Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, May 30, 1831, Image 1

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x COMMl'NfPATION. Tlie re-ent ordinance of the City Council to prevent cruelty to at'imtils.wus much wan- tod f and is honorable to who paused it and inus' if properly enforced, be productive of great relief to the noblest, most useful, mid patient of animnls. There is however, a practice pursued horn, that ought surely to be am-tided. I mean, the luzy Ithbit of riding, by the drivers of drays, &.c.—who instead of tv-ilking by the side of the horse encouraging him by Ins presence, may invnriuhly be found perched upon the top of the load wielding a long heavy whip, and thus adding from 150 to 200 pounds weight, to anaiivady full load. Now at Charleston, where the streets arc paved, too, the practice is very different, there the drivers walk when iheir drays are loaded, and no doubt tied their nr mint in it, in the saving of Ilorsi. flesh. The little em ployment of drays that I have shall always he given to those most kind to the auimils wlm earn the bread of their owners, and if the mer chants generally would discountenance this indolent system, it would soon bo abolished. 7„ Z, MAKVsn jonnAL. POI-T OP KAVAIO'itH. II1011 tVATKIl AT TYUBE . . . HIOM WAT:R AT SAVANNAH 6 34 . 10 10 Aititivr.i), SI .op Oi o. W-i'liiniMoi,, Smiili, O^i-chof. 13 bales 8.1 C Umi .ii.d r njjli tlicdto It II iIm r-limn. S'. amljo i C-iU-iInnm, 11 AujimlM, to J M’- K« zie & C-<. 8U0 C. ii- nll.r Cliaricalnii. SAIIJ.l), Shin Amiatii. Carey. Liverpool. eor .v/-:w y<fin. i c II O () N K K LINE.] The fast suiliing packet schooner EXCEL, Edw. lt( Hiker, muster, NViil sail on Monday, the Oth For freight or passage, having su perior Hccouiinorhifions, apply to Captain H. oil hoard at Auciuux wharf, <’r to may 28 COHEN <V \PLLER. FREIGHT Ft Hi I.IVEltPO Oh. . ,^ ^ From jfiO to 80 hogs of C.itlon -rvOnk fir ‘- wanted to complete the car- ► go of the ship Mury Almy. tnten- , ded to sail for Liverpool on Tues day next,31st inst. Apply n may *28 AND’W. LOW & CO. ton CHARLESTON, The regular packet sloop JOHN CHEVALIER, —N. It Sisson muster, „*rWas unavoidably detained y< b TBl&B4 l g&gLia Tins Evening, Mny 28, Will ho acted the comedy of the DRAMATIST, on Slop Hint irho can. Vapid r ho dramatic author) Mr. F. Brown, l.ady Wuitfurt, Mrs. Smith. Marianne, Mrs. Preston. The original Epilogue to he spoken by MR. P. BROWN. To'Cor\olttdt» with for the first tune these JO years, n grand Historical, Panto- mimical, Melo Dramatical, Ollnpodridicul, Tru- of HAMLET, TKAVE8 It:. The whple,with tho Pantomimic arrangements go up under the immediate direction of Mr. DeCamp. Hamlet, Mr. DeCamp. On w Inch oegsion he wi'l introduce six Songs, two Duets, and one Trio. Ophelia, (with a mad song) Mrs. Brown. O^r The Tragedy concludes with the death of all the characters—Buckets will he provi ded to receive the Tears and Pocket Hanker- chiefs for all who may want them, s'-ats and places must he procured us soon as possible, us an overflowing House, (ofTears) is