Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, June 23, 1831, Image 1

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•r lV THR DAILY GEORGIAN, IS ri'BI 1SIIKU IN TDK mwx vSL* sa'yAttsr&'ir* By G & W. ROBERTSON, AT EIGHT DOLLARS PBIl ANNUM, PAYAHLK IN ADVANCE* COUNTRY GEORGIAN IS |iui)lishcd to meet the arranaoiuont ot die muila Throe Timoi a Wpck (Monday, Wcdnowlay and Fri day) at the effiee of the Daily Georgian, anil contium all the intelligence, Commercial, Political and Miaculln. noons, including Advurtuuinentfl, published in the Daily Paper. The Country Paper is sontto nil parts ofthe State ant Union, or delivered in the city, at FIVE DOLLARS pei annum, payable in advance. Advertisements arc inserted in both papers nt 75 conti per square of 14 lines, for the first insertion, and 37 l-i for every succeeding publication. Communications bylnail must bo POST PAID. Sales of Land by Administrators, Executors am Guardians ore required by law to be bold on tin first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of U and 3 o’clock, at the Court House in the county ill whict the property is situate. Notice of those sales must be given in a public gazette Sixty I >aya previous to the sale. Notice for leave lo sell negroes, must be publisher for four months, before any order absolute shall be mad» thereupon by the Court. . Sales of Negroes must lie at public auction, on tho first Tuesday ofthe inmth, between tho usual hours ol sale, at the place of public sides in the county win rt the letters Testamentary, of Administration or Guar* 'riia.nsh.ip, any havabooti granted, first giving Sixty l)ay» notice thereof, in one ofthe public gazettes ofthis Stun and at the door ofthe court-house, where such sale are to be held. Notice of tile sale ofPorsonal Property must bo givei in like manner Forty days before the sale. Notice to Debtors a nd Creditors of an estate must be published for Forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell land. nniBt bo published Four Months VOL. XIII. SAVANNAH, T Thomas It yersoii, Jr HAS just received per recent arri vals, in addition to hjs former Stock Of DIUJOS AND MEDICINES, &c. &c.—which renders the sume very complete and extensive, which he offers for sail', on accomodating terms, for cush, or town ucc playceB. Saffron (Span.) Opium (Turkey) Sarspiirillu (Span.) do (Am.) Musk ("r.) M ustara Seed (white) 01 Almonds do Amber (rect.) Castor (N. A.) Soda and, Seid. Powd Acid Turtaric Sul Aratus Flora Benzoin Castor Oil, snp’r. do. pl nitation use Resin of Jalap Spatula’s Pill Tiles, Patent Medicines, &e. MORNING, JUNE 38, 1831. NO. 176. y-.iwum «w jc^cmip Sulph Quinine (Fr.) do Morphine do Pipenne do Hydriodate Potass Prussic Acid Croteri Oil Iodine Blue Mass (Eng.) Phosphate Soda do Iron Cheltenham Stilts Henry’s Magnesia (genuine) Isinglass (staple) do sheet Mezeron Balsam Fir Super Carb Soda Ergot. PERPUMERY. A reinarkiible cure for R HEUMATISM ! by the use of Dr. Jebb*s Rheumatic Liniment. Copy of a letter!! Charlestown, (M iss ) June 23,1827. To the Proprietor nj Dr. Jebb’s Liniment, De ar Sir—I deem it a duty I owe to stif fering humanity, to acquaint you, and through you the public, (should you think heat) ofthe unexpected and surprising euro performed on myself by the use of the above most excellent Medicine. 1 have been for more than thir ty years, and sometimes most severely, af flicted wifh the Rheumatism ; have been fre quently rendered perfectly, helpless, and in consequence confined to mv bed,-when it has required two persons to move mo, being in such extreme pain ; I have several time been under the care of the most eminent physic ians, hut procured only temporary relief. 