The Summerville gazette. (Summerville, Ga.) 1874-1889, March 29, 1877, Image 3

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THE GAZETTE Walker County Depr.rtm nt. W. F*. 110 V IS, EDITOR LaFayette, Georgia. tiiiksdavmokmno, march so, is;? Pile l)ii;vl;v TA'.'k- >i ; ' i < ii and i -a; nows, i' owing to the alienee .if it. editor on a visit to his sister in another county, who is sick. Hydrophobia. X. (). Z. (Louisville, Ky.) writes; ‘lf a per on is bitten by a dog which is not Miff ring from i Iropli ilii.i at the time, but shoul 1 have it in after \eirs. Ii - it billow that the person bit "on will also have the hydrophobia in a. . years?" We (dip the aOo' o from t lie eorre>|>on , dent's column of the New York L' and will try to answer as best we can. It affords us very gteat pieireure to answer questions of this kind. We like to stre.v buds of TiiTorhi tt .on, and flowei s of truth, along the pathway of inquiring traveler, particularly when they are seeking knowl edge under insufferable difficulties. If our friend who inquires as above bad ever contemplated the issue be is trying to spring on our people by agitating this subject at this time, we think he would have paused, ere he rushed to headquar ters for information. If a well dog bites a well man, and afterwards the log gets sick, and the man goes and does likewise, and the dog goes and gets shot for hydro phobia, and the man ditto; now is m t this a consummation most undevoutly to be wished! Is not the ban contemplated ol such a result, enough to make an unre gonerated man embrace his mother-in law? or a bald-headed man tear hi hair? or. a Methodist preacher refuse fried spring chicken? or a Christian Statesman give buck the money be robbed the gov ernment of? or Chamberlain resign the governorship of South Carolin r? or Hayes —but we may rot speak of Hayes. All! no. lie is the concentrated incarnation of one hundred years of freedom, of eighteen hundred years of Christianity, and three thousand years of civilization. He i.; the man, who contemplating the character of Solon, So -rate--, Sydny l*:iy:ird, and Washington, follows in then footsteps. But this is tiot answering tlii quo -lion. Well, we give it up; but it m-t-urs tv us that to keep the man from having tin hr lr ipa-i'i .1, pjrhaps it wo ii lie well to give the dog the lond-r.phobia. V\ o were bitten by a dog about tw -. ll y o', r y a. -I,* ! if V O.'O t , ' O ii l'H’-V -*•*> t in. iti .ii ■('going ;-.. i ,it. • nt 11 ti,e aged canine, who in.-erf- .1 ■ to- *h ' u-, gt 's in u w-. aving way why t! .-a < <„>• 'ion to file ii, B .0.1 g. . . W, re j. : in ... ... to Sind , na. i- iOc matter with Mil r Sir-mg and Bradley- They must have been bitten by a dog of a ltebel .-,oi;. years ago, and tlie rabbins are still lurking in their corporeal system; what ever that i ; and binding them to reason,', truth, ju tine, equity and right. There must be some very virulent poi-on lurk ing in their blood, or they could never have overlooked the recoreiot men like Curds, Hale and Munslh-id, a- J Judge Marshal, to follow in the footprints of Jeffries. Ah, well! let it all go. It will be a!! right when it is washed; but Hoi help America, when washin ; day conies. A correspondent from West Armuehee us: “There is a bad stand of wheat (i oats, and that these crops are not very omising. M yssrs. Blackwell A Neal }.: preparing to present their friends with better stock of dry goods than hereto fore, which shews an upward anticipation of better lim#.