Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, March 04, 1823, Image 1

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SAVANNAH 7/* a // GEORGIAN NBA .'LtvW.— SJ rMMUU, l VEHUA1' .UOR.VLVG, MUCH A, 1803. Mi- ti SAVANNAH MO|»N»Vf,, M\ . Ho, 1823. L.imi J' t it op-: C*j^» Findlay of (tie st,ip Ilos-on, , ho left Gihrahar earl* t t 1 ®" of ,he c,,s,om5 * l ‘’» r * * nl * # , ' »»4 In iIim ll.Molinn tioen tt'Kirll ur in Janujry, inform* us that at the time of bis- departure, war was expected imme diately to tak place between Spain and Great Britain, and that every mail was ex pected to bring the declaration* Arletter from Mr. Sprague, at Cadiz, stated, that in consequence of this anticipation every kind of bysiness was at a stand there. Capt. F. aids further, that tu o or three British ves sels had been captured in the Mediterra nean, on the coast of Africa. Fr<e Fart.— A letter received at Boston from Messrs ft .dge be. Oxnard, dated Viare s l ies, Nor.", 18 2, says—* 4 V.e lose no ’time in acquainting you, for the informa tion of our friends, hat the General Direc- or- tiers to the Direction here, which were received yesterday, not tr. levy the ton- •age duty of of. per ton established by the list treaty, on Ameryan vessels, in conse quence of this being a free port. \\ e have further to add, that American vessels will only pay in future the same pilotage as .French vessels, viz, 15 centimes per ton, instead f 25 centimes, which they pai'4 prior ip the last treaty.** Congrets —In Senate, on the 20th rih. the bill for settling the accounts of the Vice President was read a second and third time, passed, and returned tc the House ot Representatives. In the House ofRepresentatives,on the 2lst ult. the bill to appropriate 25,000 dol lar* for the repair of the Cumberland Road, was ordered to a third resiling. The bill making , appropriations for the support of the military establishments, for the year 1823, was under discussion When Mr. Tattnall moved the following amendment: «• For the extinction of the Indian tide to certain reservations offend within the limits of the statfc of Georgia, made under the treaties of‘817, 1819-and 182A fifty thousand dollars ;’* which was agreed to, Cu5a,—At last we have something which we presume is authentic, upon the important subject of the views entertain * ed by the government of Great Britain as to this island. The correspondent of the Richmond Enquirer at Washington'in » Utter of the 19 h ult. authorizes the edt. tors to say that the rumor of FngLnd be ing about to take possession of f uba is ' entirely groundless; and that so far from it, Mr Canning, it is said, has made an of- j&Cial communication to the government ot'the U. S, that 'he British g vernment xould consider iutdf disgraced w rc it to axtii’itttf of the present xsndid.-n of Sp-.ii to aggratid£x- herself by the tuvrembermeiu of trod Spanish territories Another Utter ■ay*— The British minister here (At r. Canning,) waited some time ago upo: Air Adams, S^rretar; ol State, .i d read to him a letter Irum hi, enusiu. Geo. Canning, in which he speaks u. the to Cuh•; denies in the Jnost positive manner any tti h ot jtitention or the part of the Biiiisb government to obtain it, and • t.. r..p, s< opinion that ii would be dishonor able in them to avail themselves ■ I ti e iceeknea of Spain lor any«u'- ' purpna-. It seems too, that the Min ister here was directed by his gov ernment tu read this letter to th Secretary ol Slate- No copy furnished, and Mr Monroe directed Mr. Adam, to apply and km v whethei one wou'dbe furnished. It i? Said, he has pot had an apnver, bu that it tr ill not. This is all the in formation our government