Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, July 06, 1831, Image 1

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m DAILY GEORGIAN, IS fUBLISUEP lit TIIS w’Ji <D’j QSM&wia&'jij By G. &, W. ROBERTSON, AT £IOUT DOLLARS PER ANNUM) PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. TBS VOL. XIII. SAVANNAH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 0, ISIS! no. is a. COUNTRY GEORGIAN, f ^8 published to meet the arranvriiMu.t of tho mails Three Times a Week (Monday, Wednesday and Pri. day) aiihcollico of the Daily (icorgian. and contain! all (heintelligetu e, Commercial, Political and Miscella neous, including Advertisements, published in the Daily Paper. Tho Country Paper is sent to nil parts of the Slnto und Union, or delivered imho city, atFIVE DOLLARS per annum, payable in udvancc. Advertisements arc inserted in both papers at 75 cent* per sipiarc of I-I linos, for tho first insertion, and 37 l-S tin every succeeding publieation. Cuiinminu atioiis by mail must lie POST PAID. Sales of Land by Administrators, Executors and Guardians arc reipiircd by law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between tho hours of 1C ami 3 o’clock, attho Court House in the county in which the properly is situate. Notice of these sales must he given m a public gazette Sixty Days previous to tho sale. Notice for leave to sell negroes, must bo published for four months, before any order absolute shall be madi thereupon by thu Court. Sales of Negroes must ho at public auction, on the i, . , r, , , first Tuesday o the mouth, between the usual hours o(' (staple) aalf, at the place of public sales in the county where' CO sheet tnu Inters Tusliimeniniy, of Administration or (itnr- i Mezcroil dianship, may have been sraiiled, first giving Sixty Days j riillstllll Fif notice thereof, in ono of tin* public gazettes ol tins State • o‘„ , . . q. «„ and at the door of tho court-house, where such sale. »»!»« Garb SOtfa are to 1.0 held. Ergot. Notice of tlm sale of Personal Property must bo givci p U R F U M K U Y. in like manner Forty days before the sale. 1 Qt to of Roses Notice to Debtors and Creditors of un estate must be I z\,i published for Forty day*. b r , , Notice that application will ho made to the Court of ! '*080, Lologli, Rtld Ordinary for leave to sell land, must be published Four Lavender VVliter Months. Thomas R) r erson, Jr. HASjust received per recent arri vals, in addition to his former stock of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, _ &c. &e.—which renders the same very cotnplcto und extensive, which he oilers for sale, on accomodating terms, for cash, or town acceptances. Sulpli Quinine (Fr.) Saffron (Span.) do Morphine do Opium (Turkey) Sureparilia (Span.) do (Am.) Musk (gr.) Mustard Seed (white) Ol Almonds do Amber (root.) Castor (N.A.) Soda and Seid. l'owd. Acid Tartaric Sal Aratus Flors Benzoin Castor Oil, stip’r. do. plantation use Resin of Jalap Spatula’s l’iil 'files, Patent Medicines, dec. To Lot, That pleasantly situated House in St. Marys, lately occupied by Joint II. M’lntOBh, Esq. For terms apply to Mrs. Kins, St. Ma rys, or in Savannah lo NVM. BOSE, juno 21 * 75—of | Planters Hotel, Gainesville, Ga. Pi peri no do Ilydriodatc I'otuss Prussic Acid Croton Oil Iodine Blue Mass (Eng.) Phosphate Soda do "Iron Cheltenham Salts Henry’s Magnesia (genuine) Chloride of Soda. ( iONCENTRATED Disinfecting Solti- ' tion of Chloride of Soda, fur preserving meat, removing offensive smells, neutralizing .Pestilential exhalations, und destroying con tagion. Prepared of uniform strength, by the New England Chemical Company, ccordingto the formulary promulgated by the philosophic discoverer, A. G. Laiiarraquk. This article having been made use of, in nu merous instances, by scientific persons of the very first st tiding, and ulwuys with certain s iceess, the following modes of applying the Chloride, may he relied on as proper und ben eficial. With a sprinkling of water mixed with one fortieth of Chloride, the stench can be in stantly put down of t lie filthiest kennels, sow ers, cess-pools, drains, water-closets,markets, .stalls for meat and fish, slaughter-houses, und, in general, all places infected with animul exhalations. For foul ulcere, a wine glass of Chloride must be mixed with us much as five