Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, December 31, 1831, Image 1

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List ot Letters, MAlNtNG ia the Past Office* (Savan nah, da.) Decomber 31,1831. Persons wishing betters from this list, are requested lo.ltik for (ulvertised Letters. 4 A. George A Ash, 2 Joseph Allen Robert Anderson J Cabtis Abel Mrs Mary Lucia Al- Mrs Avmard, 3 Ion, 3 J G Barnnrd William Belcher James Benney Nathaniel Brings Leonard Boles John Brown Mrs Emma Boyd Leonard Brown Capt. Burgess Ann I Craig Charles CamiQ.i, 2 Miss Mary Ann Clancy Mrs Mary Clark Francisco Ceruopolus Joseph Crest John Ary B. Robert C Banes Theodore Berry George Boa key Capt. Birnie Miss Cornelia V Bond Charles Broach Mrs Sll Bobo David Busby C. Mrs Mary Craig William J Clark James W Crews Mrs Margaret Coats Mrs Mary A Coo Ilonry Cooper C Clusky Mrs Eliza S Capps Mrs Francis Dent Luke Cristy Monica Cortstan James C Cobb Allen Crocker Miss Elizabeth Church Mr. Christy D. Stephen R Delano Miss Frances Ann De- Madam Deldntmy Daniel De Lyle Andrew Dixon Oliver Dudley mere John Delnronch William Doby, 2 Janies Dunn Petdr Evans Sullivan Erekin E. Loonnrd Elmos S Ellison r. Mrs Caroline M Fraser Nathaniel J S Farr MITSUI)*! OF WAX FIGURES, I S now open in the Pavillion adjoining the Panorama Building,nnd will continue but for a few days. The characters arc as fol lows, viz : A striking likeness of BEAUCHAMP and 1IIS WIFE, who was executed for the mur der of Col. Sharp—Frankfort, Ivy. The Rev. JOHN WESLEY, the Foun der of the Methodist Church. NAPOLEON BONAPARTE and JOSE PHINE his first and MARIA LOUISA his second wife, and CHARLES NAPOLEON, his sou. GEORGE THE 4th, late King of England and CAROLINE his wife. ALEXANDER, Emperor of Russia. WILLIAM PITT, Earl of Chatham. MARY STEWART, Queen of Scotland, who was beheaded by Queen Elizabeth, after 19 years imprisonment in the Tower ot Lon- don. MARSHAL MURAT,IntoKingofNaploa. ANN BOLEYN, one of the wives of King Ho.nrv the 8th, MADAME BLANCHARD, who lost her life by falling from an Air Baloon, in Paris, when at the enormous height of 3,0 0 feet; together with several other hoautiful figures, not named, comprising in the whole 20 in number. The Cosmoramn, Contains splendid views of the principal cities in the United Stntes and in Europe.— Also Battles, Son Ports, &c. &c. Hours of Exhibition from 11 A. M. till 5 P. M. Admittance 23 cents—children under 12 years of age half price. jan 2 George Freeland John Fitzgerald JohnS Field Wm R Fowler Eli Flitch Soloman Futch Madam Go twin Mrs Eliza Ann Fitts Hamilton Tripp Mrnllogar Fiddo Mrs Maria I! Footman Thomas Fulton Burling W Furman (r. Mrs Alary Garhett Mrs Sarah Gammon Mrs Mary Green James Greeuhow Mrs Mary J Green John Gorina Miss hebeeca AI Gib- Gliarlos M Goolsby, 2 buns MisS Alary C Goolsby JiOwis Harnmel Joseph Rllnnnrtm William Hnnom Alias Eliza A Hart llex'li. Hawley Airs Surah Hall Zepheniah Harris Mrs Ann Al Hines Charlton Hines John Hill James Higginbotham Mrs Jane Howard, 1 Gurdon B Hopkins, 2 E A Holiday Miss Mary WlIovfrurp3 Mrs Mary Hudgins Cully Howard Daniel Holland J. Mrs Mary Jahnn Miss