Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, December 29, 1831, Image 2

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GEORGIAN. ntn.v *ai* k COUNTRY I'Al' nmiT : mn Aim 1)01,1, A llfc rc-1 Cu ornerciul affairs romnin in the name | Schoom r Mcamore. l.ynmiM. Parian, 1dsv. *►*>*» I . wretched condition ; there exists neither mo-1 '" sl,Ui *!*’,!*“' rels K " :e * 111,i,ds , t ... , I S\run un il I in bn'ro Colum. ney nor credit. In imports, little or nothing i s, : .on,.. ; r Kluu Am., Perry, Dado.., 1 day. 207! be mod'.*, una bu.'u* Coiien. with the ut- 1 0AV/lJSTN!yt TX : TIII'ltNIlAV UMltMVG, |)i:< 'It. 2*». * paper* w«Tt received by lho NiHlitfli mai Tin: liRtiHMTl'ItM j muneys, to keep a book of record of th A'lj-mr. ihJ on Saturday m«lii alter a Sr»i on offify- jcciii's nod expenditures of the ‘•ame. nnodayi, during winch no li*.» than one hundred amt | Ti* b'lfllllltc llio town of J»’fl* fson, in tl) 1 itgMf/.ti, ; hi metn wetv pn*** ?«l, «*f which tweniyfuiir nr,, eminty of Camden. I is doing: no coll'ctions can to dl»..r« C cerisin couples il.ernn named, w. M re m- | T" nrpaiiixuu Volunteer corr.nriy oft hi/- when mi article is delivered it nlry, to ho known uml irn:ur|»orn niiiie- of the Glynn county I In . Kiipolp the sumo w ill urm>\ I . , To authorize tho Judge of tho court of; Convention of Teachers.—Agreeably f’o extend the lime for forttinnte drawers plea* n el oyer mid terminer, f.rlhe pf vioiih notice, ci real tiled in the |>nhhc Gu- j in ihe land Lot teries of PRN, 1810, and 1621, Cl j» of ,Sa V nnn*ih, to hold spor ml uri vT.i. tji’ttes, n cons durable number of Teachers, j to Inhe nut their prnnti'. 'ordinary coiirtH for tin* summary trial of from varioiid parts of the Stntc, convened on I o pardon IhiibIi (Jaim^. t ( c n uson tlioreiu ennmoruted, and io empower Mon’av. the 1 Util inHt. at the Court House debt>"l in llic limit gm Journal Turn ll*t ol if*** title*, uh ! | ublcli It l«»tv nil »f g*ncrnl net »••*! and lbu»« r*hiU": 1 I li> tho lowi r *rci o» of the Hiatt'. h r imost uncertainty as to when payment is to be j i to received. to To repeal mi net to ostublinh an election j|,|. AI:iv«>r of the cily of Savannah, uIm» lo in Millulgevillo. in pursuance of tho design district ' ,l Camden ( oimly, r »tar a * respects ; | lf ,| ( ) p I)r |, npccial or extraordinary courts, °l the m• cting, they proceetled to form h in- the HpauLh ( reck District, in said county. ! urifl to r c"ilaiO seamen <»r mariner.*, nml to Ives into a “ Teacher'* calling Very h ,II |. H| roCM>iBUici.nniii.icoull!J. „r jntfij.orii, nml Wo on- in.Mitfil i" "nr S.iiMw, < M. T'""l'i I To amend the thirty-eighth section of un j prevent them from being harboured or run. lot A <;r»|.v I.f Uu< .||M Mini I.u ir.uiKfiiietjd III l/'""fn . ■ In I nrt, Id revise mill COIlstditltHe the tllillt in llirif; in debt. C.t I'rcjulcM wiihhst •nr'. laws of this Slate, and to repeal the cavalry j To amend an act entitled "unifd lo provide 1>i. • ....... ... i*. ■ ....... n. I IWt. t llif.i.tlll.l', *’ 1 Into ■» a i"'" i<iii Ilwipe. by « <■ pm in mot Inn, I It .mu* ImImi i iil.**' rifts ovi l "I nn n'a wit cngiui' ith A n il', »r ^illin ini , a iii*w a; |ilicatii'tinl I. ■I, on • urb ' i l ol "hir lieul* I al llii' the lut'! t" lb*' l.srr, winch i*’ 'll,! Vl.rtl. I, V i iv i'* mOri r ' i e iiln n-pt'i r it bai k In ns fra nn* motion wlunb fm f t to dm model, 1 i u turneil n.In l!ic tr without wn'r. |l I* nil e •• Miii|iheiiy *1 tlm m*' *e. If, miol, in a gic*) iiii-nsari', • i.„■'J'!u iitvi ninr, .Mi. Pilin' tils way t<» Wmhtnj , ''ii mil N> ,!' |.'M , b' .i mode 1 hi the I ty,** by culling the Rev. Mr. lieman lo tho Clnir and ap- pointing llio lt»w. Dr. Brown, of ScoHsboto', and Mr. Slade, of Clinton, Secretaries. Vu- | laws now in force, passed ID h December, f< t thw nnprovi iin-nt ofj)< . f*u>« and rivers r > soluf»o!i'i were ofl'-red, nml consider- .I* tlic I I MS, so ftirm* rcMpccta the uppoilllmcnl of e ‘111iSinfi- ” p ^r^TDi i i mlier IS, 18'J!J. n ble iIihciihsioii took place, on the subject of dii.uiv niiiy l.iudge ndvoruio. ^ To impose, h-vy and collect lax, tor llio I Ktl'icntion. A constitution was then prepnr- ; To amend the patrol law of this Stale, so | uliiicnl year IH.'l'J. jed and adopted, and regular oOiccrH were far an relntt-H lo thinulcn County. ! To amend an net passed ihe "d-d of D’ by the! To lay out nml organ ixo a new ooiirifv, t*»! catitin, nt tiioir Homi-ammul meeting ill Junn be eompnsed of all the lands Iving WeVt of " , .*xt. Tin.* whole proceedings will hereafter tv* Chattahoochee Ktvor, and North ut* (hit- be published at full Icng'li, both in news pa- roll county line, within the Inuits of Gear* I p**rs ami pumphlut form.