Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, July 16, 1831, Image 1

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0M0 TUB DAILY GEORGIAN, |B I'l'BI ISIIKD IN THE ®airo <D'jf By G. & W. ROBERTSON, AT EIGHT DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. TIIE COUNTRY GEORGIAN, IB published to meet the arrangement of the mails Three Times a Week (Monday, Wednesday and Fri day) at the office of the Daily Georgian, and contain! all the intelligence, Commercial, Political and Miscella neous, including Advertisements, published iu the Daily Paper. The Country Paper is sent to all parts of the State and Union, or delivered in the city, atFiVE DOLLARS per annum, payable In advance. Advertisements are inserted in both papers at 75 ccntt per square of 14 linos, for the first insertion, and 37 1-S for every succeeding publication. Communications by mail must be POST PAID. Sales of Land by Administrators, Executors and Guardians arc required by law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of 1C 1 and 3 o’clock, atthe Court House in the county in which the property is situate. Notice of these sales must be given in a public gazette Sixty Days previous to the. sale. Notice for leave to sell negroes, must be published for four months, before any oruer absolute*shall be mad« thereupon by the Court. Sales of Negroes must be at public auction, on the first Tuesday ofthe month, between the usual hours ol sole, at the place of public sales in the county where the loiters Testamentary, of Administration or Guar dianship, may have been granted, first giving Sixty Days notice thereof, in one ofthe public gazettes of this State and at the door of the court-house, whurc such sab are to bo held. N«ti#*of the sale of Personal Property must bo givoi in like manner Forty days before the saio. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of un estate must be published for Forty days. Notice that application will be mmle to the Court oi Ordinary for leave to sell land, must be published Four Months THE VOL. XIII. SAVANNAH, SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 10, 1831. NO. 180. Thomas Ryerson, Jr. 1IAS just received per recent arri vals, in addition to liis former Stock of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, &c. &c.—which renders the same very complete and extensive, which he offers for sale, on accomodating terms, for cash, or town acceptances. Chloride of Soda. CONCENTRATED Disinfecting Solu- tion of Chloride of Soda, for preserving meat, removing offensive smells, neutralizing pestilential exhalations, and destroying con tagion. Prep' "d of uniform strength, by the New England Chemical Company, according to the formulary promulgated by the philosophic discoverer, A. G. Lahauraqub. This article having been made use of, in nu merous instances, by scientific persons ofthe Sulph Quinine (Fr.) do Morphine do Piperino do Hydriod&te Potass Prussic Acid Croton Oil Iodine Blue Mass (Eng.) Phosphate Soaa. lo Iron Cheltenham Suits Henry’s Magnesia (genuine) Isinglass (staple) do sheet Mezcron Balsam Fir Super Curb Sodn Ergot. PERFUMER Y. Otto of Roses Antique Bear’s Oil (’eyIon Rose, Cologn, and Russia Lavender Water in cut glass and plain Bottles Honey and Orange Saffron (Span.) Opium (Turkey) Sursparilla (Span.) do (Am.) Musk (gr.) Mustard Seed (white) 01 Almonds do Amber (rcct.) Castor (N.A.) Soda and Soid. Powd. Acid Tartaric Sal Aratus Flors Benzoin Custor Oil, sup’r. do. plantation use Resin of Jalap Spatula’s Pill Tiles, Patent Medicines, &c. To Let, That pleasantly situated House in St. Marys, lately occupied hy John II. M’Intosn, Esq. For terms apply to Mrs. King, St. Ma rys, or in Savannah to WM. ROSE, juno 21 75—of Planters Hotel, Gainesville, Ga THE subscriber is about buil ding an addition to bis IIouso in Gainesville, by which he will lit- enabled to accommodate double the number of persons that he can at presont with convenience. Ho will as heretofore re frain from making any promises whatever, and wishes only for that patronngo which his house may merit. 1 le takes this as the first opportunity of tendering to his friends and the public generally, his acknowledgements for so liberal d. share of the passing patron age. L. CLEVELAND, may 10 MO—{ftiuo Oil do do Bears grease (Fr&En) Florida Water Pomatum Espritde Rose Milk of Roses (’old Cream Vegetable Rouge C ONCENTRATED Disinfecting Soil!