Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, July 19, 1831, Image 1

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V# g ft TUB DAILY GEORGIAN, IS PUBUlHKD IN THE omito Q&v&sisj&iiia By G. & W 1BERTSON, AT EIGHT DO. vRR PER ANNUM, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. THE COUNTRY GEORGIAN, IS published to meet the arrannuincnt of the mails Three Times a Week (Monday, Wednesday and Fri day) atthu office of the Daily Georgian, and contains all the intelligence, Commercial, Politiculand Miscella neous, including Advertisements, published in the Daily Paper. The Country Paper is sent to all parts ofthe State and Union, or delivered intho city, at FIVE DOLLARS per annum, payable in advance. Advertisements are inserted in both papers at 75 cenu per square of 14 linos, for the first insertion, and 37 1-i for every succeeding publication. Communications by mail must bo POST PAID. Sales of Land by Administrators, Executors and Guardians arc required by law to bo bold on ibo first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, at the Court House in tho county in which the property is situate. Notice of these sales must be giveniu a public gazette Sixty Days previous to the sale. Notice for leave to sell negroes, most be published for four months, before any orucr absolute shall be mad* thereupon by the Court. Sales of Negroes must be at public auction, on tho first Tuesday ot the month, between the usual hours of sale, at the id ice of public sales in tho county where tho loiters Testamenmry, of Administration or Guar- diunship, ntay have been granted, first giving Sixty Days notice ; uereof, in one ofthe public gazettes ofthis Slat*, mid at the door of the court-house, where such sales are to bo held. Notice of the sale of Personal Property must be givet intfith manner Forty davs before the sale. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an estate must be published for Forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court ot Ordinary for leave to sell land, must he published Four Months VOL. XIII. SAVANNA!!, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 11», 1831. NO. 187. Thomas Ryerson, Jr. ,, HAS just received per recent am- pry vals, in addition to Ins former Stock Of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, &.c. &c.—which renders the same very complete and extensive, which he offers for sale, on accomodating terms, for cash, or town acceptances. Sulph Quinine (Fr.) Saffron (Span.) do Morphine do Opium (Turkey) Chloride of Soda. C ONCENTRATED Disinfecting Solu tion of Chloride of Soda, for preserving meat, removing offensive smells, neutralizing pestilential exhalations, und destroying con tagion. Prepared of uniform strength, by tho New Englaiffi Chemical Company, ccordingto the formulary promulgated by the philosophic discoverer, A. G. Ladarraque. This article having been made use of, in nu merous instances, by scientific persons ofthe very first at aiding, and always with certain success, the following modes of applying the Chloride, may be relied on ub proper and ben eficial. With a sprinkling of water mixed with one fortieth of Chloride, the stench can bo in stantly put down of ti»e filthiest kennels, sow ers, cess-pools, drains, water-closets,markets, stalls for meat and fish, slaughter-houses, and, in general, all places infected with animal exhalations. For foul ulcers, a wine glass of Chloride must be mixed with as much as five times that quantity of pure water, and pledgets of lint must be dipped into this wash and then laid over tho ulcers. This dressing to be re newed twice a day. If the sore becomes red and angry the wash of live parts water must he still further diluted ; if, on the contrary, the sore does not change its appearance, it must be dressed once or twice with Chloride and water, half and half, so as to dispose to a slight inflammation,which is indispensable to convert fetid and running ulcers into simple sores. The healing then progresses rapidly. The moment the Chloride is applied upon an ulcer the disagreeable smell is destroyed. Afresh supply ofthis valuable article just received and for sale low. by LAY & HENDRICKSON Also—'Tho Chloride of Soda, prepared by A. G. Laburraque, the celebrated French Chemist. june 14 Piperme do Hydriodate Fotuss Prussic