Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, December 09, 1831, Image 2

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oaonG,iAwr> Nbw-Vowk Nov. UQ^fTrc.—Afire ©c-1 all probability, is $100,QOO more than the curred«t Qii0$Li>id$pltirLlireo lliis morning, I work will cost. A daily mail will, I suppose, in a iwomo^HTriek house. 236Fulton street, j cost $10,000 per annum. Tins sum would, which was destroyed and ll»c adjoining one, at six per cent, pay on interest on 9100,000. 239, considerably damaged. This Jire was As to capital, it ought to he (bend among .. . .. — —wn * .. . hardly extingu'sed when another broke out i the poorest farmers in tho Stato—of course, , ,1 ■■■ ■!■ - . ..^ , - | uitjii i tan n whim, uiinci uicm, uwmairu ninnee hns resulted it, in consequence J in tho chair factory in the rear of No. 11 | among the wealthiest. Look at tlie progress i .‘Umtmmenu ni’prnr in huth with black ribbons, a whitocap with the ! of tlie timely precaution*>f our merchants in Mill street & soon communicated to the large of a rail-road. Atler general and particular . .. • i . . . ... ■ .1 . _ . I I. I.'l.l' i 1 . ... 1 .1. . ,1... nnall i.\ll n 11(1 altl* MO. Dili v n ::::: 4’OUNTM V I'AI’KH I Ttio oxecutiiin • r tlie w<il'*w (jouiricd took I Ui R Town.—Columbu* luu, for Borne I placa an ihn Slat April, 1KI1, on tlio Cnlho. | wonks pout, unumml nil notivo imil bunjimra ill.,I «i|imrr, nl Brum u. Tlie ProlcUnt, oppenrtnee. Colton in now coralni, in in || r/yrmin wlm liml ntlenilril her during her cmuiderilits quentitien, tml commenda t fmr mpruomnnnl, mdy quilted liernt tlm Innt inn-; price. Tliouifh our river lionbetui nt tiw low *** * * a stage for steamoat negation, no iuconve —- ■ - — clergyman who hnd attended her during her RIOHT HOLLAS* ’ ‘ * ‘ ::: fivr dollars j^ent. Her hair was cut o(F, and she was * I then elail in n white under dress, decorated r<m mi liioauuN. *T'» past: it am an hour of rip'urf j yat |i bore ti|on its Ming ilia •'log rrgret ; llul 'iwt* conceal'd by brmny, and 'he lijhl Of laughing *yu*, ami plearurra loud doliglil Kach joy of lift* asem’d lli*;o 'o moot and m«U Into one atr- am, inis'll my spirit frit, Aa'tvrrro nf ln.vvn,—neS of dying aanh And yet ibarn «**• no h«a>ed, giddy mirth. |,.kn Ihamomh roll "f oesan’a awctlmg wara, Vyiian storm* are atumbr ring, and cra«a lo rats,— rj'tiat lih ilirmieltrea «i h gerulanee*, and aatde, |,il by liir sun—dioaa momenta did b. giulo My hoart wilh a ralm gladnaaa ; lud they fla.t,— And wiili them all lh* awpalnt s wlucli they Tie »< momenta flaw away ; ahadowa alone,— Nay leea than tlmae (hut rpm My could have flown ; YmI they were bright indeed ; and I w< uld giv« My heart lo lh< m again tlioiigh they deceive ; For they are even like >1 r« that dinar ilia rigid, !■. thr dc< p tlurknera o| kurroun.ling night; And onca di'is-l iltwn—lu.diiug conioa to bit** Tim ptlgum opint in ila'oi>o , i.,oaai Thil«, when I know euch in'imenla emnol (lay,— And when 1 feat inch pleaautaa Will decay, AIm! I iiui«t in lileiit xadneta « gh ; And iho’ no tear may ever dun my eye, Yet will die amil< a which amnelimea glimmer there, paurt my brow,—and darkly diaappaur. HAROLD. ^ . Hiio showed tho utmost resignation, ami en- • their suppTies, adequate to tlie demands ofi totally destroyed, togutTior with nearly nil its I rormitied, working factious furnished, and • i •!**» »nt..i /.net tpl.icl. nai.-ml iher.n.,i. . ! ibn npoamit full Tho tains which fell oil the contents ; ns was also tho three story buil-f tho ground marked our, what is to be duno j same coloured nhboua was pluced on her liend. augmenting, in the early part of the year, j four story brick building In front, which was surveys are Him showed tho utmost resignation, and er “ J * * * !,L * 11 1 1 to red the filial cart, which passed through tho prescat fall. ... —,——, —— . numlior of streets, with the greatest coolness: 125th and 20th ult. have placed tlm Clrnlta-' ding No. ID Mill street, which joindd the four 1 that the most ignorant farmer cannot com* hut w hen she reached the foot of tho scaffold,! Imochio in good boating order. The strain- story house on one side and the Jew’s Syn* tnhor and his own labor• she Imd hurilly strength to descend from the , bout Georgia, Capt. Britt, has already le't for cart. Apalachicola. Tho Bfltitnorn, ('nptain Jen- oftieer of justice hero again read her kins, is also on the river in fine condition, At j - . . sentence, and she was then placed in an arm having been thoroughly repaired the last chair ami tied. She begged the executioner ( summer. In addition, we learn that a letter to cause her ns little suffering us possible — | has been received in town from a gentleman lie performed bin office, and nt one single j in Cincinnati, Ohio, which elates that tho blow separated the head from Imr body. I writer has nearly completed a va ry beautiful There were more than 35,000 spectators to bunt, called the Chnttahoechio, ami adapted witness the execution.