Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, February 06, 1823, Image 1

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SAVANNAH U'' f. / •'^1* GEORGIAN Nlirt taEltU.S-YOL. II. ayKMJS'JT'ih tttUHSU.lV MuttA'M’O, FEBHUAUF6, IBM. No 30 SAVANNAH WEDNF. 0 .V MORNING; FEB. 5, 1625. \7iljiam Euitis has been nominated b) • Convention of the Republican member- pi the Massachusetts Legislature, at the Republican candidate for the office of Gov. ernor, at tne next election in that com monwealth. Harrison Gray Otis has been nominated by a Convention of the Federal members of the Legist dure of Massachusetts, as their candidate for the office of Governor. Congress.—The Bill for the occupation of Columbia River, was again taken up in the House of Representatives on the 24th and 2 jt h ult. when it was laid on the table. • On the next day, at motion to take it up was negatived by a vote of 100 to 61.— Among the petitions presented waa one from several citizens of Kentucky, praying fin outfit for an exploring party to the north \ole, under the direction of Capt. Symmes, waich was ordered to lie on the table. The members of tile Legislature of Maine met on the 16th ult. and recom mended John Quincy Adams, as a suitable person to be elected Pres-deol of the Uni- ted States. Close Balloting.—Nehemiah R. Koigh is re.elected u Senator to Congress from the stale of Rhode Island, for six years from the 3d day of March next, on which day his present term of service will have expired. On the second joint balloting of the Legislature, Mr . Knight received 40 Votes, and E. R. Potter 59. The Bill to abolish that part ofthe con stitution of the State nf Maryland, which requires a declaration of belief in the Chris tian Religion to be made by all persons elected to office, lias passed in the House of Delegates by a vote of forty to thirty- three. The whole amount of capital paid in, pf the Bank of tile Northern Liberties of Philadelphia, appears, from official state ments, to have amounted to 3250.000,and that it had, in the form of overdrafts (says the Democratic Press) been t•obhotl of £233,353 13. Bank R»45ery.--Tlte vaults of the Danville (Ky) Branch bank were broken open on the jkl ult. and a considerable sum, in notes of the .Bank of Kentucky and bank of tile pnmmon wealth, stolen therefrom. After tubbing the b«nk, which is supposed to have been entered by a false key, the vil lains set fire to the building, which was however extinguished before any great dw mage ensued. Some papers Were destroy ed, and the books uf^he bank were injure,] by the flames A reward of 500 dollars h offered for the detection and apprehen sion of the villains. prisoners confined in the lower South room of the jail at I?ew Haven, de signing an escape, kindled a fire, on the . 20th uh. around the door, with a quantity *of charcoal, which they had lutshanded from tlteit daily portion Fortunately the family of the keeper were awakened by the smoke, and the timely assistance of the neighbors prevented any material damage. The follo wing very munificent donation has been made by D avid Sears, Esq. of Boston, to tlie city of Boston. He has pro. sentrd a deed of thcsvaluable estate called the City Market, which was lately owned •by a Corporation, but lias been purchased >by Mr Scars at the.cosl of 60,000 dollars on .the following liberal conditions, vizi tlust ithe income shall be funded annually and htbat half the interest arising from the fund ishall be paid, for the use of him and his heirs, to the Wardens of St. Paul’s Church the other half to be expended from time to time, Aral in ornamenting the Common, improving the Mali, and building s wall round the pondt and then for such public improvements in the City of Boston as tile Mayor and Aldermen for the time ‘being s',tall think fit to be made- The ifun.i for