Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, September 08, 1831, Image 2

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% » -4\ 1 ■ I not to won l>y conceit or indolence. Noth-1 ■■ILL 1 Tin KSD.VY MORNING, HEPT« 8. in. nridr find ,.lf«iirn, orr tl.c pngc. which «»® bench,evod without labour and plfd the jnwt and noble .eotimontn, the Wreranc The idle, who cannot bn manly a repreaenlation. of op. '"““<1 >» ‘’f‘ rtl ' ,n I . : ,he tn'oii-Unt. w ho a- proiiaionn j i„c oudurinp and heroic fortitodo, ™ d » “ d al| r„ilo from it will forever fail in n ii, „r,*■ flip i>kiiMinii/f> this noblo career. Let me warn vou ornn- kno.Tod^ aml the iif.piluitf .dol,unnc« with <*l»>r dan^ r that han often deluded the youth >h. brand, ofili. Hi.,. h-rid.iurw which your ane atora aa.erted their righta “f lively part., an J brought many to dtaap. and your right, .gniiwl the aubUely of cor- Pfuitmont and rum who might have been nipt politician, and menace- of power. They ! crowned will, honour and aocceau. I allude • ' • • • • • - — ' to surlt ns rely ui'oti what they suppose to be Willi % m Rokitv>ii declines being « emdid.ite for \CT* Vfm if** Rft ified in Irving tiKhmxl fo «tile that* al ihn request u" ni my of ins follow citizen*, Kiui- a m. VV. II\ihii,ii\m, K«q li If ctfivenlod to become * dissipated tho shallow sophisms of oppression I .,, n . , . , , ru , ~ , and defied it. terror.. Vou will aah, Indio. ! i and believe it will be a I .unis f„, Hi. It,.or <d Kaprc..,. in tlm Sum i. it pnaaihle that aueh men have I aecoinpll.h their wi.lie., and bring them Lagid .u,,. f e» a ■ ! Si. .iniiniinen uxiMi/.nt llin ravima nii.i tin on I li ill u I The annual or o' on for fuurteen A'der nsntly, ia it pi been branded ns a degenerate race ; feeble in body, more feeble In mind, without courage, incapable of any elevation of eon I or ecuti. ment, and doom'*d to creep Imiubly at the feel of the man of Eurupo I Vou mil pursue tlua inquiry wUb increasing amazement uu«l aenaibiiity, on you pats down thu eventful atory of your cuunlry'it difficulties, struggles and triuriipliM. You will find her juat otnerj- it*|f from the exhume mg lustue ami sufferings of her revolution ; juat coming into shape, order and consistence ; with her political in- Htituliona hardly fprrued and wholly untried, to eniinenco without the pains nml privations of atudy ; without the conatriiinla ofsyste- malic mat ruction, and the alow prugro,,. 0 r Monday, Mult^inihimurnvfUit ol Baud van.., regular improvement. Thin ian fatal error— tlit) aulliea of lively fanny, the exuberant * m of an active iiimI a fertile imagination are niista- ken for eflbetivo |Miw«*re, in their a|ipliciit,on,cnpuhle of conquering every thing by thor own force, mid of carrying their poa. HesHor to Mn* goal of Ins uiiilntion, williout extraneous aids. How n*ouy have awaken* ml from auch fluttering viaiona too lino to a- void their conaeqncneea ; to regain thu onfy Gromit M IllSuLASb, whose absence we sometime ■iticn noticed, on a *u-|iicion or Forgery, was a|»|>re- I end**] in N"w Orleans by C. Mikes, Esq. of Augus ta, aud is n ,w hi the Jail < f that city. Switzirlind and Franco, sro said to stir).am England «n the beanfy and trs'ure of ih ir cotton priot*. In cloth, an article in greet deqund in Turkey, Engl ind cannot cnni|)t tc w<ih (jcrmti'-r. In hardware, th* Enj»- lisli nr«* snpfi ant. d hy'he Prutsi it,). S mo Armenian merrhan'a are ma ing fortunes hy ih*-op-tun trade 'o Cliina. Th. E'ljl »h arc prevented fr rn sharing any of the Has* blue color, exactly .11,-It a. it tvaa observed naval, prepares fur new tnump., and fees to have at the time alluded to. The color i. .ccuro of reconquering independence. , that resulting from the combination of all the Never, moreover, was there a mom oppor. primitive colors except the red, ami is de* ■ tuc moment for overthrowing the Provisional nominated in optics the opposi'r color. | Government. Hydra, Hpcrrin, Ipsnra, oil the Tin* Kamo experiment may be performed j Greek marine, retusu to acknowledge the any more Tamil arly thus : Pine* u red wafer up- ! tliority of Count Capo d’lstrins. Anarcl y ia on a white wall, nnd look at it intently with desolating 'he land, piracy infest* tho seas, one eye for soni" titno; then let the eye rest, thu agricultural, commercial, aud other in- without much oflort at sooing, upon the wall, teresm, are suffering; every where tho unem- an«! a npot. the size of the wafer, of greenish j ployed laborer onka in vain lor a plough—. h ue color will be perceived. T e exphna- The district of Mtssolnnghi ha* yet only sc*.- I tiflho 1 rofin, by the Im;* held on ! lnJia Chart.r. encountering the convulsive fury of the 1 l ,I, th'hut can lead tliotn to tmcc rfs. It French revolution, which overthrew orohook 0,1 nond, certainly trie*, that n Iiii*Ii to their fuumlatiun the oldest and lianeut go. vernmonta of Huropc. Wc were call' d upon, euddotdy,lo dciunu our rights as an indepen dent people; to understand with precision their limits; to support them with dignity and courage, but with infinite discretion nnd ongacity. You will carefully peruse the vol umes of diplomatic correspondence and con troversy, which pnmctf between your govern ment and those of the wo great contending *, Knglnnd and France ; and you w»ll; t ie fe-pirit. t in ommrntion of tin* accurate and ex-1 , ‘ urenht ami (manhunt und respr etahli! standing, in any profe-sion, maV be attuiued witboiil extraordinary and brilliant faculties, by a clear and Hound mind, capable of a cohtin a d application, and Wil ling to submit to a regular arid judicious lii-s- fipliiio of **t«i«ly. Ilwimplos nit* numerous i.f aspirants of such intellects,and habits far out stripping wlitit are c 'lied geninsr*. ut the end of tho course, however, in fin.