haa on tin _^ubject. — The letter, from which the above is an extract, remarks, relative to the progress of he committee on the suppressed docu ments, that “weak invention of the enemy,, which was intended to destroy the most prominent candidate for the presidency, nut which can only recoil upon the heads .fits impotent movers as f lows : »The srcnr.d committee on the ^oppressed Doiunient has notrepun- td ; they will, however, in the course of the week. It will be favorable iu Jlr. Crawfuid ; but not aatisf etory as tott'e suppression of the document. It has been proved, i believe,that Go vernor Bdivards had the documents in his possession, during a part of the three or lour days the; were out ol l^o Clerk’s office—and Mr. Burch f.-.e Deputy Cleik.swears that the un derscoring uf the words, be believe, was made with the ink furnished last year to the members ol Congress. It The Ketr-Baven Herald trill hereafter be edited by !):• Percival, whose w ritings have established his name as first among the poets of the United States. The surveyors appointed to commence the New York Exchange, pr pose to take several lots on ttah.s'reet, and back to Pine and dedar.«ree'.s, ilie c st of which alone would be a million of dollars. From Lisbon — Cap! Rider, of the chr Industry, .' Washington, N. C. left Lisbon Dec. I* It, He confirm the accounts by way ol London, ot therelusal of the Qu en of Pnnuga to sign the new c>|iutiim ( and of her being utdeird 10 bmishment. On the representation of a jury ot ten Physicians, that her health was 'on d dicate to encounter a sea voyag sue wa« then oideredto cuiifiuemeti' under guard in a small village ne;r Lisbon, and the gentlemen of the faculty to be confined with htr Ma jesty until they should determine that her health was 'efficiently restored to enable her to undertake a voyage oy sea, when her Majesty was to be trsfis orted and tbeunforlouatephy. sic.tns wi'h her. M Tod "f Pennsylvania, of ih House of I^apresentstivos at Wafh- iogtvn, was very droll in the hie debate on the fat;CV. to judge Tom the repmts of his speeches, pablishtd in one of the Washington papers O i the llth inst. Mr. Wright of of Maryland, »»id in d.batr—"The comic manner of that gentleman, h- liad never seen rquallcil by any thing off the stage, but lie wss noi convinced tivnim.” Amort- the phrs- •es a-cnb d to Mr. Tuti ( are the follnwiiig. * “The distress of the sgriculhuritrt part of England hatl been relied no. But if that distress existed, at all irh he doubted, he bis sure, and could prove that it was not one hun dredth part or what it hatl been re presented to be Gentlemen relied "it writer,, who could sit ilnun in their garret-, where there was no one t" contradict them, and-d'aw all their conclusions front their own wise dlltS.” All this, we presume, wss inten ded to be comii. If the British P. r- iiament were informed that a chilli - man of an impiotvnt committee ot mr Cotigress, serious's professed to be able to prove that there was little or no agricultural distress in , their country, what would they think of he s'ate of hi- noddle ? Mr. W right's nnipliment ot Mr. Tod must c-iuse Air. Matthews to regret that he wa- ot present at the humorous exhibi- no 1. «Vnf Gaz... For Sale, / J\ PRIME Negro Ftllow, a good Car* waui penter. j»n 7 J B. HERBERT !t 00. 