1 one day noticed »he advertisement of Dr. Jebb’s Liniment, with the testimonials ac company lug it, and was induced to try a bot tle, which I used without much sensible ben efit, 1 concluded, however, to persevere, and bought another bottle, and was greatly re lieved, and by the use of half the third buttle, was wholly cured, and have never since had a return ofthe pain, which I had out been from a month ut a time for thirty years, and it is now more than three years since 1 was cured, I would most earnestly advise every person suffering under this painful complaint, not to despair of a cure so long as they can obtain “ Dr. Jebb’s Liniment*’ You are at liberty to rnuke uny use of this you may think advisable. # Most respoctfully yours, CALEB SYMMES. To the foregoing testimony, many other unquestionable proofs might be a ided, in fa vour ofthe superior Liniment of Dr. Jol>b — Nothing but a fair trial, which the proprietor confidently solicits, can give an adequate idea of its unrvalled efficacy, in mitigating, and thoroughly mastering, the excruciating dis ease, to which it has been successfully ap plied in a multitude of cases. The opera tion ofthe Liniment is often immediate; and it has frequently cured rheumatic affections of years standing, in four awl twenty hours. It is also recommended with confidence, as one of the best applications known for st fi nes* of the joints, numbness, sprains, and chilblains. Price 60 cents. A fresh supply of this valuable Medicine, just received and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, april 22 Agents. Cutlery, & c. &c. A N assortment of fine Cutlery, such ns— Rogers’ Pocket, Pen and Dirk Knives ; Wastennolm’s do. do. do.; Rogers and Pren tiss’ superior Scisqors ; all very superior and new patterns. - ■ ■ R. ger’s Damascus and Silver Steel Razors J. Barber’s old English do.; in doqblc and sit. g!e cases. Emerson’s Elastic and Prentis’s 4 sided Ra zor Straps. Gh ss, Metal and Wood Shaving Boxes ; Bone, tied and Metal Handle Lather Brush es ; English and American Shaving Soap ; in great variety. Gentlemen's Morocco Shaving Cases for travelling, a new article and very neat. Also, Gentlemen’s Travelling Mirrors. Addison’s Ever Pointed Silver Pencil Cases, with extra points. An additional supply of the above articles, iust received and for sale at low prices, by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. ♦ T HIS prevalent disorder, as it exhibits it self, in its customary symptoms of want of appetite, distressing flatulencies, heart-burn, pain in the stomach, sick head ach, nausea, vomiting and costiveness, is now found to yield ’o the tried efficacy of DR. RELFE’S VEGETABLE SPECIFIC, AND AN*Tl-BILIOU8 PILLS. These two preparations combined, con stitute an efficacious remedy- for the Dys pepsia, even after it has acquired the most obstinate character, and resisted every effort of profesional skill. When both medi cines are administered in connection accor ding top/am and particular Directions ac companying the Veritable Specific, they thoroughly cleanse the alimentary canal of that viscid musctis which is the proximate cause ofthe disorder, nnd as a tonic ami stim- ulent, they restore the healthy action and en ergy ofthe stomach, and strengthen the de bilitated system. The proprietor can also confidently recommend the Vegetable Spe cific as one ofthe best remedies known for the Sick Head Ache. A fresh supply of these Celebrated pills, inst received and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, april 22 Agents. Lemon Syrup. QA DOZEN Phipp’s superior Lemon Syr- uU up, received per schr. Excel and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, may 5 Antique Oil Ceylon do Russia do Bears grease (Fr&En) Florida Water Pomatum Esprit tie Rose Milk of Roses Cold Cream Vegetable Rouge Otto of Roses Bear’s Oil Rose, Cologn, and Lavender Water in cut glass and plain Bottles Honey atid Orange Flower Water Extracts of Roses Pastilles Fumantes Macassar Oil. With a general assortment of Engfish, French and American SOAPS O^r COUNTRY MERCHANTS, Piiysi- cians and Planters, will find it to their ad vantage to call. N. B. Physicians prescriptions carefully put up at the shortest notice, & at all hours. Savannah, 21 si February 1881. ***—The Georgia Journal, Macon Messen ger, Democrut (Columbus, Ga.) will please in sert the above, once a week for three weeks, and forward their accounts to this office for payment. feb 21 Paints,Oils. Glass. A c. Ac. I’t IIE subscribers offer for snle the follow ■ ing articles qf Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. &e. at the lowest market price for cash or credit, and have made arrangements to re ceive fresh supplies hy every arrival. Mer chants, Planters and others are respectfully invited to call before they purchase. White Lead in Oil Rotten Stone Spanish Brown do Bronze Yellow Verdigris do Carmine White Lend dry Drop Lake Spanish Brown do Copal Vurnish Venetian Red Japan do Crome Yellow Bright do Crome Green Leather do Sienna Linseed Oil Verdigris dry Train do Black Lead in powderWitale do Ivory Black Sperm do very super’r Lamp «lo lb.