Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, July 09, 1831, Image 1

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THE DAILY GEORGIAN, ia published in rio; Oaif'J ®ij BAVAMSSAOBa By O. & W. HOBHRTSON, AT EIGHT DOLLARS PER ANNUM) PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. THE COUNTRY GEORGIAN, IS published to meet the arrangement of the mails Three Tunes a Week (Monday, Wednesday and Fri day) at the office of the Daily Georgian, and contains all the intelligence, Commercial, Political nml Miscella neous, including Advertisements, published in the Daily Paper. The Country Paper is sentto all parts ofthe State and Union, or delivered intho city, atFiVE DOLLARS per annum, payable in advance. Advertisements arc inserted in both papers at 75 eenti per square of 14 lines, for the first insertion, and 97 1-i tor every succeeding publication. Communications by mail must bo POST PAID. Sales of Land by Administrators, Executors and Guardians are required by law to bo held on the *• first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of 10 and 9 o’clock, at the Court I louse in the county in which the property is situate. Notice of these sales must be given in a public gazette Sixty Days previous to the sale. Notice for leave to sell negroes, must In- published for four months, before any order absolute shall,bo madt thereupon by the Court. Sales of Negroes must bo at public auction, on tho first Tuesday ofthe month, between the usual hours ol ■ale, nUho place of public sales in tho county where the letters Testamentary, of Administration or Guar- •Wiunship, may have been granted, first giving Sixty Days notice thereof, in one ofthe public gazettes ofthis State and at the door ofthe court-house, where such sulci are. to he held. Notice of the sale of Persona! Property must be givei in like manner Forty days before the sale. Notice to Dobtorgund Creditors of an estate must be published for Forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary forlcave to sell land, must be published Four Months T1 YOL. XIII. SAVANNAH, Thomas Ryerson, Jr. HAS just roceivod>per recent nrri vals, in addition to his former stock of DRUGS ANO MEDICINES, &c. &c.—which renders the same very complete and extensive, which he odors for sale, on accomodating terms, for cash, or town acceptances. Chloride of Soda. C oncentrated Disinfecting Soiu* > tion of Chloride of Sodn, for preserving inent, removing offensive smells, neutralizing pestilential exhalations, and destroying con tagion. g/Prepared of uniform strength, by the New 1 mgbind Chemicnl Company, according to the formulary promulgated by the philosophic discoverer, A. G. Lararraqui:. This article having been made use of, in nu merous instances, by scientific persons of the very first standing, and always with certain success, the following modes of applying the Chloride, muy be relied on as proper and ben- eficia). With a sprinkling of water mixed with one fortieth of Chloride, the stench can he in stantly put down ofthe filthiest kennels, pow ers, cess-pools, drains, water-closets,mnrkets, stalls for meat and fish, slaughter-houses, and, in general, all places infected with animal exhalations. For foul ulcers, a wine glass of Chloride must be mixed with as much as five times that quantity of pure water, and pledgets of lint must he dipped into this wash and then laid over the ulcers. This dressing to bo re newed twice a duy. If the sore becomes red and angry the wash of five parts water must he still further diluted ; if, on the contrary, the sore docs not change its appearatico, it must be dressed once or twice with Chloride and water, half and half, so us to dispose to a slight inflammation,which is indispensable to convert fetid and running ulcers into simple sores. The hpaling then progresses rapidly. The moment tho Chloride is Applied upon an ulcer the disagreeable smell is destroyed. A fresh supply ofthis valuable article just received and for sale low. by LAY & HENDRICKSON. Also—The Chloride of Soda, prepared by A. G. Labarraquo, the celebrated French Chemist. iune 14 Swaim’s Panacea, I ^OR the cure of Scrofula or King’s Evil. Syphilitic &• Mercurial Diseases, Rheu matism, ! T lcerons Sores, White Swellings, Diseases ofthe Liver ond Skin, General De bility, and oil diseases which originate from impure blood, or indiscretion of Youth, and where the constitution has been broken down by the use of Mercury, Arsenic, Burk or Qui nine, &c. nnd most* internal diseases where the lungs and chest are supposed to be affec ted, &c. &c. caution to purchasers. 