-. The educational interests of the children are under the supervision of Mi.-s Dora Euiith at Church Academy. The religious affairs of the neighborhood are served by Rev. W. L. Hbattosk, Baptist; Rev. K. R. Rees and Rev. Tims. Morton, Methodists, and Rev. Mr. Line, Presbyterian. ” Dalton District -Second Round. Dalton ct. at Mt Pleasant .Mar 31. Api 1 Calhoun and Oothcaloga it Oothealnga ! April 7, 8. Ringgold at Post Oak Api 1 1 Pulton sta. at Dallon Apl 15, 16 Resaca at Tilton Apl 21, 22 Kingston at Best ’s chap Apl 28, 20 Murry miss, at Mineral Spring -Apl 30 j Spring place at MeCamj -chap. May 5. C Pis;:iet Con. at Ringgold May 10. J-'i j (Jordon ct. at 8-b e-'n - May 19, 20 Suhligna ct. at ('--tie od May 26, 2i Summerville at Aim June 2, LaFayette . .-JuncO, 10 McLci.lore's Cove June 16, IT A M. Tin p;:x, P. E. AY HOME OR ABROAD - - D J H. MLin - -0: ■ '-i si ml !>••>'( i 1 .IF ill ■ -• ::il . ’**! and purifk'-r oi !;*■; i L'otV i.-uny ar.d and absolute ne-.-Y.-.-ity. i)r. i. ?i. Sid* •, 314 Chestnut St.. Ft- Louis, Wo received information one day this week of a tree in the Cove that taxes our credulity. We are goin I ,> that true before long. The man vi, tu!d u. i all right: but we will have -•- .an ; -.vlren we do s< • it and mo - u- -mt t a w oppor. The u>r -o mi a ti , ur in.-n - ■ ini ' tbat lvee, and iti m till n til--;, \va- still room ■. . . ->■ . ,\ai And it is s-r-i that imee on a nii.e lieie w- - T-ill-growti - l i:’ Imase wi bin its v i\ew,i. , it soon aii-1 roport. Why suffer with a bad eold if one bottle of Pr. Hull’s Cough Byrup will cure a cough of the worst kind. Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup is s>H for 25 cents per buttle, or tivu buttles for in every re speetal-le drug -tore in the I 'nited Mai. ■ In ou.' la is; i v ;.ive a synop-i • of the M,uintai .1,. w n a acre in Washin.ton county, I all Terrii -iy, t cptcuiber 16. 1557. It i- ae of the n,.i.-t horrible butcheries on ieeor.l. liiigln .-. \ oung, from the account before u.-, wa respon-iblo lor it. Trion IT revs- To the IMitoror The t.uzttte: The warm sunny days during the last two weeks, have Marred t!io vegetation to begin to put forth, and die ttces are again beginning to show some signs of life. It was, perhaps, an error in con cluding sometime ago that the peach trees were killed, and that we wmiliihave no fruit this year. It now seems that some ore hards that were favorably located are blooming out., while others that were in low lands and no; protected by wood land from the eold winds will not bare a bloom. In fact, a little north of here, some farmers have already cut down their trees, having concluded that they were dead, in [hi , how, ver, I am in, lined to think they might have been mistaken. If there is no disaster hereafter, there i.s stiil a prospect that here is slid a pros pect that there will be souk- fruit. Owing to the unprecedented dry win ter, fanners seem to be well up with their work, and quite a number of them ready tu commence planting; but are waiting for the ground to get a little warmer be fore they put in their seed. I he