improvement will thus be Hpidly increasing, and atthe same time it. will produce a perpetual income for the improvement of the city, A short lime since we were told a Mr. Clark of Richmond, ’’dreamt a dream,’ which actually put into Ilia pockets a hundred thousand dollars. In Annapolis, Maryland,two men a thort time since, were uffl cted with the idea that they saw the ghost of a companion who had slipped front the deck of s vecsel in which the were, end was drowned, and they have actually been,imprisoned, on auspicion of helping him over the aide: for certainly, no ghost Jmeteigling to the character of a gentleman, would leave Uia watery pillow to haunt linneit peace loving men for i fl itting. .Whether or uR the Ghost will be sit it | oc„ad to appear as a witness on the trial, or ifso, whether he will be received as a competent witness, we arc not inform- ed. Verily the age of auperatition is re vived. A London paper of December 7th, re ceived in Salem, contains the following letter rom Verona, the main factsof wlticlt, aa rel petl though not vouched for are coin aidcrcd probably correct Verona, JVov- 26.—The Congress is at length finally dissolved. The powers who are most impatient For war with Spain, have consented to try tlie effect- of n<-guointion ,b*f(tpe they commence their grand crusade. An official remonstrance either has been or will be iintnctlutely dispatch ed to the Cabinet of Madrid, de manding such an alteration in the Constitutional System, as will at least render it anulagous to that of .Porto gal, and place the Cruwtt bpymidjthe reach of popular control, In- cate of refusal, Httssia, Austria, and Prussia will give their fullest sanction Id the hostilities which the Ultras ot France are so anxious to commence—and there is no doubt that (he Army of Observation will soon cross the fron tier. England will not, under suclt cir. cutnstances, become a party to the measure, for she sanctions the prin ciple of tin ormill intervention only in case uf the Constitutionalists being determined in put the King to death, or invade other countries. The Uussian mission has broke/, up, and Count Fuzz: 1) ■ Borgu took bis departure this morning on bis re turn to Paris, tyhere lie is to resume bis functions as Ambassador, and will no doul>t,urge on the zeal ol the Ul tras to he utmost degree of incite ment. This appears to be a principal leatdre m the policy ul the Russian Cabinet. The Greeks arc to be left to. the gqod faith of Turkey, who has given to Lord Str&ngford a conditional pledge of future moderation towards them. The London Editor remarks, “that Ibis is the most farcical uf all political farces, delivering the lantb« to the tender protection of the wolf ” Hasue. Dee. 3.—-A letter from Con stantinople, states, that n European Commercial house established in that city, has presented to the Purte a plan for a loan of forty millions ol Turkish Piastres. Should this loan be really made, this will be detrimen tal to the Greeks, who are much fa vored by the exhausted slate of the Treasury, and the wavering of the Ot toman ministry- Oalwaii, Dec. 1—The distress of this country, is unw at the greatest heighf’ There are very lew gentle- menof 2000 to 50001. per ann. (nom inally) who can show their faces, out of doors, for fear of being arrested-*■ Provisions very cheap. Washington, Jan, 28.