times that quantity of pure water, and pledgets of lint must he dipped into this wash and then laid over the ulcere. This dressing to be re newed twice n day. If the sore becomes red end angry the wash of five parts water must he still further diluted ; if, on the contrary, the sore does not change ils appearance, it must be dressed once or twice with Chloride und water, half and hu If, so as to dispose toil slight inflammation,which is indispensable to Antique Oil Ceylon do Russia do Bears grease (Fr&.Eu) Florida Water Pomatum Espritde Rose Milk of Roses Cold Cream Vegetable Rouge in cut glass und plain Bottles Honey and Orange Flower Water Extracts of Roses Pastilles Fnmantes Macassar Oil. With a general assortment of English,' French und American SOAPS. (£r COUNTRY MERCHANTS, Physi cians and Planters, will find it to their ad vantage to call. N. B. Physicians prescript ions carefully put up at the shortest notice, & ut all hours. Savannah, 21st February 1831. ***—The Georgia Journal, Macon Messen ger, Democrat (Columbus, Ga.) will please in sert the above, once a week for three weeks, and forward their accounts to this office for payment. ' feb 21 Paints, Oils, Glass, Ac. &.c. r’llHE subscribers offer for sale tho follow JL ing articles of Puints, Oils, Glass, &c. &c. at the lowest market price for cash or credit, and have made arrangements to re ceive fresh supplies by every arrivul. Mer chants, Planters and others are respectfully invited to call before they purchase. White Dead in Oil Rotten Stone Spanish Brown do Bronze Yellow Verdigris do Carmine White Lead flry Drop Luke Spanish Brown do Copal Varnish Venetian Red Japan do Tronic Yellow Bright do Crome Green Leather do Linseed Oil do do Ivory Black Spcrm'do very super’r. Lamp do lb.&JlbpnperGmn Amber Burnt Umber “ Arabic Rose Pink Sp’ts. Turpentine Dutch do “ Wine Spnnis White Gold and Silver Leaf Farit do Do and do Paper Turkey Umber Gum Shellac Red and White Chalk Paint br’shs,Sash tools, Poniicc&Rotten Slone Camel's hair pencils Chinese Vermillion Varnish brushes,&c. Red Lead 300 boxes 8 by 10, 9 by 11 & 10 by 12 Gift bo LAY & HENDRICKSON. march lfi convert fetid and. running ulcers into sirnplo Form do Sienna t-ores. The healing then progresses rapidly.' Verdigris dry I,rmn The moment the Chloride isajinPed tijma an i Bl.iclCl.ead in poWdtfrWhole ulcer the disagreeable smell is destroyed. A fresh supply of this valuable article just received and for sale low. by LAY & HENDRICKSON.—The Chloride of Soda, prepared by A. G. Ltiburraque, the celebrated French Chemist. juno 14 Swaim's Panacea, TGI OR the cure of Scrofula or King’s Evil, f Syphilitic & Mercurial Diseases, Rheu matism, Ulcerous Sores, White Swellings, Diseases of the Liver and Skin, General De bility, and ull diseases which originate from impure blood, or indiscretion of Youth, and where the constitution has been broken down hv the use of Mercury, Arsenic, Burk or Qui nine, &c. and most intcrnul diseases where tho lungs and chest are supposed to be affec ted, dec. See. CAUTION TO Y'VlltTIASF.nS. 03” Swaim’s Panacea is in round bottles, fluted longitudinally, with the following words blown in the glass :— •• SWMM’S PANACEA—PI1ILADA.” having but one label, which covers the cork, with my own signature on it, so tlmt the cork cannot be drawn without destroying the signature, without which none is genuine.— The medicine may consequently he known to be genuine when my signature is visible ; to counterfeit which will be punishable as forgery. The Public are cautioned not to purchase my Panacea except from myself, my accredi ted agents, or persons of known respectabil ity; and all those will consequently be with out excuse, who shall purchase from any oth- or persons. *#*■—Prepared and sold at Swaim’s Labo ratory, South Seventh Street, next door to tho Philadelphia Baths, corner of George & :tp <xQ) Cloths. Cussimercs, Vosiinirs, & sBtymsgmm aooB>.s t made to order by WILLIAM O. PRICE, MERCHANT TAYLOll, at the SAVANNAH CLOTHING H.llPORU M (on the Hay, opposite the Exchange) where may bo found A ERESIF, fashionable and well made as sortment OF SEASO.NAULE Rind I/ Made Clothing, and every variety of F A N C Y A R T 1 C L E S. Just received by the late arrivals und oiler- ed at the lowest rules, O.V HIS ESTABLISHED PRINCIPLE, iCT 6 * P ur Cash, or approved City acceptances. Savannah,*June 14,1831. 