The Summerville gazette. (Summerville, Ga.) 1874-1889, April 05, 1877, Image 4

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THE GAZETTE SUMMKItVII.I.K, GA. thvßaday morning, Arim 5, in Rome Market Current Tho following pricelist, compi i-in# tin; niftiu articles of country tia-lc, is revise;! by latcat advices up to Tliiii'wluy, andean be depended on a , correct. WONKY. *3old buyinp at 1 13; and -ellini? nl 116 ■Silver buying at 100; are; •idling at I 1 ! Lxchunge buying 1; and .idling pat GI N KItAI. MARK KT. Hiigar* .A, extra <!, bnovn *to 11 (loflco: Rio 21 to 23, iQ to ■ lor gallon 50 to ■Salt, (Va• and Liverpool) 1 ■ <V.'i to 2,00 Candles, lull weight per lb -to 17 Tea, various prices from -- 60 to I .no Rifle powder per 26 lbs - - to r..sir Flour, all radc- . per ewt .2.50 to 4.50 Kvi'.- from v ..coii per dit < ’hit-kens from woroiis . 17 Butt.i Iron, wagons I Sweet potato! from w gom Iri; li j.otai In 1 wagon. Dried Uppli per bushel 1 tried peaches per bushel I u Sugar cured hums —per lb In to 1 Country hunts— -per lb to i Shoulders per, lb. 10 to I Sides and clear rib. per lb. 12 10 I Lard, in buckets und oans - to p> White and ye.low corn 5O to 05 Wheat, common and best - 75 to 1.20 Oats per bushel 05 10 70 Corn meal per bushel.. 50 tc 00 Rran .-per 100 lbs._ —• to 1.52 J’eas per bushel... HO to 1.01 Domestic bagging 14 to 15 Cotton bale ties per lb-- 6to 0 Cotton rope per pound - —to 22 Cut nails ten-penny. 3.50 to 4.50 Rar iron per pound 3.50 to 4.00 Horse and mule shoes per k 5.60 to 0.76 Tlic insect question is a very important one; they will destroy us, if we don't do stroy them. The following mod's I u.-o a occusion demands ami never fail: Melon and cucumber bugs like radish leaves better than any other kind. I sow u few radish seeds in each hill and never lose a plant, Earthworms, cut-worms, white grubs, and, in fact, all solt-bodied worms are easily driven out by salt sown broadcast. You can do no harm with ten bushels to the acre, but half t bushel i ample. Dry slacked liuie is also effect ual Potato,hugs find their “anti” in Paris green—one tablespo, nful. flour ten table spoonsful; water, one bucket; mix and keep mixed, as the Paris gromi ettles apply with a watering pot. For cabbage worms apply dry salt if tin plants arc wet, or strong brine if they arc dry. Turnip flics are destroyed by fine .-lack ed lime, dusted over the field. Hut the whole tribe of depredators are wonderfully kept di wo by making friends of the birds. They urc the natural cm mi, of nil insects, worms, grubs, et • In fighting vermin, we mu t not try to oppose nature, but to rather follow her plans, and her if she fti -lit. It happened once on hoard a -hip - ing along tho coast of Brasil, one hundred mi,os from laud, that tho por uus walking on deck when passing a particular spot hoard must distinctly the .sound of bells, varying as in human rejoicing. All on board listened, and wore convinced Some mouths afterwards it was ascertained that at the time of observation the bells of St. Salvador, on the Brazilian coast, had been ringing on the occasion of a festival, the sound, thoroforo—favoied by a gentle wind—had traveled over one hundred inilosof smooth water, and striking tho wind spread sails of’a ship, rendered con cave by a gentle breeze, had been brought to a focus and rendered perceptible. There was a sudden sensation in an Oakland church on a lato Sunday. It appears that a young lady member of the choir became anxious to examine a certain •xaspcratingly pretty bonnet in a pew back under the organ loft, that she lest her balance and turned a summersault down upon the unsuspecting congregation. The minister hud only reached "tenthly,” when he was shocked by a dissolving view of striped stockings; and the millionaire underneath had just selected his smallest coin for the heathen, when a pair of two ineb heels struck him in the neck. Bed Pepper and Poultry. 