—The follow ing appointments him been made by the President of the United States, with- the advice and consent of the henatc, viz: Andrew Jackson, or Tennessee, to he Envoy Extraordinary and Minis ter Plenipotentiary to the Govern ment ot Mexico. John Mason, Jun. to the Secretary of Lrgutiun to the same Government. Uitesar A. Rodney, of Delaware, to be Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Government of Buenos Ayres. John M. Fnrbcs, to be Secretary of Legation to the same Government Richard C. Anderson, of Ky, to be Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Government ol Colombia. C.' S. Todd, to be Secretary of Le gation to the same Government. Hcman Alien, <f Vermont, to be Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Government of Chili. J.’P Kennedy, nl Maryland, (o be Secretary uf Legation to the same.. JV'ut. Int. Norfolk Jan, 19—The Fleet— “Tite town is all alive with the nu merous officers of commodore Porter’s fleet. More are assembled here than were ever together on any other sta tion. On all sides you hear (lie note of preparation and roaring of cannon. The navy yard is in a complete "hub- hub,” and every street and turning display epaulettes, swords, tjc. Plea sure and business too are united-— Balls and dancing parties are given when it is too. late to work, where our ani-piratical heroes amuse the ladies with tales of “most disastrous chances of moving accidents by flood and Held, of hair-breadth ’scapes, ol anthropophagi,” and other wonders to which like modern Desdemnnaa they ‘seriously incline.’ They themselves call it “spinning long yarns.”—The fled it is said will he ready in a fort- night.”—Jiic/titW)l(f JJl^uipyv ttriiA's— Captain Hartlv ttfilie S, Hume, arrived at New Yotk front Piniaitibucn, states, that when he left, 2 Portuguese sloops ol war had been ctutxing till'the harbor for ten •lays. Neither American nor English vessels were interrupted by them and in consequence of its being sup posed that their object waste inter cept a hotly of troops assembled at Pcrnambuoonn their way to St. Sal vador, orders Imd hern given fur them to march by land. Tito differences between the Portuguese and Brazi lian troops had nut abated, and all who did not show the highest respect, lit word and writing for his •• fmneri ,tl Majesty,” were dealt with as trai- tura. The following article IVom the Nation- al Gazette, will give some idea of tlie man ner ill which justice is administered in the ominions of King Peter An American gentleman nf great intelligence, who has been a Rm at u late period, has furnished us with the following note. “ Justice, which in most civilized countries, is represented as blindfol ded, in order that she may not ser which side the scale preponderates, in this country has the bandage placed in such u loose way over' her oy-s, that like the little rogues who olieti; ut blind’u butt’, she can see whose cause has tlie must weight;/ arguments in its favuur. Open, laced bribery, is common with llm. nilminiatriHiiis ofi tlie law. as integrii) is rare. A judge .who receives tiu (iilii dollars salary, lives ot an expense id of 60()0i and it is a mituin us fact, that the corruptibility nf a judge is more lunken at by tlie parlies ill a suit, Mian th, justice ut their cause, anil In that biihes highest, lias usually the best side uf the cause One instance occurred not lung since in which, tie- grossness uf the corruption was too base to be passed unnoticed by tho go vernment, »nd the Judge was actual ly displaced. This upright expoun der ot the law, accepted of loot) dol lars, to give a decision in favor nl one of the parties, but the opposite party present leg liimsel I with 1500, his lion our returned the first sum to its own er, with the conscientious apology that his untagonist had the just side of the case. Sometimes Hie bribery is managed through Hie intervention bf tlfb lawyers.