oat crop will be a light one, o-vio to the dry fall which interl'civ 1 wi'li a.: sewing and the e.v-—-ivi-1y cold winter which killed out most ail that bad <•- .a up. \\ beat promises ! ; i ..: iy Wed, tiiore being gen -rally a good stand I hough it i yet small for the la-' of M.:. li. Present imlicau a :-.ivy Co;i.ia crop (hi y. ■ -. .i. no 1 ; a; ot money for I. ( ,o q■ -r o; W - almd-f ••I : - . - ~ Oil fill Jure- A!;tr.i i ' . - I ' i." hour’s t'rom Mi- imt .aj ' nf tho miu tlu; ii;iy, thereby makin t tin- in ! matos more eontfin talile. We are iww - having do lib Ail weather for work. | though the moniiii-'S an: a little ,"■•! | since the rein iur biy ni-lit. | Col. Ilovis, of’ 1.. lAyette, was in out ; town la-t week, ’eat;, 'for any eiuerrencv, i from penning a b !i>r the Gazkitk | liractieing in aj . r • nut, makimr a 1 stump sj.e di, or ;■ leader on the i r sources of \\ alke " and t i-**n - 1 lies, wi.icll are lyiriv li.eniant for i want of capital and him to devclo,- them. While speaking of tlie two e unties, I would say that in variety of soil, beauti- ! f'ul scenery, mild and heaiihy climate, good water powers, iron ore, etc., they \ cannot lie excelled, and there is no more inviting field i :no capitalist anywhere f for profitable investment. March 27th. Tuion. —b'i' iiwn >ii ffi 1 ia i t ■ FARM IS 1 7-i ( A X I O <• ct..l•> css every Dollar by Furehusing; Supplies —OF— S. P. SMITH & SJ'.L Wli tilesale roeei's AND Boots, Shoes and Liquor Dealers, SMITIJ'S BLOCK, ROME, 0.1. j We keep constantly on hand a full line of all kinds of j Groceries and Pure Unadulterated Liquors ! You that are In need of goods be sure and give | us a call. Our motto is “quick sab-sand shojt 1 profits.’’ Wo arc also proprietors of s lIfTIJ’S CKLiifiKATLi) ?I 15111 ffib. i < I sure and giv** them a trial, they are sold by 1 all Grocers and Druggists, throughout several - i States S. i*. SMITH & ’'US. MEDICAL CARD. i li-s. itaxon e?v <* --i iliii Having formed a eopari m-rshfp, respectfully ' tend*ir t.h< ii’ proles.- i-oia; vi ■ -tiiti.e eiiiz -ns of Ci.uG.oega and adj i- ot cm.-t-s, it. r,im pmc- i tkee ot Meu;:-iir* .;:••! --v-.,-- . :.<■)> ■ *:m gent ay plica! lon to mere* sue- The su*vic of each can be had in mi .out. additional i charge W. H - ,X C. F. Gltli’ FJ N, ! DSrttown, N* v. ?i*r< ix.*, Ef?hOf?o OF YOUTH. \ ' ;l "' 1 •' •■; ; 1 il AvT'A ; lr- -, f ' ; r- r* :if* D- ;-...0 .ol ■- • JOHN H- o<ti>EN. ig< eilarSt . New Yr rk Drs. iiUDICiL & TUCKER, IMi.a sittiitaw S; SllffitMUlS. Having t< n w t! a popart mu ship offer thoir pr l ’{•'? -i i s.Tvi. s 111 ill.* pt'api ■ r rhatuuiumi uiiti ip, ;hli,:• nt “pplicHtitm t<> mi'iit auc* iv:Tip - - i-v i, in both can bo bad ill till ; v. urpi-TL. it. A. li. TL\ KI?R. tMimu r\l lit *, >cto t‘t’v."!h, IS?!!. tf PIMPLES. I will . i il . : ■ • • • ipt* tA>r pr.'pnrii.i' a Mint pic Y- !a • i ’’’ " ’■'■;! I r.’inovc Tan, I . i.h i*i • . t-i >tt'lp’a, ic.ivif j. ib> Hu S It, tii*, 11 :t •, i , ' •tii'.il; ilUoillsll’ .I I 111 s i’oi } iv.mjii'*i1 1 • r a luMiti-iiti .m'-'A'I U lialr on a liti'd head oi : iiuio‘ii luce Atitlri si H.*u \ uiitidf Y Toi, iJox .i.v‘l, .No. c, Wi-. Mi r St,. .Sew York. TO c:?’ •• -Tt/EJ. Vee alv.*r!: • r. . . : iy mm tl of that tliv-atl df- - . on. Ivy a s.mple rein.