1 do not know if other persons who raise poultry and pet birds arc as much depen dent as I am on red pepper; but 1 have found so much benefit from its u-c in my poultry yards and bird cages that it may not be amiss to call the attention of others to its good properties. Ido not speak of the article that is sold in drug stores (and sometimes not remarkably fresh) but of the capsicum that grows in our gardens. I have tried all the different varieties, and find that the most pungent and efficacious is the small kind usually known by the name of "bird’s pepper." The plant in itself is a beautiful object; it grows about two feet high, and in autumn its bright little scarlet berries look like coral beads peeping from under the dark, green foliage. Indeed, one plant in a pot foi ms a very pretty ornament for a flower stand. The seeds possess a stimulating ami re viving property, and 1 find two or three given to newly-hatched chickens especial ly if they are weakly, have a most happy effect. If a hen looks feeble after e, alt ting, six ot those berries or |i daily jui sum* 1 corn meal and■ - , improves her wonderfully Lust summer tw id toy finest canaries began to droop. Kve.y da\ Ii HVelli m■.u h ■■ end of its 'bit' |'Cj,| .ji and in in - than a week I hey were ■put*' Well. lie aim; ! rein I iFk.I-i- I’oii/h j ' ■ •A r■■ |.ic; . ... . ... o . Tlllll' ■" " 1 , II ll.i 100 guct I‘hsfp .-■ ■ ipsr fit lltt* I uloit.'* j ii'ifiibf o weekly. ii.i. i .s'/'/M r/:n U , V HVi <•> it. 11,. . ... .! .... try. lu'.-'iiiuii.ii ",'■■.■ mio.o ■,., by mir .li-sign.-r.- V. .1,, . . ■ ul lil.W ui** W>'/ i- . . • .1 ii million pt i itifi i ncr us .... of < pinion 1m -imply in i.y , , .1, (IfVrv.G/ uiaiul uinn .1 I.■ imlliv<■ pi . inn. And ••y .r's...'■ dct:MciJ vp*wk <m p"liu.-ni mml hocii*. problcma. j.0.,,,,,!!<■ itrturlfM aro uioiitM of high-tom <1 di-.-iu si 011. Ifl :U* phlnrhli IOM ... ■ wfl-’li " iJmcuf ivo .uguuD'JU* •){ t|i rn.vil ■ <i. '•*’ )' // ,>!■. ' • 1) -1 - ' ; wl iIU>- oiil.lw . Sue ;t;ribelt* 111 tic* 4Jiiit*’ 1 Stain* - !i inpn:i m Ve*:xi.v. one year J J.OO $-1.00 uiciuilca pr> p.tyinent of V. S. pot t.igc by the publish era, Subscriptions to llarpru m Madazim.. Wkf.Ki.v, or UAXAtt, tit one udilrem fur one, yrot nr, I" o <>f ' Harper'h he, out ir.t/s, In our ,nhi / jut - < l/SUf, $7.00: pout,tyr/, r,r > Aii Extra dopy jf either tin* Muytuine, IIV•//</. or Tutor * iil Hr tfuppii- and gratis f*i > ry riun '<i KIV* J(U.-tiiTJB*:K ub sT'M>i-a< . in om* ivm.t tanoe; or Si* COfUM lor wit.i-mt tiuu copy: pontage free. UiK'k S Umber* r m b supplied ui any time Tn<- Aui imi Volumes* of Haupek m VV- lit neat HimUbili'liiitr. wlllOuHeut ty ecp. •. ■ of • xp'Oi .■. Ini iJO each. A i mju>ir •i \ plirilllg , r ,rr ■> i ’o! HWM. HL'llt 'll Ui'Cfijpt t ut the n.i m . -•> p r voh, freight at expo uurchut. f ProMiutmr.attention will lie given in llu, r Wetk-ljt, to toe iSoi Yf r.ition of tun ( nteiii' .o J# teruni:<->uui Exposition. A ’rtr*/mj>er*nronot to thin <u!> rn ni iCitbOiit the csjirrMh m iter of /hirjter tf kmt.r Ad (Irons il A RPEIt & V ik. fl OR 'i ll!'; SI M os ONi, iAR i- and seventy-live emits You can pay sulnscription to The (iaz. it lor one year; no reductions ramie to clubs. One dollar pays tor six moot if One doll? pays for hi* hionths PROTECT YOUR B’JICDINO3. Which may be dope with one fourth the usual expense, by using our PATEN f oLft i £ HAiNT (Flftren Yi*urs liAiblill tlird.) MI YEU HEADY 1 Olt l t>fc. l'irc-ii*of, M'ii'i-i--|roti', iMirable, r.