Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, June 16, 1831, Image 1

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$15,000 DOLLARS. O N TUESDAY the drawing of the Dela ware A Nortli Carolina Lottery, Class No. 11, is expected. S c II E M E : of of of 1 prize 1 rizo 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize 4 prize-* of 4 prizes of 5 prises of 5 prizes of 11 prizes of 50 prizes of Ac. $15,000 dollars 4,000 dollars 2,000 dollars 1.5(H) dollars 1,048 dollars 1,000 dollars 400 dollars 000 dollars 200 dollnrs 150 dollars 100 dollars &c. Ac.* Tickets $4—Halves $2—Quarters $1. Orders attended '0 at LUTHER * CO’S junc 17 Lottory A Exehango Office. ARS rill IE drawing of thfc Delaware A JL Carolina Lo'tery, Class No. 11, ' received >>n Tuesday. 21st inst. SCHEME: 1 prize 1 pr.ze 1 prize 1 prize 1 prize 4 prizes of 4 prizes of 5 prizes of 5 prizes of ] 1 prizes of 50 prizes of Ac. 'Pickets $4—Halves $ Orders attended to ut WM. I. MOO HR’S june 17 Lottery if- Exchange 0/ of of of of of Ac $15,000 dollars 4,'>00 dollars 2,000 dollars 1,501) dollars 1,048 dollars 1,000 dollars 400 dollars 800 dollars 200 dollars 150 dollars 100 dollars Ac. —(Quarters $1. 15,000 DOLL IKS. O N TUESDAY next, the drawing of thr Delaware iSt N jr’li Carolina Consoli. dated Lottery, Class No. 11, will be received S U H E M F : of of of of of 1 prize 1 prize 1 prize 1 prize 1 priz • 4 prizes of 4 prizes of 5 prizes of 5 prizes of 11 prizes of 50 prizes of A’c. Ac. $15,000 dollars 4.000 dollars 2.0(H) dollars 1,500 dollars 1,048 dollars 1,000 dollars 400 dollars 800 dollars 200 dollars 150 dollars 100 dollars &e Ac. Tickets $4—Halves $2—Quarters $1. Orders rece'vod at BEDDING'S Lottery cf- Exchange Office, Corner Whitaker and Bryan-streets, oppo site Penfield’s Range. 0^7* Orders from any part of the United States ( post paid ) enclosing cash or prize tickets, will meet with prompt attention if ad dressed to WILLIAM F. REDDING, june 17 Savannah, Georgia, SCH EM E. $685,440. N EW York Consolidated Lottery, Ex (’lass No. 10, was drawn at New Y< on Wednesday, 15th inst. be received 20d inst. SCHEME: 1 prize of $00,000 1 prize of 50,00; > 1 prize of 40,000 1 prize of 25.00O 1 prize of 20,000 1 prize of 10,000 6 prizes of 5,000 0 prizes of 2,500 Tickets #20—Halves Eighths Orders received at REDDING’S june 17 Lottery cf- Exchange Office. Drawing llecjpivtMl. T HE fqjlowingarc the drawn numbers of the Virginia State Lottery,Class No. 10. 37 10 42 55 82 20 47 50 33 43. Received at REDDING'S, june 17 Lottery if- Exchange Office. Spanish Sugars. THOUSAND superior Spanish So- & gars, landing from brig William from Havana and sale by HALL, SIIAPTER A TUPPER. june4 The drawini 18 prizes of 18 prizes of 180 prizes of 180 prizes of 184 prizes of 180 prizes of 1188 prizes of #10—Quarters $5—— »2 50. Corn. B EACH Island Corn of superior quality for Bale in lots to suit purcli isers, by CANDLER A DAVIDSON. Macon Bill.- taken in payment, june 15 Seignette’s Brandy. A HALF Pipes Seignettp’s Brandy, Land- ing from slop Queen Mnh.for sale Ity june 7 HAZARD A DENSLOW. Lemons. 5 BOXES best sort Lemons in good order, just received uud for sale by june 9 W. Z. HALL. Mackerel. A N invoice of No. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel, in whole and half barrels, landing from brig Pilgrim, from Boston. For sale by jurie 11 I. B. HERBERT & CO. Family Groceries. ripIIIS DAY received per sclir. Georgia, X a fresh selected assortment of Groce ries, Teas, Spices, Ac. For eale by june 9 W. Z. HALL. Baltimore Hams. BALTIMORE Ilams, reed, per schr. Argo 1 bbl. Smoked Tongues do Glide Pickled Beef do do For salo by W. Z. IIALL. june 10 50 Oranges and Lemons. QX BOXES Oranges, 30do Lemons Landing from brig Pilgrim, and for sale by HALL, SIIAPTER A TUPPER. junp 7 Saratoga Water. p?DOZ N Saratoga Congress Spring OIX fresh bottled. Just received per sclir Exact and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON. N.B. It will be kept cooled in Ice, and ready for delivery eveiy morning at 5 o’clock, une 11 Just Received, Landing from Emperor and sloop Delight | ** j | BUNDLES prime Hay X eX ^ 7 10 bbls St, Croix Sugar 80 bbls Sperm Oil 30 bbls Loaf Sugar GO bugs prime Green Coffeo Foi sale by J. B. HERBERT A CO. june 10 4 YVhftlo nnd Sperm Oil. J GALLONS Whole Oil, just qp- IN STORE, 2000 gallons superior quality, very fight colored Sperm Oil For salo by juno 10 HAZARD A DENSLOW. Landing, OIX Bm.ST.oaf Sugar ]() boxes Lump do 40 bbls Northorn Gin all '*°do \ Canal Flour For sa'e by COHEN & MILLER, june ID Landing from schr. Argo, Aif Ml BUSHELS Heavy Oats l uUU 200 bblp Howard-st. Flour For sale by june 11 BAYARD A HUNTER. Just Received, BBLS Canal Flour 200 small ^izod Baltimore cured Hums 200 Flitches und SliQiiltlors 20 Mils Holt’s Crii. kei’s 50 do Pilot Bread june 10—p GAUDRY A LEG RILL. Beef. A.C. K it TILS Prim.. Ueof 50 !o do Pork 10 kogs Butter 25 bbls Mess B'*ef Just received and for sale by • june 10 CLAGHORN A WOOD. Chloride Lime. 4 FRESH'simply of English and Antori- can Chloride Linn*, just received for sal- by LAY A HENDRICKSON, juno 13 Fork, just Received. *>l"k BBLS Mess Pork Ov/ 10 do Holt’s Butter Crackers 1060 His Codfish for sale by CLAGHORN A WOOD. june 10 Hey. * BUNDLES best New-York Hnv, * from whin Tybee, and for •sale by PALMES A I EE, june 14 Exchange Dock. Fresh Family Flour, Ac. f pr’ BBDS superior Family Flour • * * 1000 lbs. Baltimore Hams, w'th a va riety of other goods, are landing from brig Maryland and for sale low. june 14 II. WEBB. Cayenne Fenner and Mustard. 4 KEG-* Cavenn Pepper * 12 boxes English Mustard Just received anil for sale by jane 14 LAY & HENDRICKSON. lituik Stock. 4 1 \RINE A Fire Insurance Bank Stock > fl ' or sale. Apply to june J. P. HENRY. Claret. ^ IXTY cases first quality of Claret, for sale eJ by BUTTS A PATTERSON, june 14 New-t trleans 3Iolasscs. | X HHDS and bbls. very prime N. O. ■ M'dosseB for s tie by juno 14 JOHN' GARDNER. Colgate’s Starch. BOXES Colgate’s superior Starch, > VI just received and for sale low by june 14 LAY A HENDRICKSON. . Stock Ale. 4 FURTHER supply of Stock Ale land- t\ mg from ship Tvbee and for salp by june 14 H 7, A III) A DENSLOW. •S voet Oil. | BASKETS Sweet Oil, of superior i ' - q ality.just received and for sale by junc 11 LAY A HENDRICKSON. Visiting Cards. 4 FINE assortment of 1st quality Visiting i\ (Jnnls, just received and for sule by june 14 LAY A HENDRICKSON White Wine Vinegar. A f v CASKS, just received, now landing fl ' from slop Tybee, and for sale by PALM ESA. LEE, jime 14 Exchange Dock. Ice House. ''fUIE hours ofdolivery at the Ice House, i until further notice, will be from 5 A M. to 7 o’clock P. M., On Sundays, from 5 A. M to 7and from 12 till 2. may 17 Corn Alloat R)RIME Bench Island Corn for sale in lots JL to suit purchasers, by may 18 CANDLER A DAVIDSON. Macon. | fif* IIIIDS Bacon, assorted, land- 1 I/O ingifrom brig Atlantic and for sale by ROE A MERRIMAN. june 15 Mams. HHDS Canvassed Ilams, of superior " quality, landing from brig Atlantic and lur sale by ROE A MERRIMAN. 