Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, July 23, 1831, Image 1

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DAILY GEORGIAN, is roBUmutu is mi: (Bu-j'jf (©a? sAVAsaaaaij Bv G. & VV. ROBE RTS ON, AT EIGHT DOLLARS TEH ANNUM, I'A YAliLi. IN ADVANCE* COUNTRY GEORGIAN, IS published (u hums! (ho nrrantieinerit ol thu mailn ThreoTimuaa Wfck (Monday, Wednesday ana Fri day) at thooriice of the Daily Georgian, and contain! all the intelligence, Commercial, Political and Miscella neous, including Advertisements, published in the Daily 'I'he Country Paper is sent to all parts of the State and Union, or delivered in the city, u! FI VE DOLLARS per armum, payable in advance. Advertisements are inserted in both papers at 75 cento per square of 14 lines, for the first insertion, and I>7 1-1 for evoty succeeding publication. Communications by mail must be POST PAID. Sales of Land hy Administrators, Executors and Gunrdians are roquirud by law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, bet ween-the hours of If’ and So’clock, at the Court House in tho comity in which the property is situate. Notice of those sales must bi giv i'ii in a public gasettc Sixty Day a previous to the sale. Notice fur leave to sell tiegmos, must be published for four mon(!i-i, before any order absolute shall bemud* tbeieupoWb? the Court. Salusuf NY roes must bo a! public auction, on the tirM Tiles.lay. o; the ru nth, between the usual hours ot sale, at the i*T ce of public'*sul<* m the county when the fellorC Te&tucntury^'of Admiuislraiion t*r (»uar* duusmivmay have boon granted, first giving Sixty Dayf notice thi reol^lii one ofthe public ga/.dtes of this Stall and at the docpiif iHc"JCourt-liouse, where micb oulo are tn be lieldr ’ A Notice of the "ale tJfPcrsnna! Pr'pmtymust be givei in like uianimr Forty d t vs before the sale. Notice to Dnblors and Creditors of an estate must be published for Forty da( •*. Notice that a)iphratioii will be made to the Court oi Ordinary for leave to sell laud, must be published Four Months Chloride ot Soda. C 1ONCENTRATED Disinfecting Solo- ^ lion oPChloritle of Soda, for preserving meat, removing offensive smells, neutralizing pestilential exhalations, und destroying con- tugion. Prepared of uniform strength, by the New England Chemical Company, ccordingto the formulary promulgat'd by the philosophic discoverer, A. G. IjARauraque. This article having been made use of, in nu merous instances, by scientific persons ofthe very first at nrlmg, and always with certain success, the following modes of applying the Ctdoride, may be relied on as proper und ben eficial. With a sprinkling of water mixed with one fortieth of Chloride, the stench can be in stantly put down of the filthiest kennels, sew ers, cess-pools, drains, water-closets,markets, stalls for meat urn! fish, slaughter-house**, nod, in general, all places infected with animul exhalations. For foul ulcers, a wine glass of Chloride must be mixed with ns much as five times that quantity of pure water, and pledgets ol lint must be dipped into this wash uml then laid over the ulcers. This dressing to be re newed twice a day. If the sore becomes red und angry the wash of five parts water must he still further diluted j_if, on the contrary, tho sore does not change its appearance, it must he dressed once or twice with Chloride and water, half and half, so as to dispose to a slight inflammation,which is indispensable to convert fetid and running ulcers into simple sores. The healing then progresses rapidly. The moment the Chloride is applied upon an ulcer tho disagreeable smell is destroyed. A fresh supply of this valuable article just received and for sale low. by LAV & HENDRICKSON. Also—The Chloride of Soda, prepared hy A. G. Labarraque, tiie celebrated French Chemist. june 14 Swaim’s Panacea, F OR the cure of Scrofula or King’s Evil. Syphilitic & Mercurial Diseases, Rheu matism, Ulcerous Sores, White Swellings, Diseases ofthe Liver and Skin, General De bility, and all diseases which originate from impure blood, or indiscretion of Youth, and where the constitution has been broken down by the use of Mercury, Arsenic, Bark or C;,ui- nine, &c. and most internal diseases where the lungs and chest are supposed to be affec ted, &c. &c. CAUTION TO PURCHASERS. O^r* Swaim’s Panacea is in round bottles, fluted longitudinally, with the following words blown in the glass :— “ SWAIM’S PANACEA—PI1ILADA.” having but one label, which covers the cork, with my own signature on it, so that the „ cork cannot be drawn without destroying the signature, without which none is genuine.