Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, December 02, 1831, Image 2

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■-* G)J ntii.Y f»Ai* * RlUItT nOt.LAltd country r.u»f » : YIVH DOM.ARM .1U.9 trrrti'rmcnli -u-pnr i n hi'tti Papers. ! p OlV-TtAM f FRIDAY HORNING, DEC’R. a. | Cour on (he IG1I1 ins'. » verdict of round in favor of (lie ptairy ifT C'tutro.—In Uio Si. w-York Hupedoi j Wednesday, the Governor's milk igo, i inch I property, tho fame, the lives of their fellow- J in a grecion pattern, of various shades of gray t-.. . .... i.., .rciuoi - i ... I...I.I l,#> n>. ..I ...X.. : ,.ii nniu^.li«i'niian llinv rnnnnl nil I liinl' nliL-n 'aillr Qovnrnl mdianu nf llnve ColoUfi'l ITTOS >*n;' ttlTuM on « n im in lh*» street, 1 1 UII’loJ |,un. u , iii'i a ilirrr-tijM-, i|i<:u « ■ • -...... p.' .... c will, no doubt, be an interesting dorurr il.— 1 ritizens— because they cannot nil think alike.; silk. Several n-lises of dove coloured gros iction The topic* to whirli it mny direct the tten-i or arrive at the same conclusion! The > d° Naples, with pelerines of novel form, • - ■ • ••• “ ,r ‘ 1 .. r<*r j- L,! - have already appeared The pelerines are dented roind tho edge, and trimmed with 'file. Others arc of Clarence blue gros de ihr Mtnuit *w! bait»ry. Tl*s dofr dant h»d ainultsd of the Isegislatnco will perhaps serve, ii mine Moralist observes : “ Ifl do no bolieve as 'have already appeared ■ .11 _ .1 ■ tl i* .1 , 1. .... I .. ., > rt iftiiln n n- ...r I Ii i ( I 1. .1..., I I ..... ...1 ii^iaiiil ( Ii n miff and levs rely degree, to indica e the probable coi no of [ their deliberations.—Charleston Men ry. thou dost, it is only a proof that thou dost rot believe ns I do—and Where’s the mor- Slnep John C'u-v ilicr, hence at Charleston, 29 th, aiuT advertised lo n ill 30lh. Kchuonor Mary Ann, up at Chariealnn for Darien, to suit S.iU»r lav. Schooner Warrington, cleared at New. York, 22d, fur Durian. |l ia a coincidence qfjiino worthy of being noticed, *ay# (lie Evening Gnz tie, lhal on I'm very day wo were making a aplendid pnradn in Ho-ton, in rulutiun to Ihu Polish standard*, (lie CJpittl of Roland w«i taken. * cnV but Washinotow.—Here, too, I ca»r ,... , a day to objects of curios tv, which iblght. ° * * j employ rne much longer to the greatest ad- j vnntam*. The capitol surprised m* ngreea- iVcusYork, November t3.—The dale—Tho uliip i " tal power to decide botweon u» 1”—But the 1 Index, the peleriii' h and fronts bordered with I William Drayton, Halsey, wns at m.rh'.r off tlm Honk '■»«»!- ,h *' *■■><» »«> ofswnnidown. r *— 1 » ■ -»»- - i Evening Dress.—Coronet-toques compos- 1 * -- *- Petersburg Intelligencer. od of blond laco and ornamented with while , n r , brig draggl'd from her anchor during the night. Tho ship JohnW. Cater, Crane, from Jamaica; - ; schooner Othello, liiilkcy, from 8a- B vltimork, Nov’n. 25.—We learn by a ! ostrich f athers, aro among the most elegant j v .nuah, and two fore amt aft schooners, all at anchor Head-dresses, en cheveux, trim- > o"t*ide of the Hook, moment, Isaac Kimum., B»q. *v** y-niertlnt eiecie I Jus'fco ofilto I'oaee f»r II at No. 2, in tho laco ul L. Folly, Ksq. resigned. | Judge M vK’Hai.l arrived in Hichni'ind on tho 22J | m° fl t rrjlicnl obsorv • j inat. and took hit acal on iho b.>nch of tho Fedmj I Court. He had ne irly recovers I from the effect* Of | ' the operation—and Im general lieahh was much im- 1 1 proved. viinln".', Ih" c»pitm «urpn«e* nje gr -, w | 10 came down tlto Riil-Rooil novelties. Hoad-dressns, cn clteiiei b'y. It nr roly a,It atrnc »nd , * evening from Uidgeyillo, tlmt the 1 ni"d will, flowers, which, for tho «vidont u tl* faults tiro. I do no' Snl.ovo the .' m „el. 1 i... w» d'«nW"d feathers. Cirr CotrsUL. -At a rfguiar uinciing of C ye«terdiy, J^ntlhan Cooper was unanimously roeloct- i clH.rborMft.lrr, and Hr, J. C. Il.,l,. ,.ham UmM, 1 A „ , pr ,„df„» Ha,« n.,M In on. ..fihe °™«'. f ; r y”'- O' sl, “ l ‘ Bajlhnnro popon, annnunmng linn a b .11 " a. In lain . Pol. IVnrdnn. nir.« J. It. Herhi rt, ro ig a *1. i p' fice ((in .nceociling cviyii.ig. Tin. wnler Tnqi.imlnit, Thru. OM.'Miigli 1»« fined ,10 for rfticuin,ft prift- or intanrloU .0 rnjtiMl,ih« Ixha. i>» ro /or.rl thalr t are, l « o tm - 8lorm on Monday n’ght last, was much more ' seemed to have displaced feathers, are n'so <»r■ ooultl sm* 1 , . severe severe to the \Vi*st, than in the very generally adopted. The colours most rntton. t Im , . , neighbourhood of 'his city. The snow at in re ;nest aro.