Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, June 28, 1831, Image 1

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THE DAILY GEORGIAN, IS l'l’ULISHK» IN TIIK m'jt z 4> j By G. & W. It OB E RTSO N, AT EIOI1T DOLLARS PER ANNUM* I'.U'ABl.t IN ADVANCE, TUB COUNTRY GEORGIAN, IS published lo meet the arrangement or the mails Three Times a Week (Monday, Wednesday and Fri day) at thooffico of the Daily Georgian, and contains all the intelligence, Commercial, Political and Miscella neous, including Advertisements, published in the Daily Paper. , , The Country Pupcris sentto all parts oftho State and Union, or delivered intliu city, at FIVE DOLLARS per annum, payable in advunce. Advertisements are inserted in both papers at 75 COnti per square ot’M lines, for the first insertion, and 37 M for every succeeding publication. ^ Conuitamcations by mail must bo POST PAID. Sales of Land by Administrators, Executors mid Guardians aro required by law to bo held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of IP mid 3 o'clock, at tin) Court House in the county ill which the property is situate. Notice of these sales must be given in a public gazette Sixty Days previous to the sale. Notice for leave to sell hcjiroes, must he published for tour mouths, before any order absolute bhull be madt fl "'*1 knight alight**! and overtook it. ’ '*>0(1 fief VOL. XIII. SAVANNAH, TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 2S, 1881. NO. ITS. thereupon by tlio Court. S ties of Negroes must be at public Thomas Ryerson, Jr. IIAS just received per recent arri vals, in addition to his former stock of DRUOS AND MEDICINES, &c. &c.—which renders the mime very complete and extensive, which ho offers fur sa'e, on accomodating terms, for cash, or town acceptances. Sulph Quinine (Fr.) Saffron (Span.) ilo Morphine (lo Opium (Turkey) Pipermo do egroes must no at puuuc auction, on the first Tuesday oi’tlie in >ntti, between the usual hours ol sal-, nt the place of public sales in the county where the loiters Testamentary, ofAdininisiration or Guar- diauship, may have been granted, first giving Sixty Day* | M ( . zl , ron police thereof, in one oftliu public gu/.eitus ol this titan, and at ihu door oftho court-house, where such sale: are to be held. Notice of the sale of Personal Property must bo gtvci in like maimer Forty days before the sale. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of au estate must be published for Forty days. , Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to soil land, must be published Four Months Hydriodute Potass Prussic Acid Croton Oil Iodine Blue Muss (Eng.) Phosphate Soda do Iron Cheltenham Salts Henry’s Magnesia (genuine) Isinglass (staple) Jo slicct Balsam Fir Super Curb Soda Ergot. m PERFUMERY Sarsparilia (Span.) do (Am.) Musk (gr.) Mustard Seed (white) 01 Almonds do Amber (rect.) Castor (N. A.) Soda and Seid. Powd. Acid Tartaric Sal Aratus Flora Benzoin Castor Oil, sup’r. do. plantation use Resin of Jalap Spatula’s Pill Tiles, Patent Medicines, &.c. A remarkable cure for p JIEUM.VnSM! by the use of Dr. Jcbb’s 14/ Rheumatic Liniment. Copy of a letter!! Charlestown, (Mass.) June 23,1827. To the Proprietor of Dr. J ebb's Liniment, Dear Sir—I deem it it duty 1 owe to suf fering humanity, to acquaint yon, and through von the public, (should you think best) of the unexpected and surprising euro performed on myself by the use of the above most excellent M&thcine. 1 have been for more than thir ty years, and sometimes most severely, af flicted with the Rheumatism ; have been fre quently rendered perfectly helpless, and in consequence confined to my bed, when it has required two persons to move mo, being in such extreme pain ; I have several time been under the care of the most eminent physic ians, but procured only temporary relief. I one day noticed the advertisement ot Dr. Jcbb’s Liniment, with the testimonials ac- companyIng it, and was induced to try a bot tle, which fused without much sensible ben efit, I concluded, however, to persevere, and bought another bottle, and was greatly re- lioved, and by the use of half the third bottle, was wholly cured, and have never since bud u return oftho pain, which 1 had not been from a month tit a time for thirty years, ami it is now more titan three years since 1 was cured, I would most earnestly advise every person suffering under this painful complaint, not to despair of a cure so long us they can obtain “ Dr. Jcbb’s Liniment-’ You are at liberty to make any use*of this you may think advisable. Most rospoctfully yours, CALEB SYMMES. To the foregoing testimony, many other unquestionable proofs might be added, in fu- vour of the superior Liniment of Dr. Jobb.