170 LIST OF L R emaining m tho nali. UT TEG’S Post < illicit Savin- 3Utli June, 1831. Persons wish ing letters from this list, are requested tu ask for “ Advertised Letters.” A. Wm. Adams ** James Alexander John Abbot Geo. A. Ash Daniel Ambler Gideon Aluiy John S. AchurJ. HA 1 l.y I'Al'KIl - - - - _ 1: OUH.NTMY I'Al'KIl - - mill' O'I.laiis. 11 Vc. 1)01.1. AIIS. ■l AH A.lM-riiRHiiimtu ii|i|irnr 111 - ■ '■—- - Imlli puiiura. Samuel Bandy ,, Mrs. Klz'th. Bragg Rev. Wm. Baker Lillcston Banks Sarah Bratelv T1IE subscriber is about buil ding an addition to his House in Gainesville, by which he will bo enabled to accommodate double the number of persons that lie can ut present j with convenience; lit? will us heretofore re-; train from making any promises whatever, Am , (•. iktmml and wishes only lor that patronage winch his jj ou | house may merit. lie takes tins ns tho first ! ^j rg j^ ar . l | 1 Bevil'c opportunity of tendering to his friends ami j ‘ ‘ * |) L .j c | Mll . the public generally, Ins acknowledgements ' j jjj r j L for so liberal a shore of tho paniif patron j Havi.l [lon er, jr. ***• , n L. (,LL\ l'.LANI). ! Wm. Urownejilm 10 . 110—it'hno *' age, may J. U. Brooke ; B. J. DunWvy For {Sale. Tut: subscriber offers for sale, | vVtn. Calc Ins lot, with the improvements! i( rn j (’hiiiros thereon,consisting ofone twosin- j Wu'i, Cannet r./ and two one story DWELL-1 J„hn Cameron ING HOUSES, in good repair, with outhuil-1 Geo. o. Cattm dings. The situation is a very plcnsa: t one,! ]>^toV Cartier being on the cast side of Washington Square, I Jonathon Chihls immediately opposito the residence of Maj. j Daniel J. Cook M. W. Stewart. The lot contains several >, John Coals excellent Fruit trees, grape vines, &e. For |»„„i Colson further particulars, apply on the premises, to ' Micli’l. Cunuiu'diam may 30—| JOHN DENNIS. | .. j Ch'ns Dnvant Macau Mage rare Reduced, [Geo. w. Danforth Hereafter, the price of Joqjuh Deacer ssftge from Savnnnuh | I Ienry Denning to Macon will he Fifleon | Mndumo Delbergho dollars, from Savannah to j Mrs. Small Dunlap Marion Thirteen dollars, und from Savannah ii. II. Dubose to Dublin Ten dollars, and in like proportion j to any intermediate place. Thirty pounds ; Rpv Josinh Evans baggage ultowed to each passenger. Oflice Josiah J. Everitt kept ut the Mansion House. EDWARD VARNER, march 0 8—j: Now York Oioii|) YVIiol<?salo Cloak, Slock 4* Clothing Ware house REMOVED. rpiIE subscriber has removed his cstuhlish- X mont from No. 18.\ Maiden Lam-, to the spucious store, No. 13S Pearl (Street, over Messrs. IIyde, Cleveland & Co. where he will keep constantly on hand a much more extensive assortment than formerly. The tyin, make and materials of the Cloaks will 1 John Franklin, jr. Andrew Farry David Fulton Salomon Futch. U. Titos. Baker Miss Mary. E. Barnard John II. Bacon Nalh'l. Bacon C'apt. James Blanken ship John II. Berry Charles J, Bouler Peter Bennett Briilmud W. It. Bowman Uev. .1. B. Bowen Mrs. I’. Brown John Butler ( . John II. (’lark Miss Adeline A. Carr Mrs. June A. Curruth- , ers John L. Clark Daniel Cl.llbrd Miss Emily J. Crafts John Coskory Kruslur II. Crosby Amos Cook J). J. W. Davis.2 Bolij. Day, 2 Mary Dminis Jaincs Dixon Nancy Dolly, 2 Mrs. Ann Duke Thus. Duffy. Goo. Eaton Miss Cassandra Everilt J\ Simon Frasier James Frew Oncisemus Futch a Prom the Liiul.m Aew .Monthly Muguihn-. Till: VOH c OF Till: CEAVTlFt L. T.. me it wm » tioli ilc i^lu (>•1 MIMIIIII r lloWl'IH lo K ,7.0 — To "nli li Ilii* >itilil'|{ iiio oi il iii jlit, Ami b.i»!i In inmli licr rt. V w T • (lit- tliint-iiif* i>|iuililt- lioolii Tli il iii iht) tli.m.oiitl |iliiya : W i'll v.iryiiiu ru|iUirc!«, nlhlmir o«ii, Tliutc my bl^lil—my .,i-bi alone. Oil bavft’l Inaul I In* w|ii|l|ii:ii'm brcuZ;, Amt lov.-il ns ineloily— Invoked I ml K« In.’s uiyaicticH, liiing on her soil ri — Ur i-uii^lit, ’ini.l itsluMilil e.\lai n >, nielli I ir l'» |ansi\i « . y : I'flnirym^ iajitur* 4, sill uwar uwn, Tli*«u cliarmid iiniiu c.n—inn.o ear icoue. 'i lien have I aeon, iii ii pOi •! Muid ! Av, liearil, ami {(nzuil on, I- o ; To if,at er, mo n —yem," lioie l.r,| 1 .ye I lie uvsA lies! lovu e* due Bo'ize—u:im—bin! i,I il .irksome cl.ule, The oar iilni.b i!"id I woo. It'll, all.’ js limit—*ii « ll.ino aloi.o — Tu tliaini III.