ex pected. «£# Tickets to he had, and boxes taken at the New s Room of the Georgian Uflieu. may 28 Fresh Fruit. ft ~ BOXES Lemons, in fine order I J 15 drums Figs do do 2 boxes Prunes 1 cejoon Madeira Nuts Jn-t received per schr Excel and for sain by may 28 W/Z.UALL. (unlay, and will srlTHIS MORNING, at 0 o’clock A. M. from the Steam Rice Mill wharf. For passage otify apply on hoard. N.B (Ml slave passengers must he cleared 11 the Custom Ilouae. may 2b FOR AUGUSTA, The steamboat CAROLINA, If. D. Wray, J Will lea ve for the above place on Tuesday n* xt. FofVciglii or passage, apply at the Steam boat office. WM TAYLOR, may 28 President S B. C. IV tic<v P ASSENGERS currying Slaves by the sli pStutirn will pleas** have them el*nr- ed at the Custom House this day, before one o’clock. may 28 Wanted to Purchase. A STEADY, honest & industrious woman, who can Cook, Wash, cf*c. Also, an active boy of from 14 to 19 years of'ug , so ber and rtoady. For two such, n fair price in cash will be paid. Apply at the office of the Georgian. inay 28 156—l * SHERIFF'S FALLS. On the first Tuesday in July next, \\ ILL be "old at Tattnall, ('ourt House * * betwe ti the usual hours of sule, the following articles, to wit : l Cart, 3 onir of Women’s Shoos, 5 pieces of Cali* o,l piece of Crape, 4 Shawls, 1 piece of Muslin, l Cloth Brush, half dozen Hand kerchief. I box of Pencils, 6 hair Comb.-, 1 pair of Shears, 3 pa>r of Spurs, I box of Beads, parcel of Thread, paper of Pius, 1 box of Thread, 2 dozen Thimbles, l pair of Socks, 8 pair of Suspenders, S de. Combs, 5 pair Scissors, 1 tine tooMi Comb, wooden Combs, Buttons, Knitting Needles, 6 papers of Nee- of the Honorable Superior Court of Tnttnail county, to satisfy his jail fees, and other ex penses.—May 25th, 18 1. may 28 BENJ. BREVVTON, s t c. The T, rpHF. TALDA or MOOR OF PORTO- Jo. GAL a Romance, in 2 vols, >y Mrs. Brag, author of *• The White Hoods,” “T:*e Protestant” “ Filz, of Fitssford,” die. &c. ANNALS OF THE PENINSULAR CAMPAIGNS, by the author of Cyril Thornton, with plates, in 2 volti nes. Just received by T.M.DRISCOLL. , .nitty 28 Ice 11mee. under the tlliiii’. C 1ANDLER & DAVIDSON have estab- f lished nn ICE HOUSE, in John D. Mongin’s buildings, two doors west of Abner Bassett’s ship Chandlery, where they will be prepared to deliver Ice from 5 o’clock, A. AT. to 7 P. M. every day, except Sundays, on which day, the Ice House will he open from sun rue until 8 A. M. and frutn 12 to 2 P. AJ. may 28 Col tonCom pressed 4* He packed flftHE subscribers having lately erected nn Jl. extensive es ahltshment on the site of the old Barracks, for the above pur oses, arc now ready to receive Cotton, which will he Compressed at the reduced rate of 75 cents per hale. BAYARD & HUNTER, may 28 150 Smoked Mackerel. nMIIE above article—a substitute for smok- .1. ed Salmon, just received per sclir. Ex cel and forsale by W. Z. HALL.