Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, March 06, 1823, Image 1

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V • SAVANNAH / r / s y * * // GEORGIAN fclivV sElUlio—VOL. 11. HA YA*NtAU{ TUURSU.iF MoRjYIXG, MARCH 6, 1823. MO 44 SAVANNAH : Vr.NNF.Sll \Y MqilNIMO,M.\ilCH?,1833 Nc»-Ynrk papers to the 25ih '»"• in -' l !“ give have been received in Clmrleston.— a: snow storm of Bi-eater severity than ant tef >re experienced this winter* was expe tienced atNew-Yurk. on the 25lh ult. Congress.— In Senate on the 22d ult. the following resolution was offered by Mr. Brown, of Ohio, “That the President of the United States be requested to com. municatc to the Senate, confidentially, or otherwise, as he shall think-til, any infhr- • mation in his possession, which he may not deem improper to be communicated, relative to the present state and condition of the Mexican Empire.” A correspondent ofthe Hartford Times, writes from Washington that the canvas for President goes on briskly, and con. Aides in the following manner « The old fashioned republicans, the ve terans of’98 and 1801, will rally round Mr..Crawford. They will not put to ha- sai d the great victory' so recently obtained over the federalists, by confuting their in. terests to men of doubtful politics His long tried Olid faithful services. Ills' staunch •*nd uniform republican principles, have given him a high claim on the confidence of the public I anil little doubt remains •but that lie will receive the highest liono 1 in the gift of the nation-" Th». intelligence from South America Increases in interest, as the result of Mo- rales’s expedition approaches. Our cor respondents at Norfolk, thceuitors of the Beacon, inform us, that at the lime of the nailing of the schr4th of'July, arrived at that port, from Laguira, about the 1st ult. the Colombian arms were every where suc cessful, and the retreat of Mo . ales to the oca board was entirely out off. Gen. Paez bud sent back from St. Carlos 1500 men, Stating to Gen. 8uuhlette that he had no ' use for them, having Morales completely n his power. Wc hope this hectoring blade will this time be secured. The following oftiritil note has been transmitted for publication in the New.York Gazette, from the Gazette of 8t Croix.— Doubts having been entertained in coo- aequence of government’a publication of the 24ih December last year, whether the imperial ion of corn and corn meal, that are exempted from paying duty, will entitle the mporler to export augar lo America, for the half of the amount imported, ua has bilbeito been the case: the government, in order to prevent all misconceptions, have determined it proper hereby publicly to make know. , that the exemption from paying 'hr duties, dues not make any site- ration with respect lo the right of exporta tion. Boyal West India Government, St. Croix, 9lh Jan. 1823. A general meeting of the Trustees of the old Bank of the United States, was to beheld at Philadelphia,’ on the 3d inst. The Lexington,'(.Kv) Monitor, of the Sail inst. says—We have hud a remarkably wet winter. An unusual quantity of rain bas fallen. The streams have been uniform, ly high, and the roads almost uniformly had. The first snow which has really covered the ground, fell on Sunday night ami yesterday the was tolerably good The Mississippi was rising very fast a. bout the 20th ult. and great fears were en tertained of breaches being made in the Banking.—By a report from the C'im- lie. of the New Hope Delaware Bridge inpany, it appears that William Mari-:,; i President of the company, was indebt, to it individually a partner with iers ill the immense sum of one hundred ■1 twelve thousand and seventy nine dsllare, mg more than three times the amount oi active capital; of this sum Wm. Maris l overdrawn the ofif ;e individually forty v thousand nine huttdreil and twenty seven lari., uf these debts and over-draii-, : managers of the company were kept ignoiauce. Oppression.