03“ Swaitn’s Panacea is in round bottles, fluted longitudinally, with tho following words Mown in the glass:— “ SWAIM’S PANACEA—PI1ILADA.” having but one label, which covers the cork, with my own signature on it, so that the "•cork cannot bo drawn without destroying the signature, without which none is genuine.— The medicine may consequently he known to be genuine when my signature is visible ; to counterfeit which will be punishable as forgery. The Public ore cautioned not to purchase my Panacea except from myself, my accredi ted agents, or persons of known respectabil ity ; and all those will consequently be with out cxcubc, who shall purchase from any oth- or persons. ***—Propnred and sold nt Swaim’s Labo ratory, South Seventh Street, next door to tho Philadelphia Baths, corner pf George & Seventh Streets, and sold by every respecta ble Druggist in the United States. To avoid the many nltcmpts that have been made to impose upon the public base imi'n- tions ofthis Celebrated Medicine,the subscri bers 4 ' have mnde arrangements to keep on hand,a supply direct from the proprietor. The public may therefore rest assured that the Genuine Swaim’s Panacea can always be had at their store warranted. Alargesupply of thisMedicinc has just been received. Druggists and others throughout the State, who purchase to sell again, can have it at a reduced price. LAY & HENDRICKSON, Wholesale &. Rctnil Druggists, 2&15 Gibbons’ Buildings. Also, a fresh supply of Swaim’s celebrated Vermifuge, just received and for sale as above jnne 17 Icc House, Under the Bluir. C t ANDI.EE & DAVIDSON have ostab- f lished an ICE HOUSE, in John D. Mongin’s buildings, two doors west of Abner Bassett’s ship Chandlery, where they will he prepared to deliver Ice from 5 o’clock, A. M. to 7 P. M. every day, except Sundays, on which day, the Ice House will be open from sun rise until 8 A. M. and from 12 to 2 P. M. may 28 Sulph Quinine (Fr.) do Morphine do Piperine do Ilydriodutc Potass Prussic Acid Croton Oil Iodine Blue Mass (Eng.) Phosphate Soda do Iron Cheltenham Salts Henry’s Magnesia (genuine) Isinglass (staple) do sheet Mezeron Balsam Fir Super Carb Soda Ergot. PERFUMER Y. (white) Saffron (Span.) Opium (Turkey) Sarsparilla (Span.) do (Am.) . Musk (gr.) Mustard Seed Ol Almonds do Amber (rcct.) Castor (N.A.) Soda and Seid. Powd. Acid Tartaric Sal Aratus l'lors Benzoin Castor («kil, sup’r. do. plantation use Besiti of Jalap Spatula’s Pill Tiles, Patent Medicines, &c. Antique Oil Ceylon do Russia do Bears grease (Fr&En) Florida Water Pomatum Esprit do Rose Milk of Roses Cold Cream Vegetable Rouge Otfo of Roses Bear’s Oil Rose, Cologn, nnd Lavender Water in cut glass nnd plain Bottles Iloney and Orange Flower Water Extracts of Roses Pastilles Fumantes Macassar Oil. With a general assortment of English, French and American SOAPS. 03-COUNTRY MERCHANTS, Piivsi- ci a ns and Planters, will find it to their ad vantage to call. N. B. Physicians prescriptions carefully put up at the shortest notice, &. at nil hours. Savannah, 21 si February 1831. ***—The Georgia Journal, Macon Messen ger, Democrat (Columbus, Gn.) will please in sert the above, once a week for three week's, and forward their accounts to this office for pnvment. fob 21 Paints, Oils, Glass, <fce. &.c. T HE subscribers offer for sale the follow ing articles of Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. &c. at the lowest market price for cash or credit, and have made arrangements to re ceive fresh supplies by every arrival. Mer chants, Planters and others are respectfully invited lo call before they purchase. White Lead in Oil Rotten Stone Spanish Brown do Bronze Yellow Verdigris do Carmine While Lead dry Drop Lake Spanish Brown do Copal Vuruish Venetian Red Japan do Cromo Yellow Bright do Crome Green Leather do Terra do Sienna Linseed Oil Verdigris dry Train do Black Lend in powder Whale do Ivory Black ’ Sperm do very supor’r. Lamp do lb.