Mary Israel Miss Lucy Johnson Peter Jacobs I larmon Jeffords t Lewis Johnston ThornasFrederickJuliii-11 Johnson eon ' Jacob Johnson Mrs Elizabeth A Jones Nathaniel Johnson Mrs Ann Johnson Miss Henrietta C Jor don K. Hugh Knox Charles Keith L. •Tames A LaRoclio, 3 Francis Sorrel, Offers for Sale, IIIIDS. Baltimore Whiskey O” 200 bbls. do. do. 60 bbls. [do. Gin 100 do. Schiedam Gin 10000 lbs. Bacon— Shoulders and Middlings 1(M) kegs No. 1 Lard 20 boxes small Lump Tobacco 12 boxes Loaf Sugar 1(M) reams Straw Wrapping Paper 50 reams Letter Paper 3 tons square Bar Iron 3 tons Hollow Ware 2000 b igs Shot, assorted sizes 2 pipes Madeira Wine, &c. &c. dec 24 Cofloe, Gin. &c. Landing from Sclir. Othello. aCk BAGS prime Green Rio Coffee O •/ 50 bbls Northern Gin 30 boxes Goshen Cheese 8 firkins Goshen Butter For sale by COIIEN & MILLER, dec 15 Tlmmas P Lawrence Mrs Ann Lee Uriah M Lee John C Limhrick Thomas T Lyon Mr Lumqui .If.. Mrs Sarah Mathers Miss Emily KonnnJ Mrs Mary Kelley Abel Lawrence William Lane, 2 Richard Leake. 2 Tiieiit. N L Caste Robert A Lewis Airs Margaret Lyon Ephraim Lombard < 'linrles Mace Miss Catherine MUier N I. Mitchel Robert Mitchel Sarah Ann G Alillcr William Minton Alexander Miller Rev. Moutrie Mary Ann Afunson Capt. Murphy Lewis S Aluse Me. Mrs AnnC McIntosh,2 Mrs A M AIcNish, I William Mnekio Win. B McLean Mies Mary AleKenzie John R McKinnon,! y. John Newhall Sturgis N’chols Airs Frances Nicks James R Nicks Ilonry O Loum Rev J S Olcott P. • John F Parisot, 3 Ann Potrigo Joel Paul W Penkon Alisa Marcia Peirce Ircneas Peirce Airs Esttier E Pollard Thomas L Poole John Painty Godisham Provost H. William Rankin Mrs Ann Rendick G Richards Edmund Richardson James Rossignol John Rogers AlessrsLathain & Ro- Joseph Roney Fresh Spices. & e. N UTMEGS, Cloves, Mace, Cinnamon, Ginger, Alspice, Pepper, black and red Sheet Isinglass, first quality Rose Water, English and French A fresh supply just received per ship Sta- tira and for sale by dec 14 LAY &. HENDRICKSON. Mess and Prime Foi l;. K (X BBLS new Prime Pork 30 do Aless do' 15 bbls superior White Beans 49 do No. 3 Mackerel Per sclir. Othello and for sale by dec 15 C LAG HORN &• WOOD Pork and Beef. QA BBLS prime Pork, City Inspection Ol* 33 do Aless do do <h> 15 half bids. Family Mess do 40 bbls now primo Beef 25 -do do Mess do 10 half do Fulton Narket Beef Received by late arrivals mid for sale by doc 30 E NS WORTH & WAY. Brandy. Gin, Bum, (fee, 5 PIPES Bordenx Brandy 5 do SoigneUe’s do 10 ^ pipes do do 5 pipes Swan Gin 5 lilids Jamaica Rum 11 casks Winter Sperm Oil 25 boxes Sperm Candles Landing and for sale by doc 27 COHEN &. MILLER. Hutter ami Sausages. rt/\3KEGS choice Goshen Butter 2 bbls Bologna Sausages 5 do now Hams 10 dy Almonds 20 kegs Wine Biscuit Per sell Excel and for Rale by doc 27 CLAGHORN & WOOD. Landing from Brig Charles, ■fl No. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel X " ill whole and half barrels 10 bids. N. E. Rum 5 Jersey Wagons 5 dnz. Fancy Painted Pails 250 Windsor and Rush Bottom Chairs ,Forsale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. dec 23 St. Croix Sugar. ~i A IIIIDS. prime St. Croix Sugar, laud- B. ing from brig Chailns, and for sale by BAYARD & HUNTER, dec 27 Hunch Rnjsins. Ql"k BOXES superior Bunch Raisins OU 20 £ do ro do do Per sclir Excel and for sale by dec 27 E NS WORTH & WAY, Coflee and llay. O if > BAGS good Green Coffee 1 50 bundles New York Huy For sale by FRED’K. A. TUPPER, doe 23 , Taylor’s Buildings. Iloward-street Flour. } A BBLS. Superfine Flour, landing ** • from the brig Level. For sale by dec 28 FRANCIS SORREL. Fastern Hay. Qi"k BUNDLES prime Eastern Hay lan- OVI ding from brig Charles & for sale by HALL SHAFTER & TUPPER. dec 23 Chairs. 5 doz. Fancy Chairs 20 d doz. Windsor do. 1 dez. Fancy do.—do. half size. Just re ceived pur Sea Island from Boston, and for sale by S. PIIILBR1CK. dec 23 Mackerel,&c 100 BBIjSand 50 lm,fJu iN ’ 0,1 Jrack ' 100 whole and 50 half bbls. No. 2 Mackerel 100 bbls No. 3 do Boston Inspection. 100 boxes first sort Herring Landing from ship Lion und for sale bv dec 15 JOHN BENTLEY. binson Lathrop Robison David Rogers Airs Alary Rogers John Robinson, 2 James J Stark John Savage S. John Sawyer John Starlin Wiliam C Salmon, Jr. John Shannon J D Salmon Mrs Elb *-.or Saunders . Sam Edward Swnrhriclc Charles H Spalding Henry J Stevens William Stevens, Jr. Wilburn A Spencer Miss Hannah Stewart J J Snead Peter Shick. 2 David Smith John 1 Smith Miss Eliza I* Smith, 2 Airs Sarah Ami Smith James F Simons J'jdwin Skipper | A Smith It W Singleton James Smith \V R Scott Thomas J Scott, l.ccnud Stertovant T. It It Tetibrook Mrs Caroline Turner JOB PRINTING, AND BOOK BINDING. rflHOMAS AL DRISCOLL, informs his A friends nnd the public, that he still continues the above business; and will exe cute with his usual promptness ull JOBS en trusted to him. noy 15 Lime. *7 ('ASKS Lime. Just arrived in ® ' vf the Brig Adams from Thoinaston, and for sale by CANDLER &. DAVIDSON. dec 10 Stocks for Sale. ~1 AA SHARES of DuriAn, one hundred i \J\r Insurance, & sixty-six of Planters’ Bank Stocks, for sule by dec 17 JOS. CUM MING. N. E. Rum. ding from bnj y TAFT & PADELFORI). XA BBLS landing from bng Waltham & for sale by dec 10 [00 dec 30 Lard. KEGS superior Baltimore Leaf Lurd, for sale bv COIIEN & MILLER. Sperm Candles. * l X BOXES Sperm Candles, landing from 7 eJ hark Armndillo nnd for sale bv dec 20 HAZARD & DENSLOW. Goshen Butter and F. M, Beef’. KEGS Goshen Butter /SvJ 10 half bids F. AI. Beef 20,000 best Spanish Sugars Jus) landed und for sale by dec 27 ENSWORTH & WAY. Dr. Pierson’s C ONCENTRATED Cubeb nnd Sarsapa rilla Compound. A supply oftho above mentioned just received and for Hale by d°c 28 Til OS. RYEUSON, Jr. Seed Cano. I ^OR sale, 35,0(10 Riband Cane, that havo . been well secured against and before frost. The cane will he delivered at the Plantation landing without any charge for the same to the purchaser. Apply to dec 13 JOS. CUM All NG. Pork, Flour and Prime Hay. K A BBLS. Prime Pork, N. Y. Cily Insn. '-/U 50 bids On lio I Flour 50 bundles Prime Hay Just received and fojsalo by dee 21 II ALL, SI J A PTER &, TLTPE R. Candler &, Davidson, Rcicived by laic arrivals, P ICKLES put up in the London style Lemon Syrup' Chloride of Soda Tomatos Ketchup Fish Sauce Quince Murrnoladc Preserved Quinces Cranberries, fresh in water Potatoes Boxes Herrings Red Current Jdlv dec 14 John Tracey icy S G Threadcraft, 2 Nichol V Turnbull U. V. cj- Y. Miss Villepontoux David Votec Robert Youinans Absalom Youmans Messrs. Wtn&Sam’ Hutter and Cheese. Landing /min ship Henry, FIRKINS choice Goshen Butter 12 casks Cheese. For sale by doc 22 JOHN BENTLEY. Mrs Wardrobe, 2 Thomas J Waters, 3 "■’William Walker Gt!