— Nothing but a fair trial, w hlch the proprietor confidently solicits, can give an adequate idea of its unrivalled efficacy, in mitigating, and thoroughly mastering, the excruciating di ease, to which it has been successfully ap plied in a multitude of cases. The opera tion of the Liniment is often immediate; and it has frequently cured rheumatic affections of years standing, in four and twenty hours. It is also recommended with confidence, as one of the best applications known for st\Jf- jless of the joints, numbness, sprains, and chilblains. Price HO cents. A fresh supply of this valuable Medicine, hist received and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, april 22 A g cnt *- Antique Oil Ceylon do Russia do Bears grease (Fr&En) Florida Water Pomatum Espritde Rose, Milk of Roses Cold Cream Vegetable Rouge Otto of Roses Bear’s Oil Rose, Cologn, and Lavender Water in cut gloss and plain Bottles Honey and Orange Flower Water Extracts of Roses Pastilles Funmntes Macassar Oil. With a general assortment of English, French and American SOA PS. OCT COUNTRY MERCHANTS, Physi cians and Planters, will find it to their ad vantage to call. N. B. Physicians prescriptions carefully put up at the shortest notice, & at all hours. Savannah, 21 si February 1831. ***. The Georgia Journal, Macon Messen ger, Democrat (Columbus, Gu.) will please in sert the above, once a week for three weeks, and forward their accounts to this office tor payment. 21 Taints, Oils. Glass, tfcc. etc. Frill E subscribers offer for sale the follow fi- ing articles of Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. &c. at the lowest market price for cash or credit, and have made arrangements to re ceive fresh supplies by every arrival. Mer chants, Planters utid others are respectfully invited lo call before they purchase. White Lead in Oil Rotten Stone Cutlery. &c. Ac. A N assortment of fine Cutlery, such as Rows’ Pocket, Pen and Dirk Knives ; WastenSoltn’s do. do. do.; Rogers and Pren tiss’ superior Scissors ; all very superior and new patterns. 1 Roger’s Damascus and Silver Steel Razors J. Barber’s old English do.; in double and su. glc C;ftcs. „ . , . . . , n Emerson’s Elastic and Prentis’s -1 sided Ra zor Straps. , . Glass, Metal and Wood Shaving Boxes ; Bone, tied and Metal Handle Lather Brush- sa ; English and American Shaving Soap ; GenBemen’a Morocco Shaving Cases for travelling, a new article and very neat. Also, Gentlemen’s Travelling Mirrors. Addison s Ever Pointed Silver Pencil Cases, with extra An additional supply of the above articles, ]U st received a,Id for .deat lowjirices, l^ T>vsii»sia, or. Indigestion. T HIS prevalent disorder, as it exhibits it self, in its customary symptoms ol want of appetite, distressing flatulencies, heart-burn, pain in the stomach, s,ck head acli, nausea, vomiting and costneness, is now found to yield to the tried ethcaey ot DR. RELFE’S VEGETABLE SPECIFIC, AND ANTI-BILIOUS TILLS. These two preparations combined, con stitute an efficacious remedy for the Dys pepsia, even alter it has acquired most obstinate character, and resisted effort of profcsienal skill. When both medi cines are administered in connection accor- dine to plain and particular Directions ac companying the rentable Specific, they thoroughly cleanse the alimentary canal ot that viscid muscus which is the proximate cause oftho disorder, and as atonic and stun- ulent, they restore tiie healthy action and en ergy of the stomach, and strengthen the de bilitated system. The proprietor can also confidently recommend the Vegetable Spe cific as one of the best remedies known for ** Afod/euppiyof*these Celebrated pills, > nst reCe,Ved “fe HENDRICKSON, april 22 Agents. Spanish Brown do Bronze Yellow Verdigris do Carmine White Lead dry Drop Luke Spanish Brown do Copul Varnish Venetian Red Japan do Crome Yellow Bright do Cromo Green Leather do Terra de Sienna Linseed Oil Wrdigris dry Tram do Black Lead in powderWhale do Ivory Black Sperm do very super’r. Lamp do lb.