Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, January 30, 1823, Image 1

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SAT ANN AII GEORGIAN NEW SERIES—VOL. tl. SaVaxxali, tiiuinw.iy muuxeyu, 30, ia«. MO so SAVANNAH WEDNESDAY J10UN1NG, JAN. 29, 182, Fire —The DuilJinR cimlaining the Hice Th eshiojf Machine belonK'ing to Mr. totter, at • oleraine, abont nine miles tiom the city, was destroyed by fire, about oVlockmitlie morning uf yew-rday. considerable quantity of Corn (shout 1200 .bushels) tvas destroyed. The value the property destroyed Is estimated be. tween 7 and 8000 dollars. Stephen Elliott, Esq. has been appoint ed, at a meeting of the citizens of harles ton, to deliver a funeral eulog'mtn on th lute Hon. AVra. Lowndes, The New-York American says, that Join 11. Forbes, our prese t agent in Buenos Ayres, has been appointed Secretary to Mr. Rodney, our minister to that gnvenv juent; Charles L. Todd, Secretary to Mr. Anderson, minister to Colombia i and John A Frcvost Charge d’Affaires to Pent. The ship Mary, Capt. Purringtnn, per- formed her voyage from Virginia to Ha yre and back to Savannah in 88 days. 'Leltt-fs from on board the U S. schr. Revenge, Lieut. Levy, detailing an in cur. Pence of a disugr cable nature between that schr and the Spanish government brig Voluntecr c of 16 guns, from old Spain, oft' Cingcr or Dutch Keys, on the 7tli inst. have been received in Charleston The B. was fired into repeatedly; Lieut L. sent a boat on board with his o mmtssion. after Which the Spaniard sent an apology, by on officer, w hich was not considered satisfac tory. The R. was to sail from Barracoa for Jamaica—and had made no prize, A letter from Curacoa, of the 1 Sth De. Ccmbcr, says, that Morales continued in possession of Maracaibo, The Brazils. — Accounts, rrceived at tin! thnorc from Rio Janeiro to the 29th Nov. atatea that the coronation of the "Uunstilii tional Emperor of Brazil, Lord Don Pedr.. the First," had been postponed until the is which davit was ccpccled the “ august ceremony ” would take place A K'.ghljl respectable meeting has been In Id in die city of New-York, at which a Committeewas appointed to prepare memorial to the Legislature, to change the present mode of punislimc ,t in the state prison to solitary confinement, F f ecu per cent, was asked in New York pit the 16th inst. for insurance on French Vessels to Europe, Sixteen gentlemen arc stated to have bcM, put io nomination at Pittsburgh, for the purpose of selecting u candidate among them for theoflice of UivrmorofPennsyl vania. v In a late debate, in the House of Repre. •er.tatives, un the aulijcct of a resolution offered by Mr. Vance, calling forinforma- tion relative tocolitracta fur surveying pub. lie lands,' Mr Cocke said lie knew an. in- stance in winch isiib-conliact was given tu 0 boy eleven yean of use! It appears that the publication of the JPioscers, wid not be delayed. It is nearly teady for delivery. The English papers state that the pain ful affection of die bead, to which the Duke of Wellington bad beer subject, was caused by the improper application of lu nar caustic to a sore cur. It louolicd the tyn paimm of the ear, winch: became irri tated and affected the nerves oi the bruin, to a violent degree, A Mrs. Wrigh 1 . convicted in the Court of Kings Bench, London, of publishing blasphemous works,prepared seventy pages of nianuicript to read in rourt, stating why the Jedges should not pass sentence upon, ter. A disagrement between two of the first distill', ra in hondon, which has gristed lip-ards of twelve months, during which time an opposition has been carried on in the spirt trade between them, by which both parties sacrificed 1 20,000. pounds, has been accommodated, and in conse quence the price of English gin has bean raised tiro shillings per gullun. * ton the (lr.onoTAiv. REFORT OF THE SAVANNAH FREE SCHOOL SOCIETY. The Directresses of the Savannah Free. School Society, respectfully submit their aiztli r.. lual report, on the condition of the institution Under their direction, for the infoi nation of its pa'ions One