« M Waters James Washington Rev Mr Wallace Robert Webb, 2 Robert T Webb Van Slack Clmpin Vurnutn Vernon IV. Airs Anna M Wallace James R Waldron Benjamin Walling John Wash Mr Wald I inner Eliza Welch Mrs Louisa II Webb Joseph Weeks Miss Martha Wright Leonidas Wvlly Miss P Wingate Rev, D M Winston Gcoi’ge S Wilber W 8 Williams Miss Eliza Wilkins Robert II White Doct W P Wilson, 2 Obadiah It Winne, 2 William O Williams Albert P Williams William White Alson Woodward, 3 Wine and Flour. 4~k QR. casks Marseilles Mad. Wine 100 bids New York Canal Flour, fan cy brands, just received and for sale bv FREDK. A. TUPPER, dec 19 Taylor’s Buildings. Albany Ale. BBLS. Albany Ale, just received and for sale by dec 22 JNO. BENTLEY. $12,500 DOLLARS. O N TUESDAY the drawing oftlie Dela ware &. North Carolina Lottery, Class No. 25. will be received. HIGHEST PRIZES: 1 prize of 12,500 dollars 1 prize of 5,000 dollars I pr^o of 2,200 dollars 0 prizes of 1,000 dollars 10 prizes of 500 dollars 10 prizes of 4(H) dollars 10 prizes of 300 dollars 20 prizes of 200 dollars &c. &c. &c &c. Tickets $4—Halves -*$2—Quarters §1. Orders attended to ut ■LUTHER & CO’S Lottery $ Exchange Office. 0^7* Orders from any part of the World, \ ( post paid ) enclosing cash or prize tickets, will meet with prompt attention, if address ed to LUTHER & CO. dec 30 Savannah, Georgia. FOR HEW.YORK. n 8 T A n L I 8 || R 1) l, I N A.] The regular packet ship HENRY, Geo. M'Ktmic, master, ■ i ,■ !,■■ Will have immediate despatch. For freight or pnssagT*, having elegant accom modations, apply to tho Captain on board, at Jones* upper wharf, or to dec 28 IIALL, 811 AFTER if TUPPER. l Oll LIVERPOOL, , Tho first clnsR coppered ship WILLIAM & JOHN, Isaac DPLellan, master. ZS&LMJr— p or freight ot'100 casks Rice mid 300 halos Cotton, apply to dec 30—p ' S. 11. PARICMAN. | GRAND MENAGERIE OF L1VIGN ANIMALS CONSISTING OF r»o in NinniiEK. rpiIE largest collection ever before exMh- -I. Red in this city, to he soon at the Pano rama Building, corner of Barnard und South- Broad streets, commencing THIS DAY, the 51st of December, 1831, and will continue hut for a short time. FOR BOSTON. The fust sailing regular packet brig COLOMBO, Capt. Heston, Will have immediate despatch.— For freight or nassuge, having good accom modations, apply to BAYARD & IIUNTER. Landing for sale, Mackerel, assorted 03 bales hard pressed primo Hay dec 28 FOR BOSTON, The brig CHARLES, Dennison, master, Having most of her cargo enga ged, will Itnve immediate despatch. For bal ance of freight, apply to HALL, 8IIAFTER & TUPPER. doc 24 FOR HEW. YORK. The fust sailing packet sclir. EXCEL, Edward Halliker, mastir, Will meet with quick despatch. For freight or passage, apply