Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, December 22, 1831, Image 2

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Cf BOR GIAN. .h'liuii \, rm: uHEKoKEts, ( rrjciri of llm run tn «f lir mi dial pftrlof'lio C j»o rdiilivo lo liit 1 1 tiKlrcoineiit of lior luw. 'I’hoy were uistruc-. became obnoxious was known lo them. The 1 offer thnv fopeil.ui—Tlmso overtures <*t incr- | ... .1 I .. i t.n VV'.I p flon.-i rf nil ill in I n * ,* 11 *i f I r*i tr.tlim liiinrin.r . I j urn p i mt llim. Iinnilnil nr if ami ontCTPll flip PcUllCll- IIAII.V I’AIt ooii.viKY •nu.r imi.f.AiiH j,, )M||( , (luU(r t i n i: doluiis ! , n i < ■: on j icil by order from the War Department in law Ind raised within ilieir henring, its war- J cy they heeded not, anil entered the Pemten- J •VOURl^fATj* jvtmrr’a iho following words : " You are to allow no ning vioce, and admonished them of their tinry, n living monument of fanaticism, puli-; — i.t 1 i.t. n.< iim i,t nfiiie law mahlni' < win to person to enter and scttlo on the Indian duty ; but the Governor of the stnte,reluctant j knavery, or egregious folly. Notwith- „ u.... hr wiiiio itro.i.i binds within your agency, who shall not on jti enforce upon them, the penalty ofthelau, l*tumlmgr»// these things, Georgia has been , v.. , entering present to you, approved trstimoni- respecting their sacred profession, and res- ranked amonfftlio* Despotisms of the East,& , , 1101114 6l U.« CLwitM fraiwn., . r - : ...i , I *■**--•: •■» - ; ' nevolent, honcal and talented Go- PORT or SAVANNAH. ola of Ins good character for industry, honfes-1 peeting still inure the most hoiyVause in which ; her loti* hone P" ic.i r y t. t m Mioi iK.n n w* f ; ^ afJ( j s „| (r j,., v ; nur ihon, w tliout the con- ! thrjy were engaged; kindly and politely, and vornor, placed among tlte Ncroes.Dionvams- °" ur I’ ,f 'nt ,,ftl,i. Ifiilians. And if after permission i in the spirit of forbearance, warned them es and Dracoes of infamous memory, l'roni _ &A. \ THUIIHDAY MtiltMNt an;n; a ix : ARIUYl'.I), ivnr, Paine, Darien. 70 lialrg On'lnq 1 fXX) j,. ] tinnliis!h Itnu-.'li mid Hide* to Sc..ll & li tftuur, .1. Ciiniiniini, .1. \V. I-OII0. |i Gcun.e Wnsliineldfi, Srniih. Ogncht o. 2000 ICJ* We arc* ajjnin|n;llf«l i«* |n Imnd id ilieir favi.'i" • < Ttv in ill ■Ind ilitjr«>l>v tcdi'f* *1" " tci»urii»ii nml u, lho tiurry c I work A ’.Idle Miorci «tt«"H imicIi lliwihJ* hjcIi i,l rvl ' ,laj mill of nna \t | The {much • i intinicalion, ns relates to tie enforcement of*j tDo (Senertil (iovtruncut• h* it miincT-ibt" i" jircvi'm. i the law, making it penal under certain res., towards them, or attempting to degrade in . iwiiing III”..., w.M.1,1 ir. il | Dictions, for white persons ' ■. r- ide within j thfir eyes the ogentfl of government, thereby V ■ N. i mailyrio r.lni ■•••till i.l Cli.irk>' C|H>oa M»uiiiy, Clujrloii, llL'H «3.\N\i. IhiMdsV.—W« arn lo loan*fr in Mil- li ijrfiivills, llml mi Ka'iintny la«t tl»>* In 1 ! • \loii liiii! di" i luriir of lIn- Savaun di, C)gi-i hio and Alalain dm Ciid«I 11 Ilf limit, nf III.. Clittfollxn \ .1.... | lo;>ctl...f' .l"»lr..yinjf llirnr iiiflu.Micc ovrr tlio Iildiai.H j with tlio documents in relation lo that sub- • by I ilso aceiisiilionH or othei wise, you will^ jert ; have bestowed upon tiie Ruhject. sudi, forthwith order snub person or persons out of ! reflection, find given it such investigation! nx , the Indian country, : Us importance mer is. It does not appear to Georgia, in her sovereign character, and in ! \ otir committee, so fur as the people oft Jeor-! the exercise of i i giii are concerned, at all necessary, to enter i scarcely assumed j into a defence of this measure of tlio (J oddross loth * Kxoeulive of the State. Orders 1 report, for each member of thn^ state dologu- wurolhen given to arrest them that tliey tlon in CongreHS, nmfthat his Kxenllency the j might fuel the lulLponalty of our laws "since I G’oveuior he, nod lie in herehv requested to ( To." They wrtro forward lo our delegation in (.'ongiCiS, forty copies each, of the report. j such was* their voluntary choice.” They witre arrested, tried nmi convicted, and now in. Il is here seen, that mates of the state prison, they suffer the melancholy doom, which their perverse ob- Charleston, Dec. -0. indol'itvde rigid, has | stinacy, or misguided steal has brought upon From Havana.—Ily tlio Hpunish schr. mr ifcuruuiv nr.Muui .1 nn power ou;r these j flioin. (Couchitn, arrived lust evening, we have re- cii. persons, as the Federal tiovermnent thought j What reproach could be r.n.-'t upon the j-ceived a file ol the Lucero dv la lluounn, to cl iin< ,111.1 IV II M I ' iinjiai.y, |i.ii< l.rgo in ij- ri'y, n'u. Thu |mi*».i '* "I da llio canijmiy i»t it um ct’ i . f JO,00,‘ 00, with ilia j, In.iii it..: tig. chiu lo I'.'