—I know of one case. ill which a defendant lu bring his cause to a favm able issue, adopted tlie plan of betting a wager with the op positc lawyer of 1000 dollars, lliat he the deljBiiIint, would lose Ins cause. It was a claim fur damages, and the plaintiff perhaps not wishing to stake a larger sutfl with his opponent’s coun sel was compelled to pocket his in jury! lor the decision was given by the Court against Him. The lawsul Brazil are founded up on tlie Civil code. The process is i xtremely tedious and expensive, anil a suit may hy a proper application uf kept off fur 20 or 30 years Ln the Penal code, there is grt-u. mildness. Capital punishment is rare ly inflicted; but transportation to Af rica, and to tfie mines, was common Under the funner government.” A Highland Clergyman—A Sun day paper, (The Representative) in unniiuncing tlie death of the Rev. U-. Thomas Ross, Minister of Kilinaui- vaig, in Luchabet; at the fuli measure of four scorn, observes,—“This parisli is the most extensive and in its nu u- ral features, (tie wildest in tire it Bri tain. Within its bounds stands Bun- nevis, cruwncd with snow.— At (lie period wnen Mr. Ross took their spiritual charge, the people were a bold, brave, ItnspiiabK, but unculti vaied, race, intellectual amuseinruts were nut to their taste ; theology they valued us little as the sublime con versation of Crows. Among them, Inu were many Roman Culholics whose tangible rites possess great advanta ges with untutored minds, A mere divine, however disciplined in the schools and however zealous in hi profession, if he escaped being flung into the Spean, could only entitle himself to the contempt ol the heroes of Lnchnassie. Mr. Ross, a native of Easter Ross, was regarded as an in truder iu L.ichaber. Every quality of mind and body wasdepr -cialed by the hardy mountaineers. Sunn, how ever, was every prejudice removed, and the warmest uifection and sin cerest respect called forth by the man ly and judicious conduct of the young Minister. Thought not tall or parti, elderly athetlic, Mr. Russ possessed personal strength and agili-y which made him absolutely invincible.— Long has it been the lainilur boast in Lochaber that no man ever saw him laid on his back. One of his first acts uf pastorul duty was to trip up tin- heels of a bully who knew no standard of merit, but stability uf limbs and otrengh of arm. Having obtained tlie rc-pect and confidence ol His people, lie became eminently successful in impressing their minds and influenc ing IHeJjr conduct tw the great princi ples of Christian equity and benevo lence, The Doctor, we am further thill, was also tltu Justice uf P- ace of his Parish, butaltet re ading tlte-above account nf qualifications,it may easily be inferred that "acdons for assault and battery seldom obtained any ett- cnuragruienl frorS the Cluel Justice id Lochaber,” unit that he “thought it far manlier to return a blow than to oloim damages for on assault-” Ltm. l’ap, Tte Thenlre,—h\» have seldom seen a piece belter support, d than the Soldier's Daughter, oiv Monday night. In the buxom widow, Mrs. Hughes lias establish ed hcrs -lf na a favorite, and wo pay u will ing tribute toiler talents. Her recitation of the epilogue was a treat, which, as it was unexpected, was mure admired. Miss Tilden, ill Mrs Mallurl, was highly respect able. Ic is a character wlitcli is not caicm luted to interest thecuptiul observer—ilia one of those which shine with a mild ra- diutice rather than nth a hill blaze—It is a display of the private and domestic af fections,amt the loveliest feeling, of the female heart - the lender and devoted wife- was pourtfayed hy MissT, with a fluidity' evincing A perfect knowledge of the cha ncier, and just conception of the part ; tins was pa ticithtrly displayed ill the alloc. donate solicitude expressed in her counte nance and action, when Malforl conceives his pride or his lioiior wwinded Mr. Ro bertson, in Malfort, was animated a d correct. Mr Faulkner is hnhltiudly excel lent i and Mr. I'laoldc, us fur ns Ills powers extend, was bustling and lively. The Spoil’d Child is a piece which we never liked, and w conceive Hie character of L..ttle Fickle one ill which no actress can appear to advantage. Tip; fa-aka of a fractious child, and