* beginning, ap pearances may huvu favored thu mure vo.a- Ciieafir.MN Tiir t'MTi:o8r*r!»iN 18TI.—It ba« GEORGE SHIER. SCI 1 111 1 e«n ascer'sin*<1 ihv there ar" n*w n 'he rui"*U Sutr* ^ JAMES EIM'JNGER, a»9 | in re 1I1.11T 12,000 Cliiir*''iei'. Thn f»ri vipat iluligious L, G. W. OWENS, 350 j deanntinaii'irts are hr Rj • i«ts ant Mo'liud s's, who j Ilr. KICHAKD t). ARNOLD, 310 lave logutber 4191 Churclie®; the Preshy «n«t>* h «re j t JACOB SflAFFKIl. 334 j 1172 Churrlie®; ilie Congo gat aniluts hsvi* 1 UR jt Dr. WM. It. W VlUNCJ, 321 Ghur<'hcs ; the Fpi<nq»vlians aie n'«* luiutmuis, an t I V F. II. WI.’LM AN, . 330 tnvr 922 Chuffbes ; thr K > nan Cstho'irs have 794 1 HA AC MINIS, 3 9 i Churches; the D i'ch Rrf»*m«*t t»i>2 Churrhm j 'hr M THOMAS CLARK. 322 1 Friends have 462 S vir'irs ; dir l' ivera'tst® have 293 ' A J C SHAW, 307 ' Churehct ; 'be l.nthrrans bate 940 ChmellH ; the ^ J‘»IIN B. GA' DItY, 207 j t'nitariun® have 127 Ghurcl.e* ; the J •"a hare 96 Syn* . FREDERICK l»F.N.wLF.R, 206 aefnes ; the C *lv»ni<Ue Its •i,t® hav • fi t Clmrches ; j , AMOS SCCDDER, 261 thr S>»e.lrnhori{iv.s hare 72 Churches ; aud th# Mu- : | GEORGE A. A*Mt, 239 i raviatts 56 Chjrchcs.— Hilton Cuuhrr. Dr COSMO RICHARDSONK, iisr r . f'.f MafOH M• “"If -. LEVI S !> 1 v v, 134 . 1 R\tt. Roai»—An ndjotirnod • l Dr L. It. FfRPil. P9 | meeting romposnd of a respoctnhlo ntunher : 1 JESSE S\.N')ERLIN, 39 1 *»l 1 he citizens ofth'i Town and county, was 11 lion is, tliat the retina, through the action upon it by the red light from the wa 'er, be comes insensibls to the r*d ray in that part upon which the im ge of the wafer rested, d hence retina ombiimtion of the other six. The greenish blue color of tho sun, then, l liuik, depend* d upon the red rays being rc- •cted by .In* intervening body of vapour, .•bile tin* other six pissed to thu eye, nnd •reduced tin* observed nppenrunen. Tliis ipmion wn* strengthened hy mu* or two/arts dwerved at the tune. I passed the sun’s ray lirough a prism, aud while the yellow, green, due, indigo and violet colors appeared with heir proportionate brightness, the orange vas eonsideraldy less distinct, and tho red mich less than the orango l Another coirohorative fact was, that ns tho hid defended below the body of vapour, which was about fifteen or twenty minutes itlog, thu yap ur reflected an in- powers, be lost i if our youth, al* tV# .to iw* h nl* *h.' lo ii* bv Mr. Srt r- >:• L>*t I ol the citizens of th" Town and county, was it was then tore separate from the red, and I liolden nt th** C’ourt House, on Tuesday eve- | would have pr"dueed the opposite, or green- "* r ‘ i ninglast. The result of the deliberations of; ith blue Appeorniicc. uluioni* i ductile of any goolr teiiaive knowledge of your uefiisf/rs, at Imin. ! ""* "i 11 '' ' :l !' w 1,1 and abroad, or the mo.t comi.lh-.tml 1 »"*> “• >'««• "•»' on- » ", r ” 1 lion, of intem.tion.1 law ; ai tli.-ir cmimn. - "»►•«*'l nrrs **' ' **• T! ‘ mato prndoncc and iinjInWin* lii'miiras m I country ; [but y.m orehtld m n .ulomn duly | i.i,o n( ifiboO«h„,aii conducting their argument, and at Miu elc l hem for the field of action io I ■ib'ic iIi-mi of Mit (, •in llirclKWo’, w iuitt tie | i. n( think lii» .t ■ " r coiirtt ifp*j», ra'hrr It n lo pub- Hook km, hs delegates to the Convention to visible to tin* unprotected eye, merely in con I| the meeting; was the appointment of O ivbw I Tho spot that was observed, i-» hy no means lf,t '|II. l’uixri:, Ksq. nnd Doctor Win. B. an unusual thing upon the sun's disc. It is ho rimed I'm I to llml'romitrv,’ in tvoll a. to your children. .M,,,.ii.i,'.,in*ic.J»riho II y. «ha Ihrew .bcm _nd final "victory obi. by „ < vory I "* »«#!«' tiotl.inir tli.t education car, aivo., point in diaputo/ By their wivdom ami firm- J P'* !***"* ' n I u ‘ e Id of.vti,,,, in - arm wo worn linpt out of the awful vortex 1 I, ro.ftcrto app. ar; MI part. I.'-M '-—I - n„ M;,l„tiIi of boretlr Which .wallownd kinifdom. .ml p mplo with ,,c “ "" d „" r , " I ’* lc m "!'• “»"" r,h " a an 11,..liable .ppotito. In lln. lo,« „„fi | and c onU'l"|.t «» you ,1,alt deal will, ihrm j .lav .nd Wmhmda,. 1 . . au. M am „ .l.iiwd m ,t hazardous crisis, through which we were prv. 1 K«*memb«r it is for you to prepare thrui lobe f.dlmv,n R p»r. € r. M ,Ut f rmitlw C*>«oH*^-ston Conner:- served by tho steadiness nnd talents of our I v,rlu ‘" ,M «»»d efUcieut members nt a great j vj- hC w w«f.... V..n! statesmen, you see them engaged in a con- ‘•ominoiiweaith, who will require nil their lac- j f rofn i„.y 0 ti(l ai*orj'«ti flict of hearts and lieuds, in a trial of Intel let- 'dtH» m h'T servieo, uud vv..l rt ward them • with all their honors. 