— may 28 Fresh Crackers. &c. ~t BBLS. Treadwell's Butter Crackers, J vr Soda Biscuits and new Goshen Butter. Just received and for sale by may 28 W. Z. HALL. May Butter. "J TUBS May*Butter, just landed from -M ^ schr. Excel and for sale by may 27 S. PHILBRICK. Gernuin Ttiiutiters. &<•. ft 14 i STRAWS German Tumblers fi. \_r ' 40 dozen Palmetto Hats # 4 halos ;} Shirting Just received and for sale hv muy 24 S. PHILBRICK* Godfrey's Smelling Salts. A SUPPLY of these Smelling Salts, much /V superior to any other kind, just receiv- de and for hu1«* ay m-.y 25 LAY & HENDRICKSON. Java Collet*. ft fA BAGS prime Juva Coffee, just re- ‘ a reived and for sale by may 24 S. PHILBRICK. French B iiril) i/.ins. A PIECES 5-4 French Boinhnzins O 10 do fine black Circassians 5 do do do Liibtings Roceived perOllirfio, hy mav 14 NORTON & FULLER. Mackerel \’ Rum. No 3 Mackerel ♦JO 25 Uhls N. E. Rum 5 Uhils N O. Rum. La iding, for sale by may 18 COHEN & MILLER. Storairo. r riIIE Huhscrihers can store 1000 hales JL Cotton on reasonable term*. LALL, SHAPTER & TUPPER. may I Linseed Oil. Vt>. f+ BBLS 1st quality Lmsred Oil 10 do Whiting. Just received and for pslehy LAY & HENDRICKSON, may 17 Snorrn Cnndles rr BOXES ?pt quality Sperm Candles, *3 r landing from schr.Oreg.Mi and for s le by HAZARD & DENSLOW. may 17 Butter Crackers. fl BBLS Holt’s best. Per ship Tybce 1 and for saje by may 13 CLAGHORN «& WOOD. Oats. BUSHELS now landing and for •J " r Ba l e by may 12 PALMES & LEE. SmitlifWd Bacon, hoi'll OGH LBS. Hams, Middlings nnd vF• vr I r \/ Shoulders, just received from Norfolk 250 Baltimore Hums, in hags 200 kegs Lard For sale by may 13 BAYARD & HUNTER, Wine. ft 4Yi Q.R. casks Sweet Malaga W : ne B v/ 10 do do do dry do 10 do do Marseilles Madeira Wino 5 do do Port do 3 do do Teneriffe do 2 do (I9 Canary do Just received per --hip Tvhoe. for snle by may 12 HAZARD & DENSLOW. -Caper Hannings ami Fire Board Prints. ft CJ4A PIECES French. Paper Hang- ■ mgs. Borders und fir** Board Prints, among which are new and elegant Patterns, just received per schr. Oregon, for sale hy HAZARD & DENSLOW. may 17 Corn Six llers. ft /'I WAKING’S Patent Longitudenal ■ Corn Shellnrs Just received and f**r sale l*y may 6 HAZARD & DENSLOW. Just Received. T ANDING from sehr. Equal, 60 boxes JLA YELLOW SOAP—for sale hv may 10 J. B. HERBERT. Bacon. ft 4 'PI IIHDS Cincinnati Bacon, landing ■ • from brig Sou e and for sale by may 6 ROE & MERIUMAN. Premium 'I'obacco. pi CASES Goo. Inness & Co’s. Sweet & * * scented and fine cut chewing Tobac co, of superior quality, landing from ship Ty- bee and for sule hy rnay 9 HAZARD & DENSLOW. Sperm Oil. I OAI.W. Sperm Oil, ol superior JL * MJM 1 quality and very light color l.i\nt)inir from ship Statim, for stile Itv may 17 HAZARD & DENSJ.OVV. Corn Afloat P RIME Bunch Island Corn for sain in lo*.’ to suit purchasers, hy may 18 CANDLER & DAVIDSON. Owen’s Dentrifice. A FRESH supply of thin superior Dmitri- * lice, corefuilv prepared and for sale hy may 19 LAY & HENDRICKSON. Sunil. A FRESH siimily of J-*. LuriUard’B. M tceaboy J do Scotch > SNUFF, do French Rappee ) Just received and for snle wholesale or retail hy LAY & HENDRICKSON, limy 10 Portland Rum. ft O BBLS. Portland Rum, landing from ft- ship Macon nnd forsale by 11 ALL, SHAPTER & TUPPER. may 10 Tamarinds. 