- Iy. is .ina. . ; .i,,tU Mtown to Id.; I‘. How suili'H is tht* n leans < i curt*. To all who deni re it ii - will Head a cop j oftliopr niiptiou used, (free oi flair}:' i. with the is i r preoarat { on, un.l tlie same, w , . . ! < y will tin, 1 a “sure emv" for (i'ensmupt 10 , .\-i ,it..i. !ironehitis, *te. Haiti s wisboikC the j< . lipiioiiwill please addles.-;. Uev. K. \. V iI.SON’, 11M i’t'iin St., New York. VIJK’3 11. M sTHATr.I) ruici.i> i .WXi.Oi'X t: Fifty pact’s d(n) iihis* rit i ms, with ih'seript'bms of t housnnd i of tin* best FVm •rs and aides in the world, and ‘the way to till fora I'.? •(i •i p • t:i;;e stainp. I'rintet! mi Her man and English. \ ieh’-; lo .! (.Male, Quarterly. Mb e- nts a \i< 1-Vs lower V Ycut-talilc Card** i, bii , t in pap‘-r; in tV cant elotli covers. Si. .‘.'•if. as. .AM KS YITK. !.. "li, ter, N. Y Vick’s l Moi-nl v itid*. nlieautifulQuiird erly Journal, finely Hand rated, and eontniui:.}; an eh'f'anl eolov-:l Flower p utt with the first number. Price only Yb *•• nt s fo j tin* year. The first n-imher for lHi‘7 ju; ! issued in (lermau ami F.neli.-sh. Vit'li's Mower A :i!le <'. r.U*i‘, in paper l •••aids; wit ii eh*;-ini el ; h eto ii ■ ! Nick’s (’atalo.-.ot i id.t-i.j ; i-mr., only 2 | cents. Address, JA.WKS YiTK. Hophester N. Y, v i:o iv’s Flower and V gctable Carden is tb'* most beautiful w. rk of lltt* kind in the world, it contains nearly 1- p- es, hundreds of fine illusi rations. muJ m>: Cuiio.Mo I'i.atks ok Flowkus, beautifully drawn i-.ud colored from mituie. l’litv bo cents in paper covers; in tdeprit cloth. Ii inn and in (P rman and Knylisli. Vick’s Moral (iuidv, >.art.ei'lv. cents- a year. Nick’s CTit.ilo^ue--.‘>oo illns!rati-ms, only 1 ' cents. Addre.-rt, JAMES VICK. Rochester. N. Y. ix merwammmi&mxaaMßmtmz&rwrJt nmmiß&k COUNTY DiRECTCRY. IR j \A ::s M Bi'LL.MI, MTORNHY. | SuimrpTville, ( Jeoreia. \V;,I prnci ii".- in I lie eoiirtK of Chutiookii and in | r i umlme i iiiiii! ms. Olhee with clerk superior i . .i;. Prompt attention given lo all business eni-j in ted to him. i • ——- - - toil Tcmplae *. .0,l m . No. HT, Trion. H- i:n!;*r { p-e. t iiu. ■.. i 'by la it it- firft, Snmtuy in each j !:.■:• W. I’.IA , NY. t. J. NV. ( LO. 1 , F ■ r EBosliarsdry. * . * v.ione, ,-.'o. 5 10, nice!.'* on the ' . • .i .in the, Head r.:y at ■ "M-- ('• -'A <v \V . Ait.C.oLLi M, siNu’etary, .'UN'-', i 11H iMM LI! VI LLE 11* 1. i--i ;■ of l-'i- -- ;ut;l A or, Miisoi.;i nr - •- in ; ,;.•!!• p:,!: -.n • In st Sol iirluv in each moiitfi ; t P A A. . I. T. liKNDiUX. Ma-u t EDW.-. 1:1 a! .1 it i'i S : .-erel ary of the I.odp*. Ti. v ! 1..\ il? HWALTNI'A" L rilid. 1 iii. Order of (i.'i'cinnlarH. i;, I !.- 1-i I hoi: bad on til • Toe:. dn.V night after the-' ■-i and f•. I.’i S;d.-.;at !is ill •. v.-rv lum.tll ut- 7 o tT" k. H. ' . ( 1 1 Iti.3 i’i AN, VV Chief. 1). A. < El .'.! ENT, Seer tar\ of the lejdgo. Ayer’s Cheny Pectoral For Diseanos of tho % Throat and Lurif-a, aueb as Coughs, 8 ’ Whoop in;; f f Coußh, Bronchitis, J-, fey Asthma, and Oon- Thc reputation it has attained, in consequence of the marvellous cures it has produced during the last half cen tury, is a sufficient assurance to the public that it will continue to realize the happiest results that can be desired. In almost every section of country there are persons, publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs, by