hundred and forty-three Boys, and one hundred and three Girls are now upon the instill! ion, and it ishoped the generous citizens of Savannah will, by a continuation of their liberality, enable the Directresses to conduct the school on its present plan. The 11 redresses regret tile necessity they will tie under to cull for large contrihii. Dons’ without which, tneir past labours will be wi'hout effect. To this enlightened community, it is needless to point out the advantages which e.o.l result to 'he rising generation to have the children of the pool educated. They feel confident of every as in the power of a generous public, on u hum they have never called in vain, The receipts for the last year have been glfhl U. The expenditures £9U 2. With sentiments of gratitude for benefit' . received, hopes of further uszistantc. the Dirccuesses render tins statement.* >1. RICHARDSONE, Secretary to Ujs ii« Scliov) Society. Mr, Alhma’a I.,-tier in reply ■»> Gfeniral Srnytli, is distiiigorshcd lor a forbearance and a character eiilhvlj tlt-fensnc, ami destitution of sarcasm—far which the Sr cretary lias mil at a his bee n la rinu liable Yet he lias not been ublc altogether to ub slain from an ill iijtured remiuk -wliat he has not dared to use toivurds General Smv th, he IihS bestowed upon the pr< ss, by the tem ” kernel newspapers of the present tiny." This is extremely uiiViinl cftlie sc cretary, wlm ii so milch indebted to the ilf irla of tlurac distinguished characters, Messrs Dwight and Walsh. The Press is after all, the beat support of our liber, tics—it is the organ of the people--aml that atatesman pays but a poor compliment to the people, who would decry its use. fulness, or curtnil the freedom of discussion by ill natured epithets The feeling which could induce such an expression, us we have quoted, is the seme which, if oppor tunity oftcred, wouldcnforce a sedition or gag law. In the Court of King’s Rencli, in th case of Cox vs. Coleridge and another, i z’as decided that a party charge 1 with t cl inic has mi legal right to professional as sistance on an examination before a inn gistratc. By the politeness of a passenger on board the schooner Abigail anti Da- maris, we have been furoLhrd with (he following intelligence. A Spanish sloop of war with des patches from Cadiz bound to Havana, arrived at Barracoa on the 6th inst. reported that with regard to the po litical state of affairs in Spain, all was quiet, (excepting ttivai! disturbances in Catalonia,J'buftlmt the pouplcn Cadiz were in a state of starvation, and could find tin woik ; and that a number of American vessels had ar rived ut Cadiz, (as our communicator had been told) but cuuld make no ciali sales, owing to scarcity of money. ar,d were compelled to barter their cargoes. * The Abigail and Damaris has ex perienced very tempestuous weather during her passage to this port, and was compelled to come to anchor un tier Sugar Keys, (Cuba,) -for a har bour, on the 18th inst. where she re mained three days, during which pa- rintja perpetual storm prevailed. The scltuoner Decatur, Thntnassin, was the only American vessel left at Bu- racna. The U, Stales’ schooner Re venge, Id. Comma’! Levy arrived a< Baraciiaun the 12th inst. She was last from Matanzos, and put into Baracoa for the purpose of obtaining a pilot, she being in pursuit of ttvo piratical vessels who had plundered the Spa nislt schr. Dolores uf about ten thou sand dollars. The Dolores had forty Spanish troops on board, from Vara Cruz’bnund to Havana, all of whom were unarmed. The Revenge had bean fired into off Sugar Key, by the Spanish brig of War Volontario, Cap' Olgaris de lo Cuctn,—when a boat was despatched, with an officer of the brig.. On her being told site had firrd into an American National vessel, an urid' fatandiug then ensued. The Re. venge had sustained no injury. The officers and crew wt,re all well, and she sailed the same day as the A. and D. for St. Ja'go de Cuba. The A, and D: lias spoke nothing • Clt. City Oax. STATE OK MEXICO. The following extracts of letters down to the middle of December from