4 FRESH supply of Tamarinds in small jura, just received and for snle by may 19 LAY & HENDRICKSON. Sperm Oil ft AAA GALLONS superior Rpmm ft tj rx 9 Lamp, Light color in Tierces ami Barrels.just rep« ived forsale hy LAY & HENDRICKSON. nmy 17 Baltimore Hams, TUST received per brig Murylund, ♦> Hums of small size Howard street Flour, in half bids. For sale by W. Z. UALL. may 12 < Jackurs. Tt >OSTON, Soda and Sugar Crackers, just .M3 received per schr. Othello and for sale by W. Z. HALL, may 14 S|iei:m Oil. GALLS, first quality Sperm Lamp *3 ' xJ Oil, light color, just received and forsale hy LAY & HENDRICKSON, may 14 Slock Ale. (fJ/'V BBLS VansarRand Read, Armstrong £1* r & C**’s. superior Stock Ale, just re ceived nnd for s.ile by may 17 HAZARD & DENSLOW. Soda Crackers. t^OD \, BtBter and Sugar Crackers, will he kJ roceived this day from schr. Othello, unri for sale at the may 14 .FAM1LY CROCERY. Mineral i* i/A KEGS ofSuporior Mineral Green, fur £d\y sale by may 17 QLAGIU»RxN& WOOD. Virginia Bacon. A SMALL parcel consisting of Hams, Shoulders and Middlings, landing from br.g Leayiti* and fur mile by HALL, SHAPTER & TUPPER. nmy 12 Plul idelpliia Vie A. Porter. TJII.'LADELPIIIA Pale Ale, in pint and i q uirt bottles Philadelphia Porter, do do Refill* d Cider in quart bottles. Just received per ship Suit irn, & fur sale by muy 10 WM. Z. HALL. Paper Hamriiigs. A N asBor’ment of Paper Hangings and /» Borders, for sale hy may 12 HAZARD & DENSLOW. V kite Flint < oru BUSHELS white Flint Corn, for •J*" * sule hy may 10 CANDLER & DAVIDSON. Goshen Butter. iV c. K KEGS Goshen Butler,for family use 2 tierces Dried Applos 10 bids Loaf ami Lump Sugar 59 Smoked Salinmn 10 bbls Newark Cider Just received per brig Hercules and for sale hy A. BASSETT, may ,12 Cologne' Water. I K A DOZ. Cologne Water, first quality, a i/U cotpprising a great variety t>f pat terns, suitable for retailing, just received and forsale hy LAY & HENDRICKSON, may 12 Claret and Champaign, k U ASES Modoc Claret 6 do S .Julian do 6 baskets Champaign. Are just received at the* may 12 FAMILY GROCERY. Linseed Oil, 4 SUPPLY of Linseed Oil, Landing from brig Maryland, for sale hv HAZZARD & DENSLOW. may 12 Corn. TftEACII Island Corn, of superior quality, .M3 f.»r sule in lots to suit purchasers, hy miy 11 CANDLER & DAVIDSON W. O. Molasses, Q BBLS. prime N. O. Molasses,for sale ^ ' O hy HAZARD &. DENSLOW. may 12 Ljneeed Oil, 3 BBLS Linseed Oil H) boxes Crome Yellow 5 do Green 50 Prussian Blue, 1st quality. Just received and fur sale low hy LA Y & HENRICKSON. may 12 Hams. Sic. VtriTII an assortment of other Goods, a ▼ » fresh supply of B-iltimore cured Ilatns will bo received This I) y, at the may 13 FAMILY GROCERY. Gin; Hum and Whsskey. pl BRLS New England Rum 50 do New Orleans Whiskey • 20 bbls Balt. Gin In store and for sale hy may 25 S. PHILBRIGK. FOR LIVER POUT, The first rate ship AI A CON, D. L. Porter, Having a considerable part of her cargo engaged mid going on hoard, will be immediately dispatelmd. For freight of B(i( hales Cotton or