to Capt. H. on hoard at Anciuux’s wharf, or to COIIEN & MILLER. dec 30 FOR NEW. YORK. [kciioonku link.] The fast sailing packet sclir. OTHELLO, Walter Bulkley, master, Will meet with quick despatch. For freight or passage, apply to Capt. B. on bonrd ut Anciaux’s wharf, or to dec 20 COHEN & MILLER. for cijaii l /; s Ton, The steam pocket WM. SEAHROOK, ^ Capt. IF. Dubois, Si Will leave Bolton’s wh’f on Monday Morning next (2d January) ut 0 o’clock. For freight or pussnge, apply on JOHN W. LONG. board, or to dec 30 To Rent, THE dwelling at present occu pied by S. II. Fay, Esq. hi Brougliion-st—possession given 1st January next. Apply to J. STONE & CO. For Rent, A dwelling house on .Tofiersnn-sf. West of Mrs. Maxwell’s Boar ding House. Apply to GEO. GLEN. 27—l For Sale, 4 ND immediate possession given, litc plan tation of Alfred Cutlibert, on the New Port River, near Simlmry. Apply to Major John Stkykns, or Rouurt IIaihuikiiam. dec 9 13 For Sale, A SEA ISLAND plantation on the south west point ofSkidnwny, containing from four to five hundred acres of good planting land. Apply to K. & W. King, Savannah ; THE GREAT HUNTING ELEPHANT, Wlio saved his keeper from destruction in New-York,- in December, 1820, under tho following extraordinary circumstances: Two ferocious Tigers escaped from their cage, and after destroying a l.nmn, attacked their keeper as he entered, when Tippoo Sultan, with wonderful sagacity, afldr knocking one of them down with his trunk, seized his keo- per and threw him on his hack, where ho kept him perfectly secured until tho Tigers were confined. Tho performances ofTippoo Sal tan, tognthor with the dexterity nnd intrepi dity of his keeper, produces a spectacle both interesting and diverting. Among a variety ofsingular marks ofsagncily in this olepliunt, he takes a stand in the middle of the yard, and moves briftkly round, his hind feet re maining in the centre, forming a circle with Uis head ; places his keeper on his tusks, and in continued repetition round the circle, loss es him up to the height oftwclve or fourteen feet, and with singular and seemingly studi ed accuracy, catches him upon his tusks and trunk, and in conclusion, gives him a toss in tho air, nnd safclv hinds him on the hack of the elephant. This Elephant is a male, and superior in size to any ever before exhibited m this country, being about ten foot high, & weighing upwards often thousand pounds, llis tusks urn fopr fuot long. THE TIGER OF BRAZIL ; A more beautiful animal never was exhibited to the public. THE CAMEL OF ARABIA, Imported in 1830, and now about 2years old. THE COUGA9 *> Of South America. TWO PANTHERS Of North America. ni.Ar.ji BEAR—uraium: WOLF ICHNEUMON, ofEgpyt. Puma, Ounce, Ocelotts, Porcupine, Spotted Cnvoy, Ant Bear, Guinea Pigs, &c.&e. Toget her with a great variety of other An imals, too numerous to mention. • Ai.-o—Dandy Jack, the celebrated eques trian, who will perform many interesting nnd diverting feats on his much admired Shetland Ponoy. Good music during ’lie performance o-i the following instruments, viz: Violins, Kent Bugle, Clurionctts, Trumpet, Cymbal, &c. &c. Tho building will bo well fitted up with scats for the accommodation of ladies and gentlemen, and families, nnd brilliantly illum inated ut night nnd every attention paid to the audience. Admittance 50 cents—rHiildren under 12 years of age half '.rice. Hours of exhibition from II A. M. till 4 P. M.