Mexico, giviug a more circumstantial account of the last revolutionary move ments in that country, are from a res pectable quarter. The accounts de rived immediately from private sour ces of 'the state of affairs in Mexico, are much more to be relied upnu than reports front that country received through the medium of the Havana and Mexican papers, as they frequent ly come to us, through those papers, distorted and coloured to suit Hit views or wishes of the writers uf them “A lew days after the first meeting of the Junta Institugente, they decreed a forced loan of 83,500,000, and as the exigencies of the State were ur gent, they took for its immediate use (lie money sent by the merchants to be embarked at Vera Cruz, and which ad been detained at Perote, This money belonged principally, if not en tirely, to European Spaniards, and its seizure was a violation of the third gaurant^ of the plan of Iguala.— e-horlly after an unsuccessl'nl'altnck was made upon the works lately re the kind cnquirjr, “ Voire saute est paired at Vera Cruz by the garrison of'eHe bonne?” Mr. Cipromptly an- Sin Juan de U!ua, with a view ufspi- swered <• Je suiabanjet j’espere uf epi king the common and mortuts. -Tne Junta considered this act of hostility equivalent to a declaration of war, & published a decree forbidding all in tercourse with Spain, and prohibiting the extraction of monies or goods be longing to the European Spuni irils in Hie empire. In the hope of waking’ un amicable arrangement with the governor of the Castle, the Emperor .ell Mexico on the 10th ol November and proceeded to X. laza, Comotis- sinners wvro appointed jy bulb par ties ami met ut Vera Crtiz, but par ted without coming to any arrange men t!> "Snme differences had arisen be tween (lie Captuin General Chinan 1 und (he Guvcrnnr of the place, Son'n Anna, un active, entsrprizlng offi cer, Who had first taken Vera Ciuz and driven the Royalists within the Castle of San Juan de Ulna. The Emperor took the part of the Captain- General, and before Ititf departure from Xalaza, Santa Ana, rode rapidly to Vera Cruz, assembled his regiment then in garrison at that place, bar- rangued them and proclaimed 'the Re public. All the troops in the place and some in the vicinity joined him immediately, and he is said lobe at the head of a formidable force. It is certain that the pi ovince of Vera Cruz is in favour of a Republican form ol Government. This, however, may be said of every province in Mexico, und it is not haznrding much to assert that it is the general wish of the nit tion. This wish has been openly tie dared in Santander, in Quadulnjara, in Oaxaca, in Vera Cruz, and in the kingdom of Guutimala; the latter has never cordially united with New Spain and samp of the provinces, among which is the most populous, San Sal- vador, refused to send deputies or to acknowledge - any dependence on Mexico. • It would not be dificultjtn foresee the fate of a Government cstablih' and supported by the bayonet, witnnut funds, and without the confidence of the people, if it were not upheld by the Clergy; Their influence it is true, has been somewhat diminished, but it is still sufficiently great to af ford a strung support to the pre sent government- They dread (he establishment of a Republican form ol Government, which is incompatible with the existence of their great tem poral wealth, or their Bpirulul power, and it is probable that they may sa crifice a part of the former t« secun the latter. This, however, will nut maintain the expenses of Government very long. The wealth of the Church consists principally in Lands and Houses, which, in the present circum stances of the country,cannot be con verted. into money. The Church plate, jewels and ornaments would not amount to a very latvc Bum. "Government may support itself fur a short time by levying cnntribu- tiunB on the wealthy Europeans, and on the estates of the Creoles. Bet these demands upon the capitals ol individuals besides being ruinous to o country, cannot be long productive. It is a’resource soon exhausted. The produce of a country which is