Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, February 27, 1823, Image 1

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1 I SAVANNAH (p'. .V’lyt ft S C< Js.’, GEORGIAN Nh'V iKtulin—VuL. II. tMFdMYdil, L'UU^DAF MOHNINO, FlilUlU.itlY 27, 1823. Ml 41 jjatiV' niJS‘ SAVANNAH V KI'M>'l>AY MOWING,FEB. 6,1820 By ..iu arrival ot pie schooner William^ Captain W eeks, we have received tlu NewOrleana papers of the 10th iusU The Buies of cotton this week, (say8 the Louisiana Advertiser,) have been pretty Extensive, amounting in the whole to about three or four thousand bales, principally Mississippi, and Louisiana, at prices rang jng from ,9 to 13 cents. Some lots of funny totton have indeed gone higher \ and one lot tVom Nauhez of about 100, bales wai •old on the *st of the week at 161 cents j notwithstanding which, general sales have been made at the rates above stated, and prires, we are informed, may be consider ed to have declined one cent per lb. from those of the previous week. Stock on hand, 18.395 bales—exported during, tin Mason, 35,322 bales. Exchange on.Eng land, 11 a 12 prein. N. and S. Carolina, Q orgia, and Alabama bank notes, 5 a 10 Jdis. Freights to Liverpool, cotton per lb- 1 a Id 1 8 ; France, 2 a 2$ cents. The, proceedings of Congress were not Ufa very important nature on the 15th fetid 17-th.tint. The House of Representatives on the former day, was principally enga ged in a debate tipon the standing subject, the power of Congress to appropriate mo ney for internal improvement- on a motion - to insert as a clause in the appropriation bil* An item of 25,000 dollars for the repair ot the Cumberland Road. This motion wan withdrawn on the l7ih and on that day the bi'.l for settling the accounts of the Vice president, was ordered to be engrossed juul read a third time without opposition. The following is a register of the cadets Who have graduated ftt the U. S. Military Academy at West Point, and received com- inissions in the army pf the United Siutcs, .JjjromJuQe 1802 to’July 1822, inclusive Now in the Military service 195 In the Civil service ' 3 Killed in battle . Died in the service lieugned or disbanded 198 9 24 93 .— 324 Engineers, 38—Artillery feud Ordnance, '211—other Corps, 75—Total, 324. The editor of the N. V, “ Statesman,”- Itow at Washington, writes that Gen Jackson will beat Washington in a few weeks, and willsobn after take his depar ture for Mexico,” Com. P.rtfr’s FfnaHront got under weigh from its anchorage in Hampton Roads on the 14tli in-itint, and proceeded to seuj, Borne aCcbunts from ’ampeactiy, receiv ed at Ncw-Orleans, state that a civil war is raging in the province of Yucatan (Mexico) between the purtizans of Yturbide and the Republicans. The Delaware, at Newcastle, was -defer rtfic e on iho 15tk inat, ‘ « The K.iv' of England has granted a pen- linn of 501. per annum to Flora M icdonuld, the grand daughter oftbe illustrious Flora Macdonald, The Author of the Spy and the Pioneers tiaa nnnorlithed in preparation a new work i The Pilot—a tale of the Sea." to appear in March or April. ' “ Protection "—There is a cotton factory ■Jt F.ttl. burg, aptly called the F’ismr, the • idea of building which was not entertain" ed at lie commencement of the last year thruglt it now lid, sOOPpindlea and 8 power looms at work, and before Iltr close ofthc present year, a ill hate 1000 mare spindles- X-aat year, there were only two stcant boats ewned in'Pittsburg—there are now air of them for (he prompt transportation of per- eons and goods to any part of the “ vasty west,” watered by its mighty rivers. This is from Mr. Niles—and it should be recollected that Pittsburgh is one of our.msnufacturing cities—yet still the cry is “protection”—our ears are deafened with the claims, and our ey es ache with the colum, nf figures w inch this indefatigua. b!e class of the community are eternally bringing forward. Protection indeed \— what class of men are better protected than 'those wlut resi ze- profits of 15, 20, and 30 per cent, whilst file merchant anti agricul turist labor in their vocations night and da , and in the end, perhaps, lose as much by their speculating as these exclusive pa triots gain! " Protection to domestic in', duitry !'