Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, March 18, 1823, Image 1

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SAVANNAH ¥t/( (lit? Pli'lx./ **» . GEORGIAN NLW SEHIKS-VOL II. aAVSHman* lUESU.iV MORNING, jIAUCll 18,’.1823. Ml 49 SAVANNAH : MONDAY MOHN1NG, MA'tt II 17, 1823. Hv the brig Oseian, tJnpt. Illack, urriveil on Saturday, in 42 days from Greenock, from which, port she sailed on the 29th of Janunry, another report of war between Trance and Spain is received. We have bad, however, via Charleston, intelligence from France ro the 23d January, later than could be received by this vessel, at which time no war was declared, whatever pros, pcct there might have been of such an event. The Cotton Market at Greenock on ih» 25th January, continued about the same as per last advices—the article in steady de maud, at 6} to 8jd per pound. Twenty half acre lots in the town Of Macon, have been sold, which on an ave. tage brought about 500 dollars each, We are authorized and requested to state, says the Southern Recorder, that the Judges of the Superior Courts will convene in Milledgeville on the first Mon day in May next, in accordance v ith the law which riqttires their annual meetiug at the seat of Government, “ for the pur pose of establishing uniform rules of prac tice throughout the several Courts of this State.” Augusta is at present infested by a gang of villains, who have broke open and plundered several stores, and attempted to set fire to the city. Piracy.—The following communication from Barracoa, written about the 6th ins', bas been handed us for publication. [TUAJIStiTIOK ] Captain John Young, commander of the American schr Lady's Delight, id Baltimore was robbed the day after his arrival ut Nuevitasofall his guns, rausketa, and mu ni'.ions of war, Ills jolly boat, and the great est p.ri of his cargo—by the crew of the Spanish schr La Saragosana, Captain Caye* tano, who had just landed at that place a cargo of wine and other merchandise, which had been shipped from Havana for P incipe. It appears that at Ncuvilaa the pirates Bjvc fixed a rendezvous, where were as gom'oled some of those belonging to the ffiragoaatia, with others to the number of 70 to 8U men. They were careful enough slier buv ng robbed Capt. Ynung, to send 14 men on shore, who, without a blow, made them selves masters of the fort which defended the harbor, and thus protected the sailing of the Saragosana— the pieces at the fori were discharged by a part of her own gun Hers, who afterwards rejoined her, by means of the boat they had stolen from Captain Young. The Saragosana immediately went t« Cnyo Arena, about 15 leagues from Cura- coa, where she sold the flour at JJ7—the pork at Sto-and other articles in propor tion. Luckily a letter came to t’-uracua, con. taining the invoice and bill of lading of tile articles—and by this means the robbery became known. The government imim- diatcly took severe measures to suppress the villainy—and from the energy it has displayed in disappointing speculations of this character, less of such rapacity may b, expected hereafter. However, in spite ofall the precautions taken, a'f. w nights since, under cover of shower of rain, these rascals succeeded in puDmg ashore 16 barrels Flour, marked G. in red paint—there were no other marks on the barrels, not even the Inspector’s The flour is very fresh. I learn also, that this privateer sold some of her plunder at Mallary, say the Flour at g8, the Fork at g<2, and that a part ofit Was also 3ent to Saguu, consigned to an a- gent of the vessel there. At this time she scruising dl llcre, in order to prevent any interference with those who come to pur. chase her stolen goods. If she continue* cruizing as she has done, between cape Maisy and point Mulas, she will trouble vessels trading here a good deal, particularly the Americans. By an arrival at Charleston in five days from Havana, jt is slated, that great activi ty anil bustle prevailed there, in the appre hension of an attack from the British naval force in the West Indies ; a h. t press had taken place, and preparations were making lo make the best defence possible. Capt* Jones, tv ho brought this intelligence, pass ed in sight of Key \\ est, u here he' saw a number of vessels at anchor, supposed to be a part of Com. Porter’s squadron. German Lottery.