&;| lbpaperGum Amber Burnt Umber “ Arabic Rose Pink . Sp’ts. Turpentine Dutch do “ Wine Spauis White Gold and Silver Leaf Park do Do and do Paper Turkey Umber Gum Shellac Red and White Chalk Paint br’shs.Sash tools, omice& Rotten Stone Camel’s hair pencils Chinese Vermillion Vurnish brushes,&c. Red Lead 300 boxes 8 by 1ft, ft hy 11 9b ID by 12Glasc LAY A.' HENDRICKSON. march 1ft 'tT’VA.&BS DJTA'ifL i! «£t Cloths. Citssimcrps. Vostirurs, A mmsssssm made to order by WILLIAM O. PRICE, MERCHANT TAYLOR, at the SAVANNAH CLOTHING EMPORIUM (on the Bay, opposite the Exchange) where mny be found A BPEBH. fARIIIONABI.E ANI) WELL MADE AS SORTMENT OP SEASONABLE Remit) Made Clothing, and every variety of FANCY ARTICLES Just received by the late arrivals and offer ed at the lowest rates, av HIS ESTABLISHED principle, dj*- For Cash, or nj proved City acceptances. rJT2] Savannah, June 14,1831. 170 Notice. f¥NHE co-pnrtnershtp of CHICHESTER I & SCRANTON is this day disolved t.y mutual consent. All persons having demands against the concern, will present them for payment to Ai.onzo Scranton, who if. duly authorized to settle the business of the con- ern ; and all those indebted are requested to settle their bills without delay. ALFRED CHICHESTER. ALONZO SCRANTON. Savannah, May 27/A 1830. DRAPER & TAILOR. 0^7** The undersigned respectfully announ ces to the friends of tin* late firm ofCmcHES ter & Scranton, thnt he will continue the business at the old established stand, Young’s buildings, corner of Bryan & VVhitaker-sla., where all disposed to yield him their patron age, will find the same splendid assortment of goods, fashionable and durable, the same taste in cutting and making, and the same dispo sition to please nd accomodate the public, that has eve/characterized the establishment, may 30 ALONZO SCRANTON. Advertisement. H OUSE, Sign, aw. Ornamenta Pain ting, Paper Hanging, Glazing &c. Imitations of Fancy Woods, Marbles, &c. Walls Painted or Ornamented in Oils or Water Colors. The above bus ness executed by the sub scriber in a style he trusts worthy the li rrnl patronage and approbation he has and contin ues to receive. ALEXANDER MELDRUM. Reference—Thomas Young, Esq. Paint shop in Johnston’s square, adjoining bcr. Valleau’s Office, where orders left will M promptly attended to. june 2—12mo. ENTERTAINMENT By William Murray, at FlatruckjjQiiP combe County, (N. C.) 30 miles NvrfnjM Greenville C H (S. V ) Respec fully informs his friends nnd tin* public, that Ins house is in order for the reception of those that may call on him. Gentlemen with families from the South, who mny he disposed to visit the mountains in quest ofln alth or comfort, ho trutts will find Flat rock a pleasant retreat—-its elevation s mithin a mile of lie summit ofthe blue ridge; the surrounding country is level, roads good, water fine, c'imnte salubrious, tin* scenery romantic and beautiful, and in addition a num ber of highly respectable families ofthe south have settled in its neighborhood. WILLIAM MURRAY. Flatrooh, Buncombe. County, N. C. N. B.—The Southfcrn Mail Ktuge arrives at fir the West, every outurduy nt 8 A. M , and returns on Monday at 1 P. M. mny 11 141—t.f Planters I lolel, Gainesville, Ga THE subscriber is about buil ding an addition to his HoUso in Gainof-ville, by which he will he enabled to accommodate double the number of persons that he cun ut present with convenience. He will as heretofore re frain from making any promises whatever, nnd wishes only for that patronage which his house may merit. He takes this ns the first opportunity of tendering to bin friends and tin* public generally, h s acknowledgements for so liberal a share of the passing patron age. L. CLEVELAND, may 10 140—$6 mo For Salo. The subscriber offers for sale, his lot, with the improvements thereon, consisting ofom* twoslo- Yv ry nnd two one story DWELL ING HOUSES, in good repair, with outbuil dings. The situation is a very pleasa t one, being on theeifst side of Washington Square, immediately opposite the residence of Muj. M. W. Stewart. The lot contains several excellent fruit trees, grape vines, &c. For further particulars, apply