Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, December 12, 1831, Image 2

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9 daily J'Ar k UOUNTIY l’AI*i:R r jw isntTppptor atA/VAMJVAXKZ ~rr-niun. •■ an. ..-Tram? t -*»: —"t iswifaf MONDAY MOIININD DWl’Il l'i. Uwt King's ■(•«*!< H, toliirli HB (fiWitb below, ol *scer- ! taxes wliicli pressed heavily on the interest* | viding i heir territories, declaring Belgium a ittHi.i! II ..frunii h im of III* |M«0|.lr on the e«p«lr of my people ; nnd 1 have observed with no •• neutral state,” proclaiming n genera) am- , ... ► ar i o„. v in* Ioas plessure, tho commencement of impor. o,H 7 o. Itefom in I. "V"*™** ^L D ,1“ t »" 1 Vmprnvawent. m thy law of bankruptcy, "* u r#,0,u,,on '° I""™ ** • up,K,rt - ! from which the moat beneficial cftccU may he expected* i I he papwfc |l 7" lly ih* John Bioney m JJiturJsy m ml vane* of ih* uiai'. KLEt NON TIIIH DAV. An election Tor a member of Oolifrn**, to fill Ih* v*. .entry canted by Mr. l.iimjiVia’a •». **k«« (.lac* lliMUftaml tin Siam tlu* day. Tim•* the Ti»up party in AUGUBTt’rt n. CLAVTOfl. Em}■ whoa* friends w* iruat will **»<:« lh*tr seal by aom* effort* in hie helialf— lor we regret to aay much apathy hat pr*»ailoJ| and the principal ••lemon* made hare he,m on the ride ot the oppoattion. Too eiuidwlaie of tjia Clark patty in WM. HCin.RY, E»o. An election for surveyor of the Clieroke# lamle lake* plac* at the aamr time, Tlte following gentlemen am Tt-l-mu mi long is !»• ahall have any ivUon to hope fe» success* Vi»e of ihc journals anhcipiled a yatpaeianeni of lfm Hireling of I'nsiMuiwui i-ml January, but tha Morn ing Chronicle of Id'll CJc*. announce* on the l»c*t ail* •horiiy that it will m**l on the liih "f Decirml**#, at •he laical, *nd thr Uill will then be lirmi:-l,t in. Ifmin- talcri wrro lo make any cfianga, il would he to inuka it more domoctaiical; hut they will bung in II1L [mill. • fword T.oiiMiltilo hits offered several rotten boroughs for sole, but there wore no purcha sers. ncBty, fixing on each n port oflhp large na tional debt. dtc. and threatnpijr to enforee the decision by arms if either,ol the parties reject it. There are 24. articles w.hjch lh$ I contimie to receive the most gratifying j Ministers declare shall be adopted os n whole, proofs of the friendly disposition of Foreign and their execution is guaranteed by the Powers. j Power. “The Conference assembled in London | The Belgium Plenipotentiary, E. Silvain has at length terminated its difficult and la-1 Van I)e VVeyol, declined nffixing his signa,- borious iluciiSHionrf, by an arrangement unatii-1 tore to the 24 articles, on tlte ground that mouily agreed upon by tho Plenipotentiaries j they differed too widely from what Ids in- ofthe five Powers for the separation of the I structures required.and from tho prelimina- •InU-H of Holland and Belgium, on terms by | rirs on which those instructions were foun- which the interest of both, together with the dod, but forwarded them on the 15th Oeto- her, to BrusseWi (hr tho King’s decision. Brussels papers of22 Cct. express doubts of the assent of Belgium, and intimate that having been mistaken for another bishop who voted Hgainst the Reform Bilk Lord Wharncliffo had been requested by, part of lea regiment to resign—ho declined so doing. €40.000 of property havo been destroyed by shipwreck at the Capo of Good Hope. The cholera had made its appearance at Hamburgh—some doubted its being the real cholera. 'Plie French government has introduced a t. M A. Bird J. B. Lewis, feh Rlilwani new com Inw abolishing pmhilnltons,•'and * pernuttmgimpocUtiouuDd exportation tvl ro- L. N. MhclwU. ^ lly the ship FtnrUn strived on (Saturday w« racewdl tha New-York* Standard and Muic nnlu Ad- >er<t»*r ol Moudnv Ust, containing foreign w*' lo f5th Oct. which will b* found in anolhof flaoe. Tho ic* wa* forming •» «lia Kud*** m«r. •leantbrniM found much diBcts'y m passing ** nu,,u than thirty nulw brl 'W Albany. Tho Canal on N»v. can, WM frozen over »i Hyracm* and ca«wnrd, wind, aiopa humlrud* of boat*. I"«d»d wiik produce, *•« 'heir way to Albany—and many with ns;rehandi/«i bound •vie**— allhougli tho packet boat, hmmd to Plica aw- ceedad with au *»r mtia braakmg Ha way Aatluotlgh- A mend of Vr mWliifnllrga and of the orator h.« ktt in our Nvwa Room fcr tale a few «ops>« of “ An Ufwliua, .'oltfifod Itofur* lb* Demnadionian arut I'ln Kappa Hoc idle*, of ilia Uniter ily «*f Georgi •, ol «h« coiumencumani of Auguti, 19:t! : lly Auuui'u" B* 1/wgdreul, pahltahod by ordur of iIm Phi K’M'P* Soticiy. Tho roiolu'Inn introduced in thn H. Carolina l^'gi*- tailin', r«iu«ating tha diamiatal of D-iot. Cooper front id* Ptmdduney dtth« Collegn, ^a», after warmd-lining finally alirpowid or on the 17th utal. HO to !t. by s in - lion to refer tho charge* mail* against him, •" dm Hoard of Trust ana or tho College, wnhau nn4W«U»nd. mg that haghould bo dtsmisssd, to oaso limy wero aub- . ataiiiiaiod. |ty tho 8l«ainh-ial J. I>. Mongln, wo havo reooivod Uie Augusta Chromolo of Hal inlay, and are glad to pnrooiv* it has rnaumod its wound appaaranco tboforo the lato firo. Tho following aio u few adilt ional itouis «f Legislative intoHigonco: Senate, Muiuluy, Dec. 0.