•—rather say to dumestic cupidity •^protection at the expense of the great m.juTity of the people, who are to be taxed in every article they wear, and no doubt ■non for every thing they eat and'dr.nk. for the protection of a few overgrown ca- pi .diets. We can uU'ol'U no such protec- .’IV", Vltojt Ot'lt cnUllKSI'ONDKNT, Office -J l/i0 MercnnUlt. nl .rtisrr'i A Vie Vnrk, Feb. 17. 3 From Currncoa. Uy Hie sclutr. Ta-mr capt, Drown, we have ('urn cua piipera ol ihe II111 and 18’lt tilt. The U.a, frigate Congress lift that place about the 12'h, alter recover™ Iter author anti cable. Accounts from Coro, to J.m. Sri, stated that tilli ial Intelligence h id reached that pi tee, that, Moiales ub tained a victory over the Colombiat generals Clemente, and Urdunetta, nil the 28 h of Dm. and made 9U0 pii- stinnrs. The Curacoa editor doubt- the truth of this report; the Spaoisli vessel, in the port, were, hmvei cinated with flags, and the Royalist Spaniards in the pi tee had great re joicings, The Ciiijtboa paper states as matter of'fact. that Morales arrived at Coro from Maracaibo on the. Hilt D-'c. and marchetl.on the 21st will 2000 men to attack Clemante and Ui ilanetta, who were; in. Truiijlo. A garrison uf 1000 men w,s h It *t Ms* raoaibo. Capt. Bmtvti informs us, that accounts hntl just been received at Curacoa previous to his departure, that Morales had been defeated till his march towards Valencia. The litsl afccounts from Can-arcus, were ulD.e 26. papers of Unit d te, state that Moriles took pns-esiiin nl Coro, on the 3d of Nov. Torfeils retired to the heights ul. San lain-, where, tin the 7th Morales attacked him, and an opalmitic 1 engigenfent en sued, which lasted till evening, when Torrells received itiforinntiui) that he .need not expect nny reinforcements front the cast, thought best to recruit', which lie accomplished without any dishonor to the Cnli.mbian arms. Previous advices from 'Margaretta, says that Bermudes had received or deis t'rcmi Gen. Bolivar, to take com mand of thetfor'ces in Caraccas, and 'list he was to depart from Cumona with ail his disposable troops. Gen. Bolivar has intimaleii"that he had. left Monpox, nod would descend the Magdalena with a la ge body of men. Nassau Feb, 8.—In the Assize Court at Jainuiua, the Trials of the Pirates takeh by the Tyne on the coast of Cuba.ahd carri'-tl from hence in that ship, commenced on the SOth uIt. when Juan Ginterez, FroncisiO de Soya's, im'8 puan He.rna'ntU'sVvere found Guilty ;—and tin the following day Iwo tubers, Francisco Miguel and Manuel -Vi doni. were also convicted of the stun - offence, the latter of whom waS rccmnmomlrtl to mercy on account of some alleviating cir cumstances, in Ids favor, which were detailed in fhe evidence. 'Iltesc five were part of the crew of the Pir.ite which captured and ill treated Lieut Jlubson in the sloop vVhim. Exchange.- We copy the following re marks upon this subject from a well-writ ten essay in the New-Ym-k Evening Post, add -eased to General'M'Clurc, chairman of the comrfiittce o’ manufactoi-ea in the New York legislature. It is strange that iliose who are so dis tres-cd at the excessive impoH ,lions oi ufff merchan's,should it thesatne time be distressed at the high rate of ex change; for it is a well known lac. that this high rate itf exchange has op erated essentially ift checking our Importations. But waiving this point, is the high rate til exchange on Great Britain to be ascribed to flit course ol our commerce