passage, having excellent furuislicri accommodations, apply to the mas ter oil hoard, or to HALL, SHATTER & TUPPER. may 10 mu m. iv- von a, l B Hr A U r. I R II K I) USB,] , Tlie regular packet sliip STATIKA, •4*5'^* Wood, muster, mSs'Ssis.lZm Will sail on Monday, BOtii inst. For balance of freight or pus-ago, having ex cellent uccoininoJatiopB,apply to Capt. W. on hoard, or to HALL, SHATTER & TOPPER, may 21 FOit NEW. YORK. [ H C H O O ft K II I. I N K. ] 'I'he fast sailing packet schooner OREGON, Thomas Dunham, Jr. master» Will sail on Monday, 30th. inkt. For passage only, having superior aecnmino- diittons. apply to Capt. I), on board, ut Tay lor’s wlmrf, or to may 23 COIIEN & MILLER. Splendid Scheme. $30,000—$10,000. O N MONDAY MORNINU the drawing of the Union Canal Lottery, Class No. 10, Will lo received, •S’ C U E ,V K : FOR AUGUSTA, The steam-boat GEORGIA, ri-v.T" •'--/-■.’■ly (’unt. '''orris, Will leave, here on Fri day next. For freight or passage, apply ot the Steam-boat Office. WAI. TAYLOR, may 25 P. S. B. * Jo. Macon Stasis Faro Rodticod. Hereafter, the price; of ^passage from Siivnnnuh <*to Macon will ho Fiftuon dollars, from Savannah to Marion Thirteen dollars, and froth Savannah to. Dublin Ton dollars, and in like proportion to any intermediate place. Thirty pounds baggage allowed to each passenger. Office kept at the Mansion House. ' EDWARD VARNER, march 9 8—J 1 pri/.o of 1 prize of 1 price of 1 prize of 30 prizes of 50 pr/es of 51 prizes of 51 prizes of tVe. &c. #30.000 dollars 10,0(10 dollars 5,000 dollars 1,140 dollars . 1,000 dollars fiOO dollars 200 dollars 100 dollars &c &e Ticl.ets #10—Halves #5—Quarters #2 50. Orders receved ut H CODING'S Lottery <j* Exchange Office, Corner Whitaker and Bryair-streets, oppo site Penlield's Rniijje. % J. It, HERBERT, TIH8 DAY, 28tli i.isiant, at 11 o'clock will be solo before my store, A general assortment of GROCERIES AI.NO, 70 sacks Liverpool Blown Balt 10 firkins Goshen Butler may 28 Terms Cosh. Sicaiii hunt Pendleton, Hi/ j, n. I / eh be nr, Will bo -old at Mori* gin’s lower wharf, on .Monday ilie Oth of Junc r it Public Auction, (if c- ! not niHputi ti ul oet'ore at pm ate sale,) the O^T Orders from any port of tho United steam hunt PENDLETON, with all her tuc- Stutis (postpaid) enclosiiig cash or prize j kle; utul equqmge—she being considered at tickets, will meet with prompt attention il ud-! dus inue in goon condition. For terms, up- dressed.lo ply to < he subscribers, agents. WILLIAM F. REDDING, STILE* & FANNIN. imiY 20 Savannah, Georgia. < O^T^'e Augusta Chronicle & the Charles- j ton Courier will insert this notice,three time# ami (hi ward the:r hills. Sale id 11 i lit time of sate, may 28 tits. O N MONDAY MORNING the drawing of the Union Canal Lottery,.Class No. 10, is expected. S C II E >1 E : 1 prize of #30,000 dollars J pr.ze of 1(7,000 dollars 1 pr ze of 5,000 dollars 1 prize of 4,M0 dollars 30 prizes of 1,000 dn’lars 50 prizes of 500 dollars 51 prizes of 200 dollars 51 prizes of 100 dollars &e. «S/c die. Tickets 010—Halves 05—Quarters #2 50. Orders attended