$*til>ieuse immortelle, silver- rs '’ ,0 e \, | ' Ellicott’s Mills, fell about six inches deep, grey, slate colour, green marshmallows, rose, *" V,0 V/. I, i .i , and nt Sykesville, thirty miles distant on tho ami azure-bluo; this last colour is particular- even and the of- R > iUR J t , fmm nilltiinorR> it wa , twelve in- ly fashionable. * Ul 'isUnn I.;r! I rnnrn inf for ‘ clics de^p, and drifted into very It’gh banks ;! Cloaks.—On the mantles and cloaks that flm J 810 far rescuing a pna- I en^r from the cualody of a watchman. uckats j but by nomo iniachnnce of tho davit's, (m I)i!l» wort rep trleJ and read rntitlrd an nrdinanco | the! Wifl dropped : the ladle*look uinbragB and ! Jnckspn. Hr; had just recovered from a sc- toe.labliih rait* of landing, •hipping and atorage on rcfu>w , , 0 tt |»u wharo peraona who could be tho c iual Ima belonging («»the city of H ivnnnah." An I guI , lJ0clc j lo forge tickcta, might bo admitted, ordinance t.iamen l an urdinanro, enutle l an ordiiinni'o fur eatnbhahing a city w-iich, 6lc. pas<ed J 1017." , „ , . ‘ lanqiiircr/ time without admiration . I heavy, or the tdllar* of the fa'tides to too slight; hut tho side view fro*i the Potomac does not pres nt feet is h : ghly imposing. fnH!it'n™iB( 9 rv tll0, l^"^n!ii”rs l orIia?rvo brvxia treoa wer " n,s0 b y thp violence of tho wind, | will bo Worn this winter aro designed various i co”mmo(fatio!is.appiyTo'o\|)t in this on" .try. I t.o pdlars nt nat v'. broxia . n gevera | () j, lc( . S ' blown nc oss the road— patterns of orabrnidery. A wadding, laid orto 1IALL, SI1APTK an. aplendtu, and the nlwlo arol.iiocture Tll(!w) ob , tr ucli< m a prevented ihecarewh^' ' " ' - - - fiwUv)SJW”e'd™tX^^K ^“Balthnoro on ''I'nesday morning from Me work,'and giving it great richness, vn- Mored hv an introduction -o General! 3^*^ “ b ° Ut fl '° ° dock NO v EL t. ES .N ORN^MEN'S DRESS FOR Itich down on the inside, has the, effect of raising tary I3:h, I Turnbull, | Extract fr »m an E Jitorial article in the Columhus Tho finri of sUnJing agnmnl Mr. waa reduce 1 lo $15. Tho In* actor or D-y Culhiro mado n rop irt ul a apnci'il iimpeciion, of tlm ondiiiuu of lun In under »|ry cu'ti^ro contract, ai. l oil inot.on of Aldurnian Owen , it wna Rr»ntvr<l, Tbit tho IW*rdar be fnr.ii»hod with a copy of ilia |ii»pcctor'a Hfpnri niado <n tlm board this day, and tliul ho bn dir* civd t" va»a'ulirb spits ag'tinti all tln.HO por.ona who hiv« violntrd llicirco tra* is. Thu report* of lliO Mayor, Caii'hiii ol tho City Watch, of tho City IM indiall. tlm Clerk of tho Mir el, ot|d Clerk of Council, weru I ml hefureo tho ltoiud, and referred lo the Finance Cmii'ni tne. On motion ol A' Owen*, Ii appunring that «nmo * f tho tilDrcra of llio Hoard, Iiiivu lint nimpliH'l with llio rutoltitinn pnaaod 3-1 Nov. last, reipnrui'! « detail' *1 alalinnnut of all inntto. a coll- nvclfld with their rerpooiivo ufficc* : II, it JbMotvfl, That the May irci II a ap* ing of thia hoard, on Mnndiy week nr s', and tlm' amd ()(re:*ir«,bo a.lowod un il then to cuiii|ily witli aaid rc»* olution. j'ml hr Hfarlhrr Hrsohierf, T at khoutd tho laid nlh- ccr*, bo then in *lcfaii!t, liny bo tuspendod from aaid oflled. vorc attack of the intermittent fever. lie sat the RbVKNUK OP fillKV Uhitain.—Wc> luivo with his family readm-y wltcn tve entered, , before us a recent number of our file of the and though paler than usual, f was struck . London Courier, containing a tabular state- ^ w " ith ,h,! .of thn cnniinon pnrtnihs I mmlt , t,bridged from tl official documents ! Bi'.Vfflo-LreoBteii frocks iiiivo”bccii'iuure worn ! »pply »t Hie Stoa' Office, lmvc seen ot him. Aloxanddr «, I think. | j>„b1iahe<l by order, and Ibf the _nso of Par-; llm ” of | lltei yet W o must say, that tho double dec 2 W.M. TAYLOR, P. S. H. Co. OCTOBER. From the firnt'rman's Migraine of finbiun. Thn most fashionable colours for frocki are black, light blue, and rifle green; although FOR NEW.YORK. E 8 T A 11 I, I S II E D LINE.] The regular packet shin T Y 11 E E, I). Wood, muster, Will sail on Wednesday next. For freight or passage, having excellent nc- ply '.o dipt. Wood on lioird S11 AFTER &. TUPPER. dec 2 FOR AUGUSTA, The stenm-bont S A V A N A II, ('apt. Swymcr, Will leave this evening, with two tow bouts. For freight or passage, Oath 19ili nil. at N«* ‘-Orleans, Dtfniingo Jeie ilm Stinlon, n na ivo of F.irtngal, was cu.iim iti'd lo prison by order "f llm Diatrici Court of the United Staton, on •» clt wj'i »»f pirmy. It iJ nll'-go • tint bn was part owner m.1 aii|icroarg • of a l-irgn enrvuttn, nil* dvr Spaniali color*, calm ‘ llm Sultanu, m»u Iting finir- 11*011 Kuna, iiinma il wi'h civilly mim, and that nn A- in<-iiciin brig l'r in Itn-ion, mid i l’*ir ngunv ship, wuro taken and dnatr >yod by tie Sultana, on tlm coast of Africa a fow mo ilis aiiu'i-. T'i • S .I'ana arrived at Trinidad do ('ii 1 * i ubmit llio 18liiof September, havin'.' provi'iuilT'uiichtirgt'J nnlbo noighbati ij coast a cirg i of al&val, Indio a.