atonef Bills oil England with us have been for some time past at a premium of fitim 10 to 12 per Centin the AVesl India is lands, even tit the British culu'nit s.this premium has been much higher—on the continent of Euiope;billson Eng land are generally from 5 in 7 pet ceofatlv-inc--. It is the ciixumslan- ces of Great Britain in respect to her relations with the rest of the whole wot Id, which causes the present high rate of exchange, What the pecu'li- arity of these circumstances may be, cannot so easily he puinted nut ; but one thing we know, which is that this premium, more or loss, is not so much gained by Great Britain, or so much lust by us ; insist ol the exchange sold in our market being for Ameri- can account, arid liie pr. mium on this exchange being lor American benefit, what the buyer loses the seller gains, and both are AmeiicHns. An A- tnerican merchant ships hts cot ton to Liverpool, and diaws for the proceeds at 12 per ct.. advance. 'Is this such a disastrous thing -for the cuunrry l What were exchange at par r Then (his tperchant could not give So much by one or two cents per pound for his cottons—another pur chases a cargo of bread sfufisanil pro visions—these he sends to the West Indies ; there he purchases a cargo ol sugar— tliis lie sends to some pari of (lie continent of Europe, and or ders the proceeds to be remilled to Loudon, from whence he dra*. his property home at 12 per ct. prem.— Is there any thing laoientable in all this? Suppose iliehe were nopretiii urn to be expected, then lie could no* alford to give so high » price for his bread slnlT.i or provisions. The Ame rican planter anil farmer therefore eiij ,y the hen fit of the high rate of exchange as much as any tine concern ed in the operation. The truth is, the rate nf exchange, while it remains without any material nlterstinn fu’t any length of time, is of much less importunre than we are apt to ima gine. The prices both nt Ittjme and abroad are regulated in pioportion to it, and the importers and exporters by taking the course of exchange into ralculation, makerthe-same profii whe ther it be high or low. It iB the va- filiation nf exchange only, which oc fusions the. loss or gain—a midden decline of the present rate of exchange on England would occasion more loss and distress to the country than any we - have suffered by its existing rate, li.ndifit were in the power .of govern ment to produce sucli a change, the exercise of such a power would be highly tube deprecated. Such a pow er however, never has been and ne ver can be possessed by any govern' merit. Il is’said that certain politi- -aOjpbcdmnnisi in Russia-, mice cu u- pbtined to the Ediperhr Paul, of the unfavourable state nf the Exchange with Ei-gland. He immediately ,is surd a decice that it shtruld hot ex ceeil a certain rate'’ The efi'-r.t was -uch as might have been expected. The emperor and his advisers wen- the subjects of ridicule, and the ex change took its ow'd course in spite nl •he Imperial.UkaBC. If, then, ttii, tlie'e ekist no ebcll degree of distress in our country as in call for the interposition ot the legislature ; if the course of our for eign tr:?de be not such as must impov- ettslt the nation by producing o b<l- rncc against us which drains the coun try uf hs specie, then, admitting that the p'nlicy of the federal government had been inure debited to the encour agement til foreign cmnnierco than it has bi-tn, there could be no cause of complaint. . But the federal govern ment cannot be charged with any uredilectiotf in favour of our foreign commerce—a vm v different policy has pervaded ita couucils—a valuable portion of this commerce lias already been sacMfir.ed to meet the views of visionary theorists—heavy imposts have already been laid upon nur im portations, not merely to raise a revenue but avowedly to favor the operations of a certain glass nf our manufacturing citizens, ami there is not a man, woman, or child in the country that !]