- etc and car ill one ! Attios Gaskins John Gardner Ricli’d. Gilliam P. Giradeau Sam’l. Griffin JL B. Griltin John G. Goldwirc Geo. Byron Gordon David Goldstein Charles M. Goolsby Juhn Goodmuson Nancy Groves II. Miss .Sarah II. Ilart- Col. Wm. Harrison ridgo Family Jars.—Prom lair London papers. —One Michael Cronin wus summoned l.cforo ; Mr. Aid'Tinun Thorp, on Sulnr- oy, to un- • «wer Ibr changing his wife .ludiih’M two beau- t till blue «yes liIo black, without leave or Ii- ! cense given by the said Judy. Mr.-. Judy Cronin begged to infoim his | Hive mica that on Thursday night she re turned lionie migiililv fatigued by a hard day’s 1 wash, and who should shu liml there, she’d ! ho glad to know, but tho vaguhone at the bar, h r husband, who never brought her a penny ; hit for tho lust nine months ; clanc fit ‘ other i way, indeed it wus, for it wus herself hod the I feeding of him Ibr many a hle:» ed day Well to lie sure, and lie wfis’nt drunk at nil, and without a spake out of her meutli, didn’t ho ! knock her down, and send lief to the hospital ' with u broken arm ?—to lie ^lll'e he did, and j to bn sure his Honour would like to lie after ■ sew ngit—apl* usuiv his Honour begged leu vc 1 to decline. ! “Well, Mr.Cronin,” said the Alderman, , “what have you lo say to all this 1” “What have 1 to say, my Wot chip ! Faith 1 and myself Ins tins to say,” replied .Mr. Cro- ! mil, giving hiu right arm a swing that had mgh given one of the audilms a c*ick in the neck. “On the cridil of my oath I ntvor I struck the era turn »t all. 1* After he had composed h msclt a little, to the inquiries “ if ho was nil right J” and “ what the dovii had got hold of bun 1” ho repli-il, “ By the Lord Ilurry, what u soft body the b u.-t had. It calchod me by tho leg,” cnid lie, showing a red mark round tho leg, above tho ancle, “got my foot in its m«>uth. hauled mo under water, und swam with mu tarnation fust ami my back, kept j rubbing against its hs'ly, and Pm shot if it uasnt as huft us v< h»f.” Wu.ii tho exerp* j t ion of t he red murk around his leg, ho wus | nnhurmefl, and cofijccturo was ata stand still ' us to tho nature of thu fish which seized him; ; Ibr if it had been a shark ora ftsh with teeth, it would have either taken oil' his leg, or wounded him severely. In tho evening sev- | oral boats went out to kill this strange ani- i mal : he was frequently Been, und muny shots tired at him, lail he could not bo secured.— However, u few days uficrwards, a small bot- | tie nosed wliulo (buheua rostrata) wus cast ! ashore in tho cove of Cork, in whoso body I were several bullets, which had prohatdy oc- ; casioued its death, ami it was therefore sup- | posed to have been . the sumo fish tlmt had attacked tho fluidicr ; lo which it waf ]>' J- j Imps driven by extreme hunger, as its ordina- ! : V IboiLis cuttle lish, and its mouth and threat j bring small, are incapable of tuki'ng in largo bodies. \lm^ ! In tho voyaging in tho Arabian Sea it ■ burn ed that the vessel in which I sailed was j becalmed for some days, and tho crew wero \ i» Ihu habit of jumping overboard ami awiiii- iiLng round the ship. One «lny, whilst sevc- r il of the hands were amusing themselves iu this wav, a large shark uppoared astern ; tjm men \v« ro immediately piped sit board, arid they all oliey.o I except a tool-hardy follow jit a boatswain’s mate, who said, “ Tho sliark bo slmt. Pm not afraid of lum.” In the mean time a hook prperiy baited was lowered from • the poop,’ i>y who h the shark wus haulod o’n hoard. As soon ns it was out of water tho n mora or sucking lish, which is always foul d ;u lie. ing under tlie tins of sliurks, diseugngi d ilf»«-ir, and swum towards tho houtsvvain’s n ate, anil fustciied on his lusty back Tho ! 1 ow bellowed as if tho devil hud got hold of Ii iii ;—sung out lo one of his messmates, “ My eyi s Bill, tho shark is holding on l.y my slum ; hour a heud, and heave us u rope ;— I would give a month’s grog to lie aboard.