1 he trust is betrayed, i when cduculiuii is narrowed or withheld on the false ami flimsy pretext that tiioj are in- tnnl resources, in tin* practical use of know ledge and skill, with adversaries of distin guished celebrity and power: and the issue of this intellectual warfare added fresh and on- fading laurels to the brow of our republic. In what then, you will ask, shall wc And tho admitted difference between the Ameri can aud European education ? It is in whot may he called tchnlarsliip ; in tho excessive refinements of critical learning in the more profound researches of the abstruse sciences; in an exceeding accuracy of knowledge of tilings, some of which are rather curious than I'scfVil; ornamental, indeed to the liuish of a cultivated intellect, but not indispensable to its power. Hut. tb»*sn aciiuiruni'Mits, honora ble indeed, nru not the evidunce of any snpe- riority of mind or geuiii*, or of inure energy of character or temperament; but are attain ed by a long, patient and exclusive devotion to certain subject Tliere exists in Europe a distinct c\zm of leurm'd men, who arc separated from tb*: ordinary occupations of l.fe, who have i*, employment but daily and nightly, thrieign a long chi ret* of years, to l bestow all tl*cir force and atuutoii, each to 1 lomst If and his 1'imi'y by his pcisoiiul labor; Mail riCBitC'l yanerJa-, j twn. Tho Btai»o driver Ma os, 1 I that lln* xvsin-r w»* m\ fot-t aho\eilio ciu*ry, beiwt-on i North and South S mu*# Uivora—it r«**o thr n feel Saitir-luv n'chl. ucli in im • ! he hidden at Entniitni), on the fourth M me* to thu i day of the present mouth, A number of at hi«' irentlomon participated in the discussion, i and the rno.u lively interest was manifeH'ed on the subject. AM an pea red sensible of the j importance of establishing a direct communi- I cation between our own sea hoard and t ho i interior of the State, and countermining | those efforts which uro in embryo, to mate Georgia subservient to the interest of the citizens of another State. Wo feel confident in the success of these effo-Js. The spea kers, among whom were Messrs. Strong, toilllcil I'nr li H hero III lilb ill wind, a noin. I Mail; l ,, .;.pa'rfi-J 'r,.,ni|ii. V"y„" XVfJ.i.v.I.v, Tl”ir.- pluto education will lie useless or unnecess ary. Forget not that the youth of Ameri ca are not doomed by any circumstances of Inrtli or fortune, to walk through life in a circumscribed obscure, ami inglorious path. Every avenue “ to hnunurnuil wealth lies at Itis feet and invites his step. Every excite- ment that can stimulate u noble and nspiring heart urges him to advance.” He is hound Iowii to no fixed occupation or pursuit. He may change the object ns his plt*asuif, his interest or bis ambition may prompt. I tuny j repeat vvliat l have earnestly said, on another ! occasion, “lie may begin life- inn counting j N,,r ' ,l Bn ' , '"M*"" 1 ' 1 , | °" I Lunar, Foe, McDonald, Prince and P'dliili, a u so s'jitw, 11at 1 n "in * " rl ! wore unanimous in thoir views upon the im- [. 1 day, l*\-iJay an I Saturday,were all dtt tin- d ai Lyndtc'i Creek, it Ituing ini;io!<»ib!o to cut tin-in iin.'' “We learn >ri'll n fientlrm in who crtH-od nt M ray’s Furry, on lh-t -S int-o, oil Wedne# lay Inti, 3! i ul*. 'ha' the (ieahet w»n» then up within a few inches of tlu- higlicsi fl «».l ever known, an I dial thu water wi« tilill rii.n* ai 'h • rateol? fool an hour, caiion* much apiiruliumioii lor tho safo'y of every dntijj upon the riv- protnnt snbjurt, &. argued forcibly (wo arc in formed for vve were so unfortunate as to he I absent) upon the necessity of a direct com munication with Savannah. Messrs. Ellis, McDonald and Strong, were appointed a commit too to fill vacancies. bis youth In: may lie engaged in some ni *- chunio art, anil at a mature nge, find himself ,b .fling the councils of his country, or tea- 1 ching tin* xtihliiuc truths of religion from the altars i.f li'H God ” Tin* father of Daniel Webster was tlm ml- few ncrcs in u remote uud ob* , _ , . ... .... t ».;ure corner of thu Union. He supported his particular pur.-u.t; and ttn- n-ault of such 1 • • • • coi,M(iti»l€d clTirt. muvt to an exact,lev , of hi. trow. To u .ml oxtont of infonnation, not to be ucqmr, ,11 „„| lis |/„ m i 8 |,„ r , H ijj|„ Pll view, Ilia aon was wh«re mlroo, ever, indivnlnai oc. U|iy ,| Mlj ,„ | llK i IPr t .„ 1 ,,|„v,„.., l i; ami It:,.I Inuwclt primarily lo obUm tlio mi ni. r.t liv-1 ,,,, , ith „ r r00sn! „.,| „ , a |fis|,' aml.l.r.rt.itrln- re*, anil can pva only a fiv.v I,ours, stolon j oJ ,, 0t h „ wn)lM u.mmlit if to from till, iniperioii. iloiiiuinl. to Iinolrs anil {, |n0 nl|lJ , n „ llcy ,| iruwn „» ny . to |, av0 wln re to proviiln lor Urn hi , „„ hoynmlwants Tho fir'lnwine nn'e wao received l-y iho Mail of lait evDi-ine, from the Po#i Musn-r at Ch.irli->ion * 6ih—- o'clock.—No Mail from lh<* ty of getting oue to-d iy. TliS house and and it on tho bench of justice—ii» I rim * Bt,l,e »* h mMI riainf." youth In: may ho auga^ed in sotru* nt •- j An '*x'r«fi»from a privateluiiorfrom Chnr'enin«ava: “Tliu Nullification Tiokc. li in bcaton diu oth'.r by 110 tnajiary.” Thu tuIJr'ii of Jo Igti II M’klX'OX, winch w# give en- tiro to-d iy, don* hnhor to mil >o thu' heart winch ini<iMr*d it. Win n ni -n of so iniicli eminence a* wants of a family is lln: first object ol* ultcti lion and duty, and to indulge in the luxuries of learning, a secondary cons.deration.