'june 15 Lard A KEGS prim'; Biltimore Lard, lan I " r O ding from brig Maryland and for sale by BAYARD A HUNTER, june 15 BT»ASmiOTAJHL»«ai Cloths, Cstssimeres. Vestings, &. stymmawk made to order by WILLIAM O. PRICE, MERCHANT TAYLOR, at the SAVANNAH CLOTHING EMPORIUM, (on the Day, opposite the Exchange) where nmy be found A ERE8H, PA8HIONADLE ANI» WELL MADE AS SORTMENT OF SEASONABLE * Ready Made Clothing, and every variety of FANCV A It T 1 C L E S, Just received by the late arrivals and offer ed ut the lowest rates, ON HIS ESTABLISHED PRINCIPLE, (CjP* Tor Cash, or approval Oily acceptances. rrUDl Savannah, June 14, 1831. 170 Notice. ffflllE co-partnership of CHICHESTER I A SCRAN TON is this day disolved by mutual consent. All persons having domands against the concern, will present thorn for payment to Alonzo Scranton, who is duly authorized to settle the business of the con cern ; and all those indebted are requested to settle their bills without delay. ALFRED CHICHESTER. ALONZO SCRANTON. Savannah, May 27tji 1830. DR APER & ? A*LOR. 0^7“ The undersigned respectfully announ ces to the friends of the luie firm ofCiiu hun ter A Scranton, that ho will t o tiuue the business at the old established stand, Young's, buildings, corner of Brvun A Wliitnker-sls., where nil disposed to yield him their patron age, w II find the same splendid assortment of goods, fashionable and Humble, the same taste in cutting and making, and the same dispo sition to please and accomodate the pu 1 1 c, that lias over characterized t lie establishment, may 30 ALONZO SCRANTON. FOR NEW-YORK, K1TAIIMNHKD LIN K.] The regular packet ship T Y B E E, D. Wood, master, Will sail on Mnntluv, 27th inst. For freight or pnssngo, having excellent ac commodations, pply to Capt. W. on bourd ut Jones’s upper wharf, or to june 16 HALL, SIIAPTER & TUPPER. TOR .\EW-\ORK, ESTABLISHED UNE.] The regular pucket ship EMPEROR, J. H. Bennett, master, Will sail on Monday, the 20th inst. For freight or passage, Imvmg excel lent accommodations, apply to Cnpt. B. on board, or to HALL, SIIAPTER A TUPPER. juno 10 FOR BOSTON, The brig P I L G IU M, Rice, master. Fol freight, or passage, apply to the muster on Hoard, or to june 11 C A N D L E R A DAVIDSON. FOR PROVIDENCE, The regular packot brig LEOPARD, wap Capt. Harris, m*? rWtffcLi W 11 meet with despatch. For passage, apply to Captain Harris on board, or to .T. STONE A CO. Landing from said vessel, 100 . as.ts I.jtno 2b bbls Gill 20 bbls Rum. juno 10 FOR PROVIDENCE, ri. The packet brig L A u 11 K L * Cant. Remington, Will meet with despatch. For freight or passage apply on board, or to june 2 J. STONE & CO. Sell Ins Off. 4 /"k BBLS Prime Pork ‘X V 60 do do Beef 70 do Pilot and Navy Broad Half bids Pickled Tongues 30 bbls No 3 Mackerel 20 half bbls No 3 do 20 kegs and kits pickled Salmon 50 lbs Smoked Salmon Boxes Smoked Herring 100 I s Bologna Sausages 3 kegs Goshen Butter 200 lbs Goshen Cheese 60 do (’loves 1 half and qr bbls Zaute Currants 100 lbs Allspice 10 alf boxes Chocolate 10 bbls white B nns 5 do Loaf Sugar 20 do New Orleans Molasses 5 do Vinegar Boxes Hyson Tea Do Young Hyson do Imperial and Gunpowder Tea in caddi'-s Part pipe Brandy Do do Holland Gin 5 qr casks Tcneriffe VV»ne Madeira W ne, by the Demijohn 70 kegs Nails, assorted from 4d to 24d 30 do Brads, from (id to 12d 40 pieces heavy Russia Duck 60 do do and light Ravens do 80 do light Cotton Duck 250 coils Corduge assorted sizes J, to 8 inch 40 do Manilla Rone, 1 to 5 inches 100 kegs Paints dill’ rent kinds 20 do and canisters Verdigris Together with a full assortment of Groce ries and Ship Chandlery, which will be sold veay low to close business by june 10 A. BASSETT. FOR BALTIMORE, The regular packet brig MARYLAND, II. Swift, master, Will meet with; For fre glit or passage, having handsome accoin- mod itions, apply on board, or to june 13 FRANCIS SORREL. FOR NEW YORK. [SCIIOON II R LINE.] The last suiting packet sclir. G I. I 1) E, j r i\j [jViV J. Rarlram, master, Will sail on Sunday next, the H)m inst. For passage only, having hand • mie n cnmtnndatioMH, apply to Cupt. B on board at Anciaux wharf, or to june 14 COHEN A MILLER. FOR NEW’VORK. [schooner LIN E.] The fast nailing packet sclir., EXACT, Samuel Nichols, master. Will sail on Wednesday the 22d ilist. For freight or pasting'*, having exten sive accommodation!