Acid Croten Oil Iodine Blue Muss (Eng.) Phosphate Soda do Iron Cheltenham Salts Henry’s Magnesia (genuine) Isinglass (staple) do sheet Mezeron Balsam Fir Super Carb Soda Ergot. PERFUMERY. Sursparilla (Span.) do (Am.) Musk (gt.) Mustard Seed (white) 01 Almonds do Amber (rcct.) Castor (N. A.) Soda and Soid. Powd. Acid Tartaric Sal Aratus Flora Benzoin Castor Oil, sup’r. do. plantation use Resin of Jalap Spatula’s Pill Tiles, Patent Medicines, &c. Antique Oil Ceylon do Russia do Bears grease (Fr&tEn) Florida Water Pomatum Eapritde Rose Milk of Roses Cold Cream Vegetable Rouge Otto of Roses Bear’s Oil Rose, Cologn, and Lavender Water in cut glues and plain Bottles Iloney and Orange Flower Water Extracts of Roses Pastilles Fumuntcs Macassar Oil. With a general assortment of English, French and American SOAl*S. O^r*COUNTRY MERCHANTS, Physi cians and Planters, will find it to their ad vantage to cull. N. B. Physicians prescriptions carefully put up at the shortest notice, & at all hours. Suvannah, 21 at February 1831. ***—The Georgiu Journal, Macon Messen ger, Democrat (Columbus. Ga.) will please in sert the above, once a week for three weeks, und forward their uccounts to this office for payment. feb 21 To Let, That pleasantly situated House in St. Marys, lately occupied by John 11. M'lntosn, Esq. For • terms apply to Mrs. King, St. Ma ys, or in Savanuah to VVM. ROSE, juno 21 70—of Planters Hotel, Gainesville, Ga THE subscriber is about buil ding an addition to his House in Gainesville, by which be will be enabled to accommodate double tho number of persons that ho can at present with convenience. He will ns heretofore re frain from making any promises whatever, and wishes only for that patronage which his house may merit. lie takes this ns the first opportunity of tendering to his friends and the public generally. Ins acknowledgements for so liberal a share of tho passing patron age. L. CLEVELAND, may 10 140—{3mo For Sale. The subscriber offers for sale. Ins lot, with the improvements thereon, consisting of one two sto• ry and two one story DWELL ING HOUSES, in good repair, with out buil dings. The situation is a very plonsa t one, being on the east side of Washington Square, immediately opposite the residence of Muj. M. W. Stewart. The lot contains several excellent fruit trees, grape vines, &c. For further particulars, applv on the premises, to may30—t JOHN DENNIS. Swaim’s Panacea, T ^OR the cure of Scrofula or King’s Evil, . Syphilitic & Mercurial Diseases, Rheu matism, Ulcerous Sores, White Swellings, Diseases ofthe Liver and Skin, General De bility, and all diseases which originate from impure blood, or indiscretion of Youth, and where the constitution has been broken down by tho use of Mercury, Arsenic, Bark or Qui nine, &c. and most internal diseases where the lungs and chest are supposed to be afiec- tod, &.c. &c. •CAUTION TO PURCHASERS. O^r* Swaim’s Panacea is in round bottles, fluted longitudinally, with the following words blown in the glass :— “ SWAIM’S PANACEA— PI1ILADA.” having but one label, which covers tho cork with my own signature on it, so that the cork cannot be drawn without destroying the signature, without which none is genuine, The medicine may consequently he known to be genuine when my signature is visible ; to counterfeit which will be punishable as forgery. The Public are cautioned not to purchase my Panacea except from myself, my aecredi ted agents, or persons of known respectabil ity ; and all those will consequently be with out excuse, who shall purchase from any oth- or persons. —Prepared and sold at Swaim’s Labo ratory, South Seventh Street, next door to the Philadelphia Baths, corner of George & Seventh Streets, and sold by every respecta- ble Druggist in the United States. To avoid tho many attempts that have been made to impose upon the public base imi»u- lions ofthis Celebrated Medicine,the subscri bers have made arrangements to keep on hand,a supply direct from the proprietor. The public may therefore rest assured that the Genuine Swaim’s Panacea can always be lmd at their store warranted. Alargesupply of thisMedicine has just, been received. Druggists and others throughout the State, who purchase to sell again, can have it at a reduced price. LAY & HENDRICKSON, Wholesale & Retail Druggists, 2 & 15 Gibbons’ Buildings. Also, afresh supply of Swaim’s celebrated Vermifuge, just received and for sale as abov june 17 Paints, Oils, Glass. <fcc. &c. rBlIlE subscribers offer for sale the follow JL ing articles of Paints, Oils, Gluss, &c. &c. at the lowest market price for cash or credit, and have made arrangements to re- ceive fresh supplies by every arrivul. Mer chants, Planters and others are respectfully invited to call before they purchase. White Lead in Oil llotten Stone Spanish Brown do Bronze Yellow Verdigris do Carmine White Lead dry Drop Lake Spanish Brown do Copul Varnish Venetian Rod •Japan do Cromo Yellow Bright do Crome Green Leather do Terra do Sienna Linseed Oil Verdigris dry Tram do Black Load in powderVVhale do Ivory Black Sperm do very super’r. Lumpjlo lb.&.pbpaperGutn Amber Burnt Umber “ Arabic Rose Pink Sp’ts. Turpentine Dutch do “ Wine Spanis White Gold and Silver Leaf Paris do Do and do Puper Turkey Umber Gum Shelluc Red aud White Chalk Paint br’shs,Sash tools, omice& Rotten Stone Camel’s hair pencils Chinese Vermillion Varnish brushes,&c. Red Lead 300 boxes 8 by 10, 9by 11 & 10 by 12 Glass LAY & HENDRICKSON. march 16 rr vasxq® iTAiKUB xe Cloths, Cassimeros, Vestings, & s>goqj>&, made to order by WILLIAM O. PRICE, MERCHANT TAYLOR, at the SAVANNAH CLOTHING EMPORIUM (on the Bay, opposite the Exchange) whore may be found A ERE8II, FASHIONABLE AND WELL MADE AS SORTMENT OK SEASONABLE Ready Made Clothing, and every variety of FANCY ARTICLES, Just received by tho late arrivals and offer ed at the lowest rates, OA' irrs ESTABLISHED PRINCIPLE., [Cl? 1 ' For Cauh % or approved City acceptances. Savannah,June 14, 1831, 170 New York Cheap Wholesale Cloak, Stock Jj- Clothing Ware house REMOVED. T HE subscriber has removed his establish- ment from No. 18.V Maiden Lane, to the spacious store, No. 188 Pearl Street, over Messrs. Hyde, Cleveland & Co. where he will keep constantly on hand a much more extensive assortment than formerly. The style, make and materials of the Cloaks will be greatly improved ami will be sold at about the same low prices ns those ofthe last sea son. lie has also on band a large assort ment oflow priced clothing,made in good stilo expressly lor tho southern and western trade* that will bo sold at about the usual prices of the most inferior quality. Also, an assort ment of Stocks, with many other desirable ar ticles. Those who will take the trouble to examine this Stock of Goods, will probably satisfy themselves tlmt they cannot select the same amount from any stock in the city that will bo a safer or more desirable purchase. For sale by F. J. CONAN'P, No. 138 Pearl-st. New-York. Terms—6 months fov approved Notes, payable at Banks it) good standing in any part of the country—8 mouths for city acceptan ces or 5 per cent discount for cash. In nil cases when the time is extended, interest will bo charged at tho rate of 0 per cent per an mini. Any Goods purchased at this establish ment that do not suit the market for which they were intended, will ho exchanged for others. april 12 110—|3m Three hundred dollars Reward. W ILL be given for taking and securing the following described negro fellows. They went olT on the night of the *2lst Feb. last, in a small two or three oared canoe, that has formerly been painted red, with dark col ored gunwales. Say one hundred and fifty dollars for ADAM, an artful and trickey fel low ; he is 26 or 27 years old, and about five feet six or eight inches high, lias a small foot, and not heavy made, and neither a very dark nor light complexion. Also twentv-five dol lars a piece for YORK and HAULSBURY, or SOLBY. York is twenty-two or three years old, five feet eight inches high, stout made, and very black skin. Sol by is about twenty years old, near six feet high, smooth face, dark complexion, and large under lip.— These three fellows have lately been purcha sed from Messrs. Bryan aud Scrivcn, of Chat ham County, and are from Wilmington Isl and, where they are acquainted, and at seve ral places on the Carolina aide. Ami one i ,11 ,1 - I 1 .... niJniJClT? I 111 Id nlimit A remarkable cure for R heumatism i by thu usoofDr. Jebb’s Rheumatic. Liniment. Copy of a letter!! Charlestown, (Mass ) .Tune 23,1827. To the Proprietor of Dr. Jebb’s Liniment, Dear Sir—1 doom it a duty I owe to suf (bring Immunity, to acquaint you, and through you the public, (should you think best) of the unexpected and surprising cure performed on myself by the usoot t he above most excellent Medicine. 