—The London papers- eon n a lung statement of a case, the sub nee of winch is as follows : a young man ■il shout twenty,named Maguire,son of a pectabie gentleman, at Enniskillen, was zed as a rebel in 1798, and acquitted on i trial. But immediately on his acquit- , he was seized, placed on board a Iran- irt and aentofflo Botany Bay, where lie i remained over since, being refused li ny to return I The father neglected his silicas and died broken hearted, and , whole family appears to have hern on! in rousequeuce of these tyrannical acceding). i‘w.'or three "f the Judges of Franklin :n, N.Y. hsvo been indicted by the Grand Jury fur not attending the Court; so as tn enable it to proceed with business. At he last term the same per.nua were indict ed for the same offence, and punished by fine. An earthquske did great damage in the town and nciglibn hood of Grenada, in Mexico, on the 10th of December Inst Churches and houses were thrown down, and the inhabitants fled from the scene in great alarm, and kept away for two weeks The John Bull newspaper announces that it circulates twelve thousand copies! The Iaouisana Advertiser of the 27th Jan, says—Over and over ognin have tve heard N.'Orleana reproached with the manner In which the Sab bath evening ia Uepi by many of its inhabitants ; but never wns a more brutal pastime thought of, on Sunday, than that got up iu Canal street yesterday afternoon. Yes, in sight, and almost within hearing of ttvo churches, during the time uf ufiernoon service, did some 130 individuals in the garb nf gentlemen,and at least 20 well dressed females, patiently sit and see a poor bull worried by a score of dogs in ft narrow pen* If such cruel sports are countenanced, this city will merit the taunt of being a reproach to the Union! ' Spanish Capture-.—'The Boston Palladium very justly remarks, that the capture of the American brig Ks. sex, ami the brig Adeline, Captain liompton, by Spanish privateers, ami condemnation by a Spanish Judge, are transactions of a very irritating and alarming character, B-dh those vessels were, with their cargoes, A- mcrican property, bound on lawful voyages, with clour and ample papers, and without any ,r icles ennstraband of war on boatil. The captors had no more right to take them than to seize American property in (mi- bays, harbors, or even on land—and whiU such infamous practices exist, much anxiety must be felt for our numerous vessels lawfully novig ding the West Indian Seas. -The pretexts used by iheofliccrB of the privateer, (the Es trella,^ which touk the Essex, were, that our government hail ackowledg- ed the Indepcndsnce of South Ame rica ; that our vessels supplied the Pa triots } and that an expedition went from pn American port against Porto Rico. This information is rendered more alarming by the accounts whica Capt* D. received in letters from St. Johns, P. R. by which it appeared that upwards of twenty- privateers had sailed nr were about to sail for that port, Cap).Crowell, of the brig Sam, uf Boston! after remaining at Porto Rico, three months, and expend ing 81500 in defending his vessel, had, Uy paying the Judge an extra vagant price, obtained a copy of the process against his vessel ; but the Judge immediately issuetl an order to prevent'his leaving the Island, and there he was left in great anxiety and distress. ^ FROM LAGUIRA/ Hew York, Fell. 24,—I’lte brig Georgetown Packet, capt. Ruthbone, furnishes intelligence up to the 1st ult. The prospect was more flatter ing for the Colombians than for some time back. Morales, long their dread, was now in a situation that it was deemed impossible tor him to escape He had evacuated Maracaibo and marched for Porto Cavello# Gen. Montillo was'in his rear «ith 4000 ironps. P.mzwas in his front and occupied with a strong force, all the passes leading to Porto Caviv'n.