*, apply to Captain N. ou board, at Hunter's wharf, or to june U COHEN A MILLER. Hay. Oats and Corn. f Hifl BUNDLES best quality Iluy I\>x/ 1000 bushels Corn 500 bushels Heavy Oats 3 puncheons Jamaica Rum 2 pipes Cognac Brandy 10 boxes White Havana Sugar For sale by MICII’L. DILLON, june 16 172—pfl Indigo, .V c. 0/A|/~k LBS Spanish Flote Indigo 50 lbs Prussian Blue 50 lbs Vermillion 10 boxes Croino Yellow 6 do do Green , 2 bbls Madder, just received & for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON. \Y hit.o Lead.Window Llass.A c. O TONS White Lead in large A tj/nall kegs <3 109 h xes Window Gluss 6 rolls Sheet Lend 10 packs Gold Leaf Paint Brushes, Sash Tools Camels hair Pencils, Graining Tools and Bronze. Just received for sale by june 7 HAZARD A DENSLOW. Fresh Flour, Corn, Bacon, <Stc. (U M k IUJSHELS prime white Corn *300 bbls superfine Ilowurd-st. Flour 7 boxes Bacon 10000 lbs Bacon, assorted • 42 boxes Cavendish Tobacco 2 boxes Bur Lead 250 bags Shot, Ac. Landing from brig Maryland and will be sold low from the wharf, by june 13 FRANCIS SORREL. Wines, &.c. Ofl 'BOXES Oh ret Wine md v* 3 boxes Chutnpaign, Grape brand 2 baskets do Dinet do 2 do Sweet Oil, stamped A clarified French Cordials of the best brands Receiving this morning per schr. Exact and for sale by june 11 W. Z. IIALL. Prime Northern Hay. (1AA BUNDLES of first quality Hay, £l\P\J inst landing from ship Emperor, from New York, which will be sold low from the wharf. YV. A H. ROSE, june 10 Stock Ale and Cider. Q/~k BBLS and half bbls Stock A!c 20 do prime Newark Cider Just received for solo by june 7 HAZARD A DENSLOW. Linseed Oil and Lampblack. J | k BBLS Linseed Oil I * * 8 casks and bbls Lampblack, in j & 1 lbs. papers Just received and for sale by juno 10 IIAZARED A DENSOW. Hay. OA BUNDLES prime Hay. Landing from schr. Exact, for sale by juno 11 J. STONE & CO. Linseed Oil. 4 BBLS 1st,quality Linseed Oil, for Rale by LAY A HENDRICKSON, junc 0 FOR \EW YORK. The substantial coppered sclir. ARGO, Capt. Williams, Will sail in nil this week for the above port; she has tolerable accommodations for a few passengers. For dock freight or passage, apply to the master on hoard, or to juno 13 FRANCIS SORREL, Custom House, Cqnecter’s Office,Savannah,Oth June, 1831 . Cl rO A LED proposals will be received at Ibis C5 office until the 20th instant, for the sup port of sick and disabled American Seamen, for one year following the 1st July 1831, at tin following rates : For suitable boarding, lodging and nursing, there will be allowed I tie sum of $3 per week. Medical services will be adjusted and puid at the following rates, viz: When the aggregate time for whieh medi cal services are rendered, shall average less than twtmty-fivo days to each pat ion , it will bo computed and paid ut the rate of twenty five cents for each day. Whon tin 1 average time to each patient a- mour.ts to twenty-five days and upwards, and the number of patients does not exceed ten, there w 11 he allowed and paid for each pa tient the siiiii of $6 25. And for every patient above ten, the sum of myn. For necessary medicines there will bo al lowed one bait Of the sum paid for profession al services, unless the circumstances of the case be such as in the opinion of the Inspcd- tor to author ze