—N. Y. Courier. to the navigation of tlie river, whose I she henrs. This boat will reach here in nil *. next month. j Our citi/.enB have every thing to animate ; thorn ami flatter their expectations, with four years’ existnneo, where stands u town in the ■■■- ■ south of*more enlarged and liberal improvo- II eh tha maili due yesirrday arrived aboui ■ qusr. inont, with more real capital and busiivss ter In-furo & o’c'oek lusi evening. Tho rnmni flolur »! capacity, and containing n more enterprising ... . i 'PI... ii.i'mlnr . !■« r i.llwl., MI ml I',. £ ritiDW iiotiMNc. i>i:t it. ngogue on the other. Tho Synagogue was I ert, and in the most efficient manner ! 1 he slightly injured, as was likewise the building | ground is to be cleared and graduated, values No. 0 .Mill street, adjoining No. 11 on tlie j filled up, ouJ declivities reduced, so us to TUecUairmakei’a shop in which . produce the necessary level, then the wood other side. Thochairmakei’s shop tlie fire originntnl, was occupied by Mr. Car- . produce tlie necessary would have lo be hud down. On it would he n|ipnnr lo linvu occurred bulwrmi Wnnh n^'on ami Pied' ri«:ktiur(* by lliu aliiamh nt^ <o tin- f*riii «r wi Imul landing bur mail " 1' r !u <r of ibe ice." i, fr"ni Now-York, iln- rho h ive bouti r, f |uonline, ■lonbif«il culu •tr in illiu Sluln ; bill bilo Irtuuv h i« uri'y the I ucrani cr of the nuxt fill olvoli'in*. In fjtl ilu prr.|ilo bnvriiimovrreil il.c hollow in M<>f political in-r* kov imn, Nu i'-uai lit piib!icnni.«nt, (•n't -ill ibo olliut /«(.*»* nffuction, nml arc tliigmil'il vvilli l!io fanalicinn wliieli Kilrnt'l of a lifer In tho edifon *«tl(8lli ul'imn. “The eiliior* w l»tii (> () ti Hickory out nf I ho cho longer put New. Y*>rk in Ihcir " lie it Biiro of un ovcrwlidniinj; vn you have aeon ibo rduriia, Tlio population. The country dependent on Co- [ iiunbus for supplies is extensive ; and tlibhgji | its trade at this moment is divided into v.fn- !<p<|g channels, the causes which produce tho | div<*raion will Boon he removed. I There is already one hank in operation.— oaten. The Farmers’ Bank of ('hnttahoncho, char* an j to red at tho session of 1830, will commence ! operat ions nhnnt the l()lh of January. Be rington ; *5o. 11, the four story brick build* found the mentis of perfect and cheap truns- ing, together with the house in tho rear, was j portation for merclmnd /.e, of tho conveyottoo owned by Mr. Frederick, ami occup'ud as a f of good gravel for its surface, and thus would store house by Messrs. Marvin, llovoe &. i the “ walk” bo enabled to “ settle,” and moko Marvin. Tho threo story building, No. 13, | at a cheap and ensy rate evury provision lor owned by tho Jewish Synagogue and occti- | its complete and final creation, [»ied qs a store house for sugar, by Messrs. Of the value of the rail-road from tlie Chat- Seaman, Tobia's Sl Co. I’Iio wind was blow- J nhooche, my form r essays have spoken, and, ing a stifTbreeze from Northeast. Tho two 1 / think, fully. I liovo no copies ot them ; largo houses whi It were destroyed were j Imnco I cannot but imperfectly recollect built in tho dutch style, and wore very old. them. Perhaps their contents wi'l justify We underrtanfl that about five hundred quar- ; tlieir ro-puldicttion. The Augusta rail road ter casks of wine was destroyed in the store 1 can be easily effected. It is in the hands of Messrs. Marvin. Tliehuildiugs and con tents were principally insured. I'aiv-KTalm:\ n v\t> —The Dukc/of Wei- ^ ngtou and Lord Holland have borne hand- j some testimony to tho defamed anil misun derstood character of Prince Tnlleyrnml, which had been assailed by the Mnri|uis of Londonderry in tho House of Lords. 'There j and hearts of the rising, the wealthy and tho 1 augmenting population of Georgia* BRINDLEY. COltlMtiRCEAfj. Hl'Otll. I) VI.*: iiavi'K n \ri:t : octobm 10 : ocionF.n 12 N'W-Yofk, nl lead, tho grculeal tnd mod woi.llhy of lliu Stairs, ' Oil' 01 now bo mbro|tri'*oii|i>i|, SIhoM lliu •' rc-scli'iiii" of wliiub we liavu li«.ir«l #■» nmc!i ill lh. ’, Pi nnnylrania, amlol'icr Si 1 • «, |- ov« ol' tlio n:iin< clinractcr vv.lli iliuio exh bilol io iln l.uo elcc-iuitv it m lu be li-nrcd dial br'iiro iirxl fall, I'm “ gri'nl n^ii'innl rupubitaM parly of the vvi-rltl” vvidbu ilwiirll".! ton rorp'ir.iln gnnnl, if mil uilogellu r amui g ibe mitMinj.'.— So utucii nr lintloinl h' mil wlecb was ruined ;i- il «a Ito, ed over the itnn* nf lliu nJminUirulim), vvlicn ilif Ciibint t wu« iliv»< IVeH. In f.irl, ll 0 np;in»ition hnvc C.iintl ill I dll')’ do i.ul know t!m ofilna cmmtry vvlio are not led by empty diclamulion—(boy have "V« r ncUd tlieir purls, lid flii'l vvhi'ii loo lute, dial lu place nf Uliiverinl spplaure they only n coivo dm con onipl no l drriition of dieir nudiuncc. *1 ho f v rim querion— What Iiqr ihu adminiitralion dm 0 7 ll no lunger rc pcnlcd—ll:u answer is ovcrwlu tmins—ihe vysicm of ladies pursued to destroy their rri'dii for wlisl is done. anJby aliackt op n ho cs'i i'itc tu Jr v him fr mi his ■(ra*, sc long M iis • U«n it sire mk Ii a. wo have seen— t f such is llmir choice—'hey in iy very well b- h ft t.