35 L. P. ieuerifVe Wine. QH. cas^s I- F. Tene'iffe Wine Just rtce'ved. FW *:ile hv J. U. HE.iBERTfc CO. feb 10 At BACON. EPS- B*con of excellent qua* ‘©©VW'S# Wy-fi.r safety ItA! l„ HOYT £f CO. i" S 49 THE PAM'HJTAs of u fetter *r,o» St. Thomas, da- ted January II. The Spauisi prjriteer Panchita, arrived at St., Jail s. Porto Rtco, o few days eioce I mm Charleston,' w as greeted nith the acclamations ol 'houssi.d-y the officers and ciew on landing, swere vengeance against our c un-.ry there for the detention they suffered in America, but bo isied tii.t the Cnited States hatl gitet . cm‘Such a complete repair, as would enable them inunedi tely to set ou •■n a ciuiie for American vessel bound to the .Main.” The lenity ol our goternmeivt to this Instance is a matter of astonishment to foreigners in this place, and it has become question—Do they acknowledge the piper bbekade which has been de clared without power to enforce it md are the numerous captures of A- inerican vessels by these privateer' ut of Port. Rico sanctioned by ou government f The Piiichila had cap'cred and plundered American vesssels anil e'ed the Pit ate in robbing other hound to neuiral Islands., \V« b such forbearance on Ihe pari of the U •■hates, what protection is thi Amrri can Fla- to receive in those seas ? — Fur vessels bound to Carracas, Si. Domingo, tSj'c. are alike their prey, and when sent into P'rto Rico n< matter under what plea, are at oner co -demned. Since intelligence has reached St Johns of the restoration of the Par. chita, several additional pri vateers have been purchasedj and a' this moment no less than eight them are prepared for a cruise. I- not this .a gloomy prospect for u »ha trade in those seas? The Am* 'icaobrig K vex, which sailed from this place a lew days since with coffer, dfc. bound to New Orleans, has been ciptbred by a Spani-h privateer, cur ried into Ponce, (P R.) and condemn ed! is obvious that it was not done by the writer of the letter, -or in the Trea sury Department. Who did it i do pot «&y. . “Mr-Crawford is very strong. New York is dccidtdly fore him—and 1 MARINE. PORT OF SAV.LV.YdU. CLEARED. Ship Savannah, White, N.Vw-York, Hall & Hoyt. 5hip Corsair, Porter, Ne\» -York, C C Griswold. Bng Elizabeth, Bangs, Amsterdam, E Williams ARRIVED. Ship Boston,Tmdlay, Gibraltar, !9 class, with salt, wine, sweet oil and paper, to b Wright, -hip Shamrock, B »yd, Liverpool, 7 days, to Wm Gaston. Ship Cotton Plant, Fash, New-Yorlr, 5 days, to G Gordo* f owner, with a full cargo,'to G Gordbn, - C S*chei:k,T Brad ley .St co. Claghoro h Basscti, and J W Long - and bb's prime p^k, half hbls mess bcefi hams and bacon to the mas er. Pauergrr % Mrs Kempton. . Passed ofi -andy Hook,’ ship Empress, from Charles ton, and several other vessels bound in. Br brig Ma d of the ilttl, Fitbiadv, Greenock, 82* d iys, wiH» coal and potaloc's, to *'onc. % & \|*Kenzie. Brig United tstes, Htpkins. N Orleans, todays, flartr and corn to order. Paticu- ?ert\ *\'m Moffet, esq Spoke off Carys- t'ortl reef.schr Columbus, If os-, from Ver Cruz bound to jam.ica, ;chr Florida, Do .glass. Providence, 9 days, with merchandize tc U Waterman & txj. and others. Schr Cf.rtlelia, Co.k, ^icracock, 5 days, wi’h corn to Vail 8t Meigs, the a-hr Eliaa-Ann, Phinney, for Charleston—capt i* si k at Ocracock. Sloop Express, Hammett, Charleston, 11 hours, t»> l Cohen. Paiteugert, Mr Wc!s* by !c others, - loop llegtilator, Snow Rlceboro, ? day*, with cotton to J A Maxwell, and Bulloch & Dunwoody. tzjxnrv r<:n xCis vt»ut. •At Chxtisxqp, 28th ult. schr flulloden, Johns M Barbadoes* 2lst Jan. brig Leopard, Crothers. 4 At Nevv-York,22d ult brig Native, Cole. AHI’IVAI.S PRt'M THIS -‘O lT Ship Willliam, Noyes, at N York, 22d nit Brig Pan'hea, Bradley, do 6 days. Bng Alrain, Atwood, do 1; clays schr Ann, Webb, Providence, 19th ult. r chr H'lmbird. Collinl, Boston 19 days Sloop .Tally, Perry, at ubarleston, l day an 15 Apple Brandy. BaUKMoS Apple Brandy Just recen.