on the premises, to may30—\ . JOHN DENNIS. Macon Stage Fare Reduced. ^ Hereafter, the price of " ^ ■ ^passage from Savannah to Macon will be Fifteen dollars, from Savannah to Marion Thirteen dollars, and from Savannah to Dublin Ten dollars, and in like proportion to ar.y intermediate place. Thirty pounds baggage allowed to each passenger. Office kept at the Mansion House. EDWARD VARNER, march 9 8—t NewYork Cheap Wholesale Cloak, Slock Clothing Ware house REMOVED. T HE subscriber bos removed his establish ment from No. 18.) Maiden Lane, to the spn. ious store, No. 138 Pearl Street, over Messrs. Hyde, Cleveland & Co. where he will keep constantly on hand a much more extensive assortment than formerly. The style, make and materials of the Cloaks will bo greatly improved and will be sold at ubout, the same low prices ns those of the last sea son. lie has also on hand a large assort ment oflow prieed clothing,made ingood stile expressly for the southern and western trade, that w II be sold at about tb<* usual prices of the avail inferior quality. Also, an assort ment of Stocks, with many other desirable ar ticles. Those who will take the trouble ts examine this Stock of Goods, will prohuhly satisfy themselves that they tho same amount from any stock in the city that will he a snfer or more desirable purchase. For sale by F. J. CONAlVT, No. 139 New-York. Terms—6 months for Jfcprovrd Notes, payable at Banks .n good stmulingin any part of the country—8 months for city acceptan ces nr 5 per cent discount for cash.. In all cases when the time is extended, interest, will be charged at the rate of 6 per cent per an Hlim. Any Goods purchased ut this establish mont that do not, suit the market for which they were intended, will be exchanged for o'hers. april 12 116—f3m ( Ikstoni IloU6(L l 1 Collector's Office,Savannah,fith June,18M \ j ^ EAl.ED proposals will be reei ivetl ut this I office until tho 20tl» instant, (tor tho sup* I port of sick nnd distillled American Seamen, for one year follow ng the 1st July 1831, at j tin following rates : For suitable hoarding, lodging and nursing, there will be allowed the sum of$3 per week. Medical services will be adjusted und paid at the following rates, viz : When he aggregate time for which medi cal services are rendered, shall average le than twenty-five days to each patien 1 , it will ho computed and paid ut the rate of twenty five cents for each day. When the average time to each patient a- uiouiils to twenty-five du'ys and upwards, and tho number of patients does not exceed ten, there will he allowed nnd paid for each pa tient the stun of $6 25. And for every patent above ten, the sum of #3 12). For necessary medicines thorp will ho al lowed one half ofthe sum paid forprofessn al services, unh-ss the circumstances Of the enne be such as in the opinion ofthe Inspec tor to authorize a (brilv r allowance. No charges for medical and surgical servi ces will be paid, or accounts rendered for the same u til the patient is discharged. For funeral charges thorn will be opd paid the sum of six dollars, JOHN STEVENS, Collector, J»™ 0 160-11 i v r a «»►. h - - - >THV l**r*R - i.ii,iit a 1.1,ait. nv» not lam. ere . inwiih tp|)ftnr u both p • r«. allowed Three hundred dollars Reward. W ILL he given for taking and securing the following described negro follows. They went oft’on the night ofthe 21st Feb. last, in a small two or three oared canoe, that has formerly been painted red, with dark col ored gunwales. Say one hundred and fifty dollars for ADAM, an ariful and trickey fel low ; he is 26 or 27 years old, and about five feet six or eight inches high, has a small foot, and not heavy made, nnd neither a very dt rk nor light complexion. Also twenty-flic dol lars a piece for YORK arid SAULSB'JKY, or SOLBY. York is twenty-two or three years old, five fpet eight, inches high, stout made, and very black skin. Solby is about twenty years old, near six feet high, smooth face, dark complexion, and large under lip — These three fellows have lately been purcha sed from Messrs. Bryan and Scriven, of Chat ham County, and urc from Wilmington Isl and, where, they are acquainted, and at seve ral places or, the Carolina side. And one hundred dollars for GEORGE. He is about thirty-five years old, about six feet high, dark complexion, walktf