--and from 0 till 0 in the evening. dec 31 dec 29—y. Skidaway. 5540 purchasers, nov 5 For Sale,' ACRES of Land on tho Great Bufialoe Swniiip, in lots to suit For particulars apply th JOHN MILLEN. For Sale, A FEW barrels very superior Molasses, xl Apply to JOSEPH GUMMING. dec 27 27—a Codfish and Potatoes. BBLS. Enstnrn Potatoes tJIVr 2000 lbs. Codfish, just received bv dec 27 ENS WORTH & WAY. Mrs Mary Wood house, jan 2 GEO. SCHLEY, P. M. Raisins and Figs. A /"I WHOLE and half box Raisins w .50 Drums Figs Per eeltr Excel and for sale by dec -<0 CLAGHORN & WOOD. Chocolate. ! O/A BOXES fresh Chocolate. Landing 0\/ from brig Charles, and for sale bv 11 ALL, Sll AFTER & TUPPER. r (]ec *27 Cotton Cotton Bagging. QA PIECES of Colton Cotton Bagging, Ovf Hr sale by . dec 29 J. STONE & CO. 12,0001)01, LARS rilHE drawing oftlie I)uluware & North A Carolina Lottery, Class No. 25, will bo-rcceived on Tuesday, 3d January. HIGHEST PRIZES: 1 prize of 12,500 dollars 1 prize of 5,000 dollars 1 prize of 2,200 dollars 0 prizes of 1,000 dollars 10 prizes of 500 dollars 10 prizes of 400 dollars 10 prizes of 300 dollars &c. &c. &c. Tickets $4—Halves $3—Quarters 81. (f^-Ordcrs attended to at WM. I. MOORE’S dec 31 Lottery &. Exchange Office, Collco, Flour. Iron. &c. BAGS ) Green Codec, 1st and dwl/A/ 1(10 bids. ( 2d quulity. 50 half bbls Family Canal Flour 15 tons Swedes Iron, fiat und sqimro 80 bundles Hay 300 Grindstones, large nnd small 500 bags Youle’s Patent Shut 30 boxes fresh Chocolate 25 qr. casks sweet. Malaja 50 do do M reeilb s Madeira 3 pipes Holland Gin, “Swan” brand 30 lioxes Negro Pipes 15 hlids N. O. Sugar 5 do 8t. Croix Sugar ) TJ . ... 10 boxes brown Havana (, 8 r * u 1 ^ H do white do do 50 bbls Loaf Sugar, 1st and 2d quality 50 do lump do 200 boxes American Sugars 25 do Spanish Segars, host quality 15 kegs Manufactured Tobacco For sale at low prices andon accommoda ting terms, bv IIALL, SIIAPTER & TUPPER. due 31 Fresh Groceries. R ECEIVED from New-York, per sclir. Othello, ^Picsii Smyrna Figs, Prunes in Baskets and Qr. Boxes Bunch nnd Keg Raisins, Brandy Fruits, Guava and Currant Jolly K. I. Preserved Ginger and Chowehow Rose Water, Anchovies India Currie Powder English und French Mustard Do do Pickies Salt Pntre, Prunes, Ground Ginger Vermicelli, Mncuroni, Cocoa Shells and Prepared Cocoa Mace, Cloves, Alspice, Nutmegs Ceylon Cinnamon Cassia and Cassia Buds Soft Shelled and Bitter Almonds Filberts, Brazil Nuts, Chemiuts Cranberries, Rock Candy London Brown Stout, &c. fur sale by dec 16 W. Z. HALL. Great Serpents of India. N OW exhibiting alive in Mnrket-sqr. for n few days, the two great Anacondas, or terrific Serpents of Java, and tho two Boa Constrictors, or Strangling Serpents of Cey lon. Tho colors of these stupendous reptiles arc vivid and beautiful beyond description. They are well secured in a wire cage, and are so perfectly docile