— Wiiut the are you about, Bill 1 Dour a hand, will » oii, you lubber.” Master Billy, however, and the other jacks, were in no hu-Uo to relievo thoif indp9m ite ; they enjoy ed IhO'luugh a Miizin ;ly, and provokci'Jiim by singing out, “ i say, e mt yuu behave like a sodgor a thro the eimmyf eh 1 don’t be teken aback. Jack ? kick at him hoy, and tVei* your :-turn!" Jack kicked, and pluugt d, and roared ut being thus boarded abaft, but io no purpose ; thu sucking lish held flu, and ut last the crew, tired of tho joke, hauled the terri fied hoatswain’s mite on hoard, not, however, before lotting go the rope two or three lim s, and'sousing him well when ho was up the tide. married to her o Jus. Hamilton (ft Bun i tliosc 23 years, tho worse luck to ino, aifd n be greatly inrprovod and will bo sold at about, i Mrs. lienor Hamilton J nines Hatcher I good vvorkuia n she found till my Higlit got bad, the same low prices us those of tho last sea-j Miss Mary Ann llain- Victoria Hernandos and I m t with a tumble in tin London Duck's son. He 1ms also on hand a largo assort-1 ilton Manuol Hnrnandes on tho I Bh of August, mid broke thu wrist»’ mont ol’low priced clothing, made ill good stile | Hin,Biirn8»Firs&Co. Gnrdon B. Hopkins I moonti.edy il was dia ss.<l ; and orb! the expressly lor the southern and western trade, John Huron Mrs. Klz’th. Holmes | cross o, to im- ov cry day I see a pnv tlmt will bo sold ut about thu usual prices of j ftissHlizu V.IIoustoun Miss Caroline M. Hoy 1 mg stone, if 1 didn't lay for i'our days will,, ut the most inferior quality. Also, an assort- J. j a * 0 ul uxiug had 11i mouth on nn" ; iUIniow mont of Stocks, with many other desirable nr- l>,. ( ,. r Jameson Mrs. Elizabeth S. L. j I’m cut down sure enough !—(here .Ur. Cro- tielcij. Those who will tuko the trouble to .));•,.( Jones .tin ..iyl.o I like .*)•>. u.'.r. md criii'** eye:, j examine this .Stock of Goods, will prohnl-ly ; Mf^sjime Irvin B James Johnson j towards Mrs. Cronin, imiderly reprnuefied satisfy theinsolves that they cannot select the i Clerics Joyner Jones her).—Dell! y • u.urthcrer ! Wasn’t I same amount from any .stock in tlin city that l-Vancis J\*son will he a safor or more desirable purchase. I / v ”. For sale by F. J. CON A NT, j Miss Elizabeth King 11. D. K ttles No. 133 Pearl-st. New-York. Miss Aim King Walter K gto Terms—0 months for approved Notes, j j J payable at Bunks m good standing in any part Mrs. F. Lnrd Mrs Mary I/'hny of the country—8 months for city uccaptaii-|) r , s A (siwrnnco Mrs Eliza Lvous « ees or f> per cent discount for cash. Iu all j c 0j)L W.llmm Lane “Tims M. Licking cases when the tune is extended, interest will ( Alexander Lawrence Capt. Olrn v Lovell bo charged at tho rate of 0 per cent per an i Benjamin W Leach Samuel Lojier mini. Any Goods purchased at this estubl.flh-1 Kicjmrd Lcuke 2 ment that do not suit the market for which James A Leu they were intended, will he exchanged for otliers. april 12 110—film Three hundred dollars Reward. \m 11 ,L he given for taking and securing ▼ T the following described negro fellows. John R M’Kinnon John M’Fnrland Jobe M’(’ullough John M’(.'auii Hetty M’lntosh Peter M’Gromin Edmond Main Isaac Low William Longworth M. 4 Dr John Mftclicll James II. Mil or Miss Eliza Miller Thomas Morris Mrs M ,3 Morel Catherine G. Morris Geo I) Moore They went off’on the night of the 21st Fob. last,'in a small two or three oared canoe, that, K , V; A >,<lr. w MorsImllMrs ElhtaC Momrin Iw. formerly boon painlod red, with dark col-1 Al , ra |,,„ n Marshall Miss Muni • S Mull, ored itunwules. bay ono hundred und hfty I Maxwell rise Notice. Seventh Streets, mid sold bv every respects-1 rr)IIE co-partnership of CIIICRHfflTEB^complexion, walks vei ble Druggist in the United States. ‘ j A & S.Cli ANTON isjhia day disoTved try mul waB imrchamMl su To avoid tho many attempts that have been ] mutual consent. All persons having demands made to impose upon the public huso imi»a- against the concern, will present them for tious oftbis Celebrated Medicine,tho subscri- ! payment lo Alonzo Scranton, who is duly hers have made arrangements to keep on j authorized to settle the business ol the eon- hand,u supply direct from the proprietor. The j corn ; and all those indebted ure requested to public may therefore rest assured that the I settle their hills without delay. Genuine Swaim's Panacea cun ulwaysbel ALFRED C11ICIIESIr.R. had at theirstore warranted. i ALONZO SCRANTON. Savannah, May 27//i 1830. dollars fur ADA.M, an artful and trickcy fel low ; he is 20 or 27 years old, and about live feet six or eight