* Flower Water J tion of Chloride of Soda, for preserving Extracts of Roses Pastilles Fumantes Macassar Oil. With a general assortment of English, French and American SOAPS. O^r COUNTRY MERCHANTS, Piiyhi- cians and Planters, will find it to their ad vantage to call. N. B. Physicians proscriptions carefully put up at the shortest notice, & at all liourB. very first st mding,’and always with certain Savannah, *2\st February 1851. * “ ’ *'■ The Georgia Journal, Macon Mcsson- For Sale. The subscriber offers for sale, Ins lot, with the improvements thereon, consisting ofono two sto- rs/ and two one story DWELT ING HOUSES, in good repair, with outbui dings. The situation is a very pleasai t. one, being on the east side of Washington Square, immediately opposite the residence of Maj. M. W. Stewart. The lot contains several excellent fruit trees, grape vines, &c. For further particulars, apply on iho premises, to may30—{ . JOHN DENNIS. success, the following modes of applying the (‘hloride, may be relied on as proper and ben eficial. With a sprinkling of water mixed with one fortieth of Chloride, the stench can be in stantly put down of the filthiest, kennels, sew ers, cess-pools, drains, water-closets,markets, stalls for meat and fish, slaughter-houses, und, in general, all places infected with animal exhalations. .For foul ulcers, a wine glass of Chloride must be mixed with as much as five times that quantity of pure water, and pledgets of lint must be dipped into this wash and then laid over tho ulcers. This dressing to be re newed twice a day. If the sore becomes red and angry the-wash of five parts water must be still further diluted ; if, on the contrary, the sore does not change its appearance, it must be dressed once or twice with Chloride nnd water, half and half, so as to dispose ton slight inflammation,which is indispensable toHJ-mmo convert fetid and running ulcers into simpler! I erra do Sienna sores. The healing then progresses rapidly. The moment the Chloride is applied upon an ulcer the disagreeable smell is destroyed. A fresh supply of this vnluablc article just received and for sale low', hv LAV & HENDRICKSON. Also—Tho Chloride of Soda, prepared by A. G. Labarraque, the celebrated French Chemist. juno 14 gor, Democrat (Columbus, Ga.) will please 111- L the above, once a week for three weeks, and forward their accounts to this office for payment. feb 21 Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. -fee. T HE subscribers offer for sale tho follow ing articles of Faints, Oils, Glass, &c &c. at the lowest market price for cash or credit, and have made arrangements to re- ceive fresh supplies hy every arrival. Mer chants, Planters and others are respectfully invited to call before they purchase. White Lead in Oil Rotten Stone Spanish Brown do Verdigris do White Lend dry Spanish Brown do Venetian Red Crome Yellow G roe 11 I Verdigris dry New York Cheap Wholesale Cloak, Stock Clothing Ware house REMOVED. raillE subscriber lias removed his establish-! H ment from No. 18.} Maiden Lane, to the spacious store, No. 158 Pearl Street, over Messrs. Hyde, Cleveland & Co. where he will keep constantly on hand a much more extensive assortment than formerly. Tho A remarkable cure for R HEUMATISM \ by the use of Dr. Jebb’s Rheumatic Liniment. Copy of a letter! t Charlestown, (Mass.) Juno 25,1827. To the Proprietor of Dr. J ebb's Liniment, Dear Sir—I doom it a duty I owe to suf Poring humanity, to acquaint you, and through you the public, (should you think best) of the unox pets ted and surprising cure performed on myself hy tho usoot tho above most excellent Medicine. I have been for more than thir ty years, nnd sometimes most severely, af flicted with the Rheumatism ; huve been fre quently rendered perfectly helpless, nnd in consequence confined to my bed, when it linn required two persons to move me, being in such extreme pain ; I have sotfcrul time been under the care of Inc most eminent physic ians, but procured only temporary relief. I one day noticed, the advertisement of Dr. Jebb’s Liniment, with the testimonials ac companying it, and was induced to try a hot- sn tin, which 1 used without much sensible ben efit, 1 concluded, however, to persevere, nnd bought another bottle, and was greatly’r-o lieved, and hy the use of half the third bottle, was wholly cured, and have never since had a return ofthe pain, which 1 Imd not been from a month at a time for thirty years, and it is now more than three yours since 1 was cured, I would most earnestly advise every person suffering under this painful complaint, not to despair of 11 cure so long as they cun obtain “ l)r. Jebb’s Liniment-' You arc at l.licrtv to make any use of this you may think advisable. Most respoctfully yours, CALEB SYMMES. To the foregoing testimony, many other unquestionable proofs might be added, in fa vour ofthe superior Liniment of l)r. Jebb.