toot M 'Til Fit. Si cos may 20 Lottery cj* Exchange Office. $ao,ooo-$ 10,000. O N Monday Morning the drawing of the. Union < ’unnl Lottery, (ofPemisvIvniiiu) *' “ttuttlis. ( 'lass No. 10, will he received—9 drawn bul lots. PRIZES: ,*ck. Terms made known Col I .m. Ha {jiTi*/ By ./ it. ii /; it it r it T, On WEDNESDAY next, the 1st Jung, will he soid at the store of J P. Henry, Esq. i i A PIECES 42 inch IJempund Tow “ ‘i.Mi Bagging, in lots to suit purchasers 'perms—Approved notes, payable on the 1st J •unary next. may 20 Su es at 11 o’clock^ Hi, S. PHIL mat K, On TUESDAY, the 7th June, at 11 o' clock, in front ol’the Excliunge, A prune mulatto woman, aged 35 years, tfc first rate cook, wa-l. rund ironer. ’Also, her A children, v z : a hov aged 12, ii girl age 9, a girl uged (1, and a giri aged Pork, Beef, A. c. n AVE received by recent arrivals 75 bids City prune Pork 40 bids Mess do 50 do prime and nm-s Beef 50 do Pilot and Navy Bread 50 bbls Canal Flour, extra brands 50 do Baltimore do do 50 half bills Philadelphia. do 30 hills No. 3 Mackerel 20 do Holt’s Blitter Crackers 40 do Pilot Bread 35 do Navy do 200 Baltimore aild.Smithfiold Hums 20 hiigsCofien 50 Smonked Tnngues 200 di« Bnlogim Sausages baskets Sweet Oil 5 kegs May Bolter 20 boxes Claret For sale hy may 23 CLAGIIORN & WOOD. Hull. Shapter iV Tup|>or. O FFER forsale on accommodnting terms 250 hags prime Gr< on (’ofiee 80 tons Swedes lmu, handsomely as- sorted 5,000 lbs Virginia Bacon 100 pieces Cotton Bagging GO qr casks Marseilles Wine 5 pipes Holland (Jin, “Swan” brand 30 boxes white Havana Sugar ) very 29 do brown do do ( supr. 50 lihls best double refined Loaf do 50 do single refill* d do fit) Lump Sugar, loaf shape 500 hags Youle’s patent Shot 150 boxes Negro Pipes 30 lo-gs and boxes Manufactured To bacco fillO boxes common Segnrs 300 do whole, half, quarter and tenth boxes Sjmnibli utul half Spanish Sugar* 300 Grindsthncs, small sizes, may 24 JUnglish ('licmicals. H ENRY’S Culcined Magnesia Do* / romaiic Vinegar Cheltenhnm Salts Seidli zaiid SodaPowiters Indelible Ink A fresh supply of these genuine art icles just received mid forsale hv nmy 25 LAY & IIENDRJCKSON. 1 prize ot 030,000 dollars 1 prize of KMMiO dollars 1 prize of 5,OUO dollars 1 prize of 4,140 dollars 30 prizes of 1.000 dollars 50 prizes of 500 dollars 51 prizes rtf 200 dollars 51 prizes of A l()0 dollars i A-c. A - c.. «o. 'I’ickcts 010— Halves 05—(.^uurters 02 50.1 Orders attended to hy H M. I MOllllF. I may*27 Lottery i|* Exchange Ofile ALSO, A prime Negro Girl, aged 16 years, ac- cu-iomcrt to house work. Terms cash—the purchaser paying forti-' f-lcm. nmy 5 S jii.tdi on i >nlors, May 3, 1831 rpllE Squadron of Cavalry attached to the ft. First Div sion of llio militia of Georgia, will he reviewed and inspected hy detach ments of Corps, as follows ; Thu cirps ol’Georgia Ilussars, on Monday, 10th Mav, » ! Savannah. Tin* Liberty Independent Troop, on Fri dav, 27fh May, at Wood’s Oid Field. The Darien Hussars, on Monday, 30th May, at Darien Tho {Squadron Staff will attend prepared | Ik discharge the dunes of their rewpectivo of-' lices. By order— VV. MACKAY, Adjt. , may 4 135 Hy J. It HERBERT, On TUESDAY* TtIi June, will bo sold ho* lore the Court House in this city , oetw* en the usual hours of sale, Lot letter A , Yumaemw, with the improve* meiits.