- puriuo, wii'iout loi fro o o», .Till to onj *y all lh- hon. orofu. They may wb'uito th H c'.y Moninai'■ Ibo A'landr, lull ihny will li l it a morn diiiini!t t >>k lo fiigh'i-n An mine J ickson fr >ui his duly to lliu poop'c •vho ihu* unaniiuoiu'y supi on hnn.” nidus tlieso institu'ions, nn Insurance Cum- ( ht\d been no man’s private character,' said pany with hanking privileges will, wo learn, | Lord Holland, ‘more slnmefully traduced, he incorporated during the present session of and no man’s public character more mistaken of i of New-York nm Tim d' protl.1 ions vxluiisivu ml dnrinp. Hands of tlou pork, &n. f>f , disinprir .n >he nio.l iiiannr', nml Iho American Aducaie muni ions dni n week or two the Uspl .in ol n » pod stoop loti ciafl qoitlly at nnchor in die Eusl Itivur, oppomio iln- Munhattao murket, ami on ilic niornwv, vvimt was In aslonUhmeni to percuivo ill ti his vussul ha t diiappcur- uil, and no truces oi lier c> 11M be oGlu'n ^d for lwo or liren duys, when shn was discovered iuihuddcd in lliu mud near ihc N ivy Yari, sc-ne llii. vcs h wing hove up |IihMitoliivr mi l sold ii at llr.nklyn ; the cable war ids 1 ilirpoiod uf at a junk diop in ihu upper part of ihu cry. (Same.—A parly of hooters, in Norwalk, Olii >, ki led three ih'Hion l l vohundio.1 ..nJ suvouiy-fivc squirruls, liming uuu day's e.xonrsinn I An Or rui-e.l m M.i»*ae.hii'Olls, was exlnbiiod in the streets of Hosioiion the 2Gdi ultimo, Wt-ixhiag two ihuu- suiideiju hundrud p ajn U. Mcriikr — It is now long since the pub lic papers announced that a fninnlo Imd boon apprehended at Bremen nn the* charge of Imv-. ... t n ing comniilted murders nfunpamllud altrocity | ,,U ‘ ' Tho slow progress made in crimiiml nrorre- dings there, «h is cntntnmi through nil Ger many, has prevented her being brought to tri al and sentenced until Inte'y. Our Iasi pa pers from Europe contain the following no count of tho proceedings in the case of this woman. Marguerite Timm received a tolerable good education, her futher, a tailor nt Bremen liv ed in easy circumstances, lu'1808, nttlie ago nf'20 years, she married one Mettornberg, n saddler, wlm also posHUSsed some proper ty. Hove 11 children wore tho fruit of this marriage throe of thorn survived their father, nt whose decease tlie widow found herself in possession of an ample fortune. In 1815, in the spare of n few months after tho dcccaflc of her husband, death also carried off her inn. thernnd hor throe remaining-children . Tho fnllnwing year her only brothor also died, on his return homo after a long absence, and when the proporty of her lather was about to be divided. In 1817 the widow entorod into a second marriage, with a Mr (lot fried, with whom she, t v her own confession, had carried on nn elicit intercourse during tho life of her first husband. Home days after Ihe mairinge, Gottfried died suddenly. Hix years,elapsed, and she was on tho point of marrying u Mr. /■nunerman when he was attacked by a Se vern illness and died, lu 1820, tlio widow of Gottfried told her houso to Mr. Rnmpf, a cartwriglit, rcUimpgjltowcycr otic apartinoht in il for her own use. Homo months expired, nnd the wife of Uumpfdied in childbed, when the widow Gull* fried took charge of tho household of Rumpf. lie was attacked with violent vomitings.— On the flth March 1828, ho perceived that a piece of Bacon which had been oookod by ijio widow Gottfried, was covered with some hi range substance, lie caused it to be ex amined by his physician who immcd'utuly tiodarod that there was a large (pinntity of arsonlo on it. On information given by Iho physician, iho widow Gottfrieud was appro- bonded. * The pohco then rocoivod considerable in formation from dilfi rent persons. It was proved on trial, and sho confessed, that she had gi^en arsenic to u number uf persons, fifteen of whom died in consequence, and seventeen others survived. C n the trial? cir- ciimstanccs coino out which justified a belief that she had given poison to other individuals to whom it had not been fatal-. In conse- qence of the .number of murders proved n- gaiust her, it was however thought unnecess- ary lo go intu au investigation uf those cu- SOil. Tho woman confessed that she was induc ed by motives nf interest to commit somo of these murders, but as to others she could on ly attribute her conduct to an irresistahlc dc. wire to give poison and lo see her victims "•'••h. Tito counsel, in her defence, ondca- v v **— ' ‘ ,4J olf of this latter dcclara- voureu to nynu »m.