renew ed anudally by the industry of its .inhabitants can alone furnish a perma nent source of revenue. They have sought to borrow money in Europe, and to anticipate thei-* revenue by the sale of Custom House- bonds The army must be paid, nr the re presentations made to Congress re pronching them with neglecting the troops and with nbt providing for their wants, will recoil upon the Ex. ecutive, which is now absolute.” “ Guadeloupe Victoria joined 9,in-, ta Ana on the 12th Dec. and from his character it is suppnatd ovt-fy tiling would go on prosperously for the Republicans of Vera Cruz. Santa Ana met with a partial success, on the 201 It uf June. Wince that, however, he has been defeated and it is suppo sed from the forced marches against Vera Cruz, that (Its town is again in the hands of the Imperialists, Tiler- are, liovt ever, commotions in severul provinces, and great disconvent pre- vails against the Imperial Tyrant and Usurper.” Southern Patriot. It is common in Turkey, by way of reproach, to blacken the front of those persons’ houses who are notorious for title henring, or propagating false hoods. If that were the case with us, what a dismal figure some uf our houses would make! Brookvilte Enq. The. new Foreign Secretary—The congratulatory visit lately paid by the Foreign Ministers to Mr. Can ning was attended with circumstan ces which grately excited the risible muscles of the representatives ol the continental poentates. 'Ine deffiri- cncy nf the newly made Secretary in the French language is well known ; and when the Count De ..... made I SCRAPS FROM ENGMs-H PAPERS I Every body seems surprised al W | H. L—'s putting up so quietly the other day with (he tlegra ling chas tisement inflicted Ujiim him. Sinn attribute, is to a love pence, other tu that Christian spirit which abiiors resentment. Both these qualities an no tloubt culculitcd to give it - mint’s adversary the whip-haml oliiim. Bu one uf our Cunespondents, wlm seem" to be in the secret, aunties lo s difler -nt cause, lie says, that SirH. was quift ashamed by the sud den appearance ol O’Meara’s Book eptl (hat it was the dcath-bluw Dial took tlf fight out afliim. Elopement,—-Ayoung Frenchman of-good extrriur, blit of desperate lor tune, lately found means to ingniti ate himself with a respectable Englisn family residing at St. Outer's. About a week since he induced one ol the daughters, a young lady about 21 years of age, and who, us he well knew, will shortly bn iu possession of considerable property, to elopo with him. They crossed tho Channel, fol lowed immediately by tho brothers of the young lady, but the fugitives having the-start, the pursuers were over tim late. At Cal tis the former had embarked in the steam boat about hair an hour previous to the arrival ol the latter, who instantly put to sen in nil upeii hunt. At Dover the sumu ill luck followed there; no trace ol the foreigner’s name could be found io the port registry, und they had nu re source Inti bat to make the best ul their way to the metropolis, where they arrived on ThurSlay morning.— Iinmcdiatc at-istance was given by the proper authorities, and ut a lute hour nu Thurktlay night the parties tvcic traced in an hotel in Duke st. Manchester -quart', where they wetv surprise'll by llle young lady’s broil), cr--, to whose cqre situ was consigned, while tlio gentleman was pruvided with sale lodgings until yesterday ng, when lie was liberated un bail. Havre Vplands. S.lshmls. lib's l>:i B i' 1303 mi 00 uo Liverpool 725 7J 169 ou Madeira OU 00 212 OJ Mulnnzas (JD uo 153 OU Total, 3055 264 562 00 que vous etes nu-i bun que mni.” The mingled sentiments which this reply indited in the minds uf the Ambas '•dors were evident, in their smiles. Finding that they would oever be a- hle to understand each other in French, a conversation ensued, partly in French and partly in English |anil »hm witti the broken,French of the Foreign Secretary, and the broken En glish of the the Ambassadors, a scene took place, not turpassrd by the con fusion of tongues at Babel,—^ui*/ respectable {noting On Hie 21st of Mava