«“!•; tin; j„ 9(mu . measure nay a heavy tax for the en- couragcmFiit of what is termed in cam phrase domestic industry. Will you be so ungrateful lor all these favors, as to deny that you have received them. Will you say to the federal government that you will thank them for nothing, that you will be contented with nothing, unless they grant you all you ask ? Sir, I trust for the honor of the committee, for the honor of the as seniblv, and for the honor of the state legislature, that this report with the re-olotions which accompany it will net be again permitted to see the lignt. Ch'arleston, Feb. 24.—Cotton S. 19 u25 ; Stained do 12 a 14 ; Santer, 18 a 20; Short Snijile, 9j t 12 ; Rice, Prime, g2j a 82 874 c s.; Inferior to good, 2 a 82);.,Flour, Philudel* phio, Baltimore, und Richmond, (su perfim-1 87J ; Corn, 70 a 75 ctsi REMARKS, . Cottons.—Sea Islands continue ves ry heavy,and sales quite limited- Sintr-ca have gone - IT more freely,in most instances at 18 cents ; but very fine will command 20. TK| stock of Uplands has increased very consi derably, the import nf the week be ing the largest of any tliis season; Sales are stcudv at our quotations, although they are some what circum scribed in their extent by the senrety or money, and the difficulty attending the negociatibn of exchange. A few fancy parcels have gone half,a.con above our highest quotations, aud in fetiur lots as low as 6} cents. Rice.— We continue our quota lions the same as last week. Vety prime only will command 83 87J cts ; inferior descriptions appear to bo a' the mercy of the purchaser Review of the Markets for ’.he pact Week, From the N V. Daily Jld vertiser.Feb.15. .» Cotton.—Toe import from the 7. It to the 14th February, inclusive, was 733 bales—viz: From North Caro ling, 108 ; South.Carolina 133 ; Gear- gi -,4pl; Louisiana, 41. Total, 733. There was throughout the tveek a steady demand, without any marked iinporoveinent. The sales amounted to about 300 bales of all descriptions. The principal transactions were in Georgia and South Carolina Uplands, at 11 a 11J cents lor exportation, and few parcels reached 12 cents. In North Citrulina the market ranged at 9 J all. cts. and a small parrel brought 13 fctd. Alab,i|t)ii new sold at 10$ a 1 lets, and old do, at Oja JLO cts. There were a. few suits vl new Lfluisuna, at I4J a 15 cpnts. to addition to the export demand, there wrreamall sales nfGemgia Uplands, at l3mtl I2j cents, for domrstir use. Rice.—Lomas slowly, and hut very little at market of good qualities, we consider the same as our last report. Rice, all qualities jn market, 82 37J a 3 25 Export, from the 1st Janua ry, 1823, to the 1st ot Fcbruuiy 720 tlcfCtla. EXPORTS From Charleston for the week ending Feb 22. li run co'iton . urea. Uplands, 8.Islands, hbls. bags Liverpool, 33.JO 1345 327 UO Antwerp, 325 Ot) 152 00 Havre, 988 78 2 00 Wcst-fmlies. 00 00 61!) 1)0 Total, -4- .. 4551 1413 982) 00 MARINE. POUT OF SJnfAMVJUL CLEANED. Tlr barque Lord Whitworth, Harvey, Liverpool, Win Gaston. Hi itf Sylvester ifefely, Robertaunj New- Orleans, S B I’arkmun. ARRIVED, Ship Henry, Salter, I’orismouth, N. II. Rritf leletfraph, Snell,, Nrw-Yoft. i0 days, with a full cargo to Hall & Hoyt, con- sttfiiees, A G Oemler, C Kelsey & eo J llratliy, llill& Tenney,,| Preston N Baker, Caiilcloii k'Lamar, O tuft, T Vchgrou, Baker & Mijnin, G tiordon, H c loring 1 Ptmr/.ffcr, Mr. Clorintf. Sclir Adoiuie, Israel Cape Hayden, It days, l.eft, brig Concurd ; Cozvnn, of and for Philadelphia, about Hth inst \ hritf Morris, Vipunte, of Ball, just arrived and discharging; brig Betsey, Vebster, &alem do ; Merrilnuck t'uek t, do line: sell Hun ter Glover, from Boston, line j sell *.nn, Beny, of Danvers, for M taiizus in a few