a forth r allowance. No charges for med cnl and surgical servi ces will he paid, or accounts rendered for tlio same u til the patient is discharged. For funeral charges there will be allowed and puid the sum of six dollars. JOHN STEVENS, Collector, june 9 * 166—11 North Carolina Bacon. Du S. PHILBR1CK, THIS DAY, the 17th mot. at 11 o’clock, io front of store, 2000 pounds N. C. Bacon, junc 17 Terms cash. Butler and Cheese. Ih, N. PHlLUItlCK. THIS DAY, tin; 17th inst. ut 11 o’clock, m front of si ore, 10 tubs May Butter 12 boxes new Cheese At Private Sate, 50 cundles Prime Hay june 17 Underwriters’ Sate. Notice. P ERSONS who have subscribed for ad ditional Shares of Stock in the Suvun- nuh, Og'fhoe ij'- Alntnmahu Canal, are re quested to cull at my office, for the purpose of arranging the payment of instalments, u- groeable to the terms agreed upon at the time of subscribing. Office lioyrs from 10 to 2 o’clock. ALSO, Th»* Board of DTeeters, will* hire 6 able bodied e,jo men, until tin* 1st January next. Th” wages to be stated on application to the Board and left, ut my office, on or before 4th May next. u'pril 29 M. W. STEWART. Sec’ry. MARSHAL’S SALES—CONTINUED. On the first Tuesday in July next, 1 ^ ILL be sold at the Exchange in tlieCi » * ty oi Savannah, the following proper ty ; All th t tract of land containing one thou sand and fifty acres, he the same more or less, situated in Chatham County, lying on the north side of*lie Great Ogeechce Rive**, and bounded by Great Ogeet lieo River on tn south and smith-oast, by tract of land the prop**rty of J)r James Jj ReAd on the east and north-east, on the north by a tract of land owned or occupied bv Mrs. Fry'r, and on the west by a tract of land formerly be longing to Jones, which was confisca ted and is at present the property of theChut- hnm Academy. The Havannuh, Ogoerhce & AlatamalmCanal runs through a part • »f t liiH tract and vents itself into the Great Ogoeclice on this tract. The ubove property will be sold at the risk of the former pur* lias r, lie not having com plied with the terms of sale, juno 15 J. 11. MOREL, m d. a FOR BALTIMORE The sclir. , MARI A, /,* ! Walker, master, Ilns the greatest part of li « car go "iigaged. For remainder, apply io ihc master on board, or to june 11 CANDLER & DAVIDSON. ~ FOR PHILADELPHIA, Thu fast sailing packet schr. WILLIAM TELL. jj] ('apt. Wm Ortley, Will meet with quick despatch. Fur light freight or passage, apply on board, ut Taylor’s wharf, or to june 11 COHEN & MILLER. Northern Horses. A pair of first rate Northern Carriage Horses—they uro .ull brothers, young and gentle. ALSO, A very light Cliariolee nnd For sale by S. II. FAY. 107- L Boot and ’-boo Making T1 05-.IOIIN A.OERMAre spectfully gives notice that lie Ins removd from Johnson's Square into ff if- C. Bonneu's building, about six doors further west in the same street, where he will be happy to serve the public with Booth, Hhoks,&c. of superi or workmanship and firs- rate materials. lie returns sincere thanks for the patronage hith erto bestowed, and solicits u continuance of the same, pledging himself thut no effort shall be wanting to deserve it. june 16 172—1, t ’liStom 11 oil tig; Collector's Office,9th June. 1831. , P ROPOSALS will be received until 20th instant, foruloaiimg and replacing the Buoys and Beacons in'the river Suvannuli. for one year from the 1st of July next. FprtheBiioy to be placed on Martin’s Indus try, an pa rule proposals will be received—fur ther information cun be ob ained by upplica lion to JOHN STEVENS, juife 9 Collector. Notice. \ f.L persons indebted to the subscriber are requested to pay the same to his agent John Mooui. on or before the 20ili uist«nt, aftei which time, they will be placed m the bands of an attorney for collection. HIRAM MOORE, june 15 171—p Waterhouse’s Junius. 