very erect, & steps brisk, find was purchased some years ago from Mr Dunham, near White Bluff*. They have recently been seen in the same boat near Little Tybee Island. All reasonable expenses will be paid, ex clusive ofthe reward, on application to either the subscriber or ELIAS FORT, Esq. of Sa vannah. ALEXANDER ATKINSON, Camden County. may 4 I35f Squadron Orders. May SO, 1831 A COURT of Inquiry for the trial of de faulters from the parade of the 16th, 27th and 30th inst. will he held at Rieeboro, on Monday, 27th day of June, inat. at 12 o’ clock, M. By order of Capt. Maxwell. W. MACK AY, Adjutant, jime 7 164—f Chlofiilo ot SoHa. C ONCENTRATED Disinfecting Solu tion of Chloride of Soda, for preserving meat, removing offensive smells, neutralizing pestilential exhalations, and destroying con- tagion. Prepared of uniform strength, by the New England Chemical Company, ccnrdingto the formulary promulgat'd hy the philosophic discoverer, A (J. Labauraqve. Phis article havingheen made use of, in nu merous instances, by scientific persons ofthe very first st ncling, und alwuys with certain Fuccess, 'he following modes of applying the Chloride, may be relied ones proper und bon- eficinl. With a sprinkling of water mixed with one fortieth of Chloride, the stench cun he in stantly put down of the filthiest kennels, sew ers, cess-pools, drains, water-closets,mnrkots, stalls for meat and fish, slaughter-houses, nnd, in general, all places infected with animal exhalations. For foul ulcers, a wine glass of Chloride must bn mixed with as much as five limes that quantity of pure water, and pledgets of lint, must be dipped into this wash nnd then laid over the ulcers. This dressing to he re newed twico a day. If the sore becomes red and angry the wash of five parts water must be still further diluted ; if, on tho contrary, the sore does not change its appearance, it must be dressed once or twice with Chloride and watt r, hulf and ho If, so as to dispose ton slight inflammation,which is indispensable to convert fetid and running ulcers into simple sores. The healing then progresses rapidly. The moment the Chloride is applied upon an ulcer the disagreeable smell is destroyed. A fresh supply of this valuable article just received and for sale low, by LAY & HENDRICKSON. Also—The Chloride of Soda, prepared by A. G. Lalmrraque, tho celebrated French Chemist. june 14 Font the Ro't n .'Intuit ur, q SONG OF THE HEN FUCK lift). O her Imir i» ilnrk ns ih<* midniaht wave, And Her ry is lilt' kitid'niu firn, And her voice U mvect ns tin* splrli'i voice Thai chorda with (he s> rupli'a lyre. Rat hi r nniln are as 'harp ns n toMting fork, And her anna na sir on# n* it bonr’a; 6!lo pnllod toy hair and she ponged my eye, And iho Iticlicil mfidoun lie slabs. I’ve pot mo nn eye that’*' m ide of tt'ana, And I’ve pot tiie a wig ilut’s new,— Tho Wig I frizzled in c:o.k>< row cuils, And die eye is a clouded blue. She mny alinke h->r knuckle# full in my face j And i nt III. lamp to my heard, 1 L I the biuoni'Httyk ivor niy head,— And h. Hit! I itin not i bit afetird. For Fvo bound her over I" It rp the pence, And I'vb b' light me n CMliiren catiu,-— The jmHoO will outlie, arid the Cunbtuhle.loo, I she medd.uB with me again. My bend was a week in die linen c.ip, And my ovo a month in the patch ; I never ihmigh' that the torch of love W.'ul' l'«? • Mich i brimstone match ! Mourning Apparel—A sensible writer in tho Connecticut Observer states tho fol lowing objection to the foolish ffishion, which bus so long prevailed in relation to mournig apparel; L As a general : ractico it is no real ex- arrived they saw a be*Y ahd a rniln efi&ged in combat., They had it hip and thigm up and down, over and un-lsr, nnd tlio man’n wifi* standing hy, and hallooing “fair play | fair play 1” The company roo, insisted on parting them. The woman skid .