—reorder. five so lar ns rcs- ,.l CU'll. Ill- a «*«|»|ii I* «\ lift I l*l Ml* ' di'* bo on «*i •iiiii d , .il, y 1 r uif i' down t*v <'* weikbl riMUcil |my.*ial il.o iutluiii cc «< tin* fir**, | v” nenr'y up roachiuy n vuc urn llint I iniiii-h such li:ult*rs for nit oftli*: iillajr v*tn*'' '</t • « " 1 *'» * flavt'H. •r u''c»*, duo nriHlun . • , t •> n'liricu*-; To incorporate a baithiug rompniiy tmdor j li liing, m lx* iln power. A win *d i ■ ii'ii* i i, I lie in mo ol'llio ('oiiimerciiil bank nt M icon. | passu a „| 1 „I,| i pt iniuoiioaby water wbii l. ( _ Ciivin^ the iiitmidant and jnoiiiberH of, to pr< fr*>ni u lira, t Hr. <hip Scioia, (Jon bay, Liverpool. “ '• (M rrnJ' n, C.ucA*, «lo. S:li io rr D* li mce. liukrr, Uam'ii. •S ooii (' uliiirin*' **r Klixabi'tli, do. “ itoliv-.r, Uurdi-n, do. Darien, Dcc'r. 20/A, 1831. A II'II M O, 9 Srl'omor Trader, Dunu, (Mi "lesion. McrcImaJec. “ M .rmi'.n, Bri^gi, do. do. H'Jtl, making coestabl' iple, and lo misotin ir 11 j peds llte county oft nuuVii, To niter and mm ml nn act to impose an | ml.liiionul tax on Deiilnrs ami oilier Itinerant iimlcrH puHHcd Bill December, 1KM, nml io illeg il trailing with j 'l*o apportion the repr- sentuiives among elected. Committees were then appointed ■ t> e several countina In this State. ° i ,( ) report on several subjects relative to l*i1u- S.uniiSi. e!o, H oil *»*v Ho. do. “ A. 1. rc. Sav.innuli. do. • M .con, IL 1, it». dii. It. sill r’» Iiijk, No. 1 , T'Viu;«, KM halos Coll M'Ciiit'i “ 1 -*, Man n , Ini'. do S ’* '• 1. .I*. .Ml di l o *•-t»i*ul T' •" ir, 270 do •• Kiui, ii*. 11(7 do •1 Siiih rmr, do. ■1 0 do W ii - r W i'di, 890 do “ lt**blL'CJ fc do. :isi) do r. Notice. M'KfJR, graduate in surgery of tiro Uuivorsitv of Glasgow, member of I In* | Royal (>ollego nt* Surgeons, i.oiulon, and | To provnnt itinerant, nr tinnutborikcd ; sons, from locating tliciRselv the F.iiiflish mal French Com Trade.- k niiiclill"' id oh *nt * i- ■ ii for lwo of line** • III "(ii*:i*, i |„»tM* puv in X .r. graduate in medicine ol’llio University of j I New York, respectfully oilers Ins services to j • lrifiitinrr Miemsol. r>o nn ... „..„r i , - .. - -- tllO iuhaliitllDtS of Savnitnuil, it) tliO cltlfcrcilt i.trom locating tlnmsu i-on ot near |, as 1m-ou ovtd-nt, lor tome vears past, that |, rilII .] 1P « ,,r l.ii* n mf, RiverSiivinnalt urnl* r tlm "I, tt o commercial and mai’it'hdurhe* intc-rrsts r ! pr 1 • f “’i- i ,, .. , Mir ; i. i (| to „ r .. v ..„t olwlmctmiH totlu* 1 ,..* . ,* ,ng inii.n s..- } |) r . .M*Kkh has paid pa rticulnr otton non t . . . ' r , , ‘ , 11 i ot Uugland wereexlentling mileh more rapid- iSm-iri'i'v fie Himlied tliis hr/m.*h un Ill««• Of li.vli up the Slid litver, uml further | v il„m her ••.rricnltm-il .,i,*rest il. P in. , ‘-"'p,'-'* »«• s umoci hub oronunm r* iliili.t t.iiilin*r «v : tli sbivp< *n rviemt ■ llttl ...? r a h r,t ' l,,lura J ,,ll ‘ r * 8l * ,lr ,,,N d«*r that cololiruled dentist, tbclnto Mr. Fox r unit itttlm. will el.iv in iintl.o oxtenu ports ot loretgu corn have, been constantly i *•„» ml « m » w* power ot civil o ncers and patrols | inenmsing, and h'*r markets attracting the at- I a lay out the gold region n t he lands nt tontm.i of the United Slates and other ngri- *,,!.,,.*• | , , , . , /reHcn in the orc'.ipitncy nltbo Clu rokoo In- mdturnl countries. The corn laws of Eng- I o alter am amend an net , to authorise dmm», into Hiimll lots, and dispuso ol Ihe same | A n«l arc hoconvng every dnv more ohnoxions the survey and dispootionat the lands with- by : e,a rate lottery. | to tho intercs's on which they hear opnres- "I the limitH Ol Georgia, in the occupancy u! I o comp. I pemons to serve as cmnn.iss- Hiv ,.] Vi ,i 11( | wi jj |„. ,„odifi.;d erelong. France ' ' ,M1 1 ho ‘ 'InTokeo trihe ol Imlians. .miers ot piihl c r.nts m the county of Ghat-, ] H a |.; 0 hecoining Hound in her polftical ccon- (Jivin; llio intundant. nnd tneiulierH of ( _ „ ( , ! t'oiincd ofllie lowm of St. Mary's, authority (the power of civil officers nnd patrols. ’ to act iih Justices of tho l’cacc in certain >imoils niv'iiii "Hi una H"'a I , | CU8C0. prose t* m\v t« To iueorporuto tt banking I lawl.invA ille. :on»puny f ! he largo sharers in tho bonpfltn of returning I o empower the Mayor ni> 1 Ahlorunn of good senso in England nnd l'Vanco, if nnlv »t I lru",.wliu in;iy be ,p|ioWloi) liim'i,lli.'r _iiicoii.