— The medicine may consequently be known to be genuine when my signature is visible ; to counterfeit which will be punishable a. forgery. The Public are cautioned not to purchase ?ny Panacea except from myself, my accredi. led agents, or persons of known respectabil ity; and all those will consequently be with out excuse, who shall purchase from any oth er persons. ***—Prepared and sold at Swaim’s Labo ratory, South Seventh Street, next door to the Philadelphia Baths, corner of George & Seventh Streets, and sold by every respecta ble Druggist in the United States. To avoid the many attempts that have been made to impose upon the public base imita tions oftliis Celebrated Medicine,the subscri bers have made arrangements to keep on hand,asupply direct from the proprietor. The public may therefore rest assured that the Genuine Swaim's Panacea can always be had at their store warranted. A large supply of this Medicine lias just been received Druggists und others throughout the State, who purchase to sell again, cun have it at a reduced price. LAY & HENDRICKSON, Wholesale & Retail Druggists, 2& 15 Gibbons’ Buildings. Also, afresh supply of Swaim’s celebrated Vermifuge, just received and for sale as above june 17 Ice House, under the Bind'. C ANDLER &■ DAVIDSON have estabj lished un ICE HOUSE, in John D. Mongin’s buildings, two doors west of Abner Bassett's ship Chandlery, where they will be prepared to deliver Ice from 5 o’clock, A. M. to 7 P. M. every day, except Sundays, on which day, the Ice House will bo open from sun rise until 8 A. M. and from 12 to 2 P. M. may 23 The Dutchman’s Fireside. T IIOS. M. DRISCOLL has just recei ved Nos.3&4 of Library ofSelectNovels, being the Dutchman’s Fireside, 2 vols. by J. K. Paulding. june 28 VOL. XIII, SAVANNAH, SA'rrilDA’i 1NING. JULY 23, 1831. NO. 180. Thomas llyerson, Jr. HAS just received per recent nrri- vols, in addition to bis former Stock of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, &c. &c.—which renders the same Very complete and extensive, which he offers for sale, on accomodating terms, for cash, or town acceptances. Sulpli Quinine (Fr.) Saffron (Span.) do Morphine do Opium (Turkey) Sarsparilla(Spun.) do (Am.) Musk (gr.) Mustard Seed (white) 01 Almonds do Amber (feet.) Castor (N.A.) Pi peri ne do llydriodate Potuss Prussic Acid Croton Oil Iodine Blue Mass (Eng.) Phosphate Soda do Iron Cheltenham Salta Henry’s Magnesia (genuine) Isinglass (staple) <1*4. sheet Mov.' ron Balsam Fir Super Curb Soda Ergot. l'ERfUMKI Y. Soda and Seid. Powd. Acid Tartaric Sal Araffis Flors Benzoin Custor Oil, sup’r. do. plantation use Resin of Jalap Spatula’s Pill Tiles, Patent Medicines, &c. Otto of Roses Boar’s Oil Rose, Cologn, and Lavender Water in cut glass und plain Bottles Antique Oil Ceylon dtf Russia do If 1 a rs grease ( Fr& E u) Florida Water Pomatum Esprit de Rose Milk of Roses Cold Cream Vegetable Rouge Honey and Orange Flower Water Extracts of Pastilles Fmmintes Macassar Oil. With a general assortment of English, French and American SOAPS. 03“COUNTRY MERCHANTS, Physi cians and Planters, will find it to their ad vantage to call. N. B. Physicians prescriptions carefully put up at the shortest notice, & at all hours. Savannah, 21*7 February 1831. ***—The Georgia Journal, Macon Messen ger, Democrat (Columbus, Ga.) will please in sert the above, once a week lor three weeks, und forward their accounts to this office for payment. feb 21 Paints,Oils. Glass, Ac. Ac. »T1HE subscribers offer for sale the follow B- ing articles of Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. &c. at the lowest market price tor cash or credit, and havo made arrangements to re ceive fresh supplies by every arrival. Mer chants, Planters and others are respectfully invited to call before they purchase. White Lead in Oil Rotten Stone Spanish Brown do Bronze Yellow Verdigris do Carmine White- Lead dry Drop Lake Spanish Brawn do Copal Varnish Venetian Red Japan do Crome Yellow Bright do Crome Green Leather do Terra de Linseed Oil Verdigris dry Train do Black I a 1 ad in powderVVhale do Ivory Black Sperm do very super’r. Lamp do Ib.