‘‘no—no— Lot them fighi.! for it is the firstffght thafcever I saw, that I did not caro ad—m whith whip* pad.' [From ihe London Court Jmimnl.] Symptoms, Moral, Library, Political and Personal. symptom r. When you meet a friend about five o’clock near his own house, and ho stands gossip ping with you flit the street door, withoutknoclnng, take it as a svrtptom you are not wanted to dinner. SYMPTOM II. When you dmpin for an half hour’s chat at a friend’s house in the evening, and your friend looks at Ins watch after you have been there two hours, while his wife packs up her needlework with a yawn, observing, “Well, I think it is time to give ovef for to-night,” it 8 an infailiiibie symptom you are a tore, and that the sooner yon export youfBelf tho better. SYMPTOM III. If you are doing tho amiable at an evening party, a id 1 in tho midst of it are selected to make one at h rubber of whist,, it is u symp r torn there urn younger persons in the room whom tho ludtes cannot spare so well an yourself, SYMPTOM IV. j If you nre travelling outside of atrtgge, an4 when you Stop for dinner, the porter brings a ladder tor you to descend, consider his ci vility as a decided symptom (whatever you .nmy think of yourself) that ho thinks you a gentleman who lias arrived qt a time of life not favorable to ugilify. SYMPTOM V. Ifyou havo -hucome a convert to the virtue* of bear's grease, it is a symptom you mny be- ’gin to admire high foreheads, and talk ofthe moral advantage s of phre. ology, when thp pression of grief fur the loss of our friends, 1 ht.mpsthut denote interesting qualities in our nor is it so considered, ft is adopted by all r “ ; L J! J * class's; by the covetous heir, whoso Inart SvvsnrrTs Panacea, I ^OR the cure of Sprofula or King'* Evil. Syphilitic &■ Mercurial Diseases, Rheu matism, Ulcerous Hors*, White Swellings, Diseases ofthe Liver and Skin, General De bility, snd all disease* which originate from impure blood, nr indiscretion of Youth, and where the constitution has been broken down by the use of Mercury, Arsenic, Bark or Qui nine, &c. and most internal diseases where the lungs and chest are supposed to be aflec- ted, &c. &c. caution to purchasers. O^rSwaitn’s Panacea is in round bottles, fluted longitudinally, with the following words blown in the glass :— “ HWAIMVS PANACEA—PUILADA.” having but one label, which covers the cork, with my own signature on it, po that the cork cannot bn drawn without destroying the signature, without which none is genuine.— „ .. < Tho medicine my eminently be known to ,■*»"<>•. Hereon; the name of n /.try (aid to be genuine when my signature is visible ; to counterfeit which will be punishable as forgery. The Public are cautioned not to pprehose my Panacea except from myself, iny accredi ted agents, or persons of known respectabil ity ; and all t hose will consequently be with out excuse L who shall purchase from any oth- or persons. ***—Prepared and sold at Kwnim’s Labo ratory, South Seventh Street, next door to the Philadelphia Baths, corner of George & Seventh Streets, and sold by every respecta ble Druggist in the United States.. To avoid the many attempts that have been made to impose upon the public base imita tions ofthis Celebrated Medicine,the subscri bers huve made urrnngi rnents to keep on hand,a supply direct from the proprietor. The public may therefore rest assured that the Genuine Swaim's Panacea can always be bad at their store warranted. Alwwesupply of thisMedicine hnsjust been received Druggists nnd others throughout the State, who purchase to sell again, can have it at a reduced price. LAY & HENDRICKSON, Wholesale & Retail Druggists, 2& 16 Gibbons’ Buildings. Also, n fresh supply ofHwaim’s celebrated Vermifuge, just received and for sale as above june 17 Apprentice Wanted. W ANTED immediately, a boy 14 or 15 years of age, ns nu apprentice to tile Printing Business. He must be indust ions, intelligent and well recommended as to gen eral character. Apply at the office of the Georgian. june 6 Ice Hou e tinder the BlufF. C 1ANDLER & DAVIDSON have eatah J fished an ICE HOUSE, in John D. Mongin’s buildings, two doors west of Abner Barnett's ship Chandlery, where they will l e prepared to deliver Ice from 5 o’clock, A. M. to 7 P. M. every day, except Sundayi bruts with joy at any event which puts him in possession of his idol, as w*l as hy those who aro oifcclcd with the purest emotions of genuine sorrow. An English writer Iiuh re marked that “ the very tunc that a man shall mourn, nnd the very time that ho shall only half mourn, and 'the very time thnt he shall cease to mourn, nre fixed for him hy the world, whatever may bo the duration gf his own sorrow !” i 2 It is no mark of respect for depnrted re latives. The dark habiliments nre assumed, whether the deceased was virtuous or vicious, honest, or fraudulent, sober or intemperate .