& jlbpnpcrGum Amber Burnt Umber “ Arabic Rose Pink Sp’ts. Turpentine Dutch do “ Wine Spanis White Gold and Silver Leaf Paris do Do nnd do Paper Turkey Umber Gum Shellac Red and While Chalk Paint br’shs,Sash tools, l‘omice&Rotten Slone Camel’s hair pencils Chinese Vermillion Varnish brushes,&c. Red Lead 300 boxes 8 by 10, 9 by 11 & 10 by 12 Glass 'LAY &L HENDRICKSON. inarch 16 ftr XAvm <£0 Cloths. Cassimores, Vestings, & g&ssMEm ctoont? ,; made to order by WILLIAM O. URICE, MERCHANT TAYLOR, at the SAVANNAH CLOTHING EMPORIUM (on the Bay, opposite the Exchange) where may bn found A ERE8II, FASHIONABLE AND WELL MADE AS SORTMENT OF SEASONABLE Ready Made Clothing, and every variety of FANCY ARTICLES, Just received by tho Into arrivals and offer ed ut the lowest rates, O-V HIS ESTABLISHED PRINCIPLE, For Cash, or approval City acceptances. Savannah, .Tunc 14,1831. 170 • The Dutchman’s Fireside. tHOR. M. DRISCOLL has just receiv- . ved Nos.3&4 of Library ofSelectNovels, being the Dutchman’s Fireside, 2 vols. by J. K. Paulding. june 23 T 1 Hats. T HREE cases Palm I«eafHat0, for sale by july 2 LUTHER & CO. Notice. fflllE co-partnership of CHICHESTER .1 & SCRANTON is this duy disolved by mutual consent. All persons Having demands against the concern, will present lhem for payment to Alonzo Scranton, who is duly authorized to settle the business of the con cern ; nnd all those indebted nre requested to settle their bills without delay. ALFRED CHICHESTER. ALONZO SCRANTON. Savannah, May 27th 1630. DRAPER & TAILOR. 03* The undersigned respectfully announ ces to the friends ofthe late firm ofCiucHES- ter & Scranton, that he will continue the business at the old established stand, Young’s buildings, corner of Bryan & Whitaker-sts., where nil disposed to yield him their patron age, will find the tame splendid assortment of goods, fashionable and durable, the same taste in cutting nnd making, nnd the same dispo sition to please and accomodate the public, that has ever characterized the establishment, may 30 ALONZO SCRAffTON. Advertisement. H OUSE, Sign, and Ornnmcnta Pain ting, Paper Hanging, Glazing&c. Imitations of Fancy Woods, Marbles, &c. Walls Painted or Ornamented in Oils or Water Colors. The above business executed by the sub scriber in a style he trusts worthy the liberal patronage and approbation he has and contin ues to receive. ALEXANDER MELDRUM. Reference—Thomas Young, Esq. Paint shop in Johnston’s square, adjoining ber. Valleau’s Office, where orders left will M promptly attended to* june 2—12mo, To That nleasnn' in St. Marys, lately occupied by John II. 'M'lntosli, Esq. For terms apply lo Mrs. King, St. Ma rys, or in Savannah to WM. ROSE, june 21 75—of Bl)AY MORNING, JULY 0, 1881. Eol NO. 183. Planters Hotel, Gainesville, Ga. M THE subscriber, is about buil ding an addition to his House in Gainesville, by which he will he enabled to accommodate double the number of persons that he can nt present with convenience. Ho will as heretofore re frain from making any promises whatever, and wishes only for that putronngo which his house inny merit. He takes this as tho first opportunity of tendering to his friends and tho public generally, his acknowledgements for so liberal a share of the pnssing patron age. L. CLEVELAND, may 10 140—(3mo For Sale. The subscriber offers for sale, his lot, with tho improvements thereon, consisting of one two sto ry nnd two one story DWELL ING HOUSES, in good repair, with out. buil dings. ’flic situation is a very plcnsm t. one, being on the oust side of Washington Square, immediately opposite the residence of Maj. M. W. Stewart.. The lot contains several excellent fruit trees, grape vines, &c. For further particulars, apply on the premises, to may30—| JOHN DENNIS. New York (' |]c:i|> Wholesale Clout;, Slock 4’ Clothing Ware house REMOVED. rpiIE subscriber has removed his establish- JL ment from No. 18£ Maiden Lune, to the spncious store, No. 138 Pearl Street, over Messrs. Hyde, Cleveland & Co. where he will keep constantly on hand a much more extensive assort ment than formerly. The style, make nnd materials of tho Cloaks will ho greatly improved nnd will bo sold at about tho same low prices