that the most timid lady or child inny view them with pleasure and safety. Also the Head of a New Zea land Chief, and a splendid Cesmoraina. Admittance 25 cents—Children half price. For particulars see small Bills. dec 22 A norican Fire Ea»pr. By J. IL HERBER f if* £0. On TUESDAY next, 3d January, \viil bo sold before the Exchango, al 11 o’clotik, A Sul key and Harness, and un excellent Oig House, porfoctly gentle. dcc^H ~ By J' Yi. Her bert 4 co.7 On the first Tuesday in Juhuary next, at. 11 o’clock, will he sold before tho Exclinuge, BOO acres prime Land in Liberty County\ (10 miles beyoud thu Ugecliee Bridge) suit able for Rico, Cotton or Cane. A plot oftlie name can bo seoit at their CuliMinrr Room, doc 28 By J, It. HERBERT & CO>, ()n the first Tuesday in January, at thu Court House, between the usual hours of sale, if tint previously disposed of at private sale, A likely Mulatto Girl, 18 ycurs of ago, a Rood house servant. Terms cash. 1 la ill pr.s Blink Stock. Ihj ,t. I) IIEMlEnt CO.. On the.//™/ Tuesday in January m i xf, will be sold nt the Exchange, between tho usual hours of Sale, -n. shares Planters’ Bank Stork, tho origin- nl price of 11 shares being ^IlK)-tho other 11 snares $85. J °P*P Terms cash. Vnlunblo lijilj Estate. My M PHILlllllC/\—.4/ Private Sale. Lot No. HI mid improvements, Darby Ward Liund do VYusli ngton Ward M 2 and . Columbia Ward All which will he sold on the most uccoin- modaiing terms, by application us above, dec 28 f By S, PHJLBRICK, At. Private Sale, 50 bundles primo Eas tern Jlny. Also, a prime likely Negro Wench, about 22 years of ngc, with her female child, aged 2 years. ’J’lio wench is of good character and accustomed to house work. dec 16 Also—A prime likoly Negro Fellow, a good Hostler, and Driver, und IIuubc Bcrvant. dec 20 Coy Ion Oil, I^OR the Growth and improvement ol’ihe ■- Hair. Copy of a communication from an agent in Poughkeepsie, Nov. 2,1831 : Dear SirThe demand for the Ceylon Oil is daily increasing und wo shall be able to re commend it much more strongly than ever.-- A person who purchased n bottle lo-day, iu- lorined us, that he liad.usod one bottle, which bad u fiWQVabUi effocl: the hair had started considerably. A reciiMmcndolinn within our own knowledge. Yours, sincerely, D. T. &. S. A supply oftlie above just received nnd for sale by THUS. RYEUSON. dec 28 New Arrangement. FARE TO AUGUSTA REDUCED. TBIIIE Augusta Stage, will herqiiflur leavo A Savannah every day at 3 o’clock, P.M. and arrive at Augusta at 5 P. M. oftho next day. It will leave Augusta mery day at 10 o’clock, P. M. nnd arrive at t his place at 12 o’clock the next, night. The Coaches un strung and comfortable, the teams good and the drivers careful. For seats apply nt tho City Hotel. Fare eight dollars. dec 17 K N OX & SHAN NON. Notice. M ONDAY next being tho day prescri bed by law for tho Election i»f County officers, the Honorable tho Court of Ordina ry nf Chatham County will ho adjourned till 0 o’clock A. M. of Wednesday next. By order oftho Justices, ROBERT W. POOLER, doc 29 Clerk. T HE proprietors ot liiu Menagerie of Li ving Animals, that are now exhibitin'* ut the corner of Bnrnurd-street and Buy-lune” wish to announce to tho citizens of tins place ' Ajmt they have re-engaged Air. POTTER, whq will give a variety of new and pleasing : entertainments, THIS EVENING. ^ Door open from 20 A. M. until 4 P. M. Evening performance to early candle-light. Admittance through the day 25 cts.