—Mr. Cnx re- portod iiistantor, « bill to aimunl tho net of 1S15, in«UM*i)orating tho Ibmk of tho State of (Juorgiu. On motion wits “ Resolved, that his ExdWlency tl>« Governor b\> nttihoriofti to tltiiivor to the Richinfmd Light Dragoons, filly cavalry awortls. anti fifty pair of eistdls, ihrllioubo of said company of Light Hra- goons. Tito following hills wore pansr.l; — I o mako pormauent tin* site of tho Public Build ings in thn county of Randolph, »t the town p f Cuthbert aud to incorporate tho same.— To amend tho 9th aectinn of tho hot inror- pnrating tho (Vntri.l Bank, so ll.r us rolutos to tho salary of the Cashier. Tho President uabmittod tho following communication from tho Btirvoyor-gourtrui, which was ordered to lio on tho table for tho prosont, \nz, The lion, the Senate anti House of Representatives: The plan 1 luid boforo your honortibhvlmi dy, or the Cltocokoo Turrit esmu, and tho ■ession, (Vein U**» '^uid obtain, 1 matlo tliut boat consist of IHl disiricts. But on a strict sttrvoy, found to cotitaiit only OB, ow ing to tho lmo between Georgia, North Car olina, and Tonnoaioc, being snorter than hud been represented, by 3 or 4 miles j and ns there wore 90 surveyors olnctod, I tlmught it beat to lay it before your honorable body, ns it might require some act of legislation. All which is moat hiiuihlv submitted. (Signed) JOHN BUT HUNK, Stir. Gan. Senate, Dec. 9.—Tho Senate reftiaed to reconsider the vote t*f yestorthiy, in rnlitinn to the passage of tho bill amending tho Qflli section of the act incorporating the Central Bank, concerning the Cashier. JUr. Anderson, from tho military committee matlo a report, accompanied by a bill, pro viding for the improvemout of the militia sys tem ; which were read and ordered to be printed. Mr. Branham, from tlte commit too on banks, made reports on thn condition of the Hank of Augusta, Planter's Hank, Hank of ilolumbus, and Merchants' ami Planters’ Hank of Auuuslo; which were road ai/d laid on the table- Bill reported and road the first time by Mr. Bnnvn, to regulate thU town of Jollcrson in Camden county. Bills passed—To grant relief and indul gence to the purchasers of public lands—aud to return attch public lauds as were originally purchased for tho improvement of the river Ali-ttnnun, to tho opening of the wagon road from Darien to Macon and Mdledgovijlo. Tito bill to create a new judicial circuit out of tho soul horn and ChtUahoochio Cir cuits, was taken up, when Mr. WooLftjlk of fered a substitute to tho whole bill,—ami on motion of Mr. Woojford, the original bill utid tho Euhstituto were laid on tho table till 1st Juno next—yea* 85, nays 83. LATER FROM ENGLAND. Oar paper* received by tha ship Florisn, contain Liverpool accoun't lo the 25'h Oclobur, brought by tho ahip York, arrived at New-York on the 2d mat. The ti'amiard'ot Monday >ay«, the alarm crouted by the RoferiO Bill being thrown out of tho llwiiic of Lorda jiaa, lor tho present, quit a subsided, »ml people huvo uigam turned tuoro of their attention to business. A -jncio list of ill* uicatiugs which hnvo been huid on the autyectofttffortn throtiglioal tho couatrv,w):h the names *>f llie (prskers, would fill our pspor. Lard Handoa was olivtod uti tho 22 J of Oct. nicmbc f for Uvarpool, by a majority of 819 over h» op)>onent Air. Thornlry. Loiit Sainton is nu Noii-refemsr. Hweral P'ic»i, and (tioeo an< i-ruforin |icora too, had sccontljr tnado wry large purchases in American fund* Otic |<eei who refuses all reform purchased £i0,00J U. -Js. stock. Ji will be perceived that Parliament has bean pro- aOUjjcd tu Nov. £2d for il»e puipos*;, us is differed in futuro security of other countries, have bpon carefully provided for. ..... e f* i “A treaty founded on this arrangement Rev. Dr. Murphy, Bishop of Cork,, was , |(w bwf| pre<wnto j t o tho Out* h and Belgian [•nrly dragged out of the mail coach at llatti, pl en ipoicntiarics. and 1 trust that its accept- ance by their rcapoctivo Courts, winch I an- xiously expect, will avert tho dangers by which the peace of Europe waa throntened whilst tliis (piestion rotnninod unsettled. “Gentlemen of the lf,ouac of Commons, “ 1 thank you for tho provision tnado lor the future dignity jnd comfort of my Royul Consort, in the event of her surviving me; and for llw supplies