1 have been for more than thir ty years, and sometimes most severely, af flicted with the Rheumatism ; have boon fre quently rendered perfectly helpless, and in consequence confined to my bed, when it Irih required two persons to move me, being in such extreme pain ; 1 have several time been under the care ofthe most eminent physic ians, but procured only temporary relief. 1 one day noticed the advertisement of Dr. Jebb’s Liniment, with the testimonials ac companying it, ami was induced to try a bot tle, which I used without much sensible ben efit, 1 concluded, however, to persevere, and bought another bottle, and was, greatly r-o lieved, and by the use of half the third bottle, was wholly cured, and have never since had a return ofthe pain, which I had not been from a mouth ut a time for thirty years, and it is now more than throe years since I was cured, l would most earnestly advise every person suffering under this painlul complaint, not to despair of a cure so lung as they can obtain “ Dr. Jebb’s Liniment*’ You are at liberty to make any uso ofthis you may think advisable. Moat reupoctfully yours, CALEB SYMMES. To the foregoing testimony, many other unquestionable proofs might be added, in fa vour ofthe superior Liniment of Dr. Jubb — Nothing but a fair trial, which the. proprietor confidently solicits, can give an adequate idea of its uflri vailed efficacy, in mitigating, and thoroughly mastering, the excruciating dis ease, to which it has been successfully up- plied in a multitude of onsos. The opera tion ofthe Liniment is often immediate; and it has frequently cured rheumatic ufiections of years standing, in four and twenty hours. It is also recommended with confidence, as an 0 of the best applications known for si \fl'- ness of the joints, numbness, sprains, and chilblains. Price 50 cents. A fresh supply of this valuable Medicine, just received und for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, april 22 Agents. gibqrgiatn:. mis u|i|icnr hi hath pti.u FOR THE 01*011 (MAN, ONHEARTNU a very young man pReacii. A h lent rovi rcnco coin* s o’er my mind,-— Ami lootinga mil unlilu! Ilm loud) of mvo, Move deeply in«iy lioanni's iniuonl fold, When o’< r I Imnrken imin one who frenlhe.* ‘‘Tlto words of life ulminl j” one, whuflfe voice Is iretmili'Us with nj:o, tied fiino’s decay : fin nerchatU’n who boars upon hie hrow, Tim w inior-aitfn of life,—my Imarl is bunt ; AihI e’en o« if a fulhor foml y cliidrn, M v spirit cherishes a doe respect, Almost devotionalImlt) ! io hear The voice of hint «m whom ago Imih not foil,— Whose hlo *h yel, Imi shows its morning beams, Tranquil, unclouded aud serenely clear,— Upon whose tnngiio tho fluid of boy ho id’s lone Yel ling* m,—thought won lers on hew ildor’d : An I lhi* mind wrapt in mule aUonodmicni, A while is shadowM,—but not with durhiuia ; Hack to those cor ier d vs reiucuihrunee flies,—. R'uii to llm days of boyhood, and recalls The ynwhful speaker ', he, who then so young, Oil have I heard repeat llmsagentlo tusks, Toinlelltci adnpted, yel too weak To gr «s|i ui knowiodge in us loftier height,— Whilst I In Inin compar’d—had gam’d its crown ; For yo rs had o’er mo flown of w hich lie knew not. A uiesMinger flii- being li lit become ; Is now a sacred Priest,—althougn nut *ent With that commission i-su'd from tho World, By m n ordain’d ; yet speaks he fi.r Ins Lord : And ho now loaches mo thu wuy of life ; Tolls mo of heaven, und thu glories there ; And in a lunopiige ministerial speaks Of God,—of immortality to eomo : His younger a,aril hath ouisiript iiiinn own, Aud leii mo grov hug in iho dust of sin lie knows no nta-ter Inn the living God ; Whits' 1—am churn'd in shiveiy io eurih .*— Upon bin brow Heligioli’s liillul lias trac'd liei sweet und pensive hues ; and they do loll The nonce, nay, loyousimss that dwells within,— Of wliieli, ulas ! 