—'I’fm Tn.laliiuuet- Fimi lian auys tlmt llio in ligo plant i* fotud in abundance on thn pom land* in tlul torritory. It cro.vs v. ry luxtninn’ly, frcipt nt'y ntininiiig • lie li'-ijlil of aix or night foot. That paper nttppo'ca thn' tho cilhui'i* of tli« p mil * might hecoinu aaprulltablo ns that of sugar or copon,' “ I.ivr among the Roxet."—Si*' liidion of tho llama of llote wuro rocont'y mariiud at Portland, Muino, in u single week. A loitor fora CtUi’oninr.nt («ihs.n, of llio 2 ltl» Oct. pnbhnhc.t ill the Alexandria CJulOfO, lays—“ Wo aro very much afflicted with ait knoss nt thia poat ul this 11mo. Thoro aro more otiicur* and soldier* on tlm si* k report than for throe yonr» previous, and our fevers are considered by the surgeons as of tho ino*t ma’ignan' kind, and of a pooulitir character. - ' In the various discussions nnd movomonts ihrouglinut thn stale upon the Nubj".:t of tho Tariff Jaws, who have boon tin-ir uncoinryo- mising oppos.irs, denying their cons'ituiion- nlilv, as well ns expediency? Certainly not the Clark parly, or at least those, who affect to speak for that party. At one time, and on n : ublic occasion, we find gentlemen, high in tlm ranks of ottr opponents, admitting the constitutionality ami expediency oft .*• Tariff At another, unu publicly, its expetlieu* y and constitutionality are affirmed. Wo hop on of the most distinguished members of this party assorting the right of Cungrcs* to sell h state, nn*l others acquiescing in, if not en couraging the usu patents of tho supreme court. In fine, wo discover the heals of this party, individually and collectively, entertain ing doctrines in reference to the texture of j ottr institutions, which, combined ami in the * aggregate, form a government of unlimited ' powers. Not only so. In addition to its ob noxious political views, this party not infre quently acts, from motives of a personal cha racter, front tho force of personal dislike, and front tlie suggestions created in tho bitterness of political conflict. T ns observation may seem harsh, but how else can wo lo tho alternate and almost immediate embrace- ry of eve-y ccct, nnd subscription of every ;reed ] Willi it, whnt was wrong yesterday s right to-day. Under the administration of (j iv. Troup, it opp^iod the survey and uis- tribiilion of the Creek Territory, when its cession hat) boon In quired by the state Un der the administration of Gov. Lumpkin, the j Cherokoos havo no rights, and without n treaty, are to he removed from their hitherto undisturbed right of oc upancy. So the Federal Union declared in explicit terms.-— And this journal, during the warmth of the recent political contest, talcing refuge tinder ovary sentiment, to which it could attach a inomeytary popularity and edit, advocating tho disposition of tiic Cherokee Territory, probated the very measures it formerly re commended, und the arguments it then urged to influence the public mind. Yet farther.— Under tho administration of Gov. Gilmer, re servations of land for beneficial objects, and appropriations of the g.d*l mines for useful public purposes, are part,til, unjust and palpa ble violations of the rights of tho people. In tho person of tho present incumbent, is n prominent supporter of largo reservations un der a former Treaty, ami nu individual, who, in tho fall of l&U), expressed an unequivocal and cordial approbation of the sopliments of the Message of Gov. Gilmer; that extraor dinary document,which produced titmice tho defeat of its maker and the success of its en dorser. however, i* far the best, and his reflection in , linmont, of the "net produce of 1 ho revenue ... .divided.... Iiigneft degree gentlemanly and prepossess- ! B „ m total. I dislike and disapprove of Itis adnitnis- tru* : on ; but, if his face is an index of his black, and dark and prominent ithout flaps; 41 i but if not so, flaps should be added, us they Vo give tho oggr- guto of the j ^ mm . h b tlmir a|)|)u ., raneo some of the most interesting ! i,'„ e ;i years, nnd ■» »" ’»«»oliergee. spooifioally ; an, 1 a»tho Binio time j „r ebararter, G uiera. Jackson himself is both an rcdit'O for the facility of cormutation, the | ’ * _ * ? i:., ,inr irlit nnd n fnnrloss nmn T k1,hU n,*_ i.. ..r ,i.„ i.* i:,i. i .. i . 1 *>vu\vn or 11^ Waistcoats—For undress, silk, of a large flower of white, upright and n fearless man. I shall ever en- u rfnin the high personal respect for him with which this interview has inspired me — He remark d, by the way. that he had been some time intending ti visit to the northern states, but should not. compass it till the next I hope, in such tin event, that no pnr- II tiuetion to which hie services to tho and bis private worth, quite apart' from his office, fully enttilo him.