which you have granted for the service of the present year. You may be assured of my anxious cure lo havo them administered with the strietcatattention to a well considered economy. J. “ '1710 elate of Europe has tnado it noces- ry to iucur in the various establishments of tho public nervico nn incrouHcd expenditure, which it will bo my earnest desire to rtvluco whenever it cat! ho done with safely to the interests r.f tho country, in the.innaiitinio 1 havo tho satisfaction of reflecting that these dumamlH havo been provided for without any mnlerial Wlditiou to the public burdens. “ My Lards and (ientlemen, “ lit the interval of repose which nmy now be afibrded to you, l am sure it ih unnecessa ry for me to recommend to you the most care ful attention to tho preservation of tranquility in your respective counties. 'J’lio anxiety which has been ho generally manifested by nty people for tho nccoinphshmont of a con stitutional reform in the Commons of Par liament, will, 1 trust,.be regulated by a duo sense of tbe tie essity of order aud modera tion in their proceedings. “ To the consideration of this important question the nttontion of Parliament must ne cessarily again bo called at tho opening of the ensuing Mesnion ; and you niny bo assur ed of my unaltored desire to pramoto its set tlement by such improvements in tho repre sentation as may bo (band nncossary for se curing tu my people tho Util enjoyment of their rights, which, in combination with those of the other orders of tho stale, are essential to tho support of our free constitution. ” Then tho Lord Chancellor, by His Majes ty’s command, said duced tillin'*. One of the largest nnlurrt* known for u long linto lias taken place at Lloyd’s. The psrtifH had been established for more titan 40 years suit always enjoyed grout credit. Tho Birmingham Pulitloal Hilton, a socie ty which Hways ns much tyiwer no.w in the country us tlte Catholic Aweciatiuft ever did in Ireland, havo published nn address which wo insert below, recommending tlm forma tion of political societies in every town in England, to concentrate public opinion, and to unite all voices in demanding reform.— They exhort tho people to firmness, order and moderation. Very great excitement ex isted, and tlto uttontion of all classes was ab sorbed in tlic one great question of reform, but Iohj disturbance had occurred than wus t’enred ;—some details are given below. Tho Duke of Newcastle has 400 yeomanry stationed in his residence, Clumber Castle, mid cannon nrc mounted in tho building. This is the man who said of tho six rotten bormighs which lie owned and sold, that “ lie had a right to do as ho likod with his own” —lie does not find it very ciuty to do so. Tho Earl of Wilton hud two companies of troops Ktationcd at his seat of flout nn Park. At Carlisle, tho Bishop of ihtp diocess bail been burned in efligy- At GUiucustor, tho Royal Duke of that nnmo, ami tho bishop of tho diocese had also boon burnod in elligy. The rnt at Blondford continued through tho whole of Monday, 17th Oct. Tho mob, armed with bludgeons aud ston.s attacked tho house of Mr. Moore and Mr. Smith, tho lawyers of the successful tory candidate, I.d. Ashley, and broke all tho doors nnd windows and gates. They pruoooded then to tho pas sage and such was thoir hatred to Mr. Chard the vicar, that in loss than live minutes tho pannols of the doors, windows and shutters were beaten in ami the house laid entirely upon ; and but for tho arrival of a troop of tho Mil dragoons the home would hftvo boen ravtoil to tho ground, Many oilier houses were attacked, and much injury dime. At Mansfield the houses of most of the portions who Hignod tho. anti-reform declaration to the peers were attacked and much dumngo was dune. A party of the H)lh IpWpars dispersed the mob late in the day. Cullf^'h llnll, near N ittinghain, tho Heat of Mr. Musters had boon attacked. Some of the letters from Nottingham state, though later onos do not mention it, that tho conse- qticnco proved fatal to Mrs. Musters, who it will bo remembered was the Miss Clin worth of Amtesly, the object of Lord Byron 1 curliest allodiums. .^itoay, Oct. 20. HOUSE OE.