The Summerville gazette. (Summerville, Ga.) 1874-1889, March 22, 1877, Image 4

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THE GAZETTE SVMHKRVILLK, OA. Tni;nsr>AV MoitNiNti, march as, i77 Rome Market Prices Current. The following price list, comprising the main articles of country tra-le, is rev :<1 hy latest advices up. to Thursday, and can bo depended on as correct. MONEY. Gold buying r.l 1 lit; and selling at Ilf) Silver buying ai 100; and soiling at 102 Exchange buying l, arid selling par GENERA I, MARKET, Sugars A, extra 0, brown-. Bto II Coffee: iiio 21 to 2.!, Java.. 35 to 30 Mola.vrs ... |or callon— 50 to 65 Salt, (Va.and Liverpool) —lO5 to 2.00 Candles, lull weight per lb-- -- io 17 Ten, various pri- ■< s from 50 to 1.50 Hide powder— per 25 lb . -to 6.50 Flour, all grades.-per cu t .2 f •') t i 4.50 Kgg-i from wagons per doz u Chickens from wagons 17 to I Butter from wagons 15 t . 2.5 Sweet potatoes from w igons. 90 io I 00 Irish potatoes from wagons.. 1.00 to 1.25 Dried apples —per bushel -to 1.25 Dried peaches, per bushel.- 150 to 3.00 Sugar cured hams —per lb-. 16 to 17 Country hams per lb-- —to 13 Shoulders per lb-- 10 to 13 Sides and cleat rib-.per lb-- 12 to 13 Lard, in buckets and cans— —to 15 White and yellow corn 50 to 65 Wheat, common and best— 75 to 1.20 Oats per bushel-. 65 to 70 Corn meal per bushel— 50 tc 60 Bran per 100 lbs— —io 1.52 Peas ... per bushol— 90 to 1.01 Domestic bagging 14 to 15 Cotton bale ties per lb— sto 6 Cotton ropo per pound-- —to 22 Cut nails to 4-50 Bar iron per pound--3.50 to 4.00 Horse and mule shoos-per k-5.50 tu6.75 There is a hoalthy moralist living in Chicago who made his money in the mill, business. Ho retired some years" ago, and hue since occupied his time in giving snuggling young men good advice, They ecetn to pick right up under it. “Don’t bo diacouragcd, boys," it is his fashion to remark. “¥ou can’t expect to get rich all at woßt. When things doesn't look oheerful like, think of me. Industry and honesty was all the capital I had, cxcopt a milk can and a water pail. Corn vs. Cotton. There is a saying among our cotton planting people, that "corn won’t pay debts.'’ Whoever started the delusive expression was to souio extent an enemy tohispooplo. Corn is always high in this country, pays debts acoording to the labor bestowed on it much faster than 10 cent e.-tton. If you cannot sell it lor the money, which you can most generally do, you can put it into meat, another article always high and always in demand. In fact so false is tho tTieory ombr.-u z! it) that hurtful expression, that the parties who rxL gtain and meat, not only pay their debts, but don't own any longer, while ! the man who plants cotton almo t to tho 1 exclusion of everything else, not only does not pay them, but ns a general rule in creases the bulk of’ his indebtedness from year to year. When will our | “ople learn that a oountry can never b. or never was permanently prosperous, in which high priood provisions was th- .