Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, February 25, 1823, Image 1

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SAVANNAH <L A GEORGIAN NEW SEIUES—VUL. II, 8.1 VAoY.Y.itU TUESUAF MOn.YItfQ, FKBIlU.inr as, 1833. NO 40 SAVANNAH MONDAY MORNING,FEB.24,1823. IFit.hington's Eirth Day —The anniver sary of the birth (lay of this illustrious pit. triot was celebrated on Saturday, with all that spirit and feeling which, on like occa. 8i ons, characterises our citizens. Tile pit trades of die Military Corps were unusual, py numerous and respectable. A*, twelve o'clock,the majority oflhc corps assembled and marched to the T heatre, where an elo- quent Mul apposite oration was delivered by MiTTHKtr Hail M‘Ai.iisTiii, Esq. a member of the ‘Georgia Hussars. The assemblage of ladies was cxticm. ly bril liant an:t>hi hinting. Previous to the exer- eiscs at the Theatre, a salute was Red by the Chatham Artillery, the Savannah Vo lunteer Quards and Fenciblef. At night, the Theatre was attended by a most ml- tncruus audience-composed in part of the-military in uniform. Among the no velties of the evening, a detachment of U. S. tftiops in the Paint i </ Honour, and Eta RosenSerg, was not the least-and we may add, a more soldic iy and better looking detachment we never saw, The Anniver sary Ball, the preceding evening, was, as usual, well attended, and due justice done to the entertainment - not excepting that part of it comprising the eating and drink ing, to which we all know exercise and good humor are great provocatives. During Outrage A daring attack was Blade yesterday morning, upon the person of Mr Wood, ofthefirm of A. &E Wood, fifth's city. A black fellow entered the otor no doubt for the purpose of plunder, and whilst Mr. tV was in the act of stoop ing. suddenly a ruck him a violent blow upon the head, with a slick or bludgeon, Which seriously wounded him, The stroke was so sudden ami unexpected that Mr. TV imagined that be was shot, and imme diately ran into tile street and gave the a- Jarm. The fellow made off, and ran from the store in Whitakcr-Strect, nearly to the Steam B .at Wharf, before lie was overtaken. He was, however, caught and Committed to prison- A friend at Washington haa forwarded (lathe following notice from the War De partment, w hich will be found of aninter- ealing nature to a great number of our ci- tizens i— . (COPY) . Department of /for, Utl Feb. 1823. Gssti.ssks, Your letter of the 8th lnat- address ed to the President, has been referred by him to this ‘cpartmeit, with directions to inform you, in reply, that for tile reasons you bate mentioned, the time for the ex hibition of claims under the late treaty frith die r'reck Indians, will be extended to the first day of August next, and, that upon lurtltcr reflection, as it appears there are tome claims which were rejected by the Crmmisslopers on account of insuffi ciency, or informality, the same time will beiallmved to such claimants to produce further evidence in support of their res- ncctive claims. 1 have'the honor to be, Your obedient servant, J. C. CALHOUN. To the Dan. J. Elliot unit the other Gentle men c mpt ising the Georgia Itepresenta• lion in (ongress The Correspondent uf the Georgia Jour nal at Athens in a letter of the 7th instant, writes that the present prospects of the College are very flattering, The number •if students at this time is 121—an increase -bou' 4J since die last commencement. Fur anft arm aoy ft friendship prevail among .