—- When we sue the American scholar labour- mg under su> It disadvantages,, we should lather-be surprised that he has done so much, than reproach him for his deficiencies. No thing but a true and ardent thirst for know ledge, with an industry that never tires, could carry him to the altuimuculs he ucluudy meow. Hut while T would defend those who have gono before you from unmerited censure, you must not believe tliut I have any disposition to undervalue the t ha aider ofu sdtolar, or jus- ttt'y any nogl<»-t on your |mrt to obtain bis highest honours. The apology for past dc After l ti vuininn'tv- nu vuumt:i'-s. In- m-ctiix had font- tlironith tho IT', 1 D..I .-n ■ i Pachas exorcism on pairs of oven for tho cultivation of its vast territory. Tim disorganization of tho army is complete ; tho regular troops arc neither . clothed nor armed,, notwithstanding tho sub- i» ;.,o color produced upon that part ■ sidles of Franco and the inexhaustible goucr- tinu, will be one resulting from the • osity of M- Evnard. Ambitious Chiefs itn- | pose their will as law upon the provinces, aud yet the French ministry does not hesi tate to support this tyranny. Its or.tefs to iis land and sea officers wo lo sustain Count Ca po d'lstrins, and to defend the Greek got em inent against all and every body. Frmn thr A'lti'innl /nhlUgcncir. ELECTIONS. Vinoistx.—Thomas Newton has been «. Ilected to Congress, in the Norfolk dntrie*, by a m jority .of 01 votes over Mr. l«oynl', the late member. Thu poll in Elizabeth City county (the last to bo heard from, and t»* which Mr. Newtm went with a in jority of 109.) wAs fi»r L. 17fl, N- 65—leaving the lat ter a majority of 01 in the whole district. We hear, additionally, that John M» Path n Jins been re elected to Congress by a con siderable majority over his oppon* nt Mr. Dade; that John rf. Harbour is re-olsrtcd by a majority of 768 votes over Mr. WuUuce; and that Mr. Clunn is elected from the Nor thern Neck difitrict by a majority of 70 votes over Mr. Taliaferro, the late Representative. Kentucky.—Yesterday we anted, on au thority, which we could not doubt, tliut Mr. Chilton had been elected over Mr. II a wee. To-day we find it our duty to nnnottnre Mr. Chilton's defeat by a majority of thirteen votes.—Louisville Joural, Aug. 18. Mr. Hawes has succeeded hy a majority of nine votes. At the Cnngrcss onal Election of 1829, Mr. Chilton, who was then thu Juck- son candidate in the 11th December, was elected over the Adams candidate bo a ma jority of about ninelven hundred. lhitl^Aug. 19. Tennessee.—Of .tlm Congressional elec- lion in the Western District, we* have ac counts frotn all the counties, excepting Obi on, Dyer, and Perry, and in the comities heard from, the aggregates are, for Fitzgerald 7647, Crockett 7009, majority 5117 Aathvillt Uanntr. sequence of tin* diminished brightness of ill sun. By nul of u telescope, it considerable number of spots were visible. In the sum mer of 1916. u spot was visible to the naked 1 eye for e ght or leu days in succession. j If the above remarks are any way satisfac tory to you, it will be a gratification to Your sincere friend. BENJAMIN UALLQWELL. ♦ It h t-vi(l'-nt, dint in th" air is pnrtin'lv «uinp rl«»J by llm coinUiiK d atlrucli-iii of din sun mill iiimiii. ii# prtM.iru 11 o't 1I1- earth mu® be «tiniii,i-ho>l. To poMtcsi elT cl would not b«i ui die unaiutlulu tuna ol corjuiiciiuii, tnr tins after. from thr JVi uw York .1 ■nrriein. Greece, of which recently wo have heard hut httle, nci ording to the corrcpminilencn of the I’uris N itional, is groaning under a more arbitrary sway with Count Capo d’lstnas lor than c en when the Torkihb business of the Rail Ruud, the following pro- 1 q,? 1 n 5 8 „ e ''‘. rt ^ I aJnri'nMHi *d 1 ^ onI ' r ” ^ ^ e weather. For XII,file and nmlutionx, wore introduced by j TmhZc. ^A'from Nn l ' ,r " U il h “' rui "° J , - noo “- Juliti I.itnui.*’Leq. i poli de ltomnnio, fitli Muv. relntes, with nil \\ h-reoo the urifTor 1848. operete,op- ^ „ ,t detail oftruth, one of many iu- of p.,nd y a,„i .xtodioa to vud n.c impiring tin* value of its staple commodities: and by imposing unequal burdens upon its l citizens.—and whereas, we regard it as a du-! Re- hnplcps Greeks are subject: “ As for tlm finances, it is sufficient to mention that Colontroni, who. s»*lls Ids pro- ty imposed upon ns ns members ot the no- ... . •, .. • •_ ,■ r • . ' , . ,, ,, , tection to the President, in consideration of pub he to approbate nil reasonable and con- >,» ... . . . ,, . ,,,, , ,, .... , ' . , • , < the revenues ofnearly the whole Pelnpouessuh o’ltutional means to relmvo ours Ives from a * 1 of his sitiiHtion, nnd would have hurried him, from his grammar nnd arithmetic, that he'" im old have the benefit of Ins labor in tin corn field. Rut In* neither reasoned nor ac ted thus. IIo was worthy lobe tho father of such a son. lie afforded him the lies' and fullest instruction. What a harvest did this wise and excellent parent reap? When his son rose to the high eminence lie occupies, with what a conscious and noble pride, with a heart overflowing with rapture he could any—This is the fruit of the labor of my hands ; tins is the rew;t"d of my affection and care. Tho boy of the woods is the man of the nation ; giving honor to hi& country, and receiving it fnhr his filin'* and her fiiiitOHpreud Inge* her to every part of the civilized world Jiitijo llorm®4o<« arc indiced tn ci« p forward in thr U iiisn »f cluu tlion, il in la'nnlvcil M proiluuu die ino®i Ih im ra®nll« up»n diu puliliti miml. In Kngl.m'l lliooxaeioasnf .Mr. Rhoi'Iiiiam on tlii® nulijcct, Itnvc nmro ei.