s’nrk was shut on tile estate, uf Count Van Bnthmer mi the coast oljilia Baltic, not far from Wistmr, in lliv Dnelij of Mecklen- burgh. This stork nail an arrow, which win probably iltsch irg-tl at it by some African savage, slicking perpendicu larly in its neck. Tim arrow was ivo feet ten inrhes In length, of black tviintl, witMan iron head of rude tvorff*- mnnahip, which was fastened to (he wood with a string It projected by nearly n tjtird of its length above the head of the stork and the lower part ■about as much below (ho breast. L wasnhservrd that several other storks vainly endeavoured tu free their com panion f om . tills trnutdesnme or on- ment, which it doubtless brought fi-ntn its winter abode in Africa. A diaf’ts- man nl tnc name ol F. Lett the made a drawing of it on stone / it was af terwards stuffed, and is pirscrvctl in the itius, urn of Die University of Rostock. A J-tkihw, at Mr- Samuel Taylor’s uf Loughborough, is become so do mesticated, that he accompanies one of his sons Ini- miles, flyiiig^ibout be- lore him, and occasionally alighting on Ria shoulder. The Irish papers, describing a late duel at Waterford, say that one nf the combatants was slim through the fleshy part nf the *high-hone! Hot this is nuthing to the Irish bu.l of a man na med Hendrick, who a few days ago lodg'd a complaint at the Dublin Fo- lict-.-Oflice ago list a comrade named Lawless, lor cheating him out of his share of the produce nf a set of har ness, which they hail stolen nnt of a coach huuse that morning. Hendrick told Ids story with great naivetle, and mentioned where the harne-s had been sold, but was quite astonished when the magistrate ordered him to New- gatr. Q Croft, the Oipsey, and tlaniels, the Jlmerican Black.—A battle be tween these men took place on Thurs day morning at ten o’clock, two hours In-fore the appointed time, (lo prevent interruption,) in Latham Meadows, on the banks nl the Guilford River, above Weybridge, instead of Bagslmt Heath. The black was tar more pow erful than Ills opponent, who finding Daniel ton heavy tngn in, worked up on points, and following the pinking system, the black was compelled to give in at the thirteenth round, as blind as a bat- The battle tvas for 40 sovereigns. MARRIED, At St. Mary’s, (Ga-) by tho Rev, II, 8. l’rstt, on ’l'liiii-.iliiy, ilie J.iil inst. Lieut. Knwia Itainouiu-H, ol' the -till Regiment, U. 8. Artillery, to Miav htidf Saiiesii, iliiughter uI'Hknux Sauceu, E>q. nt'thin plncc. Prices Ct/nvot nt Vhorlnlon, J.m 87* Ciiijnn—S. Islnml, 311 • till. Stain ed do. IS a 14; Santee, IB a 21; Sin tl Staple, It) 1 I3j: Hire, Prime, R2| a 86 — Inferior to good, 2 j a 82J. Flour, Philadelphia, Baltimore anil Rich mond, (itupeiline) 87J a "Jt Corn,65, a 68 cts; Gits, 40 a 4*1; Peas, 50 i ts. Bagging Dundee, and Inverness, S3 a 95, Cations.—The sales in Sea-Islands this week were limited; prices similar tu lhu<e stated in our last, and now repeated. The unfavorable advices from England by the arrivals si tin- close of the week, will probably have time fleet of rcdticiig their value in this untket. In Uplands tin- bti'incsti was more extensive, and tho prices obtained quite as good nsut uny previ ous period of the present season. A ice.—The import uf the week lias been very gienl. The most lu'voritu brands slill rtenmand 83; but infeil- ur descriptions sell very Itoavily. Coni—Sells ul 65 a 6s coins. Ol Maryland Corn there is none now afloat. Outs continue plenty and there is no impinvemrnt in the price. Colton Banging— Has experienced aalill I'urlnur decline—a prime lot has been sold at S3 cents. Freights—Have not improved any since out last, and several ships have proceeded to Savannah, in the hope nf obtaining tieltcr,—5-Sihs of n pet - ny for Cm ton to England, und am- cent mid an hull to France, are the asking prices. Wants u Situation, * V S anovtr seer, on « Cotton plnnt«(Ion t one on tin: lilmuli would be prcHj' red, » m«ti Him • imill tnmil), who n.vo nrmwry ••slim onuh id hit chamclerty <M|J;irity, possenrd o|*tin* caiprrtci’n tmde, votiM oMtjjo liinmlf under.hi* u ntrue!, to