&^lbpnperGum Amber Burnt Umber “ Arabic Rose Pink Sp’ts. Turpentine Dutch do “ Wine Spanis White Gold und Silver Leaf Paris. do Do and do Paper Turkey Umber Gum Shellac Rod aud White Chalk Paint br’shs,Sash tools, omice& Rotten Stone Camel's hair pencils Chinese Vermillion Varnish brushes,&c. Red Lead 300 boxes 8 by 10, 9 by 11 & 10 by 12 Glass LAY & HENDRICKSON. rnnrch 16 •rr wa sBsm&ri.:® «co Cloths. Cassimores. Vestings, & s&ggmsm aoQDSj made to order by WILLIAM O. PRICE, MEli CHA -V T TA YL OR, at the SAVANNAH CLOTHING EMPORIUM (on the Bay, opposite the Exchange) where may be found A ERE8H, FASHIONABLE AND WELL MADE AS SORTMENT OF SEASONABLE Ready Made Clothing, and every variety of FANCY ARTICLES. Just received by the lute arrivals and offer ed at the lowest rates, OX HIS ESTABLISHED PRINCIPLE, [Cy For Coth, or ajtprourd City acceptances. Savannah, June 14, 1831. 170 Notice. FIN HE co-partnership of CHICHESTER L & SCRANTON is this day disolved by mutual consent. All persons having demands against the concern, will present them for payment to Alonzo Scranton, who is duly authorized to settle tho business of the con cern ; and all those indebted are requested to settle their bills without delay. ALFRED CHICHESTER. ALONZO SCRANTON. Savannah, May 27th 1830. DRAPER & TAILOR. 03” The undersigned respectfully announ ces to the friends ofthe late firm ofCiucHES- ter & Scuanton, that he will continue the business at the old established stand, Young’s buildings, corner of Brvan & Whitaker-sts., where all disposed to yield him their patron age, will find the same splendid assortment of goods, fashionable nnd durable, the same tnste in cutting and making, and the same dispo sition to please and accomodate the public, that has ever characterized the establishment, may 30 ALONZO SCUANTON. T Hats. I1REE cases Palm LeafHatg.forsaleby july 2 LUTHEIl & CO. Strayed ON Sunday Evening the 19th current, from Savannah, a large Bay and small Bay HORSE; the latter with a blaze in his face.— They were seen on Sunday the 20th instant, at Muirhall Plantation, belong ing to James Brown, Esq. near the seven mile stone on the road to Darien and went off there, from the same night io company with a Roan Filly belonging to him. All expeners will be paid with a reasonable reward for delivery of the Horses and Filley or either of them, by application to Dir. Brown or at this office, jutie 30 To Let, That pleasantly situated Houso in St. Marys, lately occupied hy John 11. M'lntosh, Esq. For terms apply to Mrs. King, St. Mu- rys, or in Savannah to VVM. ROSE, june 21 73—ef Planters Hotel, Gainesville, Ga. THE subscriber is about buil ding un addition to his House in Guinosvilli^vby which he will be enabled to accommodate double Toe number of persons that he can at present with convenience. Me will as heretofore re frain from making any promises whatever, nnd wishes only fur that patronage which his house may merit. He takes this ns the hrtff opportunity of tendering to his friends and the public generally, h s acknowledgements for so liberal a share of the passing patron age. L. CLEVELAND, may 10 140—$ttno For Sale. The subscriber offers for sale, Ins lot, with the improvements JljjSS thereon, consisting ofone two slo- SflS&ry and two one story DWELL ING HOUSES, in good repair, with outbuil dings. The situation is a very plensu t one, being on the eust side of Washington Square, immediately opposite the resilience of Maj. M. W. Stewart. The lot contains several excellent fruit trees, grapevines, &c. For further particulars, apply on the premises, to may 30-1 JOHN DENNIS. LI A rcnmrkubJo cum lor IIEUMAT1SM ! by the uscofDr. Jcbb’s Rheumatic Liniment. Copy of a letter!! Charlestown, (Mass.) June 23,1827. To the Proprietor of Dr. J ebb's Liniment, Dear Sir—I deem it a duty I owe to snf fermg humanity, to acquaint you, nnd through you tHo public, (should you think host) of tho unexbected and surprising euro performed on myself by the use of tho above most excellent 1 hriK i.ionr doi.i a*, tilt'. Uill.l. 4U* ' "eri 1 ■ n n|n nr 11 both (toperi, TIIROI.D.MAJ!) AM) TDK OUN. ’# I |/$Aun on speaking to my Hl-ir finHjfti., j t»when the man iterrupted mu again, and told j ine, “he expected mo to pay -him tor his trouble, a- he had put the trunk and portmanty at the vory bo.tom o r the bool, as 1 was going the whole way thro’ to Poacbutntb.”