— Com. Daniels,tvas expectcdo to set sail snon to act against Port Cavello, and co-operate with Paez, Sanguine expectations were entertained that the war would sonn terminate, by the ilefeat of Morales. The Colombian •quadron had now the sole cntnmnnd ol the sea—the Ligera frigate, which had so long sustained Porto Cavello, was totally lost. The Colombian brig Eagle, captain Cottrell, had just arrived t Laguira, wirli the Spanish hrig Conception, from Havana for Barcelona, having on boatd 45,l.*00 dollars in specie, and ta cargo valued at 100,000 dollars; cap tured off the coast of Africa The Eagle had previously captured two other vessels, valued at 8130,000. eY. F Mer. Adv. St. Jluzusline, Feb. 22.—Encour aging 1 rusped.—A stir is making in South-Cardllna and Georgia ; and some wealthy planters are looking towards Florida. This week arrived here, the Rapid, with Col. Buslow, and 115 negroes, to be placed on his sugar plantation at Mosquito, a- bnttt sixty miles below this city. SVe understand that otders have been received from some rich planters in Ueorgia and South Carolina to purchase estates ; and even a private exploring expetlmpn lias been sent round liom Haitimorg lo examine the inlets aud bottler lamlsV the terito- ry. fi. FtHerald, >r ’ To the Editor* -f \h$ Nat. Intelligencer Gentcmien : I have seen in the Wa.liingi.1 Republican an address, stated lo have beetv copied fr m the Augusta flUWlllolf. pu-purling to be the ’address of the young men ol Au- gusta.onanimously agreed toon the 2d July, - 1798, which wns reported by n committee, cnnsi-ting nf Wm. H Cratvlnrd Nathaniel Cocke, Samuel Birnett, John M'Kittnie, and Ishom Malone ; in the last paragraph nf is asserted that the meeting had the most unlimited enrfitlenrc in the firmness, justice, arid wisdom of the administration of President Adams. This publication is manifest ly intended lo prove that William H Crawford tvas ut that time, a feder alist, and a decided supporter of Mr. Adams’ administration. It certainly would have been more satisfactory lo nave published the answer to the utl dress, which, il cocretly remembered, would have tended to shew, wnat is be lieved, that this paragraph is spuriuus. The editors nf the Pseudo Georgia Pa triot, late " Federal Museum” ol Sa vannalt, who have given publicity lo the supposed address, will, po dotfbl, furnish the cummuuilv with the an swer. Upon this subject, the writer begs leave to observe that ho has been intimately acquainted with Mr. Craw ford from the early part nf (he year 1799to the present time. He was then not simply a republican, oppos ed to the administration of Mr. A dams, but lie wa- denominated by the supporters of that administration a jacobin. l am the more certain of this loot, because my political opini ons nt that time were opposed to his. lie. stood almost alone at the Bar ol the Western Circuit of Georgia ir uppori of Mr. Jefferson, and subject ed himself to till the inconvettieneies of such a position, when his repttta rion as a lawyer was not yet estab Itshed. I'. 1800 he was elected, un tier the influence of Governor Jickson, who tvas an a'rdont republican, to form a digest ofthe laws of Georgia, which was sanctioned by him' Without en tering into an investigation touching the authenticity uf the paragraph in question, which is so essentially dif lerent from the rest of the adtlr '*s, or questioning the assertion 'hat the nd. dress was unanimously adopted,whici is next to incredible, os the meeting was composed sf’the young men, gt« nerally, and not of those in favor nf Mr. Adams’administration ; nr if Mr Crawford acted on the committer that he agreed to every part hf tin address, and made the report, which does not appear, I appeal to every man who tvas arquamted with him, during that administration tu say whe then