dajfi; sclir Liberty, Powers of Boston, ftu* N • Orleans, same day 5 sclir Fawn, Johns, of Baltimore, just urr an 1 dis ; sclir Fame, St eking* of Boston, N Orleans unc ; sclir John, Brawn, of N wburyport, for Boston next day | ship Cyrus, Hoase, of Host m‘, Europe via Charleston, unc ; sclir Rehcu- ca, Sprout, ol Portland, just urr and dis ; siyop R-.jry, - - Of Providence K I, for Bay ofjlonduras, same day j sloop Alonzo, from Bermuda for sale (brig Pa rick Men* r*, Harrison, sailed for Mu anzus, 7 days before ; Br brig Caledonia, Mosely, froih London,dis; Br brig Griflip, Ansel# Gi- jjrultar and several names not recoiled ed. Bohr William Wicks, New Orleans, lu days, With sugar, to J Bolton Buhr Adveho, Gilmer, Clm- lesttni) t day, with oats to the m ster. Sclir Only Daughter, Snow, Charleston, with mackerel, to P Hill,. sclir William, AtibOits, Cliai-leaton, 2 days, in ballast, to the m '»ter.. Pimengert, DrUanni. g, and Mr. Huttieu. Pchr Ohio, Beers Charleston, 1 day, with sundries to sundry peasons. Sloop William, itead, Charleston, 2 days, with coffee,gin, iron, salt und dry foods, fc-J II Herbert & co. Matirel 8c Latheb u- dlere, and H itler & Scram n, and Mr <ylark of Atfgu8ta; ^ J 1 anseiigevi, Mr t M*A * pin and family; Meosrs Clark, Read, Pine,' Parker, Jenckes and t'eyniour* * ui—i—imm AUGUST G. OEMLER, AT HIS * Med ec in is, DRUG, AND SEED STORE, ' Corntv <if Jejfci son and tit, Julian Streets,, IVvtiufthe Market OFFERS FOR SALE, JS\ GOMPVETE ussoi '.lent of nu>jd fr.-sl* Medecines und Drugs Put • t Prepai alums, Surgical Instruments, t* such ar/icles us fere usually in the long lists of Apothecary's advertisements, to which tie refers—not wishing' to cause nausea to his readers by repeating them here. • ■ In his Seed Establishment, Besidrs a g. neral-.v.ssuAtmeiit oiwummted Garden tietdt* Uortieuhurul or Gurdfii Tools and Plowi-r Pots, ulso the Routs and Bulbs of'the In.lowing Jfeuuhful Flowers; Anetnona; nanUMtUiusj Bizarre arid Dou ble Tunp; Crocus, various sorts: Tube rose 1 Amaryllis Foiinacissimu and Regime; Double Jonqmils j i rumpa Major Narcis sus t dmibiu Win c do.; Incomparable do,; Vun 56.011 do. j Liiium Candiduin ; Bpamsh and English iris | Pohauthus Narciasds and UyacinUis* jUn 24 f 50 CtRGUlAR. SupeiftiUs Flour. BARUELS Superfine Flour. Just received and for sale by BAKER 8c MINTON, jaii 15 4 2 . J. R. Herbert arul Co. a lluvcjutt Received and njfer'for Sale, CASE FUNiituh* DimiUes 1 trunk CJott .n Hosiery 1 bale .CtieckB jap 131' the night of the 20th inst. a fire on* vt/ ginating in a neiglilmtiring building, consumed be house and store occupied by Hessrs S. Potter ii Co. and a considera ble part of their stock. These gentlemen have been very useful In circulating wot Us of a religious character % Independent, therefore, of a desire to aid mi fellow be- ingR in distress, woHe'd ita duty Wc owr the cause 'of Christ to nron .otc tli^ accom panying plan of r religious news; aper, WILLIAM Wiini Bishop of the-Protestant Episcopal Chbrch for the Commonwealth of PennnvIvnniN. n JAMKS AlitaRCnOMBfT*, Senior assistant Minister Of Christ Church, St. Peter's, and St Jugies*/;Plnladk| phia. JACKSON KEMPER, Assistant Minister of. Christ Clin ch, -8t Peter’s, and St. J .mesVvFhl&lefrhtfV JAMES MO.VTLOMliltY, Hootor of 8t. Slu|;l,en’s (Jlitit-ch, t’inla.U-l phia. GEOItGE BOYD. Hecfot- ofSt. Jolin’s Gluti-rh, t'O-i-a-’clphia. BENJAYtJ '.l.l.F.N, Hector of3t. Puiti’a Cliur-h, B'-iiiulcIplila (!. T. HHDEI.L, Hector of St. Aiifli-cw’s Clmi-cli, Fliiladel- pltia. -• WM II. dei.ancky, Assistant Minister of Cloi'i Glmi-dt. St. l'etci’s, iuul Si, Jsm-'-V, |>l -hiU-lphol, Philadelphia Recorders -WWW — 8. POTTER & CO. PRdPOSE io publish a weekly he tvs paper, 'o be entitled the “ PhihuUsl; hia liecmlSrP The objr ct'of this paper sl.ul be the dilluaion of religious intelligence It will give a view of what is doing thiougli out the word, for the spreatl of the Gus pel. 