—*“ Mr-; i. mm IV ! gricmus «” cried I, •• dm .a tak me to ony such dIucs. T<JIi the co htnan not to g ngon,uu i*ny accou t; .url-ooKniv place last nigut sor Forismuijih an.l pan ” The impudent vagabond turned and w»ak-t to a companion beside him, and said something a out my q-iet rin’ th.- old Scotch un but, thinks 1, bun.ku, ye'll get the warst o’ the queerin’ if ye begin till t. The ieddy no o tclt mu 1 wok 111 tuu riolii coach, and it was only the blackguard’s way o' speech. Upon which 1 wuo greatly at my ease, and resolved [BlackjwJAd’h Magazine )—My Dear 1 nuL lo the indolent rascal a single baw- Sir Crioyjer,—There’s imothmg I so much lje; - \ ...j. j .... BPIP!(PIL„ vt , ll(lol JUHlm admire about you ns the real simplicity o'! 1 needna tell you ony thing about the jonr- Medicine. I have been for more than th.r ' y .° ur u ' n >' R(,f P nin ff on - 1 always used to n,, y down, but n was u Jung way o' gate, and H Itidni.- ti„., cm. — • a, ’'*' , cddy was particular kind, aces, as we passed along boi at the end o’ the day ■■■■ with sleep. The ithtr required two persons to move me, bcinir in vvnl " n ■" « ,!r "hop i,f » could be—coevil and i Rddy a w tell.usb efftoo; but just when wo * respectable to all the customers—when her gat within maybe thrie' iffiics o the town, man was made a Sir, for carrying op a dress, 1 there was th most awiu’ tiring o’ guns that or something o’ jhat kind, till hi* Majesty c0,jIl l be. YVe b »th started up in alarm, and „ Hi *• ..—1 i- — L rx- Jury such extreme pain ; 1 have .several time been under tho caio of the most eminent physic ians, but procured only temporary relief. 1 New York l 1 heap Wholesale Cloak, Stock .V Clothing Ware house REMOVED. T HE subscriber has removed his establish ment from No. 18), Maiden Lane, to the spacious store, JYo. 138 Pearl Street, over Messrs. Hyde, Cleveland & Go. where he will keep constantly on hand a mm h more extensive assortment than formerly. The 6tyie, make und materials of the Cloaks will he greatly improved nnd will be 6old at about the same low prices us those ofthe lust sea son. llu has also on hand a large assort ment of low priced cloth ing,made in good stile expressly lor the southern and western trade, that will be sold at about th** usual prices of the most inferior quality. Also, an assort ment of Stocks, with many other desirable ar ticles. Those who will take the trouble to examine this Stock of Goods, will probably satisfy themselves that they cannot select the same amount from any stock in the city that will be a safer or more desirable purchase. For sale by F. J. CONANT, No. 138 Poarl-st. New-York. Terms—G months for approved Notes, payable at Banks ;n good standing in any part of the country—8 months for city acceptan ces or 5 per cent discount for cash, in all cases when the time is extended, interest will be charged at tho rate of 6 per eeul per an num. Any Goods purchased ut this establish ment that do not suit the market for which they were intended, will be exchanged tor o: hers upril 12 110—t‘3m Factorage and Commission Bu siness. fin HE subscribers have firmed u copnrt- S. nership under the firm of MALONE &• SI,STARE, fnr the transaction of a General Commission Business in this City, and will be prepured to make advances on produce con signed to them for sale. They will also pay particular attention to the receiving and for warding Goods to the interior. 11. MALONE. H. S1STARE. Savannah, HOlh June 1831. 171)—u persevere and , . - • — . ... . - w bought unutlier b.itili-, and was greatly r-o **->jlitenod out o’ Iter shop j for yo i teJ t > b« ilown at tins Bus#; but my neigh linved, nnd by tint use oflmlf the third buttle “ "“ ll "°! h " ve do,ll! >•’ l, ,ve ‘tittup'd n- j “or ual mo in mind we were at pence with wm wholly cured, aud have never since Imd j b " ut ‘ n »V b « a buwbee, wi’ mid. a grand t n return .,1'the pain, which I Imd not been m “"' al ,' d i' c . r , cum " 1 S out , at p from a inonLli nt a time fur thirty wars, tied e' Ulin ihit that o no the wny with you. I mtrno lereign parte. "It ii be the Jenny, it ib nmv more than three years since I was I Y I"* 1 ,l,,! '’“T dvi'iidown *“ve, flunks .. "Oh! I Inpe.ijicm, they cured, I would most earnestly advise even | Kort ‘‘" ll I bate always known ye, dmne salute w. cannon-balls, tiir I a ‘- J ' ‘ ' 1 nephew in a slup that 1 m expecting is com- jUbt uhout tliis time I"—“Oh. n o,’’ “be quite easy . ut the gunsSfill mig tar faster than the Castle on — - p at Forts- | « ,e foUrl *» 0 June; un’I couldna r«.