as those of tho last sea son. lie lias also on hand a largo assort ment oflow priced clothing,made in good stile expressly lor the southern and western trade, that will be sold at about tho usual prices of the most inferior quality. Also, an assort ment of Stockp, with many other desirable ar ticles. Those who will take the trouble to examine this Stock of Goods, will probably satisfy themselves that they cannot select the same amount from any stock in tho city that will be a safer or more desirable purchase. For sale by F. J. CON A NT, No. 138 Pearl-st. New-York. Terms—0 months for approved Notes, payable at Banks in good ol and ing in any part of tho country—8 months for city acceptan ces or 5 per cent discount for cash. In all cases when the time is extended, interest will be ehnrged at the rate of 0 per cent per nn num. Any Goods purchased ut this establish ment that do not suit the market for which they were intended, will be exchanged for others. npril 12 116—f 3m Three hundred dollars Reward. W ILL he given for taking and securing tho following described negro fellows.. They went off’on the night ofthe 21st Feb. last, in n small two or three oared canoe, that has formerly been pninted red, with dark col ored gunwales. Say one hundred and fifty dollars for ADAM, an artful and triokey fel low ; ho is 26 or 27 years old, and about five feet six or eight inches high, has a small foot, and not heavy made, and neither a very dark nor light complexion. Also twenty-five dol lars a piece for YORK nnd SAULSB'.JRY, or SOLBY. York is twenty-two or three years old, five foot eight inches high, stout made, nnd very black skin. Snlby is about twenty years old, near six feet high, smooth face, dark complexion, nnd large under lip.— Theso three fellows have lately been purcha sed from Messrs. Bryan nnd Scrivcn, of Chat ham County, nnd arc from Wilmington Isl and, where they ore acquainted, and at seve ral places on the Carolina side. And one hundred dollars for GEORGE. I To is about thirty-five years old, about six feet high, dark complexion, walks very erect, & steps brisk, and was purchased some years ago from Mr. Dunham, near White Bluff*. They have recently been seen in the snmc boat near Little Tybce Island. All reasonable expenses will be paid, ex clusive of the reward, on application to either the subscriber or ELIAS FORT, Esq. of Sa vannah. ALEXANDER ATKINSON, Camden County. may 4 135f Factorage and Commission Bu siness. T HE subscribers have formed a copart nership under the firm of MALONE & SISTARE, for the transaction of a General Commission Business in this City, nnd will bo prepared to make advances on produce con signed to them for sale. They will also pay particular attention to the receiving nnd for warding Goods to the interior. R. MALONE. H. SISTARE. Savannah, 30th June 1831. 179—11 A remarkable cure lor R heumatism j by the use of Dr. Jcbb’s Rheumatic Liniment. Copy of a letter!! Charlestown, (Mass.) June 23,1827. To the Proprietor of Dr. Jcbb’s Liniment, Dear Sir—I deem i a duty 1 owe to stif feringhumanity, to ncuuumt you, nnd through you the public, (should you think best) ofthe unexpected and surprising cure performed on myself by the use of the above most excellent Medicine. I have been for more than thir ty years, and sometimes most severely, af flicted with the Rheumatism ; have been fre quently rendered perfectly helpless, and in consequence confined to my bed, when it. lias required two persons to move me, being in such extreme pain ; 1 have several time been under tho care of the most eminent, physic ians, but proenred only temporary relief. I one day noticed the advertisement of Dr. Jcbb’s Liniment, with the testimonials ac companying it, and was induced to try n hot- tic, which I used without much sensible ben efit, 1 concluded, however, to persevere, and bought another bottle, and was greatly r-u lieved, ami by tho use of half the third bottle, was wholly cured, and have never since had a return ofthe pain, which I had not been from a month at a time for thirty years, and it is now more than tliroo years since I was cured, 1 wculdtmost earnestly advise every person suffering under this painful complaint , not to despair of u cure so long as they can obtain “ l)r. Jebb's Liniment*’ You are nt liberty to make any use of tins you may think advisable. Must rospoctfully yours, CALEB SYMMES. To the foregoing testimony, many oilier unquestionable proofs might be added, in fa vour of tlie superior Liniment of Dr. Jelib.