| onl y. sin; b:,« ulnwly an i'llpnn , . j biruuiy w tl') luo vo.wl laws now o', lorcc tn j ar ,i mudili ntion in her corn laws. Wo shall I *» niter ornl ntncnil the roitn laws <>l this j said county, j .State, so lar na respects the county ol’Citm- Tu n In i ii t" Urn c"tiv«ulii’ii rrri'iiitjr In M B n Vi'rr ( til’ll bi'il m lie HhIiiiioii! Kin)-ir 1 . ■_'* A'iI *. *;I| Mr, rinv ni’.l Mr. NirpiA'i'nr*'n „,nhi in nuimumlv minim n il, i* n in' m*i tai forx»tl* ilnii Urn imis ill* rr-nli nf i rum s, wliitli was ' ' '• Imi' haur. on Suo'biy i vii.ii v,'ho'" *'»i*l 'Itroo | t|<m iii flit* ( r«nitity of McIntosh, under the •I’Kiri* r bom* mi M< mlny twi nii***, na l m-.iry di | n me ami style of tho Corps of Vigilance. Ii.h’h ium i irbt. Tin m* e |iriol-*•» •.* J To nit' r nml umciul nn net passed I ho 23d •v in ..r mij nriii*«i*ir tHr-"(tiers f*T ”il| *u im'i; iib | Deceiuher, 1830, prcHcribing tho manner of M v —ninny fm iinmia.ilinv Mr. Wiri, i.ii*Immy, holdingoleetious in Lho si wrill counties of [ the city "I Suvnunah, and IImiiiIiMh therein, wo can preserve its dominion nf home. :ml the several acts incorporating | to pnrcliase lands for the erection of a l/r/.n-l y y. Jour. Com. nml city of Darien. . rolto, nnd to give them jurisdiction over the . il.ili* tin* l*iit;ir.• I'lor'tSrinR nl* rnntii. ' oiiim**. > . , ■ .1 >. • , 1 - . r | To nine the town . . | To ri'giilato tin* ft it tiro flections of/ metn- " j lo-rs of (JoiigrcsH 111 this State. To incorporate a volunteer patrol nnsorin- U’ B U imijmity,) fin brinjimg tMuy fur.Mir*!." * P ali n liy, 11 n r to u'*! ■iiai-knl anl •trin'k lw Mr. Plait «'• Nut \utk,ii* ul .tii.lji' PI lit, iii i iinirijtirl'Ci* "f nn arliclu |mi*'i Ii 1'nr yi on* nt*u in llir N rlli Ani'ii'm H**V'0" by Mr. Kvi-ruli, iiK’iiloi Hlit i'i*i»«tnc* of .I.i.l " .iiicnf tin: nr bill'll: in the "film (i 11 k A |«.i»vriitnin liriiijt i*"'« ri*.l, M». P. |)|yn'l jt u.m hkl wmk br* i*iib» up Ur.-ru beUm-v ji|.||*ni< nl, |lu maili) nlR.l.tvit i*r In* > 01 .Mr. K, bring a I'tvruymin, but bipg*il, 1* fiulgiiiei.t nf l!ii* court wn* | r-n,..uiiru*l, in mv a f'*w Will ill, Ilf lliihlflt "W« llio i'll’X lo l!'», lllll', ■ In: hml nfliimli'il llio in J"l* iff.i’law, tin It nl, iii- l W ily nr m .iuxt'v, •nvigl’l fur 1 ttioijji'inli; it lm bad «b si rvi .l |iuiiii*l.inca», lei 1I10 dm' f.i I. Tim ■cnicncc ol'tbv r.i an nos a fine <.f 52)0* The * tliibiunim nf Mr. Cli.1 uber* iii New Y< rk d***i* w ith 'ho c.\|*i*rimciil of* di* I'nku'ii of I*'*,***. 'I !ii< 1* n.|.ri miiioI n btiililing "flu* i 1 « u t.lnl ix|il| <* riri.'gi * In nil an ulna, ii|i'\!irili nt Iwn lam.In it, *b * nm 'uni*- „ti*’y lyuiii*, .uni, bcvniuaig iiilt." I ,vti ttwm nf l\rv ill liV im* iUri*Cti**l u* wliirh llio whnlo *.i'. mi i* ilhnni a III nn*. In I.eiVft M- 1 1. r and to give them jur! . j A wretch in I’hilailelphia tried to drown 0 nnke null nnd void all contracts made |,i msc |f un( | 0r ,| l(( i,..,* |„tely ; but was battled ami entered into m writing, or other vne, hr- out hv rfom( , brmher wliaM* rats, c .rriml to a lv..,;nn party ur ptirtirs, plmntllFor tlelumhill, | u,cni, nn.l thnwotl out. To prrssitia iitqili. ries of" why did you do it !" A’c he replied “ il—a vo11, its none of your business,” uud walked oil*. j this State, and to puuMi those who may ut- t(Miipt to defeat the same, so lar as respects . i* . 1 ii,.., nn .vi.itn •lAhiUm* tit*' eutitdy of Liberty. I,»*i Miirunrr, Mr. I,i» r, i', I |f**sinn, iviii" ’ ,, r. I, Ik . .... 1 1 re.serdung tinMiuiuner nl taking leiinno- It 11,,, i,.. *,, . nl 111. * \X n-l’IIIJIO'l lll'IlM, Nr" * "*l, l' 1 ' 1 .. 1 ny in cases worn any pers in jnfen is contest- ing t!ic sent of any nn miter, relurn* d as elec ted 11 Senator or Representative of the Leg islatin') of this Stall*, To iiiiieml the act entitled an nc t. to n- mend ami eoimolidtitu the several acts which have lieeu p.i. • cd in violation to the powers ami privileges of tltn corporation of .ra'.cc ! iifSavnnoiih uml the Ininlels th* .,* ib,.! other purposes therein montionnl, „ r ,. w a-ltli De ! in innutione I f Po amend ll.* ' »y I Aniemlarory of tlm fifteenth, twenty-se cond and Iw*nty-lotirth neet.ions ef aniiit, 1 p:iss:.'d on the I tit It of December, 181M, enti- : lied an act I" revise and consolidate the mili tia laws of this Slate, ami to repeal the (,’a- \airy laws now’ in force, and to regulate Ihe ' 1 .nunher of reviews. I To repeal th-* 1st section of r.n nc * tied an act, to ", . 1 Il.o pcnii!o, and o WmIi.H . ... l,v " ensos, si) far 9 '»•»»* U l » ;U offh'o *i * and attorney nr attorneys «t law, where ti altoruny shall fail or neglect to att'mti to tl e ruit or suits, wiiioli he or they emitraot^.l to do. III per.-o i, or by some coinp'diuit n'tor- nev. until tho rendition of a judgement. Tn repeal thndth section of an act “ptts- PCtl the 21st day of December, 1830. to ap point elnv**n ii'lililiouul trustees of the Uni versity of Georgia, From ihe World nf Fashion. Fashions fdh Niiviimiiku.—livening Dress.—A dro.