-tile an i not the exception. With cotton tending downward always, and the yearly crop far in exoess of the demand, wi’ lour lop.e never learn to raise so,nßt. h .i(H; to cat, instead of shipping off year after y-.r, tho very cream of their lab ■ i : r ig at exorbitant rates provisions to on —Cherokee Advertiser. Why did llayossticak into a sib) room at tho White llouso on Saturday night, 3d of Maroh, when invited to dinner by Grant, and take tho oath of offiuo before tho term of tho aotual President had ex pired? Certainly, that aot gavo him no shadow of title, and did not in any way advance his fraudlent claim to the place which he now occupies, but can never till morally or constitutionally. Chief Justice Waite was a conniving party at this little trick, which is quite worthy of his judicial mind and integrity, and Don Hamilton Fish, the peculiar friend of Spain and her atrocities, was a fitting witness of an epi aodo that deserves to be stamped us scan dalous. The secret was kept from tho large oompany of guests that had been invited to dinner, and only John Sherman and Hayes's keepers were allowed to know anything about it, until Granny Taft let the catout of tho bag. All the conspira tors have been troubled about Hayes’s fraudulent title, and in their conscious ness of guilt have resorted to every sort of dodgo in the hope of strengthening it. This device was gotten up upon .the pre text of preventing an interregnum in tho Presidency, but it was foolishly intended supposed action of coutest. Bn 51r. Monroe became President, March tell on Sunday, but no ii he .should lake the • it Ii “t next day, or thought ti.e koiffer for twenty-four hours of the day. So .became President i lie lEuo brought the 4th but neither CJET THE. BEST. Webster’s tn'>ri<) B e.i Dictionary 10,000 Word* and Meaning t not In other Din Honor it* 3000 EnjcmvingH; 181 Opagoi quarto. Prices ** I'J W*s commend It as a splendid gporfirnen of Icttm log, taste, and labor. - MotJgnnerj/ Ledger. Every scholar, and enpoctally every imm.itur • huv* it. W-hI Pr**b., LnnlmriHe Beit hook for overt body that the pree* lm-4 pro duced lathep*vt*fccentury. -fjoldt" Pro. Superior, incomp-irabiy, to all ot horn. In it ■< *lfU alt The reputation of this wirk is not confined to America.- Hichmvnd Whig Evory family io the t nlted rttatoK should have thin work (Ltd din Hepu v an Rnp’jftitory of useful lnformatj..n: m nit stands without a rival.— Ao*' n ui> , j •‘Tlir BKBI VliAi TI'JAL i> * !;• V ICXTANT -J.oh ■ A NLW liCATOY To theßoool .?. :.i ha , ' , Htor’s Unabridged we I ; ■ ■ . .t.'d- i four pages of COLORED ILL 1 ) u • engraved exprerfsly for the work utlaig • -;*p. ALHO Webster's National Pictorial Dictionary 1040 Pag to Octavo. 000 Engraving*. Price $5. O i*T The National Htumlard. PROOF-20 to 1 [ Tho sales of Webster’s Dictionaries throughou j the country in Ibid were 20 times hh i-. the j sales of any other Dietiouari' if. in prool, we will I send to any person, on application tho siaternentH of more ttiau 100 booksellers, from every section of tho country. Published by G. AC. MKKItIAM, Springfield. Mass a week to agents. Samples ratt / / (>. (>, VIGKKRy, Auguntu. iiiaixi The MORNING NEWS, FOR 1677. On the Ist of January, 1877, the Morning News enters upon Its twenty seventh volume, and. it is hoped by its conductors, upon a prosperous year Every returning anniversary haswitne ed its extending influence, and to-day it r.,. text of tho political faith of thousand* of readers. | Its uniform consistency and st-udfast devotion Ito principle has gained for It tho confidentf uf i the public, thus enabling it to cent rJGut larg ly ito tho triumph of tho Democratic party. In tho future, as in the past, no pains w ill be : spared to make tho Moi’ntno News in every re spect still more deserving of the confidence and J patronage which has been so liberally extended jtoit by the people of Georgia and Fonda. Tin- J ample means of tho establishment will b devoted ■ to tho Improvement of the paper in nil ilis dep.irr- I nieuts, and to making it a comprehensive, In* j structivo and reliable medium of tho current I nows. Its staff of special correspondents at ! Washington, Atlanta, Jacksonville, TaHah.i?"