— Nothing but a fair trial, which the proprietor confidently solicits, can give un adequate idea of its unrivalled efficacy, in mitigating, and thoroughly mastering, tho excruciating dis ease, to which it. lias been successfully ap plied in a multitude of cases. The opera tion ofthe Liniment is often immediate; and style, make nnd materials of the Cloaks will ho greatly improved and will he sold at about Jit has frequently cured rheumatic affections the same low prices us those ofthe last 8ea-l°f yonrs standing, in four and twenty hours. son. lie has also on hand a large assort-1R is also recommended with confidence, as 1 ment of low priced clothing,made in good stilcnone ofthe host applications known for stiff- •xpressly tor the southern nnd western trade, ness of the joints, numbness, sprains, und Swaim’s Panacea, TfT^OR tho cure of Scrofula or King's Evil. .1? Syphilitic Mercurial Diseases, Rheu matism, Ulcerous Sores, White Swellings, Diseases ofthe Liver and Skin, General De bility, and all diseases which originate from impure blood, or indiscretion of Youth, and where the constitution has been broken down by the use of Mercury, Arsenic, Bark or Qui nine, &c. and most internal disenses where the lungs and chest are supposed to be affec ted, &e. &c. • CAUTION TO PURCHASERS. 0^7" Swni m’s Panacea is in round bolt tbs, fluted longitudinally, with the following words blown in tho glass :— “SWAIM’S PANACEA—PI1ILADA.” having but one label, which covers tho cork, witlvhiy own signature on it, so that the cork cannot be dritwn without destroying the signature, without which none is genuine.— * The medicine may consequently be known to be genuine when my signature is visible ; to counterfeit which will he punishable as forgery. The Public arc cautioned not to purchase my Panacea, except from myself, my accredi ted agents, or persons of known respectabil ity ; and all those will consequently be with out excuse, who shufi purchase from any oth er persons. ***—Prepared and sold at Swaim’s Labo-i ratorv, South Seventh Street, next door to the Philadelphia Baths, corner of George & Seventh Streets,, and sold by every respecta ble Druggist in the United States. To avoid the many attempts that have boon made to impose upon t he public base imi*n- lions oftliis Celebratud Medicine,tho subscri bers have made arrangements to keep on hand,a supply direct from the proprietor. The public may therefore rest assured that the Genuine Swaim's Panacea cun ulwuys be had at their store warranted. A large supply of thisMedieine ho s just been received. Druggists and others throughout the State, who purchase to sell again, can have it at a reduced price. LAY & HENDRICKSON, Wholesale &. Retail Druggists, 2 & 15 Gibbons’ Buildings, Also, a fresh supply of Swaim’s celebrated Vermifuge, just received and for sulc as above juno 17 Bronze Yellow Carmine Drop Lake Copal Varnish Japan do Bright do ] .Gather do 1 linseed Oil Tram do Black Lead in powderWhale do [yory Black Sperm do very supcr’i I,amp do^JbpaperGum Amber Burnt Umber “ Arabic Rose Pink Sp’ts. Turpentine Dutch do “ Wine Spanis White Gold and Silver Leaf Paris do Do and do Paper Turkey Umber Gutn Shellac Red and White Chalk Paint br’shs,Snshtools,! l'omice& Rotten Stone Camel’s hair pencils Chinese Vermillion Varnish brushes,&c.