- nf $30,000 tiy lliu Siuii: itio Si uu* a "i<»‘ Wiiil.l* f >. ofCiiumii m H'loriiig u in' I'oaior .oi l un|ip ,rl llio twin . nt ltn|ir< i’Oiii.ievi! i by i Ji ll- ly oi.'iii to llio S':, m,.„t. (Jur pooplo with one accord, your' proper to commit to her agents, who were to j state for their conviction, and what justiliea- the 7th plot, mnimiltee believe, approve both the policy I a great extent irresponsible—ffo’h govern-11 urn or extenuation ran be had for their vio* 1 ' . of the law and the manner of its enforcement.! murfts had mainly in view the same object I’he policy nt'tho State, towards the Clicro-1 in H"* Hiippression of any influence* among I kre Irific of Indians—in regard to the unset- him Indians, adverse to their benevolent de- . , t l.d lands within her liuiitH.and particularly in ! aigiw towards them, and yet not a few of those ”, j r< lorenee to the missionaries who have made 1 who admit and justify the measures of the themselves obnoxious to tlm penalty of the act > <h»m»rnl Government, condemn and reprobate j of the last DogsluUirc ; has boon and st'dl is al. j tlio law of this State. Your uommitteo are of 1 1 " | ready the subject of ni srepresentntion, and I o linion that when 11 j'il/«wi, mill! til,, iheiiie of vituperation. Wo have lx e.i r*»-1 »*• will be admitted that all which Georgia has Ini ii hIiohI.J | presented, ns usurping rights,which belong lo 1 d nie, was made necessary in order to effect | iho Indians, as exercising dominion over a | tbo removal of the Indians. dm g itio ci. ml tliol. latino oft ho laws of the J None. No man would hesitate to prouounco them the wilful perpetrators of their own misfortu non. some weeks past, owing to a cause well If it he paid that they were residents upon known to yon, viz: the rejusnl id illlcrei.t thoso lands by permission of the United States Extract of a letter. "Havana. Deo. <i—I have been without j the means of conveying letters to you, for well Government, nnd theruforo tl o state had no right to punish them ; your committee nu- " 1 ronrly tin* ‘subject of 'ni sreiiresenLation, mid I opinion that when this matter is understood, j swor, that the Government of the United ■' •’ • . . 1 —um u.-i-ii ...i.;..i.n...., ,;« i...u Sta’es, has no power to bestow R right, which is adverse to the rights of Georg a, and that this permission was good to them so long as ilium, u-> r.\. ii/irn.’^ ."ii i ** j - ■ - ' o. . . " Iron and independent ; oiid aa disre- Del those too who clamor so much about the state acquiesced in it, ami no longer; ..ii* .... _* -I ... .... 1 ...I I. ....... n ...1 ll.n nmiiilil.i. ill' I lin lult, lm!.*lllif ! fill 'i MU i: ! .1 III itlO t< ny. llio In< people, i Tiluolfiy a .1, ill ) Ijli-av.nj lad.i Ho. *1, l-i D'f-i:tn A <1 r*nn, i I Di < .Al.» Mrs. Mr«i .M 1, .Mis. Uutl -ch, (Mr*, Ncufwlii'i Mu, Nicoll, Mim .V i1.ii-.ioi., Mio llarrxii, We h ivi* roc' ivr.l dii Ur i|M*r ontal) , |nlii»,| in Nu*»-V r l\ni<» a'"l !,fe in .Mi and the enacting of t he law, making tho res- idenco criminal, is a declaration of the state’s dissent to it. If it be said that their resi dence was by permission of the Indians and therefore the state could not make it penal,-— your committee a. swer; the Indians, it is true, luvve a right of occupancy ; but this Mr Mii. M.-.- b'uyil, M i.vvi.' Mark..) 1 Pi.' tir ftinl .1. I !'»*<■, m mi l, ncciirilm ; id iIi.' |»r vnuiil lo tliu |i i.'.imn!.i, VHliacnn lit" o. ili.*, b will: an niiiial.«i wmidi ii of ii r »r!<, ciiluil llio'*' Spirit'd I •.york; 1 vili!*'d Ii; 81* « yitar in ailv.imsa j j,i chin, i.H JiMiuucil l( bn »l - V:nu4 .•:» .ill#, fas'ii n.i mid <h- • .i :.!< i; - h!i i, iicaily jirintO'l Til.* 1,1'Diil'iniru of fs.mli (iurnlilui u.lj. urnul oil ir*nn lay innriiinu il '1 o', lock iifnir pua#ni|{ di uy two Dels. A ii.nv iti 1' ilitml i i Inis tirdii churlori'il; oi.jii'al $.V li(*i in p iid $10,00.*. An net c n- oi.niiiiq rtuc'diiiia w..» i.'iimuJ, wlinti (' J une winch will uiiiitlc | ir-"in l«. vi i.vo cmiiK'i'u'ivo )«•..(» in llio ilitliiu •iin'ling the sacrod character and holy lime-; r 'gl'ls, and who weep so much over Ull . lions of the missionaries of the cross. A re- i Indian sufferings, know, that this Jaw was ! pard to tlm moral House ofllm pimplivoftlm | nnoesKary to tun protection of tlio persons i t ,'iiinn, nnd n just respect to tho character of j and property o* tho Indians from the violence, the slate, yoiir committcu believe, requii'o, the intrigues and tin* corrupt ions of tho that, upon this subject flirts hlmuld lm exliib- wh tos—Here it is well understood, that while ' ited, and the principles of action, which have men are tlio greutest onomioa fn tho Indians. _ . . ! governed the slute, should be-well ntiiJcr- j whether In the clnructer of the stdilsh, uva- right of occupancy, is personal to thoinselves Ftoml.