1 never yet have known : The world Ionic is all u wilderness, NY here uoihing cheering lights my rugged way ; To him, it is the path which loads Ins soul To glories rich mid endless ; ev'ry cross, Homo w’llh tho Christian's aiihlu , sic.iiifist strength Heightens ills hupu ot future joy and bliss ; - And udda a richer luairc lo ihul crown, With which his muster will reward his lovo : Tho star that on him smnes, ami warm* his heart,— Thai rhinos lliMUgn • ccpusi clouds, and cheers ins wuy, Lights imtiho sky of my existonco ; no— Im beams arc far away,—tost und the atoima Of'(lustUpiquiid of sin. BOlf, Diseases ok the South.—A corrcepon- dent of tin; National Inielligonci r, who has tmvclled through moat ofthe Southern States and through Florida, makes some interesting observations on the diseases of thoso coun tries. Ho alludes to tho theory of Dr. Carl in its customary symptoms of wrignt, who, on ousurvmg tho sudden up- Dy spepsia, or Indigestion. T HIS prevalent disorder, us it exhibits tt- want of appetite, distressing flatulencies, i pourunce of an epidemic, at Natchez, iuune I <lirtrALRotfS irEKoiSrBf.-^Tho Mont diiigtii lar combat by which arms were over g lined, was ono which hnppcned in the family of The family of Dudley, in Northam- tonlfV|k hears for a crest-a woman’s bond ; a helmet; hdt hair dishevelled, and her j throat-latcii looso. Tho occasion of this I crest was singular. In the year 1390, Hoton having a dispute with otto Ringsd&le, about, tin ti;lo to a piece of land, they agreed to 7n«*ct on the disputed ground and decide it by combat. On the day appointed, Hoton was laid up with the gout; rather than ho shoiil I suffer in his honor, or lose his land, his daughter Agnes armed herself cap-a-pie, mounted her father’s steed, and went lo meet Rmgsdulc at tho time appointed. After a. stubborn fight she dismounted him, and when lie was on tho ground, sho^oosened her thro.* t-lutch, lifted up her helinet, und letting down her hair upon her shoulders discovered her sex. Agnes aftonyards married into the Dudley family, and in honor of this heroic action, her descendants have always used the above crost with the motto Galea apes solutia. A Dutchman’s Breakfast.—In de morn ing ven you kits oop, I dukes a rite ; unt veu you kmiis tro order vour inieltfurder, Itrinks anuder chill of shinn ; unt ven you ish peen hum to my hrudder Mycallsh vun oder imelt stones ftider, I trink a tird chill. But I tell you vat 1 eats for mine* breakfusl. 25 Ekke—3 pisluts, 1 tuzon picklct herrinks, 2 oiler tree puntchcB liddei rettishes # haaf tuzon liddei pickets, 1 ret koppiges unt vinegars, 15 klips of coffee, 1 oder 2 chills of shinn, wid odor nig nags ; Unt I dels mi bruddor Mycallsh if ho ish cot any coot culersh 1 unt he asked me “ yisfi he’s cot sum excellent sour beer, unt Jig’s sor- ri its peon all gono.” The Consequences of paying for phys ic rathe,, than for Advice.—An old ludy having received three draughts from her med ical attendant, requested lo know what they were intended for? The nm-wer was, ihut one would warm her, the second cool iter and the third was intended to moderate the too violent effects of either!—an explanation which is almost as sound, in point of reason, ns the smuggler’s account of Ills love of whis key : “ lie took it in winter to warm him, in summer to cool him, und ul thereat oft e your that he mayn’t forget the dear cratur that was fo good to him.—Observations in Medicinal Composition. The Ballot boxes would stop this Tho following dialogue really passed not long ngo between the agent of a candidate and an out-voter of a place not a hundred miles from Liverpool:— Agent—Well, iny brave fellow, who do you vote for? Elector—I vote for the best man. Agent—Who do you cull the best man 1 We give jC20. Elector—A has offered me j£t5 and heart-burn, pain in the stomach, sick head at:h, nausea, vomiting amt costiveness, is now found to yield to the tried efficacy of DR. UELFE’S VEGETABLE SPECIFIC, AND ANTE IJILIO US PII, I, S. These two preparations combined, con stitute an efficacious romody tor the Dys pepsia, even after it has acquired the most obstinate character, and resisted every effort of profesional skill. When both medi cines are administered in connection accor ding toplaiil ? ni * particular Directions ac companying the rrgJ:Zt'l e Specific, ihey thoroughly cleanse tho alimentary canal of that viscid innscus which is the proximate cause ofthe disorder, and as a tonic und stim- ulcnt, they restore thu healthy action and en ergy ofthe stomach, and strengthen the de bilitated system. The proprietor can uIho