~ ' 'Mrlng under ration to show that tsliO wss monomania, and in consequence, that tn^.v. was no criminal intention. Medical men who wore examined on this point doclured that they could discover in her no physical caUOO which could give rise to such n monomania, and this defence in conscquonco did not succeed. The following ih thejudgo- mont given by the criminal court of Bremen on tho 17th September, 1830. Ill the trial hold on Margm rite Timm, wi dow of tho late Michael Christopher Gott- fried, accused of poisoning and of other crimes, the Court declares the widow Gott- friond, (who has besides committed sundry thefts, acts nf swindling and perjury, ns well ns attempted to cause abortion,) convicted and guilty. r . 1st. Ot having assarod, by means of poi son, hor father and mother, her three children, her first and second husband, her brother, Imr betrothed Paul Thomas Zimmerman, Mrs. Anne Louisa Meyerhols, Mrs. John Mosecs, the wife of tlio cartwriglit, John Christopher Rumpf, tho wife of the cooper, Frederick Schmidt, nnd lastly, the wifeoftho locksmith, Frederick Klomc, nt Hanover, ns also of hav ing besides caused the dentil by poison of Miss Eliza Schmidt, daughter of tho sffid Frederick Schmidt, which last act however was not premeditated. 2d. Of having administered poison to the said John Christopher Rumpf, at divers times, ,, _ with the intention of killing him, after Imv- _ " r 'S Cjicrub, Capt., lrom Smyrna, ing by the same moans destroyed his health, t T!, , arr,v f” at Boston on Sunday, ... i* i i ■ ‘Hill, ••It I hdl 4. utnlno tl.nt IIia Ali..lnp. tlio legislature. Branches of some of our s'ttle institutions, it is pussil.lo, w • 11 also ho located here, and l-iHt, though lint least, an agent nf tho United States’ Bank has honor ed our town with n call for the purpose nf ascertaining its eliqiliility for the estab isli- inont nf a branch of the hundred Itondud nion- s'er, with tho visit of which agent hangs n tale, which, in due season, will iio unfolded. W’u must not omit to mention, among the evidences of growth and prosperity, the exis tence of two lur^c and « uetouH Hotels. Columbus Eni/uircr. Tlio Il*rri burg (I't'iui ) H oi'i, latc'y ilaclnml a Hiv i<bn *, for lliu!a«i six m tulm, of * llio (iruilu uf lliu in-sti d i"ii. The Albion, i.ii B- g'idi pn|wr, puli'i-hi-J nt New- York, in a reran nilielo on tho rejecti *n of ibo Uct<>rm Hill by ihu II «-*o of L r*U, wiy* s lliu (roslion of n lurgc nnn>bcr of I'ucir (m yncure iis | in tliui b - d)) will bo rrBarted lo ; unit i'iat U ti alTinnuit itiai I.or I RnJnor, and ilnr v oilinr Pin m on the miniviurinl ■iJe, 11 have plncod tl.i-ir nrfo on ihu iiiiooiisiitutiunnl vtrc cli of lliu royal prer’g i ivi .” Rk»VCTION OK NnWHCAI'KII PnSTAOti.— As Congress have seen meet in thuir wisdom* to reduce the duty on cnlFoe, we see no rt*a- son why they should not redeco it on News- pipers—an article of cqunl luxury, nf more usefulness, and almost though nut altogeth er of as general consumption. We shnil not enter into any pathetic argil- incuts on tlm subject, but throw out a few ob- seuro inticndoos, for others to improve upon, such ns, 1st. Exchange papers go free, though not one in ten enjoys the honor of being read, till the printer's hoy has passed them for a few cents a hifltdred over to the Grocer, which by tho way, nccounts fur their being such wi- ley politicians.) 2d. Tho postage is disprnportionnbly Irgh, the general value of tho paper being hut 4 cents, nnd 25 percent, according to the calculation of all publishers being lost, mak ing the paper stand at 3 cents. The postage therefore, over 100 miles, being 1.} ccq|. ts ', np o 4 , fidi, j just 50 p . ct. ad-valoriim. This is toq high iinancoiiuiubM | a duty in these times, when \vo loqk for truth only m a newsp tpor, and aro not always able to find it there. 3, The Revenue would not be materially if nt nil reduced, hv tho change, ns many more papers would bo pnhl shnd—informa tion would bo more generally diffused. 4th. Newspapers ably conducted would stand n chance of better support, and extend their • scfulncp«. Country papers, establish- ed to save onstage,and to die in nine months, would not tin starting nn every where,calling on their put reps to pay in potatoes, and clear ing outbeforo they were roaated. 5th. Postage is so heavy a tax, that fev hut active politicians think th*»y can atford t' pay it, and their neighbors have to depend o'i them f»r the loan of their paper; and they generally stop it, after a while, because they have no chance of reading it them selves. (Ith No more need to ho said on the sub- jm cent, out of!.i Pr L but something ought to be done. .Let and misrepresented, than (ho private and pub lic character of Prince Talleyrand. Our friends in Maine appear to ho full of light- 'I’ 1 '® Norridgework Itepubfican siys— ; n nd the operations nffirnl but littlu'iiitorest— Havannvii Exports, Duc’n. 8. Hr. hri« II iiry iIV Tnr< •>—575 ior« s Steam SjvvcJ I l.iiil.j 152 M. Shiny es ; 25 ba^a H er. Boston, November'iH—Cotton—The mar ket during the week has been rather quiet- no material change has occurred on prices, tfcoitr up your old muskets ! let its show them British dugs that the spirit of ’7ft still warms the bosom of every American citizen —and that every true born Yankee feels him self individually \\ rouged and insulted, and that too by a tnoro servant of “John Bull.” Intkkkntinu to Ci.khoymux and Pastry Cooks.