—The great.German lottery, in which some Americans adven tured, has been drawn, and a Mousieur E. L. Schaimalsus, of Grafenlonno, in Saxony, lias obtained the gn at prize, *iz. the lord- jp' ;> of Groayl ickan. He preferred to take tlie a im of 500,0C0 francs, (about £93,000) too,' ..tit .Us ca'.rit. We have receive! fr.-mlhe office of the N. Y irk Mercantile Advertiser, G : braKar dates to the 30tli Decen-b-r They con tain nulliing hut some particulars of the sncccsscsof the Constitulinnslists ovcrllie army of the Faith, already known, and the flight of the Regency to France. A rupture between Spain and the Algc- rim shad taken place Tile Consul Imd embarked, and an official communication had been made from the minister of Marine ofthe Dey, that it the Dey’s.corsaira should go to sea, they would capture wliAtevcr Spanish vessels they might fall in with. The National Intelligencer of the 8th inat. contains the' act passed ut the lato session of Congress, regulating the duties' on imports and tonnage. It fills five oo. Iiimns and a half, closely printed, in that paper. One of its scclimiB authorises a dis count on all importations where the duties amount to Fidy D. liars or upwards, in cash, at the rate of four per cent, per an tium. for the legal term of credit allowed by the law. Three liundrcd.imdfdly thousand dollars were subscribed at New York, two hours after tile books were opened for* building an exchange, on a large scale. Mr. Keene, the vocalist, is engaged at the New York Theatre, and was to make his appearance in Count Bellino, in the Devil’s Bridge. New Turk, March 1.—A letter from Valparaiso, ol Oct. 28th,received by the way ul New Bedford, states that the Fianklin 74, Com. Stewart, was daily expected there from Callao. Lord Cochrane was in the port with five ships, n brig and Bschrs, quite at leisure, ffe had hoisted his flag ou board the O’llijgins. Gen. San Mar tin, was ul Santiago. Reports were afloat unfavorable to his character. From Sou'll America-—The fast sailing brig Clio, Capt, Burkhart, has arrived in Newcastle, in 46 days from Buenos Ayres.—Capt. B. lias furnirhrd us with the following in- intelligence. The Clio left Buenos Ayres, Jan. 5 ! h. The government appeared to be firmly established, the port was crowded with foreign ships,and com inerce was more lively than had evei beforo been experienced. The tide of emigration haB flowed with groat' rapidity, and it has become the resi- <!• nc* of some of the first artizans And mechanics of the old and new world. The Indians had become trouble some and were committing depreda lions on the inhabitants, whose ritsi deuce allhough but n few leagues li. m town, did nnl render them se cure j n cempetent fnice was sent a- gainst them, but instead of dispersing on tile appearance of the soldiery, they stood their ground, and by their conduct and actions menaced opposi tion ; the consequence was a serious and desperate engagement took place, and before they were subdued they killed upwards of SO of their antago nists—the cap’ivcs ware secured and brought into Buenos Ayres. This circumstance took place about tne latter end ol Dec. Monte Video was in an unsettled state ; the troops that occupied it for sometime (those attached to the old government,) were suddenly ordered by the Emperor of