confidently recommend the Vegetable Spe cific uh one of tin? best remedies known for the,' Sick Dead Ache. A fresh supply ‘>f these Celebrated pills, jnst received and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, april 22 Agents. Strengthening Plaster. roiHE Celebrated Strengthening Plaster, for pain or weakness in the breast, back, or side ; ul so for Rheumatic Affections, Liver Complaints and l)y»pup»in. This Medicine is the invention of an emi nent Surgeon, aud so numerous are the in- Ice House, under the Bluli. C andler &• davidson have estat>. listed an ICE HOUSE, in John D. R’ongin’s buildings, two doors west of Abner Bassett’s ship Chandlery, where they will ho prepared to deliver Ice from 5 o'clock, A. M. to 7 P. M. every day, except Sundays, on which day, the ice House will be'epen from sun rise until 8 A. M. and from IS to 2 P. M. may 28 Notice. T HE co-partnership of CHICHESTER & SCRANTON is this day disolvedhy mutual consent. All persons having demands against the concern, will present them lor payment to Alonzo Sokanton, who is duly authorized to settle the business of tho con cern ; and all those indebted am requested to settle their bills without dulay. ALFRED OllICHESTEIf. ALONZO SCRANTON. Savannah, May 'Mill 1820. ■ DRAPER Si TAILOR. 0^7-The undersigned respectfully announ ces to the friends ofthe late firm ofCmciiES- t kr & Scranton, tlmt he will continue the business at the old established stand, Young’s buildings, corner of Bryan & Whitaker-sla., where all disposed to yield bint their patron age, will find the same splendid assortment of goods, fashionable and durable, the same taste in cutting and making, and the same dispo sition to pleane and accomodate the public, that has ever characterized the establishment, may 30 ALONZO SCRANTON hundred dollars for GEORGE. He is about -i ■ . . . . <,» . thirty-five years old, about nix foot high, dark Him,cos w '“i ‘ Vat ft» “' !l ™ complexion, walks very erect, 4 steps brisk, have been produced by it, that it la with the and wus purchased someyeurs ago from Mr. Dunlmm, near White Bluff. They have recently been seen in the same boat near Little Tybeu Island. All reasonable expenses will be paid, ex clusive of the reward, on application to either the subscriber or ELIAS FORT, Esq. of {Sa vannah. ALEXANDER ATKINSON, Camden County. mav 4 Fftf The Dutchman’s Fireside. T IIOS. M. DRISCOLL has just recei ved Nos.3&4 of Library of SelectNovels, being the Dutchman’s Fireside, 2 vols. by J. K. Pauluing. J une 28 Factorage and Commission 1511- j utmost confidence recommended to ull who are afflicted with thoso distressing complaints. There is a condition annexed to tho sale of this article, growing out. ofthe best of reasons trial, viz. if the benefit above stated is not ob tained, the money will bo returned. This wo trust, (when fairly considered,) will he the strongest evidence’ that could possibly be given of tnoir utility. A supply iuat received per ship Florian and for sale by T. RYKRBON, Jr. may 2 diutely after tho cutting clown of the streets of that town, leaving steep banks on each side, published his views in rclution to llu- cause, attributing the epidemic to mineral ■xhulalions. Tho writer, of whom we are speuking, thinks many facts have come under liisoliservation caleiiluied to favor tins opinion, llu supposes Hi..t the Bicknesscnay often unse from thu decomposition of vegetable matter, thnn hem and fiiufetim,, p ut thot lho malignant epidemics have generally known to arise after little or no vegetable inaHcr remained to fertilize the fields by re composition—when the land had become ex hausted and wus bare und cut up in deep gul lies, lie refers lo discuses that huvo attack ed laborers on canals in support of this theory.- Much ofthe unhculthiness of these States this writer suppos s, may be attributed to tho diet of the inhabitants.—Uur diet he says, is after thu manner of the Northern couutrioB; whereas it should be like the Southern parts of Europe Spain, Italy, and the South of France. The stomach, it is supposed, is more irritable in warm wcuther than in cold; in Southern counties therefor , our food should be quick und easy of diges tion. With this view, the food should be so well prepared and divided by the action of fire, thut the business of the slomuch (so to bpouk) would bo thereby half porfo r mod. This writer attribute*! t\\o VauWtouublo din- ease of dyspepsia, in most cases, to tho fuslfio-' liable use of calomel in most cases, of indispo- Ile belioves that tho frequent use this medicine, impairs the powers ofthe sto mach, and thus lays llm foundation of muny disease.