he was an npposerur friend tu i'. I appeal tn Cot, Ware, nf the 8'- n .te. from the state nf Georgia, to Gen, Flournoy, Judge Walker,’ Mr* Bar nett, sntl Col. M'Kinnin—the tyvo last uf whom Were members of the com mittee ; to Mr. Early, who then lived in Augusta, and bolongrd to a society which weekly discussed political sub jects, and where the opinions of its members,of which Mr. Crawford wn< one, wete generally known. I appeal tn Mr. Walkios, the chairman ofthe meeting, who was then, and is now, a federalist, whether Mr, Crawford’s political sentiments were no known, as extensively as his acquaintance, In have been Republican, and opp soil in* Mr. Adams’ administration. In 1799, when he settled in Oglethorpe county, his present residence, hia,po litical sontiments were rvefl known The Hun. John Lumpkin and his two eldest sons, Mr. G ortie Hudspeth Major George Moore, and a hnst of the reputable men of glut, and otliet counties of the Western Circuit ol the State, will attest that he was no' only republican in principles, ba that he tvas denounced by t(j1s nth a party as a democrat and jacobin.- George Matthews, Chief Justice ol Louisiana, Judges Tail and Jones, nt Alabama, will bear witness to the same' fact. The two latter g tlemen knew him intimately in 1799, end from that lime to the present d iy Bolling Hall, late member of Congress from Georgia, who has been intimate, !y acquainted with him since J nuary 1799, will testify to the same poiut. Finally Messrv. Editors, I confident ly appeal to the' friends, acqu rintan ces, and enemies, of Mr, Crawford to testify upon (his .question, 1 confident that they will all concur in staling, that he was, in 1793, and through the whole course ol Mr Adams’s administration, opposed to it ; that, during the same period, he engaged the undiminislied confidence ef the Republican party, and espe cially nf Gov. Jackson and Abraham Baldwin, late Senators of the Unit supposed lo be proper to correct er ror, and not with the supposition that the character of Mr. O. requires the explanation. J. A. Charleston, March 3.—Cottons, the stuck ol Uplands at market now is very heavy, and holders manifest un earnest disposition to sell. Middling and Itjferiorqualities are tvilh tlilii- ilulty disposed of—the principal sales tire of fair and guoil—the lor- er 9.S 1(1,and the latter 11. Very fine parrels will bring 12 cents, and sale of of nearly 100 square bales, he produce nl New Or leans seed, was made nt iSj. The market Of the week has not been active, and the de cline'.i;f foreign exchange, the scar ifity-nf money and the advance of freights tu three farmings, liuve in conjunction, tended to depress and s'sguate almnst every description uf (lotions. Sea Islands are nominal at 18 to 24 ce its for common brands, Rice* —Is still in very limited tie- msnd. For the best, 2 75 jind 2 87 are naked, and the greatest snles a made of suck -foe other qa dijies 82 to 2 50 are asked, but the demand is very small. . Flour.—The principal demand is for city use, und [Hour nut being-hun dajit, sales have been made at 7} tu 8 dollars. It i« not expected that hear prices wil hold much lunger. Corn.—I* in vi ry steady demand at from 70 to.75 rim's. Cotton Rigging.—The market is now overstocki'ill anil the best 42 inch will liuidly bring 30 ceutn. EXPORTS, Of Cotton and tticefrom the fort of Charles• ton for the month nf Fehunry. To Louii'in—399 ulna Upland Cottun and 800 burr- Is Rice, To Liver nod—10065 oales Upland CoMon, 2957 tin. Sea inland do. uud 691 bb's. Rice. Tu Greenock—1730 bales Upland Cotton, 575 do Sea Inland do. and I parrel Rice. To Cowes and a Market 750 bbls. Rice, Toll ivre —1254 biles Upland Cot ton, 68 il >, Sra Island do-and 104 barre's Rice. Tn M irsrilles and a Market—7i>9 halos Unhind.Cotton. To'Antwerp—225 boles Upland Co ton atnl 578 barrels Rice, To El-ioeur anil a Market—345 bales Upland Cotton and 65 barrels Rice.. To J tinsicn—14 do do To Nu sni—72 do do St, Vinmil“—81 ' tin do St. Kitts 49 do ilo St. Thomas- 171 do’ do Si, Bart*—22 do- do Porto Rirn—1.00 do do Aqui", (S. I)) 50 do do VV’.’st Indies and all oilier parts 1997 il" Total 14627 bales Upland Cotton. 