the Brazils to evacuate it and embark for Europe, but tiny refused, and were determin ed to maintain their position in Monte Video. The Emperor’s for ces tinder the command of General Lacore, were within a lew leagues of Monte Video, and it is stated wete determined to occupy it; Mow Ihe point at issue between the com manding General in Monte V.den and the Emperor would be settled was problematical ; but many well informed persons were of 9pinion, Monte Video, ere long, would surren der to Gen. Lacore, and the force un der his cotnmaud. Melancholy and distressing infor mation was received about the 1st January, from Valparaiso, and Cn- quimbo, by which it appears the for mer place was entirely destroyed by an Earthquake, and the latter had suffered, considerably by the same cause—many lives were lost and the distress beyond conception. Markets had been good at Lima particularly for flout; the brig Onta rio, Erwin, of 1’liiladelphia, had been there and sold her flour at £36 per per bid. and on board, but it had (al ien to gl2. in consequence of the fa vorable appearance of the crops in the I’acitic. Some expeditions had sailed Irnm Buenos Ayres fur Lima with flour, previous to the account recrivtd of the decline in prices. Flour had also fallen at Buenos Ayres in consequence of a heavy do ty which tfie government had imposed onitulg5 25 per barrel. The last sales were at 13 dollars, on shore, no sales lies could be effected on board. Their harvest had every uppearancc ol being au extraordinary one f anti there was a large quantity of Flour, on hand suffici-n> for die consumption of the pi ice for a long time. F,.vtr«d of a Letter dated, Buenos Ayres, Dee. 23, 1822—" Lumber, FienCh Britannia*. Russia Duck, Es- tnpilles. China Satin, Silk Ildkfs, of China, and Baud'tines, Canton crapes, silk velvets, and American cotton shirtings, are in great demand. Extract of another tetter, Jan. 2.— Our advices Irnm Lima, arc to Nov. tOlh. The market dull, except for German linens and provisions. Flour was declining. In September, the brig Ontario, of Philadelphia, sold 1300 barrels at 836—brig Harriet, id Bsltimnre, 1600 at 835. In Oc giber, ship Corinthian, at B.ttlmoro, 3100 m 829—'hip Chinn, of New Y ik, 2300 at 818—brig Thessalian, •if Baltimore, 13 ; ill prices on board. The latter vessel sold her Germat guilds as follows; The PMillas 17 Hrittanias 3{ ; Estnnillns 6); Lts- •iidocs 20, djv. ij'c The brig Thetis, trout Phil dclphia, lias been seized on the coasi by a government sclu. on suspicion of contracting with the enemy h r arms, and the super cargo Was at Callao a prisoner. It was expected the vessel would be immediately released. SPANISH AFFAIRS. ■ ’ Thought* that b rent hr, bndreonlt that bw n. Debate in the Cortes ul Spain, J in 9, on the resolutions ofthe Spanish Gov. eminent, in relation to the item and 8 of ihe. Hnlv Alliance—translated for the Charleston Courier, from the Paris Journal du Commerce, of the 18>ii Jui.iiirv. The President—'The Assembly has heard the report which has just been made by the ministry. Faithful tn our oaths, and worty of the people whom we i..present,.we will never permit any change or modification bv others, ofthe constitution under which we exist. The Cortea will afford tn the government of His Majesty every means of expelling the aggression ol those powers which may dare to assail the liberty, the independence, the glory, of the heroic nation of Spain and the splendor of the throne of its Constitutional King. (Loud ap plause from the Deputies, and cheer ing from the crowded galleries.) Jtt Galiano (the Minister)—I sub mit to the Cortes, that ill consequence of the communication just received from His Majesty, they address a mes-age to the King, apprizing him of the decision of the National Re presentatives, to sustain with