—Spirit of the Age. tny expenses down. Agent—Well, we\\, we will not he hard.— You have a few friends, 1 dare say, whom you can persuade to go down for .£25 a, 0 their expenses : so we will give you jCTOul your expenses. A teacher one day endeavouring to mn pupil understand the nature and appl •etio. of a passive verb, suid to him, “ a pus • verb expresses thu nature or receiving o > fiction, as Peter is beaten now w.‘ i ing through, with the gravest cun imaginable,replied, “Well, Idon*i >n without lie hollared!'* by t may Teuu* grams andbon-mota ofthe Suudc newspaper. The annexed, m las nm or, is very good :—“ Paganini.—Uur friend 8 r Charles, who never wears creaking shoes, consequently has no music in his sole, perpe trated the following, on learning the moder ate churgb to witness tho performance ofthis modern Orpiieus at the Opera House VYliul are tliry who pay ihr e f>unions To bear a tune of Pug iniiii'a t Echo,—.Prtck o’uiuuiea l” A traveller perceiving two crows flying side by Bid*-, exclaimed, “ Aye, that is just us it should be, I bale to sec one crow over another.” sincss. T IIE subscribers have formed a copart- Wadi?a nership under the firm of MALONE & SI ST A RE, for the transaction of a General j ?J h L Commission Business in this City, and will be ( ' I » prepared to niako advances on produce con- ... w *■,. signed to them for sale. They will also pay particular attention to the receiving and for warding Goods to the interior. R. MALONE. II. BIST ARE. Savannah, 30th June 1831. 179- u Fresh Garden Seeds. ARRANTED of the growth of 18 0. Cabbage do do do do do do Hats. .. *HREE cases Palm Leaf Hats, for sale by | M promptly attended to. . july 2 LUTHER & CO, Advertisement. H OUSE, Sign, and Ornamcnta Pain ling. Paper Hanging. Glazing &c. Imitations of Fancy Woods, Marbles, &c. Walls Painted or Ornamented in Oils or Water Colors. . The above business executed by the sub- scriber in a stylo he trusts worthy the liberal patronage and approbation he lias and contin ues to receive. ,-*„,**■ ALEXANDER MELDRTJM. Reference—Thomas Young, Esq. Paint shop in Johnston’s square, adjoining her. Valleau’s Office, where orders left will june 2—l2mo. Cutlery, &.e. &c. \ N assortment of fine Cutlery, such as— Rogers’ Pocket, Pen and Dirk Knives ; Waatcnholm’s do. do. do.; Rogers und Pren tiss’ superior Scieqors ; all very superior and new patterns. Roger’s Damascus and Silver Steel Razors J. Barber’s old English do.; in double and sir. glc cases. Emerson’s Elastic and Prentis's 4 sided Ra zor Straps. Glass, Metal and Wood Shaving Boxes ; Bone, tied und Metal Handle Lather Brush es ; English and American Shaving Soap ; in great variety. Gentlemen’s Morocco Shaving Cases for travelling, a new article and very neat. Also, Gentlemen’s 'Travelling Mirrors. Addison’s Ever Pointed Silver Pencil Cases, with extra points. An additional supply of the above articles, iuBt received and for snle at low prices, by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Green Savoy “ Glazed Red Dutch (’uulifiower Ice Cross Lettuce Imperial do Sugar Loaf do Cabbage do Blood Beet Turnip do Solid Cellcry Water Cresses Asparagus White Bush Squash Orange Carrot Sage Cucumber Lemon 'Thyme Rod Onion White do Long Scarlet Itudisl, White Turnip do Red do do Black Spanish do Long White do Early Dutch Turnip Red Sop do Large Norfolk do Rutabaga do Round Spinach Pricklcy do Parsley—Parsnup Okra Tomatoes Snap Beans Lima do Prussian Blue Pens Early frame or Junc d o Early Charlton dr Marrow Fat d Eurly Dwarf do “ Sugar do Leek Staok Coktumu.—Previously to that re formation which wus introduced, though lute in life, under the auspices of the British Ros cius, anomalies characterized every scone in tho best acted of tho moR\ admired plays.