3600 tin. Sea Island do. and 5495 Udirels Rico, Stales Irom Georgia, the latter of whom he succeeded as Senator, These considerations, gentlemen,a re not lobe out weighed by tile address, a solitary act, to which (here is no evidence that he assented. JOEL, ABBOT. Washington, 19f/i Feb. 1823. P, S. So much has been said in newspapers abuut tlic “ Address,” iliktuis foregoing statement hti been MARINE. ronr OF SAVAA-YAIl. G'lAND LODGE t'F GEORGIA. fjj fc At un mij' Uined Grand Annual Commu'-icitiun of the G-and Lodge of Georgia, held in Savannah, on Tuesday, 4th March, A* L. .18)3, the following Ure* thren were * lected Grand Officers fop the ensuing year *— James Morrison, G*-nnd Master, vice The Most VVnrshit'fnl T U. P. Clilirleton, de clining a re-election. William -Silly* of L uisvillCp? Den*y Grand f)avd Clarke, of Angus!a, Musters. Frederick S. Fell* Senior Grand Warden William Davies, J Grand Warden. Paul V, ■ Iminiss'w, Grand Treasurer. > William P. fleers, Grand Secretary, i’he Ur' , • * Carter, Grand Chaplain. ,1'ihn U. dtHs, Grind Pursuivant. Joseph S. Pel')', G arni Marshall. John Atheitou, Gra* d Tyler. A Communication o the Grand Lodflfe nf Georgia will be held TO-MORROW, SI 11 o'clock, A. M for the purpose of the InHlallation of the Grand OJficcrt Elect, at which nieetingthe Members of the Grand Lodge are requested to attend. \ By order of die Most W. Grand Master, WM. P. BEERS, Grand Sec’ry. IN COUNCIL, February, 20, 1323, Resolved, That a meeting of the citizens of-avannali, he convened ut the Council Chamber oil the loth day of March, at 12 o’clock, to take into consideration the pro priety of making appropriations for the support of the Poor House and Hospital and (hat the Mayor d > accordingly invite them to attend the said meeting. POLICE OFFICE, City f Savannah, Fab. 26,18*3. The Citizens of.Savannah are respect fully invited to attend at the above time and place, for the purpose therein men tioned. . * JAME3 MORRISON, Mayor. MAR IHED, Last evening, by the Rev. Mr. Carpen ter, Mr. Evilhaim ihli to Miss Maui A«n .-jjiiibh, both oi this city. At Baltimore, Mr. F. G. Ringgold, to Min Ann Bradshaw j Mr E. W. Pratt, to MiftsCalbaiiue It nggold \ Mr. Wm. Ring, gold, to Miss Rebecca Uniggt ld i and Mr. Win. Ringgold, of Eaton, to Mias Mary it UinggoW,—WU»t giltkn l U m ARRIVED, Hr ship Lady Hannah Ellis, I.iddle, Lori* don, 60 days, in hullabt to Wm Gaston.. Hr hrig Caledonia, ——, Liverpool, 80 dSyti, to \ I. Molyneax. ring Native, Cole, New-York, 8 dawt, to Ilall & Hovt, cons guccs, with’, a full cargo to Hall 8c Hoyt, A Corn wall, liriiir* roughs, Biitler 8c hcranton, J A Muxivcll# J Cumming 8c Son, S J Bryan, W T Wil liams, A Evans, Sturgea 8c Hunter, J M Jarvis, J Bentley, IV Gaston, and itherj. The N. did not sail from New Yt rklnco. with the ship Augusta, as Was reported, but three, days idler, fichr Crthoden, John* Charleston; tdayi; Sloop .vary; Brown, Charleston,. I d$, to I Cohen, P Hill, J’ B Herbert & fio.' ii Campbell, \V Waters. J Olaifce, L ‘Bald win 8c co, and the master. Passengers, MrJno Rutledge, lady) two children, and five servants, Miss Hyslop, Miss Daggett, Dr Maxwol, Messrs II D -drecn, J Vara- dam, E F Durand, Arnold, Bramstin, Vail, Campbell, and one in the steerage. Steam boat Samuc Howard I'nlmadge, Augusta, 3 days, with boats Nos 3 and 5, in tow, with cotton to Rfunclmrd, Brothers 8c" co. W Gaston, 11 Burroughs, Gumming, 8c G vathmey, colt 8c Balfour, Ponce 8c ‘1‘Kenzie, G Gordon,,S l Hourgeauk, S C Dunni tg, J Luthrnp & co .1) nigluss and orvell, Petersen,* Hammond 