* ijfoiits i und each member uf the Fa- t -j 18 indefatigable in die di charge of his duty. The new edifice will be readv for the reception of students by August, Aclttzpn of Monroe County, named Lit- tlebury Champion, was shot on the 2d inst. pn the west side of Flint River by an In- ' , , -bout fifteen years of age d>an—a lau P* . „ - an examination non, to He was pursued and aftet by die ciiiefa of the Muscoga ha, wliicli he belonged, was condemned td be aliot, which was accordingly executed. A letter from Mr. Fulton, the present top- graphical engineer of North Carolina, has liven received by a gentleman, his fr end, in which he slates that he has no objection to spend three or six months in Georgia, ifemployedina healthy situation. Mr. Webster has been retained by Mr. M(, thews, 03 counsel in his proserulion the’editor of the Acte-England Galaxy, at Easton. The New York American remarks, “Such we learn is the scarcity of seamdn at pre sent in this port, that several vessels have been delayed in getting to sea for want of men ; and in one instance, ten dollars bounty, in addition to thirteen dollars per mouth wages, was paid in order to expe. dite a packet ship The long continued wei’crty winds have kept out nunferou- Vesscls now due, and this, combined with the general activity in the commercial n, iv. merits of tins port, haa operated to en banco oOXiUcu’5 Wages, Congress,—In Senate on the 14th inst. a message waa received from the Pres dent containing Ihc information relative to the lands in the state of Georgia, to which the Indian title has been extinguished, and the amount which has not been extinguished, called for on a previous day. In the House if waa resolved that the committee On Indian affairs be instructed to enquire whether any, and if any, what a- have been committed by the late superintendent of Indian Trade, (Col T. R. .R'Kenney, one of the editors of the Washington Republican,) in the purchase or sale of goods, under the several laws regulating the Indian trade. Mr, Trid, of Pennsylvania, made a mo tion to discharge the committee of the Whole on die Slate of the Union, from tint further consideration of the bill for the more effectual pro'estion and encourage ment of domestic raanufiicuires. This was a motion which was intended by the mover to bring me bill directly before the House for amendment, and eventually to obtain a question on its passage, more speedily and more certainly, thanifilie discussion were to be suffered to go onin committee of the whole, Some excitement Took place in eonse qiienccofthe motion. The bill contained one blank, and the 80th rule of the house declares, that " no motion or proposition fur a tax or charge upon the people slial be discussed the day on which it is made or offered, and every such proposition shall receive its first discussion in a committee of the whole House,” A question uf or der arose upon the resolution of Mr' Tod, whether the hlank could not be filled up in the House, not having been debated in the committee ofthe’whole, which was decided by the speaker in the affirmative. A debate ensued, in which many of the members joined—among the rest Mr. Cuthbert denounced the motion as an at tempt to violate ‘the viftue and substance of the Rule which is above quoted i to break down those barriers and guards with which the House had fenced itself around—and he appealed to every thing that is good and virtuous in the House, not to press upon those upon whom this was to operate most severely, with this precipitation, with this ferocity. Mr. Tatthsll,. believing that the opera tibifof this piotlon, if Iteueceedrd, w ould be in the nature of a gag-law, required the question to be token by yeas nnd nays, that the people might see what members on this floor were disposed to support a motion oftltat nature. The question waa taken by yeas and naya accordingly s and the votca were yeas 66—nay- 88. The House, Cf course, refused th dis charge the committee of the whole from the further consideration uf the bill. Tite House afterwards took up the ge neral appropriation bill, in preference to the tariff bill, by a vote of ”6 to 71 On the day pcevions to the above dis cussion on the Tariff Bill, the question was taken on