its use. All wbo have tried it ac knowledge its superiority; and where its virtues are known, no one hesitates as lo what medicine to employ to re lieve the distress and suffering peculiar to pulmonary affections. Cukisuy 1T;o --tohai. always affords instant relief, and performs rapid cures of the milder va rieties of bronchial disorder, as well ns the more formidable diseases of the ; lungs. Asa safeguard to children, amid the distressing diseases which beset the Throat and Chest of Childhood, it i is invaluable j for, by its timely use, multitudes are rescued and restored to health. This medicine gains friends at every trial, as the cures it is constantly producing are too remarkable to be forgotten. No family should be with out it., arid those who have once used it never will. Eminent. Physicians throughout the country prescribe it, and Clergymen often recommend it from their knowl edge of its effects. I'SEt-Aj-.i;;) by Dr. J. C. AYER ii CO., Lowell, Matt., i Frnctfc-ul -t AnsfytJcnl r. sold r.r At.h ;..?:ocivra;avvrii*:::... j .tOUS S. Cf.l MTOKV Agent S(klTU?N?0! S AjJjnr'V IMPIfOVEI) ao pei-CEAT. Price S6O With Cotton Option at 15 Cenls. ACID l?I LOS P I lA.TIA li'jillilJliaAUrja Ail 4JitAYl4>- LANI) PLASTKRAND SALT a. Bla (’(lie Price (' Klnlr’s (Juauo. t'.-if ' (>TK. To give Kanucis an equal ehanee, I agree that the above articles may 1.-e paid Ibr in money preview- to the Ist day d’ November at a discount ot’3.‘,J percent. That said Uuano and Phos phate may be paid lor at the rate of 8-10 n ll cl Land Plaster and f-alt at the rate of . 20 per ton, by paying in money previous to the ist. day oi’November. J. \. IL\LK, Rome, Ga T I l Id SUMMERVILLE GAZETTE till,l. Hi-; l-T RN ISU ii I > i'O FI'LSCRIBKI., . re-nta rr.r.PAiu, AT TIIB lOLI.OWING RATIOS: ONE A EAR $1.75 SIX MONTHS - 1.00 THREE MONTHS ----- ------ - 50 These raios, considering the amount of matter furnished, make TliK GAZKrra The Cheapest Weekly Paper Jti North Georgia. In order to enable everyone to become a subscriber and sup tiorf rof a g md, ; übstantial home paper, the price lias been reduced to these low figures. Therefore, you are expected to give us your aid- 'l ake it yourself, and see that all your neighbors take it.“Vmil 'Ton not'd t I Votn I jimib Xoo<!h It! Your Noio'liborts Nood 111 lUE lAZ-- iE ha endeavored to keep nil the promises made by itsproprie '->!•• 11 k’ii it iutroduelioti to the public. '1 his is a guarantee of good faith on their pat t, v. hen ill y a ort that it "ill In leafier not only imiilitain the high standard of ; - t career, but. will be eon -tantly improv.d, as experience suggests and ability ■m.bln . The "i. It and purpose of its management i. to make the HOST USEFUL AND READABLE JOURNAL Ih it it : in-on; will afford, with ; i If-ilenial, constant eff rt, available talent, and high ptide :;i ibt.i:'calling, upon the part of'its publishers and editor. Asa s.v i i-’ ut 'mi: rAjMibY It " iil be welcomed for the purity and variety of itsj mi.-.celfany carefully seleelc-d rem tin- be:- 1 foreign and American literature and for its edueittional influmiee in ftirnir bin.' t be current . News of ihe Cay in Brief. '] i! i'i J AZKTT!y L(:iriT r of* True Duiuooatic ji iii(*i v. il] uuuntvnanco i*ut Truth, Ju.'f ice, ?u**J f:; ; - Uc.'iliu.'; !