| Red Lead 500 boxes 8by 10, ft by 11 & 10 by 12Glass LAY &. HENDRICKSON- march 16 that will be sold at ubout tho usual prices of the most, inferior quality. Also, an assort ment of Stocks, with many other desirable ar ticles. Those who will take the trouble to examine this Stock of Goods, will probably satisfy themselves that they cannot select tho same amount from any stock in the. city that will he a safer or more desirable purchase. For sulc by F. .T. CON A NT, No. 158 Penrl-st. New-York. Terms—0 months for approved Notes, payable at Banks m good standing in any part of the country—8 months for city acceptan ces or 5 per cent discount for cash, in all cases when the time is extended, interest will be charged ut the rate of 0 per cent per an num. Any Goods purchased at this establish ment that do not suit the market for which they were intended, will be exchanged for others. april 12 116—f3rh chilblains. Price 50 cents, A fresh supply of this valuable Medicine, just received and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, april 22 Agents. ® 18 ©&©£&»« It-v PAl’KIt COllNT|lY I'U'ER traiiT dollars, »TV«1 DOLLARS All Advertisements appear in both papers. POR TIIE GEORGIAN. LADIES’ ATTEND TO THIS! A new invention for tho use of those ladies' who adopt, the mode of wearing their dresses oil the shoulders, nnd who for tho sake of dis playing t hut beaut ij'ql part ofthe form and tlm shoulder blades, deprive the dress of what would seem to have linen intended lor its natural support. Now Ladies’, I think 1 have I'Int the nail upon tho head." Hero is an invention which unites utility nnd ornament. I think it cannot fail of commending itself to your approbation. I too uin a woman (it may he un old fashioned one.) But 1 have mi something ol hishiouablc life, and many a strange whim ofthe capricious Goddess have I Imd to deplore, hut none more than the present mode of naked shoulders. It has indeed pained me, not. a little. There is a eharmiiig young Indy, who sits near mo at Church, for whom I have often trembled lest her dress should drop oil*, ns slid steps into the pew, nnd it has boon a r. alter of perfect « Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. TIA Ills prevalent disorder, ns it exhibits it- •A self, ill its customary symptoms of want of appetite, distressing Jlatulcncics, heart-hum, pain in the stomach, sick head acli, nausea, vomiting and costiveness, is now found to yield to the tried efficacy of i5i AT «C8 Cloths. Cassimeres, Vcstinsrs, & s^ssmtam made to order by WILLIAM O. PRICE, MER CHANT TA YLOli, at. the SAVANNAH CLOTHING EMPORIUM (on the Bay, opposite the Exchange) where may be found A EREBII, FASHIONARLE AND WELL MADE AS SORTMENT OF SEAHONAULi: Read a Made Clothing, nnd every variety of FANCY ARTICLES Just received hy the late arrivals and offer- cd at the lowest rates, OX HIS ESTABLISHED P It INC IP I.E, 'C3** For Cash, or approved City acceptances, rS^. Savannah, .Tune 14, 1851. 170 DR. 11ELEE’S VEGETABLE SPECIFIC AND ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS. These two preparations combined, con stitute an efficacious remedy for the Dys pepsia, even after it has acquired the most obstinate character, und resisted every effort of profesiomtl skill. When both medi- (inlhll's I! own’d cines are administered in connection accor ding lo plain nnd particular Directions ac companying the Vegitahl^Specific, they thoroughly demise tho aliffimtnry canal of that viscid muscus which is the proximate cause ofthe disorder, nnd as a tonic and stim- ulcnt, they restore the healthy action and 011- I orgy ofthe stomach, and strengthen the de bilitated system. The proprietor rati also “confidently recommend the Vegetable Sjw- cijic as one ofthe best remedies known for the Sick Head Ache. A fresh supply of these Celebrated pills, jnst received and for sale tiv LAY & HENDRICKSON, npril 22 Agents. maze ment to me what could have prevented tliu catastrophe. This has called my thoughts to the subject, and my m ml has been on the stretch to devise some visible means of sup port, that should set tlie approliens vu minds of nil beholders at rest. Audi hope I have hit upon the very thing. Perhaps some ava ricious soul will say, that the invention is too expensive. But this 1 deny, l-’or few hut those who can afford to adopt this invention, dress iu this mode for it is necessarily pat rician. None who have to work cun adopt it us it pinions the arms in such a way, ns to preclude the possibility of their free use.— Alas ! for them poor things, should any sud den emergency surprize t hem. Should Hare, the dreaded Hare, be Jjo let loose upon our City, he might lay aside his rope and noose lie would find liis victims ready pinioned.