-o llMllliViii Hlid tII'IIMIIKMIUI. A root may lc covered with a very cheap shin trie, and in upplic. .lion of tint-nlale lie m ule In.--' from 4't to & p years. OIQ fools cun !• | uteli v'd ami routed, looking imp h o* tier and lastiug htnger than new w'ithout to sJute, for - Our-third the. tost of l.r sliingling. The exp- its of aUtiiiK new shlngh is about them- iof lavii g tliein. llm paint is kji.x puo'u' ugivlnst spaiks orliyingoinbers, as may be eisaiij t**med by any one. IT STOPS lA i:ky t.l \lv, nd for tali or iron lias no equal, as it ecpMuds by heat, coniraets by cold, and nlvbii ciiacks not sc idea. Hoofs covered with Tar reheat ing Kelt mu be made water-tight, at a small expense, and preserved for n.any years This State l*amt is 1C XT II 1 ;M I J.\ (II i AP. Two gallons will cover u hundred wi utr > ft?- ! r- f Hue roof, while 'tti tin. iron, fii. c, .■ • boa ids. or any smooth sun . e, troiu (?'•• , i . t■> .'tie enllon m- r< tputed to 100 stpiar* b surface, 1 ulth< mgU the paint has a heavy . udj it ja.ensiiy aoptied with a liruah. So l\xr i.-, a? t i i.i i'i 4 J u i, therefore, it neither cracks in Winter, nor runs iu Summer. ('ll decayed shingles, H till up thr h •! sand , pores, ami gives u new subsLanttul roof will 1 last for years. (Tuukuok waupku auioyics it brings tA Ui.dr places, and keeps them thi re. It flits up all holes in felt roots, stops *he leaks and alteongh u alow dryer, ram dot not affect it a few hours after applying. As nearly all paints that arc black contain tar, be sure you obtain our genuine article, which (for shingle roofs) is CUOCOIATK COLOR when first applied, changing iu about a mouth to a uniform slate color, and Is. to ail intents and purposes slate. On TIN ROOFS our red color is usually preferred, s , >•- coat is equal to live of auy ordinary paint For it KICK. WALLS our bright rkd ia tits only reliable Slate Paint ever introduced that will eff.v ailtv prevent dampness from penetrating uti l and-. oloring the piaster These uaiuts uro also largely used on out houses and fences, eras a pruning coat on line bilildin ; >. Our only oolbis are Chocolate, Ujd. Bright Red and Orange. NEW YORK ( ASH PRICK LIST. 5 Gaboon, can and hex .... $ 5 (XI 10 “ keg . . 9 AO ‘Jt) “ half barrel .... 10 UO TO " one barrel ... ■') (HI We have in stock, of our own manufacture, rooting materials, etc., at the following low prices: 1000 rolls extra Rubber Roofing, at l cents pet square foot. (Or we will turuidi Rule -i KO- liug Nails, Caps, and Slate Paint for an Hire new roof, at 4 1 -il cents per square foot ' sXXKI rolls U ply i urred Roofing belt, at 1 t cents per square foot. 8000 rolls 8-ply Tarred Hoofing Felt, at * cents per square fvot. vftkt rolls laired Sheathing, at l-5i cent p* square foot. XX' gallons fin ' Knatnel Paint, mixed read) for use, on id side or outside work, at per gallon, alt shades. 1000 Hols Voile Four per bbl $8 O' loix> “ Soupstouo Flour . . “ h I(X>.) “ (iraitou Mineral . . " 1(XX) “ t allio Pwiut. dry Special prices per ton or car-load lots All orders must tie aouompiuied i it Mi ■ money, or subject to 80 days diaft on i know a parties. N.Y. SLATE PAIN 102iV 104 Maioen Lank. Nkw Voiiic |)ECIDKD ADVANTAGES GIVEN to merchants who wish to Tap the Rich Trade of Chattooga County by regular advertising in THE SUMMERVILLE GAZETTE THE SUMMERVILLE GAZETTE The trade of a large and important agricultural section cau thus be reached better than by any other medium better than by any other medium ‘because uearly all th<M oule read it every week. SI.To a year in cash. ribe for it at once Subscribe for it at once '• W t ADVERTISING RATES ‘Carefully proportioned to its value us a medium to reach the peopleof this section. The MORNING NEWS, FOR 1877. y / - • x f*™ /• ... . ;’’3>. A } :h . 