&JlbpaporGum Amber Burnt Umber “ Arabic Rose Pink Sp’ts. Turpentine Dutch do “ Wine Spanis White Gold and Silver Leaf Paris do Do ana do Paper Turkey Umber Gum Shellac Red aud White Chalk Paint br’shs,Sash tools, 1 oinice& Rotten Stone Camel's hair pencils Chinese Vermillion Varnish brushes,&c. Red Lead 300 boxes 8 by 10, 9 by 11 & 1C by 12 Glass LAY & HENDRICKSON, roarch 16 rf W X3i Cloth«. Cusvirriprps. Ve“tinirs, & sw'sssssm e eeasj made to order by WILLIAM O. TRICE, MERCHANT TAYLOR, at the SAVANNAH CLOTHING EMPORIUM (on the Duy, opposite the Exchange) where may be found A ERESII, FASHIONABLE AND WELL MADE AS SORTMENT OF SEASONABLE Read;) Made C'sthing, and every variety of FANCY ARTICLE S, Just received by the late arrivals and offer ed at the lowest rates, OX HIS ESTABLISHED V RIX CIV IX. 1CP* For Cash, or approved City acceptances. tT QI Savannah, June 14,1831. 1<6 ENTERTAINMENT By William Murray, at Flattock, Bun- combe County, (N. C.) 30 miles North of Greenville CM. (S. C.) Rospcci Hilly informs his friends and the public, that Ins bouse is i;5};gj& in order for the reception of those that may cull on him. Gentlemen with families from the South, who may be disposed to visit the mountains in quest ot health or comfort, he trusts will find Flutrock a pleasant retreat—its elevation s inithiu a mile of the summit of the bluo ridge; the surrounding country is level, roads good, water lino, climate salubrious, the scenery romantic and beautiful, and in addition a num ber of highly respectable families of the south have settled in itB neighborhood. WILLIAM MURRAY. Flutrock, Buncombe County, N. C. N. B.—The Southern Mail Stuge arrives nt this placo for the West, every Saturday ot 8 A. M., and returns on Monday at 1 P. M. may 11 111—i.f Planters Hotel, Gainesville, Ga. & THE subscriber is about buil ding tin addition to bis House in Gainesville, by which he will he ■ enabled to accommodate double the number of pcVsons that he can at present with convenience. lie will as heretofore re frain from making any promises whatever, and wishes only for that patronage which his bouse may merit. Ho takes this as the first opportunity of tendering to his friends and the public generally, Ins acknowledgements for so liberal a. share of the passing patron age. L. CLEVELAND, may 10 140—{3tno . * For Sale. ° , n 4Thd subscriber offers for sale, lot, with the improvements ! 12 jLtt^ltfrcon, consisting of one tipo sto- Jaaftu&S. ry and two one story DWELL ING HOUSES, in good repair, with outbuil dings. The situation is a very pleasa t one, being on the oust side of Washington Square, immediately opposite the residence of Maj. M. W. Stewart. The lot contains sovcrul excellent fruit trees, grape vines, &c. For further particulars, apply on the premises, to may30—J JOHN DENNIS. Macon Stage Fare Reduced. Hereafter, the price of ^passage from Savannah to Macon will bo Fifteen dollars, from Savannah to Mnrion Thirteen dollars, ami from Savannah to Dublin Ten dollars, and in like proportion to any intermediate place. Thirty pounds baggage allowed to each passenger. Office kept at the Mansion House. EDWARD VARNER, march 9 8—t • Custom House, Collector's Office,Savannah,0th June,1831 S EALED proposals will be received at this 1 office until the 20th instant, for the sup port of sick and disabled American Seamen, for one year following the 1st July 1831, at the following rates : For suitable boarding, lodging and nursing, there will be allowed tue sum of^3 per \Veck. Medical services he adjusted and paid at the following rates, viz : When the aggregate time for which medi cal services are rendered, shall average less than twenty-five' duys to each patient, it will be computed and paid at the rate of twenty five cents fur each day. When the average time to each patient a- mounts to twenty-five days and upwards, and the number of patients docs not exceed ten, there will bo allowed and paid for each pa tient the stun of SB 25. And for every patient above ten, the sum of $3 12.