—.V 1\ Mirror. pounds sterling of the English budget, ns near as it is necessary, into our own curron 1800.—Thotntal net revenue oftlv dmn of Great Britain, for tlm king* vlmg i those are made duublu breasted, with large j lil|l"ls. i For dress Waistcoats wo have the mnHt. splendid . things introduced, consisting of a tv feeling will interfere vvith his reception, ty eight thousand six hundred and eighty. *'• • he will he treated with the universal dis- j lve dollars. Hntatn, tor the year ernltng (1 ', irk |)Uri) | n8llk aiul ffold in n variety of pat- thm 5th of July, 1RR0, was two humlreJ aiul' t., rns . ,|, M0 „„ 1S , be sePn t „ f,,rm an ade- thirty three millions, five hundred and < ' tics on ii#por's, forming part of til s vast sum, amounted New-Yohk, Nov. 2ff.—Vessels are almost. The excise, or tax on domestic du ly arriving from Soulhern ports, laden j commodities, to (’occasionally perhaps with a few liatiH or Stamps, to - - - - Carolina potatoes, ns n show of cargo,) lmt { Net proceeds of the Post Of- reality with free tdacks from the South" quate idea of their beauty , they arc much in request, nnd from two to two and a half guin eas per yard. For 'Prowlers.—Thn plaids have almost, disappeared, and have been superceded by _ I ft ribbed kerseymere ; they arc it mixture of' •SSl.Olo, 115 j brmvn nnd blue, und well calculated for this season of the year. Fawn colour and Cant 8.,, 115.750 j bridge mixture are also amongst the favored 8,120,505 | colours. It i* stated in tho Fiinkfbrt Kentuckian, that on ills Pfennig after the election of Mh. Ui at lo tho U. S. Squaw, the tViemW of that pntlemsu* without refer once to party, were invilod to a vury liiimlfoine cntL-rtain- went nt WoUigor's Inn. Hutwuen lour and five l*un- drnl assembled. The grn.itcal narntony and hilarity prrv.lik'd. Mr. Clay uud Col.*ou being toasted, replied in a mannor tlieir friend* and ndiniri'rs know to Du pecu'iar o theinsulviiR, Mr. Cluy said dial liu should “ bo nut the representative of a party, but of the wbulu stale." Stnten InJiunt.—Rotwocn two mi l three htndrod Seuooa Imli'iiis arrived in Cincinnati on tho lUtli »nst under charge of Col. Me.EIvsine, on their way to llio land* beyond the Mississippi, provided for llioui by thn government. Tltcir lands rulin<|uis!iud, consist of about 40,000 aero* nTexcellent ipinli y. The grand jury ot Now-York have presontrd tho pawnbroker's establishments of that coy ns Jlio most fruitfu 1 source of many of ilio bur^larios and tliefta which have boon committed, and which form so largo a por tion of the calender of offences. Under (h« ir present regulations, they consider many ortticso o5t.iblishmout§ nt receptacles of stolen goods j and by tlm fuc llio* they ain.rd tho unprincipled and evil dtspogod part *.f the community for ooiifuniug arlic'iis fraudulently i>b- mined into money, as multiplying erimo, and inerpasinj; tlikltonesly to nn extent highly injuiio is to the best in- tort st« of society. A correspondent of tho Nuw-Yoik Advocate men- li .us the existence in several of tho largo factorres o' (tie eastward ofnn ingenious ,;'cce of machinery called a “Watch Detector." The object of it is to ascer tain If th- men who ora employed lo watc*’ the premi ses during the rnglit, do their duty. It constats »f a cylinder, in which are placed pin*, with sockets ; there me twelve pins to each hour, or a pin to every live min- mas; every hour has a separate hammer suspeu led over the pin*. It is tho business of tho wnjctunnn to visit eaoli room every five minutes; and on entering n room ho pulls a bell rope, wlrcli is so contrived as to act on the hammer which drives in a pin. Thu*, if he neglects Ids duty for only five minutes during the night, it is known to tho agent in tho morning; for tlm whole machinery is under douhlu locks and keys, and cannot be seen or approached by the watchmen. Wo loarn font the Courier Francois of tho 10 h October ult. that 20,000 francs, (about 4,000 dollars,) winch were subscribed in Now-York to aid the Poles iu their a'rugglo for independence, havo reached the bands of Gen. I.afavcttx. By a resolution of the New-York meeting, this sum, in the event of defeat of the Polish cause, is destined to assist su< h Poles as tho victorious Autocrat should honor by proscription. A late Pafi.