alljtheir means, the renown and the indepen dence of the constitutional throne ol Spain—the sovereignly and the rights of the nation—and of the constitution which governs it; and that to support these sacred privileges, they are ready to decree al necesary supplies, certain that every possible sacrifice will be made with enthusiasm,by every Span iard, and that to a man they will cheerfully endure death, rather than compromise their honor or their liber ty. (Here the Cortes unanimously rose to second this proposition, while the hall and the galleries, resounded with acclamations of” Long live the free nation I long live the constitution I lung live the National Congress I) The President—It is superfluous to second a proposition, which is thus unanimously and solemnly adopted, It is proper that it should be thus approved, because it makes known tn the Spanish nation, and to the entire world, what decision and what mea sures it shnultl adopt to preserve (hut constitution, of which it must npver suffer itself to be depriv 'd. (The most enthusiastic applause.) M. Galiano—1 wish tn know wheth er their passports have been furnished to the Ministers of those Powers, who have manifested sentiments so con* trary to the honor of Spain, and the cause of liberty. ' M. S. Miguel—replied, they had not yet been delivered, MArguelles—I will not attempt to weaken in any degree the profound impression which the proposition of M. Galiano has made upon myself— upon all the Cortes, anil the people of Madrid. I* accords with the wis dnm and firmness of the Cortes, and expresses the unanimous will of the nation, f propose that Ihe ministry be charged with presenting, as early as possible to the Cortes, the project of the message to his Majesty, which, until then, be delayed. It is not pos sible tn describe the impression which the hearing of these diplomatic notes has produced upon us all—of which I reserve myself to speak hereafter.— But while tho government has avail ed itself wiscly-of its constitutional powers, the Congress ought to express the free and and deliberate will of its members; so that there may be form ed a rallying point to the nation, which it bas the honor to represent in this great crisis—[Applause by the Cortes and the people j I think thnt we ought to suspend the manifesta tion of our sentiments, lest it he said by our enemies, that we have acted under the impression of the moment, and that our reaolutioo was deprived ofthe august solemnity which should accompany a glorious and magnani inmn drri-inn. M Galiano —The emotion pro duced in the Cortes by . thiB event, unprecedented in the nntVds of Spain —the solemn spectacle nf unanimous self-devotion which the, represents lives of Ihe nation this day exhibit, furnish me with new and interesiing themes. I might dwell longer, us I intended, nn the n dure nl these nb noxious foreign notes ; but I have been precluded froth this unuecessa sisry task, by the sublime sympathy ofthe Cortes—worthy of the Spanish hearts in their bosoms—unanimously, ami by acclamation, adopting mv proposal. Under nur present feel ings, our decision might,by our enc 'mics, be deemed impetuous and pre cipitate Let us exhibit it to the world, calm, dignified, and wnrthv of the Spanish nation—which should appear great, moderatc,aml magnan imous,; when it sees itself the uppro vukedinbjcct of disgraceful enmity I propose that the committee to draw 'lie message to the King, do report it to the Cortes, in the accustomed f"rm, within forty-eight hours—thnt it be printed in ail the languages that are ali e— that it be profusely distri buted ilnougli every part of Spain— so that the whole earth may know, that Sonin desires peace, but fears That she is disposed tu the glorious sacrifices she has made, rather than suffer an on her independence, or depart from her constitutional ays- Let us act like (he great free- 1 antiquity—and say to the na- hicli attempt tn menace us— Clioibe lor yourselves, be it peace or war !”