—Tho New York Mercantile Adver tiser, snys,- “ we Imve seldom known a time when so many matches have boon, or are being” made ns now—all the beaux in tow*, save one, ns Hamlet snys : will be pairde, if the fever ruges a month or two longer. Gkn. Vives.—It appears to ho generally understood at last, that. Gen. Vives, has ob tained leave to resign the importnnl offico of Intondant of the island of Cuba, which ho has held for so many years, and through some very trying scenes. He retires with tho res pect and esteem of many of our countrymen, as well ns of his own, being a man of great moderation and humanity, ns well as talent. Gcii. Mariano Riealbrt, il is suid. is lo be his successor, and was daily expected. N. Y. ttuibj AJv. The B iltiinorc People are so much delight ed with their Rail Road, that they nr* riding upon it continually. We have noticed one fact, viz :—that wh n the Mayor and Abler* \, .. , . men bnbn x nd In tlio parly, it ■Itvitya rtO|.8 to j 11,01 merlt P"rt.c.lar notice. !i 30n .) .... dine on Iho road.—Boston Statesman. MARINE .JOURNAL. 51) a tit) Imlus • Now-Orlenns 11 a 12s—Up- j laud !) a O.j—common do 8 a 8.]c—and Ala bama 10 a lOAe. G rnos. Rice—Of the new crop has been sol 1 nt 4c pur Ih tu lots lo the trad3—tho supphos me limited. l'i.di—The market has exhibited hut little animation for Mackerel this week—sales in enrlv part of it were made nt 5 l-lft and a few fares at 5) and I j for No. 1 and 2, since which tho sales generally have been nt same rates, and No. 3 out of fares at 2j| per bbl. From the Nno-Yoik Shipping and Com mercial List, November'SO.— Colton—The transactions, from 20th to 29lh, inclusive, amount to about 1250 bales, of which 500 wero Uplands, at 7 u t).\ cents for old and now crop ; 300 Alabaman 0.) all; 3(H) Florida 8 a 0, and 130 Tennessee and Ncw-Orleans 8^ a 11$ cents. The business for home manu facture has beon more extensive than before and for that nurp: Jb the hfghest rates have .been paid. Holders continue to be willing Billers, and though we do not niter onr quo tations, thn tondoncy of the market •« down wards. There is very little Upland that will command ovor.0£ cents. Total Import, since 1st instant, 7,738hales. Export, from 1st to 23d inst. 7,420 bales. Rice—Wu hnve heard of no transactions rou TUB QBORUIAN. RAIL-ROAD TO AUGUSTA. The great Jitlicuity in Georgia is to place the subject nf rail-roads on its own simple and practicable footing, nnd to demonstrate to the understanding nf Ihu ninny that the rail-road is but nn improved road, ami in its results possessed of all the advantages, with out any of the disadvantages, delays, or ex penses of a can il. I will beg rtbw to quote some paragraphs from a communication published in the Charleston Southern Patriot nn the 7« h Jan. 1819 ; or, just ufter the legislature of South \J Hnn M Carolina Imd begun to appropriate money for j l.Ti.-t’cmioM n n>l ni rivers nnd canals, that lrnvo already cost |, s. B. Purkmn PORT OF SAVANNAH. IXHAKHD, llr. ljri« Henry ihu IV., Miirp!.oy, CniMxiri oji Fire.—The prur. ciuf police ol Pans |mt dir.clwl dint n quaaftiyuf fl-ur of iiil|itiur khmiUL t.u cont : nimlly kepi at ihu wu'di-houm ol tlio lircmr li in ill.U nicln* o'i*, and nt d o p'arua of roHiitumu oflhc Po icc Officer*. Flour of •ul|'Uur,(es lia^ been dainoi,* Orated in theory nnd at \ \|u ricncu hat thewr ficlually put oat a tiro in tho chinuia.-. It is enenrred by them, is finally discharg’d, will amount to 93.3ftl,Out). “Thowritef of this Members nf Congress bo taxed, d ring one i pa nor deems his ttfiice thus fur terminated session fur their newspapers, nnd the chance | in pointing out tho source of his npprehen- would he, that every boilv would soon he. | sinus on tins interesting subject; nor does freed from upstage. It would come home to he deem it necessary to allude to the wild their pocket •. and they would then feel fur the .pockets oft heir constituents. Boston Statesman. The Governor of Alabama ta his late ilJe*- sogcud vises tho Leg shturo to make n “strong anti decided expression ngninst the policy of re-t bartering the United States Bank, especi ally on its present principles and with its pre sent powers.” lie also calls their attention to tho “ necessity of extending more fully Bnrb.ido-’*. Cohen St Miller. ARRIVED, DrigCym* T’s'.'Vr, Fm«^ New.York, H day*.