— Garrick himself played Othello, the Moor of Venice in a regimental suit of George the Second's Body Guard, with u flowiug It •mi- lies wig. Uumlet was attired in a modern room suit, with dress sword, shoo buckles, lulllew, and a bog; while Julius Coisur and Mark Antony, Brutus and Cusbiuh, and even Cato himself, ducluitncd in costume so re motely uncoiigeniul to character, that modern tuste would view the scene, thus appointed, in spite of the eloquence ofthe actors, as the burlesque of pantomine, ami boot them off llm stage.—Library ofthe Fine Arts. &c. &c.—together with a small assorment of Flower Seeds, received per lato umvals and for sale by fed 2 Linseed Oil. 8 BBLS. Linseed Oil, just received and for sale by HAZARD & DENSLOW. LAY & HENDRICKSON Fresh Soda Biscuit, &c- J UST received per schooner Othello Also, Tamarinds, Lemon Syrup Mape’s fine Tobacco Ground Ginger, &c. For sale by WM. Z. HALL. j*inc 31) PnoriiRTic Discovery.—Some boys ot play in a fielu near Winclieup, known by tho mmic of the Green Field, the real name of which is the Martyr Field, from the numer ous burnings and torturings which took place in the reign of Mary, there discovered, near Buck’s Oast, close to the hole in which tor ment of every description used to be inflicted, an earthen vase, glazed inside, and in excel lent preservation. Two ancient coins were deposited within, a ring, and a curious sort of ' Io I dirk, the halt of which is studded with silver. **“ But these are not all the curious contents of this ancient vessel. A pioco of parchment rolled tight, bearing tho following singular inscription, was found at the bottom :— “ 1550, Junuune 12.—[A bytter froste.] “ Profesye. “ In ye ycare 1831 tlio»'re shalle be mighty trebles. Ye contryo shalle be on ye brynke of destructione, but thoyro shalle aryso incli ne abounding in virtewand talente wo shalle restor it to helthc and soundenesse and cause yo peple to live in prosperytye. Ye power turned agaynst ye popcl shalle be ycelded to its ryteful owners.” Thu vase and contents remain for the in spection of the curious at the cottage near the coast. Kentish Qhroniclc. Tim Mitiuuft W Ktcu.—TUc t\i8t vj*xYc\i beginw, nominally, at eight, mid carta at. mid night ; but people arc much mistaken, who suppose that a sleepy-headed midshipm u, with the prospect of u cold middle watch be fore him, and just awakened out of a sound nap, i b disposed to jump up at once, d.css himself, and run upon deck. Alus ! it is far from this ; and no one who lias not been ex posed to the trial can conceive the low ebb to which patriotism, zeal, public—spirit— cull it what you please—sinks, at suc h an hour, in tho breast ofthe unhappy wretch who, in the midst of one of those light and airy dreams, which render the night season of young people such a heaven of repose, is sudv d-Miiy roused up. After being awukoned by a rude tug at the clews of his hammock, he is haded, after the follow fashion, by the gluff old quarter-master. “Mr. Doug, head J” No answer. Another tugat the ham mock. “Mr. Doughoud ! i’ts twelve o’clock sir i" “Very well, very well ; you need uotslmke me out of bed, need you? What sort of night is it?” “It rains a little, sir, and is just beginning to blow. Il looks very black, uir.”—“Oh, plugue take it. TJien wo shall have to take in a reef. I suppose?” “It Heems very like, it sir. It is beginning to snuffle.” With this. Mr. Duughead gives himself a good shrug in his blanket, turns half round, to escape the glare of light from the quarter-master’s lantern, hung up within six inches ofliis face, expressly to keep him awake, aud in ton seconds he is again tightly clasped in the arms of Morpheus, the pre si- ding deity of tho cock-pit at thut hour. By and by down comes tho quarter-master oftlie middle watch, who unlike the young gcnlte- muu, lias rel evod tho deck twenty minutes before. “Mr. Dougheod it’s almost ono bell sir.” “Indeed !” exclaims tho youth. “I never knew tiny thing of it. I never was cal led.” “Oh yes, you were, sir. The man I i elieved said you asked him what sort of wea ther it wus, o'v? whether we should have to take in a reef.” “I ask about the weather? That’s only one of the lies ho always tells, to get me into a-scrape.” While they are speaking the bell strikes ono, indicating that half an liuur has elapsed since the first con versation took place, touching the weather, and presently, before Mr. Doughead has got liis second foot over tho side of his hammock, the mid who is to be relieved by him comes rattling down the cock-pit lazier, us wet tur a