\-Loud applause. The I’resitfsnf.—1 appoint the Min istry to ptepare the message, and i add tu them M. Arguelles, [uf the hitherto opposite parly.] D. At jttelles.—This is an honor I do not i eserve, and did not antici pate. M. Gfiliauo.—I hope that Mr. Ar- guell.-s rti.iy be added. We have of- en diffcjech unhappily, nn other oc- casions-fbut I wish the nation to see that when our country is in danger, all of us think alike. Here terminated this memorable il-hate, worthy nf the best days of Greece and of Rome—honorable ip die extreme tn tho Cortea and to Spain—honorable to the oge in which •ve live, and d.-stinedto shine in his- tury while there is a living leaf of ur laurel on the earth. St Augustine, March l.-The im port of sugar entered at the cua'om house from the Havana for Ihe last year, has been 74,104 pounds, which at at an avenge price of 810 50 per cwt amounts to RG995 ; and the mo lasses entered for be same period was 2142 gallons, which at 30 cents average wholesale price,would be 8642 making an amount front th- product ol the sugarcane nf 7637 dollars. Mobile Feb 27. Sales are conti nuilly miking, the scarcity nf cash notwithstanding. 10} has been paid since our las-, but it must be very handsome to command 10 cents. O- tlicr qualities are at various prices from 6} to 9c. MARINE., POUT OF SAVANNAH. Sloop Gorge urn! Phoebe,,Young, \|*. Tntoali Co. with cotton to ,1 M Nish, J \ Maxwell, and ,1 p Williamson. Sloop Volusia, e, St M'try’s, 6 days, to Johnston h Hills, P DeVilois, uiuljfio M'Nish. Stcnm bont Georgia, Dubois, Augusts, 58 hours, with bouts Non 18 & 2 in to.y l.>5() hales cotton, to SV Giiston, .1 Meigs’ G Gordon, Ponce Sc M‘Ki*u*ii*, B Bur* roughs, J Dickson & co, E Julias Blau- chnrd, Brothers & co.'W Llppitt k co. Cumming & Gwatloney, r r GriswoM, c Oampficld, nn I others. [ ' be Georjj a |. as made her trip, up and down/tp *etwi uays.J re ron tmw »nnr At New YoVk, 7th lust, Jfrig J * e ph Huldrege. tiimvAi.s rnoM This tput 1 At CbtnieStou. l£th innt.-alNipv Vkrv, Orown^fi hours.Ddigfrti Cooper,Vlbi IVann,. M‘Isean. 7 hours i Sally, Perry, l o:r.; V».v- periment, Edwards, 8 hours $ John Chevn- li.*r, Chevalier, 1 day 7 chebacco bout Alligator, Sti>rer, 4 days. Ar New York- 7th inat. brig Frances, Gifrord, 10 days ; richr Phoenix, Brown, 11 days—on the 2nh lift John King, a seaman, was lost overboard in a gale- most of her crew frost liitten r h».v an mi- chor and cuble the day before all ■ ir jvod, o(T the W. si bank 5 solir New lluzurd, Hragdon. 26 days, lost her foresail ami stern boat Nl tiny out—wua blown oft’ the coast twice. Information was given to captain Mat. thews of the Itcvcnuc cutter Gallatin, (hat a small schr full of men. was hoveling a- boutthe mouth of St Helena inlet, under pretence of landing turtle to Bend to Charleston, rapt. M. dropped down the river on Thursday lust, and sailed in pur suit of her* Tho schr Enterprise, Ames, for Darien, was up ut New York, the 7th inst. to sail in two days. Pile brig Arno, from Hremcn, for this port, was spoke Jan 2,hi, lut 25, long 40. The Br brig Itangcr^ <H days from t,*aer- narvon, with the loss of her main-lop-mast anchored off Charleston bar on the even ing of the 14th inst. A brig was ashore near the point of San dy Hook on the 6th inst: The Colombian armed brig President flolivur, capt Almeida, was spoken Feb, 15, lat 26, 40, long 79 50, having u Spa nish prize schr in co. The cargo of the brig Abby, from Rio Janeiro, ashore near eunc Cod. bus been all landed. MOBILE, Feb. 26 -Arr ship JEolus Briggs,, New York. brig« velocipede, Ivirtluml, Bt Thomas; Sum. soi£ Hillyer, do ; Tuscaloosa, Tilyou, do CHARLES fON, March 