*ee, j and other points of interest h 1• n reo ;m j lsod with a view of meeting • • cry p:> <siP’ • • •• ] genoy that may arise, and paw-; w;i: < e t .Uon make its commercial news, i-r*iga and dome:-.;. I complete and reil.-bU. ! As wo are about onterlng up r the new ’ •••■ > i we dosira to call special a?t.-ction tc . j rates of subscription POSTAGE Fh:,V We will pay postage on all ou • < r ;o'..,’, to ; mall subscribers, thus mahl p* h. .nin'olmwh the cheaptst. newspaper of i sai .-.v an.i enf.n • r j In tho South. sußSCim* r:oN. | Dally, 1 year v ! | '* and months • - - i '* o nmaths ... * Tri-Weeciy, I year .... e •* 3• .. -.... .4 .... i Weekly, 1 year • ... ** 6 mom 8 .... 1 " 3 months ..... ;> Specimen copies -*nt free on receipt of ' IT Money can bes uit by oUi .E-’ Register- .1 Letter, or Express at our i J. H. ESTli.t Savannah, • TH F. “ PHiLHAßkiOfuC’’ PiA?iO. This cnMr '.y new inst rument possessing all the faiociiai -p. .idles of more expem-i*** an<* I higher-priced iduuos is offered at a . pr j than any similar oue now in t 1 m-iruet. I | durable, \vun a magnificent tone Ilia and, our eti and yet it can be purchased •: , :. . s ;. v | terms within the reach *>f all. Ti.:s in... S has all ; no modern improvements, in. u. t:e* celebrated ‘Agralfe’ treble, and is fully wr.i ranted Catalogues mailed. WATERS’ TOW --d dVf are the best made. The touch is elastic, and a fine singin:: tone, powerful, pure and even. Vt at •.’ Coinerli) r^asi*. cannot be excelled in tone or beauty; they d* fy oompowition The Concerto Stop is a fine lmitu tioti of the Human Voice. PRICES EXTREMELY LOW for cash during this month. Monthly Installments received: On Pianos, $lO to S3O; Organs, live to ten dollars; Second hand Instruments, three to five dollars; monthly after first Deposit. Agents W\nticu. A liberal discount to Tear hers. Ministers, L- : :es, Churehos. Schools, etc. Special inducements to the trade. Illustrated Catalogues mailed. HORACE WATERS & SONS, 481 Broadway, New York. Box 3567. Testimonials OP Watere' Pianos and Organs. Waters’ New Scale pianos have peculiar morit. —AVto York Tribune. The tone of the Waters’ piano is rich mellow •.snd sonorous. They poss ss great volume_<*f sound and the contiuuatit.n of sound or singing power is one of their most marked features.-- .Vac York Titne# Waters’ Conterto Organ is bo voiced as to have a ton*' like a tu.l rich alto \ oice. It is especially human is its toas powerful yet sweet fit+nti 1 w Yvrifr QmuVyif) fcy supse.-ted an/ itiau ft'Sa V in t O " .e BLat.h "A Complete Pictorial History of the ! Times.” “The best, cheapest, and most successful Family Paper In the Union.** Harper’s w:ek!y. ill Us •' t ) r;:u Xotioe* qfihe Pr Xiii f't*' * Weekly • the ablest v. . i most power* f’-U UloGtiat -i jh llodlcaliipublished in this coun try. Ds eiiitormis are uch ' • . ! eonviucing. Mid carry ntiiuh w-ugnt Its h.u •. ••.:.< mot < o rent svciitb are full and fr-d , in 1 pi • uv-fi L> our and. signers. Wm. a •...•) tne v mk-i.ij ).