—After candle-light, 25 els. The Animals will be fed at 3 o’clock every day, in the presence of the audience). IK?" Grand MUSIC will accompany the performance. j <;e g(y ) Ladies’Fancy Work Boxes. A FINE ussortmunt nf J.adiiV Work Boxes, with a great variety of other j Fancy Goods suitable for Christmas, roceiv-; . <?d by late arrivals, nnd for sale by ; , LAY &. HENDRICKSON i dec 23 For Sale, 10 BBLS superior Georgia Syrup, by 120 dec 12 JOS. GUMMING. 1 dec 23 Mustard. BOXES superior Loudon Mustard, just received nod for sale bv LAY & HENDRICKSON. Lands lor Sale, fBllIE following tracts of land .ire oflbre J- for sale by the subscriber, viz: ^Six hundred acres of prime River Swan Tide Land, :n Chatham County, on the Ogi dine River, hounded on the south bv the E tale of Stephen Elliot, on the east by tl Horse (’ut, on the north by Rocklisb Creel running westwnrdly adjoining hinds of M M’Lnod, Dr. Elliot, and the Estate of Bm jnniin .Stiles. Also, a tract in Bryan Count.; ol six hundred acres, more or less, houndc on the west by Mr, Hines, on the north |i Major Waters. Also, seven hundn d nr (illy acres in Bryan County, on Black Creel adjoining lands of Mr. Bird, long known t :m excellent situation lor u first rate Ha Mill. Also, two lots on Hardwick, B. Corn ly, an I two on Vernon liny, White Bluff,- For terms apply to ' JOS. STILES. d«c 20 20—lmo DwtIuot tJouuT of U. States, ) District ok Georgia. ( iVJ-ICHAEL CUNNINGHAM, Williui JT.£ McKinnon, Silas Hollis, uudThoiiu M. Driscoll having been duly siuntnorfcd l attend tins Court us Petit Jurors, und fiiilin to attend, Ordered, that they he several) fin* { l according to law unless sufficient oxer nes ho made in writing, ini'lor oath, and file in the office oftlie Clerk of said Court, on (i before ihwsecond Tuesday iir Fdbuuarv nij^i Extract from minutes. , „ GEO' GLEN, Clerk, doe 12 1831 Ki-3w Fngligti Cough LozontrBa. rTOREHOUNI), Iceland MosS, Gum A *. fi. rttbie, Bonset, Paregoric, Squills,. Gii |ger. Aromatic, Liquorice, Annisootl, Ma^ne sin, Clove, und Cinnamon Lozenges. A fresh supply of these ee} M hraied Coirgl Lozenges, highly recommended for Cougb Colds, tightness oftho Chest, tickling-ofth throat, &.c. neatly put njfiu small boxes, jus received nnd for sale by dec 10 LAY & HENDRICKSON. Family ot’Nogrofcs. B Y rnistakothc following 'described famih of negroes was advertised for sale on Monday the second, instead of Tuesday the third of January, being the regular sale day viz : -A mulatto woman named Rose, a get Jt ycurs or thereabout, with hoi* two sons George arid David, and two infant daughters Rose is an excellent seamstress and washer- woman. dec 31 Savannah Poor and Hos pital. A TTENDING Physicians for January Sc February 1832—Drs. Forth & Coppet*. Visiting Committee—-Mesars. Wm. Taylor and Jos. Gumming. dec 29 JOS. GUMMING, Sec'rv.