do all ncccsft*rit*N rrqtdivif of car pc to on wo It on such phntaUiiii lor fto Uicr ittfor* nwtinnappiy tt t the tflke of the (iscu* OMNi _j^ii '29 r54 Georgia—Bulloch County. A> AVii’ al»s » terl of.the cou>l of UnU. ' ,r}r ! l f»’ the cuinttf and time a/orc'nad iKUK.AS, Kimuoib sfuiiop appiin f t ,r‘ W l.tttpn of VI mi nisi ration on l!w\ ostlUo Bod effect* of ,) ones ,Jones, late of said county, d 'dcnsini. J’WW «W0 arc therefore to citr and ad* mT.nuti nil ami v %gutar, the kindrwd nod creditor* of theniml drocn&H to ft* their "•''jocttonB, (if any thry luoo ) within the lerm prescribed by h»u\ otherwise lutura will he igmntcri tojihe tipi liriuif. UIvmi under uW lend mid sen!, thiu 16th day of January, .y,*d. [!*• !£LY KBNM'iljY, c c o« • Jan 29 54 • EXI'OKTS From Charlctton for Ihc wrek ending Jan. 18 tui.ra corr*n. kick. MARINE. PORT OF 11. The officeri of the Frat Brigade,First Division, of Pennsylvania Militia, have .held a meeting, passed resolu tions highly approving of the disposi tion manifested in Congress, for cloth ing the militia when called into actual service, and for disciplining the mill- tia, by encamping with their ofiiceis for a certain number of days. They also voted thanks lo General Cannon, of the House of Representative^, for the’very strenuous efforfa made by him, to ploce_ the militu on o ipofp CLKaVUED. Ship Franklin, ttilcy, Liverpool, • K Williams, Sctir Milo, Farnsworth, Jamaica. AtmtVED. Ship William, Noyca, New-York, 10 days to Will Gaston. Sloop Express, Hammett, Charleston, 1 (hiv, with cor i, coflcei dry goods &c. tu 1 Cohen, Capt Swusey, I* Drcge, F Dure, Wright, Guudry & Dufaurc, Jplinxton h Hills, J Norton, E Wiliiami, and Horace Blair. Pauenirea t Messrs Dqudo, Lang, Stoddard, and Minot, Sloop Eli/a, Holies, Kiceboro, 3 days, with cotton and rice to thdloch and Duo- oody, J \ Maxwell, 1* DcViltcrs, and U J liahershum. Sloop Ilcspcr, Hedlcy, Ronhury,? dava, itli It & J Haberahum, und J A Maxwell. Steam boat Georgia, Dubois, f)0 lionrs from Augusta, with boats —. with cotton to It Burroughs, ponce & M'Kcnzic, 8 I ttourgeaux, C C Griswold, Didiuinel 8t Altai*, J Meigs, Gumming & Gwuthfnrv, P Williamson, and Petersen, Ilammuiid coi PtnflTord’f boat Denevotcnce, from Para- chuclur landing, with 2l6 hales emton to l'hos Polhill, J P AYilliamson, and llrown Overstreet. vv row this ronr. At Charleston, 27th inst. sloop Mar}-, Brown. / cLrAiir.ii won this pobt, At the Clyde, Nov 13th, Bi* brigEl za* Ann, Baird. At New York, 17th inst. ship Charlotte, Sims. At St Augustine, 14th inst. sloop Supc* rior, Atwater. AUutVAf-* mom tuis rniiT. At Charleston, 27th inst. sloops Mary, Drown, lj Good-Hope, Briggs, 1 , Cynthia, Beetle, ], At Newport, 10th Inst, ship Gen. Car rington, 18. The schr Jane Maria, Williams, from Darien, arrivedat Charleston, 2ftli inst. The sloop Susan, Bradley, saded from St Augustine, 14th inst. for Nassau, ft P. 't he U S schr Grampus, Lieut. Gregory, arrived at Malauzas, fruin N. York, on the 18th inst. CHABLESTON, Jan. 27.-Arr ship Ea gle, (of Gcorgctovyn. D (J) Morrill, Brc, men, via Bottcrdam, 43; brig Florenzo- Kittson, Liverpool 84 (I bis is the vessel which Ims been erroneously report* d us the Br brig St I*aurcnce] i schrs Abigail & Damarus, Cocke, B me a 101 Arring- don, Little. Harbadotf 28 and 8 from l urks Island; Nonpareil, Hopkins, Matanzns, 43, NEW-YOKK, Jan. 16—Arr Br packet ship Marquis 8alisbury.B«ldouk, Fahnoutli via Bermuda, with the Nov. Mail j ship Ze- bulon,' Linders, Newcastle, 14 weeks barque * puKan. Collin, Liverpool. Jhii. 17.