< read by at J nt u i . ... . , suns, and its influ nc" :.h an •• simply tremendous. The M#y positive position, and • xpres.e- , on polltieai and social probleL.t. .... iu articles are models of high-t'-ned diseuM* •' .11. auo its pictorial illustration 1 , i oit n cor •UiUteX iitgtu a*o/ t-y. lyiaci/*. Postage Free to ull Subscribe!* States. Hakl'Xu’s Wekklt, one b t.oo includes prepa) meat oi i . •>. p>. i,u e . . j tho publishers, subscript lone to Harpkr's Maoazi.’.k, v.'..kkly, or Ba/.ak. to one addresi for one yt<u % I >, m , two oj Harder * 7 triadicitle, to one uu // *:jor one p4o/,s/.oo: poelage/ree. An Extra t opy of either tJ.o .>t trie.. </, or Li t~/>■ will be Si.ppii and g. tis j\. • ... i ilvOt .> .> M.tC'i tUSlt.'i at '**. :■> f u - . . lance; or SIX lor j. , v copy, postage froc. Hack. Numbert cun be suppfi. . \ The Annual Volumes of lAurr. •. ... nea. doth binding, wifi o. ’ . > of i xpenae. fors..dd < aoh. A ... .. piint.g .. t ntie. n i oium,*. s- ' oa - < •- o a, . t I>.“ oi Ti p--r VOL, ci 4 ... o; I I'. otioeutattention will be given in Jhit t t, * Weeaiy. to tn> iliustratioii of tns Ceniennoi; i.i ternatiouai Exposu iou. .‘tewrjt'tpcnM arc not to copy Ihi* advertisement ui -an V.e fspnr* order .l.trpu .t: Lr-.n Address HAitPER be. iiROTd of, NVx’Y rk j. ou i. 1 -I >1 . /i; io, i fou uan pay suk:,‘ riptno, i... Ti.. ‘.a.;elte for one ; One doiiar for mx mouths One deb? pays f.r ;x muni i> liIOiLJT Vi)UR BUILDIND Which may be done with one f .urth th usual expense, by using our PATENT *LA‘i u Ps.. (Fifteen Wars r.Hutbllsbed.) MIYED READY FOR I'SK. Fire-proof, Water-proof, Durable, rra* uoinical and Ornamentul. A roof may be covered with a very cheap shin ! pie, and by apphei. t.ion of the- slate ~• m.,d to ; last from li ‘to-5 y cr. od i .■•) .. m; .• j. .t u ! cil and coated, in..: ; iuu i. i. t.• . Ilauger thu;i new ; ifijo i ■-* -vi. -1 m- ui ..*• . f >:• Onc-ihlrd the <o*i of lit—Mu ~;i mj. • The expense of slating new ..hli,-;•!> s is only I about the. coot of layi: g mem. ine | .iint is niu | I'ltoo f against spai *s or llyliigembers, a a may be i easily tested oy any one. IT STOPS EVERY LEAK, j and for tin or Iron V s no equal, as it expands by j heat, contracts by cold, unu mcvku hacks nor i scales. Roofs covered vrnn Tar cheating Felt I can be madu water-tight at a sii.ail expense, uud preserved for many years. This State i uiut is EXTREMELY CHEAP. Two g .11. r s will cover a hundred sqaare feet of shingm roof, while on tin iron, felt, matched boar-; , ..; any mnooth surface, from two quirts i-quir-'.l n. X -> aquATo of *urfac ; and ,utho the p out has a heavy body it is easily applied with a brush. N. r 4.’ i * i>• l i ui :>u, > iti . ! therefore. It nodhor cracks in Winter, nor runs : In hummer. On decayed elun .*• fill up tho holes and pores, and give.-. . n >• ? mnsi roof timt will lost for years. > dm:; .vaui'an siiiugfi*s it ; brings to their pi i< -h. •> - <-•* ; ■ ‘c u It ! fills up ill holes mt. ;' ■ .ps iiefi cs -and •iJt.-o'igh a•;*w dr • ■ riti - ud r it a ) few hm> .liter up, i. i 4 .- ; . ••- oly all paints that -(r' black cn tin ah. *. ■ you ootaia our genuine art id*. which a shingle roofs) is CltOCOi A K • HiOU when first applied, dm-■ ug in about a month to a uniform suite eoi > , and is. to oil intents and purposes sl* r. On TIN HOOFS iiur red color O a uia’iy p 'Mr red. as on a coat is oquai to the of <my -u . ■ ;; , nt. For It it JC ft. btLL' ! our bright hki> is u. ..y r civ-fie -iato Faint ever intro.iut. and that w., •dec .u lily p.-*oyeni .i-iliipn *-3 I. < ‘in pmioti a'. i.