* whether he was a man or a fool, n Christian or an infidel, a hlosstng or a curso to society. 3. I' impairs no consolation to the bosom of sorrow* Ii nlleviates not the wo which fl 'Ws from a hffaved heart. It offers no bHlm to its wounds. It equally fails to as- sunge excessive grief, and to excite that which is proper.v> 4. As a memento of departed worth, it is superfluous. The heart of true friendship needs it not; tho object of its affection is en graven there too deeply to be effaced. The tnork moil flier is unaffected by its sablo hue. 6. It conveys no moral or religious inst rue- tion to the mind. If. excites no mourning for sin; no submission to God ; no parting with t he worlrl; no desires for heaven. N* it her the solemn realities of tin* scene of death, nor the affecting and admonitory truths of ho work ol God, can be enforced hy it. Our objections, to the custom are founded principally on its positive evils— L It is extravagant, and absurds a largo amount of funds which might be appropriated »o far more useful purposes. 2. It presents strong temptation to pride and dishonesty, and has often robbed the widow and fatherless of their oread, and tiis creditor of his due. A Hinaui.ab Jury.—Tho following is one of the most curious specimtns of fanaticism recorded, perhaps, in any history. It in in a note extracted from Hume's History of En gland, and relates to the time of Oliver Crom well, und his bund of canting hypocrites. “It was usual for the pretended Saints of that time, to change their names from Hen ry, Edward, Anthony. William, which they regurded us heathenish, in others more sanc tified nml Godly,; even the Nv w Testament names, Jas. Andrew, Jon. Peter were not Judd m such regard as those which were bor rowed from the Old Testament, Hozokiah, Hubbakurk,, Zerob:ibel. Sometimes a who'e godly sentence was adopted for lx* enclosed in the county of Sussex ubout that time, Accepted, Trevor of Nnrshnm, Redeemed, Compton of Battle, Faint not, Hewitt of Heathfield, Make Peace, lleaton of Ilure, God Reward, Smart of Five Hurst, Stand fust on high, Stringer ofCrawburst, Earth, Adams of Warbleiun, CaJlflil, L>ver of the same, Kill Kir, Pimple of Withum, Return, Kpelmun of Watling, Be Faithful, Joiner df Britling, Fly debate, Roberts ofthe same, Fight the good Fight of Faith, White of Euier, More Fruit, Powder of East Hadley, Hope For, Bonding utyhe same, Graceful, Harding of Lewes, Weep Not, Biling ofthe same, Meek, Brower ot Ukelmm. See Broom’s Travels in England, p. 279. “Cromwell,” says Cleveland,-“hath heatup his drum clean through the Old Tettument, You m.iy learn the genealogy of our Saviouf hy tho names of his regiment. Tho muster mustei hud no other list than the lirot Chap ter of $t. Matthews. There were two brothers by the namo of Barebone. One of these was in Parliament by the name of Praise God Burebone. His brother whs named, If Christ bad not died for you, you had been damned, Barebone. The people, tired ofthis long name, called him for shortness, Damn’d Barebone. friend® cun be discovered at u glance. symptom vi. If you meet a gentleman and lady, tho gentleman locking vacantly serious, as if thinking of nothing.—the lady placullv care less, as if perfectly satisfied.-—dep- nd upon it that these art* symptoms of being man nnd wife, and that, the husband lias consented to a walk, though lie would rather leave it alone, while the wile is pleased to find ho is s at tentive us ever. But when you meet a lady and gentleman in very earnest discourse, tho gentleman diking much, the Indy listening with downcast eyes, it is tho symptom of an offmr in progress which will probably end in going m church or in producing good reasons tor going there. D. A whole mob of fashionable tourist-women arc now on the continent, hawking their daughters to every market. In this eublimo pursuit may they nil succeed ! Wq heartily wish that every man-hunting mamma may get for her m th-hunting daughter a Marquis, and that that Marquis may be, what such cuvalies generally are a swndler without a sixpense, without, a character, and tcillt ano ther wife, nr Imlf-a dozen 1 Bui the grand object is gained. The charming young wor* shi per of whiskers and soirees is entitled Madam Ln Marquise dc Vaurien, ortho Baro ness Ton Tondertentronck. ’The happy mo ther exults in l»*mg the Madame mere oftlio swindler and liis belle Avglaise, and in six months the Marchoineas is returned upon hep bands with u les troie chemise sur ledos”—in plain English, stripped of purse, wardrobe, and whatever else she brought with her, and is a M rchoinesH, Heaven save the mark, lb# life!