-B of rose-colored crepe lisse, over satin to correspond ; the corsage is ! made low and square, and lightly embroider- I o u.' .ii *e the fees on head right gra its, | C( ] r ,iunil the bust. Herd slovoos very short and to icjaal all a.vs uiuLating tigiimsl the j and full. A gauze ribbon is 8UI '\ n ’ erns.sod, Fomcthing in the !i»po of an X. on J o amend an net o:itMl.*d nn net to provide j t) l0 bust, forms ii heart behind, nnd i3 dispos- :iup ovni.ent ol the roads and nvers j ,.,i on cneli shoulder in very full luvud's ,le for tli in t Stale passed Dec. 18, 18^f). ! Faye. A Grecian border, of bright greon and .if Un cily ; Ti, t>ppr»|»totn mnm >•< 6>, tin mpprot of oaniation, min >1* J, «w'.m llnikirt jn.-i «. ul, nml ,:.r sm-o mnuin fur llio pi.lillcnl yo .r W)!. I, m . c t |,„ ]„. m , T|, 0 |, a i r i„ wm) i lC . J i ac | ; up . ii- i . !>.- : In- '***; L-rantl nmcml un act to ,|olmc i.i.‘ | >.u tl (u n>rt:!i.a<l, nnd llio liiiul Juir drc.snl m mminw wpbIw»bII» ml’niKlnff lands or Mr I -ml lor other inirpudi's hen- j I'jblh .esol s.vnntios I' *". s’ne of |, ands whto |, liru K | lt „, r oss tl. ■ ' d Or F lint ... cv", un.l fur tho l>mioc!un ul bu.t „n! tl.r.-hon., on ro,-.b suio, ami then turn Imch, ’ J '. 1: . , i ' i 11.0 IU..I laws ol McIntosh opiin- , recynnunccs, bonds, notes or oilier con-1 for p |„ ml „„ ,| 10 „ nnniit of tbc jJ;*!“*’; r 1 "^ ?4Srm$,i .l.lLll. I linixl 'I’i.r. #«. .'rVin*/. . p..m.i, f.r .1 ■. A . I ... .1 ... eniion to un- 'ox, of hondon. lie has for several years been lecturer on Dentistry to the inodicnl students of Quebec ; and during the lust two sessions in the Medical College in Fairfield, NewYoik, w as LeeturiT on Dontittry to the atudeuts of that institution. Dr. jM’Ki:u assures t!io public tint he can always arrest the progress uf ('arics in the teeth, unless tho disease has progressed so far as tu destroy their vitality, lie can cure every case of scurvy in the gums. In the morf! cases lie can cure the tooth nelio with out the loss ofllie tooth, lie w ill clean dis coloured teeth and restore them to their until- ini whiteness ; and for those who have hud j the misfortune to lose tiioir teeth, lie will in sert new ones, which cannot be d stinguished from he original teeth. Dr. M'Kce prepns- cs to make Savannah his permanent pin* o of residence, anil solicits the patronage of the inhabitants, in thediiluront branches uf medi cine, surgery, and dentistry. 0^7- II r. sides nt the house of Mrs. Hat ty, Monument Square, where lie may always he e: >n.sul!cd. Savannah, Dec. *27, IS31. dec 21) 2ft—tSnn ] liimds lor Silc. 'I^HFi fullnvving tracts of land are oftered | * for sale by tho subscriber, viz : 8 \ humln d acres of prime River Swamp j Tide Land, in Chatham County, on the Giro, cheo River, hounded pit the south by the Es tate of Stephen Elliot, on the east by the Horse Cut, on the north by Rocktkdi Crock, rtnning wostwardly adjoining luuds of .Mr. All III * hn* naui-ed liiuoell l*v |*),< :*•• I lia' i' ad. IiuiI.i. III! (Mill! ■ j To abolish : this State, trnctu, To authorise the formation of a cnmp:o \ for c'oiiMr"(*.t nga rail road or turnpike, tV.m •the Vity of An just a to Etilonlmf, nml t-. : •. westward to t!io Chuttu.'ioueiiie River w branches tliorcto. Di'iiariiig nml *'i*;tntn ’•:*.• J ilelinin »tiiu lialn. 1 rS. i.i and sc*f cction nf r.n nc' enti- ! rit' . to promijjsuno l other inati - iiake constahi' • elective by | m nuliicr thereof shall la iii Hu* mo!. .•!' ; a King tlnur I |). to collect tfic fiiiM' iif. or jin'ice. "t '-i' thiur d'.itov riuiil | •• To exempt from rdnd duty, one rt .in run, ... rfl.r.v.* to the countv di'io '*. nil m do .-dure* o.i the island .of ot. i (Jati.u.iue. i ir* firn*! ted of l.orso rn-'iiig on j — * iways, in the comity of vdh .th- i Comm/hkn.—In the Sennto, ynsterd iy j several ir.rin irinls nnd petitions were | i licit]. Th,; c.’ift'urc is coinpuHi-fl of n iiFx-j lll( v l ,;-i by Mr. 1 lines, an I Is; no tli'In . tnro nl ends nf ribbon, with gulden curu "i j Mcfor Waters. Also, seven Inimlred and :: !' rs t ^ du'.ul-giiM fifty tu'jvs in Bryan ('minty, on Black Creek 1 ripe corn, ntnl i pi;.i* 1 ! i . . roticud. -.■ —A dregs of palo -mhuon ..... iv»s th Wuples, liglitly ft o d in :i - " * p i!'( r.i. J'lie corsage i** ut uk high, »o [ so dog** 'o the shape, uml ornamented only ' *li a lii'il of the same man rial, which, torm- i m * n petit cn ar in front of the bust, goes pi ain inull:! the back. Tho b'oovpb are til' .■[maths. The crncznfTis of white tulle, very 1 richly embroidered ; it is oftlio pelerine form I behind, with ends which descend below the ! knee. It is very full trimmed round [ bust, and finished with a rulfi adjoining lands of Mr. Bird, long known nr an excellent situation for a first rate tS«\v Mill. Also, two lots on Hardwick, B. Comi ty, nn 1 two on Vornon Bay, White Ujuil*.