„(r^ , x\;a fur tho prorogation of i^-UMriffbnt by His Majesty, preparations wore made at an early hour to give tha usual eclat to this nut ionu I ceremony. To prevent miy interruption of the public peace, a strong bo dy of police begun at 12 o'clock to lino thn streets from tho Palace to tho House of Lords, and shortly nttorwurds detachments from the Horse Guards arrived on the ground, to odd tplondor and otficioncy to thoir arrangements. Tho houses along tho lino of procession wero crowded with well dressed lai^cs and gentle- inch ; but there was not so many spectators ill the Htroots as wo have snmotimos witness ed during the present reign, owinggiorhaps to tho existence of soino doubt m the* public mind as to whether tho prorogation would take place on this day or on Friday. From 12 o’clock till 2 there was on umutorrupted rush of carriages through the streets to the House of Lords, laden editor with tho hero- diturv wisdmn of tho nation, or with soino of its ofl-shoots in the male and female branch es. There was a greater number of ladies in tho house tluiu usual, owing to the galle ries, which were erected for the accommoda tion of tho poors during the reform bill, being still left standing. The Grand Duchess He- lono was in tho body of the house. At 2 o'clock tho bollo of St. Margaret’s churclu aud the cheers of the people on tl^e outside "of tk house, gave notice to tlmao in tho inside, of His Majesty's approach.— Shortly afterwards ’the firing of minute guns announced His Majesty’s arrival at the house. The Lord Chancellor and Earl Grey immedi ately withdrew to receive thoir patriotic Monarch. As thoy pasted through the Pain ted Chamber to tljo Robing room, thoy y/etc both cheered loudly by tho spectators wait ing there. The Lord .Chancellor’s reception, next to that of tlte King, was, wo understand, particularly enthusiastic. In a few moments utlurwards, they returned to tho house, load ing Ills Majesty, who was accompanied by tho usual officers of state, to the foot of the throna, which His Majesty, who looked ex ceeding well, ascended with a firm step aud with great alacrity. The usual intimation was then given to* tho Ushor of the Black Rod to command the attendance of thejlonsc of Commons at the bar of the lluuxu of Lords, to wait upon his Majesty. Shortly ttftcrwards the 8petker, accompa nied by l.ord Allorp, and several other mem bers of the House of Commons, appeared the bar. 1HS MAJESTY then ngul the following speech in a firm tone, pronouncing the con cluding paragraph with a very rnurked em phasis. “ My Lords and Gentlemen, " l am nt length tumbled to put an end to a session o1 unexampled duration and labour, in which mutters of tjio deepest interest have been brought uudor your consideration. ‘ I felt sincere satisfaction in confirming WvaniNOTON, Dec. 5.—TlMSjwfryffi^p npoiif.l III till! Capitol, nu&tfsa Cuimnwi of Session of Utft c T" litmtuMi ot mo reqrs Himuig ex- f j.^ tin.-;. jwn, aud that iVfriuimber_gLiuA*T , ^ proportion of tho Members of each On *•,-'** claup*'- *■■*, w 7° Houso tiro in the city ; and there can he no doubt ,°f «t quorum being in attendance at tho eall qf the roll m both wings of tho Capital. Tho electiqn qf the Speaker and other oflj- cors of thq House of Repre^ontatives will give grout interest to tho sitting of that hotly to-day. The officers of the Senate .are not chosen, according to thoir rules, until this t)ay week. “ My Lords and Gentlemen, “ It is His Majesty’s Royal will and plea sure that this Parliament he PROROGUED to Tuesday, thn 22d day of November next, to bo then hero hidden ; and thin Parliament is accordingly prorogued tq Tuesday, the22d day of November next." His Majesty thin left tho Hhqso, qnd was accompanied on his return by tho sameuntlm- siastic cheering with which ho had boon re ceived on his passage down to Ifie House of Peers. FRANCE. Thn hill fiir the Reforinutioii of tlio Peer* ngo bus been finally disposed of by the Cham ber of Deputies.. It is founded on tho Rrinei- ph’H that llm Peerage should *>»td'*ro fhr'fue j that the nomination of tho Feqrw sltnulq ex ist in the Crow ho unlimited. ingrafted jifrrent modes of election instead nrnpottfynl nominafion, limiting tho privilege «nmeir Icgis^ativq functions to terms ofyenrs ami restricting the number of members iq the Chamber. Over all these proposed changes, tho ministerial project triumphed. Tho com mittee, tq whom tho examination of tho bill was intrusted, had likewise its amendments, which shared a different lUte from those of. imlividuu) members, (t proposed classes or categories of persons, to which the Royal choice should bo limited ; but theso categor ies, like the categories of Aristotlo, wore so general as to include nearly every supposahle individual to whom the favor of the Crown could be extended. They were accordingly adopted with some slight variation, mid now qoinposo a part of.tho bill which Ims receiv ed tho sanction of tho Deputies. The Cham ber came on Tuesday to a vote upon the whole bill us atrended in the discussion of its details, when there appeared in favor of its pis8ing,M8tJ, and against it 40. The min ority vvns, no doubt, composed of tho two ex treme parties,—those who ohjoctcd to tho bill, because they dos red a senate elected by tho pen pie,—a nil those who resisted it, be cause they desired to return to an hereditary nobility. Tho chief interest of tho pieco now be gins, insL ad ofbeing terminated. Tbe pro ject of declaring tlio Chamber ol* Dope ties n constituent body pro hac vice has been abandoned, nnd consenuently the peers will be cnllod upon to dcciue on the retention or surrender ofLhoir own honors und power. (Front tlio M.'i*iagi-r <1*** (Minmhres doled Tltursd iy Oclobur 20. u Banks of the Rhine Oct. 10.