8c co* and o- liters. i tp pen trills ronT. At fit Augustine, 28tli ult. sdhr Leandei?, Alden, to sail next day.' At Charleston, 3d inst.schr Ohio, Beers, with despatch. . AlllllVAL^rnOM THIS POJIT Brig Huron, ut New York, 24th ult. The ship Deltt, Clarkson, from Boston hound to this port, was spoke 14th ult cape Cod bearing N W 20 leagues, 1 day out. The brig Antelope* Boyd, of Providence on the 25ih Jan got in over the Florida Reef*-when the first und second mate, (Gardner Jones, of Swansea, U 1. and Da- uiel C Melius, of Cape Cod,) und two seu men, foreigners, cut away the boat, rob bed the vesse) or j boxes sperm, can flee, bread, beef, pork, all the carpenter’s tools 4 muskets, 1J J musket cartridges, 10 swi vel doj l keg pt vvder, spare rigging, spars sails, &c. and.made their escape, leaving the brig in the greatest distress. Captain Boyd was of opimou that they intended to join the pirates’ The s-hr Information, of New York, JeB* seva Anderson master, on the morning of the 10th of February, in a gale of wind, to the southward of cape Remain, had her dead lights stove in and filled with water, when 8li capsized, foil* ofittie crew, namely, the master D. R. Anderson 1 , Da niel Austin and a black Boy, were taken off the Mreck same day—(the boy died soon after, und John Rutledge, about 40 years of age, perished on board the Infor mation) by the sohr Maid ofthe .Mill, Wal ker master of Philadelphia. The next day the three survival’s were put oil board the brig Eleanor, and arrived &tBnuthviltr| N Caruliiyi, on the 15th .February* The In formation was from Lockwood's Folly, N. Carolina, loaded with timber and shingles, hound to Charleston. There is no doubt that the .wreck of a schr, noticed us having been seen off the coast was that of the In formation, CHARLESTON, March 3.—Arr schrs Maine, Uugnon, Boston 1»; Esther, Perry t oplur Grove, I ; sloop Commodore Per ry, Eddy,' St Ailgustirie, 4 days. Left schrs Utility, I'aine, tor Philadelphia in 5 days ; Mary M‘Koy, Richardson, St Mary’s, same lay. In the ofllnglust evening—brig Charles ton, Disbrow, New York, 4 days. BALTIMORE, Feb. 22—Arr brig Sta. tira, Patten, N Orleans j Br brig Calypso, Chuytor,lrom Liverpool via Milford Huyen, long passage ; sclus Franklin, Bradford, 27 days from Guayma, P It | Essex, Tripp, Honduras, 21. ,NEW-YORK, Feb. 24-Arr ihip Em press, Charleston, 4 ; brigs Georgetown Packet, Ruthbone, Laguira I8| Commerce, Funk, St. Johns, P R. 15 5 Superior, Jor dan, N Orleans 21 j 6chrs Gipsey,-Folger St Marys, 2o ; Hope & Esther, f hatcher, ,\ux 1 .ayes 19; sloop Paulina, Tooker, Itio de St Juan, Mexico, 32, on ' w ‘ inst. ? miJes from ;ape Antonio, saw a large ship of war supposed the Congress, in chase of a sharp schr. )2lh, off Cape Fear, passed a brig with J lilt her foretop- ail. vSutne day picked up two bales of cotton, no marks upon them. * .Cleared, brigs Wm, & Nancy, Ilandly, Barhadoes ; Tybce, Longfield, Mobile. FEB, 25—No arrivals yesterday. The snow storm was so severe that the steam boat Nautilus did not come up from Staten Island. 'The schr Euterprize* from Darien, re mained below. BOS TON, Feb. 20—Arr brig Creole, Ring, New Orleans. -Cleared, brigs Mercury, 'tetersen, Got- tenburgh 1 S. Carolina, Thornton, New Orleuns ; schrs Aliniia, Rice, 8tThomas • Diomede, Gr.