*g ~n i d • n 1 ..ig tll>* Tiles paints ars also largely u t ua mu houses and iciics, or as a primui , . * ou fine buildings. Our only colois are ChoooUi. , iv. i, 3.1 ht Red ami Orange. NEW YORK CASiJ P’iU fi L! ;T. 5 Gallons, can and box . $ ' 00 1" ’* keg ... • i<) ; • “ half barrel . 16 00 " oue barrel A) 00 VV*> nave in stock, of .. i tiuv, m *-cnals, etc , -u 1 w idjo rolls extra R ib. :• i squ.ue loot. (O •wc wiii l . . Nub, Gaps. u:. .1 .51 U ■ t’.-cc root, )i ’ i-.Hiis pcr j. . rolls 4 xdy uri o i c>:. tis p*. r squ f>> u. of.i'.t roll* >*piy i'iutj i >.l . • i . . “ j. •. • c ibi'ur . . " o /. J - ■ j) ;.H AD\ A STAG to merchants who aisii t. Tap tlu* Rich Trade of i'hattooga t .- . by regular advertising in ! THE SUMMERVILLE GAZETTE THE SUMMERVILLE GAZETTE : The trade of a large aud Important agriculture, section can thus be reached better than by any other medium better than oy any other medium because , nearly all the people read it every week. $1.75 a year iu cash, Subscribe for it at once—Subscribe for it at once ADVERTISING RATES Care fully proportioned to its value us a medium to reach the peopleof this si etion. ; \ r IMPROVI ' F.N I JIVING *• 1" bcn-'M'. :o every reader, is seen each week in The Giueite, i- it carries the news to the farm homes of a thrifty and widspread section. SA Cos., New Pamphlet of 100 pages, containing lists of 3000 I newspapers, and shewing cost of ad 1 vrlslaf lout I>l i t*Yi ed 1 H ’r. UILMORE&CO., Alton'; •;>sn; Law, Nihtchkhs Io Chlpumii, liO'inier A 4 o 629 F fc-treet, Wa;-fcii.:' n, D. C. American and Fort . nt* Patents procureil n. nl v .Voi ke in ad van* k. No elm ;• 1 * i.i patent in . gi annd No tore fin jn mutry v -an.mrnion*. No rnidui ii b* , ... i'u.irg and conducting ar hearing pee. Gu: t> niton given to lut* rfoiene- < . before ill- Patent Office, Extern ion* before < i <* . Infringement Suil* in and fl* rent Stales, m.d u.l bugath n np pertahihig io liiv-nt.'.i: to I’ lbiif* Sn- n Stamp KOII KAXII’III.KT "F I J V I* *.i 5. United States Courts and Department* ffi.tim . prx*vuld in tli* Supreme Com t of the United Hiaie-, ( ourt of i 'l iims, ( ’ u* t of Tom* mis Honers of A lab. mm ( 'a in, Somle-i n ('laims Coinmis'ion, and nil rl.i***. * of war claims be fore the Executive Imp i. imenu. Arrears of Pay and Bounty OfFiukiis, solihkuh and sau/)kn of tim lnt wnr, or their heirs, are in mnriv canes t-nlitbaj to money fiom ihe < Jovertnm .t. f which thoy have no know.edge W'rate 101 l history of service,and staie ainonutof pay and bounty received hn close *iamll and a full reply, after examination, Will be given you free. Pension* All orrt< r.ttf*. io and haUvOmr wounded, rnpiw wl, oi injured in the Lite war, however slightly, can obtain a pension, many now lecelv mg jxiiM ii- ii e eniitnil to an lne,tae. Beud stamp and uTortnatnai will be furnished free. United Elates General Land Office. Uoriif * <<l Land t use*, Frlvate Land Claim*, Mining, Fre-empiton and Homestead < ane*, pros e. uwd befoi ** the tjenernl Land Office and De partment ol the in tenor Old Bounty Land Warrant*. The ln-t Hup it of the ('ouiini>sioner of the General La: and t tfiii e shows - Ka7./kX' acres of Houn t'. L ind Wat rant- outstanding These v. ere la in i under act ot land prior act* We pay t , h tor them. Semi b\ regi • red .etter. Where .i.oi :iraupe. !