•. all, {'.•! cn;- •-■*.; ;i! I! in/-; f ’ ?* j■■. •s. ]’: he'. and r*v< vy]i;b/r rh.i t ' : t 0 injure. <>r dc: ran-’ Le j-iLlic. TL- *!: :'i 111* - .'" f<j' ! ! IbU ''(!’ NoVtll •’•'•! (Ik itii !-*i ij . ■ Ullll fJ ( * , w-ii i- 1 •-•(,* (•••;- <?i < -iiiuutiuii, and every jncH- ure • • . ■ v rt- * ? Ep n*. <■ ;h iE;;, (If flevi it.pie.i:! •[' fin van Ml:- i'll: !•. • •>. ' . i 5 lifid ill iUK . ( I S Zl7l Tl*! lie;.: Iy - 11 } port '1 i., r,: • mi* u Yordiovi. *.. j a •i, we invite renewe Ii ,nd rit!;-.- I ii| ; ' !<:: ’ in..* iiiiurc, ol’our ulTte- :..i make the South the j )"■--- ‘ iii-ii- i ini |m - * j.e.iiy. cdin-a: iofiaJ laeiL' • at. : ; •i.licu! lib* rality, oi’ any t.ther • f ‘i'ui of i].(‘ Aiuericun T'nion. A'ldre - ai! (Mniinunieation:- to ( ’ l uID MFt N T ct S )-V, ,V,si u enilk, ( i 0., Ucor^ia. t - ’.W \ r M J I / \ I> f i IjN hi [Ol ! li.v SHOP. TIN SHOP. Yin Shop! The iii'dereigned having cstaldishcd ii !in Hmp in .-'uiniu'. reille, where lie is p i | nieii to serve his friends with Tin - .i, , pipimr, UuUeriny. .Mending, i; ■ i.iring, ole., arid i-m n lifierul shale ni' - -(];•!.; pslrnnage. i we denrs In-low (.A elionTs Store. H'f Ei'HEN GARRE" :’. No-.-. 1 ti; 1; -3m. i’o ■ S liil-trilim heme. S.ei'.ril'- i worl s 'jj 'sin , -c,.1-..Mi- P. S. To compost quickly, use Bale's Guano ami sprinkle over the heap a little --alt and Land Bluster. To compost a ton of stable manure use 200 pounds Guano, to compost a ton of cotton seed use 400 pounds.Gnano. Wet the immure or cotton seed well before mixing with the Guano. Shelter tho heap to keep off the rain. J. A. RALE. marble WORKS. flr xti Sirruj, llui* a. r 1 Mil-: ENDEiDiIGNED C.\l,k SJ’EdAL AT -1 i el.I ion to their facilities for sujiplylng any tiling in tin? above line. SIONI MINTS, TOM Its, HKAIMTOXES, VAst's, .-I-;., <■(. ~ of the best Italian and American Marble, finished in the be:-f o’ style and woikrr.ans ip. and vt. prices that <* -lie. nupelition. 'l itre l/.i jis of Buuimerville and vicinity are respee.Bully Invited to call and examine - ir vun’ire’ and price:; wh*’ii in Home. A. 1. LlJ.KftfiK A- < (>. j 7 CENT.-- A MON'i If WILL REV * * atc w■-•}■ ;cr for one y-*?> r. Ei cry family i • : 1.0 '• >t V * 'i’fe- I !*■ ill this JW e. I.t'k r nl Atlvt'i'liM'iiifiHs. Ai lllcclion Ordered. ii EORfilA. Chattooga County: In eoipfilianoo with an act of tho logitilature of 1N75, cn atlng a Hoard of CoininluMloimi-H of UofulHiiiul Hovonuos, for said county, (tho grand joi yif Man'll term of Suporlor oouit ro*om nu'iitling tlicsaim*). Tl is horobyordorod that i an (‘loci ion bo hold at the Hovorul oloctlon pro ; finots in said oonnty, on (sth of April. IHT7, for i tho purpose of oloetiiig live poi sons to oonstituto ; sititl Hoard of Roads and Kovenuos, said oloctlon i to In" conducted in tho man nor proserlbod by law. JOHN MATTOX, Ordinary. Leave to Well A |>|>lied lor. GEORGIA, Chattooga County: ' 11, A. Hrownflidii and NV. 11. Hon.-flold. admin i-.t ratio .