-t*,and for Sale by BAKER* MINTON, * 49 Axe Bar Iron. ^0 TONS Sweues Axe bar Iron, Fo HALL, HOYT if CO. sale by j »s 29 53 Soutliern I’acilicator, ^l^HE Editor respectfully inf« rtn* hi* Pa CIRCPIAH. E.lttorr<.p«tlol 1 y i .^ rtis lux» ,«VNlheni K htofthe aOtl. mst. ,f *• ,r f* ' h * ,he if Ip | VW K i„atm,{ i„ , ^(thbooriog In fire orD shlpnent of h.s printing matvru's. »le w therefore, fondly hop«a inst th* Jv-ft/ra- lor will 'txy shortly msketlt »L4wi bct*ve s ptdd:c that h*i honored h* Prospectus urith a reception at once HbenJ amT ani mated. Gentlemen, into whose hands, kuhscrip* lion pipers have been placed, are] rt-queil* ed to make returns as soon|ft|H>*3klle. >»t 30 -f-y Landing, 1 Fnm brig /snxiHto/rtm &‘ri*T*Tbi n:>XE> siatcjtel ti uha > * ripe* cognac Hrinriy 15 fnk ns fresh Bi»*ter 5 ptinchlrons Jamaica Rum. For sic by J. B. HERBERT U CO. tT Tlic I'ublic are in- formed, that the Girls of the Savannah Fre School execute all order* for plain sewing -and the Directresses of the Institution olicstihe pattonageofthe public, janjVii p 45 Siiperftiie Flour. A UARHELS Superfine Flour Just received aj»d for **»le by ja .15 42 BAKER & MINTON. J. B. Herbert-and Co. a ' Ihvcjvtt Rictivfd and offer for Sale, CASE Furniture Di.mties l t'nink Cott n Hosiery 1 oale Checks janl 31 For Sale, A LT.thxt lot known b» the letter V, St. “s. GjII, Oglethorpe ward, in fee simple; Mgethei Witli the improvements thereon, consisting of * new tenement building ot six comfortable dwell nga, pays alirge in teres: in rent, afid well be sold low for un- Joubted piper at 9u days credit. Apply t J. B. HERBERT ts CO. fi-S 4 59 SAVANNAH I’oor House auil HospitaL TING C'u.m.ttca: for J41.wi.-j February t JOSEPH CUM MING and GROUSE SCHLEY Atten* »ng Pin si- cum. IK JOSEPH C’. H ABERSHAM. *B ^•rder of the Boarel. TR03. POLHIf F, SecV. jar. 15 4- AUGUja t' G. OEA1LKK, AT HI* M E D E C I N E, DRUG, AND SKKD S I ORR, Ccr.irr l/ J'Fa tut and Si. Ju./izn-Streelt, ll'ett of tht Market offehS Fur sale, COMPLETE usivortineut of genuine kSXa fr-’?h Medecine* and Drugs Patent Preps a:io!i«. Surgical rriitruments, k such article* at are usually enumerstetl in *he long lists of Apothec»r>'*s advertisements, to which he refers—not wishing to "cause r.auseatc his readers by repeating jheiii here. 7n hi$ Seed Establishment, Rrfi-lt s a general assorimenl toarranleti GarJei SteJi, Horticultural or Garden Toots ar.d Flower Pots, afto the Roots and Uuibi cf he r * losing Beautiful Flowers: Anemnna; ta.-.uoculut; Bizarre and Dou ble T.tiip . Croces, various sorts:Tube rose ; Amaryllis Formacissima and Kegmje; Double JunquilUj l>umpet Major Narcis sus 1 doubt.* Whbe do.; I»c mparable do.'; Vim Zion do.; Liliutn CruulidmTi; Spanish nd E'./Uth las ; Pulianthus Narcissus and y«an tbs / 4 4 V ■ . Blue Bandana Iklkfi. and Bleached Russia Sheeting, L ANDING from schr EiUter, ami tor sale by DANIEL CARNEY, Jr, HV10 Act in Store t IOO bbls Superhue Ftoiir ‘JO do Prime Pork 30 do Mess Beef 50 calks Cut Nads A) ctiorsassotedjMtes. Figs, Raisiss Muicoiado Sugar in hhtU Apple Brundy, N* K Rum, Bagging Northern Candles Ihjde't Yellow, Funcy and Castile Soap and Caudles, S, antsh Chocolate A small invoice Northern Shoes FaxonV Axes, plantation Hoes, Hstth- ets, &c. j?b 16 u n Dr. John B. Berthelot, A FI Ell searching for many uicana to \ change the color ot Ifair to a beautiful Jet Black, has at length made the discore n, and offers for sale s Pomatum, which :* warranted, if the directions for its use •» regularly pursued, to dnarge any col ir ot lair, to a beautiful Jet Black ; which Po matum is offered tor sale, at the pride of i snd 4 dolltrs per jar* at hift Drug Sforc on the Bay. *Vb 4 59 e’phtV . Aiidrew*g Chuicb, Pft.'ladcL WILLIAMS’ Lttexavs & LoAnmexaVaV HEADING ROOM. R