4 N essay on Junius and bis letters, embra- ’ » ring it sketch ol the lilt* and character of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, and me moirs ofcertain other distinguish'd individu als, with reflections historical, personal onJ politic nl, relating to the affairs of'Greal Bri tain and America from 1763 to 1765, by Ben jamin Wutorliouse, M. 1). Directions for invigorating and prolonging life, or the invalid’s oracle, by William Kitch oner, M. I). author of the Cook's Oracle nnd Housekeeper's .Manual, Ac. from the sixth London edition, revised and improved. Destiny, or tlio Chiefs Daughter, by the au> hnr of “Marriage” and “The Inheritance,” in 2 volumes. Just received by june 11 T. M. DRISCOLL. Tin S. PHILBRICK, THIS DAY, the, inst. at 11 o’clock, tn from of story, A lot of Hollow Wars Five bundles Hoop Iron Partially damage and sold for account of all concerned. june 17 By S. PIIILBrTcJl ~ THIS D\Y, tin* I7tli 'list, at 11 o’clock, in store, Bo ton’s Range, an assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Hardware, Cutlery, Glass Ware, Hats. Shoes, Ac. june 17 Terms cash. At Private Sale, 25 bbls VVhihkey 18 qr casks Malaga Wine 10 bbls Lump Sugar. Lois of Land By J B. HERBERT St CO. On h. FURDAN, 18th instant, will be sold before nor s'ore m 11 o’clock, 15 Luts Land, more or less, viz. Nos. 1?, 13, 10, 17. 17, 19. 21, 22, 25, 6, 27. 29, 30 3 , being part ofGardcn Lot No. 0, ami t oun- ded by Montgomery, Jefferson, and East-. Brouil-strects extended. 'I erms cash, purchaser paying for titles. Juno 8 Positive Sale of Lumber. B Y S. PHILBRICK, On MONDAY m xt, the 20fli inst. at 11 o’flock, near the mouth ofOgceehie and Ala.- tamalm Canal, ut Havannafi river, 43o sticks f RANGING TIMBER. Sold for account and risk of the purchaser at I he nii!« on the 31st of May— < nns of that salt not huvingbeeii complied with, junc 10 Conditions cash. Bn j. n Herbert si~co. On WEDNESDAY next, the 22d inst. at 11 o’clock, will he old belbre our store, to close a consignment, 2 hints Jamaica Rum, 4tli proof olid pun- us imported 1 pipe Cognac Brandy 2 pipes Holland (Jin 10 qr. casks Cette Mudeirn Wine, june 17 Terms attune of sale. W/sitivo S,)le. By S. PHILBRICK, On WEDNESDAY next, thr* 22d inst. at 11 o’, lock, in rout of store. Bolton’s Range A Mulatto Woman, aged about3 yours—a first rate Cook, Washer and Ironer together with her four children,viz : one boy, aged 12 ; one girl, aged 9 , one girl, agedO ; and one girl, aged 18 months. Terms cosh, purchaser paying for titles, june 16 W anted fjpO PURCHASE, a negro of good char- M acter, from 18 to 25 years of ugo, for whom cash will be paid. Ai.ho, wanted to purchase or hire, u boy of like description, from 15 to 20 years of age. Apply at the Georgian Office, june 10 172—c Hams, Old Lisbon Wiric,&c. 1 HIII) small Baltimore cured Hams 1 do Flitches and Shoulders l pipe old Lisbon Wine 1 ensk Malaga do 1 do Otnrd,Dupuy if-Co*6. Brandy 1 do Vinegar Corn Flour, Medford Crackers, Sbellbarks, Almonds, Citron, Spanish Seg rs. Brooms, Family Flour, &c. &c. will he landed this day or to-morrow from schr. Argo, and for ,fo at the Family Grocery, june 10 II. WEBB. Earthenware. 7 4 CRATES and 20 hhds Earthenware, I assorted particularly for this market, landing from ship Oglethorpe, for snlo by juno 7 J. B. HERBERT & CO. Welsh Gauze Flannels. A FEW pieces fine thin Welsh Gauze A. Flannels, just received by NORTON & FULLER, june 2 Shad's Building?. Advertisement. H OUSE, Sign, am. Orimmonta Pain ting, Paper Hanging, Glazing &c. Imitations of Fancy Woods, Marbles, Ac. Walls Painted or Ornamented in Oils or Water Colors. The above business executed by the sub scriber in a style lie trusts worthy the li oral patronage and approbation he bus and coutin- ues to receive. ALEXANDER MELDRUM. Reference.