* paper states that in the cssopl the dis missal of Achiltc Murat from the Belgic army by the request nf King Pluiippi, King Leopold had reconsid ered this decision, and had, on the 5th of October, signed a deciee for organizing a foreign legion, of which Achil.e Murat was appointed Colonel. Extract fr>un the proceeding* of (ho Common Coun cil, of ilia city of Now. York : — The resolution passed by tho Board of Al dermen, for appropriating § 200 to pay the additional expenses of the Fourth of July dinner, was read. Tho President of the Board stated that there wi-ro considcr#do remains of the dinner left over, hut which wus of no value. Mr. Mnndeville, said the original appropriation was §1250 ; it. appear ed tlmt $l5u0wns expended. Ho under stood l'.nit tho persons who attended were few. It was a strange mode of complying with tho charter, ip appropriating §1250, and then expending §1500. Sumo gentle men remarked that a considerable quantity of tho wine was loll over, which had been drunk up since. Mr. Barnes stated that tho Oomnrltoe had managed with the utmost economy, audit was found that n dinner could not bo had for that sum. Mr. Boyd said it appeared tint the §1250 was enough to ohtnin tho dinner, but §1500 was required to furnish the din ner and supplying thn members of tho Board with champaignc afterwards. Thn Legislature ofthis State will commence its session to-day. We do not think it pro bable that any important or decisive step will betaken at this time, in relation to tho aiffW- encca between tho $t»te and llio Fedor d Go vernment, which have so loqg agitated the public mind. The call of a convention, to mart in the spring, about tho close, of the session of Con gress, would bo a very desirable measure; but, to effect that,would require the assent of two thirds of each house, and though there is no doubt that tho State Rights and Free Trade Party have g inetl accessions of strength since the last session, and that some of those who then voted against calling a Convention, have sitico undergone n change of opinion, and would now vote differently ; yet it is not believed ibntthn necessary constitutional ma jority can bo obtained tor that measure.— With t sped to the Legislative action on thn subject of the Tariff, it scents to bn a common opinion, even among those who believe that the Legislative body have the power to make laws lor the protection of our citizens, against tho unauthorized invasion of their rights by the Federal Government, that they ought not to exercise it at this particular juncture. The Memorials of the late Free Trade and Tariff* Conventions, and probably the FrPbident’s Message, must bring the Tariff* question un der discussion in Congress, and there is a bare possibility that u ray of light may dawn upon the darkness, in which lift; country is enveloped, and that some little doubt may unse whether usurpation nnd monopoly are to he the settled policy oftheFedGralQpvern- tnent. Hast v and intemperate us it is fash ionable ti call us, the cup of our forbearance is not yet quite exhausted. Wo can bear with our brethren under delusion a little lon ger, but we can not forbear forever. Not Kris than t .vouty arrived hem in one vessel. Day after day lit y nm de- .Milked upon our wharves, and left to seek a livelihood as they ma.j. Outrage on—The Journal of Commerce men;ions another in-dunce, (at h ast we presume it to be n different one from that which wo mom innod yesterday,) of u wanton attack on t.vo ladies who wore re turning from Church‘on Sunday night, by some vagabond g"ntc dy dressed.. One of tho ladies seir.od him by the, and held him until a watch tin caqic up and secured him. II" was hound <• er, und found bail to the a - mount of § WOO for his appearance. From,9\:m\tr.y.—Mr. Field, the superear- go of ship G niduoQ, arrived nt Boston from Sumatra, stales that the natives and Malays on the Const bad become mu ll emboldened by their success in tlieir -attacka on ship Friendship, of Fnlem, nnd appeared to believe that the /uteri 'tins had tho disposition, but not the power, to resent them and punish their aggressors,- & this opinion wus strength ened by tlm length of lime tliut bus elapsed without their being culled lo on account for their outrages. A low, however, were fear ful of u tiny of reckoning. To trade with them required the utmost caution nnd a con tinued watch to he kept night nnd day. Ship Augusta, Towne, left Qunlla Matron, about July l, for Fu’ang. She wont into C|. B. ignorant of the attack on the Friendship, of Salem, look on bourd 500 piculs pepper, during which time the natives were making preparations to capture her ; but Cnpt. T. having been secretly informed of thoir design, got under weigh nnd left the place. Not having the right kind of specie she had to go to Faun tig to exchange it, ur.d then returned to the coast tig' These deceitful Malays will soon find that, the Americans havo tho power, ns well ns the inclination to punish them.