ECEIVED from Loudon vis Liver- pool. Magazines for December: Itew Mouthly Kagmaioo Snd lilercrt J'Urnsl Thompson's Annals of Philosophy Tiljuch** Pbitos phtcal Magazine; Repertory of At*% Manufacitaxt, and Atricuitore . Ijondon Mfigaiinfe Sporting Magas ne • Evangelical. Magazine ana llisiibn&r) Chronicle B ithh .Review and Londoo Critical Journal Ecteclfi: Review Ackerman** Repositoty Bell’s Court and 'Fashionable Magazine NEWSPAPERS From Lon Ion and Laverpool, to Dec. 9.1, frb!5 £9 .. - illuing', C' luun-a-J rhr, house end ili.rc icr-j; iedb/ Wvsar, s. !“ottet t> Co. ttKi i cons. :-a* tiK |.«rt of their stuck. These -egttrinen 'have heoiTvoly useful in circuktatl; uurk* of » fheeau eln-racter Independent, therefore, of a desire to aid out fellow bc- -nps tn dist.css, we ftelilsdu-y we owe the. Cause ofchnst tn pro© ol. the sec 'Hr* han)ing plan ot.‘tvlicinusnews aper. wiluah vuiirf, Bi-ietp ofthe Kpucojrfl Church * forthcCuo.miieWealUj TPcmisvri.. n. J\U) S ABEllCROHBtri, Seliior assistant KioH'o'ifftCbri-' f ;-n:ctt, "t. Peter*., hod St Jimes’, P. 'ljdtl- phia. • JACKSON KEMPER. \sstJtant Miniuei of Lhriv C u ch, St. Pitney and St. J r.f,\ PinIj.'.i t , JAMES ItONT.GiiMKKY. Rector cfsuBteii.erS , . .iiadel. phu. DEOWite not D, Rector cf St. J’ la.** Cl'.tirch, Pfa-adoinhitt. IIKNJtMLs M.tKN, Rector of St. Psa,’. Chur. h. P : \ O. T. BEI.RIA, Hector of St. Audi phie. \ WM H. DELANCtY, Assistant Minister rf Cl,i,.| Chute',. St, Pctcry and V J i:i *, P lulcu a. Philadelphia Recorder» —\v* S. POTTER & CO. PROPOSE to puhns'i a ueetl>, new, paper, io be entitled the * T/aladef !di Recorder." The obj ct of tills |a::cr ■: at he the diflusion ot relig'cus ipteOigeixe It will give a.vieer of whet is d'ingthiowgh out the word, far the spread of the G..s. pel. The most intervstiig liter, y in,or* mation will be given ; together 1 with occa. .ion*!reviews, and asbon sh. tcltolIV. v'.;n and domestic pnl tical ihtel'.ig-nce, sothsli it wall term a cotnplele fair.I* ; -.per Trie rsriicst ii.tormatiun wiil he pfoc'Kcil fo OS Europe and all parta of ot-r own eremi r, and ever) p una taken to make the Use. no* tn an ncrive herald of the emlse'of Clirm, Several clergymen hit*- bet n t ngt gc-l to act aa Edito-a, and tiotbing will appear without their approbation. Not more 1 ban .use page will be it any time devoted td advertisements. TER M 8 . The Bneonnan shsli be published every Saturday morning, un good paper, vith good type, every nttmhrr to be of tho jbeofeupnlituy uewsp.per. ; . r*ee three dollars per annum, ptvahle tn advance. . The first numbe? will be issu. d the Slit Saturday ih April; Pe: sons pi nearing Subscribers, sre te. ptrsted lo return n list of them by the first of Much. J'fotadetpma, January 91 1813. S. Potter « Co. here roumrd the B at and Stationary business at No. 85 Chmnut- street, itex^door to tbeir oid staml, where ’be smallest favour will be thankfully re- owed, anff promptly attended to /•h.a» TS It I C E. Landing from sloop Max <1 St TlaRCES prime Rt:e, whioh -til il £) dc sold low if taken from the wLrf f* M. I. VOSEF, feb 21 r 7A Exchange whart. Mobile, F.b. 11—Cottnn P>imr 10 ; tair, 8J to 91 ; inferior, r in S, acinal sales.—Late advices from Eu rope, assisted by the scarcity of money, have lend tl considerably lu depress the Couon Market, purticu- think Maryland and New Jersey. He '«>? »' Exchange on las some strong Inends from 'Tin- ‘ W * , «“»«» P«« »» Des*ee and perhaps, il Maine. South Ca o'ina Calhoun is out ut the question—Georgia, North Carolin , the. If the conlest be between Messrs. Adams and Crawford, Mr. Clay wjli be for C. and most of the West wt’.n hint. If the conie-t be between C, a: d C. the North wiil be for Craw- fiirtl, as is believed. There will pro- b. tiiy tie a caucus next winter, and d nirer h-s s nir.jurity of republican 4/otes, uijl, in all probability, be sup- pot ltd. 