— Nothing hut n liiir trial, which the proprietor confidently solicits, can give nil adequate idea of its unrivalled efficacy, in mitigating, and thoroughly mastering, tho excruciating dis ease, to which it bus been successfully ap plied in a multitude of cases. The opera tion ofthe Liniment is often immediate; and it has frequently curgd rheumatic ufTections of years standing, in four and twenty hours. It is also recommended with confidence, as one ofthe best applications known for stiff ness of the joints, 'numbness, sprains, uml chilblains. Price. 50 cents. A fresh supply of this valuablo Medicine, just received und for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, npvil 22 Agents. CBORGTA^ paii.y rAVEit - - ooi/jcrnv papkii - r.inirr poilmik YlrK mu, I, A Ilf All Ailvortivi'innntB n|>|inar in liotli papers. Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. rri IMS prevalent disorder, ns it exhibits it- -I- self, in it» customary symptoms of want of appetite, distressing flatulencies, heart-burn, pain in the stomach, sick head acli, nausea, vomiting and eoslivcncss, is now found to yield to lha tried efficacy of DR. RELFE’S VEGETABLE SPECIFIC AND ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS. Theso two preparations combined, con stitute an efficacious remedy for the Dys pepsin, oven after it has acquired the most obstinate character, and resisted every effort of profcsioiml skill. When both medi cines are administered in connection accor ding to plain nnd particular Directions ac companying tho Vegitablc Specific, they thoroughly cleanse tho alimentary canal of that viscid museum which Hs tho proximate cause ofthe disorder, and ns a tonic uml stim- ulont, they restore tho healthy action and en ergy ofthe stomach, and strengthen tho de bilitated system. Tho proprietor can also confidently recommend tlio Vegetable Spe cific ns one ofthe best remedies known for the Sick Head Ache. A fresh supply of these Celebrated pills, jnst received and for sale bv LAY & HENDRICKSON, april 22 Agents. THE ACCEPTED. BY THOMAS HAYNES BAYLY. I tlmnk you for Iho down that look, And lor llm* blushing clipok— I would not liavo you rnUe your eyes, I would nol hnvo you speak : Though mute. I doom you eloquent, I nuk no oilier sign, While thus your little hand remains, Confidingly in mine. I know you fain would lude from mo The loll-inlu tonrn dial Meal Unhidden forth, and half hotray The nnxious fears you feel— Fmm friends long tried and dearly loved, The plighted liridn must purl— Thou freely weep—I could not lovo A cold unfeeling heart. I know von love your collage koine, Where in the summer lime, Your hand has taught ihu clematis Around tho porch In climb 5 Yon cuscmenl with <lie wild rose screen— Yon liuln garden too, How iiiniv loud remembrances ICinle.ii 4 ilium all lo you. You sigli lo leave your molliqr’p roof, Though on niv suit hIiu smiled, And spurning ov’ry selfish ihoUglit, (live 1111 her dar ing child, S l'Ii nol for her, she now limy claim Kind deeds from more lhn» ono— She'll gaze up >11 her Daughter's Smiles Supported by ber Son ! I thank you for that holt—il speaks Reliance on my truth— And never sli dl tinkinilm'Ms wound Your uuKuspnciiiig youth — If lain should iruwn, and anxious thoughts Oppress your luishniid's niin.J, Oh ! never tear lo cling 'o me,— I could nol be unkind. Como '00k upon ibis goMon ring— You have no cuuho to shrink, Though oil ’us galling as tho slave’s Iudl|soKihlo link ! Ami look upon yon Church, tho placo OfblosMiig nnd ufpruynr— Before iho altar hoar my vows— Who COULD dissemble Tllhin. ? From tilt Boston Built tin. A Live Yankee.—Aneffno occurred before one of our magistrates in tho early part of the week, which furnished groat amusement to a crowded auditory, and t he particulars of which arc briefly as follows :— * I reckon you’re a squire, an’t you ?’ said n fellow us ho whisked into tho office, his face red ns n lobster with tho heat, nnd the pers piration pouring down his cheeks in a stream which ho in value* s iyi d lo wij 0 off with a dirty cotton handkerchief. * I’m a magistrate, sir—have you any busi ness with inn V * Guess I have that. Iv’o got business for you nnd two or three others. You see I'm from Boating'—Boating—you know whore Besting h, I goes, don’t you 1’ Well, I corno right slick down from there in n smack, wish Cap’ll .loo Whipple—our Sal was along too— oh ! she’s a heavenly splice of a crittur—and Joe Whipple too he’s a^severe one. So you see all the voyrtgo I kind o’ hitched up to Sal, and Sal she kind o’ seemed to liko it, ns so nt last I se> mod to thing shn’^mako a cruel good wife forme, and 1 old her so. So says slie to me. * Nathan,’--my name's Nu- llinn—Nathan Lumberfunction's my name— * Nathan.’ says she, ‘your’o a sort ofa slick- ish man, I guess wd’ll do it.’ I reckon so too, says I, and so you see w th that l icstgavo her a buss in her chops byway ofa salu- ter, and we fixed it all to go to some Squire nnd ho spliced i<‘Ht as quick as ever wo could got ashore. Well, I reckon wo got ashore arter a while, though we had some of tho most dreadfully awiullest storms that over Mowed. Cup’11 Joe goes alongshore too- ho was high up for tho Fun, too I can tell you, though 1 sort o’ thought Sal was toe awful clover to Cap’ll .Too, seeing as how she. was going to bo my wife. Well y Strengthening Plaster. rjnilE Celebrated Strengthening Planter, .JL for pain or weakness in tho breast, back, or side ; also for Rheumatic Affections, 8CC L. ... ...... . Diver Complaint, and Dyspepsia. , -W«^nlr«/e-My friend, you talk a groat This Medicine is the invention of nn end- llcal too much-can t you come to tho hot- tom of the story at once neiit Surgeon, and so numerous are Iho stances in which the most salutary effects have been produced by it, that it is with the utmost confidence recommended to all who nre afflicted with those distressing complaints. There is a condition annexed to the sale of this article,growing out ofthe best of reasons trial, viz. if the benefit above stated is not ob tained, the money will he returned. This we trust, (when fairly considered,) will he the strongest evidence that could possibly be given of their utility. A supply just received per ship Florian nnd for sale by T. RYERSON, Jr. may 2 Wz Fresh Garden Seeds. ARRANTED of the growth of 18'0. Drumhead Cabbage Long Scarlet Radish White Turnip do Red do do Early York “ Sugar Loaf Green Savoy “ Glazed Red Dutch Cauliflower Icc Cross Lettuce Imperial do Sugar Loaf do Cabbage do Blood Beet Turnip do Cutlery, &o. &c. A N assortment of fine Cutlery, such as— Rogers’ Pocket, Pen and Dirk Knives ; . -, . Wastonnolm’s do. do. do.; Rogers dud Pren-1 tiss’ superior Scissors ; ail very superior and | Wuter Cresses new patterns. Asparagus Roger’s Damascus and Silver Steel Razors I White Bush Squash .T. Barber’s old English do.; in double uml sit, Carrot gle ensos. Emerson’s Elastic and Prcntis’s 4 sided Ra zor Straps. Glass, Metal nnd Wood Shaving Boxes ; Bone, tied and Metal Handle Lather Brush es ; English and American Shaving Soap ; in great vnriety. Gentlemen’s Morocco Shaving Case® for travelling, a new article and very neat. Also, Gentlemen’s Travelling Mirrors. Addison’s Ever Pointed Silver Pencil Cases, with extra points. An additional supply of the above articles, just received nnd for sale at low prices, by LAY & HENDRICKSON, . Linseed Oil. 8 BBLS. Linseed Oil, just received nnd for sale by HAZARD * DFNSLOW. Black Spanish tlo Long White do Early Dutch Turnip Red Sop do Large Norfolk tlo Rutabaga do Round Spinach Prickley do Parsley—Pars n up Okra Tomatoes Snap Beaus Lima tlo Prussian Blue Pens Early frame or Juno d« Early Charlton tlo Marrow Fat tlo Early Dwarf do *• Sugar do Lock &c. &c.