-.y, Mutanzas. FElt.: l A r brigs Warbler, N Orleans; William, Lapham, Surinam ; schrs Three Sisters, bounders, Havana; Commerce, Stetson. G'uracoa. Pchr Willing # Maid, Halifax, 18 days, Bassehgcr8. Capt and crew ofthe new brig Louisa, hence for Liverpool, which was a* bandoiied at sea on the 27tli of J.inuaryi FEU* 22-The ship Bcngul from Calcut ta, was off ?alem this morning. .SALEM, Feb 18—Arr sclir Regulus, Lamprcel, Maranbam 53 j 20tb, brig Fe- nelon, St Jago. NEW-BEUFORD, Feb. 20-Arr slop Persia, Cross, from coast of Japan, with a cargo.of Oil. WILLIAMS’ liUmvvjf & Commercial HEADING llOOM. R ECEIVED fihm London via Liver* pool. Magazines for December: fcew Monthly Magazine und Literary Journal Thompson's Annals,of Philosophy Tilloch's Philos ’phical Magazine Repertoiv of Arts, Manulaciures, and Agriculture LoiiJnii Magazine •SpoHing Miigaz ne Evangelical Magazine and Missionary Chronicle Il'ilish' Review and London Critical Journal Ecluctio'Ueview • AckermtuVa Repository Bell’s Court and Fashionable Magazine WEWSPAPERS PfOU) London and Live) poulfu. Dec. 9tt| ♦cl> 15 69 It I c E. Landing from sloop Mary, ^ ft T1F.RCES prone Rtce,*u nicli will IU o'c sold low if taken from the whavf* Apply to M. I. MOST*, fel) 21 r 74 Exchange wharf. landing,. From brig levant, from .Vew-Torfr, 1A BOXES Muscatel Iluisins 4 pipes cognac Brandy 15 firkins fresh Butter 3 puncjieons Jamaica Rum For sale by J. B. HERBERT U C0 4 HW. 28 Blue-Bandana Ildkfs. and Bleached Russia Sheeting, L ANDING from schr Esther, und foil sale by DANIEL CARNEY, Jr* Who has in Store, 100 bbls Superfine Flour 20 do Prime Pork 30 do Mess Beef % 40 casks Cut Nails Ai chorsussn led sices. Figs, Raising Muscovado. Sugar in hluls Apple Brandy. N E Rum, Bagging Northern Candles Z/y</(?V Yellow, Fancy find Castile Soap - and Caudles, S| auish Choc.lute A small invoice Northern Shoes Faxon's Axes, plantation Hues, HataU* eie, See. feb 16 ti 71 Ilall, Hoyt 6j Co. Offer for sale, landing from ship Niagara, BULB- prime Pork, New-York city Inspection 20 bbls Mess Beef 10 bbls Hams 20 bbls Muscovado Sugar 5 pipes Picrpoint’fi Gin 2 do Holland do 2 do Cognac Brandy! 2 do and 6 hlids Rye Whiskey 2 hlids Jamaica Rum 20 boxes Raisins 20 bbls Apples < . 18 120 Classical & English School. HEJYRF MjtcDOXmiLL I NFORMS his Friends and the Public* that he will re open his School for Young Ladies and Gentlemen, on Monday next, the 14th inst, at 9 o’clock, A M. in ♦he room under Solomon’s Lodge, near tho old Presbytetian Church, * oct 10 Negro Slices, Jit the Sign of the PIG l'W OT,*J\orth sidj Market- Sauare, _ I jJOtJR cases Negro Shoes, of an excel* . lentqual. y. Those p rg< ns who have not yet supplied themsel' es with this ar* tide, would do well to call. —A Lao— Servants Shoes,of every description, For sale Low, by R. L. MILLING. feb 11 lip 65 Fresh Teas, China and Troy Candles. TEN catty boxes Hyson Tea 50 do dp do Gunpowder . 50 do do do Imperial 50 five catty boxes Imperial ,30 catty cannisters of Imperial & Gunpowder Tea, Fresh imported 50 boxes China Ware, containing Breakfast. Dinner U Tea sets 1 200 boxes Troy Candles Landing from ship Garonne, and fop sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. L. P. Tcneriffe Wine. ft cas * lB k* E. Tenet iffe Wino y 2J Just received. For sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. feb 10 64 For Sale, I«1 T1 P1KCES first quality 43 inch Cotton W j/ UiigginR, recurved per Liglitfoot 8U ton 810110, uryhouril .hip. Iris at Andersoit’ii lower whfflfi Apply to PKTEUSKN, HAMM0H8 U CO. febSf 1/7* insurance against Fire.. (IT)HE A^tna Insurance Company, Hart- 4JL ford, continue to insure Houses and Buildings, Merchandize, Furniture, and o« ♦ her property, including Vesseb in port, their Cargoes, &c. against loss or damage by Fire, for any term from one month to one or more years. ’ The conditions which are moderate, may be known on application to tjie subscriber* who is authorized agent, and is empowered to issue policies' without the delay incident to other agencies of this nature. 'I’he company undertake in $11 cages to pay the full amount, of the actual ioss, pro vided it does not exceed tiie amount hi sured. The premiums are reasonable, and should offer a strong inducement to any person having property at hazard to plaeo it in security. oct 31 ^83 8. WANTON. Superfine Flour. I1AIIIIEL8 Superfine Flour pul* Juit reerlved und far rule b BAKE It h MUa’Ol 43 X