'There is, liuv.aver, much specuialiou i o th’. subject,a ditersity .-I ..pinion, and r.n: lime finrssir.g. »• The land' bid is ripusinf on the I.b!r ; pnssi i y it i» given up fur Ibis ! *.-.e r.rxl, the aCiessra n the n anufvC'uring inletest may, I j^ar, liiauic is* pass-jje.” sales—North, 60 days, 2 to 2} per cent.—Nejv-Oolesns, 60 davs, par to I per cent. prem.—Freights, Liver pool, Id—North, I cent. Port-au-Prince, Jan. 34.—Our markets remain extremely dull there are no purchasers for any thing— American produce plenty ; the only article* in demand are rice and Dour and of those SQO tierces of the for mer 'and 1000 bbls- of the latter, wculd overstock the mirket. TJ.eatre —Those who prixe good acting ahcuM attend the Theatre this evening— ■ taptain Bertram and Jack Booline—HU MS and Spiiler—will be highly gratifying. i-i U’ Ot Lyeyj DescEvpiitm, Li DONE AT THE GEOBGUN JOB OFFICE, IX THE BEST STYLE. On JS'ew and Conspicuous "Type, asd aij MODERATE TERMS. In addition o U»%otarial, And othe» ■Ranks, which areffitnished ready nrinted, >r executed at the shortest ratice> sr*. the followingGonimercild Blanks:— Shtpping Ariichjs Common sfid Letter-sheet Bills of Lading Foreign Sctd Domestic Bills of Exchange Entries uf Merchandise Fo-cigm outward. Foreign inward, Sad Coasting Manifests Charter Parties of Affreightment Ruled Tables of Exports cf Rice* Cotton, lie. Labels for Counting Rooms Steam-Boat Yard Receipts- Merchant's L .heU, fo- marking the dif ferent departments of Business Check* on the different Batiks in this city Patroon Receip's Steam-Boat Receipts 3f»ip Surveyor’s Certificates, Statements of Damages, for the Recc\c» of Insurance Muster Lull and Articles For Vessel* Seameo’s Warrants and Protections Custom-H'*use Bonds Counting House Almanacks Statements of Exports Foreign Export Entries Pasrengera’ Er.trits Dray B Us CTAppIy at the J b Ofiir#, the same re- centlycccupied by II. P. ltufetl!, or at tht office of the Gcoagus. 28 2$ City Tax Returns. I N conformity with.tbe provUinns cf an’, passed the 3(7thuU. the sub scriber is notr prepared to receive the re turns of all persons.subject toCitvTax; the »ami: to be made on or before toe lw vf Marci. next. JOHN 1© ROBERTS, City Treasurer. Treasurer’s Office. Savannah, 6th Jan. 13-3 Jan 7 55 Fresh Tea*, China and Troy ri:jrt s Candles. « TEN catty boxes Hymn Te*. ZJ 5U <Io 4o do Gunpowder 50 do do do Imperial S(J free catty bvXcs Imperial" 30 catty carinisters of Imperial & Gunpowder Tea, Frezh imported 50 bnies Cliina Ware, cooUiuing hr-.-A Afoat, Dinner & Tea sets 200 fcuxrs Troy Candles Larding from ship Garonne, and for sale by J. B. HERBERT L CO. .uriirunce against Fire. /TIME JEtiw fosur.uce Company, Hart JL f J, continue to insure Houses sod Buiidngs, Merchandize, Furniture, and o- li* r p operty, including Vessels io port, Ltii Cargtxs, he, ajp nst loss or damage by Fire, fnranyierm from one month to •>n/ r,r more yean. 'Hie conditions which a?e moderate, re- knern on application to the subscriber, who ii aphorized agent, andb empowered •o issue policies without the delay ^.cident •o oilier agrnciea of this nittire. The compsn; umlcvtake in all cases ti* .3) tne full aim ur.t. of the actual less, pr> •.idedit docs not exceed the amount it: -•ifed. The piumiii^ » «tc ickaonabie, an daould oiler a strong inducement to ai*> , - rson having property at hazard to place A in security, ott Jl tt 3 ; PU1CE3 CURRENT. >f|kHE following Price Current from PA IBS's Wig E. clunge