—Thu Potomac will soon be down upon them. Uoston Patriot. Coduetton Li ve !—A writer at the North, struck “by the oddity of the association be tween the name of tho writer, and t he subject matter," has selected from the “ Advice to Youth,” nn extract of gome length, in which Cobbott has laid his big fist anti turkey quill pen, on this most delicate of topics. Ho commiserates those youths who are rcallv fion 0,085,000 Taxes, 24,002,005 The remainder was formed by various mis cellaneous sums. 1821.—In the year ending July 5th, 1931, the revenue was two hundred on<l twenty, five millions, eight hundred a tal seven thou sand two hundred and seventy dollars— showing a diminution within the year of near ly §800,000. Tit" dividends outlie amount of the na tional debt, or in other words, the sum i*ttid for interest alone, upon that enormou* in cumbrance upon British industry was, in tho quarter of the year ending 5th July, 1800, §42,171.010; and in the Pillowing year, to July 5, 1831, the same sum, within a few thousand dollars. Wo Itavegivqn these few facts for the in formation of pur renders, without intending to comment on the circumntunce of so ama zing a reveiltie being raised among a people little, comparatively, exceeding ourselves iu number. W* leave the prnhl mi of the fisca' wealth and tho pnuperism of England, to he solved by those Jiolit.eal economists, wi'h whom the only and infallible criterion of na tional prosperity, is AN ENORMOUS REVENUE. Telegraph. Convex rioxs.—This is tin age of conven tions ; we notico the following among those that occupy attention the National Re publican convention, to be hold in Baltimore on the 2«1 Monday in December; the (Van Buren) Jackson stale convention, of Penn sylvania, to be hold in Harrisbur ;h on the Silt of January ; the Jackson and Wolf conven tion to he held in Hnrrisbiirgb on tlm 4th of March ; the unti-Masonic state convention, to be held iu Harrisburg on the 22d of •Feh- uary ; a young men’s National Republican convention is proposed for the 4th of March, in Washington, D. C. the nnti-Mosonic young men’s convention in this state is talked of; the National Republicans have thought it a duty to look to ordinary means for success und may hold a state convention early next spring ; a military convention will bo h 'ld at Harrisbyrg early in the coining your, with a view to some revision of the milita laws. Philadelphia U.S. GuzeUc. “ I am absolutely afnid," said the Duke of Buckingham to Sir Robert Vincr, ** 1 am absolutely afraid that I shall die a beggar.” “ At the rate yon go on,” replied Sir Ro bert, “Iain afnid it will be worse,—I um afraid you will live one.” A joke which'was/un through the press, about Signor Paganini and .pretty Miss Wa ters, arose in the following manner : At a din- nerat DeBugnts's, whose pupil the young la dy is, Pag nini was handing her from one mom to another, a id she, in admiration of him, exclaimed, “ I a‘sh I was your fid- tilt* ;” to which the Signor i.iri'antly r. plied, “ And I wish I was your beaiu!” THE ACE OF BRASS. V'S sit'lt’il, !>u‘ I "'il 1 sigh na more, For si vor mvl t'»r jj <Mi n nre, And thought ’twnuMuver pass; Bu iiiof- their virtues of- h Ve tost An 11 havo f.iiiml that—■» my cost—- Tiuo v.riue’s in ho hiaiis I o’’oc adori 4 n maiih'" fair, Will ry* of bloc uni a ’burn hair, An I thought tn win t ic lass ; Hut mi ii Hiept in :i rival—whn C..U.0, t io, wi'h braver * f ou to woo, And woulur by Ihh brua. I hr.indisliM next an author's pen, A d h"pi:ti to be biici-essful—when, True un ri *s ill a (nee ; Hut striving It. re, I found again, ’Gaiuft unpndeuco, wns ail in vain— I wanted stul the brass. Next, ns a fop ii ion tho town, I sought to gain a s'iglit renown, And dressed f»y fashion’s glass ; Hu bore full so- n l was cut out, And driven t< the right about By those who had llio brass. Rejoice, yc brazen bullies, then, A'i I aitgii to scorn all honest in. n— Ye littvo tho magic pass': Jj'ii other’s w «li for b isor ore, Clive me, kind Fata ! I ask no more— fcj' ftieieiitly nf brass. JJ COM.1IKRCIAE,. Chun of tho Savannah. S ubscriptions will to rccoivori at News Boom of the Gettrgian Office for. a Lithographic Chart of the River Savannah, commencing at Augusta, drafted by .Major, State iSuperiMtendant of Rivers and Ronds. Price to Subscribers §2 50 encli- Persons desirous of obtaining copies, arc re* quested to furnish thoir names at onco, ns the chnatwill not be executed unlil IWwfflScrip* tion warrants it. dec 2 Savannah Volunteer Guards! A TTEN D a Company Meeting of tho v Corps, at Company Room, TO-MOR ROW EVENING, at 7 o’clock, to receive and act on Reports of Secretary, Treasurer und Quarter Master Sergeant, aqd other bu siness of importance. By order. . J03. VV. JACKSON, Cnpt. S. V. G. 03“ In case of default, attend a /TWpJIny ■Court of Inquiry at same place, on Friday, Dili iiidt. at 7 o’clock. DRISCOLL, doc 2 Act’g. 1st Herg't,. S.V.G. Murtvt, ’70. 