*bt till I j mouth, that ye begged o’ me to write it down tknd out the occas.011,—so 1 put my head out I for you, to rend and laugh ut it nt yer leisure. 1 o’ the window and skirled to the coacli- Ye'll maybe think me ait auld fool lor mv ir * an * as l° u ^ 08 1 was aide—•‘Coachman ! unquestionable 0 ]proofs might be ’a ided, in fill I b '! 1 1 C5l t " rofus / ; ** ; ho, aa*l ^ was a v.-ry ceev.1 man, as indeed a’ the vour ofthe superior Liniment of Dr. Jehh —! h nothing else to do the rn.o, I will e’« 11 Lnghah coachees are, and says he, “R’s tho Nothing but a fair trial, which the prop confidently solicits, can give an adequate iucu 1 v 1 T 1 ,, . cf its unrivalled efficacy, in mitigating, nnd , V . U "' me , tn the thoroughly mastering, the excruciating dis . | white-headed ladd.q, that lived wi’ me ever | c»se, to which it has been successfully ap plied in a multitude of cases. The opera tion ofthe Liniment is often immediate; and it has frequently cured rheumatic affections wo- ‘be French, and then she thought it wnd may eve-! be saluting Some ltbor fleet that was coming you. j »» frw* foreign parts. “It’ll be the Jenny- lOV yn v ‘-' ev U| 1 ’ fllll y Ct dmnu salut person sutiht^^o^dhirthieimiufufcomulahiE i “T ",«"' 0 ^! 11 " "> >l'« Wdh's, end no "lev:" | “«pb‘-'w in a not to despair of a cure so long us they can *' Jar dignity above what isjustan' pro- )"B h nieju obtain "l)r. Jobb's Liniment-' You are nt P frln “ ma »° .'"•rWaHM. \V eel, ve mind, «*y* .... liberty to mai:o any use of tins youilmy think i - v0 w " r ", 8,16 f" 1 ' 1180 ' 1 - or »'»» plowed '<• say “» Anne tar tamer the Castle on advisable. | sue, withi my adventure wi’ t!ie ship at Forts- | l . ,,e * 01 Must respoctfully your?, CALEB SYMME9. of years standing, in four and twenty hours. , It is also recommended with confidence, as I . r , a0 )p, r crul . c l ‘ all< . W IU " 5*’ g ,lf, d to show Mrs. li. to her coach, ye cam’down on yer nose on the carpet f Awed, aweel, I hope ye’ve past h’ that, for there vvus nobody thai wee Johnny l'k;t sue weej as yereelJ. Ha wus ower high in tho spirit tor a poor auld maid like me to manage, so, wi’ the uddee o' the it her friends, though satr again’ my in clinMion, I agreed to let him gang,lbr a sa: lor, for lie wus extmordinar mad for the «ea. I had had the cure o’him by that time f.»r since Ins mither, my niece, died o‘ a con- sumpt. <»n. poor thing : he was aye u mischiev ous callout, an’ I hope ye’ve forgi'en nim for the tricks ho used to play upon us baith—do vc mind when he sawed awa* ubout a tout one of the best applications known for stiff ness of the joints, numbness, sprains, and chilblains. Price. 50 cents. A fresh supply of tins valuable Medicine, just received und for stile hv LAY it HENbRICKSON, april 22 Agents. Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Cutlery, &c. & c. A N assortment of fine Gutlory, sochjis— Rogers’ Pocket, Pen and Dirk Knives ; Wastenholm’s do. do. do.; Rogers r»nd Pren tiss’ superior Scistors ; q11 very superior and new patterns. Roger's Damascus and Silver Steel Razors J. Barber’s old English do.; in double and sit* gle cases. Emerson’s Elastic and Prentia’s 4sided Ra zor Straps. GIi bh, Metal and Wood Shaving Boxes ; Bone, tied and Metal Handle Lather Brush es ; English and American Shaving Soap ; in great variety. Gentlemen’s Morocco Shaving Cases for travelling, a new article and very neat. Also, Gentlemen’s Travelling Mirrors. Addition's Ever Pointed Silver Pencil Cases, with extra points. Ail additional supply of the abovo articles, just received and for sale nt low prices, by LAY & HENDRICKSON, 7 D Hl s prevalent disorder, au it exhibits it- ^more ihau ten years,and he'wasjust the same J- sp!f. m its ciistomitry symptoms of, to me as if he had been my nin. want nf appetite, distressing flatulencies, Weel, wo sot h m appointed a midshipman heart burn, pWili in the stomach, s,ck head on board ofthe Jnnnyvecve, n frigate of war, uc/i, nausea, vomiting anil costiveness, with