striking out the enacting clause, which wss negatived by a vote of 51 to 77. The Intelligencer, it will be per reived, by aft extract published in another column, considers the subsequent vote that of the 14th inst as a rejection of the bil 1 * * IV V . In Senate on the 11th, Mr, Taylor’s a- mendment to the Constitution and Mr. Dickerson’s substitute were Under consi deration. Mr. Holmes, of Maine, offered an amendment to provide for the occur. . ence of a contested election of President, snd the Senate soon after adjourned. The Convention with France, which We published in July last, is re-published in the National Intelligencer, with the sepa- rate article no\y duly ratified by both go vernments, ill the following words “The extra duties levied on either side before the present day. by virtue oft ,c act of Congress, of 15th May. 18 Ot and of the urdonuance of 26th July of the same year, and oUiersconfirmalive thereof, and which have nut already been paid back, shut! bc refunded,” ■ - WIO I, The Saving FundtSociety.—Tbe deposits in the Saving Bank of Boston, have exceed ed six hundred thousand dolklre double the amount allowed by law to be deposited in the Saving Bank of thi, city. A young Eagle waa caught a short time since, in Oxford, (Conn.) in his second at tempt to carry of a lamb. His witigs When extended, measured over Seven feet. The Small Pox, it is said, is raging to an alarming degree, in Stillwater, Saratoga county, N. Y. In one Week there \,e\e forty cases and two deaths.' Rapid Travelling.—The Western stagelett Utica (N. Y.) at 12 o’clock at night and arrived at Albany at ten minutes past past 9 o’clock, of the ensuing.worning, having travelled ninety six miles in nine hours and ten minutes! The distance from Sche nectady to Albany (16 mites) was . travelled in forty live tniuuUpy The Charleston Courier, in despite of the declaration of the Committee, intimates sit opinion, that Mr, Crawford connived « at the suppression of a part of the correspon- dence relative to the deposits of public monies in the Western B inks t” and this, without adducing &n argument to contnv vert the report, or an illustration in sup port of his own view of the matteh The public and recorded*expression of a select committee of Congress, will weigh as fully in the view of the public, ss that of a concealed Editor of a Federal news paper. In our turn, we might say, that the re- election of Mr. Poinsett and the defeat of Mr. Crafts, are, taken together, evidence to the people of the United States that those of the Charleston District will not support any man who is an avowed enemy of Mr. Crawford t—yet, after all, this is an assertion as incontrovertible as that of the Editoi of the Courier. • Tuts is another proof of the necessity to which Mr. Crawford’s enemies find them selves driven, in order to oppose his solid claims to the Government. Assertion of ten does more than argument, hut when it happens to be proved as unfounded, it works a deep injury to the calumniating party, and a ten-fold benefit to the object at whom it is directed. Quern Dens suit perdere, prius dementat. AGH1PPA. Appointments, by the President of the United States.—William K. Steele, til Georgia, Attornev of the U. States lor that part of Ihp Territory of Flo ritla, known us West Florida, vice, Tipton Ii Harrison licensed. William Sebrec, of Kentucky, Mar shal of the United Slates for the same, Chapman Coleman, of Kentucky, Marshal lor theDi-trict of Kentucky. vice, John Thompson Mason, Jun. re signed. R .bert Todd, of Kentucky, Consul at Acapulco, in Mexico. James Smith Wilcncks, ofPennsyl vanta, Cnnsu] at the City of Mexico, William Taylor, of Virginia, Con sul at l,a Vera Crua ami Alvar ,in Mexico. Henry M. Brackenringe, of Flori da, Judge of West Florida. Ureenbury Gaither, George Mur ray, John dc la Kun, and Joseph No riega, all of