inches high, has a small foot, und not heavy made, and neither u very dtrk nor light complexion. Also twenty-live dol lars a piece for YORK and SAULSBURY, j or SOLBY. York is twenty-two or three : t s nirntf years old, live feet eight inches Ugh, stout!.,'*/. n i- nmdc, ami verv black skin. Solby is about j ^ * taenty years old, near six feet high, smooth I u „ ,, m , (lock tnee, uiirk couiplaxion, and lurgo under lip — , , r i These three follows have lately been purclia-1 *, ■ ,, ' soil from Messrs. Bryan undSerivcn, of Chat-1 j. j, . ham County, and are from Wilmington Isl- i ,y j ml, where they ure acquainted, and at aovc-! r*8 on tho Carolina side. And one 1 ,l * lie is ubout j | GaptFruneis.Mungiu2 J M Middleton Win. B. Mell John Nevitt i Alaoson Newell Miss Bclauo Merer A’. lluimuh N’owluu .Lillies Norton <). Dr Bonj F Owens chine hoy lo you till that time, you ugly ouhl thmg ; wasn’t l a credit to you, yuu bluck- gu ml ! tell me that, bounce ! I bay its my- self was the hoy that kept you warm of u could winter’s idglit, ami now you’d be leav ing me wit Iroul u pruty till I get a lockjaw, ye Judas !”* Again, addressing tlm Aider- man Im continued, ‘•Sure she says l may go now, Pm noii.-m : und, by the liil.lo - f .Mo.-es, she called me ii bast hard ! I)'yc hear that, your Worehip ! Sin* called me u hustliu d ! | Ucli ! Mister (.’ruuin, is it a hunt hard ye are at last] 1) d you shuffle your I rogues all the way from your father’s estate to Im christen ed n hasthard iu your ould.uge ? But never mind Iut, your Worehip ; she’s the father of lies, and the devil a bit of truth iu her ernzy mild carcass. Gould her to bail, and I’ll be hail she’ll he locked up for want of if” By this time Mr. Cronin's galligaskins be ing on the rumbling order for luck of a button, his attention was drawn olflo them | und the Alderman, taking advantage of the respite, ordered Mr. Cionin himself to find hull, and not being provided with tliut sum«\ he wus himself “locked up for tho want of il.” of Kinsalc, in tlm south own to be one of finest entrance is guarded by Daniel Pickett Mnlnchi Perkins II. W. Preston Geo. B. Penney Joseph W Perkins George Palmer Richard II. Pimiuu Preston M Perse | tliiny-fivo yours old, ubout six foot high, (lurk | .. .. . .. 0 ^' ' complexion, walks very erect, & steps brisk,, Mrs M Outen and was imreliaaed some years ago from Mr. j „ Mn|jldn i^trich O Rcillny Dunham, near White llluB. Mrs J. .ml. Uai.kin Jacob Kighter 'limy have recently been eeen in the same n||| H(llfu c t KaTuoad Ilieh boot ..ear l.utle Island. ,, , uhlllls Tm? Dkyx> Alive!— )n Sundav night Mr. Gallnhor, th«* celebrated ventr o.pust/ observed tvvomuiplo country looki <g feilows carrying a cotlin out to itound owu VVliofl they goL near the bridge at Hu old’s cross, they mopped to rest themselves. .Mr, Gu.Ja- hcr ptetcmled to bo wulning quietly by mein, when lie threw his v iec into thccoflin, and inim diatelv a haul stir ck of agony was hoard to ir sue, folly wed by *pli ! uiurUicr! mur- tl*< r ‘ it-, n inn> i.-.a i .'iiiamm’n* goiu'11 throw me] Is'nt had enough to Burke me, hut you must he after drownin’ mo too J” ’What mihu world is that !” said a person wh Wuh passing. *ls that the question you’r uskiu’ Psiiid tiio voire from thccoflin; Met Ilio out o’ 'lie colliii yo.i scoundrels, and though 1 am hulfchouked, I’ll box the two o’ you—one down nud thu other come on.’ •Oh J good i hrifttians,’ cried a poor woman who wuh now attract *d by tho noise, 'here’s a dead man in the cofliu that wants to light Ills two murderers.’ A crowd was im mediately colluded—the* two poor country men were urrosied ns resurrectionists, und it was not until the coffin was opened and cx- nmim'd that they wero perm t ed to proceed with their burden. Just as tho crowd wero dispersing, n voice front the cotlin was heard to exclaim, *N“W, b >ys, aft-r all the trou ble l gave you, I hope you won't forgot to bury mo dacciilhj.