the illiberal reflections out witticisms upon that portion of tlie fair sex, who from inclination or necessity -cumin ill a stute ofs ng e blessedness, are not of sufficient interest or pungency to ronimuml out- applause. We were highly plesseil to pevctlvc a fashionable house— for no house can he fashionable without tlie attendance of the ladies. The steam boat Columbia. Blackman. I’ pmf'l'.’M r-lTIIU I,’ v-p (br - harleslun. Started yesterday morning | I lllLLo t IJIIlUVi 1. The brig Signal, fur. this nnrt, sailed | a’kltiH.ndl.lwlitg /‘lice Cnltmlfrom PA- IVom New York, On the 24th ult. 1 sJa ,ItlR’s Wig Eschaugu Office, far lha The ship Favorite, Reams, for this pot,',.) to, r IB'S, is issoe^i furl he belter rcgii- Bailed IVom New York on tip- 22d. wmii of his fnaniiyi';,. VVunu'r it, and all Prtcri Cmrent at Charleston, Ceh, 3, Cotton, Sea-Islands, 20 a 5U i Stained do I2u N i Sunt *e/19 a 21 i short staple, 9 j a 12, Hiee. Prime, 32/ a 3 ’ 1 i inferior to good,2 a 324. Flo,ir Philadelphia, Rich mond, (superfine) g7J. Col'll, 70 a 73. Bagging, Dundee- and Inverness. 52 a .IS, Cotton—The market for Sca-lsluiids con. futues quite dormant, very few sales hav ing been made during tlie week, amUllose of tlie lower qualities. We do not vary our quotation!, but they must he consider ed as nearly noihinal. In Uplands, much more business has been donei but a reduc tion of half a cent in the pound on tlie pricesof the preceding week, has gene- 1 ally been submitted to hy Holders- Jtice -The stores are full and the infe rior ai,il illlil,llin.. quulites almost unsulc able. 1 til, very best, ot wll’cli, however, very little comes to market, still brings gj. je/mr 37 J ia the general price ihi- su perfine Flour, Some of favorite brumlB sells alittle higher, in small hits. Corn- Was quite source in the early par' of the week, and sales were'mad., us big'U us 75 cents'. Some small cargoes have since arrived, undare selling at 70 u 75 cents Comm Bugging- Is held as quoted, nod some sales lire making MARINE. POUT OF SAVAATXAIl. CLEARED. Ship Thomas Fowler Candler,Taiv»'rpool, John .tun & mils. Schr Stephan Jones, Thomas, Baltimore. AIM1VBD. Ship Charlotte, Sims, New-York, 9 days, with an assorted cargo to C O Griswold — Sherman, J 1) Herbert & co and others. Brig 1 I’anthea, Bradley, Charleston, 1 dav, in ballast to I Cohen. Brig Sylvester, Bobertson New Orleans lb duy«, with corn, flour, pork and up- pl«E,to order. Pn»Hcngnt t Messrs Dowlcrj Morrison, laylor, Crawford, Davis and Davie Sloop Mary, Mitchell, McIntosh Court House, with cotton, to Bulloch and Dun- woody. Sloop John & Henry, Saunders, St Au gustine •vt am boat Ahtamaha, Davis, Augusta, 3 days, with bouts Nos 1 and 7 in tow, with »220 bales cotton to Win Gaston, J Luthtop 8c co. G Gordon, Johnston & Hills, E Bliss, *'• ’3 Griswold, Cuihmiug&tSwuth- mey, M Donald h co B Burroughs, Cimte- lou and L unar, ?carbrough & ' lark, Blan chard Brothers & t o, and others. * tf FOIl 'mis pout. At New Orleans, Uth ult shbp Express, Humphries, to sail in a few days. At New York, 24th ult. new packet ship William Wa Ijce, Wood; br-g Levant, Mix 5 sci;r Sally Ann, Wuglnm, to sail in two days. At Norfolk, 28th ult. sloop Cornelia, Ripley, to sail in a few days, CLEARED Toil THIS PORT, At Charleston, 3d inst. ship Rubicon Foster ; sloop Wiliam, Read. At NewYork, 22<1 ult. sloop Alligator, Marshall ARRIVALS PROM THIS PORT At Chari ston, 3*1 inst. sloops Messen ger, Potter 1 $ Superior, Atwater 2 # At New York, ^2 l ult. schr William An thony, It). On the 23d ships Neptune, Rich 6; Georgian, Bailey lit Supeiior, Jocelin, 101 brig fijR'dhlg 6; jpbr Illinois, Sljaw Q, The brig Telegraph, Snell, (Vein th & port, was below at New York on the 27th lilt, ' The harbor of Providence, R. 1, is again clear oi ice \ the flhip Trumbull gol u l* to the town