—— For torms apply to JOS. STILES. doc 20 20—lino An Ol:j ct of Imporumcc. ^VOODWORTH’S Patent Planing M- chine, lor flouring hoards or,other i\ir. I'm in nciiclif. f STAKES place THIS EVENING,'IW. -B- day, tho 21)t h ot December, at the cor ner of (inmard-sireal uud Bay-lane. Mr. I’otter has the pleasure of announcing to the ladies and gentlemen ol*4liis city, that I its Beni lit Will t ■ .e place on this evening. Hehas been ut considerable c.vpem-o to lit up the building, so us to render it eonifoi ta- b!.‘, for the reception of families. It will be brill'antly illuminated, and cvoiv attention paid tu keep good order during the pcU’urm- anco. Air. P. on this occasion will give n variety of new and d.fliculi ciitcrtniniiv.its. lie will go through with his pleasing performance upon the Slack Wire. HERCULEAN FEAT^ OF BALAN CING—in imitation of the ceKmfT.cJ Herr Cline. FIRE EATING. //<? re n / on a I'm nf ft; yon gt h. GRECIAN EKERCISE, with the golden halls, cup nnd dagger, &.e. BURNING BRIMSTONE.—Mr. P. will conclude by nct.imlfy eating a quantity of burning hriuwtono—for tin* first time m ‘this place. He will also Sicallow a Sauirtl, 22 iuche-s in length, nml ht nn* suit crested person draw it from his throat. All tho ANIMALS will bo eJBflHWm add lion to Air. P’s pi rlormanccs. (intul ML SIC will tiUni'l. Dorns open at early eandln light—Per formance to commence at 7 o’clock. OO" Tickets for sale at tin* Bur of the City Hotel, and ..t tJio door of the Menagerie—- price 511 cents. dec 21) for "ALursT.i, 'J’lie si am-lmBt G E 0 R G I A, C //)/. _Yorris, Will leave here THIS DAY, with two tow boats. For freight or passage, apply at the steam-boat Office. WM. TAYLOR, P.S.B. Co. dec 2fl SaVahrmh Vbhfnlccr Gtmrds i A FPEAlt on your parade ground on Mon- day, i.uc 2d January next, at 9 o’clock A. AL, prepared to lire fur tho annual prr**. Jt 'fuulters will attend a Court oflnqmrv At Company's Room, on Saturday, the Mill )uu- tinry next, at 7 o’clock ^f. By order of Uapt. JXeKHii.v, —• JOHN C. STA ’R, ' 1st Serg't. S. \ . i# r . K loci ion Notice. \ N Election (underAhn snperintemlcnen proscribed liy Law,) njii be held at.'Jr* Court Room, Excliu g), in tho city of Sa- vnneah, on Aloiidav the 2.1 day of January next; for SheriJT, Clerk of tho Superior at. 1 Inferior Courts, Tax Collector, Tax Recei ver. Coroner, and Surveyor for tho county of Chatham. The Sheriff and his oflieei s are required to attend and preiorve order. By order ofllie Justices of ihe Inferior Court.. It. W. POOLER, Clerk. dec 20 llllCll round - tho ' 1 i* 11 " > "U imuriny iiimi ua hi mu * rt t the throat. j plank, planing to an equal width nnd thick- j The hat is of white gros <le .Vantes, the rib- j and the edges tuny- *d and grooved, rims it is rosc-colur and white, with ^ l0 "'hole being olfected with greater accitra- t' <* 1,'ih' yrnr, iun",inti'.l to i "on*/ tighty-onc tMymnJ Ml The Allmny Dm'y Ailvcrtimy niiil. i fr. ni llio Krii* nml t*li.nupliii CaimtH tliis ; ntxiiit ^ 1(10,1 no inort* di m ituni'g dm l il i\n> ?t,0j6 92?, Penitei’tinrv itnpri^onmellt tn J sen tod. The hills providing fur tho moon.; bmitlmt tri - . opt in eertam • as s, to iliange j ting and eqiiipmeiit ofir pai\ ofllie United | slight intermixture of ftritn hannetan. j C V than can possibly bo attained by baud; ami, ili'ru'*.* iho mod of punishment fur crimes and mis- Slides’ army, nnd for (he armament of eev- j y'nni. > Lathi's Hrtes. Cambric trowsers;' ’flo'cn are now in successful op ration mum- t\'.t low In<1 demeanor.-', am! for other purposes. tain fortification of the United States, were Jf r ol’skv-blne gros th Naples, short on- j *»P tl»;*ae machines in Philadr Ipliia uml Now '• ' ' - severally read llio second time and referred | on ^r|, |„ display the trimming of tile cambric | —each machine performing work in n To regulate and make uniform the pro- } cet'ilingM again>t hail in criminal eases. j codings again-i hail in criminal eases. to the Military Committee. I In* resolution j petticoat. Tile apron is of lawn-colored aros j superior manner in half an hour, winch ■ Uni dir revenue j To provide fur the recovery of costs in eer- submitted o;i Tuesday bv Mr. Holmes, call- j \ 'aples w th a brueo cn turnr ; tho brace | WuuM require the labor of a man un cutire iliia v.