— Hut how tliniikful should we he, there is 110 cause of alarm from that quarter. And now for the invention. Ladies’ excuse me, that 1 have left you on the tender hooks of expec tation so long. Mg.pen takes the liberty that some Ladies’ tongues do, and is rather prolix sometimes. But 11 fellow feeling urges me at once, to dcvulopc this charming invention. And now—hero it is. I propose that there should bo a jewel of any form which fancy may dictate, with a strong pin to fasten it on to each shoulder strap, and that a handsome gold chain should pnss through rings attach ed to these jewels, around the bosom and shoulders, and drawn sufficiently .tight to act os a chock upon tho truant garment. It. may I fasten with a clasp before, or behind, ns fancy may dictate. And in front, or, both before rtil whose state was too helpless for timm t sit up ; a feeble cry from them nccnsionnllv to those who wore passing, for a drink of wh tor, wns all they utttered. A little farther on, in an inner court, wor the surgeons. They wore stripped to th shirts, and bloody,—curiosity led me forward a number of doors, placed on barrels, so vc. as temporary tables, and on ihose lay the dil forent subjects upon whom the surgeons wer- operating ; to tlm right nnd loft\werc nrm. nnd legs, flung here and there without dis tinction, nnd the ground was dyed with blood Doctor Bell was going to take offlhothtgl of a soldier of tho 60th, and ho r- quested : would holddown tho man, for hint; lie wm- nno ofthe best hearted men I ever met with but, such is tho force of habit, ho seemed in sensible to the scene that was passing room higi, ar.u with much composure wns eatin almonds out of his waist-coat pockets, whirl lie offered to share with ine, hut. if I got tin universe for it, I could not have swallowed 1 norsel of any thing. Tho operation upoi tho man of the 50th wns the most shocking sight, I over witnessed ; it lasted nearly halt an hour, hut his life was saved. Turning out of this place towards the street:! passed hastily on. Near the gate a: assistant surgeon was taking oft’ U10 idfc of or old German Sergeant of the 60th, Tho doc tor was evidently a young practitioner, are Bell, our staff-surgeon, took much trouble ii inslrifeting him. it is a tolerable general re coivcd ('pinion, I hut when the saw pnssrv througn'tlie marrow, tho pationt suffers most pain, but such is not the ease. The first cu ! , and.taking up the arteries is the worst.— While the old German was undergoing tie operation, lie seemed insensible ofpain whicl the when the saw was at work ; now an then ho would exclaim in broken Enghsh, m if wearied—"Oh ! mine Got, is slio off still,’ lint he, as well us all I noticed, felt mucl when the knife was first* int oducod, and ul thought that red hot iron was applied to then when the arteries, were taken up. Th< young doctor soemed much pleased when In had the soqoant fairly out pf his hands, am it would be difficult to decide whether he o liis patient were most happy : but, from evory thing I could observe, I wns ofopin ion that Iho doctor made his debut on th old German’s stump. I oiler® up a few words— prayers they could not he called— 1 that, if it ever foil to my lot to loogonny of my members, tho young fellow who essnye. on tho sorjeant should not be tho person t< operato cn me. The London John Bull, assailing tho re I form bill as a revolutionary measure, give-1 the following as a specimen ofwliat will pro-L bably ho the complexion ofthe government! papers in ten years time : TIIE TIMES ; OR, COMMONWEALTH! GAZETTE, ’ Saturday, May 8, 1841. ThodebateB in the House of Reprcsental fives yesterday were not interesting. A mes | sage from the Protector wns presented hy lm private secretary and read. It was as* fol | lows:— "Henry P. "The Protector recommends the House otl Representatives to re-cousider their vote ot| Monday InBt. Three hundred W ILL lie given for taking and securing the following described negro fellows. They went oft’on the night ofthe 21st Feb. last, in a small two or three oared canoe, that lias formerly been painted red, with dark col- ored gunwales. Say one hundred and fifty dollars for ADAM, an artful and trickey fel low ; he is 26 or 27 years old, and about, five feet six or eight inches high, has a small foot, and not heavy made, nnd neither a very dark nor light complexion. Also twenty-five dol lars n piece for YORK and SAULSBURY, or Sl)LBY. York is twenty-two or three years old, five feet eight inches high, Rtout made, nnd very black skin. Solby is about twenty years old, near six feet high, smooth !facp, dark complexion, and large under lip — These three fellows have lately been purcha sed from Messrs. Bryan and Scrivcn, of Chat ham County, and are from Wilmington Isl and, where they arc acquainted, and ut seve ral places on the Carolina side. And one hundred dollars for GEORGE. He is aboutinent Surgeon, nnd so numerous nro the in- thirty-live years old, about six feet high, darklstmicos in which the most salutary effects complexion, walks very erect, & steps brisk, 1 1 — ' 1 u ” ! * "* : ‘ L miniature or any other ornnmont which fancy 2or to enjoy his n might 6UggCHt, Now you have it. What say I an annual allow you Ladies’ ? Is it not. a bright thought ?