\. For necessary medicines there will bo al lowed one half of the sum paid for profession al services, unless the circumstances of the case be such us in the opinion of the Inspec tor to authorize n further allowance. No charges for medical and surgical servi ces will Lo paid, or accounts rendered for the same u til the p&tiont is discharged. For funeral charges there will bo allowcdi and paid the stun of six dollars. JOHN STEVENS, Collector juno 9 160—H ammaiAtr* n n y tai i b COUNTRY I’Al’F.n - - riv nr it-.r.i.Aitw. dollars. All Advertisements appear in both pnuerii. THE BEAUTIFUL COQUETTE. Vvr often wept at woman'* hnxrtlestntss—you huuti lift , htnu much of light anil beauty it made dim by disappointments by the heart, Slir Hunt! her glossy tresses back, and innocently smiled, So hi o a being formed for love—so beautiful and Willi— Free from tlio trace ofburning thought, of (passion or of crimn Or early hopes long buried in the ocean tide ofTinio. •Twas strange that I should look upon such beauty I \y| teachers, who are in many parts ef (he city endeavoring to counterfeit licr improvement in the I torn! ions of the feet, affectionately reminds them, and particularly those of them who have been her pupils, that it is not ne cessary for them to wear fetters, preventive of too large it step, as recommended by some who presume to touch, but that a little atten tion to tlio positions of tlio feet will bo suf ficient ; and in remembrance of their kind ness to bor, hIio will, in conclusion, repeat what alia bus heretofi r endeavored to im press, that the foot should lie plucod at ohtum angles, the ht-cls nextf.y'ut contact, the body bout forward about lift to.45 dogrey, for the purpoBo of affording the certain unmentiona ble articles of dtess which all ladies should wear, the opportunity of being conspicuously ’ ‘ oa ; thou me " distinguished ; then move forward with quick step, but not exceeding four inches nt a stop, mid tlio case and grace of Eve and Helen, so lauded to tho world by those immortal spirits, will appear weariness, heaviness, loesitude, and a total nhsencf of nerve and spirit. Mary Adeline Eveline Eglentine IVtgglt I Fuddle. General F rn r was the most noto- torious duellist in France, at a time, too, th a *ioh -— "■* | when duelling was most the rage. He had Or ilrcnni ill,it any thing might dim tho lu.tro of hot! b , 01 '" 11 RrCat of NtiptlleotlV Huvilljr •■Vo : | the command ol a recipient, upon—I forget fiutlWl proved life's empty dreams, and found what occasion—he led it with such extraordi nary bravery to the attack, yet, at the saino New York Cheap Wholesale Clonk, Stock 4- Clothing Ware house. REMOVED. nplIE subscriber has removed his establish- JL ment from No. 18.', Maiden Lane, to the spacious store, No. 138 Pearl Street', over Messrs. Hyde, Cleveland &Co. where he will keep constantly on hand a much more extensive assort incut than formerly. The style, make and materials of the Cloaks will lie greatly improved and will be sold at ubout the same low prices ns those of the last sea son. He has also on hund a large assort ment oflow priced clothing,made in good stile expressly tor tho southern and western trade, that will be sold at about tho usuul prices of the most inferior quality. Also, an assort ment of Stocks, with many other desirable ar ticles. Those who will tuke the trouble to examine this Stock of Goods, will probably satisfy themselves that they cannotsolnct the same amount from any stock in the city that will lie a safer or more desirable purchase. For sale by F. J. CONANT, No. 138 Foarl-st. New-York. Terms—6 months for approved Notes, payable at Banks .u good standing in any pari of the country—8 months for city acceptan ces or 5 per cent discount for cash. In ull cases when the time is extended, interest will be charged at the rate of 0 per cent per an num. Any Goods purchased at this establish ment that do not suit the market for which they were intended, will be exchanged fur others. april 12 116—f3m Chlorido of Soda. C 10NCENTRATED Disinfecting Solti- ^ lion of Chloride of Soda, for preserving meat, removing offensive smells, neutralizing pestilential exhalations, und destroying con tagion. Prepared of uniform strength, by the Now England Chetniral Compuny, ccordingto the formulary promulgated by the philosophic discoverer, A. G. Laiiaiiraque. This article havingbetfn of, in nu merous instances, by scientific persons of the very first st nding, und always with certain success, the follow ing modes of applying the Chloride, may be relied onus proper und ben eficial. With a sprinkling of water mixed with one fortieth of Chloride, the stench can lie in* stuiitly put down of the filthiest kennels, sow ers, coss-pools, drains, water-closets,murkets, stalls for meat and (ish, slaughter-houses, and, in