—Thomas Young, Esq. Paint shop in Johnston’s square, adjoining Mr. Valleau’s Office, where orders left will be promptly attended to. june 2—12mo. Ice House, under the Bluff. C ANDLER & DAVIDSON have estab lished uu ICE HOUSE, oi John D. Mongin’s buildings, two doors west of Abner Bassett's ship Chandlery, where they will > e prepared to deliver Ice from 5 o'clock, A. M. to 7 P. M. overv day, except Sundays, on which day, the Ice House will be open from sun rise until 8 A. M. and from 12 to 2 P. M. may 28 Wanted to hire', T ^lOR six months, two Negro Men, coinpc- . tent to act as seamen, for which lieeral wages will bo given. Apply to PALMES A, LEE, or JOHN TURNER. june 3 Master of Sloop Sabine. Dr. John J. Mitchell H AS taken the oprner opposite W. B. Bulloch, Esq., where all his creditors ore' requested to present their accounts im mediately. june 13 Xdininisf nitor’s Sale. By J. li. HERBERT if CO. On TUESDAY, tlio 5th July, will bo sold !v fure tlio Exchange, between the usual hours of sub*, Lot No. 2, Warren ward, with the improve ments thereon, consisting of two two story wootlen tenements and «*ur buildings, occu pied at present by Messrs. J Hunter and B. Lithrop Sold by order of the Administra* tor of the Estate of Win Wnodbridge, dec’d. for the benefit of. In* 'I loirs of said Estate. Conditions—Half cash and hall payable l«t January next, secured by mortgage on pro perty. Purcliasi rs paying for titles, luiio 17 By S. PHILBRICK—At private sale. A pa r of li ft r te Carriage Hors e, well matched and gentle in harness. Also, a prime negro wench, aged about 22 years, and her child about 18 months, juno 17 Terms cosh. Ranaway, 4 BOUT January last, u negro man nnmed » 11ERCUi<ES, about 26 or 28 y*urs of age, s;x feet high, stout und well tnilr, of full lace, lias been employed us a boat hand be tween this and Augusta, and is supposed now to be hurt ored in Savannah A suitablo re ward will be paid for his apprehension und delivery at the jail in tliiscitv, or to june 2 P. M.' KOLLOCK. Notice. fiHIE subscriber intends closing his busi- u. ness in Stivannah on the 15th instant, therefore requests nil claims against him to be presented fir payment mid those who aro indebted to make payment on or before that time. ABNER BASSETT. june 10 CottonCompressed ^ Repacked TIN HE subscribers having lately erected an a extensive cs ablishment on the site of the old Barracks, for the above purposes, ure now read) to receive Cotton, which will be Compressed at the reduced rate of 75 cents per hale. -BAYARD & HUNTER, nmy 28 156 rino & Fire Insurance Bank. D IVIDEND No. 8.—The Directors hav ing tins day declared a dividend of One Dollar on eacli share of the Stock of this Bank, the same will be paid to stockholders or their agents, on or after YVetii)eiday«4ext, the 8th inst. JAMES SMITH, Casli’r. Savannah, JuueGih, 1831. june 8 165 50 june 10 Hay. BALES prime Hay, landing from sclir. Glide, for sale by COHEN & MILLER. Fancy Muslins?. T HE subscriber has just received by tho schr. Othello, from New York, and of fers for sale a well selected assortment of French, Gmman, lnnaise, and Oriental Stripe Muslins, Printed Jaconets, and Fancy Striped and Check Cambrics, Crape and Gauzo Shawls, Belts, Ac.—with a variety ol Other articles, which will be disposed ol at moderate prices. THOMAS O. MILLER, Next next door YV. of Low, Taylor A C». may 14 Jofipfiton’s SqarC.