-t t l t lit* ostato of John Wooten, doeoused having filt-.i thoir application for loavi*to soil tho lands belonging to the ostato ef said doeeused; This is to notify all persons intorostod, ho'h kindred and creditors, that said application will bo hoard before a court- of Ordinary to be hold in Summerville, on tin first Monday hi Miiv, IK7 7. This Murrli i>'h, 1H77 JOHN MATTOX, Ordinary. EMray Notice. (SEOROIA, Chattooga County: H. F. ('hock, of tho lvfiith district, G. M., of said count) has tolled before J. N. Hawkinsatid Amos Check', freeholders of said district, ns iin <st ray,a red steer with white back, marked with uudot'bit in the car, and about three yours "kl; appraised by the above named freeholders to in* worth seven dollars, (STL Tho owner of said est-i-a). is required to eottio forward, pay charges atitl takesaiil ; t *er nway, else ho will bo sold mt tin* freehtil.i of the said H. F. Cheek, on Saturday the 2lili day of March. 1877. JOHN MATTOX, Ordinary. Npiiliimt l is, Alow (tEOIUJIA, Chattooga County: Application 1. •• o i, on made to establiuh a public nut in the ■ .h and: strict, U. i'i., com men ;• - ing fit the V\ alkt r county lfne, r-Hiping south down the Shinbone valley tijl it intersects tho Neal gap road near Adam Neal’s; uud the same having I.ecu reviewed and reported of j uOlio util ity. Therefore ul! persons concerned are hereby noliii- p i" file t lieir objeitions in t hi.-. *f; ee. if iu 1 y t in s have; wit bin the t inn* preset!bed l.y lew elm* . aid road will be established as apple .1 for, on Tuesday the fid day of April], 1877’ Witnei-a my official signat vre. this February 21, 1877. JAMES B. HILL, Ordinary. A ppl ii'Rliun, T it-iiar^c. GEORGIA, Chattooga County; William Hix, Guardian of J. W. and Lr.raM. Morton, having rendered his account, and peti tioned the Court of ordinary for a discharge 1 roni said Guardianship, on account of .1 W.’s arrival at full age. uud Lura M. having married a man of lull age ; this is, therefoie, t,o cite nil pers-ms in terest ed to show cause, if any they cun, why the . lid Wm. liiv should not l.e discharged from s aid guardianship, and receive letters of dismls sioii, on llio first Monday in April, 1M77. JAM IIS ii 111 LL, Ordinary. .1 d’niniflralor’ij Sale. GEORGIA, Chattooga County: Hy virtue of nn order from the court of Or dinary. of said county will be ield before the court house d*M>r, In Summerville, in said county within the legal hours of sale, on the first T;ieSr day In April, 1877, t'no rolloiving property lo wlfc; I fill ir. res of lot of land No. fid Si, ifiu acres of No. 7< acres of No. fill aud lfi 1 .) acres oi No. k.‘! L ; ull in the lfiLh district and lth section, L’!) acres of bottom land cleared aud In good statu of eullivntion, and other cleared lauds well watered, with good mountain ivsideuae. Sold as tin* property of Samuel l*’. Force, deceased, and for tie* purpose of distribution among the heirs. Terms of sale, Cash. This March sth, 1877. IL I). C. EDMONDSON, Administrutor of Sum'l F. Force, deceased. Apidira tivai, IM-icliargr. GEORGIA, Chattooga County: A. it. Allen, administrator of the estate of Robert Allen, deceased, represents that said • slate is fully administered, and desires a dis charge from said administration. This is, there fore. to cite the next of kin and all persons hi re n sted. tofile t heir objections, if any they have, within the time prescribed bylaw-, else letters of dismission will be granted to -aid A. IL Alien, administ rid or as aforesaid, ou tin* first Monday in >luy 187 7. This January filst. 18! 7. JAM EH ii. HILI., Or.l in i, y. !!.