'The most interesting literaiy infor mation will he given j together with occa sion'll reviews, und a short sketih olToreign and domeniio pol ticul intelligence, so Unit it will form u complete family paper The ourlicat information will be procured from Europe and all purto of our own country, mul every p ana taken to make the Ur.couu- ih un active herald ofthc cautie ofChiift. Severul clergymen ^jave been engaged to act as Editois, and nothing will appear without tlair approbation. Not mAre than one page will b* at uny tllne devoted to advertisements. T E tt'ni s' ; The shall he imblished every Saturday morning, on .good paner, with good type; every number to be of the nze of an ordinay newspaper. ■* Price three dollars per annum, payable in advance.' . The first nutnher will be issu d the first, /Saturday iri April. • Pc: sons procuring Subscribers, are te- (juested to velum a list of them b^the first of March. . * Philadelphia, JatiUnry -l, 1823, R. Potter ^ Co have resumed the Bvok and Stationary business at No. 85. Cheamit- feet, next door to their old stand, wherv the smallest favour will be thankfully re- ouived, and promptly attended to. fob’20 73- ' City Tax ReturhS. [ N conformity tVitluHe nrovisions' of,an Ordinailce', passed the 301 It ult. the sub- icriber is now prepared to receive the re- •irns of all,, persons subject to'CityTax; the saines to he made on or before the 1st of March next. JOHN I. ROBERT8, City Treasurer. Treasurer’s Office. Savunnuh, 6tli Ian. 182 jan 7 35 ‘ For Sale, 4 LL tbfet bit known by the letter V; 3t. Gull, Oglethorpe ward, in fee'simple; together wiil.i the iihprovements thereon, consisting of.a new ieriement building of six domfortable dwejl tigs, pdVs a large in- ter.’ct in rent, and will be sold low for un doubted paper at 90 days credit. Apply to , J. B. HERBERT 6c CO. Teh 4 59 SAVANffAH Poor House and Hospital. 47[ -it r IMj Cumouttee fm- January and I Fcbnmry, JOSEPH GUMMING aud GEOUtiE SCHLEY. Attend.Plitsi- ciun, Dr. JOSEPH C. IIABEU9HAM. Uy order of the Uuur,l. Tlibs, rOLHILX, Scc’ry, if at Fresh Teas, China and Troy Candles. W TEN catty boxes Hyson Tea 3S 50 do olo do GunpOwde^ 50 do do do Imperial 50 five cfetty boxes Imperial 30 natty cunnioters of Imperial & Gunpowder T<?o,. . _ Fresh imported 50 boxes China >Vare, containing Breakfast, 1)ihner Tea sets 900 boxes Troy Candles. Landing from ship Garonne, and for sale by J. fc.HERBfcUT &‘CQ. Southern Pacificator, T HE Editor respectfully inf rms his Pa trons, that he has been the. shipment of his printing materials. He, therefore* fondly,hopbs that the fttet/ied- tor will very shortly make its ddmt before ir public that has honored, its I'rospdctus with a reception at once liberal and ani mated. ‘ ", . Gentlemen, into whose hands, fiub'serip' t ion papers have been placed, are request* cd to make returns as soon os possible, jan 24 50 ' insurance against Fire. tijTDIE ./Etna Insurance Company, Hart ford; continue to. insure Houses sod Buildings, Merchandize, F.urniture, and o- her property,including.Vessels In port, their Cargoes^ &c. against loss or dr mage by Fire, for any term from one inuiith to one or more years. v ' Tjte conditions which are moderate, may be known on cpplication to the.subscribe-, who is authorized ‘agent, and is empowered to issue policies without the deby incident to other agencies of this nature. The company undertake in., all cases to pay the full arnnimt, of the actual loss; pro vided it dofes not exceed the amount i:< Mired. The premiums are reasonable, an- should offer a strong inducement to any person having property at hakfird to piaci. it in security, oct 31 88 S. MANTON. Landing, From brtg- levant, from A'cto-York-, A F»/S\ BOXES Moscotel ltui.tlM 4 pipe, cognac Brandy 15 