—“ Tlje Prussian garrison of Mcnts has not boon re lieved by Austrian troops ns was reported, Tlioro uro at Mouts 10,000 or 18,000 njen half Austrians, and half Prussians. The au tumnal reviews look place on the Rhine at tbe beginning of ibis month, which led tq nn erroneous supposition ofay unusual move- meut of troop3. As for tlio joumios of the Prince of Prussia on the left hank, I can as sure you that they have not taken place. “Two artillerymen oflhe National Guard of Strasburg wero at Mcutz a few days; they walked about in their uniforms, ami were re ceived with onthusiasm by a great number of inhabitants, who.even joined then in Binging tho Mnr8Cilloiso nnd the Purnsinns. ° "Algiers in October.—“Usury is one of tho scourges of the colony. Members do nothluxh to lend money nf. 4. per cent, por month. A good tribuual, we hope, will soon do justico oo such dishonorable proceedings. “It t£ in contemplation to iutrodi|ico the cochineal here. An American, settled at Bogota, intends, it is said, to import hero, 1300 Nopal plants, We might easily liave 10,900 plants in three years. “ Perfect tranquility prevails here. But for the fatal south winds, which are dotruuen- tal to the health of tho inhabitants, we should have every reason to congratulate ouiselves on the present state of things.” BELGIUM. The Ministers of the Five Powers have at tlio Minister of War has given increased ac tivity to his departnumt since tho arrival of tho 24th Articles. The Chamber had been cloudy occupied with the question sumo the 10th. POLAND. The cntise of the patriots is for the pres-, ent utterly lost. Of the treachery of a part of tha Polish leaders there is no longer any doubt, and Krukowicchi who was tbe latest commander in Warsaw seems to. have conspicuous part in the sacrifice of bis country. Modfin had surrendered, the Rus sians entering on the Oth Oct. and the army was entirely dispersed. The Grand Duke Michael and Marshal Paskewitsch hud re turned to Warsaw on the 8th uct. A nuiq- h»»r of Russian officers of rank had arrived there, and f)0 officers uWo of difjjkrent grades in the Polish army. Prince Czarlory, Gen** oral Skrzvnecki, and Count Mulsehowski, had retired into tho Austrian territory ; Gen eral Chtopicki, whose wounds were not yet healed, remains in Cracow. Warsaw, Oct. 9.—General Witt had j£- Ritcd u proclamation, in which he announces that in spite of tho order to deliver arms of all kinds into tho arsenal, and repented war nings of the cojiscqucnccs, Joseph Uller- tnann, on inhabitant of Warsaw, had con cealed in his Imuso several carbines and a considerable quantity of ball cartridges, for which he had been condemned by n court muriiul to be shot, and was executed yester day according to his sentence. Count Will, in announcing this event, considers it as his duty to warn ovcxry cyio of tho Inevitable con- Sequences of disregaftl of the order of the su perior authorities. Russia.—Pied Marshal Count Hiebitsch Suhalanski was buried with great cercnqony at Mt Petersburg on the 27th of September, in the form of tlio Protestant Cltnrcli. He was a Prussian. Petersbnurgh, Oct. 4.—The Petorsburgh Journals contain no nows. Tl(0 Cho.lcra Imd rather incre iscd, there being qn the 1th 30 patients remaining. Sjtain.—King Ferdinand hns issued a de cree, of which they following is a clause Every Spaniard who has emigrated from tho territory on account of political offences, nt whatever tiny* and whatever may have boon bis previous eonduyt, is pardoned fully and completely, and no authprtiy, judge, or tribunal, shall bo allowed to prosecqin him for nffcnco committed previously to the issuing of ting decree. All emigrants arn required tq present thorn- selves at tlte legation of their country, aqd to receive passports, which takes them out of tho 1 at of exceptions'to the abovo general ar ticle. „„ London dates to tho 15th October Inst, stating a great excitement throughout the Kingdom of Great Britain. The consequence Inis byen tlnH purchasers for that market, im mediately withdrew, and aw waiting for fur ther advices. Ifl addition to which tho scar, city of vessels precludes tho usual business being done to other foreign porte.