Florida, members of the Legislative Council of Florida. Henry Crnhb, of Tennessee, Attor ney for the District of West Tennes see. Laitgdon Clteves, nf Pennsylvania, Commissioner, on the part ol the U States, undef the first Article of tin Convention itl lSth July, 1822 with Great Britain. Henry Seawell.of North Carolina Arbitrator on the part of the United Stales, under the same Convention. J\ at. hit. It may be unwelcome news to some of our readers, but it is not the less necessary to communicate if. that the 'New Tariff - bill (the bill for the more effectual protection and encouragement of Manufactures) nitty be considered as rejected. The in dications against it in the House of Representatives yest rday ‘were tie risive against the possibility of forcing it through Congress at the present Session and we rather think that the gentlemen - who had it most at heart have given np all liqpcufit. It has been supported with much zetfi by Mif Todd and others but it was taken up at tm* late a period of the session. —the Session itself was too short, to bring ton final question this measure, the principle nf which is tenaciously disputed, and about the detaila of which even its best friends essentially differ. Had the bill been reported, with the lowest rate of increment of duties that its friends would have been willing lo accept ; that is, had it been conformed more nearly to the suggestions - contained in the late- Annual Report from the .Tieasury Department, it might have passed. But, even then, its fate would have been doubtful, from the causes already mentioned,—iff, Norfolk, Pith. 12, —The crew of the Spanish rchnr. titl'd Into this port by the U. S. brig Spark, for ktljudtca- lion, were on Sunday last taken into custody by the Marshal- ami commit ted to the Borough jail. Yesterday they were brought before the Mayor, and an enquiry was instituted touch ing tHe grounds nf their imprisonment the result of which was that they were recommitted, in order to bring them before a higher tribunal it bring nnderstood that the prisoners inten ded,- through their counsel, Albert Allinxml Esq. tu apply for a writ ol Itapeis corpus in the event of their further detention. The writ was accordingly obtained, and the priso ners Were brought before .Richard E. Parker, E*q Judge of the Superior Cottrj, of this Commonwealth, who discharged all except the boatswain ol the schooner, A icholas Gorgall, the only individual ugaiijst whom there appeared lobe any evidence. The name of the is the JYtnfa Catalana. Wc understand that the veasels will proceeded against by our Courts, but that the cargo will b delivered over to the Spanish Consul, as agent for the owners, ol whom there are said lo hr five or six—three of them have, at their own request, been brought in in the soltr. It appears that she. was a reg ular tr-ider hrtwesn Havana and Campeche and tfad changed her cap tain since the lime sheisulledged in have committed the piraev Herald- Bef5a 10; Lard 12 a 14; llama 14 a fit); 10 a 16; Candles, tallow 14 a 18 s Snap lo n 13 (Rica 3J a 5 ; Leaf Tobacco, Ken. J a. 6; Maryland, fat Cj a 7 ; Inf. dull Bale ; R. 0. Staves 20 a 84; Cypress Shin gles 4} a 3; Hum, including cask, 29 a 30,“ Molasses S3 a 25 j Sugar, mus covado 4} it 9} : Coffee, scarce anil dear,30;Cucou,none.,- Hides,mine. Mobile Feb. 3.—-Cotton haa dr. dined in price half a cent per lb. t)u“ ring the past week, and there at pre sent, appears but little di-pocitipp to purchase ; we quote fair to prime,TO a 10J s inferior lo middling, 7 «'9 els, The imports have exceeded 2330 bales, of which more than- 1200 remain unsold. . . Exports of Cotton, iSfc.—During- the month of J.munjy there were' 611) bales of cotton pxpurted from litis place to H( vre ; 3-19 to Boston; 1^26 to New York ; and 377 to New Or-' leans. Total. 3,262 hales. ’Iltere were twenty-night thousand feet I tim ber exported during the same period . 