firkins trcili Butter , 3 punchcoua Jamaica Rum For sSle ty*k . . .. . . J. B, UEF:* Cbi ^ dfli 38 * Ut lAevy p.fcBcvi^ion, i. »oxb at The GKORCIAN Jon OFFICE, in Tiib tikst stVlR) On New hud Conspicuous Type, A NO (l.N MODERATE TF.RM.V In additiun to Law, Notariul, and othri* Hhmk’i, which arc fiirnishcd r» ady prii.’eth or executed. at the shortest i.i»ucc, ard the lollowing Commercial Blanks Shipptng Articles '•omtnon and Lettet-ahe’et Rlll^of I.adinjSr Foreign and Di.m.fetic Bills ofExchupgu Entries of MetcliuKdisc Foreign oUUvaid, F< reign inWard, and Coasting ManiteMS v Chatter Parties of Affreightment Unled Tables ot Exports pf Rice, Cotton, ^c, Euhels for Coun'ing Rooms Steaiu Bnat Yard Receipt^ Merchant’s Luheb, for marking tlie dif« feretd depmltnehts of l^tsirVss Cherkii op the. tl'flViei t Unt ies Hi this city Pufrnon Rfct p s Steum-lloM Wi-eeipts 'hip Rorvvyov's <h.r denies, fJtutcmcnts’ol l)rtmHj;»»i, for tl't Recover^ ofliisurance. Muster Roll and Articles for Vessels Soumen’s U'arrsntu und Protections (hutorn-Hnuse Bonds. Counting House Almanackfi Stuterhcms of Exports Foreign Export Entrlofe I’ussengcrh’ Entries - l)ray B lls “ (CTApply at the job Office, the flame rc/» centlyoccupied by H. P. Russell, 01 at tlu* office of the GKonaux. / 2' .' I'or hiilc, X\ PRIME Nt-griiFefflv, n good Gar* "fckwA penter, J. H. HERBERT & CO. jnti.7' 35 . L. I*, icnul'itle Wine ift ftlt. ciit|t» II. P. Ttm-ill'r YYine Juat re’ccne l. F- r «ule b\ J. B. IlEitBEB t A GO. I't-li 10 fi4 BACON. . EPS. Bacon of excellent qua* lily—for side hy HAI L, HOYT II CO. i*’t 23 49 . Rlue Bandana Hdkfs. ond Bleached Russia Sheeting, L ANDING front schr Ksw cr, and foU sale by * ■ . , ’ f . IIANIEL CARNEY, Jr. ii * *ihat,in AWv» -100 bbto Superfine Flout 20 do .prime .Poi'k 30 do Mess Beef 50 casks Otit JNTails AVciiorsnsso led sizes, Figs, Raisins Muscovado-Sugnr in ltluls v, Apple Brandy. N E Ruin, flagging Northern .Candles Ryde*o Yellow,.Fancy and Cas*ile Soajf and Candles, Si aniAh Chocolate A small invoice Northern Shoes Faxon*t Axes, pLittatidh Hoes, Hatah- ets/ Ac.. feb 16 u 71 * Dr. John B. Bertiiclot, i FTKR searching for marty, meuns to “t. change the color of Hair to abrt*iitiful : Jet Black, has at length mnde the discove ry und ofTers for Sale a Pomuium, which is wnr»-anted, If the directions for its une iii regularly pursued, to change any color of flair, to a beautiful Jet Bl»ck ; which Po matum is offered for sale, at the price of 2 and 4 dollnra pfcr Jar, at hifl Drug Store on the Ray, feb 4 59 . • Apple Brandy. BARRELS Apple Brandy Just received, and for sale by BAKER *J MINTON. 5 .,eA\ ... . ... .. Axe Bar Iron. TONS 84>etic5 A>:t- b.r Iron. 'Fo tale by ‘ , . . HAI L, HOYl' £f GO. i".-?9. .53.. . .. ..... (0“ Tlie PUt)lic are- in- formed, that tlie Girls qf flie Savannah Fre School execute all orders for plain sewing —anff the Direc|reB8es of the Inatltuticd olicit the patronage of the public, ' ’ - ? jan 2o p .' . . ^ rice. . Landing ‘from shop Mary, . ft fit TIF.ROBf pfime. Rice, which ; will iA<J be cold low Iftakfch from the wliarL Apply ta : (' - . . M. I. MOSfjBi 'r - B-b 21 r,74; . lExclunge wliarfV- f• . Cdttoti Bjtggih^. PIECES ‘ijS inch’ Inverness 6ottod ■* nSWBaggibi 1 . Fbr.'poif by . BAKER & MINTON, jan 3 - v r. 32, WILLIAMS’ & CoYnmefcAat reading ROOM. R ECEIVED from. London via Liver# j?ool. Magazines for December: New Monthly Magazine and Literacy Journal -,-i . »■ ’ Thompson^ Annals of Phi!o«pphy .Ttllocn’a Philos .phical Magaiine Repertory cf Arts, Manufactures, ani Agriculture Lcpdon Magazine . ■. ** Spiting Magazine^. . ... Evangelical Magazine and Missionary Chronicle . . , • ;* .British Review and London Critical Journal t Eckotic Rqytew Ackerman’s RepnflUory,. ijBdl’ACoitrl. and FnaldonahV Magaa’.no NEWSPAPERS From (/union util Liverpool, to Deo. Oils . tri/ia 99