general, all pluccs infected with animal exhalations. For foul ulcers, a wine gluss of Chloride must be mixed with us much us five times that quantity of pure water, und pledgets of lmt must be dipped into this wash and then luid over the ulcers. This dressing to be re newed twice u duy. It’the sore becomes red and angry the wash of five piyts water must he still further diluted ; if, on the contrary, the sore does not change its appearance, it must he dressed once or twice with Chloride and water, half und half, so as to dispose ton slight inflammation,which is iudispetisublu to convert' fetid and running ulcers into simple sores. The healing then progresses rapidly. The moment the Chloride is applied upon uu ulcer the disagreeable smell is destroyed. A fresh supply of this valuable urticlu just received und for stile low. by LAY & HENDRICKSON. Also—The Chloride of Soda, prepared by A. G. Laburraque, the celebrated French Chemist. junc 14 i foiidiist (rust Liko iipnrkiiiigBiruiiMa-.when brightest, turn to no- thingness uiui dusl { Slip pnnsrtl before mo,—and I wVpt—a being bright und fair. As love y as the imagos ofblossi d visions aro— 1 wept to think bo>v suuo that form might fade, ami dm > , und full— Theso h&iiii'lifig tbotatojis cease to move along tho lighted hull. I thought how many forms liko lior'i had ming'ed ill ' Im donor, And dronmod of high and holy things in being’s fond t romance— How many such all silently in douth's cold keeping * bIc|iI,— I bought how worse than vain is life—and turned a- wuy and wept! She sat In side mo—und tny heart wa < gladdened witk herloncH— There’s music in ihugcullo voice of fondly cherished ones; 1 iis cm-d, and my sould was moved to high, impas sioned thought— I spoke offuiih uiiil constancy, of lavo that fuihth not. Alus ! ulus! tlio memory of that moment haunts tno yet, Whioii found me fondly kneeling la a beautiful co- quctlo That creatures so like angels, formed for fooling pure und ii'oep, tshould cast uway lil'u'B Ijcuuty thus !—I think of it A und weep! Notice. T IIK co-partnership of CHICHESTER & SCRANTON is this day dtsolved by mutual consent. All persona having demands against the concern, will present I hem tor payment to Alonzo Soiunton, who is duly authorized la settle the business of the con cern ; and all those indebted are requested to settle their bills without delay. ALFRED CHICHESTER. ALONZO SCRANTON. Savannah, May tfllli 1830. DRAPER & TAILOR. 0^7- The undersigned respectfully announ ces to the friends of the late firm ofCHicuES- ter & Scranton, that he will continue the business ut the old established stand, Young’s buildings, corner of Bryan & Whitaker-sts., where all disposed to yield him their patron- tjge, will find the same splendid assortment of goods, fashionable and durable, the same taste in cutting and making, and the same dispo sition to please and accomodate the public. that has ever characterized the establishment, may 30 ALONZO SCRANTON. Swaiin’s Panacea, r ?lOR the cure of Scrofula or King's Evil, Syphilitic & Mercurial Diseases, Rheu matism, Ulcerous Soros, White Swellings, Discuses of the Liver und Skin, General De bility, and all diseases which originate from impure blood, or indiscretion of Youth, und where the constitution has been broken down by the use of Mercury, Arsenic, Burk or Qui nine, &c. und most internal discuses where the lungs and chest are supposed to bcaflec- ted, &c. &c. CAUTION TO PURCHASERS. 0^7“ Swuiin's Panacea is in round bottles, Hilled longitudinally, with the following words blown in the glass :— “ SWA I M'S PANACEA—PI1ILADA." having hut one labdl, which covers tho cork, with my own signature on it, so that the cork cannot be drawn without destroying the signature, without which none is genuine.