-nr, iv.ll I" ,; iin e.nsoH. ing on the President lor inlbrmatinn relative ) and pockets arc embroidered in dames!; roses; i . lM ' i. , E | y-ai ! ’L') authorise the planters and inhabitants to the trade In tween the I’m ted {States and : there *s also one on each side of t!m skirt. ] The patent rights fur using these machines, ! of Skitlnway Island, m the countv of (’hath- ; the British West IniVcs, came up in course | for the .States nf South C.troliun, Georgia, The Nrw-Yith Aiiu’t'cnu -t i' ** dint " Manny, tlm am, tu erect a bridge across r-kidaway Nar rows, under certain restrictions herein taiticd. fo• cuiisiilerutioM, nml after nfw romnrkH on-1 from Messrs. Webster, Holmes, and Smith, iwne, laid on the table on motion of Mr COMMF.KCIAL I. adon pub'inlirr, lm* just i*tunl a j-ro«pi cin* i f ;i, To alter and amend an net passed 22d day 1 Smith, who stated that he should call it up j Mvntrooi. paths : : • iiiploic a»J uniform cliiion i«i di<* Wort* of f-"r*i' of December, 1830, entitled nn act to 'provide I to-ilny. 'J'lie Senate spent some time in the i ii.yvre paths mill I.ifu hy I for the temporary disposal of the improve- [ consideration of Executive business. . i* with tho new J meut8 and pnssc.-tsimis piircliascil from the | ’I’lieinost interesting business submit ted Fund mid academic Fund for the county of i' niplutc and Hi run, with ln» Cutter* nml Jnuriinl**, Mturr, Tho putiticaiion ia to ciumiiviin Iceil in f*.iiilt*i'ii in > nbout ihr *17.0 of llio Wnvrrly Novc'a, ami « tli fron'* ni.irrm nml viuiirUi* titlr-ingrV rngr.iml on nlnrl, 1 , , . . . , m m Brvnii, and lor other purposes. nrtcr oru'ina i rs*'*'** ny rimiirnt nrtisi*. Dir. nl- ,,, . , i i mar nritioa *• J | Tn declare and make i’Ctatu the knv do- k .„icr i.. In* ai.i..»*iiiriit, th it tho copyrigl.t to IhU liability of and endorsers ii.uU IhuI coat him np' v '•>* "* -•'* ' *'iii>l'. ' - - j 0 f pronii.-ory notes and other instruments, if * of I,hi Isi'iipi* l r ‘i «"»■* "i I'm Wi'iki "i I*"»d I To appoint commissioners to survey and Hymn, r to ai’c-ui'pimy Mr* Murmy’* now miniim: ]ay-ntit a public market road from Columbus, they will be’il l*v the rnimt miiim iii imts, mi l on the C'hatUilioochie,lo St. .Mary’s, in Cain- i i>)x'ti in a tniiiliii wmiia'i lo lie l,;\ud>c.ipu Uu»ir « dvu county. t.oniofiho Wmrrly NoviU," | To incorporate the Insurance Bunk ol* Co- Itimhus. •I I... V, „ V„,k ml kv f.,m» I. ti'l.’ii •}’■* n-pont lire mmil nets fmwi! »r«n!i,.-i . o. I....-.’ V i, r. , C b.... 1 »"* -••*<'• '•■l”*S 1^* >*' l»<'-f|H»«t.0l, 1 , , , , i - i i to tin* (dgecheo Navigation ciitnpanv. imb i»li«'il at the i Hu' 1 " "f tin* I. at l«n Spv, i% In* li t <*i»- . ,,, . * , . , , ' • i , .j { ' , . l* I To niter am! amend an net to regulate tho 1 1,1 1 \ ,r ; i lu’enring of I’l.vsieians in this State, passed nml il.iir f<nii u*», »h » vacl ng uii.-l ilu* R* I fm Hill j •J i | IS25. in il*** llfiiM' if ")ii*ti it "■•v« «t* "*‘t'*di j To regulate tho transportation of gunpnw- binly. Till* alwliaol givrn twlnw nil! yu*t.l s**m'* idea , di*r, and to aulhori..e the forfeit lire of such ns ofllie pci »on*l rimmii* f"r iho dislikr "i ilm I" : ! **t *' r -1 nliull be transported in violation of tho pro- OOTOBXU. 31 o crone, a 12 [nv TIIF. JullN C. CALHOUN.] To aid nml eonsohdiito the Poor School Iseiilatives was tho proposition of Mr. Carson, the Osposia nml M-irion have sold at"U: 1 cts. di r» lo the rifortn ol* a vysicm whn Ii tie'; reason lo consider n good one. Inio nine! )? |)||kl>* ICCCIVU !IV7,11)/. H Mar;u sacs 198 791 .Ml Bar's 6126:1 JO Viscounts 161.391 21 Lords 403,C61 22 Ardi Uislmpi an 1 B rhops 506,69:1 \ isioim of this net. To compel the clerks of the Inferior Courts of the diffureut counties in this Btntr, to claim cstravs, when levied on by executions. Amendatory of tho net pissed lho 20th Po- comber, 1830, which vests the nppmnlmo.t of tho Patrols in the Justices of the Peace, so to refer to the UommiUcc on the District of j The Lovely Keziah’s is yet unsold. Columbia, the subject of granting a Delegate We find no alteration of importance to in Congress to tho District. The conVersa-' note in our market. Sugars are very scarce tion which occurred on this occasion, and J—perhaps not inoro tlnn 51)00 boxes of old on the suggestion of Mr. McDuffie to give it a j crop remaining 8th, nor will not appear much legislative con cil. also will he found in our I before February. detailed report of the proceedings. The I Coffee continues in brisk demand at!)', a resolution was referred to the committee, j U Q—largo supplies still go forward to Ncw- Uricnns. j Molasses 13 a vl 1 per hhd. 110 gnUous. ;*wni-yijjwi.i"irsnMikuaigT.asaiarff irxn&n with instructions to inquire iu'o the expedi ency nf report ing a hill on the subject. Nu merous resolutions were offered, and n mo-- snge was received from the President on the subject of tonnage duties nt Martinique ami in (lie ports of the United Sintes on French I Ai N-.