thirty-six guns m her. When tho news IK now found to yield to the tried efficacy of cam down, hewn* just wild wi’ ioy—ho need DR. HELFE’S \ EGKTABLE Sl'ECxFlC, | about the liouso singing ' Cease, rude Bur"- | us,” und “The Gal uni }lurry Thu.»u,” till mv A. * ri-u7LWLS PILLS. j mui.l—do ye mind mild Jenny 1—declared lie These two prepurattons combined, con- was fi*y, and naething gude would come nut stitut'* un efficuc'ous remedy for the Dys- j of it. The time cam on at Just Adieu tie had pvpsia, even affor it has acquired tiie to gang up to England an* join bis ship. He $300 REWARD W ILL be given for taking and securingthe following described negro fellows.— They went off on the night of the 21st Feb ruary last, in a small two or three oared Can oe, that has formerly been painted red, with dark colored gunwales. Say one hundred dollars for GEO RGE—he is about thirty-five years old, about six feet high, dark complex, ion, walks very erect, and steps brisk, was purchased some years ngo from Mr. Dun ham, near White Bluff He is an artful und cunning fellow, and will probably endeavor to escape from whoever apprehends him, by feigning a fit, orsome other sickness. Also, 850 each for YORK & SOLBY or SAULS- BURY. York is twenty two O: three years old, five feet eight inches high, stout made and very black skin. Sobly is about twenty years old, near Bix feet high, smooth face, dark complexion, and large under lip. These lust two fellows have lately been purchased from Messrs. Bryan & Screven, of Chatham Coun tv, and are from Wilmington Island, where they are acquainted, and at several plueeson the Carolina side. Adam, one ofthe gang, has lately been ta ken in the neighborhood of Wilmington Is land. All reasonable expenses will be paid exclu sive of the reward, on application to either tho subscriber or Elias Fort, Esq. of Savan nah. ALEXANDER ATKINSON, july 19 Camden County. most obstinate character, and resist***! every effort of profesional skill. When both medi cines are administered in connection accor ding to plain nnd particular Directions ac companying the Vegitalile Specific, they thoroughly cl* unse the alimentary canal of that vi. cid muscus which is the proximate cause ofthe disorder, aud ns a tonic urn! stiin- ulent, they restore the healthy action and en ergy of th** stomach, nnd strengthen tho de bility d system. The proprietor call plso con rfdei. 'y recommend the Vegetable Spe cific us one of the beat remedies known for I he Sick Head Ache. A fresh supply of these Celebrated pills, just received uml for sale hy LAY & HENDRICKSON, npri! 22 Agents. ■ Strengthening Plaster. rjlHE Celebrated Strengthening Blaster, for pain or weakness in the breust, back, or side ; also for Rheumatic Affections, Liver Complaints nnd Dyspepsia. This Medicine is the invention of an emi nent Surgeon, and eo numerous are the in stances in which the most salutary effects have been produced by it, that it is with the utmost confidence recommended to nil who are afflicted with those distressing* omplaints. There is a condition annexed to the sals of this article, growing out ofthe best of reasons trial, viz. if the benefit above stated is not ob-‘ tabled, the money will be returned. This we trust, (when fairly considered,) will be the strongest evidence that could possibly be given of their utility. A supply just received per ship Florian and for sale by T. RYERSON, Jr. may '? W, Fresh Garden Seeds. ARRANTED of the growth of 18 0. Drumhead Cabbage Long Scarlet Radish * White Turnip do Red do do do do do do do Hay, Oats and Corn. A CONSTANT eupply of Hay, Oafs and Corn, on hand and for sale bv MICHAEL DILLON, july 5 Telfair's wharf. Early York “ Sugar Loaf Green Savoy “ Glnzed Red Dutch < 'auliflower Ice Cross Lettuce Imperiul do Sugnr Loaf do Cabbage do Blood Beet Turnip do Solid Cellery Water Cresses Asparagus White Bush Squash Orange Carrot Sage Cucumber Lenion Thyme Red Onion Black Spanish do Long White do Early Dutch Turnip Red Sop do Large Norfolk do Rutabaga *1« Round Spinach Prickley do Pursloy—Parsnup Okra Tomatoes Snup Beans Lima do Prussian Blue Pens Early frame or June do Early Charlton do Marrow Fat do Early Dwarf do Sugar had Ins uniform on—I mind him so week wi’ his little dirk hinging at ins side, and looking sae bonny, wi’ a little cockit hattie upon Ins