—Arr schr Macdonough, Monte- go Bay, Jain. BOSTON, Jan 15—Arr brigs New Pac ket, Bright, Capo Hay Jen i Mary, .Mayo, Havrji- FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT, Office of the. Mercantile Mvertieer > Jfew York, Jan. 20. > Arr brig Agenora, Allen, St Mary's LJ j schr AYilharn h Mary# Y*tksr» Washing- i # fteorgiii—Hulloch bounty. Bi/ Ehj Kennedy, Clerk of the- coth t »/' 0”t/i- tltn'J/ for the County und State n/' resold. H I:iKltKiVS, l)n\i.l l.f** •'! (he kruI countv, npplier for Loticty ot Admi- nistration on the ♦*s»ute and '(tr ”'s of Charlia Mikoll, lute of f-uid-county deceas ed. These arc therefore to ate and admonish all and ‘jugular, the kindred and cted »**rs of the said decease d, t«* fib* th^ir ..j c- tinns (ifany they have) in m\ ofli*v, v *)n -or before the first Monday in M.irqh .» otherwise leUcrs will be granted the anp'i* cant. * > * ftCivcn under my hand and seal, lids w 18th dav of Df^'Miihn, 1822. [L.S.] ' ELY KENNEDY,ccoi jan 29 54 Gcorgiu- (.'liinulctj Comity.. To all whom it mu)/ concern. K'tEAS, Limgiey it yum -i the Hoimridde tlicth.tirtofOrdi -u v, for l.etlersof Admin'fctratien on d»- cai.t *n John Conner, late of said countv ceased, 't’heso are the** fore to t it* and admonish all and singular, ti e he r* and creditors.of said deceased, to file th. ip < I,- jectious (ifany the> have) in the Cl.-iVa offtenof tlu* Court ol Ordiuury, on or hof n o the first Monday in Mutch next, otherwise letters will be granted tho applicant Wit urns the Hnnnrithlc Alexander AG kinsnn, one of the Justices of stud Churt,llds 2fith thy of January, 1823, [L S;) JOHN HAILEY, ocuqc. jan 29 54 SheritT’s Salc^t. On the fret Saturday offer thejxni 1'uetdutf in March next, \\VlUs he sold at (he^aiket House in Vs# the town of St. Mary's, hetww’**n tliu hours of ten and four o’clock of that day, Part of Lot No 4, and the improvementa thereon, levied on as the propei tv of Sa muel Clarke, Administrator of David Lewis deceased, to wuibly an cxccutinn in favor of Jeremiah Condy, surviving copartner. Property pointed out by defendant's At torney* GEORGE LONG, user. St. «If/jry's, Camden county, Jun. 21,1823. jan 29 54 Sheriff’s I’fnle. Ou the frit Saturday after the fat Tuctdny in %riprH next, ^n^ll.Lbc sold at the Market House in NaJf tho town of 8t. Murvh between the homa often and four o'clock of that day, One negro Uoy named Aflick, levied on tl the property of John II. CLborne and Catharine F tegerald, to satisfy an execu tion on foreclosure of a mortgage, in favor of John I. Roberts. . John hessrnt,moo St.M.ry*s, Camden county, Jail. 14, 1823. jan 29 54 Sheriff’s Sales. .On the fret Satin day afer the frit Tuesday in Mu>ch next. W ILL be sold at the Market Home in the Town of St. Mary's, Camden County, between the hours of ten and four o’clock of that day, One tract of Lind lying between Great Sntilli and St. Mary's rivers, containing four thousand acres, more or less. Auto another tract of land containing five hun dred and suty five acres, more or less. Al so, Let No 63, lying in the town of St. Ma ry's. Also, one negro man Lewis, levied on us the property of Tl\pmas II Meliir, to* satisfy an execution in favor of James Dick- •on U Co. Property pointed out by the defendant. Alro, on the first Saturday after the first Tuesday in March next, will be sulJ at tho Market House in the town of St. Mary's, Camden county, between the hours of ten and four 'cluck of that day. Part of lot No 5, five, containing one hun dred feet squnve, and all the improvement A thereon, cousibling of one dwelling housa and other necessity buildings, 1; ii gin the town of St. Mary's, bounded on the north aide by Norris-street, on the west side by Ilryani-street; levied on us the property of Elilm Atwater, to satisfy in execution in favor of-Thomas K Hnrdie. Property pointed out by the defendant. Also, on the fust Tuesday in March next, will be sold at tho CoUN House in the town df JvfiViSon, Camden county, between the hours uf ton and three i/ciock nf that day* One tract of Laiyb lj i- g near Great So- tilla River, containing sixty five acresj mure or less, bounded on the south side by John Conner's land, on the north side by Wm, Niblackh laud, on til other* sides by un known land ’> levied on os the property of John Conner, d£cc«sed« to satisfy his state* . county, snd poor taxes, for the year 1821. Amuunt due g8 20 2J, fthd costs- v Also, two negroes, viz: Sally and Ginny, levied on os the property of Randolph M*« Gillif, to satisfy an execution' in favor of Charles Churchill. Property pointed out by the defendant v JAUE5 NUlLAWt, a « e o, a •y^.w