— id A. f.clli bior St Co. 5’h, < II' Chnrltwlon, *i«'kv Frenoh WiuCourlior, 12dnyi from Il.vro for Charlfdnn. fc* iiop Fair Trader, Kdp»i, Hnii'li's plantation. 800 ImihIimIm Hough llicc lo It. St W. King. Sn-ani Pn«km (J. VVnshiugton, King, A'lgustn, toj. W. I,ong. I.’i0l>nl«s Col.(in—Piusen^irs, S. M niton, J. W. Sinun*, J. Hcgone. Slrain-liont C nilin.i, Writy, Aiignuta, will. In ,t N .1 lighler No. 1, to Stomn-boil Company. 1470 her Mi r. hand so to Tail & P.idol- u'rkmnn. Ma'om* St Sis'nro, J. Stone Jk Sa.OIKMHlO; null lic.iirn llio public (Irlit: I'W'". a. r^.nl S c ., .l.i.l. Ill'l l, lla'I, • Simpler .V 1 upper, S. I). Co.bull, A. L.Barbicr ft Co, VV. ^Lrshaii, and oilier*. SAILED, Sloup Dingo, -, Durian. Hriv S-u Idund, hence nl Il isino, 27i'i. Brig \Va h un, honee ai Prori-lence, 28th. S< h'tonur Oregon, ho uw ol Bnhitnorn, 1st. Soam-packet Win. Sualimo'c, advoriloul 15 Icavo Clurlctoii, lo-ino.row .a 5 A.M., forllii* port. Brig Marylatil,«iil<*.d'.m Bu'.tim >r«, U«, ‘.drthi-t port, For Sulo, ’ ■g /• | SHARES of Steamboat C'ompa. I "I l nys Stock of the State of Georgia, the full amount of 8*300 per share hnve been paid. This Stock has produced un interest of 8 per cent, per annum since tho company was incorporated in 1817, and the Board of Directors will in January next be enabled to declare a Dividend of §30 per share on Ihu transactions for tho last six months, being tin? rate of 20 per cent, per annum ; also for salu | tlO SHAKES of Stock of the Bunk of -I. the State of Georgia, tho required amount of §100 per share, paid ftp. Also, the following described extensive Steam Saw and Rico Mill propcity located in Darien, viz: Tlio Engine of 36 horse power, is of tiro very best description from tlio Manufactory of Boulton, Watt &. Co. of Soho, Englund, and the Machinery from thut of the lutq cclebra. ted Mr. Rennie, of London, after whoso origi nal plan, the Saw Mill is constructed. Tho Saw Mill has five gangs of Saws, and when in operation, furnishes the requisite full for the Engine, from the slabs nnd saw dtipt. The Rice Mill bus 1ft ailing Resiles on thn common construction, and four gangs of crank pestles, which urn capable themselves of pre paring, in a very superior style, four large tierces of Itico for Market every hour. The timber, with which the Mill is supplied, comes from the present uncoiled forests un the banks of tho Oukmulgei*, Oconee, Ohoo- pio and Alatumnhn Rivers ; and the hinder sawed from it hna a decided preference in Iho northern nnd easl< rn markuts of these Stated and of the British We.-t lnd<a Is'.uiuhg^ The swamps of the nhovo nnmr^rrvcrsi contain immense quantities of red nnd whitu Oak nnd Cypr< as timber, as yet next to un touched by the nxc, so tlmt every prospect is held forth of a large portion of the newly opened British West India trado being at tracted to the Mill. There are many extensive Rice Plantations in tlio neighborhood of tho mill;—and many more valuable tide and inland swamps yet tir be settled. Tho rough R co is received in to the Mill bv menus of elevations on thn edgd of tho wharf, which is 500-feel in length, and from which is shipped the lum ber, by means of inclined plain's. From 12 1-2 to 13 feet water can he curried from it to sen, over a very fine Bar, over which 10 feet, water has been carried. On the echo, which contains about ten acres (including thn natu ral basin for tlio logs) aro every nccofsaiy out building and other requisites, among which are n Turning Lathe, Brass Foundry, Blacksmith Shop, a small Grist Mill, frc. Both Mills aro now in active operation and will continue to be carried on, notwithstand-* ing the present advertisement for sale also The following Rico Plantation, contn’iring 1190 ncrcs, situated six miles abovo Darien, McIntosh county, and four miles from Major Butler's Plantation, and 1 1-2.miles from tho road lending from Darien to Fort Barrington. At Biisdon’s Bluff, on a branch of Sapelo river, at the distance of 11 or 12 miles to tho north of Darien, there is a five acre lot to bo included with tjio sale of this land to serve as a summer residence. Tho Bluff is on tho Halts, and is considered one of thn most pleasant nnd hcalthftil situations in the lower part of Georgia, and as such has become the resort and summer residence of several of the most respectable planteis in the neighbor hood of Darien. Applv to LOW,* TAYLOR «fe CO. Otj” The Boston Com. GuzyttovN. York Even ng Post, Philadelphia unzoTfe, Balti more American, Charleston Courier, ond Louisiana Advertiser, N. O. aro requested to insert the above one week eu*!i, and forward their hills to the Georgian Office, Savannah. dec 11 Hellenic [ibis allusion was mudo to a bnnk erected to securo swamp land, which was then in agitation, which cost §12,0(10 mid came to—nothing,] for the embankment of rivers, and at one and the same time perfect ing tho navigation, and securing tho swump lands.” “ One of two kinds of roads may be made —the common turnpike, or the artificial rail way. The latter, on which a horse will draw three or four tons, (0,1)00 or 8,(100 lbs.) with dians, within flu* chartered limits of tho State, j the civil and criminal jurisdiction of the State willef- courts*, allowing to thn inhabitants, in nil re- uly iu- J spec!s, tho rights and privileges of citizens, ct?