<•, t we give iustru. lions rr 1 net them. I h department of .ur i* conducted ill a V p i; te bureau, under the chaigc of expo* rieiiced lawyers and t ieik.N By roa.Ni.u of error or fraud many attorney* ar** Mnpenried f om prat tic before the Feii-mn and oilier offices ea fi v* ar < l.xim int**, whose attoim- .s b ; ** b**-n tliti t-ttspeuded, wi.i be f .aumoMsly fiiMii-in and with full inf itnatton and pnqs r pat eisoi, appiicati a to ns A we i barge no t on l ** s M.ccc.s.-fuL stamps foi return j nuicc -hould bent. us. iabe .l a• iangemcniH made with atto.ncya in all classes of bu inrw. Address GILMORE &c CO., P O. Box II Washington, D. C Waniiinotov, l> C . November 24. 1976. I take plej ft ure in * }> •>• h .ng myer.tiro confl uence in the .tKp-nsibdd'f -ir.d fidelity <f tho Law, Patent and To.lo u.n 110 v { UiLMCax auo •'f this i’v CEO II U WIHlh. U , - Sri: <■■■■.; !/>' poliUm hank.) PERTAIN LY YOU CANNOT FIND * in any oth* r newspaper, no matter whero it is published, or however large it may be. bo much of personal inter* at and local 1 cue fit. ns Appears evory week in The Summerville t'azctic. 11 c<mjn£&*Cutj A erf >■ -"’'‘Z:' L- S- +'S£ . /w aSzgLruA* t-syr/r 7trrres 3 W A* onr advertiser has not mad* his advertise ITi--it alt- e ;her distinct, w* will Interpret and slate rate it as L !lov: I?., n. FOOTE, M.X>*, Author of Plain Home Talk, Mwiicwl Common fb*nsa P. irtneo In Ru-ry. *te., 120 lexmgion Av*nn* (nor. Ka-t 2Mb gtiastl, New Turk, an iNDxrswnsjn I; vkician. tr-ts nil form* of lingering or Chroni liiM-aMM, an I nveivos iettshi from oil port* of th* Cxvtu/.xD World Hy his original i c<ry ot conducting a ITedical Prar be i/* sin.w*'fufiy treat rg numerous patisuU in I ttrope, the \Yct Indira, llomlnlen •! ( nnada, atxd in every part of th* United fit*lea. NO MERCURIAL Or dcleU-rtoas !rugs need. He ha*, iturin* the ias twop.ty three y**r*, 4 ,i. icomm. All f-u Li ocnnocted with each cos# ar* car*, fully rcr.rdra, wtiether they lie ounmunioaUd by Imtcr or ji person, or ob*ervad by th* Doctor or hU as'.'ciate physicians. The lntt*r or* oil aderVAt medical mein KOW INVALIDS AX A BISTAKCE Are tr*ted. All invalids at a dtstAnoe are required answer a list of plain questions, which elicit* *v*rj symptom under which the invalid suffers. AU com, rtunicatione treated elrictty confidential A complet* system of registering prevents mistakw or eonfuum. List of qnefitmns sent free, on application, to any |art of th* world Sixty-page pamphlet ><f Kvidercx* or Pcccitrs, aleo sent fri*e All the*e testimonials are from iho*e who have boon treated by mail and ♦ipm-4 Ad vies in orricn ob bt mail fee* or ohabusl o*4l on or vldrvas DR. E. B. FOOTE, Ko. 120 Lexington Ave., R. T. Wadrt * rOt trfhOa Ham Komi Talk and Medical Ccmotcn Sense: Also Dr Yootes Scion* in Story ■ ForAnftculars address klurra - Hi ulii WiVm Cempuny 12i)iEasJ' “ot. KBW YORK. ireiiWTafi firroßTAirr thtwo* yon never kr.ew or thought of before, regarding the human body and all its curious •nrana, read Plain Home Talk and Medical Coi*- kton Sens*, a sensible book f r sensible people, and a rood book for every one. You can learn from it a gr at variety of information you would feci a delicacy io go to yotir family physician about. Content* table rt free , by moil, to all nppiican".