9000 ol which went to Havana, and 19n0 to New Orleans, 43,100 slaves were likewise shipped during the month, all of which went t^N, York. Jlrpus. MARINE. PORT OF SAVMrJYAH. ARRIVED. Ship Faith, , St, 1 homas. Ship Iris, Hums, New-York. 12 days. Brig t lector, , Liverpool, 72 days, lo .1 <lniHton & Hills. Steam bout Samuel Howard, Augusta, 3 days, with bouts Non 21 ami '26 in tow, U5u bales cniton, lo Ponce & M'Kenzie, IV Ciaslon, H Burroughs, (1 C Griswold, .Irthns'on t* Hills, S Wright, Peterson/ tumin-ml & co. Douglass 8; Sorrel, aiul others. pp ?on rins toRT, At New York, 12th inst. nliip Auguntn, Wood, to sail next duy} brig Native, Cole, with desputch At Norfolk. l3th inst. sloop Sea Serpent, Ely At IM*ovidcncC, H. I. 10th inst. brig Ncw*York, (tary, to sail next day, selir Florida. Douglass. V LEAH Eli Foil THIS POUT. At Charleston, 22dinst. sloop William, Head. ^ At New York, 12th inst brig Telegraph, <n ell, AUHIVAI.S F1IOM THIS rOnT At Charleston,‘i'-'d inst, 'litTu- Dolphini' Lynch l i skmps Express, Hammett, 1 \ Enterprise, Clark, 1. WENT TJ SEA TTFSTEIIDAY. Ship Mary *\lmy, Hudson, Liverpool, Rr brig Floch.“It, Hphn'*s, do yloop Mary, Brown, Charleston, r ■ - TheRr Jtoalrtk I.itltgow, from Gfteftw.k for Olturlcafoit, put info the Cove of Cork, 11th Dec. ' • ' flic Spartan, Ward, sailed from Green ock, D c. 18, for New York. H. B. M. scltr -peedweli, Lieut Geary, arrived tit Nassau, 1st inst.from a cruize. Ait idle rttpori was prevalent in Charles ton, on Friday last, of the loss oftlic line ship Empress, from that port for N York, tteal'Georgetown t but it »us found on in vest igution, to be u itliout the least founda tion. The achr Monroe, Horton, was cast a w ay on the 6th inst. at Starling, Long Is land, on Iter passage from N York, to N London | vessel and C’lrgkt, and two men, lest the captain was washed from the wreck, but fortunately gained the shore; Mr Edmund Cary, the mate, was taken from the wre-'k after being exposed for h hours upon it, during which time lie was badly frozen, Letters from Holme’s Hole, of the Ifltli inst, state that there hail been no arrival since Wednesday last t that veay little ice waa iu the harbor, und the vessels oletib uf it, BT. AUCUSTINF,, Feb 14-Arr scltr Utility, 1'uyne, I’hiladelpliia, 15 days. -.loop Susan, Bradley, Xosaatt, N. I’, 7 days 1 sloop Com, l’erry, Eddy, Charles ton 2 days, , Sail, d, sloops VcfiuS. Luddington, Cape Florida, on an ckpluring expedition t Leo pard, Brown, Muvaiia. CHARLESTON,Felt. 21—Art ship Har- The following is s IclW from Messrs. King JJ* Graice, lo irteir tor- respondent in New-York dally I Li'Euro'L. Jan. 1 1823. 11 The jinpm t ol Cotton during De cember, amounted only to 14.346 hales, nl which 8782 were front 'lie U. State?? wqilst the sales consisted nf 33,200 hslrs. nf which speculators look abnu' 2000. The demand sitter i-ur last has been generally good, anti latterly Very aclivo, so that the slight depression during the early part "I .tlir month, has been lully recovered) and our rates arc much ns they were on the 1st Dec. In London 11.000 hales East India Cotton Here brougli 1 last week on speculation. There i« now less cotton hen - , by about 14.000 bales, than i'st year, and we estimate that the stocks to the Kingdom, (particulars uf .widen Are )i»kl.y'it -tsritriained) will he found loss’uy 70,000 It gs than at the clof uf U2I— and Unit the cnn-umpDon has it,creased by shout 1000 bags p>r week, although* the ge.i- ral .import lias hern larger by nearly 50,000 hales •md ns the trade are nut supposed to hold mure than they then did, anil the general export is only greater by 8000 In 10 000 hales 111 tt the last, it seem? evident that the consumption has so much •increased as to exceed the large import ol the past year, ami nWticularty as to Cffftnti from ilte