** j ricioiiK and ambitions resident within'heir! and cannot be by them delegated, tunny per- i |j., l-i'v oftlu* state pnssrd at tlx* laFt ! limits, or the character of the political knave, J son whatever; therefore their consent to a i Kcaaion of tlm G.meral Asscinbly, all white 0 f canting fanatic, without their limits. At —^ 5o "" ,r, “‘ porsons, except ugents of the United States, "" time have Indian rights been better pro* are prohibited from res jHg within i's lerri- tectod, and at no time has the Cherokee tribe, ! lory, occupied by llio Clmrokcr.s, unless mi- exhibited morn evidence of pea e, quint and UioriHihl by license from the Governor or bin I lirolection, than ciuco the extension of our i. ii v 'agent, upon taking an oath to support the laws over them. The Georgia jurisdiction, constitution and laws of this Slate. The has been their dm hi. Not only so, but the T. * right of tho state to pass this law, results ! law, excluding tlm whites, was intended to msequonce, to the right which j extend and docs now extend protection to 1 tlioso who nro vv illing to evade its penalties, by complying with its terms. The laws ami character of tho s'ate, arn a guarantee to such, of more of right, than they ever enjoy ed there—Tty a stiauge perversion of princi ple. or a wretched ignorance of facts, a mild and benevolent policy has been corrupted you, captains lo carry h Iters, alleging in exouac, j the orders of their owners, it is a pitiful, miserable system nt best, even when adopted | with tho avowed object of self interest, but ; it is morn the feeling of retaliation with some I of them, than interest, i have met with two I or three of those non-luiter-carrying Cap : tains, who when here, were all a yog for iho I latest letters and latest papers, upon every ! •arrival. : " Wo continued so long without Rice that i tho Conchitu’s cargo readily brought 11 3--i per arobe, qn ilily excellent, ’i'iie Christi na sold nt Mutunzos at 10 3-4 delivered hern, where it was rn-sold at 11 1-4, quality nearly equal to the Conchitu’s. The Aspus.a is iho only vessel immediately expected here. Her cargo will do well—hut generally it will' NAII.KI), S' ti.iDiior (i >vcni*.r Sliolhy,C .irk, Bulliaiorn. H o.iji H.dl, Duron, JS'onp Ai*g<*l l.aro, Darien, Bluiip Conduoii r, Hi I, Si. AT nv's, DUPAin'KD, Sloani-loat \V|II. (iaston, 1’reeluini, Augus'u. [ritoM tick coiuiksi* MiK.vr >r tiik itKono.i Darien, Dec’r. *20th, lb.’ll. Lift nf .'lrribnlaund Ucjuvlurt*J'ry the ucik(tiding It)/. 1 , AltlllVKIt, Sulmom r E ir.ii Ann, I'euy, ^hnrVs'nnv “ E iu!o, I r ; Hivor. St on Hi ii ai, llnul. n, S v. iniuli. “ .Marine, Wit a, " Ann M mn, llrUi.ii, il>. Pob' lten. C.ilillilig, Mac. “ Viei'-I’resiiloni, iln, “ 'I Inirt, Spui-.iiiD, ij.,. “ rim.niX, do. Puit.-I.s II. x Nil. 1 (to, - DfPUITKD, Fr. stiip Elizu, D il i., in, lor Hassatc.rr, (C,nii4^ with Ltimlii-r, ltiuo tunJ 'J'nlmcc... I' Geo-gin, M.K-oa “ Kh* be Ii, »l«. “ Ci y n| Darien, da^ " I’rnsnl.iiii iln. 1 " Vicii-Prisiili'iil, din i, 2(12 bites V> nii do. ‘ISil do, '1(1:1 do. 5li0 do. d”‘. do. d... "h Mtrcliuadiso du. a uoc'i'Mhury she h in to the soil and jurisdiction, over the Cherokee lands—Her right of jurisdiction in c i-rxlrnsivo with her chartered limits, and embraces the persons and things, within those limits. No oiiU'ditoned jurist of the present day, no one famuinr with the nistmn, which has governed all the stntf'H oftlm 1J- nion, who have had Indian tribes within their limits, nr who is.conversant with the c, ll.n rcsidenco is no ju-lilieulion- Tlio ultimate lie impossible for the Ammii an fee to the lands, is in Georgia and so far as J compete with the .Spanish—the d Georgia and all tho world (except the Indians) I duty is 33 l-‘3 per 1(H) lb. or •$'- 31 is concerned, she is the absolute, unqualified owner. Ah your eommitlcebefore remarked, the right of jurisdiction is in Georgia, and of cojTsftquenco there is no lipiit to her right of penal enaotmimt. The state ow mil the .lands, and it was perfectly chump'tent for her, to pri'scibo such terms to rWiilence upon them, as she deemed'lit and expedient. It will not be denied that tlio State has a right, to proscribe such conditions to a residence upon tlio state house square in tlio town of Millodgcvillo us she may think tit. Sa far I us all the world, except the Indians, is cen to the veriest despotism—and that law, which j corned, there is no difference between the created a right for the white man in tlm title, which the state has to her state-house Cherokee country, which lie had not before, and protected him in the enjoyment of it, has policy uf llio Federal Government, since the administration of Air. Monroe, will for u mo- . S bvc.l WIU |,t doubt, the right of, to extend ! been denounci d is arbitrary, unjust and nu ll ilay her enudnnl laws mer the whole nf her char- j holy. At no time under the intercourse laws, ic—itio fiirllar .