* *ry lu burn .i *m.*J q imtiiy on ill" tiro |.]*c«i, ihu . ns far as is consistent with the constitution. into the Cherokee and Creek nations of In- | great ease, and at thn rate of throe or four liimney of which i» on Art*. Tlio sulphur combining with •hooxiip',1 ,.f .ho nir, lilU llicchinimy-wlih mi'pliu- rin iu i I cat, which «ioji* iilumat imiucJiaitly the com- bunion uf ctrhon, the* of 8'<ol. justice, nnd their condition. Our citizens, savs the Governor, residing near the borders nf those unceded lands, aro frequently inter rupted in their-rights of person nnd property, by lawless persons, who elude the pursuit of justice, by being beyond the jurisdiction of our courts. Tho sovereignty of tho State, givos j to it tho right of jurisdiction throughout its On iho nij;lii of iho 2Sdi uh. mx fellow* il.uhc,! Schuyler'* LotU ry Ofllcu wiml6w in Broadway, New- Yoik io |>iurt'H, snatch'll several packages i f money. . . v . , fl , , , , .... I to ritnrv. It is. therefore, a curtailment of and ran olt. they note alterwuriU secured whilo ci* j ;| _ u . __ __ ^ t , ^ i tiling it. 2.—The Norfolk, Doc’r. Irigate Guerriore, Commodore Chaj-les C. B. j justice. Thompson,—Edward B. Babbit, Esq C'*m- mander, from a three year’s cruize in the P.\- ,. . r . , ., ,, Piirnomknon.—A letter from die, ami lut from ( nllao. whcnco she smled ; s , GaM in S u',ue r !,nd. „fihe 17lh nit. states en the 8ih September, arrived in that on the l»lh a mnuntnin near Ilmreiir. Koada yeaUTday-brinpa no nevA. 1 lie l s| .|i, „„ n d,. r wnh a frielitfid noiai ' Maiet ship bt. Irnuia, Cutam bloat, eailed ; of . r i(l leet in width waa • it'r, ilnt'u nrnt'initi: the l.tnl.v.l VInIen nn, . . two days prcvmns for the United States, ami was spoken hv the buru Ea, of Bullimore, in lut. 5, Ion. 40. 3d. of having administered poison lo groat number ot other individuals, with pre- meditation, but without intention to kill them, though u proved extremely pernicious to the health of those.individuals. In consequence, and confornmbly to the 130th articlo of the criminofiteodo, ihe Court condemns the widow GolUriend,for the crimes she hid committed , and ns n useful warning to those who might* be tempted to imitate her, Jftih ult. Capt. G. states, that tho cholera had made its appearance in the Jewish part of the city, and thut the inhabitants were in groat alarm. . F. E. Bunker, F.sq. of Constantinople, hearer of despatches from Com. Porter to cur government, came passenger in the Cherub. On Saturday evening in Philadelphia t\v_ individuals named Yeager and Weeks had a to havrf her bend cut oft’ with tho sword, and regular Kentucky quarrel, when the former . that the expenses of trial, judgment and ex- bit oft* the under lip of tho latter, nnd was eculion, slmll to defrayed from the property ! proceeding to bite oft’his nose and and chaw 4i( the coudcuincdpersou.” [ him up when the watch interfered. miles per hour, might bo laid down, in tlio first instance, with wood ; and tchcn that mnteri il should hocomo as door ns iron, re course could be had to metal. Then, it will have tho decided advnn'age of resting on o well trodden basis. Tills will remove nil danger of its yielding to any pre&ure, how ever heavy it might oo.” I will hero recall your attention to my al lusion in your paper of tho 10th ult.'to tho wooden rails with which tlio rnil-rouds in Virginia and New Jersey are to be commen ced. I will now conclude the quotation : “ A very few dollars would show the re sult of an experiment, that, if the people of Charleston think proper, may be made.— Suffice it, therefore, to ’say that 150 miles of road would complete tho communication be tween Charleston and Columbia, and Cam den. Sixty (GO) more would carry it to tho N. C. line—in all 24ft. Calculating that it would consume 1(5,000 feet of timber, it would cost $1500 per mile, or $3(10,000, nnd answer eveiy purpose.” The gradua tion, building, &o. &c. were unnoticed ;— : they would have cost perhaps $180,000 rocks removed from their places. A brook Thus making240mih*s of road cost $540,(K10. 'its rights to putter a part of its limits to ltd j under a distinct government, and more in 1 1 convenient, because the government is only I nited States ] nominal, and not adequate to the purpose of noise, nnd nn formed. Forests of tir were overthrown, and Iffrg had entirely disappeared, and it was feared that its collected waters would cause great mischief. Many families left Bregcnz through fear. • Somo one was asked not long ago \\4iat the word Rum was derived from, end got for nn answer, that'it was only tho first syllabic of M-U-R-dcr transposed. This derivation is proved by tacts within the knowledge of every one in this city.