—Dublin Morning Register. rul place | hundred dollars for GEORGE. All reasonable expenses will he paid, ox- .y..,. elusive of the reward, on application to either j . ’ ‘ l .. , the hi.bscr.ber or ELIAS FORT, Esq. of So- ^ o Alargesupply of thisMedicine has just been received. Druggists and others throughout the Stute, who purchase to sell again, can DRAPER A& TAILOR, have it at a reduced price. The undersigned respectfully announ- LAY & HENDRICKSON, I ce8 to the friends of the lute firm ofCmcuEH- Wholesale & Retail Druggists, : TBR Scranton, that he will continue the 2 lo Gibbons’ Buildings. business at the old established stand, Young’s Also, afresh supply of Swaim’s celebrated ! buildings, comer of Bryan &. Whitaker-sls., Vermifuge, just received and for sale us above | w | lcrc all disposed to yield him their pntron- june 17 -\ uge, will find the same splendid ussortmoivt of - •_ : “ VTi-.TT j goods, fashionable and durable, the same taste ICO IIOUSG, under tile A5lull- in cutting und making, nnd the samedifpo- C 1ANDLER& DAVIDSON have estah- sition to please and accomodate the public. s lished an ICE HOUSE, in John D.; that bos ever characterized the establishment, Mrs Mary Ryan 2 i Ephraim Rider i A Rico Mongin’s buildings, two doors west of Abner Bassett’s ship Chandlery, where they will be prepared to deliver Ice from 5 o’clock, A. M. to 7 1\ M. every day, except Sundays, on which day, tho Ice House will be open from sun riso until 8 A.M. and from 12 to 2 P. M. | may 28 The Dutchman’s Fireside. T HOS. M. DRISCOLL lias just receiv- ved No8.3&4 of Library ofSelcctNovels, being the Dutchman’s Fireside, 2 vols. by J. K. Pauluing. june 23 may 30 ALONZO SCRANTON. Hats. T REE cases Palm I^afHats, for Bale by J ber. Valleau’s Oflice, july 2 LUTHER & CO. *' Advertisement. H OUSE, Sign, and Ornamenta Pain ting, Paper Hanging, Glazing&c. Imitations of Fancy Woods, Marbles, &c. I Walls Painted or Ornamented in Oils or I Water Colors. The above business executed by the sub scriber in a style he trusts worthy the liberal patronage and approbation he has and contin ues to receive. ALEXANDER MELDRUM. Reference—Thomas Young, Esq. Paint shop in Johnston's square, adjoining r. Valleau’s Office, where orders left will M promptly attended to. june 2—12mo. vanuali. ALEXANDER ATKINSON, Camden County. may 4 L‘lf)f Cutlery, &c. &c. \ N assortment offlno Cutlery, suchqh— Rogers’ Pocket, Pen and Dirk Knives ; Wastenhohn’s do. do. do.; Rogers and l’rep- tiss’ superior Scissors ; all very superior and new putterns. Roger’s Dainoscus and Silver Steel Razors J. Barber's old English do.; in double und sin gle cases. Emerson’s Elastic and Prcntis’s 4 sided Ra zor Straps. Glass, Metal nud Wood Shaving Boxes ; Bone, lied und Metal -Handle Lather Brush*. - cs ; English and American Shaving Soap; Edward L lhmnos in great variety. Gentlemen’s Morocco Shaving Cases for travelling, a new article and very neat. Also, Gentlemen’s Travelling Mirrors. Addison’s Ever Pointed Silver Pencil Cases, with extra Thomas B Sanders Joseph F Stevens Robert It Snead Isaac G Seymour Mrs Aim St hbs 2 James W. Smith Samuel 11 Sctivin M ss Eliza Scott Mrs. Lucrocia Kpcnccr T. ardson James B Rowley 3 John Russel John Hurdling Mr Rmfrigijul • Eponbturi Rogers .S’. Tunis Swart John J Snead Mrs Mary Snead Miss Johutia Sweeney Alexandi r A. Smith Win u tfcott 2 Capt. W R Scott Miss Mi.rgjrct E Slro- bel ’I’lie bay or harbor of Ireland, is \v< li kir I in tlmt country, the ! two Ibrts, one of which is now in ruins.— There is also the depot of a regiment ntution- 1 ed ut Kipsule, und according to the custom of the service, in line weather, the men are ' marched duily to the beach under an otflror, | tb bathe. It happened not long ago, that a j party of tho 49lh were engaged performing I their al hit ions, when two of thu privates till- I derlook for u trilling wager, to swim across I the mouth ol'tlio Imrhor, from ono fort to the I other , they stretche I across vigorously, und i Imd got id mil half way over, when a largo j black looking lish wus observed from the i beach to raise itn head out of tho water at ' Home distance behind them ; a second lime it roseJ nearer them, when the oflh oriu com- ! inan.l becoming anxious for the safety of the ; mi'll, and not wishing to alurm them by cul ! ling out, caused the bugle to bound for them I to return ; they accordingly obeyed, und turned towurds tho shore they hud left, they hud no sooner done so, than tho lish again a leg und foot thut would and inu- Tim Mode of hrllino O .ikntal Ft- males.