4: |a ■• the Ist of January, 1877, the Morvino News • h upon its twenty seventh volume, and, it is hoped by its conductors, upon a prosperous year. Every returning anniversary has witness ed its extending Influence, and to-day It is the text, of the political faith of thousand* of readers. ICtuuif rm consistency and steadfast devotion to principle has gained for it the confidence of the public, thus enabling it to contribute largely to the triumph of the Democratic party. In the future, as in the past, no pains will be spared ‘o make the Mousing News in every re 'peet still more deserving of the confidence and patronage which has been ho liberally extended to it by the people of Georgia and Foilda. The ample means of the establishment will bu devoted to the improvement of the [taper in all its depart ments, and to making It a comprehensive, ln structivo and reliable medium of the current news 11 staff of special correspondents—at W wdiimrMm, Atlanta, Jacksonville, Tallahassee, ndoilici points of interest has been reorgau ; id "i. i.i vie wof meeting every possible eraer* j a’lse, and pains will be taken to .m.ii ri ial news, foreign and domestic, i; • *e and i > liable. • h we are about entering open the new year <i ure to call special attention to our dub rates of subscription. POSTAGE l REF. W'e will pay postage on all our papers going to mail subscribers, Lhustnaki.’ g the Morning News the eh< p: f -.. new.- p .ner of Its size and character in tu?- bout SI I .( ill* 1 ION. Daily, 1 year ... $lO 00 fl months fDo Hnio tths 2 .V Trl-Weekly, 1 year fi 00 ** fi months - - -3 00 “ 8 months - - - - 15|i Weekly, 1 year .... 2iX) “ fi mont h .... l Oh 8 months 50 Specimen copies sent free on receipt of See,its * Money can be sent by Postofflee Order, leg. - r,-d Lat, our risk. Savannah, Ga 3?!*' - ii ; \ iiarTi ’ Vi.MIQ. V I ‘-Of ■lUj.te l - 1C exj,euf.t \ Or 1 , 11 han any in th* 1 market. It. is inrable, with it mugnifV -dM tone hardly surpitsa •land y<-t it can lie purebased at prices and on •rins withlu t.lie reach of all. This instrument •e • <dl tin* modem Improvements, including the bi ated 'Agraffe' treble, and is fully warranted • ... m s mailed. WATERS’ t "i'f .8 'J-'d Aid Ds the best made. The touch la elastic, and a , iine singing tone, powerful, pure and even. at I-*' Concerto errsan* ' cannot be excelled in tone orbeatty; they defy I competition. The (’oncertoStop is aline imita tion of the Human Voice. PRICKS EXTREMELY LOW for cash during this month Monthly Installments received: On Pianos, $lO to ?20; Organs, five to ten dollars Second hand lustrunnmts, three to five dollars; monthly after ilrwt Deposit. Agents Wanted A liberal discount to Teachers, Ministers, Lodges, Churches, Schools, etc. Special inducements to the t rade. Illustrated Catalogues mailed. HORACE WATERS A SONS, 481 Broudwnv, New York. Box :isfi7 Test i monialtt OF— Waters' Pianos and Organs Waters'New Scale pianos have peculiar marit AVm> York Tribune. The tone of the Waters’ piano is rich mellow and sonorous. They possess great volume of sound aud the continuation of sound or singing powjr is one of their most marked feat nr j AY u York Time*. \ Waters' Conterto Organ is so voiced as to hare a tone like a full rich alto voice. It is especially human is its tone, powerful yet swe*t h‘ur,it . AY a Yorker. jjamid-lyj (i T-'T Til K Hi->T. -VC arttairiiK.i Dictionary O, •’ i a Anoint Mfiiv i •./.. not in ot\, />/■ (OO viuga; IH4O’ 3q i.irtr *- ..,•■■ ..lit. . . I--.-, 1 * * iii. . i... . ami labor 4*‘ vor • s. h- l.'