-u-Y *r!t. on i!m I9;li insim.i, of il.o nnvailiiip vessel^ hound from that islni d, which was ii lluvna.i, Mr. , F. Sti.vkn*, I.ih ofilfuciiy. referred to the (’imimiiteronl.'oinincrco. At 2 o’clock, tiio Hoube adjourned. Telegraph inst. Olficr nl*the Mercantile Advertiser, ^ Ac is. Tor/., Drencher *21. \ Fnnxi RioJxnriiio.—Extract of a lutt* MARINE JOURNAL TORI' OT HAVAKNAH. Alt ItIV El), S!i'0|» Milliner, Wiiiir, D ui'n. C2I |.i|c*» Ootlnn, from Messrs. Maxwell, Wright & Co. reoeiv- : nnJ flitl. v to It .us i*ui fr<un, ILU, Nlupur Tu,.- cd by tho Augusta. 1 per, J. Sumo ii Co. Rio tic Janeiro. Ocl. 20th, 1631. This place was thrown into crc*at alarm on j the night of tho Oth inst. by the revolt of a as to allow then) compensation for certain I body of 300 regular troops on the Island of| _____ I services nml for other purposes, so fur as re- Cobas. n strongly fortified post within inns-1 j60 JL’2,l.>9,662-9,iP8 4D7 ' lutes to the counties of Liberty, Glynn, Brv- j ket shot ol’llio city. They, having 1 berated i Iiippexn thus that lew than oimliatr of ih«|ircr«gi*, J an, Morgan, McIntosh, Eflingnom, Camden, j and added to their party the convicts on! ir-6 imlivhlu.Vt, receive every ye»r from tlic public j ( 'hutlmm, with the exception of the city of j board tbc prison ships in tho harbor, attempt- ,5,i98i’»7 or un an am.-. .«ch.- S»ninn»h amilho immlots tluruof. cdtocnU'r tire "ily, felWere .(iscor.-reil in Thres, im,.™ iron, «i. Iww’vnf iho.. rt.fcfcM.1;, f’o s.nciidlhQ Judiciary law nf l.Dfl, in rc., lime, and tonnlsed hy the Nutwnd Guard, , . ... fll Intion to but. nod also tn amend an net enti- who turned out with great promptness, utter llic Hcl-nn Bill, nnd doe* not ihe ctBiMr* i»rllic j »i i .a-l ,• . .. , h , t!.. . , govcrntiKDl Olid (heir friends who ul*o receive U«gi*ly Pom (lie national liiii’li. Froxn.—We have seen u specimen of Su gar from the plantation of Col. Clinch, of Al- ndum. It is superior to any thing ol the kind we have hitherto been. His crop this year amounts to 101 hogsheads, averaging IKH) lbs. each. At Hernandez and Griswold’s, we nre in formed, about 50 hhd* will be made. ,Several other planters in our neighborhood imve commenced operations, but wc ure not informed what their prospects are. Theschr. Willium, from New York, bound to Mosquito, passed the bar on Sunday Inst, \yith tv.uatcum sugiir mills, for planters there St. Angvstint Herald, WENT TO SEA, S!ii;i C*iN,mm«, Cufiin, J.iv**rp *<*), i;, S'a't O !i", M i'*nill' s. Hr;: liiiinl, Udii’-iogic)*, I*rovidm;c«. SooiiJoIiii Chova’i' r, Sii.ion, Charctlon. S \lf.i ?). S', ; |* S'alirn, Wood, Nciv- York. Sloop |)iingn, lluiiOuglon, Unrii'ii. ** J .l- .inor. Brigs?, do. " Yiifli|iin, l , iir*hrr. do. DEPARTED. StcHinb >a\ S ,vaiin >h, Swvtner, Augu**.*. MEMO!t \NI) \. JJicanlirr 21.—Thr icbooncr J.r m | East uml West Florida, are fur sale, and us | they are of immense advantage to those j interested in tho lumber trade, no time | should he lost io secure them. These rights J will he eo’.d altogether, or for each State, or parts of either. Tho following arc a few of many certifi cates on hand : Wo have examined the Board Dressing Mnchinrs now in operation. They work with groat exactness, and finish boards much more smoothly than any we have ever seen dressed liy hand labor, particularly ovorkjwt/. Tho floors can he laid at half the expense of those dressed hy hand, being of an even thick, ness, nnd one machine may dress in one day three hundred boards of about 25 to 30 feet each. Wo recommend it ns one of the great est nml most valuable labor-saving machines we have ever witnessed. (Signed) Btbimien Tiioux, St. Wi.xn, | Ciias. R. Skiddy, I . Ciias. Mii.i.s, J* A*. York. W. 1>. Hau.dt, | W. Stkiibins, ,1 W. W. II.vuiaway,J New-York, June, 1830. Wo have had flooring hoards drcF.sad bv tlic Patent Planing Machines, with which wo are highly pleased, being brought loan exact width and thickness throughout :—they lay with much less trouble than tiios • dress ed by hand labor, and consequently make ; more even nnd substantial floors. John O’Nkil, Builder, "I J#in D.\nn.\cn, do. | j H. L. CoRRYliLi.,do. j’ Philadelphia. S. \V ii.i.iamnon, do. J Philadelphia, August, 1630. For terms, apply to dec21) BAYARD &. HUNTER. WlI.I.IAM Molt I!I. is ilCilll- didate for the Offico ol* Clerk of the Superior and Inferior Courts of Chatham County, ami respectfully solicits lho suffrages of his Irioiuls* and fellow-citizens on Monday next, doc 25) Totlio JOIedtjji's of ClmllininCo. e TlRI.CiOlV.criT/KNS—Ininicnniliilni.' . for r'-election to the Clerkship of the Su perior and Inferior Courts of the County if Chatham, and solicit your suffrages on Mon day next. Uespeetfn'dv, dec 21) ROBE In’ W. POOLER. To the Kloctors of Cliaf^n I ,'o., 1 7(ELL( )W-C1TI/.EN.8—I am a candidate-* for Tax Collector of Chatham County, nml respectfully solicit your suffrages on Monday next. D.WIl) Bl’Ll,. d .c 20 28 John D.iktiiixhkss re-. spcctfuIJv informs his iMIuw.cit'zoiis of Cha tham County, tint he is a candidate li*r the* ollicc of Coroner nt the election ci Mundnr next, and solicits their suffrages fur the same. I dec 20 28 h i ' f 1 * Wm.