—^therefore expects So Pile Im nl i mrltr n..n. t..n tl.i..L 1I...1 f ii 5 . , ^ It is impossible for the Protec behind, might bo appended a medalion,"tor to conduct the independent nffico lie hold liis own comfort, with so smu' allowance as £1.200.000. II* <pccts tho IIouso will increns) So onchantingly new too think of that. I|it. know some of you aro already reckoning the! "The Protector also requires the House t« cost of such a set of jewels. " Have not I a C secure to his wife a competent provision i* genius, a brain, Ladies’, a brain!" But 11 case she outlives iiim-*Hs well ns proper a must not n boast too soon. I wait in anxious:'lowances to hs brothers to enable them l" hope tho success of my invention, for I leave • live in the stylo that ull fioaring the name o to all, who feel inclined to make use of it as’ B should do." soon as they please, as I have no intention of! The House, in consequence, unanimousl; claiming n patent right. My regard for thePvoted £2,000,000 a year to tho Protector, am comfort and convenience of my sex enables |JC4()0,000 a year, with the castle at Wmdso me to waive every sordid consideration. To to Mrs. B., in case she outlives him. Thev them therefore 1 make a donation of this my first invention. The greatest reward 1 can linvo will he, to seoit put into immediate re quirement, thereby releasing the shuddering apprehensions of their sincere well wisher. LUCRETIA. Strengthening Plaster. rill IE Celebrnted Strengthening Plaster, B for pain or weakness iu the breast, hack, or side ; also for Rheumatic Affections Liver Complaints und Dyspepsia. This Medicine is the invention of on orni- Ice House, under the Bluil. C ANDLER & DAVIDSON have cstahj fished an ICE HOUSE, in John D Mongin’s buildings, two doors west of Abn Bussctt’s ship Chandlery, where they will be prepared to deliver Ice from 5 o’clock, A. M. to 7 P. M. everv day, except Sundays, or which day, the Ice House wili be open from sun rise until 8 A. M. and from 12 to 2 P. M, may 28 The Dutchman’s Fireside. T IIOS. M. DRISCOLL has just recei ved Nob.3&4 of Library of SelectNovcls, being the Dutchman’s Fireside, 2 vols. bv J. K. Paulding. june 28 Hats. T HREE cases Pnlm Leaf Hats, for sale by iuly 2 LUTHER & GO Notice. rplIE co-partnership of CHICHESTER J &. SCRANTON is this day disolved by mut ual consent. All persons having demands against the concern, will present them for payment to Alonzo Scranton, who is duly authorized to settle the business of the con- •ern ; nnd all those indebted ure requested to ettle their bills without delay. ALFRED CHICHESTER. ALONZO SCRANTON. Savannah, May 271h 1850. DRAPER & TAILOR. 0^7*- The undersigned respectfully announ ces to the friends ofthe Into firm cfCmciies ter &• Scranton, that, lie will continue the business at the old established stand, Young’s buildings, corner of Bryan & Whitaker-sls., where all disposed to yield him their patron- ugc, will find the same splendid assortment of u-oods, fashionable and durable, the same taste fn cutting and making, nnd the same dispo sition to° please and accomodate the public, that has ever characterized the establishment, may 50 ALONZO SCRANTON. and was purchased some years ago from Mr. Dunham, near White Bluff. They have recently been seen in the same boat near Little Tybce Island. All reasonable expenses will be paid, ex- < lusive of the reward, on application to eit her the subscriber or ELIAS FORI’, Esq. of Sa- unnali. ALEXANDER ATKINSON, Camden County. may 4 135f Factorasc ami Commission i>u- have been produced hy it, that it is with tho utmost confidence recommended to nil who nrenfilicted with those distressing complaints. There is a condition annexed to tho sale of this article,growing out ofthe best of reasons trial, viz. if the benefit above