«l an-d him *o iiir cooirrymen ami coniibuietl moru lo lii« well uarncti fmim dun a jy mU-r net of tiU lilii. Jwlr# lloni'Sirtk itUrr-i ii "srticnlady v ilnilM iin viiuiiiMt.on ofllio iMtifH-j nf pnrsuud m "ir country. I*'icn' ineu tiro diu more u®i-- mensure, & the two last named gentlemen, tint it is not oppre sive to the South. The resolutions were ably supported by Messre. J. Lamar, CumphclhStrong, Poe, and 11. G. Lamar. The resolutions were parsed hy n large majority. Should we he able, will procure fii 1 cla#® ; diu prifiiu'idiy luvrautl aru lint i , riscntiul lu re a® in die old worM ; tba ni-»rc • diiiiMon of pr 'periy g us ruqiu r i-s more of p-rs mnl exertion in oic'i iii.liv i«lii >1, an! dm act ve pursuit of «urnc prnfus. •ion in ear'y liiu. Tht>cuir<o «f uduc'tion tliurdme, notv piirrue i m t>ull»r «uil')<t to eur conJi'ion. We honAW wore leanunJ when t l sba l l he more essi-n- •iat. But while hu thus lar vimticaiee our countiy from din eh rgoi nf a siipn.'linul courin of minly, he p->iniD to *ho im ans of making il more profouoti. The facilities of e.ioc tion are daily niiiiiiplyiospair character forlite- rnrv amt nciunt fie »c«|ii.r. im*iin is rapidly iocrua iog, ami every motive is urge 1 upon youth, to inspire tlieui "i )i ih- lau table am mimi ufli< c iinni^ tnon* pr-fou'.tl el pnr.iiitif study fir the !"ir|M>«e of iho lushest st tlo o| menia! mi •rovcm , n', nnd of impressing u->on Pironl. ami (in irdinn®, tlm u«-ci*»si'y nf giving m the r children die best «*du«!i' i >n ihey can possibly acquire. There ■nre lessons in this add-css which no man can he iudif. I pcaranocs connected with the silt). fcri-nt lo, and * hicli wc hope will be received miino spirii in which ih"v wore uU'irod. uori:nnti*nt»*d with that, has heroine s part- ••' I™ ‘ ,olh °PP reMlvu llld tmcutwltm. | „ or wit! , r„„„t A„g 1 i» ti „C»pod'U,ri.», bm. I'ir'i, thrrrfnrr Roeatucl. That tlii. n,o- ,h " r “f‘'""“'T'.' far ™ n * ’ l ' C '‘"J"- ...... • p ... i < < : ties of tho national lands in Kumolla. I lie ng ug i y npp »' R n 10 11 '• . ,UI L " unfortunate inhabitants nf that, region offered ? M ’ V° ■■■ l* l "l''*l*; i l*l* , a « . the 0 . (n | )(!r cfcnt lnnre f,, r tl.o privileqe tlnr, Co- . ! CW li.cQToiii Si Co. hut were r fu«d. Such ia country, hanpens supporting the , ——r~. ■ . President, does not turn I * out and take be represented in snnl Convention, and that . , v .1 • • i : /• i , .... , ' .In* place. Nothing is more ilium. Coloco- ,v, highly »pir«»0 "t lb- D-!oqates nmm-a- $ h „ j, , mn , tlll , f „ rcn ',,„ l0 ridicule tcil ut thc late iiiuclinga in Athens and ,1, bn- : (|l0 Pm , illenI> n ,„| s it muc |, , n „ r0 u a v „„ lQ . , , ! goons to mnke money out of him than to go Much diae.utaion wax elct-ilnd, and nonie . *; in ,, is lnr „, ive 0l , this 0 ,„. 0 d„tc sliarp ahontin* ,,, nrrhnnr' • It i« o ho j, or(lor , 0 | lluatra , 0 Iho j eou „.«Iiooppoai d.liareaiiluliiins, , collfill ,„| a jimn who nuiiher umlor are prominent members «>t the ( lark party— .• , .... «, 1 ,, ,, „ , i 11. . ’ •, , i siands its haiiits t»r manners. I he cunning S ewr !' W; '??' c " , ; tu " d ' ! ' l 1 : Col-cotroni came to the l-r.-si.lent nno day' alronubusly Hint th- 1 anil laiiConal,tut.o,ml Rnyin£r> Kxc „ ni , ncy , uri . y0 „ in „, 5 U . fonrth Monday in next Sopt-inb-r. and view & ,. n h „ t V , as -x-rc,s,„.. no iinportnnI l..;ur,„ lr upon s|i| ot l | lo , the interests of the Southern Stnft*s. ,, ... „ , , . ,, .... .- n i i mu * •. • You will a*k mo, perhaps, how it ■ 0 ! {,1 Z, Ir ' l n that Colocolroni, inatotid of .upport impnrtiiut ih it ihc Mute oft.-nrgm nhaitld p r „. iHoil ,. tllrn , , t „ antly. On Monday night la«t we, had ano ther gulo from tlm South and East, and yes* terdav morning the waters of the Bay were us hi Jt wuliin three inches as they were on tho 17th ; but we are happy to say that no material damage was experienced in this har bor. We learn from the country that the Cotton crops, particularly on the rivers, have suffered materially, and tliut the rot has al ready shown itself to an injurious extent.— The Alabama River at Montgomry, had ris en 12 feel nt our latest advices. noy 1” The President, who loves money as the sick man does health, pricked up ins ears and answered •* Yes, ccriaiuly ; where is it to be had 7" “ You have only to lay a tax upon each head of sheep, of poultry, of entile and of horses." “ You are right; it is an tl * • i excellent thought;" and the tax was laid.— tlwffround.urtlionppo.itwo to,he ino».i,re. n!i went . 