\V.Oati;3 rospectfiil- , ly informs his fellow-citizens (dT^jti'y that he is a cundidate for the ollicc of Coroner nt the election in January next, and solicits? thoirsufTYagua fur the samu. | dec 29 2]—' l'*cl!o\v-('itizcyi.s! j OFFER myself ns n eamlidato for Com ' II mr of Chatham County, nt the ousu-, ! ingrelection m January next, and respectful n - ; lv so! cit your suffrages. ' dec JOHN W. KEMSHART. I To tlic Electors of Chatham Co. 1 KU.OW-CiriZKNS! I otr.T myiolf as a candidate for Coroner of Chatham . j County, at llio ensuing election in January. ; next, and rcspcctlullv solicit your suiTrajr* ; W.M. G1LBART. dec 20 20—-ji I thd “an net to amend the Judiciary Law of wliieli they returned and shut themselves up. this State, passed the l(J:h day of February, within the tort ideation on tho Island, and l DM), so tar as to authorize tho issuingof bail held the Government at defiance, until the . n| .ion, from .M.-iiYo/n*., ruin, with i c«rg*. Siif.; process in certain eases,” .pnssed November * evening of the 7th, when still refusing to sub- r. i.mpi»o*l n* s. L. & 'V. II. B irri.i, ini rrhiini* f n, 1820, so as to authorize agents, attorneys | mit, tliev wore attacked with much courage 1 •Lr.ksonvi'le, wont af-lmro m thu in aili "t St. .TnlmV in fart or ut law, to hold to bail in ull civil i bv tho National Guard, (which is composed j i’h.^urmurh da%i.Ai:e. C VOsrc " ll cases. I of the most respectable citizens.) and after) Arri*«i *ciLii:Vr Kiur i. MuhJ.h-:, s'. Mai>v. Defining the Lability of purchasers of real j exchanging some cniiuon shot* and ninny vol- j Sailed, .scticuncr Pinia, Youn?, l*iiiLiiel|.iii-u nnd personal estates, at executor’s, atiminis- ; lies of musketry, wore all mode prisoner;-.'—j SPOKEN, trntor’s, guardian's, nnd Sheriff's sales, when j This aflair has produced general confidence ; J af 3S 5 71 _ 10> re i,-M» ncr |> iti,!..!|.h. Palmer, they refuse or fail to c omply with the terms in the willingness and ability of tho National 1 from Pori au’l'r oco tor I'aiui !c:plua, lUd»j*uui. of such sales. > Guards to support the Government, uml wc SHERIFF’S SALE. On the first Tuesday in February next, \\l ILL be sold nt the Court House in Jef- ▼ ▼ fi-rson, between 10 &. 3 o’clock of t hat day, five negroes, to wit: Tom Doll, Eve Dell, Cczar, Ginnny nnd Lizzy, levied on as the property of William Gibson, deceased, lo satisfy an execution in favor of F. D. Petit. Do Vilfers and one iufu- vor of Daniel Buardinnn. dec 20 ALEX. KEAN, s c.r. o amend in part tho 0th section of nn cct j hope tho public tranquillity, will for the !•»- ’ [rn to establish tho Contrnl Bank of Georgia, so lure be better preserved, 'i’here was a revolt. FROM THE CUBKESPONDKNrS OF TIIF. nSOBOMX.] Georgia, so j ture be better preserved. There was a revolt j (f/fict qfiht Cmm/r, ( lar ns respects thu salary of tho Cashier of of the troops at Pernambuco on the 14lh ult. Charles’on, Dic’r. 101-? a.m. ( said bank. . they were two days sickjng the town, but cu «... , . n 1 VK, !t „ To incorporate flic meetinghouse near the third day they were attacked hy tho pen. i ^s»ccnnn!is and Friiin" 11 ’ * •re. llnrawick, in the county of Bryan. j pie, who killed three hundred, and nm*.'? i ight j y >'c, \Yi*o.i,lv-mi'n, I ■' v* '• i To compol county officer, holding purl b j liundit’d prieonors t « H ■ ■; Itie, um' 1-01».«'•» C-’iwn. For Sale, 4 SEA ISLAND plantation on the south west point ol’Skidaway, containing from J four to five hundred acres of good planting j land. Apply lo R. <k W. Kino, Savannah ; 2?C0bn«li. or * S ’ A* VKIIS, j dec 20—1. Skidawpv. To the Klcctors of Clmthain Co. J ^ELLOVV-C PIT ZENS—'J’lie present in- ciimlicnt h iving declined a re-electiou for Coroner. I offer ns a Candidate for snid office, and respectfully solicit your suffrage.' dec 20 Isaac russell. To the Volprs of the -Ith Beat ! G EN'I’IiEMEN—l offer myself as n can didate for Constable in your JJe«t, nml j respectful))' solicit your suffrages in Jnimnrv j next. * WM- S. DEVEAUX. ' j dec 20 c* v Scliool. T HE subscriber respectfully informs h:i . patrons and friends, tliut the oxcrcisca • of ;.is school will be resumed on Tu(sday,tho fld of January next. In consequence of the building being under repair, he has not boon i.'tinbfbd to eoiuineuce ns early ns he would have wished. JAMES \V. HOLLOUGU- dee 30 _ r