on the 19th ult % . j, The ship Uidatun, Oxnard, drived at Newport# 19th ult 9.1 days from B\tuvia. CHARLESTON, Feb. 3-Arrschr Bel- Iona, Bradlev, •Mwtansas G, H\LT M‘»t!R Tin. ST—Arr schr Wil liam, Clough Pnrt-im-Pnnce. NRW-YoUK, Jan. 21 -Arr tariff Bra. Horae, Hardy, Pernnmhuuo, DRUM OUR enumtaVONU^NT* Office •/ ikiftsypt ctlntUd dtl i ttwrY' Ani>'VorX\i M 27. S Arr ship I'rcsuh nt, Fanning, Charleston, 5 j sloop’ Valiant, Dickson, New hern 5. Share Moulds, Whiskey, fc-c. a TON Slrnre Moulds 120 bbls Whiskey, 1 hhd do £0 do Mess Pork 2 tierces Sugar 2 bbls do 6 qr ca Jcs Mahtgo Wiucj 1 pipe Cognac Brand/ 1 do Holland (iiu 10 half bbls Flour 25 boxes Soap.. 4 kegs Tobucco 16 tubs Gjshen Rutter 100 boxes Mould Candles Just received and for sale by C. C. GRISWOLD. jan31 56 The Subscriber R espectfully informs nic tuhab! tuntx of Savannah nnd its Vicinity, thu 1 ne intends to open a School for the n- Ytcption of young Ladies and GcntleiTuw in which will be taught nil the requisites ol a correct English education, together wit! the Latin, Gieefc, French, and Italian Ian guages. He has taken the room occasion ally occupied by the Union Society, in tin west end of the Academy. Uecommcndhlinns from Cantuin Aldvn J’nitr'tye, Superintendant ot tlie Americ-m Literary, Scientific, and Military Academy, from the Professors of Itslian, French, Fen cing, and from u number of other Gentle* men can be given, by making application at «he store ot ltaldurln & J/uyward, a few doors west of the City Hotel. Those young Gentlemen desirous of attaining the art ol Fencing, can receive Lessons m the even- iug, by application as above- FAR WELL JONfcB. • N. U. Should not sufficient encourage inont be fpvcn, he would engage as an in structor In the above mentioned branches in the country, or in a private family* dec 18 20 Soda Powders. TU8T recciveil. Messrs l.ynch (t dark's #1 Soda Powders, in Tin boxes. For sale by J, ANSON PARSONS, Druggist, N 8, Gibbons’ buildings, dec 9 12 Juat Received and for Sale, SrjjyliAGS jirime Green Cofl'ee HJ'H/ 20 pipes cognac Brandy Apply to J, B. HERBERT ft CO. dec 30 29 Emerson’s Elastic Razor Strojjs, RE a new Patent, and on an improved planj Ululate highly recommended .»the publip. For sale by ANSON PARSONS, Druggj«t, No 8, Gibbons' Building* TAINTLVti, UILDING, GLAZING and PAPER HANGING. T HE Subscribe! 1 bfpgs leave to inform his Customers and the Public in gene ral, that he has removed to Thompson ix Bonncys buildings. No. , IVl(tTAKEfi- VTjlKET, Near the Bay, where he continues to earn on the above business in all its variom brandies, on the most modern and approv ed principled. Walla Fainted in Oil or Distemper Colours, and Ornamented in the roost Fashionable European style. ON HAND, London While Lead, ground in Oil American do do do do Linseed Oil in barrels, in the best order Barrels Spirits Turpentine Window Glass in boxes of various sixes English Crown Glass in crates, suitable for large Panes, Pictures, Uc. Fine Colours of all £inds Painter's llrushes of alt sizes White Wash d6 A great variety of different Color Frosting Blue Smalts, &c. (Jc. All of which will be sold at the lowest prices, Orders from the Country punctual ly attended to,. Colours mixed ready for use, and directions giyen for using them, if required. •, PATniCK MARLOW, nov 15 |101 Superfine Flour. BARRELS Superfine Flour Just received and fwr sale by BAKER &c MINTON. jan15 42 City Tax Returns. I N conformity with the provisions of an Ordinance, passed the 30th ult. the sub scriber is now prepared to receive the re- turns of all persons subjett to City Tax; the same to bemude on or before the ist f March next. JOHN I. ROBERTS, City Treasurer, Treasurer's Office, SAvauusb. 