0 „„ ing p „„. and in ptatiee to thp gantleincn mtorctal, •• My ahild-o„," .aid ho. “ whnn we lay tliem before our read rs. • - • ■ the solar phenomenon. toets exist no longer,*lid goes no further than | Who would deprive a t-on of the chance of the causes which have produced them. They hiicIi distinction, for a year more or Ins# at have diminished nnd are daily iliniiiiisliing.— college I Who would deprive himself of Wo cannot much longer claim thu priviligea [the possibility of such a gratification fora of s ncwcountry. Inn are not pressed hy | sordid i-ali'ulntfoii of tiie and expense thu same necessities which prematurely drew | ofsucli an education ? your ancestor* from the sclionls ot learning I To recur again lo the address from whitdi and the groves of philosophy ; and it you | hn . o already quoted-—“the American parent shall fail to illustrate the faint* of ymir conn- j doen an injustice to his child which lie can try by the achievements of erudition nnd go- j never repair, far which no iiih'.'riiuncn can nius, you will want u juhtilicution lor the de- * compensate, who refuses to give him a ffill I march ims will rncoivo n million of dulUr* ns .re ihm j to day, I send yon the following views res- liuqudicy. From you inii-ll will lio roqiinoj | -ilumit ml, hoi aila- In- is nul intviiil-il lor a ! unjin.lly ,o.i'cmp’ol(iil,.i«l it ih. udli ion-l > u . I n-cliiii- tint v-ty unusual, if nut unvxamplml by your country, your f.rn y, )our tr.ciidn. j learned pnileasiitn whatever he inaj’ intend j „,o,, r 0 f a treaty in winch the duties on cutton and red appearance of the sun, observed u few days were under the rule of the Turks d:dlh*v mu the oeokoun. Tliu f. II eying id *n ux'ract ol a tetter from a co^rrs- i on lent u^iM lit-dguvilIu, to llm Editors .— The Troup party will most assuredly, (if the intelligence which I have received from all the couni tes of the stile is to be relied on,& I think it may) have a maji.rity in the Senate from six to ten ; in the II. of It. about 20 to *25.— Changes in our favor may ho looked for with confidence in the senatorial branch, in the countin8of Baldwin, Jones, Jasper, Bibb, Mu, - roe, Newton, Marion, Crawford, Carroll, Thomas, Early, Raker, Lowndes, Colombia, Richmond, nnd I learn by a letter from Cam den, that Maugtim will succeed over Steward in Glynn. 1 know ol'but three counties where there is even tho prospect of a loss. Some apprehension is felt by those who are ever timid, in regard to tho Governor's election. The large vote Mr. Lumpkin re ceived for Congress, is the “ raw head and bloody bones” which alartnb them. It is illu sive ; it has deluded the Clark people—and they will find t so to their cost. Mr. L. can- nut receive such u vote again, for any station, as wiloy and hypocritical ns lie is he cannot make, yon poultry ?” “ Never.” *“ W* 11, trust We are obliged to a respectable friend in j yon oliould not pay this tax ;" and the pea- pay for each fiend of cattle or , deceive the people now. In those large north Alexandria for the following interesting oh- I Hunts refused to pay. Colocotroni then goes serrations upon the lute extraordinary tip-(to the. President; “Excellency,’* said he. FmaxCK—It the (Uiiiutir* of yir S'-tll.-incnt with Fr uioebtf into say® the Cuur.-r ainl Enquire-, our A'at. Int. At.KXANnniv BoAiinrnn School, ) 8th Month, ROth, 185U. \ Friends Gates 4* Seaton: In compliance I with the suggestion in your paper received wit.* anTeri|.r.v\illv rrtlu-oil bIioiiM |iritVn Into, it w II Im a valuable drug far the Sou hern SiaIcd, and the in* Irotluc to i of chcup Krt neb tv.uus ui Unvu great inllu- cii'-e on ibe lisb.U of 'ho |i«-0|>le. A bottle «if Clara' a 't-n cents, woubl be prefenv.l by ;l>e p«-u|ile generally to but emount iu D|>irilu >u* liqu'irD. They havn duiin inucli for you, and have tt I he chunotJtnow to what his son m»v come; right to demand at your hands a just retribn-1 U iid, if there sliotilil be no change in tins res- tion. You are to be the guartliaiis of tlii'J^ pset, will a liher-tl education In* lost upon honour, the happiness and the re put at on ol* 1 him beouuso he is not u luwyer, or a dot lor this great and prosperous people—you are | or a divine? Nothing can he more untrue hkc true knights, “ without fear and without ( „r pernicious than this opinion. It is im- reproach," to maintain their claim to ox< el- , ^mssihle lo imagine a citizen of this common, lencc in every thing that dignifies, improves wealth to hum any situation in which , he and adorns the condition mid nature ol inan. j discipline and acipi.reaieula of a collegial** As you surpass the people of other countries education, however various uud extended, in tlio security of your rights, in the fret dom will-not have Ilnur value. They will givu' «s we have toad, nnd liberality of your political and religious | hioi consideration and ustduluoss, which will TheD.iuinou »f ihn couirry nt preset makes thu institutions ; in tho full enjoyment of rational i be seen and full in his daily iiitercourao of , w bicaiJon paiiipulwly d««inb • sad Momtun* I liberty, am 1 the Iincon.traiiio.l exo.ei.eo bus,new or p!o..ure; tli.-y will K ,ve l,i„, fi„ 0 «,,r.»