|iiiilir»-iitioii nf^roM'haicb m mini* tere’d limits—’l'liis is not a vexed question.! have the Indians been so effectually proteet- ,l..(' , i\ c.iu.i i:n'i.'' iMNhi it ’ |.eni ,ns in dioal.iy uf At all events, its elucidation does not consti- ! ed, and at so little cost, ns under the laws of .otjnn. Um | UI e. n 'Ii.4 'mu-re «• h .1 iln* i.i bi* tntc u part of the duty ofj’uur comuiittuo upon I Georgia •wif ,f*0(117'/ v.i,Lull,i-ttcvil'i, .:i. , t.k;i, 1 , tl, c present occasion. , M , , , ',| ” Tlio reason and iii'eoHsity of Hut law, ...... . nions as the rigid to enact it. A lc .<l* | tlio state, in reference to the Indians, that it. j it was a voluntary net, arid the oath corn I Your committee have said, that. iquure, and her title to the Cherokee land: In eillier ease tlm grant is in i\cr, and nan never he divested but by her own act. If it is said that the state did require the mi.-sion- nrioH to take uti oath, which in conscience they could not take, or suffer the penally of nary sized cask. Tlm American ves-v... • r* i iii inagod with loss expense than the JSp.v.r 1 I certainly, but by no means sufficiently so j equalize this dili’. ren. e. You have seen how I the Americana have been driven from I lie flour trade—not a barrel now comes in Amer ica:! vos.icds. I/iid is fluff falling into tin. i same tram—it : s nil fair etiongh. Ilrotlier [ .lomitlmn takes good care of bis own, nccoid- i ing to your tariffltev, and our Royal mas- P r must do tho Bame. Your discrimina ting duty oil sugar is lull sufficient to exclude the Spanish flag from carrying it. " We quote tl -nr to-day nt 814—l ard, 10 all 1-3, improving—Hoof and l’urk, un saleable. Sugar, .J.Q to 5 1-3 a 0 1-3 nnd vc*rv dull Cfroal. Sc*rp n nts of India. N OW exhibiting in Market Square, for n few days, the two groat Anacondas, or terrific Serpents of Java, and the two Boa Constrictors, or Strangling Serpents of Cey lon. The colors of these stupendous rept \ s are vivid and beautiful beyond deecriptio' . They are well secured in a wire cage, and arc so perfectly docile that tho most timid ladv or child may view them with pleasure and safety. Also the Head of a New Zou- -v.-rv liiir (|uali)iCH ...... I... Ih.m^I.L ul I I.” a j | #1M | ohiof, ami a fl.lnmliil Oosmonujlli’. 8 !;r, '":* t «7,*P. Wll ‘ v ."C v ’. il, *"".‘ la "f ; ' tl.ii ttimce -23cunls-Childnu half price, For particulars see small Bills. " (h)fl’ee excites the gro test interest. I; is still in ropiest; at 9 1-3 a $13, and exclu- I the net of lhe General Assembly was neccs- state involvei ret snry to carry into effect the h >mgn policy ofj desperate dilei the law; your rommittee answer, that the I sivtily lor N.ew-Orleons, whore, it would up state involved the missionaries in no such The An'i'.i cm Turfpi'Djfler, f r Do home tiiau r c.lived, It in iiiihfdllsli d *ii|i a liiiuly ‘ (iii^r.'uud pliili*, rrp. .“I ii'inji mi aiaiiiau'il \V. If Him 1 ini (In' Kir, nnd i.Dnl.ii'ii die <| lanUly ofonUirl.iin- MIUJ I Chilli g HlulIlT, I , I.' t 11 M In il., 11 II. I'l, l • iiui,w IV. . , n:., 11 - ■ ....... ... ... . i ■ • . . i i. i in. 11. j — - I iug object the General Government lias j operated ns a protection to them, from the • have been avoided by removal from our lim* Wuluira fimii iho I, iiiffiina Um iMigcui' aiB.ucinav by»»l.ifli i*. a inplnyi'tl In e.'iivi y dir mini u|u*rn in ly . OdiioiN mid M< biii't III y uro ii'(.rc»i u. u sul ib’.e d. .11 of *• 1’i r. ■ 4J..H F,i K lii barrel a »»f uppSua t old in Nmli »J.aurm l u« fr udii'uiitly pdr'uil, uun halt'uf vach being lidi: 1 will) li.iy. Tliia h «h b .d un jiladn^ I ln y »voro (r. in^U 1 m*-.Na>rtn'k !)■ noon of llio II 1 , > • I I ,1.1 t M, K l> llll IIIW Vi'. 11^, " \ • w I v I I, III’ , ,1. ( , , . , - ( . ' |*j)een, for many years, the removal ol’ihe i rapacity and violence of the whites, and that ds. It the penalty was suffered, it was Cherokee Indians West of the AJi.-sissipni.— j so far from its being mi unwarrantable pro- voluntary act ; winch might have been nvoi* This has been held by the must, benevolent, I scription ol them, it. actually conferred privi- dnl either by taking the oath, or removing and alnn, the most dmtingufslied ol'oiirslates- logos which, of right, they lmvo not before train the limit's. The missionara s were let' nieii, the only means left to the Government, I possessed. Too latter position is made froo to choose between tho oath, the penalty I to save the wretched reinnniitu of tins o:)eo*J uiamfcst by adverting to the fact, that before of the bn and removal, and tliey clioose t!n^ nuinoroiiH and powerful nation, from moral J the pas.-age of ihe act, no white citizen, could j penalty of the iaw. \/hy-then slumhf the nil I": ruin as individuals, '^yd lulu! extinction* as a j claun bis residence there ns in.aH'.'r ri-in.; i state lie censured tor an art,'which was llio ni.N.ov- tribe—Year idler year, llioiiobes dutliin the but ll|p moment. lie.if ’ • •.