head—oh, he diilnu look like as if he was ganging -o the wars ; an’ I thought he . ^, - r was u bit orphan, an’ that he might have ■' > icV it was realljrtbe Jennyveeve frigate, staid sue happy at hame wi* his au.d auntie—■ hew far *»ff the part o’ the offing was she That wus our king that is noo ; und* an awfu* plulliu o’ tin: pouiher they made about him. At last I got into tho hotel, the George, where the coach sloppif, and they tell me tbe house wus unco croudet, because tho Prince was in the town, ami a great army o' officers come to wait on him, But after a dual o’ do, they bai i they wad pit me up, und so uttor u cup o’ tea, me and the ither lady gaud out to see the town. Every body wus fleein' ubout us if ihe euetny was at tlm gat**, grand officers wi’ their cockit hate, and epaliiaon their shoulders, and fine Jetldies walking about. Indeed, we were baith of us wry delighted by the sight. But I maun muk my story short; for, to tell you the truth I’m Tin inuckh* used to tho \vnUn’,uml my lin gers u re getting unco stiff. Weel, the next morning I gat up, and af. ter my breakfast, 1 askit the landlord if ho could tell me ony thing about tho Jenny veeve, for l oxpeckit her in about that time. Ho was u very polite man, and promised, the minute she cum mio tho ••hoffiug,” whah I thought wuh muy be some pa t o’ the har bor, he wonlil lei m^brnw. W the forenoon I gued walking about the town, ca’in’ every noo and then at the hotel, jubtto ask about the Verna I; but last I thought I W( ,u doon to the lmrbor myself. Wool, the tirat thing l sees w a genUcmuu wi' a prospect glass m Ins hand, und, after keekin’ through it a Jang time, he turned about to his friend, aud said. “Jennyveeve m tho offing , I know iur y her trim.” I gaed up till him, and und mv heart nearly misgave me, und 1 wuh h rry I had agreed to let him gang. But it was ouer late to draw back ; an’ us the bit creature hung greetin’ ower my shoulder, 1 vowed, if lie was spared this voyage, he should never quit me again. I, wi’ tears and grief, said fa re weel to wot* Johnny, and look- it forward wi’ the greatest impatience to the time when I wus to sec him again. Ue hud- na been gone from me above a month, when he writ me a letter, tellin’ me his ship wan ordered to go to a station in South America, an’ stay there for three years—an’ I wanna io see him for a’ that time! It made me re gret a thousand times that ever I allowed him to gang, but it couldna be niendit noo, so I consoled myself as weel as 1 was able. It’s ex - riiordinoriiow soon ye come round out o’ tin- bitterness o’ gri* f ut parting, as lang as yo hue ony hope o’ meetin’ again. I thought every time I heard frae him lie was aye nearer the hame comm’; and 1 amused myself nthe meantime by me/idm’ his lorn shirts he hud lefi, and putting clouting* in tho hinder part o' his breeks—five pair o’ unkeens, md three janes, forbye an auld pair o’ corduroys.— Every letter he wrote me, showed h<- was getting rnuirand mair odicution. They hud a cbaplin on board ofthe vessel, that was a good gentleman, and very kind to wee John ny, learning him Lntiu and Greek at ins orra hours, beside nnvigatiou, and boxing the coin- pass, and astronomy, that they neud in their profession as offwhors. Tho other parts o’ their duty, such us epoeling the aiuoude, firing off' little pistols, and rowing in boats, Use warrand Johnny learned them without troubling the reverend gentleman muckle in the teaching—for he was aye an active kind o’ on ettercap, and unco fond o’the pouther —an’ as to the climbing, i lott him ae time oqi no 'i*an iu uiiq puuj puu ‘Asp j[iBq v JOj j t ®l ia ot u’ tho slop—turned awa' in a m*.men', outside o’ the lurnm. ’ but as he passed uie to execute the ord-r, 1 was in. Huteit ne* Biie wan just rounding St. Helen’s, and would* be at . nch.*r in two hours. Noo, a thought struckle, i would like to surprise wee Juimhy ; and ** uie wus quite calm, aud the duy as warm as couM be, I agreed wi’ a man to Otk mu out to her in a bout. Aw.*y we went through the wa ter, an’ umang a' the snips, qu.a; eueiwnlit. i saw the Victory, where Lord Neison was silled, and site lookit iust like a three-story house in Auercromby Place. Weaaihu und sailed, and at lust, we reached ih.j aids u ’ the J*miyveeve. A gentleman looiat ower the bauinater at the “'‘ie o’ the ship, ,|nd I toll him i wauUUnoj to let. mo come on board, us [ had a friend in tho ship, that 1 was very particular tu see. VVeel,.