—There remain in port, but tw# that are disengaged, who arc risking an advance of Freights. Rice—Has been in good demand, anuone small lot of prime brought f34- ,,, . Flour—A lot of upwards of 200 hbls of Howard street, brought from the wharf, $Gj. We continue our quotations, remarking that holders ure not anxious to sf.ll. Sugar and Coffee—There has been littlo doing in Sugars aud Coffee from first hands during tho week. The daalerq sales hpve beenTtissennd as we approftqh the holidays. Prices of Sugars of lpwei and middling qualities, of which the stoek is considorablo, are decliningof tho finer descriptiona the stock is short and prices firm. Coffee con tinues without improvement, and the demand very limited. Exchang*r-OnLondon,9Ja9; on France Statement of Cation ana Jfirt. .Stork on hnml, S. Island, rptond. Hu.*. On slii^ board not cleared, tUO UU-0. tfel City c«n*itmi>iioh of B ire, from hi Oct. 1831,to Ist • Dec. 1831. Remaining iu sloro, . 821 8174 off Cape* of tli" Delaware, experienced very aever* weather from W.N.W.—*tnv* toilwark*, •plit f..r*a»ll, amt started deck load. 2fiih, off Block l*tand(wheiic* r.ho had been driven from near Sandy Hook) «qi*ri- oneed nnoihvr sevoroblow, which split sail*, atovobul- Hcli'ooner Kiftol, hmeo %t Now-Tork, 4lh. Ship* Superior, and llfnry, and aoh’r. Excel, allu at Now-York, 5ih instant, for this port. Brig Frances, up at Philadelphia for 'his port»2d. Ship Aspasm, cleared at New-York for ini* ported, quit Queen ftjab, do. 3d. Ship Lion, cleared at Bpston, 30lh, for thia port. Schooner Ariel,cleared at Baltimore (br this porl.h'li. The Brothers, suited for this port fjom Deal, Oct.21. FOR NE W. [E8TABM8ltS,a L S.M I.}- The regular packet ship. T Y B E E> D. Wood, master, „^WU1 sail TO-MORROW. For passage only, hnving good accommodations, apply to Capt. Wood on board, at Jones’ up per wlmrf, or to HALL, SHATTER & TUPPER. dec 12 1103 2523 New- York, Dec. 3.—The Market.—In the Colton market there is nothing new to day- Flour in also the same as yesterday-— Sulphate of quinine has been sqld ir\ consid erable quantifies at <$2,50 per oz. English weight, which is nn important advance.— Mackerel, rather lower, tbe sales arc at $5,50, 4,50 and 2,87$. lV»x Raisins nco rising. Norlhean Outs at 4H ctn. Suit is oxtromolv high; Liverpool sucks ure selling in small lots at #2,75.each,. JYei^hts for Europe are gottiug railier better. The Liverpool,Times of 25th, gives, the fol lowing as the state of the Markets on the 24th. 21,340bags Cotton sftW in the p,re.vious week, and market closed firmly at Jd per lb advance. The sales consisted of 5890 Bpwcds at 5il to OJd, chiefly 5| to Oil for middling to Ailly fair; 3010 Orleans., 5d to 7Jd, chiefly OdtoOJd, middling to fnir; ‘1900 Alubama and Mobile, 4f(d,to O.jd ; 180 Sea Island, 10^ a 19^, 20 stained do. fijjd to 7Ad. Tlte residue not u.S Horte : arrivals, 5307 bogs. Tlte nominal price of Rice was 13s to 18s. Average of Grain—Wheat 59s lid : do for 8 weeks, 03s, !i8s 2d, 37s lti, 33s, 40s 9d, 43s Hid. Flour, 14s 10il per brl. of 196 Ihp. Liverpool, Oct. 24(h, Evening.—There has been a firm niqrket to dqy, anu the sales, with those of Saturday, aniountuig to about 4000 bags. In bonded Wheat few transac tion are reported, but qovoral thousand brls. of sweet and sour flour have changed hands, the former at. 19s to g()r,, and the lattor at 23s to 31s per hrl. American Flour, has increas ed in value ffilly a shilling per brl, aud scarce ly any offering. hv4>ty Royal assent bills for tho amendment | length arranged the terms on which Holland ot the game laws, and for the reduction of, and Belgium nre to arrange their affairs, di- IC7*TO TUP VOTERS OP CHATHAM COUNTY.^} Cliailiqm Cuuuly Inis been always consistent in her poli'ics. An olnctiuu for niouibur of Cori|>iuiis lakes l»l ncu this iluy. Two CHinlidaios arc before her |.oo|,lu, —-ihi: first, A. S. CLAYTON, tho inleutcd, imitoviuting rc<|iublican, nominated at q convention of ilia ronreson- to lives of ihe p <riy at Mi'lcdgoyille—i|ie oilier u Icudc-r iu tlio ranks ol'ihe- Clark parly—i.'io du'orniini-il poli'icul enemy of (Jco. M. Troup, whom lie itigmu'izcd with 'iVmson ! Have. %v*> vio choice here J t?h"el'l w ” n«l prefer one win wo lalcqts and writings have giiucd'hi' an enviable celebrity ihrnugh«ut the Union to a station •hpro talent and influence in ityc presunt situation o* •he Indian rc-huioij* of tho State are so much waited ? Or(iu tho language of the lU>corder)“will the People of Georgia support a man for Congress who believes that tlu- Governor ought lo renpocl and obey a process of Ihe Supremo Court, served unqn him for ti e purport of aricsting ihe criminal law* of the land / You cer 1 a inly would nut. Will iho cnlighleM|M^iiici,cy of Georgia give tie ir suffrage to that tliis Suite should so far comprumii h<>rsowoignty ns to btcomo n | nriy to a case before the Supreme Court, involving her sovereign rights 7 You would m>l —you cannot therefore vote for Judge Schley ; for ha does believe iu the it,uti-republican principles contained in the above interrogatories. \\ hen ihe Governor’s cmnnuinicaiion during tl,o session ofiholu^t legislature relative to 'he citation of the Chief Justice of i|^ Su-. preme Court, in iho case of the Indian Tassel!