— The medicine may consequently he known to be genuine when my signature is visible ; to counterfeit which will be punishable as forgery. The Public urn cautioned not to purchase my Panacea except from myself, rny accredi ted ugents, or persons of known respectabil ity ; and ull tliosu will consequently be with out excuse, who shall purchase from any oth- or persons. ***—Prepared and sold at Swuini’s Labo ratory, South Seventh Street, next door to the Philadelphia Batiis, corner of George & Seventh Streets, and sold by every respectu ble Druggist in tho United States. To avoid the many attempts that have been made to impose upon the public base unba- I tions ofthis Celebrated Medicine,the subscri FOR THE UKURUIAN. Ah ms. Editors,—tidying upon your liberality, 1 would ask tho indortiou of llio unclosed article from tlm Hum'nl Catholic I’lT'Bfi, buini’ a correction of tin- un fair |>aruj>rujih generally |iuLlu»hcd outitlod “ Elope ment ol u Nun." " Muss Ann IVightt (abas) Sister (tertrude. The fabulous uccount of tho above named Lady's iipostucv aud elopement from th- Vis itation Co vent ut Gcorgmown, D.C. which has been of late of so coufid ntly circul ited, prompted us to make every enquiry concern ing the authenticity and truth ol the fact.— The following is t he reward of our lull rs, which we unxiously expect our brother Edi tors of the libera! cant, who introduced said report into their columns, will copy. Sister Gertrude lias lived on tho iiiohI amicable terms with the pious inmates of the Visita tion Convent, founded nt Georgetown under the lulu venerable and Jumoiilc(^4r£tih:sliop Carroll, and which has since rWuived very extensive patronage, a most convitiling proof of its gonerai worth and usefulness A slight difference arising between the Lady Super ior oftho community and the above mention ed Sister, first gave rise to tho report of her npostucy, of the truth of which there is not the Icon! shadow of reality ; she still holds us sqprt-d tbc Catholic faith, has acknowl edged h r error, been absolved from the ec- clestical censure to which tier precipitate step subjected her, admitted to holy commu nion, adheres still to her vows under the Archbishop of Baltimore, still signs her name Sister Gertrude, and weeps sincerely in so oret for the scandul she has given.” time, cnii'duetcd its movements with so total a want of skill & discretion, that without at taining any good result, his men were nearly all cut to pieces, and he himsolfnartowlv *■«- eaped with life. Asa reward for his gallan try, Ins Imperial master promoted liir. to the rank of general; but to mark /ns sense of F rn r’s total want of “ tho better purl of valor,” he never a ter entrusted him with a command. So fatal was his skill in duelling that, when J knew him in Paris, ho was under an interdiction of the police never to fight again. Tho terms of one oftho duels in which lie had been kpgagrd wero that tho parlies should tiro at eight paces, and that they should alternately advance two paces till the fire of one or both of them should tako deadly effect. According to this arrange ment, the last advance brought tire muzzle of his pistol closj' to his adversary’s breast—ho had twice already wounded him slightly, and received one shot himself—file fired, and hia adversary full dead at hia feet 1 This piece of butchorv—for us such it must he stigmatised —having been perpetrated under san^on of tho articles oftho meeting, pnfesed over with out receiving any severe notice. No wonder he was au unhappy man. 1 met him one day at dinner. On that occasion lie was boisterous in his mirth without appearing to bo gay. Suddenly he arose and left tlio room. Half an hour afterwards wo found him in n small boudoir ut the farther end of the upurtment, stretched on u sofa—writing, groaning and gnashing his tenth :—1 thought of Richard in the tent scene. 1 onco heard him soy—(I must givo par of his expression in his own words, for terrible os they aro they arc, at the stune time, so simple that they would lose their force in translation)-— u Ja'i le bras fatal! if I lire a' mark ten to one I in.ssit: 1 never mi.-s a man.”—Hie look ami tone, as he uit'red this, were as of one who should «| ea . of an attendant demon from whose dominion It luid no power to es cape.—After-dinner Cliat.-—.\cw Monthly Magazine for April. t^li: *>• Three hundred dollars Reward. W ILL be given for taking and securing the following described negro fellows. They went oft’on the night oftho 21st Feb. last, in a small two or three oared canoe, that bus formerly been painted red, with dark col ored gunwales. Say one hundred and fifty dollars for ADAM, an artful und trickey fol low ; ho is 26 or 27 years old, and about five feet six or eight inches high, lias a small foot, and not heavy made, and neither a very dark nor light complexion. Also twenty-five dol lars a piece for YORK und SAULSBUUY, or SuLBY. York is twenty-two or three years old, five feet eight inches high, stout j b ers have made