Office, forth*, btar 1823, is isjue%i for the better reg»j latinh of his Cut:c mere t Trantieult, and all itliers within the jurisdiction uf His iropc isDlpmain: Monthly Customers,prettyp!eniiful t gl.pc . month » D-» do who share 6 times per week,S2 per month, retter dull Trans ent do from 10 to 12J tolerall brick, Doubuin Customets— : no demand Cutting Ha.r f 2i cents, brisk Cuiung Ladiei* Hair at (heir tbddes, 50 cents, nUher far Cutting aud Dress ;.g do do do 7 cent*, pretty fair * Qnumentt for the Ifeadt of Ladies and Gentlemen Ladies Curls from gl to 1 50 per bunch, in demand Ladies Beau K’*!!?r$ from g2 W 2 50 per bunch, ready tide yers from ^3 to 3 50 pe Lunch, in denaiut Ladies Beau catchers from goto 5 50pe se;t, dull Lad es full dressed Wigs from 18 to g20 each, rather dull Ladies crop Wigs,from 15tog18, tderaily fair Geutljrmen's crop Wigs from 15 to $20, not ' to good Gentlemen's Crown pieces with springs, from 10 to gl2, in tktdand Gentlemen's fa be Wbukers g2 50, in de mand Gentlemen's revolving Quietis g2, no tale Gentlemen'sfoisc Eye Brows g2, no tale Real Japan Blacking* warranted to cure ot prevent Corns, Gout, and other fashion* able complaint!. The penetrating poser ot this Liqu d not alone a tiarranfod for its efficacy, bat the superior Glois it leaves on the boots and shoes \% so powerful, that the expense of a Looking-Glass n.aj be save't, should emergehey require the oe ctsaity of shaving themselves at home or abroad* Wigs, Fri settes, Curls. Bandeaus, prompt ly c xchanged for cash or approved notes, Cadt at all times preferred. N.B A Clerk is w anted at thb office, ■ me ttitt understands Shaving, to as not to hurt the feehug»Gf customers, wdl be pre fer red, by application to JOHN BARK, K.C. B. B fcc Anti-Syphilitic Pills, ruLFARtn nv DOCTOR BERTHELOT, And sold at'his store on the Bay, 7D IR great efficacy f these Bills h tho cure of all the sv-mp’-oms of a ce tain diseasein both sexes, has been acknowledg ed for more than tweet) years by numbers )f patients throughout the United States..* They are warranted free from any kind uf mercurial preparation, and the patient w no ises them miy attend to hi? business and follow lus own regimen or diet without in- convettiency or injuring their effoct. 1’he subscriber b.ts prepared afoeslt sup* ply of these Pills—they are sold with print ed dire: tions tor use, atg6 per bos; one or two of which is generally sufficient for a . perfect cure. JOHN B. BERTHELOT. Hall, Hoyt $ Co. Offer fr tale, landing from thip Solagara, ' ~ BBLS prime,Fork> Ncw-Yorkaty Inspection 2Q bbb Mess Beef 10 bbls Hams 20 bb»a Mnsenvxdn S*?trsr 5 pipes Pierpoint's Gin 2 do Holland do 2 do Cognac Brandy^ 2 do and 6bi'Us.tjc Whiske/* 2 hhds Jamaica Rum 20 boxes Raisins 20 bbls Apples ft * 18 120 Classical & English-School. BEXJir M.tcIiOXJYELL I NFORMS his Friends -and the Pubfie* that he will re-open his School for Young Ladles and Gentlemen, on Monday next, the 14th init, at 9 o'clock, A M. id the room under Solomon's Lodge, near the old Presbyterian Church, net 10 Cotton Bagging. /I Tt PIECES 40 inch Invert.ta Cotton •it'Utlt^t.icg. For «*lr by BAKER 4t UINTOtV y«* utA Negro Shoes, .it the Sign of the BIG HOOT, J\ orth sidi Murkef Square^ F OUR cases Negro Shoe*, of an excel** lent quality. Those p -rsr-ns who bavtf not yet supplied themsefoes with this ai^ \clr, would do well tn cilL —ALSO— Servants Shoes of every descripfibti^ For ule Loir, by t & L. MILLING. feb 11 Jp 65 Coffee, Pork. Whiskey, &c. 3.1Tv BAGS prime G een Havana CulTeo ij'iJ 53 bb'.s Prime Pork HJ0 bbls Whiikey 9 doren Ptncv >nd Windsor Oasiry lin ting- from .loop M-ry .qj •bin Oomir Forubt by C. C. GRISWOLD. UhV, g 74 ir MiIAL