—(Jmitii'mng.72 f* e front i Falun st, lt)i* |i*et on tho . .i an it 11 sole adjoining Kolk and Winkler, and 40 feet rear, may 24 By S. TH11,PRICK, * M AT PRIVATE EAIB ( A prime Negro Fellow, uged 33 years—« field luiltd. may 7 AT.BO, A fmv bbls. No. 1 and 2 MuckeraJ. may 19 ALSO, 2'hhls Dried Apples. may20 Prime Beef. A BBLS Prime Beef tL * * 39,000 Alexandria Segars 15 bbls Corn Meal Per schr. Oregon. IN STORE, 100 hide City Prime Pork 45 do Mi ss do. 75 do No. 3 Mackerel For pale by may 17 CLAXJHORN & WOOD. Advert semenl. I fOUSE, Sign and Ornamental Painting, 1. Paper Hanging. Glazing. fiiiitiitfiins of F ncy Woods, Marbles, .&c. Walls Painted or Ornamented in Oils or : Water Colours. J The nhovo business exeruted hy the huB- N ■cribep ill a slyle In* trusts worthy the liberal x^uilCi . I patronage and upprobulion he has. and con- ERSONH Who have subscribed for ad-J linuus to receive. (lit tonal Shares of Stock in the Snum-I ALEXANDER MEl.DRUM. nuh, Ogeehee »Y Alalnnuiha Canal, are rc- \ Reference—'I’liomas Young, Esq. quested to cull ut my office, for flia purpose | i'ai • Shop in Johnston's Square, adjoining Mr. V iMean’s Office, whore orders left will bo p. Itil of arrange g the payment of instalments, greeabh* to the terms agreed upon at the promptly attended to. time of subscribing. Office hours frsui 10 to may 23 3 o’clock. AT,SO, Tho Board of Drreeters, will hire 0 nhle bodied u‘egr(» men, until tin* 1st. January next. The wages to ho stated on application to the Board and loft at my office, on or before 4th May next. tipril 29 M. W. STEWART, Sec’ry CaO'inge nnd I torsos for s ilo. A SUBSTANTIAl.&lijht family CAR- RIAGE, together with n pair of gentle and well broke HORSES. For sale on rea sonable terms, apply'to may 20 J. D. IIUGUENIN. ('lorli Wmiloil \fiLTANTED to hire hy tho year, a yeung ▼ T man iih clerk in a retail Dry Good & Grocery store, a few miles in tho count)*) — Apply for particulars at the Georgian Office, may 9 139—3iv 146—pO Proston Salts. A FRESH supply of Preston Smelling Salts, in plain and cut Glass Vials, junt received mid for sale hy may 17 LAY & IIENDLICKSON. Dunstable Bonnets A FEW English Diamond Straw Dunsta bles, received per Othello, by NORTON «fc FULLER, may 11 Shade’s Building*. French Muslins. A FEW pioecs liandsoine flowered colored French Muslins 20 ps black and white do. (i doz Rich Belts* Received by Othel lo, for *ale by NORTON fit FULLER, may 14 Shad's Buildings. Jce House. ^B^IIE hours of delivery ut the Ice House, until further notice, will be from 5 A M. to 7 o’clock P. M., On Sundays, from 5 A. M. to 7antl from 12 till 2. rnay 17 Tqblo Linen. I ^INF, and superfine Damask Table Cloths of all sizes from 7-4 to 17 4 7-1, 8 4,9-4 and 10-4 Linen Damasks &. Table Diapers Fine and superfine 7-8 Damask Tublc Napkins Recently received and