•eason- result ol cho: .4 boat* ! SStalCH, lmvo boon scent.) docreasn in niun-1 able ri qm.’UtV o, ipso j born, and to sink lower and lower in crimo, I facto, entitled ? :■ all the I depravity anil sin. -Tlio paronlaJ arm of the bcnclks it eftid'.'. ,e, tffat many n „ |„, { . n ! (i')vernineut, lias been extended to Ijieir re. ; wci^ •"*■' • at the moment ut passing lief, and rh",! Yder I and Glide Gjypr i dm act, but their rcsidenco was assumed, and In,vc uf ,'tst.o -"••**f0 tl'i ri iM from ! only tolerated by tlm state. They were only -H -r i ■ a locate them he. 1 residents at l lie sufferance of the State. The ('Heir • ,{ *i*i....... i ... .1 . i pear,there is noaaiisfying tho upper con dry. Courici Emigration or- Bi.vcks.—'Twenty two no- j groes I ft here in the sehr. Margaret, (’apt. Ov” Wanted, some good Musicians. In quire at this Office, dec 33 One Hundred 1 lollies w IfJ. be paid by the subscriber for flie- ton, Muss. They were all under tlio tion of the Society of Friends.- I»i: . City Slur. There, under the I missionaries themselves will not deny, but . Ivk’.ll'lH, F pM'Jr won* Iniitluil (roiii the I; that their condition, in tie* Cherokee nation, under the jurisdiction of Georgia, was great- ly preferable, to wluit. if. war. under the do minion oftlm agents oftlm.United States. The law which has excited so much fool ing, among our brethren of tin is not partial or exclusive Tlm tirst citizen of Georgia. dotted of the refngou adventurers for go well ns tlm meek and law abiding Moravian | ns novorman spak Missionarv, i.: n I result of choice, on the part of the mission aries 1 and which your committee fear was sought by them, eithur for the purposes of political effect, or to exhibit themselves to a sympathising fraternity,ns t-ullerers tor right eousness’ sake. They surely can not claim for themselves exemption from the operation oftlm laws of the state by reason of their profess ion or their vocation. Tho laws of Goor. gia interfere not with the religious privileges, or eonsoientious opinions of men—-and the state lends her aid, to all efforts, for the dis c'd numb feel- semination oftlm t ruths of revelation; she is 1 '..I*, 1 * ,us doculod le* eastern states, j tlm auxiliary of the missionary, in teaching I “ c *rosI»n>onls nf n re. 1 ,n ,ta operation. ■ the lleailien, tlio great truth of (Jlirislianity ; I c '.". 1 0 . 11 . "’hole i, Um most ahan- ( and h r constitution and laws are based upon j < l110r l ! ltll . vi , U!t °* 1 | ‘ ■ I i • I HUI'I, <111114 * I UK* olio jvilr'tu llio Government, and free, alike *- ! iron 1?*° crimes nnd tlm cupidity of the white l lm. m I heir own jieciiliat way, the ! happy and lordly masters oftlm Forest.’ It was nil object of peculiar interest to , . | }"'R n « dio Navy llospimi, nml | (t ( , arqiiiro a speedy possession of her ••"miniu*ij io tlw jml ofilm It.*r<>ugli. \Yu umlmiiinl , I'lmidkuo rands. Too long had tho Govern- ilut lliofu m- n wore rtc iv. if on tiunnl i!io (Inorriiir, I im.-nt delnyod to liquidate the Indian possos- umUr a cbar4a *'fimiiiny, on Iqard or Amoiicati vi:«- Hinij. fcJlio had beemiio justly joaloua ofber •cli i.i llio I'acflc. rights, nnd her people had liccomc imputieut oftlm restraints imposed hv tlm delay of the In riiitmto’i'iiis, inn diilurent 1'ifturaticc (Gnipinics i Federal Government to fulfil her treaty obli- classes, nil l '" ! I’* 1 '" t-'.'l". K'ltli':.". Th" I’lt.'ruk’HO tril.o li : "l alike l iilijjio Its |ii..imUios. l)ur laws in tiiis, | C J..|, MalioDctan or Pairan must evtiect tu ,v„l, provi. , on ii... I.., liiuinj, si. .lliu* tho nUiluilo ul un imlopiimli’i.l nation j will, U«,jwall ns all ..liter coses, aims nt no lit*, meet its sanctions nml "eel its pen nlliVs. [I 11 «s «..|.|' l y »«wliw , I.nvcrnment nml luw>distinct from, nnj in- Hunt I nr individuals, and rccogniisM no ex- i s .| l0 iniasioiririns t» rn-nneilu tlmir «. I "Ullwrily—TI'O 'lisco-; 'imptiuns. An.l l.n.l tin, most' talented, nr ceptn with iC S JX lvnT„!m," ,Gn, n mti.eml wenllli, w,"»„ the j the .mi at dim'flc.1 tmr s« ns. n-si,I,-l within world, that ll.c- rnli^ion wl.tcl. iln-v pnl',i t is A Ini!i.lnforu il*,’ J.'-ti-a N r.’i l.,rol,na, 10 limits ol tlio utiU(in,.®itiiig ti|.u:i avarice | llio limits ,1 „ur lands in the possession allows, much lass oncouraws dis.lndier (,\-‘in,.t 100 nr.rcs'oCtiio l.vnl ul all l>iuWtJirs (inula-! Mid cupidity ot men, had brought into the [ ot the Cherokee Indians, ■' ' • " il. ■“ ? Scon, which sailed mi Sunday last fur Hi;,'hv Jti- User, «.r- •• *•*• •* • • c Jii;.,.f “olbrlv belonging to Henry Parker, Ivq—■ " j S ick is al ou* 30 years of age, simi!l size, an 1 • v ry line figure. Upon the buck of li«f~^4^4f- j dm is very much Rcarred, and has lost the one " ' Nut lone smeo, », sl unihe inl’un.ia- ! •“'*'!