*, was laid before tile Legislature, n coimnitiee was appointed to toko tho mailer into consideration. 'Tho ennimiltee reported tho dignified and fearless resolutions which will be found in the journals. Upon ihe fipal vote upon those resolutions, the yeas und nays wero taken, and the groat body of the legislature, of all parlies, vole,! for them ; a few gentlemen, ten only, voted against them, aud anting that number way Judge Scullt. Judge yo ; whether or not ho entertains such opinions as become a representative of this S'aio in Congress.” CHATHAM. FOR NEW YORJf [ 5 8TA IL IS HO L I N E. 1 Tito regular pnoket Sliia FLORIAN, T. J. Leavitt, master, W*H have immediate despatch- Fur freight or pjwsagp, having elegant accom modations, apply to the Contain onboard, at Jones’ upper wharf* or to ILILL, SHATTER & TUPPER. dec. 12 FOK KEW-rORg. Tho regular, packet ship BTATIRA, Thomas Wood> master, Will have immediate despatch. For freight or passage, having elegant accom modations. apply to the Captain on board, at Jones’ upper wharf, HALL, SI I AFTER & TUPPER. dec 12 JOtlRNAL. PORT OF SAVANNAH. COMMERCIAL. li vmt’of't. duh : HAVRE DATES t : : : OCTOBER 10 : OCTOBER 12 Savannah Exports, Dkc’b. 10. Ship Mogul, for North Kuropo—1404 bales Upland Colton. From Howard's (Charleston Price Cur rent of December 19-—Cotton—The sales since our Inst report amount to upwards of 230P bales Uplands, from Si a Vjj ; principal transactions from 9 to 9}: one .choice lot 0$, and 50 baies.of the old crop, from 0.J a 7§ cts. In LongjboUutis, Mnines and Nanlees brought 15 a 10, ami a lot of Florida, (Stained,). 10 a 11A cents. Our market continued steady un til Thursday Morqing, when the mail bruught CLI04UID, Ship Mogul, Blake, North Eurnpo. , IJhn ._ HulL &ho,‘- 1 U PP ,T i --T* „ , .^rtrr.ii'f’-ortnnc.G'tion, Point Petr*, (Gita.) ,LSW> lo A. L-Rttrbu r & On. Ship Kiorton, Lc .viit, N«w-Y<u|t. 4 day*, to Hall Chapter & Tunpi-r, i)l«-rqh«lidis0 <> S. I). Corbe t, Cl. aliorti 5c 1\ o «l, C. Li;>pili, J. Bomly, R. Bliss Mnlope L S si re, G. Co, 1). & R. Fo • y, A. SrMiiinn, II. Lord & C>», IV. Q. Price, R. Wood, W. Mnr/h ill, O. 'fenny, W. C. Bullcr, &. Wiley, (>. Palme*, D. B. Nieols & Co Norton & Fuller, IL W. DeLaiii iter Si C.., G. F. Ralnil-l, W. Z. Hall, J. 'Vnring, Taft Ik Pndulfnrd, R. VYade,*-\V. Duncan, O. Julius n At Oo, R. £ W. King, M. Brown St Co, J. Stone S; Co, I). L. Adams Ji C"., W.T. W.lhams, N. B. It II. Weed, Dunning & C .nipfield| C. F. Shcerbur. o, order, and nittSlor Passenger.« M r , Pock Rtid laqy, Mrs. Furqylh, Mt*«Tu ny, Misers. C. l<\ Shoerburno, P. S. Morris*, J. Bolton, fittiuun, Bryan, l^eyn, P«vij, and l)r. A. II. Scritfcn. Slop S'niira, Wood, New-York, 12 days, lo Hull, Shajper Jt Tupner. Mvuuandiso, lo D. L. Ad,hum & Co, J. Hcutly, L. Baldwin & Co, E. Bliss, J. A^Wi- son.J. Aug.*, II. N. Aldriph, J. A, Bwiuhird, W.tJ.. Biplcr, L. fiurrie, Clughorn & \Vood,Tu«lkt-r&U.ark, J. Cmmoing, J M. Clark, G. W. C. e, U-dien & Miller, H. W. Dt-Lamaier& Co, W. Duncan, Dun ning & Cainpfudd, Ensworth & Way, G. GorJ.n, Guudry & l.ngriel, J. Gunuhl, H.itaid& Dcnslow, J. IL H«;rbiTi & Co, J. Ingliss & Co, E. Jackson. It. &. W. Kin?, N. ll.'Kiinp ■ fit Co, J. \V. Long, Lay Hi Ueiiflricksun, II. Lord & Co, M. Luf-iurro.v, A. G. Miller, Malone &'fcig|aro, IV. Marshull, C. S. M«r- chani, S. B. Purkiimn. Aftsv* r* & Hamilton, |. W. Muriel, G. New hall & Co,' D. B. Nieols St Co, Nor- ton & Fuller, U. F. Palmes, A. Par.’ons, W. O. Pi ice f • “L “'WJH' S,onu & Co » A - Houdder, L. Scran- tou N. II. I ho.nj.Son, O. Ttnny, J. Waring,'WoUe & Wakeman, G. \V. Anderson, N. It. it H. Weed, W. J * Williams, E. Wojd, A. G. Oomcr, and onfei- ■ • Fassengas, ftlrs. Dumfurlh nnd 3 children, F. J. Li,y, VA .It. Greco, II. Richardson, J. Slone, Mr. AI‘A'i-- •ST'C; w ^ l8 ,7* JL. ““Jger, C. D.'Cuonh .veil, J. I). Miller, W. D.mlhrih, and l)r. J. J. \\ j|so . Seh •oner Ann liowurd, Jolmson, Now-Orlcans, nnd 14 doys from tho Balioe. Sugar, Molasses, Wl.isLw, lo J. P. Henry, H. Lord ft Co! 7 Schooner Governor Shelby, Clark, Frcdc.ickbi.rg, (Va.) Flour to U. Haborslutm. * ■ Sloop Ann, llenu, «unbury. Sga IsLnd Colton und Georgia Syrup (osmulrv persons. Sloop Louder, ltil.eron, 'Purtlo Jliver. 