fur sale on accom modating terms, by JAMES ANDERSON, may 24 Young’s Buildings. Bapon. LBS. Choice Bacon, for sulo bv GEO. HUNTINGTON. ay. C (Al'T. Joliqson, of tho ship Tamerlano, ^ will arrive herefrom 1st to 15th Decem ber next, with from 4 to 500 bundles of Huy, the quality of which is well known in this market. Those who wish to supply them selves with what quantity they may want, pre vious to its urrivul will please call upon WM. & H. ROSE, Scott & Balfour’s wharf, who will receive such order*. may 18—2w|| Fancy Muslins. f IftllE subscriber has just received hy tho JL schr. Othello, from New York, and of fers for salo a well selected assortment of French, German, P lonnise, nnd Oriontal Snipe Muslins, Printed Jaconets, arid Fancy Striped and Check Cambrics, Crape and Gauze Shawls, Belts, &c.—with a variety of other articles, which will be disposed of at moderate prices. THOMAS G. MILLER, Next next, door W. of Low, Taylor & Co. nmy 14 Johnston’s Hqarc. Fresh Crackers. Sic. INE, Water, Soda & Butter Crackers, T ▼ and Smoked Beef, just received per ship Statira, and for sale bv may 19 WM. Z.I1ALL. 3000* may 26 Slate.' Hank Sloe MfMNTRD,—Fifi; shares * * Stock. Apply to Stock, may 13 State Bank J. I). IIUGUENIN. Ready made ('lothiog 1 CASE Superfine Broadcloth Dress Coats ai Salt Afloat. 1000 HACKS fine Table Salt, may 10 board Br brig Erin, for sale by COHEN & MILLER. Newark Cider. OA BBLS. Newark Cider, u prime article & " / jast landing from schr. Oregon and for sule hy S. PHILBRICK. mav 17 and pafitulounB. nmy 25 For sale by S. PHILBRICK. M (lasses. 0 IIIIDS. prime Mntanzas Molasses, suitable for retailor*, for sale hy may 25 BAYARD &. HUNTER. Agency Office Of the Charleston Eire if- Marine Insurance Company, Savannah, 17ili May 1881. rpJHS (Company Insures ugainst loss or I. damage by Fire, Produce & other Mer chandize, in either brick or wooden buildings, hy thi* month or for longer time, may 17 HOMES TUPPER, Agent. ATTACHMENT SALE, O N Wednesday, 25th inst. will be sold be fore the Exchange in the city ol'Snvan- iiuli,between*the usual hours of SfierifTs sale, 8 nurses, attached ns the property of Ja- rwii Righter ut the suit of Wilburn K. M‘Cord, m (Isold by mi order of the Honorable tho Jus- lices of the Inferic.«'ourt of Chatham Coun-* ly. J. I. DEWS, s. c. o. may 20 Bytier’s T>OTTLED. Ale and Porter, of superior 1 13 qiinl iy, put uii in quart and pint bottles, for family use. ut the moderate price of 01,5(J» per doz. for quarts ami 81.00 for pints—hot- Mes to he returned or paid for.' Apply at tho brick store, corner of Buy Lane and Jetferaen sire»'t, near the old W shington Hall. N. B Cash fur empty Porter Bottles or ta* ken in Exchange. may 14 144—2\V .lust Received, 4 FEW pieces Welsh Gmizd Flannels, of superior quality, nnd forsale by may 18—i, ROSE & GALL1E. Slone Jugs. ^ ^ GALLS. Stone Jugs, assorted si , tor sale hy may 14 HAZARD & DENSLOW. Linseed Od. 5 BBLS Linseed Oil, for s'tlc hy may 17 CLAGHORN & WOOD. 1 ^mithfield Bacon Hams. t 4 kl k FINE fi.iVorcd. Now landing and ; HU for sale hy may 13 CLAGHORN WOOD.