«im,. MM ofT„x»„re. Ku,,,. vour talents and industry ; so you must not J weigiit ami worth ns a member of society tty- N behind any in the olovitiOD aud purity of I and be a never filling source of bonorablH, K * your moral character and conduct; in the viritiotis and lasting uiijoymoiitH unih*r all i Mr. Bct.w»slu> an -vd uejr y .nuipi-1«.|. foumteJ lofty and luminous atlainincnts of ; in I circumstances, and in every station of life. | (us hu writes) ..n j very remarkable murdrr hy tho profouud and invigorating researches ut j They will preserve lum from the delusions science, and tho most recondite recesses ol i, if dangerous errors, and the sadiitMious o learning. You fallicrs have, in a few years, | degrading and dcstiuctive vices. Thegamfi overthrown a thousand prejudices, and lived j dug tuhle will not be resortrd to, to hasten down a thousand calumnies against their t he slow atul listless etoy of tim**, when th< library offers a surer and more ultrnctiv The bottl* To understand the phenomena alluded t >, it will fie necPssary to make n lew prel milia ry observations. During the great total ■ eclipse of the sun that had recently taken i pine**, the moon had just passed its perigee or tlint point of its orbit nearest the cm th, ti . . ... , and consequently tlm combined action, of the I be hi.l'-rv ofl’t.lanil, which tonns the C-I'h number i , ‘ 3 .. . . , ... . | sun and moon tip'in the atmosphere produced ol li.%ui'.« • FjimiIv I.brarv. I® a nuW ■>• I . .T . * ' ... tli«*se peasants refuse to pay." “ Rascals, sail why tlo they refuse ?’’ “ They sny thr Turks even did not treat tliein thua ”— " What nm*»t fie done, then 1” “ If you are willing I \v II undertake the matter.” “ Ve ry well, vvlint do yon require I” “ Give me authority t" raise 206 soldiers, nnd I answer for every thing.” “ Granted, and I rely up on you.” (.'olocotroni ton 1 ; with him 10 sol diers, receiving pny from the government for 200, oud made the peasants pny up.— Three fourths of the tnx ho put in his own pocket, nnd paid over the balance to Count Capo d’Istrins, who wn6 petrified - with admi ration at liis own discernment in choosing so capable an agent as Colocotroni." In the saint* paper of the 2?tli Jirne, a let ter from Corfu of28th Muv, gives additional it.v I. bran, i® s c..uei e, and at far j n g r ,. n t tide in the.cqimtornl regions, and di- j particular . m’sro'tiig and amhomic Record. | minishod the pressure of the air upon tlm ; The mob tious dspotism of Count Capo tl* whole of the surface of tlio earth.* This di-1 Istrins causes the Greeks actually to regret minulmn ol pressure upon the surface of the ! the tyrannical domination of the Turkish Pa- water would occasion a great increase of e- j chas. Hellenists, in order t) live free, are o- vaporation, particularly whet* united with the bliged to quit the 1‘eloponesus. high temperature that occupied it. For it is ' Hydra is the first to detach itself from the ! an established fiiet, that tho amount of ovnp- j Greek Government, nnd by its defection, of. j . . oration from an uninsulated surface of water! firs on asylum to the discontented. This | »* * mnMk»W«* wan. bull a rc-miry «g*», and miy W J depends upon tho elevation of temperature I island will become, with regard to Greece. “ "E«tP»n« Aram." Ii will o rninin a fine portrait of tbc and dimiputioii of pressure. A vast quantity | what ’i'erceira is for l'ortugal ; it shelters 1 * Bu,1 » r *»» * pamintf by l*icitR«ciLL. j of vapour thus raised was very observable on : from th arbitrary will of the Prcsidcn', the tlio evening of the 12th inst. nt a consider.*!- Editors of the opposition papers ; and all (lie W'*sler:i coutMies where it was said Governor Gilnrcr had lost ground in consequence of liis Indian measures of last winter, I am as sured by un intelligent gentleman who has just returned from a visit to that section of the Slate that the loss is triviul—and tlmt lie will receive very Hourly the unanimous sup port of the Troup parly. ♦* l OK THE GEORGIAN, LintsnecAHi-"itil h> a set uf Jewels being found, n he col oeii'iu l ikon u *, o' tbc Lorn,to R Kvmof (h« It - depen lent l-fsbyieri .n Church lor die support of tbo G"S i®*l, on Mon 'ay evening, 5lh inst. 1 Ten. 2,9. "That uvme.i adorn,' 1 &c. 1 Pc/cr.lD, 3, "tvhns - attorning((•<:, S!i« read, nnd no nation sought, Her child like nih :i|.pMro», IIi r ornn "i n d of gold die broeg’t, To tprtnd t' o filth she l<>vcs, 'Tbo she was bountiful bef-ro, Sbe's /•'O.-.-'/i? lovely Wiw ; ’’J bo’ e irtb y fuin® adorn n.- nmro, Tin re’s nuthnen on her brow. Tbn' fi*m,boynmt iho powot of i Colliers a mutdiliM grace, A q iiul, inei-k, and genile heart, Beam* from dial in >dc->( face. 'i l.ovi arc th*- c'nrm® tli.ii agt dtfy % Or sorrow, • r dray, And d«* iili — lau they can never die, '1 ha, hi uni on eu.i c- siiay, E. V. B. country; it is for you to advance further in this strife of patriotism and honour, nnd to tear laurels from heads that are now earned with supercilious scorn of your capacity and pretensions. Already has Europe been on- lightened hy the emanations of American | woiidc genius; American books are sought and read; | uiuremonts, v. ill muke their posse, American knowledge received ami respeted., trieud.u more vhvrttltid companion, n more Our journals of ltllcrulurc and science fur-1 uitorsstiiig, beloved and beloving lttislmnd,a msh copious extracts for republicauon, some- more valuable ami respected parent.” time* acknowledged, and sometimes plunder-1 Gentlemen—My design in this address ed by the mean baud of a pilferer, who steals has been, with the earnestness of a friend, Aui T. M ® ov Great Uu.