arrangements to keep on made, and verv black skin. Solby is about ( bund,a supply direct from the proprietor. The twenty yearn old, near six feet high, smooth public may therefore rest assured that the Genuine Swaim's Panacea cun always be had ut their store warranted. Alargesupply ofthisMedicine has just been received. Druggists and others throughout the {State, who purchase to sell ^again, can have it at a reduced price. LAY & HENDRICKSON, Wholesale & Retail Druggists, 2 & 15 Gibbous’ Buildings. Also, afresh supply offcJwniin’s celebrated Vermifuge, just received and for sale us above junc 17 Lemon Syrup. ( DOZEN Phipp's superior Lemon Syr- uo. received per cchr. Excel ami for eale by P LAY & HENDRICKSON, may 5 30! Advertisement. H OUSE, Sign, and Ornaments Pain ting, Paper Hanging, Glazing &c. Imitations of Fancy Woods, Marblea, &c. Walls Painted or Ornamented in Oils or Water Colors. ... l The above business executed by the sub scriber in a style he trusts worthy the literal patronage ano approbation he has and contin ues to receive. ALEXANDER MELDRUM. Reference—-Thomas Young, Esq. Paint shop in Johnston’s square, adjoining I ber. Valleau’s Office, where orders left will M promptly attended to. junc 2—12mo. face, dark complexion, and large under lip.— These tlireo fellows have lately been purcha sed from Messrs. Bryan and Scriven, of Chat ham County, and are from Wilmington Isl and, where they are acquainted, and at seve ral places on the Carolina side. And one hundred dollars for GEORGE? He is about thirty-five years old, about six feet high, dark complexion, walks very erect, & steps brisk, and was purchased some years ugo from Air- Dunham, near White Bluff. They have recently been seen in the same boat near Little Tybee Island. All reasonable expenses will be paid, ex clusive oftho reward, on application to either the subscriber or ELIAS FORT, Esq.-ofSu- vannth. ALEXANDER ATKINSON, Camden County. may 4 135f .Squadron Orders. May no, 1831. A COURT of Inquiry for the trial of de faulters from the parade of the 10th, 27th aud 30th inst. will be held nt Ricefihro, on Monday, 27th day of June, inst. at 12 o’ clock, M. By order of Cupt. Maxwell, W, MACKAY, Adjutant, june 7 164—f Apprentico Wanted. W ANTED immediately, a boy 14 or 15 years of nge, as an apprentice to the Printing Business. He must be industrious, intelligent and well recommended as to gen eral character. Apply at the office of the Georgian. junc 0 Ice House, under the Blufl’ C 1A.\DLER& DAVIDSON have ostab ) fished an ICE HOUSE, in John D. Mongin’s buildings, two doors west of Abner Bassett's ship Chandlery, where they will he prepared to deliver Ico from 5 o'clock, A. M- to 7 ft- M. every day, except Sundays OM From the Evening Post. Walkino School for Ladies.—The un dorsigned is desirous of expressing to the la dies of tin'city of New York, liimonao of gratitude for the support so liberally bestow ed by then), upon her school; ami while she humbly solicits the continuance of their kind- wus ness, she takes gr* at pleasure in uiiuoiiucing to them, the urrivul aim engagement at her school, of the celebrated and accomplished Mrs. Wcbfoot, from Paris: who, owing to the advantage derivable from u peculiar ano- tomicnl conformation with her own, will he able in a superlative degree to aid her in the duties of her school for walking. To so enlightened a female community as the lodies of this great city now compos'', any argument setting forth the advantages, or in support of the necessity of uh> liool for the instructing of ludiea in the urt of walking gracefully, might scorn supcrlluous, (.or all know the utter impossibility of appearing us they ought if uninstructud, and having no oth er than their natural movements,) but cannot refrain from touching upon the awkwardness discoverable in those who urt; unacquainted with the new, iUsluouublc, and patent utuseo- vy duck wriggle. It is now six thousand years and more, that the walk of tho female bus been considered so important, yet so inelegant as to need the aid oftlie poet. And although the talents of a'Milton and u Ilomor have dwelt with pc- adk| emphasis in the endeavor not only to dwR?nl, but to blazon forth as gracefulnes*», tiiPuuhuppy am! uncouth nuturul movements of Eve of Paradise, and Helen of Troy, it still is u grovious, u heart rending fuel that na ture lias left unfinished this all