<( fcs-K j\ ration. GEORGIA, (lmttooga County Wm. II )*< nn ha\ing applied to me for loiters of administ rat ion on the estate of .Stephen Ham, late of this county, deceased. 'i’liiH is to (ii ail and singular the creditors and next of kin of Haid Stephen Ham, to file their objec tions, if any they have, in this office within tho time prescribed bylaw, else letters will be grant ed to applicant af applied for by the first Mon day Di April next. Witm s.j my oflfie al signature March 6th, 1877. ' JAMES li. HILL, Ordinary. Sale*. ; GEORGIA. Chattooga County! Will lie sold before the court house door fn tho town of Summerville, in said county, between tin* legal hours of aulc, outlie it rut Tiienlay in April, 1K 77, the following property: TwoloU • of 1 Hid Nos. 80S and 80J, Pith district and Ith . Wei ion ti said county; levied on to satisfy a Jua ; t ice court li fa. i sin <1 from the district. O. JM . in favor of .1. S. Purwley vh. H. H. Gllreuth; , tenant, in I).*.,s.'SHiriTi u>t illi**f. Levy made and | ictu; ned !c. s. .>! Knox. h. 0. I Also,attic .c i.c ami place, 140 acres of | land No. SIS# in r. h set and -It.h section, f.> i He.; I;.! V li ' ! .t • U.’i l CollUfy t ax. I.SSUcd hylJ.i\ ii. !, . • i .vm iI • ai.d rcLunn and ;by W. 11. Ow> *,larch tit fa, I.'u7. \V I). iC; Li,K IT, Shut iff. %!>!•’i ’ im, s.casrOia.j. poiiiicii guardian ol the p"V ato 1 .■•.•r'y . . .lonn T. Kndiafdsou. a minor •)■ [ >f fourte- a y .>irs, resideut of s.t. . to cite ail person* ounce rued tu :• .a , a . at tin* April term of the court o," : ,ii: • ■ and show i a use. if they can, >v-. v. ,i Richardson should not bo ini;.-,ie< • 1 i, guardianship of the poraon and j j I-. Uichai dHon. W linens i*. ; 0./i i , . . March Mh, IS, i. JAS. U. i11R.,, . yVp3>tie:ition <nar<ii. .. GEORGIA, Chattooga County: ■John.). Uiehardson having af >..• , o heap pointed guardian of the. person Yu- erty o£ Kobf. L. and Early J. Richardson, mors under fourteen y ais of age, resident, of .said county. 'This is to cite all parsons coueerned, to be and appear a) the April term of tin court of Ordinary n xt, and snow cause, if any they cat, wily said John .1. liii hardsell should not be intrusted with the guardianship of the per-o.i and pi oner y of Kola. I<. and Early .1, Richardsm, vV’ituosu ui olticiul nr.* this March Mh. 1H77. JAMES H. HlLL,.Ordinary. S>imissijn a]>|iSic(t for- GEORGIA. Chattooga County:. or re W. and Sarah Mills, ad mini strut ors of tl • tat,<• <>f It. Al. ,\UJIm dcciused, represent u* tic ir petition duly (lied and cut et-e:l on record that they have fully administiowd the estate of said H. .1. Aliil.s, doeeu+itsi. This is. therefore, to cit ** all persons interested. both kindred and en dit.ors, to show can se if any they can, w’ny said adminisiiators should not be discharged from thyir adininf-nation ;u:d icceive letter , of. ui*- mission on the first Monday in April, IK*',. Given under my otih iai signature, i>< • mber “JOlh. IHi'ii. 'JAMES li. JULL, Ordinary. (' V. liOl’Eli. M I I,I,WHIG HT AND ' Contractor for Building. Gin Clearing, < otton Presses, AYator Mini so am Machinery, Mills, &c. Work gu am need UcfcropcssturuiKhed when desired, tliroughon Ju- Ches\keu Counry. R-idence u to:viesvlU*, Alabama. h day t home, .yg'T.'s wanted. -hJ *xJ and i m'-*v . 'l'.U.'f', I’d., t Maine.