*. Address MUR RAY HILL PUBLISHING COMPANY, 129 Eati ISt.i St-rlet, N. Y. SP Maeß Tsoohe* children and Adults, educated eai xtnedo astvL anatomy, physiology, and hygi- ne. A novelty tn literature—full of pi ■ nrcs—full of fun—and loaded down with facts regarding tic human -yetem wi ch enable* everybody to understand the ruri us stnicturs of hi* and her own body. Rnch a work is Dr. Foote’s Scikmck in Btort: or, Sammy Trnna. the Bo? Doctor, and. Sroxsim. the Troublfsomx Monkey. Oontenta table of this remarkable s-ric. sect free to all applicants. Address MURRAY HILL PUBLISH ING COMPANY, 129 Rasy 2Sth Strekt. N. Y. tOIfIMORSEff Via vim ut You hare entire control of the sw.-ffoM po'r+r. and ran produce equal effect Mpr.n each eqe. H-* O e.: >d tnon-an '* -f t • * fro n untienrs in a’l parts of the XTn’ted Ft*'- It* nee--utirely *afe, ard u- T • *ma u . Cheapest and the fleet. P ?• o- pr-pai.i. ft. Pa nphlet' : e r . • t * ' l*-a "n*l itad the uni *.■ v-l. *h • bee -me* impaired, as • v-i, “ 1:. ~” - s h- rory * r r e rt •; : restoration of tie s ght, *.= -e -r. ; cents. AgenU wanted everywhere. Address r. E. D. FOO *. ; Auth< rof riaii Kom Talk Mediaal (’■■>• r.m>.-n c • > iment* tu Stefetc., 120 Lexi ig*oa Avv.-r.ur. S 1' | THE “SILVER TONGUE” A TEST OF THIRTY YEARS. -• -"<£s > > ■ The cheapest because the bed. Fully warranted. New Styles just ready. Send for Catalogue and Price Lists. Examine our new method of lighting the music for evening performance. Constant improvement our policy Styles specially adapted for Parlors, Churches, i. .■ i. •' M ; sic Halls and Conservatories. Address the Manufacturers. S. P. HEE3HAH & EDIT, Ken. j-i.% 11 7 £• 117 L'aui Shi Si , New Yorfe ; * ri. ihe For t br Summorvillo Gazette. jPHILETUS R^^CLEMENI’J " 1 - - U-- | ran. & sice i-amii j * ——— —------- - ■ * j ROM E, GA.j I AM NOW PKLI’ARED TO FILL ORDERS FOR ALL KINDS OF House, Sign and Ornamental Pa: .Hug. Upholstering, etc., etc t linuiifs 4 lierriiill}’ givai. Address P. I. CLEMENT, Rome, On, THE HEW C Do l “DOMESTIC”! “B?-- fj. ! Machine. - - ■“ s w£^^r*"*Par,ta’'jHigj3@SKS 1 ' .. — — mr££r*iieStßO"* P '\ r . ' ‘ ! ... *-- ■ f \- ■■ ■ f..Ti jrv*. j- ■ wV"’'( "y ■ -oj-./ - It ttetc* with great, j it iltt’j the lightest and finest as well a* the heaviest and coarsest fabrics. THE LIGHTEST-RUNNING MACHINE IN THE WORLD With our printed dire ’.ioas. no instruction or mechanical skill is required to operate it. The aom:. ticfior. of the machine is based upon a principle of unique and unequalled sim piicity, compribtng s.tnple levers working upon centres. The bearings are lew, and they are hardened and polished. The machines are made at our new works in the city cf Newark. N. J., with new special (patented) machinery aud tools, constructed expressly to accomplish what we now offer. IZcery machine fully warranted. “ DORIESTsC” SEWING MACHINE CO., New York find Chicago. T?rj n fff 4% m f SAVINGS.—Bv using the “ Domestic” Pa Ti 2 111 costumes can be produced, at a large saving in 21 J: 1 hxJ? A a JR. MONEY t those who choose to make, or superin tend the making of, their own garments. With the highest talent and the best facilities in all departments, and the best ideas cf the mest skillful modistes, both at home and abroad, we are enabled to attain results far above the reach cf the average dress-maker. Our styles arc always the latest and best. Our elegantly-illustrated tsikalogue mailed to any lady sending five cents with her address. Agents wanted everywhere. “ DOMESTIC” SEWING MACHINE CO., New Yorlr nnd Chicago. rniSICIAXS IU COJUMESD JT as a machine that can Oe used u ithout harm hy any one, because, it requires so little cjf 'ort of any hind, it briny ?*7~