stated is not ob tained, the money will be returned. This we trust, (when fairly considered,) will bn the strongest evidence that could possibly be given of their utility A supply just received per shipFloriau and for sale by T. RYERSON, Jr. mav 2 T 1 Advertisement. H OUSE, Sign, and Ornamenta Pain ting, Paper Hanging, Glazing &c. Imitations of Fancy Woods, Marbles, &c. Walls Puinted or Ornamented in Oils Water Colors. The above business executed by the sub scriber in a style lie trusts worthy the liberal putronage and approbation he has and contin ues to receive. ALEXANDER MELDRUM. Reference—Thomas Young, Esq. Paint Bhop in Johnston’s square, adjoining her. Vaileau’s Office, where orders left will M promptly attended to. june 2—12ino si ness. HE subscribers have formed a copart nership under the firm of MALONE & SISTARE, fertile transaction of a General Commission Business in this City, and will be prepared to make advances on produce con signed to them for sale. They will ulso pay particular attention to the receiving and for warding Goods to the interior. It. MALONE. H. SISTARE. Savannah, ftOth June 1831. 17!)- Cutlery, &c. &c. A N assortment of fine Cutlery, such ns— Rogers’ Pocket, Pen nnd Dirk Knives ; Wostennolm’s do. do. do.; Rogers and Pren tiss! superior Scis*jors ; all very superior and new patterns. Roger's Damascus and Silver Steel Razors J. Barber’s old English do.; in double and sit. glc cases. Emerson’s Elastic and Prcntis’s 4 sided Ra zor Straps. Glass, Metal and Wood Shaving Boxes ; Bone, tied and Metal Handle Lather Brush es ; English and American Shaving Soap ; in great variety. Gentlemen’s Morocco Shaving Cases for travelling, n new article and very neat. Also, Gentlemen’s Travelling Mirrors. Addison’s Ever Pointed Silver Pencil Cases, with extra points. An additional supply of the above articles, just received and for sale at low prices, by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Fresh Harden Seeds. ARRANTKD of the growth of 18 0, Drumhead Cabbage do do do do do do Linseed Oil. 8 BBLS Linseed Oil, just received nnd for sale by HAZARD & DENSI.OW. 33SHHHSHEE Long Scarlet Radish White Turnip do Red do do Black Spanish do Long White do Early Dutch Turnip Red Sop do Large Norfolk do Rutabaga do Hound Spinach Prick ley do Parsley—Parsnup Okra Tomatoes Snap Beans Lima do Prussian Blue Pons Early frame or Juried® Early Charlton do Marrow Fat do Early Dwarf do " Sugar do Leek &C. &C.—together with n small nssormentof Flower Seeds, received per late urnvals and for sale by fed 2 LAY &, HENDRICKSON Early York Sugar Loaf (irecn Savoy " Glazed Red Dutch (,’auliflower Ice Cross Lettuce Imperial do Sugar Loaf do Cabbage do Blood Beet^ Turnip do Solid Ccllory Water Cresses Asparagus White Bush Squash Orange Carrot Sage Cucumber Lemon Tliyinc Red Onion White do Fresh Soda Biscuit, &c. J UST received per schooner Othello Also, Tamarinds, Lemon Syrup Mapo’s fine Tobacco Ground Ginger, &c. For sale by WM. Z. HALL, june 30 From Ilcminisccnr.ev of a Subaltern. The next day, the 6th, wc had no fighting ; each army kept its position, and Villa For mosa continued to be the receptacle for the wounded. On reaching tho village, we had little diffi culty m finding out those hospitals, as every house might bo considered one,—but it wns some time before I discovered that which 1 wished for ; at last I found it. It consisted of >ur rooms; in it were pent up twelve offi cers, all badly wounded. The largest room was twelve feet hy right; nnd this apartmont find fur its occupants four officers Next tho door, on a bundle of straw, lay two of the 70th Highlanders, one of them shot through tho spine. He told mo he Imd been wound ed in tliu streets of Fucntos, on the 5th, und that although he had felt a good deal ofpain I before, he was now perfectly easy, and free from suffering. I was but ill-skilled in sur gery, but, nevertheless, I disliked the account he gave of hitnsolf. I passed on to my friend ; was sitting on a table, liis back resting a- guinst a wall. A musket-ball Imd penetrated liis right breast, and passing through his lungs nine out at liis Imck, find ho owed his life to the great skill and attention of Doctors Etew- art and Bell, ofthe 3d diyision. Tho quanti ty of blood taken from him was astonishing; three, and sometimes four times a'day, they would bleed him, and bis recovery was one of those extraordinary