omp- Nt. J)tary*s, Camden county Jun. 11,1835. GEORGE LONG, use c. |ati 18 45 CO UN. Bushels White Flint Com .float, fob sale in Jots to suit puicnssofs, oh fCsnaablo tttrrpi. Apply J to nub us>iT y vd. 1 dec 18 HQ The Subscriber E P.SPKC I FUL1 *Y informs the Inhabit HanUi of.Suvannah and its Vicinity, that he intends to open n School for the re ception of voting Ladies and Grntlmncni, 111 which will he laiight cll'the yeqy’sitisof i correct English education, together with the Latin, GreoAr, French, and Italian Ian- giiago8. lie has taken the room occasion^ ally occupied by the Union Societyj in tlio weft end of llic Ac&deitty. t Rtcouunendiritons from Captain AUcrt partridge, Stiperintcmlant of the American ’ Literary, Sci* ntific, an'l Mifitary Academy.- from the Professor* ufltidiun, French, Fen-, 'ing, and from a number, of other Gentle- nt*n can be givrib, by malt ing application at, die store o! fluldwin if Hays drd, a fow <h»ori west of the City H'riej.VThostijroung G ntlemeu desirous ol the art of la ncing, can receive Lessons in the even ing, by application ns’i.Uove. FARWKLL JONES. „ Ni B. Should hbt sufficient encourage ment he given, he would engage as an in* si-uotef ir! the toboVd mentioned branchci ii: iltc country, or in a private family. * • dec IS 2Q MWi