* Within two months, three men have murdered their wives under tho influence of this infernal spirit; a fourth is now in prison charged with the same of- fenco; and numerous ussaults tending the same way hnve been committed. It thus ap pears that there is a wonderful affinity be tween, rum and murder.—_Y. Y. paper. Had such, a plan been adopted “ the basis" would, by this tune, have been “ well trod denand with nn additional expense of $2000 per mile, or 8480,000. The locomo tives would have been for about 81,000,000 traveling it tit tlm rate often or fifteen miles an hour, ruid the taxes of tho state saved an annual charge of 8120,000, and the commu nity of a debt of $2,000,000. Willi such facts and such Jesuits, n series of essays would bo an insult to the inhabi tants of Georgia. They will surely see that for $250,000 or $300,000 a rail-way of wood can be laid down between Augusta and Sa vannah ; and that fully 80,000 hales of cot ton will annually descend it ;--thus, at 50 cents per bale, producing 840,000, or an in- j tcrest of 10 percent, on $400,000, which, ir, FOR BAL TIMOR F, The new schooner MAINE, Capt. Connnhj, Will sail for the above port on Wednesday, the J4ih instant. For freight or passage, applv to , dec 0 BA VA RD & HUNTE R. FOR Cl FAR BBS TON, The regular packet sloop JOHN CHEVALIER, I N. B. Sisson, master, s5»LWns detained yosterdny mi ac. count of head wind, but will sail THIS DAY, at 1 o’clock, 1*. M. wind and weather suiting For terms, apply on hoard to tlio muster, nl Hunch's wharf, near tho Steam llico Mill. 0^7"All Slaves to bo cleared ut tho Custom House. nov 9 Agency Of lice Of the Charleston Fire tf* Marine Insurance Company. Hwannau, Nov. 23d 1831. TIN H E subscriber is prepared to Insure X Buildings or Goods, ngainst loss or da mage by Fire-—Produce and other Merchan dize against hnznrds of inland t ansportation on tho sou;hern rivers, und cargoes of ves sels against nnr’nn risks in the coasting trad”. dec 9 HOMES TtJPPER, Agent. Removal. J OHN F. PARISOT, Watch St Clock Makbr, begs leave to mention that he has removed to tho Brick store, opposite Messrs. Low, Taylor & Co. in Bull-st. near Monument square. Watches and Clocks nf every description fully repaired nnd Engraving neatly executed, dec 9 i;j~ f o l oll AUCUSTA, Tho steam packet GKO. WASHINGTON. Will leave Bolton’s whf. To-morrow. Fur freight or passage, upply on board, or to dec 0 JOHN W. LONG, Agent. (J3" S. W. Mihvard is n can- didale, nt Uic election on Monday next, for District Surveyor of tho Cherokee Lands, in tho place of J, G. Scruggs, deceased, dec 9 ]3 Notico. L AY DAYS on Cotton per Caledonia and boats A. & D., expire THIS DAY. dec9 WM. DUNCAN, Agent. Lots to Lease. S EVERAL Lots will bn leased fora num ber ofyears, situated on the South Com mon, near the residence of Mrs. Norman McLeod. For terms applv to JOHN IL M’KINNON. At tho fctenm-bout wharf, dec 9 # 13 —; i Fruits, Nuts, Crackers, &,e. FBI JIE undersigned have received pur schr. A Glide, Maine ami other late arrivals, such additions ns makes their Stuck com plete, amongst which are : 19 bids Soda, Sugar and Butter Crookera 4 do Chrsnuts, SheUbUrke, AIiik* nnd Brazil Nuts 8 boxes Bunch Raisins 8 do Prunes, Figs and Sultana Raisins 4ft jars Currant Jelly, Preserved*Quin ces, &c. 30 jars nnd kegs London and American Pickles lft doz bottles Capers,Olives,Catsup,&c. 1ft bbls Wheat,Buckwheat & CurnFlour IN STORK : Very choice old Brandy, Holland Gin and other Spirits ; old Madeira, nnd other Wines ; Bordeaux and Martinique Cordiojp, with a general assortment of Provisions and Groce ries generally, to which additions will bo made hy most arrivals, CROCK FR Y A ND (IT, A SS ]YARF, from intending to disc ontinue this branch of j tho business tho stock of. Dining and Rich | China Tea Ware and Cut Glass, will bo sold at a large discount. Call at tlm Family Gro cery. il. WEllU. dec 9 For Sale, A N D immediate possession given, the plan tation of Alfred Cuthbert, on the New Port River, near Sunbury. Apply to Major John Stevens, or Robert Habersham, dec 9 13 Drawing Received. T HE following urc the drawn numbers of the Virginia State lottery, Class No. 6. 48 39 25 11 9 5 lft 20 6 Received at REDDING’S dec 9 Lottery & Exchange Offico. Exchange on England, &c. I 71XCHANGE on England—Drafts on N. -J York and Philadelphia, at sight—For sale hy E. MOtYNEUX, Jr. dec 9 * 13—e Drawing Received, TF11IE fid’owing a ft the drawn numbers of A tho Virginia State Lottery, Class No. 0. 49 38 25 11 9 5 !0 29 0 0^7*11 olders of prizes will cn II for the cash at LUTHER & CO’S dec 0 Lottery & Exchange Offict.