instances seldom wit nessed. In an inner room was a y ung offi cer shot through the head—liis was a hope less case. He won quite delirious, and ob liged to be held down hy two men,—his strength was astonishing, and more than once, while I remained, he succeeded in es caping from the grasp of his attendants. The Scotch officer’s servant soon after cumo in, and stooping down, inquired of his master how ho felt, but received no reply ; he had half turned on his face ; the mnn took hold of his master’s bond, it was still warm, but iho pulse had ceased—lie wns dead ! The suddenness of this young man’s death sensi bly affected bis companions : and I took leave of my friend and companion, Dergan, fully impressed with the idea that I should never see him ngain. I was on my return to the army, when my attention wns arrested hy an extraordinary de gree of bustle, und a kind of half-stilled moan ing in tho yard of a quinta, or a nobleinan’i house. I looked through the grating and saw about two hundred wounded soldiers waiting to have their limbs amputated, while others were arriving every moment. It would be difficult to convey an idea of the frightful ap pearance of those men ; they had been wouu- I dod on the 5th, nnd this was the 7th—there they sat, silent nnd statue-like,, waiting for their turn to be carried to the nmputating-ta- nlso came to a resolution, that tho bouse tho corner ofthe strand, near Charing cross (j being the property of the Commonwealth should together with the house at Kensigton I formerly called the Palace, be settled on tin I Protoctor’s brothers as residences foi them | selves and their heirs. Evoiy true Englishman must, rejoice at proper a distribution of the forfeited cstali'tJ ofthe Aristocrats. Tho IIouso udiourned yesterday at halt] past 2, IV M. The council did not, incut. We understand that a ridiculous petitioi I was presented on Sunday last to the Protec tor at tho Levee, from Mr. William Guelph He modestly asks tlmt his tailor’s account foil the last year, amounting to £37s. Id. shod | bo paid tor him. Is it not enough that th state is taxed C27 10s. per quarter for tin support of this person, who has a residents* I assigned to him at Islington free of expense :| Why should they ho called on to support In | extravagance. Indeed, as his wife has beet I sent out of tho country, we really are nt ul loss to know why his allowance should no F bo lessened, and we trust the same will bil considered. The petition was of course re T jected. * Our readers may recollect that tho slieoil of water formerly called the West Indfil Docks, was sold by the executive last yoo to a company who propose lo supply Londo I with fish. We learn with pleasure that tin I experiment succeeds admirably. Many fim I rich gudgeons have been caught. The fisli.f being undisturbed, increase rapidly, and ar< of a delicious flavor. It is proposed to up | ply tho docks at Wapping to the same lau I dahle purpose, ns the Kathnrine Lock i:J fouud quite sufficient for ull the trade of Lon I don. Tho American Ambassador, in a note to I the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, statetl "That he is desired by liis Government to re [ quro that the towns dock-yards, and port of Plymouth and Postsmouth shonld be cede- J to them, tnat they may have proper place-1 for their navy to refit when cruising on ou I coasts for our protection," The request itself| is perhaps reasonable ; and a9 those placet! are not required, they would at once lmvi l been ceded, had not the concluding part otl the proposition been considered authoritmr mid conveying a threat. Tho paragraph i I us follows : "The undersigned is in tructe I to declare, tlmt should this requisition nol be at once complied with all American ves [ sols will be recommended not to bring theol cargoes to England in future!!”—Notv realijl we consider it quite unimportant whethqjj they come hero or not. They bring us no r thing but tea, sugar, tobacco, coffee, rice I and cloth. No one can call these things ne-l cessaries. They are mere luxuries, whicl J wo can abstain from using, and they tuk- \ only specie in return. Indeed we suspect tlif’l threat 16 a mere pretext for withdrawing th* V trade, ns they find our specie is* nearly ex-1 hauated, and they refuse to take our current! paper in payment. W * We learn from the farmers of Birmingham | Manchester, Sheffield and Leeds, that t' BKH