1 ^ AS tho honor to infoni his friends nnd 5 the public that he continues his former business of Scouring and Mending all kinds of clothing, in tho best manner and with de patch. Also, makes Spatter-dashes of tho newest'fashion, and at a moderate pricu. His resfQdnce is at the corner of Draytou- slrect and Bay-lane. p dec 2 It appears by loiters from Canton, ns late ns the 9th of July received nt New York by way of Mexico, that tho trade with tho Bri’- . , tish had not boon suspended, as was stated a crazed with h)Vo*botwoen the ages of 10 and i f° w days n^o by a vessel from S;. Helena. 22 ; nnd complains that tho best precautions The following is an extract from one ofthese are generally made nugatory, ns the ladies, j letters, copied from tho Mercantile Adver- flnttered nl being the moving cause of so j t* sor : _ * much foolery, eurhurngo the extravagance of j “ Canton, July 5.—There was a little im- their victims. He denounces matches of hi- provement atone moment in imports in con- terest, or by “ rules of Arithmetic,” and winds : sequence of’the difficulty between the Chi- up by the novel and instructive remark, Hint ,,R se authorities und tit" Company—the lut- tho happino<s of a match depends on luck,! ter threatened to stop the whole English for that o.s love is necessary to married Imp- j trndo, and issued notices to that effect, but pincss, judgment cannot bo porfootiy relied finding that tho ptoeeedings of the Chinese on ; nnd tlmt .a 1 things considered, love is j emanated from Fokin, they have withdrawn not an evil.—CharleEve. Post. their notice, und referred the affair to the t Governor General of India nnd tho English fow evening ; governmnont at home. A vessel Ims boon Juries.—Seeing sine number found to lock up in otto of our Hotels for the night, we were led to some reflection on the occur rence ; and we asked ourselves how it wns that this remnant ofjudicinl tyranny still sitr- vved tlie wreck of so many of the absurd mummeries of llio barbarous ages? Espe cially how it was that a proceeding so contra ry to the spirit of our free institutions, so nb- horent* could yet betoleraud in a country famed ns ours is for t he many reforms Iter Legislators have introduced in the (’odes derived oti>r!- mtlly from our Trans-At antic ancestors !— One of tho chief complaints in that immortal manifesto, the Declaration of Independence, against the British King, was, that he called MVKRPOOL U.ITLS : HAVRE IJ ATE* : J 5 : octoiieh 10 OCA 12 Savannah Exports, Dec’r. 1. Hurl. Oxford, for Havre—88J bales Upland, und 22 bales Sea Island Cotton, from the JYew-Yoi!: Shipping nnd Commercial Lie. .\’ovunhcr 23. —Cotton—Tho s do*, Irmn 19th to 221 inclusive, utnnunt to nbuiii .UGQ bales, *>( a liich 550 were Ncw-Orleans ii 9 3-4 n 12 celt's, the Inner price (or u siiiull lot nfnew crop 'lily, 4*30 U|dnnds 7 1-2 ,i 9 1-2, including old nnd new ; 100 Florida 6u9 1-2 un.l 50 Alabuma 9 a 10 ceil s. Total Import, since 1st instant, 5.916 bales. Exp*jri,lrnni 1st to 17tli inst.uit, 5,529 “ Rice—Them have been soino arrivals of the new crop, bu* the dem un! is Iiiiu mI, and no sales worth reporting have conic io our knowledge. Exchange—Hills on London, 60 days, 9 1-2 n 10 prom ; on France, 5 17 1-2 a 5 15. 2 1* M. . Tuesdays, and Friday: 9 I\.M. ! Friday*. 9 P.M. tince, our Sergeant walking at the head of a despatched to the former, ami they have clnr- itimhnr of citizens, whom upon enquiry wc | ^' r ‘ ; d another to go to England. In the blind to be a hung Jury that he was ’about * meuntime, however, the trade continues." I A new Counterfeit.—A counterfeit five dollar note, on lito Branch of the Un ted States Bank at Savanna!'., was handed to ns on S iturdny lust. The foffo.ving is a correct description thereof: Letter A. payable to N. \V\ J. Bulloch ot order,and endorsed N. >V. *Jones Bulloch; dated October 1st 1827; nit To V.m feelings of a republican people, i Hunter, Cashier; Jno. Cumimng, President. | il vet be taloraud in n country famed as | ( ho sl P'“ tl,reB l ' re . wel * c , xecu £; d ' *“ n su '! Tacsdav. 7p"m ; the engraving of the eagle. Tho top head • , on tlie right, margin of tho note is roughly ! done, and will, if closely observed, detect the counterfeit. This being the first counter- ; foil put in circulation, of the denomination i w Mt „ t llulit , IICI1 ' of five dollars, on this .branch, it would be Legislative Bodies together at places',''remote j wrl1 for 1,10 P llhlic t0 bc on t,,,,ir S uard - London Fashions for o tober. from the l For Id nf Fashion. w . . . Hair, and" Bonnets.