U. States, that the deliveries for home, use and export have been greater ban tin: supply received here, whin!) i« mure tlinu it was last year by 20, 000 hairs. It is singular, that dur ing the year when these lacls were devejopmg, prices of cotton should have fallen 30 per cent. But now i' would seem reasonable tu expect u moderate advance, for the impprt ol the fruited Slates in this, and the en suing month, will probably be le-s than usual, and is not likely, during the year, to exceed the l ist ! the sup ply, ton, from South America, may lie. inieFrupted by political events, & it is now known that the doiisumptiun has exceeded a larger import than com mon, all whirl) will streng hen the confidence of the trade, whoso wants ate daily extending—and from the number nf new mills erecting, Burnt uf which are nearly fi islted, there will cert -inly be a greater increase uf condimptnn in 1823, than during the past year f atoms regards cotton from the U. States which n»W furnishes jict, Reefi, (of Bath) 13 days Oil the 15th lnat, ofl' Cape Helterua, experienced WILLIAMS’ liUcviivy 8c Vommcrctftl heading ROOM. IB ECE1VKD tram London via Llvcr- I'"")' Magazines fur December t * Journal ■ M "8“” il,e and Literary Thompson’s Annals nf Philosophy ' dutch's Philos pliical ttaj-aaine Repertory of Arts, Manufactures, and Agriculture London Mtigaxine Sporting Uugaz ne Evangelical Magazine and Mljiionnrv Ultronicle , British Review and London Critical J.hi** mil Eclectic Review Ackerman's 1(. petitory Bell’s noon suit F-dilnnabt™ M n gszi ne ' NEWSPAPER'S it r om L-ori v-' t.ui Live- Onor.”.' (Vs p.i, ri '3 J 69 IlIOE. Landing fr.-m shop Maw, Tlr.ItHF.S prune It winch will DC sold low if taken from the wharf. Apply to ■ ■ ML MOSES, fob 21 r 74 Exnitange, a turf. SOAP. \ BOXES D.joliitl landing front Ujc GAronju*,'und fnrwU' ’tu • f J. MEIGS, Mongjii'i lale flullocir*ijtiiidiL.G, In Store, , 20 boxes Mould Candles 40 kegs Mamilaciufcd Tobacco, No 1, and Si, Harris*, old U excelled 5 kegs tJavendisli 18 bbla Potatoes 14- do Lamp Sugar feb 113 l67 Blue Biintlatia Hdkfs. Anti. Bleached Russia Sheeting, T; ANDINGfrom scltr Esther, and for U sale by DANIEL’CARNEY, Jr, JFAo has in Store, 100 bbls Superfine Flour 20 do Prime Pork 30 do .Mew itucf SO casks Cut Nails Anchors „»au- ..1 sizes, Figs, Raisins Muscovado Sugar in hluls Apple Brandy, N E Rum, Bagging Northern Candles D'jde's Yellowr, Fancy and Castile Soap and Candles, 3; anlsh Chocolate. A small invoice Northern Bltoea Faxon's Axes, plantation Hoes, HaUlt- da, Ac. feb 18 u ,71 Dr. John R. Berthelot, A F I ER searching fur many means to 1 change the color of Hair to a hi uutifnl Jet Black, has at length made the discove ry, and offers for sale a Pomatum, which is warranted, if the directions for its use ra regularly pursued, to change any cnlot of ‘lutrt toabeautiful Jet Black i which Po. matum is offered for Buie, at the price of l and 4 dollar* per tar, at tils Drug Store on the Ray, feb 4 59 » Accounts tire given in the London pa purs uf official notes, written by Mr. Canning, the tenor of which is, that England would wish to ser Greece an indepemlant c nfedctacy, and askauf the Tu ktsh government to acquiesce in this arrangement; but 6uch accounts do not deserve, credit. It would appear that there has been an important revolution in the Turkish ministry, which placed the chietof the Janissaries at the head of the government, and the change waa considered at Vienna, a? portending violent measures on the pu l of the Turks. The former mipiwtry were understood to be willing “ tu arrangv every thing peaceably ” The Pope has refused to receive the ambassador of the Constitutional government of Spaiu, and the relusal is attributed to the influence ol the | court of Vienna. more than three filths .ot all that is lisrd In Great Britain", any material tit firiency ol supply wdl, under ex is ling circum* ances,, be attended with a proportionate advance in pri ces, L fttay be further remarked, „ nerally, that very little cotton is Vo be found if first hands here, and that lur the present holders to effect sav ing aales, higher rates are requisite New Itice fnucli wanted. Si. jOnriitoleifiewS, fan> 29.