—Monthly Magatine. A Fashionable I>ay in London.—In tho morning all is calm, not a mouse stirring be fore tun o’clock, when the shops begin to op. su. Milk women with their pads, perfectly neat, suspended at the two extremities of* yoke, carefully shaped to fit the shoulders] and surrounded with small tin measures of cream, ring at every door with reiterated pulls, to hasten the servants, who come half asleep, to receive a measure ns big as an egg, being the allowance of a family—font neces sary to explain, that milk is not hero food or drink, hut a tincture ; nn elixir exhibited in drops, five or six at moBt, in a cup of tea, morning and evening. It would be difficult to say wliut taste or whut quality those drops nmy iiiijiart, but so it is, and nobody thinks of questioning the propriety of the custom. Not a single carriage is seen passing. The firs' consid rable stjris the drum & military music ofthe gua dvt-orchmg from the barracks to Hyde Hark hAving at their head three or four negro giants, striking high, gracefully and strong, the cymbal. About three o’clock:- the fashionable world give some signs of fife, issuing forth to visits, or rather to leave cards at the doors of friends never seen but in crowds or assemblies, go to the shops—sc© sights—or lounge in, Bond-street, an ugly in convenient street, the attractions of which are difficult to understand! At fivo or six they returned home to dress for dinper.— From six to eight the noise of tho wheels in r cre ises—it is the dinner hour. A multitude of carriages, with two qyos of flame starting* ill tho dark before each of them, shake tho, pavement and the very houses, following and cr ssing each other at full spetd; stopping suddenly, a footman jumps down, runs to the door, and lifts the heavy knocker, gives a grout knock, then several small ones in quick succcBsioq—then,with all his might,flourish-* ing as on a drum, with an art, and an air, ami a delicacy ot touch, which denote the quali ty, the rank and the fortune ofhis master. For two hours or nearly, there is-a pau^e^ at ten, a redoublement comes on. This is the #feat crisis of dress, of noise, apd of ra pidity—a universal hubbub; a sort of uniform grinding and shaking, like that experienced in a great mill, with fiffy pair of stones ; and if I was not afraid of appearing to exagger ate, I should say that it came upon tho ear like the fall of Niagara, heard at two miles distance. This crisis coptines undiminished till twelve, or one o’clock, th§sn less and less during the rest of tho night—till, at tho ap proach of day, a single carriage is heard now and hen at a great distance. Great assemblies are called routs or par ties ; but the people who give them, in their invitations only say,that they will be ut homo such a d *y, and this soXie weeks boforehand* Original Anecdote—Related by a Re presentative from Kentucky to Congress and applied by a friend of Mr. Clay, as an illus tration ofhis feelings in-relation to the anti- c pated contest between Gen. Jackson and Mr. Calhoun. It is known to all who are acquainted with j The house in which tins takes place is fre- the early History of Kentucky, that the first; quently stripped from tsp lo bottom—beds, emigre ts settled in small squads, like tho! draws, and all but ornamental furniture, aro first sei tb rnents of u!l other frontier roU 'tries carried out of sight, to make room for a for mutual and reciprocal self defeme. The crowd of dressed people, received at the door watch word wus whenever un ularm was giv- i of the principal apartment by the mistress of . , , . . .... .. en, all were to run to that place. Early one the house, standing, who smiles ot every new which day, the Ice House will bs open from moroin g the shunts and cries of a female comer with a look of acquaintance. Nobody* sun riaeuntu 8 AM. and from to - . M.f j K>ar( j—^jj ^ to the spot. When they sits ; there is no conversatisn,' no tnav28 . * « ’