—The Turkish women are beautify], though their bcnU'y is of ad ll' charac ter from that of European females. Their eyes ire nine mul Id in J, tlioir hair luxuriant; their faceB, fresh und rosy, ami their persons though too corpulent, (a perfection iu tho opinion of a Turk,) possess great symmetry of proportion. I accompanied a German Merchant, at Rufl'.i, in tl;u Crimea, to the mart of slaves, whore the Armenian hud exposed for. Bale two (\r< UMii.m guls of tho most exquisite loveli ness. We feigned an into .turn of purctiasc- ing them, in order to gratify our curiMity, und uncertain the inode oi'conuuci ing such inhu man sales. The maidens were introduced to us one after another. Their deportment was graveful und modest to diiQdeiico. Tho first girl presented, was in her fourteenth Robert 11 Tavlor Miss J M D Thread- craft Francis Thompson points. An additional supply of the nbovc articles, iuat received and for snlo at low prices, by ' LAY & HENDRICKSON, Hay. Mrs M C Truchelut Peter Turbavil Caleb Thomas. Mrs. Elizabeth Walls Patrick Welsh Mrs.Tbereza'Whitaker Messrs. Wright Jack Willinnwon Cliildora Capt J VVUliuu.son Gilbert Willey Jerry WilliainB Mrs. Wucdlcudc Miss CorneliaWoolfoik James Ward Mm VVairer primo Hay, landing from schr. i Messrs E L Voung.VCo ! UbUKUE 50 Othello, for sale by iunc 23 COHEN &;MILLFR. july 2 made its appearance close to till king u rubh ut the ncurcst limn, «timed him under water ; the oilier seeing the fate of his companion, became uhuo.-t pctr.lied with fright, gave way to his terror, und wassiulu ing, when the encouraging voice of the officer called out, “ Nevermind my lad, strike out, nothing will harm yo'the accordingly ex erted himself, and mvniu boldly towards the shore. The man who hud been carried down now appeared, puffing and blowing tho wa ter from his mouth, nnd nppureniiy much confused, w. i n the officer cheering liiip, cried out, “Don’t he afraid, lad, you’r all safe now, carry on.” The inaiULccuoUngly re-shiiking Ins head, mid looking wildly around him, re covered himself, nnd pushed for tho shore ; a»uiii the lish appeared, make a dart at him, and carried him under, nnd did thisolsoa Mrs Eleano'r NVolla2 i third time,after each time tin- man appeared Cv. on the nurture und ulwuys nearer the beach than when In? disappeared ; thu last time he rose so near hi’ party thut the officer ordered the men to provide themselves with stones j and when the lish ugam allowed himself ho was assailed by a volley, and was thereby Solomon flavour completely soured from his prey, and the man SCHLEY, !’• M. landed in safely aiuid the cheers ol his com- 1*{J—j, ! pamonn. Mrs Elizabeth Tun G S Threudcrnll ('apt. Joseph Tyler Capt. CroTulson Tliomas Tvowcll .Messrs Turpttr & I)’- Antigimc W. Charitn Wurn year : she wus elegantly dressed^ her face • was covered with a veil, through which her* blue eves, as well as neck ond slioultfcsrsthat rivalled the parian marble in whiteness, shone like slurs piercing a black cloud. Site ad vanced towards tho German, bowed down, and kissed his hand ; then, at tho command of her master, sho walked backwards aijd forwards in the tent to show her fine shape, mid the easiness of her carriage, sho again raised her robe,' so as to tdiow thoA lioacy of have cliurmed a Prexitels. When she took oil’her veil, our eyes were dazzled witka dimpled Jfuce. iu wliichtho lily and the rose were blended on the cheeks of bloomingyouthfulues8. ller air was ut once noble and modest ; her gestured animating and dignified. Her tresses us black us ebony, fell carelessly ovor her love ly breast, and when sho smiled, she dis covered teeth ufu pearly whiteness unden- umel. Sho rubbed her ebooks with a wot napkin to prove thut she hud not used art to improve orlieiglKen the bloom of her complexion.— Wo wero permitted to feel her pulso that we might Le convinced of tho good state of her health and conKtilutiun. She then re tired with all tho agility and grace of one of Diana’s nymphs coming out of the fountain. Her attractive charms won tho heart of my German friend, who purchased this lovely girl for four thousand piasters.” A Barnstable pucket master, who had to* fused to transport rum, lately took down some casks marked vinegar, which proved on discharging into a scow to be rum. He im mediately transported them back to Boston. In this quarter we should be likely to call SU<Jh uouduut affectation.—JQoston Pqtriyt. %