*« $3' C , r f"™ linn uf Ic.lcis said ... have bean received .’run, ! a. amslresa. Uvk I tu. I l.iherslpm Hint Mad'„.. M'a.7.. had kdl.vl «i 1 Him nam.1 of l,awlcss a. I J® 1 ;’,"Vu K0 ' mn b ^.’, ".in”, „„l that .M’allec l...d.HcJ.- ™ ' !"' U, ' n ? SStS. Wo are now informed, that tlm man recover ed, and wont home tlm next duy. Chaiii.knTon, Dec. 17.—We learn that tlm instalment, which was called in on the slock of the So. Cn. Canal and Rid Road Company lias been all, with one exception, paid up. w ,n tan j are within its provisions—all | Sixra'r.AU Dkcihion.—A Judge in Phila delphia has.decided that on a party taking restaurateur, tho landlord amount of tlm bill from upo:i | :■*••; tho company. On the tho principles uud doctrines of him who spake j ‘? ,u l n °, Pfhiciplc, n pnrtaker ot ;i public dinner Still the law is no re specter of persons—and ho who violates it, liable to be called on fur tlm sum total of tlm whole least. 'I’he decision establishes it, . * , i'*”* B|»uui.ui ui purduii.s—ami ue who vioiuip? u, i . . . ■ ...v rules, and all professions ure whether Jew, or Gentile. Christian or l:\tl- i a . t,d i* 10 honornbfo .Tnc!^^ ni..y ono <lay bo ob- I I .. It...... Il ...n I I . . .. I. .1 ’ .1,1.*, .. I I f*k ,,ll,. Ilk Ik.f Ik,* I, 1 — . - k i'ged to abide by his own precedent. As an evidence oftlm rapid increase of our commerce with foreign nations, can bo ad duced the sensible extension it has bad with in the year, particularly, with the northern without hav- j to lawn, ii.M.bonlina'i,.,,, ami rc'ninianVc'u, I '"f n £ K W‘ ! 'I, ilTn'7 11 IT It ViimninR for II,cm t„ I '& 1 ‘ ""R 1 ’ «' l "* r 8» co to rightful civil author- ■ * ■ 4 , ■ • vi., i . , ’ - t tif iiiiki iii'uuim turn |« li« ilwi-limj Iitmso) ftoiiMtilt-s »>)• ('smi'iou, f«.r j xornlory, u numerous body of men, lawless, mg taken the oath; the law would have him powers that. he.*J iiflur i|». ilmnii of Jay i cxi. i abandoned, and hostile lo tlio policy of the boon administered upon such an one, with show, that resistance K*";: Thto'.circ'iuiRlnnra'ci.m.ofloV^iisitk ims t «ri„ s rlg»| nml iinnikmtii, tf sevuntv. ity m either n Clirisunn dTitv, or n Cl.rhtlnnl 7 r A " ,crll! ‘ l " v :'“ iP ! s . n,ul «« I'M.I .«hi nr .1,0ml. in... a. s . kn , ™ tlioAst-vt-o iIolmhivo nml |.r..m|.t ncti.m,[ r,„mnittcc tlicrefurc,tlecliuo tfat no utivileso—lliSt tlnnra which »ro Cimr’s ' c " ll " ,r :' > '« Oils yrar, I oljoctian can bourgaii igniMt the sUtn, will, nrc not to bo ronclcrc'i to CiDsnf, H.ul tlmt c.J I °!^,7 u 'V' rc fl , '" ,ll ; ; S’'*®*’"- ,’ rl (9 , . - »") propm-iy.. pun tlm acirooriN inequality, Eciuutioua nlffltlcs can Jct’cat tlio opornlinn i " "."'S 10 |, " rt ol - " ol ‘ "’"'I'F. Ullr !' , ll lll,: |.,r lim state made all men '‘equal under the oi’lawe, or stay the hand ol’liovoniinent. It "," vl f7»*7*/V> , V'","'' 1 hu "'“ , mRr - ’ . the opinion ofcvt ry siiWuet, as to Um eon- • VP 'T' b ' al1 0 5^. returned home I lie law oftlm last Legislature, herein ad- stitutionahly of Um laws under which lm lives, j udcn UI ' 1,0,1 ~ ” as,L blohe. On n'tnnpt wiu mule lo it> l»y tiro, Ii *Hh r.'raiim't* imicti dnnuitft*. Tin ol'uiie liuudrod ilullius f. vied iseupnl CJmrcIi i u,u ^ °. n (heso accounts, she enacted laws, ah-1 objection can be urged against the state, with I i inno in pin. i ho Cherokee Government, making ‘ " ' I des Affairs at that Court, that a greater num ber of American vessels had sailed to and , limn at any There has been Mayor Ims . lit rial a ruwarvl it poll'll to dig gold, add punishing ft residence a , . | within tho territory, enless tho rcsidont . u wa-wn .."ifcm.- W oula take an o:0iff to observe llio constitu. f.lia vlllkiii ur vi",,.,,’ I tion ami of thft state ..... . I l ; c oxclnaion ol’ 1 vvrln.l to, did .mt uconr.lini, lo ita pruviuions, all wluto persona Irani tlio Cllcrulioo lands, lake olTcct iramudinlnly. The coriinioncc- /he r.niij’ruling /ndiunx, ,> !, nm, says it e A* 1 - j was tlm dictate ol policy and necessity It 1 ■ '- ’ ■* Imnsm* (J unite uf tho lOili uti. Capi. Hruuu, Su-1 was well ascertained that tlm efforts of whites pniiiO'iuiciii o(ili« rmimral ofihc|iitliun.4, Insrcccivi J I '^'dont in the nation, were directed to a ,'dihvM'ioh lik'in Vive OKI Choulivw NiAion, vasi m iiu* I prevention oftho removal of the Indians Miss s-ippi, ih.ti n.alo-s Inn. 7,0f0Chociavva«ill mu- i T,u ‘i’ Uisauruled the Indians from nuiigr.iting, encouraged them in llmir ideas of indepou- ik*r.i(o Id lluiriujw haaica west uf itio Arlauu during it.c present «oa». n. S mho 400 ur 500 of this nuaibor, " fil reniovo omhrir o«n rosonrcoa, nml accept iltu com mutali'in of SID per Iwmt, ollcrcJ hy ipivcrniitnnt,on l!u ir arrival at I heir few ho me*. The renin iiuler wil remove under tlio dirrcliou ofihu ngeiitucf the govern* Uicul, and w.It cross llio Mississippi al sundry point*) A Committee of ilie Le^isl iiuru of Hhudo Island is imw silling, dming ihe recess, at 1'rovklunce, f.r the pmposo uf iuv obligating the charges nguinsl Masonry uud Mason*, The invesiigition commenced wi h the rvstiiiiihtion of Iho K**v. iH m*t Thslrhor, uf Wren- liiam, Masy. Il has l»*on proposed in Rhode Island lo •b'l rivo iho E dges oflhcirchuricrs. Tho Masons arc pcifm-y \\i ling io me< l 'his invrstiga inn, Ciiarlestox, Dec. H.