*je gaed awa’ fur d wliiie, und then he cam bilcC and in a fow iiutttl a stair wus let down, and up I guoff, mid fund mysoli ui the floor o’the vessel, stundin’ beHide tho gt.'ntleman that hud spo ken to me first. I telt him who I was, an.; iliat X Wail tit to Bee wee Johnny Mender*!?, ti:at was a bit anodic in their ship, Hp spiff 1 wnd see him believe, but inihe meontim.* ho wad uitroduce nr:e ;o the captain a me brisk little bustling men, though rather ower much given up to the swearing, he torn out lo be. lie was stoiidm’ on the raise. 1 i part o’ the floor,g.em’ his orders, and speak, in’ to mo, • ’ in the breath. “ You warn. II- Hciid**rson, I th.nk, madam ? excellent youn.* man—highly pleased with him”—and the” he said something about the ship. “ Oh, L was sure ye wad be that, caplam, for 1 are brought lit m up myselfwi’ the greatest cani.” The captuiij tiiuglied and spoko vary famili arly, ns if wo hud known aue anither for long; but in a while he turned to the gentle man 1 spoke till, ami desired him to send Mr. llondorson. Tho gentleman—he was a life could hear the birkiu was hunun.rfg cfw tune o’ Black-Eyed Susan- W. oJ, ui a eby t time up cum wee Jo.inny , but I declare yc, Mr. North—S.r Gr ittier, I.s/yjii-J sdy— i wad not hae k.iowu him, he w .« e-ae ciian- getl. 11c had grown toff aud s^... j. -nd « neatiimg like thes rtpbng «e naff been, save his bonny, Wild-luokmc blue ee ,—bn'. when he huw me, and n. kissed ins puir nu.d ituiit., . i k same warm-hearted creatur te Vd tlH for sale by fed 2 LAY &. HENDRICKSON Fresh Soda Biscuit, Ac. J UST received per schooner Othello Also, Tamarinds, Lemon Syrup Mape’a fine Tobacco Ground Ginger, He. For sale hy \VM. Z. HALT, jurii 30 The three years ut last past ower,an’ a let ter earn fiae him to Hay, his ship would beet Portsmouth seme lime in the end of July or beginning o' August. Tins cum to mo in June, and 1 couldna sleep for flunkin' o’ my dear wee Johnny’s coinin’ back to me again. At I st I made up my mind I wad gang up myself and receive him when lie cam buck ; for thinks I, the bit laddie will need some de cent person thut knows the ways o’ th*- world to tuk care o’ him, orter^being sue lung awa’: lrae the dry land. I tolled iny resolution to ! X’ll no suy but I grat W: pert.-ci .a; pm. * a no living; and upon the fifteenth day of July, sGeui’ tho lad ogam—amXl ttn.i. ‘ .T.ihnny I took my place in tile Jamc3 Watt steam- j himscll was unco near the grcetiH’. boat for London, und intended to tak the Tito captain and ither genU«*maah t . i coach tho minute I got there, nnd wait nt I R"nn awa, which was very consider 1-, hut * j Portsmouth till the Jennyveeve camo hame. 1 fhoy soon cam back again, whe'i Liajy «tw "Oh, Johnny,’^ said I, 4 yo have grown! tho every wuy how it w:»g best for ureeksttiat JL inenueu tor yo 'll ba 'onae uso me to proceed. Ho, wlion the uhip arrived at lo y c now, and the Burks ’ll bo perfectly Blackwull, 1 gaed, intill & Imckney coach, to thrown awa.” He began to laugh, when I the Green Dragon hotel, and was just as hap- ail ‘d this, wi’ the same wild laugh he used t*> py as if I had been in my ain house. N^xt, do at hame ; and said, *' What! auntie, al- uiorning, I gat into a coach w i’ tour horses, thinking about the pence yet 1”—“It’ll : in a long street culled Oxford Htreet, aud w*»y may be be the belter for you some day, if I do; juat entering into errat wi’ a leddy on tike ^ ur * ‘fye’re no greatly changed, a bawbeo other side, when an iJl-fawred man open Or I n J'° burned a hole in your pocket unco soon.” the door, and told me lie hud put my luggage now begun a greut blazing awa o’ the into the boot. I tell’d him I was muckle ob- guns, much the same as the day before ; a' liged to him for being sue kind, aud wa9 j the strips getlin’ covered up wi’the smoke, . . , . - i l orumiouiu uu tue j*'uiiyvccvc cauiu name. *•*-7 *•'*«■* *“*■* unite no jack 1 c a pt a in Bain, the Cuptfroi o’ th** James Watt ‘ n converbutiou. “Oh, Stc. ti,c.-together with a ninull nsmmtnt o 8lfi S mboat> waa a ver , a % e cbatl und ! - wh.t u great chielrt ye Flower bochB, received per late amvale and niB jn evcry ' |l0w , t w : 13 bcst for br.-eke that I mended for