14—Arr brig Punthea, Bradley, New Haven, 5 days, with merchandize to sundry persons, and to S (J & .1 Schenk, Butler & sersmon, J Nor ton, T Longworih, Cnntclou Sc Lamar, and S C Dunning, bpvannuh. Schr Louum? (of Philadelphia) Jones, Havana, 5 days. On Sunday last, in las 26 ;15, long 75, spoke' two transport ves sels uttuched to Com Porter’s squadron, under the orders of Lieutenant Newell, of the Navy, out 0 days -supplied them with water. They Imd parted with rlie squa dron, a few days out, in the lat of Claries- ton. The brig sent into St Johns,4* It. on the 27th ult» mentioned yesurday. was the Jaw s Laurence, of Philudelphiu, and not James Monroe, as printed. IHLTlMORE, Mirch 7-Arr schr Ca- shier, Humphries, Havana 14. The sli p Virginia, Cunningham, front Antwerp, is in mil* bay. MARCH 8*-Arr ship Mass.,soit, Brown, Amsterdam, 72 ; schr Elizabeth, Delano, Mutanzas 14. Feather Beds and Curled Hair Matrasses. QrpHE subscriber has received per ships Garonne and Williutn Wallace, an as* tgvtment of the above articles, which‘art*, warranted to he of the best quality, and will be sold on reasonable terns, by J. W. MORRELL, Whitaker s»reet, opposite Col. Shellman’s Mansion House. 'feb!2 3w 66 . CLEARED. Ship Orozunbo, Nichols, Liverpool, Wm Oaston. Ship Iris, Smith, Amsterdam, Petersen, Hammond, Ec co. Ship Clifford Wayne, Allyn, N York. E Williams Sloop GoV.Shelby, Daniela,t>t Augustine ARRIVED. Br brig Os iuo, llluck, Greenock, 42 :tyys, with sundries, to Ponce &M,Kenzio, Johnston & Hills, S Wright, and Joint H Reid & 00. Brig. Huntress, Bulkley, New York, 6 days, with sundries, to L iiill consignee, F 1 Lay, A B Fannin Sc co Uaudry & Du- Inure, Gibbs & Alexander, H S Atwood. C H immpficld, Clughorn & Bassett. Z Day, W Lippitt Ec co. Butler & Sc anlon, R Campbell, T Butler Sc co. G Ncwhall, Wm Gaston, E Vauvoories, G Gordon, K Williams, E Bliss & co. A Evans, T Brad ley & co. b Sainsimons, hailed in co. with brig Signal. Schr Est her, Perry,Charleston, 10 hours-, with merchandise to J Rutledge, and N H Hart. Schr Isabella, Morrison, Barracoa, 9 days, with coffee, fruit Ec bides, to F Ja- lineaii. Schr Ohio. Beers, Charleston, 9 hours, to J W Long, T M Clark, Mr V arderlin, and Mr Chester. PassengerMessrs Van- dcrlin, Chester, Adatns, and Skinner. Sloop Express, Hammett, Charleston, 1 day, with sundries to I Cohen, R Camp bell, Miller Ec Fort, C Westfeldt, B fi De- lamater, J Harper, Palmes Ec Roe, Doha- melScAuze,J B Herbert Ec co.und O Taft, Passengers, Messrs ltapelye, Ludlow and Hull. Sloop Messenger, Porter, Charleston, 1 lay, to S A Condy Sloop Planter, Hathaway, Darien, 4 days witn cotton to sundry persons. Sloop Mercy, Holies, Riceboro*, 3 days, with 24U bales cotton, to J A Maxwell, j V WUlikiaswn*aud NuilwU fcDunwoptyr I IRON. f T0NS •ron. assorted for the Au- ,'II.U market, will lie autil low if ‘•«™ irom-un hoard the ship tieorela. iuit arrived from Liverpool J ANDREW LOW U CO. march 8 u 87 For Sale, FIRST rate Negio Woman, about &4A *24 veors of age, with her children, one a g*rl about 7 years old, and the other about,two years. Apply to J. B. HERBERT Sc Co- feb 17 72 Landing, From brig f*evnnt, from A'ctr- York, flrSVtfr Muscatel Raisins 4 pipes cognac Brandy 15 firkins fresh Butter 3 puncheons Jamaica Rum For sale by J. B. HERBERT U CO. 8 1 n c 28 Hall, Hoyt £5 Co. O ffer fjy sale, hailing from ship Niagara, fSVfFk prime Pork, New-York city Inspection 20 bbls Mess Beef 10 bbls Hams 20 bbls Muscovado Sugar 5 pipes Picrpoint’s Gin 2 do Holland do 2 do Cognac Brandy^ 2 do and 6 hhds Rye Whiskey 2 hhds Jamaica Rum 20 boxes Raisins 20 bbls Apples dec 8"r, 20 Twenty Dollars Reward, yWILL be given by the subscribe! for 'J'J the safe delivery in any jail in South Carolina or Georgia, or to himself on Col ieton Neck, his servant ABNER, who rat. away