6th Jmj, JiL’3 y •there «ilhln the juristuctioii ol Hit inipc- -I'Lldomaini # . . Muni lily .Cu«tbff)4rg» pretty plentiful, gf pet* niontlj I)o do Who shave 6 times pt-p week, $2 per month, ‘rather du>l Trans «nt do from 10 to i2liuterabl briik, Doubtful Customers-*-no demand Hutting fUtr, 35 eents, 6h>ik' . uttmg LudieV Hair ut iluic Sh.’dra* SO cents, rather fair lotting nnd l)r. samg do do“ do 75 cents, pretty fair *' . Ornaments Jwihe Head* of Ladies and Gentlemen. ' Ladies Curl* fr om iu 1 i0 per bunch* in demand _ > . Lndi« b 11. .I i IC.l'cr*! from to 3 50 petf b’l'.ch, remly ante Ladle*. Ifesit Si, s«fs IVom In 3 50 per hum ii. in demuwi Ladies U ’ .u cu ciicisfrom g5to 5 50 per- Ristt,'■■dull Lad es tub dressi’d VV’igs Bom 18 to g'W cUcfi, rather dull Ladies crop Wigs, from 15 to gt8, tolerably , fair <JoMli*men's crop Wigs from 15 to g'.'O, not so yood Gent It nu n’s Crown pieces with spnngsi from ll) lu g 12, in (Lmund Genllemmi’a fidse Wlii&ku»» 5S2 50, in dc* • viand •-lent U nu n's revolving Quleus R?, no sale GenlU’iTu ii'hfulse Eye Brows ^ no ude Real Japan Blacking, witrr.o iu«l t euro' *»r prevem Corns, Gout, and otlu r Jattbi able complaints* The penetrating or ot this Liquid not alone •« warranti • or iit» cflicuc), buttlio superior GloBu a le.ivva on the boots and shoes ihs«i peuuiful, * hut the expense of a Lonkinu*-G .ijis m.i> bo save*), should emeigchry require th* ne- uissity of shaving themselves ut home oi? abroad. Wigs, Frisettes, Curls. Bandeaus, promrit- ly exchanged f"i e tsh or approved hotes* Cash at all limes preferred. N. B A Clerk is wauled at this ('flier* me that understands Shaving, so as not to hurt the feelings of customers, will he pre« f** 1 red, by applirntion to JOHN PA Ills. K C. B wmmmm Oi lav IVeui’/vipUon, X.- DUN/. AT THE GEORGIAN JOB OFFICE, IN THE IlkST STYLE, ‘ Oit JVkto and Cuns{iicw)Ufi Type t AND ON MODERATE TERMS. In addition to Law, Notarial, and othof Blanks, which are furnislu'd r*-a<!y printed, or executed at the shortest notice; am ilie following Chmmercittl Bl.mks:— Shipping Articles Common and Letter*slieet Bills of Lading. Foreign and Domestic Bills of Exchange Entries of Merchandise Foreign outward. Foreign inward, ami Coastirig Manifests Charter Parties of wllreiglit ment fluted Tables of Exports of Rice. Cotfon. &c. Labels fm C uming Booms Meom-Buiit V »rd Receipts Merchan t Li'eK'for marking the dlf* fereut depar'-irtents of Business Checku on the different Banks m this city Patroon Receipts 8team-Boat Receipts Ship Surveyor's »’eriificates, 'Statements nf Damages,. for the Rccoverf of Instirancii Muster lb.11 and Articles for Vessels Heamen's Warrants and Protectumi! Custom-House Bonds Counting tlnusf AhrmnackB Statements of Exports Foreign Export Entrlee PasHMigere’ Entries Dray B lls ftTApply at the Job Office, tL© same re* centlyoccupied by H. P., or i.i the office of the Geotioiait. c28 3H Spanish Segura. HALF boxes Spanish fiegats 25 qr do . do do Just received nnd for sab h- BAKER & MINTON/ jqn 11 *39 fresh Teas, China and Troy Candles. ' TEN catty boxes Hyson Tea 150 do do do Gunpowder 50 do do do Imperial 50 five catty b'-xes Impel iul 30 catty canitlstere of Impmik) ‘8i Gunpowder 'l c*, Fresh imparled 50 boxes diiua Ware; containing Breakfast, U Tea sets 200 boxes Troy Candles Londing'Trom ship Garonne, and for sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO, dec 25 26 Choice Perfumery, Just received, and wo( ranted to be of a Supeiior (Quality, C OLOGNE Wider Rose do Lavender do Orange do Honey do Milk of Hoses t ' j • Rose, Pot, and Stick Pi matu® Ruse Antique Oils Macassar Oil Pr-nce» Russia Oil Bears' Oil (iuirk’s Essence of Tyre, ffir changing the Hair (o a permanent Black Scented and Plain tUir Po tK.rg Down Puffs, iic. —also* - A select assortment of Brushes such cf Cloth, Hair, Nail* Comb, Tooth, Shaving, Plate. Flesh, and Hearth, Brushes. For sale by * , ANRON PARSONS, ^ No, 8, UmboiV Bulldingf 24