—together with a small assorment of Flower Seeds, received per late arrivals uml for sale by fed 2 LAY & HENDRICKSON. Hugo Cucumber Lemon Thyme Red Onion White do Fresh Sodn Biscuit, &c. J UST received per schooner Othello Also, Tamarinds, Lemon Syrup Mape’s fine Tobacco Ground Ginger, &c. For sale by WM. Z. IIALL. june 30 * Well, I guess I’m pretty near that, any how—So you see I and Sal and Cap’11 Joe all goes streaking it down to the Squire’s I mid Hal to get married, (join’ long Water street, who should l poo but Jerry Huffman tniniin in a shad boat, up to his eyes, I vow, 11 shatl and herrin. Well, Jerry, says I, now iftbut dont beat! who’d athor't it—ho I and Jerry puts into a simp clast, by, nnd there wo drinkfd—oh, Jerusalem, how wo drinked! Told Sal and Cap’11 Joe to wuit outside u minute or two for 1 i>nd Jerry, cause, Jerry set up to volunteer to go long too, arter the drink was over 1 Magistrate—Are you done 1 The complainant paused a moment, looked the magistrate in the face, swelled out h checks, raised his arms, hut suddenly ex claimed, ‘Well, never mind that !” ami went on— ‘Well, you see I ond Jerry draked there till near night, cause I kind o’ disremembered all about Hal nnd Capt’11 Joe. Ho when I comes back to the shallop to look arter whore they’d gone to, wimtnovv do you think I saw? By the snakes o’ Bobaylon, Squire, there was Cupt'n Joe huggiu my Sul around the neck, and right afore my fuoe. By the lioky, Copt’n .Toe, says I, what do you moan by that nro liberty I So ho suid nothing to that, though he’s rcdiculous fond of taking, but he ami Sal burst out a laughin’ und at last. Capt’n. Joe said, when ho saw that I was wretchedly hurt, ‘ why, says lie,’ ‘ Nathan, SalV my wifo! !—Oh ho’says I, and jest u- bout let him have it slick and cruel, Squire, mind I tell ye’. Mug.—But what tlo want from me, young man 1 can’t sit. hero and listen to your non sense. What tlo wish of mo? I want a warrant for to take that Capt’n’, replietl the complainant in a voice of thunder which scared out a crowd of bruts that had gathered around his heels during the previous harangue. Mag.—What charge do you make aguinst him 1 Comp.—I reckon I charge him with steal ing off* my wife. Mag.—But you vwero not married. Comp.—Wer’nt we on the woy to it 1 and that’s the same thing, I guess. . Mag.—Not at ull. I cannot grant you n warrant ; you’ve missed a wife by preferring a dram. Clear the office, you boys there-— ! go, begone, the whole 6f you—and the disAp- pointed complainant went out with the mob ofgentlemen idlers, swelling with indigilation at his dofoat, nnd vowing that * he’d circum- fizzle that are varmint yet afore lie got many miles nearer Bosting.” A painful and singular event has lately ta ken place in a Commune near Pithiviers. A lad about 15 years old, of the name of Lo- 80tird, born at Mnung, near Orleans, was bit- ton nyonrago, by a mad dog, ami immediate ly afterwards symptoms of hydrophobia wero perceptible. lie was takert lo the hospital at Orleuns, where ho was attended by Doctor Leveqtio, nnd in a short time, sent away, as was supposed, perfectly cured. Last Suntlay Lesomd oamo to Marsainvilliers, whore lie commenced begging with h s brother. Ei ther want, or tho fntiguo of a long journey I" 1 ' 1 opened his wounds afresh, or his euro was not complete, for all on a sudden tho un fortunate boy was seized with 11 violent pa roxysm of madness, and attacked his brother, who, frightened as lie was, managed to beat, him off with a stick. He then threw himself on a cow and calf which were passing, nnd lacerated both in nn extraordinary manner. The cries of his brother and the roar of tho animals, compelled him to let go his victims; and ho crept along the road till lie came to a quick-set bridge, the roots of which lie gnaw- ou with tho greatest avidity ; nnd next, get ting up, he ran into a neighborhood wood. Tho National Guard being called out in consequence of information given by his bro ther, went in so trail of him and he was soon found near a tree, his eyes mlbimod, Insmou It covered with foam nnd with blood,Ins f< uturcH changed mid haggard, biting deliriously at tho branches within Ins reach. Every one was afraid to go near him, and some new ac cident wns apprehended : hut whilst those in pursuit of him, wero oonHuitiiig ns to the best Tiwihod of aecuriifg him, t|io expression of his countenance changed, he wept bitterly and went up to Ii h brother, asking him for bread. To avoid further danger, ho was tied down in a waggon, which took him 10 l’ithi- viors. Hero lie was placed in an airy room, nnd every attention shown to him, that, his situa* tion required. Ho related to Doctor Augc, all that ho had suffer 1 tl during this paroxysm of madness, and was extremely distressed in mind. Ileu>kedtn lie taken back to the Ims- pitul at Orleans, where lie said M. Leveque would cure li 111 again. Notwithstanding bo now ftiM’dirs so much better, there is reason t.o fear Hint he will eventually sink under a disorder of which the seeds are evidently in his blond The prefect of Pithiviers bus or dered that the cow and calf bitten by Lesourd, should bo kept separate from other animals, and taken care of.