on the 16th instant. He is about 2h ycais of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, and stout made- with a very black skin, cunning eyes, thick lips, and feet singularly turned in at the instep. WILTJAU BARNWELL, icb 28 fWtd llills oil New-York, F |U SALE hy GKO ma-ch 10 D 84 KOi’GK GORDON. SAVANNAH Poor House and Hospit il. ¥ 81 INIS I oiTntiiltCi- lur M.rcli anil tpiiyeD ARLES HOYT ant! GEORGE Ur A,l,cn ^"8 Fhysicnin, ’ CililsjAA UiI .:ui.L.... ’ y. Assize 1 of i.ruicd- TQMIE average price of fU5i 'being 5*8 ■L per liMnel, the weight i f Bread r< p the pr»*srnt iVv th imp.' !•<.• ns follows* \ m fV<i t: n,;» l. 4 PH 44 .z, f'i Ce-its Lout lib 2 z. Of \vhi :h all Bakers and sellers of Bread will take due no* ice. .10 (N I. ROBERTS, c; t. ‘ nr-oh 8 87 Notice. -4- } OIIRF.E montlrt afisr 1(101*. application •A will limn.lie to the St tc Hark, Cm. pat incut of’.ilte jbiltnvinr Noli! f «. : il llnnk, via No. 31.T.-Vlntcd Atlpist 6 I1, 181/, payalile to Gen. H.Cliiylfflj Etq. f.r glOO, 'lie left hand half of which has licet. i«st. JOKNSI'ON, HILLS W 00 march 5 fSo. IH Axe Bar Iron. TONS Sweuea A\e bar Ire t-alc by HALL, HOYT V GO. Jan 29 53 Ft» Fresh Teas, Cliimv aha Troy Candles. ' TEN catty boxes th*un Tea 150 th) nlo do G'mpowder 50 do do do Imppnnl 50 five cutty b< xes Imperial 30 cafty esnnisters of Imperial Sc Gunpowder Tes, Firth imported •50 botes China Ware,Containing Breakfast, Dinner 6f Tea sets 200 bn vs Troy Ctiiidles Landing from ahip Garonne, on sale by J R. HERBERT k CO. L. P. Teneritte Wine, . ,QU. casks L. P Tenetifle Win6 Just receive*!. F'-rfiah* by J B. HERBERT* CO. feh 10 64 41® Cotton Ragging. PIECES 42 inch Invet ness Cotto 'Bagging. For sale by BAKER & MINTON. ,jan 3 f. 32 Prime Leaf'l’obacco and Hams, Just received per ship Savannah^ DD HHDS prime Kentucky Tobacco ilia 3000 lba Hams For sals by J U. HEBlffin* "O. eb 22 75 N. O. Sugar. HHDS, New-Orlefl'os Sugar of good quality-—For sale by * BAKER 8t MINTON, march 3 82 Molasses, Rum and Limes. fSt HOGSHEADS Molosa a *41J 2 puncheons Jamaica ‘ 16 bbls Fresh Limes Landing from schr R npwn—For sale h\ SCARBROUGH r J CLARK, march 8 p 87 I’eveiiV ol’ the Peak. vv. tTwhIIams, njlASjust received PEVEJRIL OF^Tiif) «« PEJIK a romance by the author of Wuverly, in 3 vols. march 8 p 87 Fxenttive Department Ce rgin.> Milledgeville 27«h February, -8 ; »> (O* The subjoined letter from the Hon John C. Calhoun,' Secretary of War, is or dored to be publishetfonce, in each of the G.isettea of this State, for the information of those whom it may concern. The instructions heretofore published from the Dup-irtmcnt of War, for taking evidence in support of claims before tho Superior, Inferior, or Courts of Ordinary B in term time, must be put sued The testimony thus taken, and new claims, should there be any exhibited, to be for warded by the claimants to the War DeJ partment. ~ Attest, E. WOOD, Sec’ry. Department of War, 13/A Feb J 823. Si r-~-Your letter ofthe 14th lilt, with its enclosures, has been received. The subjects of a fUrtlier extinguish * oent ofthe Indian title to lamia within the State of Georgia, has been 'submitted to Congress by the president j and he has a reed to keep open the time for the re • ptio n of claim* under the late treaty with Hie Creek Indians, until the 1st day of Au gust next, extending the privilege thus' allowed, as well to those whose claims were rejected by the late Comtnissioner on account of insufficiency or informality ■f proof only, os to. those who have not yet exhibited their claims. Those exhibited * before the 1st of January last, will be at tended to, ob soon as the President is re leased from the duties incident to the vssion of Congress. I have the honor to be, your ob’t seiV-t J. C. CALHOUN. His P.xp*1l*nc'’ Vm </farJfc,G0V<dfGC0j /■ owcUW II w.