~The spy intment of Mr. S. I Mo elevation, in the western part of the , n . , ... . . , . . «-on to he admit Governor of Mu biean. at the ! heavens, and continued to reflect a very red TT « 0t ’, V T T T 1 ,i •“ a*. •«- -ras-d «.wh amin dverdon. We do | light for a long time after the sun had set. *' r 1, "B uld *1""' 0 »" d, , iol ’ ■ Tlio appenrenc" of the heaven, on the when U>« n,»aw ot the poet .,,t hand to, > ■ ’ ™ ( “. ‘7 ' , f i tnoming of the. 13th I di.l no. obaerve; fint re,,.,;s«.««i.- p ir:; i ^ -- •••*«-# ..rplcaeorntruor U-. i . 1 a ' » y )pat»o ugr«, nis Major Gm-1 tlirouj»h a vanishing fog, and I observed it to "ral in the Am„v. Kv"x ««® .t tbe ..n W ! glVtf ttn uiiusnilly ghastly appearance to the j tune of equal rank, sod a very efficient loader al twenty countenances of persons. Between three ; OwiJif, the hero of the 8 tullieni war, was a the treasure and deftines his victim. You will avenge these wrongs hy your glory ; you will silence calumny by your virtue and pre judice by your triumphs. Historians, pin- . loeophers, orators, poets, are buddiug forth from the soil of freedom, who will emblazon the fain** of their country, and raise it above tbe gaze of envy and the voice of s ander. But to accomplish this great design, to ful fil tins splendid destiny, strenuous and un wearied efforts urt* required. Such a race is and in thu most familiar tone of counsel to 1 Major General at thirty sit; WAm was at that iim«* point out to you tho true objects of your am-1, . u . ... hitiun I to remind you of tliu high duties and ' y 1 l ’“ ,, h»>y'ix;Mi,,u»ihiriyi»o; responsibilities imposed upon you and to Ha “ ,Lt0N » * 'atonal, bat ia the mendian of China and I thirty two; Wilkinson wn* « Bngidtvr Gen*ral al stimulate you by the most urgeut aud hon ourable inducements to the performance of those duties, to the full accomplishment qf your high destinies, and the gratification ol tho hopes your country and friends enter, tain of your future eminence aud useful- ties*. usrfu nru, at twenty one ; Scmmra was forty five; an,| Washing ro x was of that age only when appointed Commander io Chief. The |reatcr part of tho Mem ber® of Coafrc«a of H78 were very younj men. Ad- amd, Jcrrcasox, Ch*»e, Ri sit, aud many others of the revolutionary wont;**, were diatmgubbcd iu poltti« ; al i(fairs lefae they were thirty. and four o'clock, tlio position of tho sun, with retipect to tins body of vapour becoming changed, it assumed a greenish blue appear- . ance, precisely similar to that produced by the following experiments, and which in my opinion was dependent upon the same cause. Let a screen upon which the spectrum pro duced hy the separation of the solar beam in to its primitive colors by a glass prism is thrown, be performed 60 ns to let all except tee red ray fall upon a double convex lens, and he converged to a focus, tho result will paper. geireruus men who aim ut restoring to their country, the inst tutions of which she has been stripped hy the magistrate who was charged to defend them. The Primates of the islands of Hydra and Sperria, had taken means to send vessels to the Black Sen, for curgoes of grain, essential for the supply of Greece, and which its own fields, uncultivated under the deplorable ad ministration of M. Capo d’lstrias, refuse to produce. These vessels were about sailing for the Hellespont, when the rumor became general, that Sultan Mahmoud was about to send to the Morca a strong squadron, then waiting sailing orders, in the harbor of Con stantinople. f he Primates immediately sup. posed the Sultan was desirous of avenging the defeat ot Navarino, and reducing Greeco anew beneath his yoke. Instantly the voya ges to Odessa av abandoned ; and the mer cantile speculations connected therewith,and the some ship equipped to fight and destroy the Ottoman fleet. In an instant the mcr- be a representation of the sun of a greenish cantile marine of the Archipelago becomes her Redeemer." JJOAftD OF HEALTH. Report of interments for the week, ending on the 7th September. Bird of ( , on®'ifiijiti<iii, | arti«,| 53 years. Died 1 f Forcr, | agrd 22 y arr. Dad of Iiill.Tn.itmu of Bowels, 1 a»id 6 mou.hs. Druuntd, 1 aged 41 year.. X VMES. Mutha „). Flitchcr, Ji fua J me .i. K. JWiuut, A• A’. A'lci, S. S HEFT ALL, Secretary. Report of the Savannah Poor-House and Hospital, and United States Marine IIos~ pituL for the same period. Admitted, 12 Discharged, cured, 10 Died, 0 J. B. MILLS, Steward. NVriVlTY. AGES. South.(Jjrulina, .05 yeart. RhotJr,Island, 22 year*. Grorgi 1, 6 m'th*. Jlfiinr, 41 yuri. QBlXTiXrsABW. D:ed near Darien, oq Thursday, the 25:h u’lims, Mis® Ann IIvtsox, id ihe 50:h year of her ate, after a pjinful illness, which she bore with calm resignation to the will of heaven,—She died ui the hope of ntcicy