desirable ac quisition, wjiioli can be formed and learned only at this school. Milton said of Eve, thut “ Gruci) was in hor step*, Heaven in hor eye, In every gesture disputy and and Homer said of Helen of Troy. “8uch winning (traces, such m jeslic mien, She moves a goddtas and t>hu looks a queen." And, certainly it may, with truth, bo said that these two girls were very nretty, and tho least, awkward in their day. Yet, wero these gentlemen alive in this, our time, and to sec the ladies who now walk, Broad “ Wya” af ter having graduated at tho waddle school, a different degree of poetical inspiration would be tho consequence. They would be con strained to exclaim in volume upon volume that they urc this world’s best evidence of ho perfection of the Maker’s workmanship.— And that until tin* invention of tlm new pa- tent muscovy waddle, oi wring und twist am ble, their maker had left them imperfect and incomplete. The following singular accident is said have occnrn-d near' rtnrd u ft;Wyears Then* is a bridgo over the Mohawk, just below the Holmes Falls, a long und dark passage, some filly feet above the rocky bed of the river. It seems they were repairin'? the bridge, and forgot to close t/p the on trance ' on one side, when a horseman, ignorant of the risk lie was running, entered upon tho dingo oils pi.s age. When ho reached tiifV tho other side, he found ihr* tollgato closed and tlio keeper a bod, rim bridge being impas sible to any but a goat or goblin.—The trav eller, however, succeeded in knocking tho fellow u,» und inducing h m to come out "with Ins lantern, ofW with some difficulty persua- lmg him lie had not dropped from the clouds. 'I'lie recently awakened man, however, see med so shy of tin* shivering stranger, and cant ho many fearful looks towards the dark a Icy from which he had iust. . merged, that tli other irnputirn ly sn tehi giho lantern f "in Ins hand, wheeled Ins horse towards lie bridge. This moment, however, the light struck upon tn% ; skeleton bcunvt, n n<f glanced on the water fur beneath,the truveller shocked with his narrow escape from ho horrible a lute, that he fainted on the spot. Ills sagacious and sure footted horse had crosses upon the central timber of the br dge, the planking having been taken up—and if he had swerved the width of a fetlock from the perilous way, would have involved his rider in the certain cleatn that awaited bin) on either side.—N Y. An>er can. which day, the Ice House will he open from The undersigned, while slio cautions tho relish for wit than work, ‘the plane may be sun riso until 8 A. M. and from 13 to 2 P. M.' ladies against tho impositions of pretending inclined, but hung tno if I am.’ sun may 28 Pope, the greatest of ill the English Poets, give a prelereuce to the following lines whi< h he had sonn where met with an old painting, representing tho passing oftho Red ^• a, ns the most perfect of any thing to bo found in verse. Whi n Ri'ypl’H King, Gwl's cho-on irihes pm sued. In vv lls ihu dilnnr ng wu'ors shh.i! ; When on iheirik'surlfl o|u, tncy took 'lioir way, I In rocks relent* ii ami p ureil orili a scu ; Imiiik cmi almighty go.nlno«« know, tun seas can Ii .rtleii unit wlmn rocks cuii 11 >w, Our readers will remember the words of the old couple : lie thni lias a waicSi, thia bo shoulddo, I*..ckvlhu watcll, .nil watch his pocket loo. The following di stitch is said to have been left in the place of u watch that was sto len. ‘Do not complain that I have served you so, You bought y ur watch, and bought it but lo to go. A Reuale;—General Goismar's baggage which was captured by the Polish patriots at Stucksko, contained, omoung other arti- :lcs, a chest of tea, seventeen cases of con- fectionury, between seventy and eighty bottles of wine, and a ton of arrack ! A dainty re gale, observe the Warsaw papers, for a troop of half-famished warriors. Cum. Con.—In a lato trial fore rim. con. at Madrid, the offending parties were sen tenced the Indy, to close confinement in prison for ten years—•thegentlamnn to eight years hard luh.iur on the coast of Africa-and both to the costs oft'ie trial. What conster nation would a law of this kind occasion, in London. Why don’t you wheel that barrow of coals, Ned 1” quoth a learned vender of bluck dia monds, to his man; ‘it is not a very hard job, there is au inclined plane to relievo you.* Aye, master, replied Ned, who had moro