—We still sec a few scale, to have our Juries locked tip for days hats of rice-straw, ami, by a singular caprice and nights, frequently at places “ uncomfort-1 of fashion, they are now ornamented with able," debarred nil intercourse with tlieir flowers in place offeathers, Bonnets are for families and friends and seriously jeopardiz- i tho most part, of rich Bilk, as moire, which ing their health, with no other view that we is most in favor, or else Gros de Indcs, or can imagine, but that of fatiguing them into j the new material gros Polonaise ; this lust an agreement among thcmeelros, contrary to is an extremely rich silk. • i ... • Oul-daorXostume.—A maiMle of pearl- AR1UVAL &. DEPAliTUKE ufthe MAILS. JfOItTJIERX MAIL. DOF., ■ Cl.nHES, Every D..y, »tl,P. M. | Every D y ul 11, A. M W E 8 T E Ii -V. A L'GL'STA M Alt'. Mon lay",. We.tnowluys, I Momloy*, WedncsJayi, i'Od Fridays, 8 A.M. | and Snuirday*, 7 1-..*I. Mel COM M 1C.-DIRECT. Mondays, and 'i'hursdays, I M*».«l:»ys, and Fridays, 7 P.M. SOUTHERNS' ’M UL. I«AHIEN & HIC' BliHO’. Wnudncsdnys, nnd | .Sundays, 6 P.M. ST. AullusTlNF^ iSiC. | Wednesdays, 6 P.M. 8UKBUUY. Cockspur Isi.ano, Gno. ) 1st Dec. 1831. J S EALED proposals will be received till the 25th inst. to furuieh nt this place, P"ior to the fir?t of May next, 900,000 feet (h. m.) first quality ranging timber; am! 50.- 000 foot (h. nt.) first quality three inch plunk. The timber to he from 12 to 15 inches square and common length. The plunk square edg ed and common length and breadth. JOS. K. F. MANSFIELD, dec 2—re Lt. Corps Engineers. Notice. F AY DAYS on Cotton, per bouts Nos. 13 A & 10, will exnire to-morrow afternoon, dec 2 \VM. TAYLOR, P.S.B.Co. For Stile, A LIKELY young Negro Woman, a house servant, and field hand, with her twq children, uged 1 und 4 years. Apply to dec 2^p * A. A. SMETS. 3 lltIZES OF $10,000. O N MONDAY MORNING the drawing of the Virginia State Lottery, Class No 5, will be received. HIGHEST PRIZES: 1 prize of 10,000 dollars 1 prize of 10,001) dollars 1 prize of 10.000 dollars 1 pnzo of 4,270 dollars 0 prizes of 1,000 dollars &c &c. &c. Tickets §5—1 IuIvps §2 50—Quarters §> S5. Orders received at REDDING'S, Lottery & Exchange Office. 0^7” Orders from any part of the U. Staled (post paid) enclosing pr/.o tickets or cash, will be attended to if addressed. t.Q ^ \VM. F. REI)ThNG, dec 2 Savannah, Georgia. 3 PRIZ ES OF 10,"O OO. O N MONDAY MORNING the drawing of the Virginia State Lottery, Class No. 5, will bo received. HIGHEST PRIZES: 3 prizes of 10.000 dollars 1 prize of 4,270 dollars 5 prizes of 1,000 dollars 10 prizes of * 500 dollars 10 prizes of 300 dollars' 20 prize of 200 dollars 35 prizes of 100 dollars &e. &c. &e. yy Tickets §5—Halves §2 50—Quarters §1 23. O^TOrders attended to at WAT. I. MOORE’S dec 2 Lottery & Exchange Office. 3 PHIZES OF SSl0,000. 6 .MONDAY MORNING tho drawing f oflhe Virginia State Lottery, Class No. 5, will be received. HIGHEST FRIZES: 1 Wednesdays, 6 F. M. of r and “ uncomfortable,” for the purposo “ fatiguing tlmin into a compliance with Ins ] measures"—And what is it but the essence i of the same grievance, only u, . u a srtu'.ler a conscientious regard lor the oaths they . . have taken ? What! Lock up a dozen inch ! grey gros d.. Naples, lined with white c snail probably receive, by the mail on | selected to decide upon matters involving the j sursnot, ond embroidered round the border, M.4RINK JOURNAL. POUT OP SAVANNAH. 3 prizes of 1 prize of 5 prizes of 10 prizes of 10 prizes of 20 prize of 35 prize of &c. &.C. 10,000 dollars 4,270 dollars 1,000 dollars 500 dollars 300 dollars 200 dollars 100 dollars &c &c. CLEARED, Bark Oxford, Weeks, Havre. J. Jluze. ARRIVED, Sloop William, Luce, Darien. 50 brden Cotton and 1000 bush* Is itmigh Rico, to J. Slone & Co, 5c o.hors. WENT TO SEA, Hr. ship William Donald, Murph y, Liverpool. Brig EliEabetli, Emerson, Boston. SAILED, Schooner Betsey & Maria, Picelta, St. Mary's. DEPARTED, Steamboat Win, Gaston, Freeland, Augusta. Steamboat Georgia, Norris, Augusta, Tickets §5—Halves $2 50—Quarters §1 25. Orders atto: tied to at LUTHER & CO’S . . , I.oUer,J Exchange Of,ce. (ks Orders from uny part of the World, ( post p-.ud ) enclosing cash or prize tickets will nieet with prompt attention, if address ed to LUTHER & CO. dec 2 Savannah, Georgia. ^ Drawing Received. T llfi following arc the drawn numbers of the Virginia State Lottery, Class 21. 02 01 51 58 9 1 25 52 55 39 Received at RliDDIKG’S dec 2 Lottery h Exchange Office.