—We nave nut had quite so many arrivals -litre the English Islands have been open to the American Commerce, as we had previous, notwithstanding the port charges and duties amount to neat ly a prohibition, You, no doubt are aware nl the raleB which Ameri cans are subject tu f we had one ar rival from Charleston, with Rice, but too hrge a quantitily for the present. Tobsccois somewhat in demand at quotations, as also Pnrknf a good qua' lily ; a stna'I quantity uf Itice would command (rum 4 to g5—it has been ictailing at g6 Annexed you have a price current of our market. Flour 9 a 10; Coro Meal, 22 a 24 ; t'nrn, hush, 1$ ; Peas, black eyed, 1 js Scans, white, 1!; Pork, 13 t 14 j For Sale, PRIME Negro Feliuw, a good Cat* i Renter. J. D. HERBERT & CO, jail 7 35 L. P.Tenerille Wine. <IR. casks L. I*. Tene'ifl'e Wino Just received. Fur sale by ^ J. B. HERBERT Jt CO. fob 10 64 jan 23 BACON. LBS. Bacon uf excellent qua lity—for aalo by HALL, HOYT (J CO. 49 Cotton Bagging. X\PIECES 42 inH. In/i.vuess Cottoa %x4i/B»ggtng ( For tale by DAKEU * HlNTOfo jin 3 . l32 a sj-veie -gale (rortl S. E. was struck In the ‘stern by u heavy sea, whWh rurried ttvay the jolly boat., SchrHumbler, Andrew*, St Barts, i8. Sc hr Ilarmony, (ofBath( Lowell, Kiug- siton, (Jum.) 38 days The Harmony, was di' this port about the 1st Inst and was three times driven into tile gulpli, byN IV. g-aWf f during which she lost her fore and main top masts, and split her lore-top sail, and received some injury in hei rigging*. FEB.22 -ArrschVs Alexander, Ives, St Augustine, 2 days * Esther, Perry* Poplar Grove, 1. Cleared, ships Aldebaran, Martin, Ha vre! ArethuBa, Merrill, Liverpool; brig Dove, Girdler, Antwerp. GBOKGETOWN, Feb I9-Arf brig Aatt’ea, Baxter, Havana, 0. The A. w*s taken in tow by the U S frigate Congress,' capt Biddle, as far north as the Double Headed Shot Keys, and parted Company with ner oil the evening of the same day. NOUFOLK, Peb ll—‘The Pilot Boat, Fell's Point) of Baltimore, fell ih with the ship Ceres, Owens, of Philadelphia, yes terday afternhon, Cape Henry* bearing N N W distant about 15 mines, und put a pi lot on board, in distress, leaky and three of the crew frost-bitten. The C. is Irom Savannah bound to New York—She is coming up to repair. fA» 14—A pilot boat has arrived in Hampton Hoads, from the capes, without having seen the ship Cerc*~lbe IjW pro bably be«uW9WJ) lit) Ot T&vt&rjj Description, 18 DOWS AT THE GEORGIAN JOB OFFICE, ik the debt style. On JVetv and Conspicuous Type, ms an MODERATE TERMS) In addition to Law, Notarial, and other Blanks, which are furnished ready printed, ur executed at the -/shortest notice, aro the following Commercial Ulaukst— Shipping Articles , Common and Letter-sheet lulls of Lading Foreign and Domestic Bills of Exchange Entries of Merchandise Foreign outward. Foreign inward, end Coasting Manifests ’ Charter Particsuf Affreightment Ruled Tables ofExports of Rice,'Cottoa. tfc. Labels for Counting Rooms 5team-noat Yard Receipts Merchant's Labels, for marking the dtf. fcrent departments of Business Checks on the different Banka in this city I’atruon Receipts Steam-Boat Receipt* Ship Surveyor's (JcrtificateS. Statement* of Damages, for the Recovery of Insurance Muster Roll and Articles for Vcssela Seamen’s Warrants and Protectiona Oustom-llouse Bonds Uouniingdluuse Almanack, >, Statements of Export* . • foreign Export Entriet Passenger*’ Entries Dray P.Ill « (Gf Apply at tjie Job 15ffice,(he time rd* canflygEitinted tit- H. p. Russell. orattUe umce of the Gioitug. &t) M