—Pans paper. Marriage.—Young women, says Montis- qii eu, an* sufficiently ready to marry. Mow should they not bn ? The pleasures, tlio avowed sentiments of love, are only permit- to 1 in this condition. It is thus only that they are emancipated from a double subjec tion, and that they are placed at the head of a little empire. It is tho young mm, lie adds, who need to be encouraged. But why ! Do the motives which lend men lo marry want force 1 It is only by marring' that a umii cull obtain the favors ofthe woman who in his eyes is worth all others. It w only by marriage that he can live freely and publicly with an honest and respectable woman, anti who will livo only for him Themis nothing more delightful than the hope ofa family, where proofs of ihe tnnderest affections may b.* given and received ; where power blended with kindness may bn exercised ; where con fidence and security may ho found, whera the consolations of old ago may be treasured up; where wo may behold ourselves re-plnco 1 by ourselves ; whore we may Hay, I shall not. entirely die. A man who wants an associate a confidant, a counsellor, a steward, u nurse, a companion for all seasons. All these may bo found united in a wifo. VVliat substituto can bo provided 1 IMPROVBIIBNT.—We have room »o state, that a few days since wo Wero told that a P r >n our neighborhood is about to under take the manufacture of asbestos saddle, bags, particularly calculated for the use of steam doctors, to carry capsicum and hot rocks. Hillsboro’ Recorder. O110 more improvement wo should bo very glad to son—to wit—some invention, by winch n lady’s dress might ho kepi upon her shoulders, esp dally at church. Our appre hensions have been very sorious, on several occasions, for fear their gowns should drop down, nnd disclose rather more than ought to be exhibited. A Frenchman was travelling on a close sul try day, with a newly married lady. Tho curtains were drawn—she complained of the heat. Tho curtains wore raised, when snmo passenger warned her against the min, that was beating down upon her bend “O, I suppose,” said the Frenchman, “dnt do lady rather have u little son as no heir at all.” A young lady, about sixteen years of age, who Imd lately returned from a fashionable hoarding school, and was living with her fa ther, B p Cughty’s Ferry, eloped last week with her futiior’s groom. They were immediately traced to Edinburg by some friends of the family (which ranks among tho aristocracy ofthe country,) hut before they could be over taken. a “half mark” marriage had been con summated.—Eng. paper. * officers of tlio late frigate Thetis have reached England and been tried by a Court Martial, whose sentenco was as follows—“ Considering tho slate of the weather, too much dependence was placed bn the dead reckoning, and that the soundings had been neglected ; blame was attributed to Cupt. Burgess and Mr. Gowdy, the master ; but in consideration of their former services, the court adjudge the former to lose one and the latter two year’s rank.” Where »oin Samlm ? (joinjj 10 court for testify. Vvlm for ? Oh gem man stole pair ob hoots last night and I greed to gib him good character for tree abd sixpencet. Anecdote.—Before our country toUk a stand among the nations of Europe, and while we wero suffering by depredations on every hand, the venerable John Adams re marked that the situation ofthe United States reminded h*m ofthe condition of Daniel De foe’s game cock—who on being in a stable among a number of horses, exclaimed, ‘4ake care, gentlemen, don’t let us tread on one another’ Either Way.—“Will you have me V said a young man to a modest little girl.— “No John,” said she, “but youmay have/ne, if you will.”