-/’rom Columbia.- It was understoed that tho Trustees of tlio South Carolina College had postponed a decision upon Dr. Cooper’s casu until April next. Tho bill permitting evidence to be taken in tho Courts of this State, in caseofa Rond, showing the consideration for which it is given, under tho plea of the General Issue, in other words, permitting Juries to decide on the law us well as the fact in such cases, had passed both houses. This enactment of course enables Juries to decide on tho Con stitutionality of the laws of the United States, 4& tiMM q£Bonds given for Duties. mont of its operation was fixed, at n time, sufficiently remote to put nil persons interes ted upon tlioir iinnrd ; and ample opportuni ty was afforded, for a knowledge of its exis tence and of its provisions—No man was cn- . - trapped, and nil who offended ngainsfitsin- denco, nrsrepresonted the policy and intents I tied against the authority of the slate, with ot the Government. And ihumrin,! h», nil ii.<% .. perfect knowledge oftlm consequences of tho Government, and thwarted by all the means, within tlioir power, th vio vs of the state. It becamo necessary tlioroforo, that the state should abandon her policy and cento . her efforts to remove tho Indians, or rid her self, of tlm selfish, and corrupt whites who 1 had settled among them. 1 (once the passage of tlte act, making it penal to reside within the limits of tlm land occupied by the Chero- kces, without a license, nnd without taking an oath to sbservo the constitution and laws of the state. Tho oath and the license, it was thought, would be a sufficient protection oftlm policy of the state, from any attempt to defeat it, hv such as might think proper to remain. To such ns were well disposed to the benevolent views of the State, the oath would be no stumbling block, whilst it would exclude such ns wero hostile lo her interests utnl her policy. And tho tact of permitting a residence there upon such terms, proves conclusively that tlm law wan intended to operate upon such only, as wero dofeatinnr tlm great objects of the state. Removal of the whites, was not so much desired, ns the destruction of that intlucnce, which was nt war with tho interest of Georgia. It * s worthy of remark, that the Federal Government, acting «in loco parentis” to the Indians, delegated to her Indian agents more power over whites, resident in the na tion, tfian Georgia seeks to exercise, in the Most of those persons who were residents of the Cherokee country, either removed from the state or submitted to the require ments of tho law. Tlm board of Directors of the United Rrcthron’s mission at Salem, be lieving tlmt the objects of their mission to the Choroltees, under the peculiar circum stances of tlm state, nnd the Indians, could not be effected, instructed their missionaries to remove from tho country. Acting as your committee believe, from u sense of respect lo tho laws nnd authorities of Georgia, they wore unwilling to interfere* with Imr laws or her policy. In the conduct of those uiiob* trusivo ami devoted missionaries of the Cross, is exhibited in bold relief, the pure and sublime principles of our holy religion.— Soilio there were however, who refused to remove from our limits ami who refused to comply with tho conditions of residence, prescribed in tho law. These individuals wero either missionaries or poraons who wore under their influence ond acted under their advisement. The most conspicuous & talented of these individuals nrc the Rev. ,S. Worcester and Dr. K. Butler, missionaries of tho American board of foreign missions. These persons had long been conversant, with the policy oftlm General Government and with the rights ns well ns the laws of Georgia. The law to whose penalty they own accord, she will bo forgiven. I advise j all persons to look out who ever has ImrLour- ed her, and also caution all persons from tr - king her out of the Slute, for thero is very little difficulty for her to obtain a puss. JAM US BO LAN. doc 23 ~ 84—ct A Card. W E the undersigned,passengers, eonoei'. n it onr duty to express in this way, our entire confidence in the professional slcill'of (’apt. George M'Kenvi *, i f the ship lleu’V off Now York, and feel it a piivilrge and plcasi re to render him tins small i.