5 bales Soa Island Col tun and Georgia Symp to E. Fori. S oup Eliza, Laurence, Gordon’s plantation, 1500 bushel* Rough Rice to U Anderson ft Son. Sleam-Packet John Slom-y, Poanovcr, Cliurleston, 23 hour* io Hulls ft Patterson. Mr reliaiidue for Au’ cnsUt—Passengers, ftlrs. Sails, Mtssea Kleichei and Sails, Mitfchol, Fletcher, Fripm R.- K „i sa bircet, lio >d, ituud } Tlmnms, mid j in t,,o sieernge ' Steam Packet \\m. Seabrook, Dub,.i*. Char.eston. loj. W. Long. Merchandise lor Augusta-Fasten- gen, Gol. M Rea Mamgault, Hood, Jot,nmn, UazaM, rselmc, Ur. bhul.ul, 50 way passenger , and 10 iu thb JSiufm Packet John D. Mongin, Curry, Augusta to Buns & Panorson. 320 bales C..lton for Charleston— I avengers, Mrs. Dahas, Mrs. Chuves and 3 diildren. Mrs. Halsey uud child, Misses Chuves and Cliruionher. mecErs. Arnold, Iienry, Sisiaru, Lord, Fuy Stone Topper, Hilyer, Burroughs', llsrlridgo, Adams,’ VVi fi e’ Jacobs, Cohen, Cooper, Yau-s, Spng^ms, ltev. M Jones, Coptqin Lly, and 8 in the sieerage. * 9 cor « ,a » * N 'o r,is . Augusta, with boats Nua ** 9l0 » t0 Steam-boat Company. tBOo bales Cot- FOR CHARLESTON, The ateam packet. JOHN iTCMqj&GIN, Captain Curry, Will leave here THIS MORNING, at 9 o’clock. For freight or passage, apply on boqrd, or to doc 12 BUTTS & PATTERSON. FOR AUGUSTA, The steam pnekot. WM. SEABROOK, > Capt. \V. Duhov, ■ Will leave Bolton’s whtV To-morrow Mohnino,at7o'clock. PorpaF- snge or froigltt, apply on hoard, or to dec 12 ’ JOHN \V. L0A T G. tOH AUGUSTA, n * The steam packet JOHN STONEf, Capt. Pjennyycr, Will Itidve hero on TH IS MORNING, at 0 o’clock. For freight or passage, apply on board, or. to nov 12 BUTTS 4* PATTEllQQN. 1 upper, COMING UP, £h.p United Slates, from Philadc-Llita, and l'wo other square rigged vessels. WENT TO SEA, Br. brig Williqtn tho IV., Murphey, Barbadoes. SAILED, Ship Mogul, Blake Nonb of Europe. Br. brig Milo Blandish,' Arnold, Falmouth, (Jam.) Brig Horizon, Carr, Providence. DEPARTED, Steam-Packet G. Washington, King, Augusta. Steamboat Georgia, Norris, Augusta. Pteani-boat Edgefield, Sassard, from Augusta, with WO bales Cotton lor Charleston, passed down the rtver yesterday. ' . .Brig Flora, Galbraith, hence at Liverpool, Oct’r. IT. Geo. Canning, Johnson, hence nt the Clyde, Oct. 6^ Ship Emperor, ut New-York, 4lhinstant—21st Cherokee Lands. Kr RICHARD A. BIRD begs loavo lo remind his friends and the public that .lie is a candidate for tho office of District Survevor c, r <u cherokneiand*, vit'e John G. 9cniggt>, docensed—election for which will take placo JHiyi DAV^ dpc 12 IQ 1 ' S. VV. Mi I ward is a can didate, 0t the election THIS DAV, for Dis trict Surveyor of the Cherokee Lancia, in the place of J. G. Scruggs, deceased, dec 1*2 James JI- Lewis is a can didate, at tlio elcctiqp THIS DAY, for Sur- voyor of the' Cheroke Lands in tlio place of j. u, Scruggs, deceased. dec 12 To the Voters of Chatham Co. 1 ^*^ ff ctl pd*fiate for District Surveyor nf Inc Cherokee lauds, in tho place of J. G. Scryrrpg, e deceased, and Respectfully solicit your suffrages, at the election THIS DAY. 12th in«t. dec 12 L. N. MITCHELL*. Lost, A BOUT five days since a Jet Brooch con- -GA. taming hair with initials on the hack.— 1 lie fitider will be rewarded by leavitic it at lh t?fl!H c p- . ^c Djt-e A Card. A T a mooting of the pqssqngera of tho ship fetatira, holdeq on board off Ty- bee Light, on Saturday the 10th insL-^f wus nnmiimously resolved, Tliat thn thanks of the ooinjmny bo given to Capt. WOOD, for tho skilful management of his yosgel during the Into rough and perilous voyage from N. York to this place, rim! for his kjjidqnd gentleman ly treatment to the passengers. It was also voted to bestow tho thinks of the company upon the officers &. grew, for their prompt and unwearied attention t& thoir several duties!. WM. R. GREEN, . 1 J. J. WILSON, dec 12 Committee for thq passengers. Notice. r A\ DAYS on Cotton, per boats Nos, 1&' AA and 12, and Lighter No. 1, will expStT to-ntorrow afternoon. > dec 12 WAI. TAYLQR, P. S, B. Cu. Umbrella Missing. T^° , Silk Umbrellas were left in tho. Presbyterian Churclj on Sunday, 27th nit. one of which is marked with the owners, name. The finder is requested to return them to the Georgian Office. dec 12 e Drawing Received, T HE following arc tho drawn numbers of the Union Canal Lottery, Class No. 24 54 18 25 81 45 28 11 21 12 28 11 M 45, a prize of §1,000 was sold at .this office. OirHolders of prizes will call fox tho cash ut i.uthBr & CO'S dec lv Lottery & Exchange Office. Drawing Received, T HE followiog ore the drawn numbers of the Union Canal Lottery, Class No. 4 54 13 25 31 45 20 11 2l 12 20 Received qt REDDING’S oec 1- Lottery tb Exchange Office. Wtiie and Cider. QR. casks Marseille^ Wino ” 25 bbls prime Newark Cider Jysl received and for sale by dec 1! HALL, SIIAPTER&TUPPER. Naval Stores. QO bbls Tar—52 do Rogin—8 do Pitch juet landed and for sale bv dec « S. PIHLBRICJC.