— imnny of respect. Ibr the urbanity he possess')-s and d-volopcd towards us in nets of attention and ki dm ss throughout tlm entire passage iiotn N. York. In behalf of the passengers. John Anderson, Jr., y. G. Bragg, S. E.Scud- d L. C. Gamier, S. F. <'b.H (| J. V H. Frazer, Geo. Brown, Geo. N. Holies, I'. Perkins, P. y. Shaw. dee 33 ^ oi._ r « MU.PUT'S sale.' \ T; S.C. on tlm first Mon day in January next, will ho sold a gang of 40or.70 Negroes, prime and orderly, and accustomed tu working on a Coil on planta tion* Ry IL ARCHER, S. B. D. Co saWhofcliiu. 19th Dec. 1811. 2-1 hf* Family of Negroes For Solo. A T the Court House, on Monday, tl o 2d January, 1 ”133, il Woman, aged about 20years, with her four children, viz: two- on n exempt him from their operation, then is G iver. mont a mockery, and lawgivers, judges ! Beef steaks are said to have been iiH r enfod and Governors, the merest toys to ho sported , by Lucius Plaucup.u noble Roman,condemned j boys, the one six and the other nine years of with according to the whims and caprices of, by Trajan, for some offence, t„ act as one of age, and two infant Gi.<k* 'n, a VV om;ui a h r,, ";l washer, and first rate scamstict's. y.ivannuh, dec 83 o.j. Alt RIVAL <Si DEPAItTIJItl-J ofihc 31 AILS. AVJtTHEltX MAH.. individauls. In the letters of these persons to I the mental sacrifices of Jupiter. • The IV,ig the Governor, the reason of tlmir refusal to, ments of the victim being laid upon the fire, obey the laws of Georgia, is assigned to he, j the unfortunate senator was compelled to turn that they did not believe the state had the ! them. In the process one of the slices slip- right ot Jurisdiction over the country, ami 1 pod off tho coals, and was caught by Plaucus believingas they did, that they could not do j in its fall.—It burned his fingers, nml he in. violence^ to their consciences by taking the stinctively put them into his°mouth ; in that oath. Your committee believe, that scru- [ moment ho made the great discovery tlmt pies us to the oath, should have removed all.' the taste of a slice thus carbonadoed was in- scruplcs as lo their duty to remove. They ! finitely beyond all the old, soddened cookery cannot deny the right of nil men to judge fori of Koine. 'Turning the whole ceremony in- thomselvcs, oftlm mnstitutionaliiv, or pro-j to a matter of appetite, be swallowed every priety of any law ; hut it is a now idea, that slice—dcludeu Trajan, defrauded Jupiter, the lay, is to such nn one so judging, is to j and invented beef steak, fail of its effect and become a nullity. Those j who do assume this original, natural right, and net upon it, as tho missionaries have done, must expect to suffer as they arc suffering, the consequences of their rash judgment. Tlio Rev. S. A. Worcester and D. fi. But ler. were warned of the existence of the law, they had violated. They were politely invi ted to remove and time given for their remo val. They resisted the authority of the state nnd repelled with disdain, the kind offices of the Governor in tlioir behalf. They were ar rested, defended by enlightened counsel, tri ed before a court distinguished for its legal wisdom and its benevolent feeling, and con victed and sentenced. Still the authority of the state followed them with anxious solid- tudo to relieve them, still kindness nml mer cy and forbearance, would have stayed tho execution of the sentence. At the* Gate of the Penitentiary, they were met with the of fer of pardon, upon tho easy terms ofremoval tYom the territory, or taking the oath. Tiffs vvr, Every Day, ai 1, P. M. c Mini: •», | Every D.y ut II, A, V. 1C E S V / .’ It .V. Al'Ol'STA MAH.. Daily, Il P.M. | Daily, 2 T M. •V. 1 FO..V MAIL—DillECV. Moiulnv*, ami Tliursdnvi* | Mondavi*, and Fiidavx * P.M. ' I 7 P.M. ‘ ’ SOUTHERLY MAIL. imhikn ii xicmono’. Piio.itivs and Fridays, | \Vi*iuIiic«Ihv«, nn.i at9 1».M. | fcvindny.",' 6 P.M. st. m \i*vs, st. AiroirrrtsK, Arc. Tuesdays,^ P.M. | \Vodi)osd.iys, G P.M. •UNOUKV. Fridays, 9 P.M. | Wcdnesdnys, i{ p. 31, For Snip, HPriE Polo Boat Cotton Plant, a first rate bout mid in good order—calculated to carry from- 320 to 250 bales cotton. The Cotton Plant is now on her way from Louis- vdlo with a. cargo of cotton, and in all proba- ml‘ty will pass down tho canal this day. I erms, cash or approved city paper. Apply to tho suhscribor. JAMES B. LEWIS, <loc 82—24u On tho CuOj Albany Alo. 7?t ) HBLS. Alhnny -\Io, just received and « 'J tor snlu by dec J.\0. BENTLEY. ButtiT and Clmose. T.anJinff from ship Jfenri/, Oil TITKlNsj choice Cioelien Butter casks Cheese. Forsalebv _u«;_22 JOHN BENTI.'KY. llnukwheat Meal. . 205^2.1 Buckwheat Meal. Landing I'rom ship llenrv and Ter sale hv .'NO. BENTM1V. BSE&p At S'. Aagudin., Mr. BowaiiDj oi Vermont: and Jams* 31‘Kex.ny. Cofteo and liny. QA RAGS good Green Coffee 50 bundles New York" Hay For sale by FRED’IC. A. TUPPER, Taylor's Buildings dec 23