.V, i t. vi:,,-, * Y ltf ixiputa; % • Amoricn. \ ' Every fft nMLJh... the i • S T ust iul inf- itu: iboutarivai v , itx *• “ ■ A H£W FLA- ... To tlu 3000 Illustration* hetvt and -.c in VN'cb -Btcr's Fnaliridgod wo have recently luklcil four pages of COLORED ILLUST.A \:io2c. ongi ivciL xim-fsly for to- -- rt ~i ALSO \VehstvrS National Pict. -i.;' ! inti :• lo o r.njes t . *,u-o (kk) Zwj, ~t<* ■ *ui Natiuiml Mioiuar.:. V •. ,n *ut .-of W-‘bs:. . 8 c! i .-.t,, . (* : * - - 4 .* .y * ...1 : -rive* t.- 4 .>u*. , Ul. ■-. ■ .... t .i< ’ ’■ *• i > t Y..U .f/ LoukS, ... . .1 . ..I l, . I UiaUl • Hi;IA . : ■ • HI an .i:s. Samples YH£<£ N * ■ U. bvttiKV, J4*Uv. - V- , /?, //(„. ....... . V.3/V r * Ay %p t*r A* our iulvsrtiaer not mad* hi* ■<!■ rtf• r r idt/,v (her diulnct, wq will laUrpfwi and rlato rxio It a* follow •; E. 15. FOOTE, Author of Plain Home Talk, Medical Common Ben** in Hiorv. *t r... IWO r>*xtngUin Avenn* (cor. ; 1. et iiM Street), New York, an iMOEPKRDEirf , Pmvsktan. treats all forma of tAryjering or < A route j 1 an-1 receive* letter* trout all (Art* of th* , Civilized Would IJy t, r ,ri<j>unl i eny of rondnrtlng a Medical Pm©, t .hr i- k i-xii-f illy treating numerou* i>atint* la burono, the Went likllc*, llomlnlon *4 ( mtada, and in every part of the United State* isro mp:uctjhia.i* Or !#-lr; riou- drug* u**d. He han. during thr pa*l |v cr ! v three* y4-ars, treated •ucoetufully nearly or quite 4 ' I ■ H-e.. All fa. IU .Tonnrctrd with *ach raw* art ou. fully r orT.I, wnether they i>o commnnloaU'l by I -o-r or ■ i fMvrauin, or oiiMtrvcd by th* Doctor or hU a*,MN-iate phyaleUns. Th* latter are all *derbAt medical men. HOW INVALIDS AT A DISTANCE Are treated. All Invalid* at a distance are required to answer a list of plain question*, which aliciU *v*rj *yrnpt---M under which the invalid *i:fTt-rm. All com mvnfrtUion* treated etriclly roriJldtnUal A complete ay-jem of regierering prevent* rai*tak** or confusion, f > -f qr.e ' •- s sent free, on application, to any part of he world. Bixty t>age pamphlet of Btidwcb o Succf.ks, aiao *ent frc*. A.i thvs* tentimouial* ar* from those wh- have br*-n treated by mail and rxpre** An vice ir, ou ai mail, rax* o t ciabu* Cttil ou or a Idroa* DR. E. B. FOOTE, Ho. 120 Avo , Jf T. nhnM to sin WFmAs Plain Homi Talk and Medical Common. Sense. Also Drjiotes Science in Story. For T.rrttculars address Mur.-a’HiHTubUihtfif; Ccmpany 129EisiZS .St KH.yr YORK. S'roiiwnsM I |U\Xi tMVOKTAirr nrrwoa yon never knew or thought c< oofi,re, regarding tho human body and al! itacunou* Mrgnns, read Plain iloxc Tax* and Mein cal Com mon Bknae, a aaaaibie book for **iif‘.blr popi*. and a good boot for every one. Y<m can learn from it a fr- at variety of Information yon would feri a delicacy to go to your family physician aboat. ('untenu toble tent free, by mail, to all applicant*. Addre*a MUR RAY HILL PUBLISHING COMPANY, I2tt Lam IBtii Bxbkkt, N. Y- Teach a* children and xdult* ednrvtad and unedu cated, anatomy, physiology, and hygiene. A novelty in literature—full of picture*— full of fun- and loaded down with fact* regarding the human -ystern whn h •nnhie* everybody to understand the curious struct :re of his and her own Uxly. Sn< h a work i* I>r i <-t Hctxncb in Story; or, Bammt Tcbwi. the Hot Doctor, and, Brossi*, tkf. TrocbleboM* Monk at. Content* table of thi* remarkat)le *erie*. M*nt fr* c o all applicanta. Addre** Mt'HKAV HILL PUBLISH- IffG COMPANY, P 29 Bat 28t* Stiu-kt, N Y. #1 OldßesßwSii uv Vi'* usiiit b' r tL\ j. Tom harr •ntfre controt of thr tucllor pnurr. amt ran produce equal *lfrct j each erfe. H a *•! <•;.• ! th-.i unh - J *< • ■ ■ a■- fr> u oured narienr* m a’l jwrr* of the Y. ? n''-I Mr- I It* nwentirely *f*. nd t- effect; matv* ..-..A. I h ' Ctienpe t nnd the Itrgt. price • pr |v. l, J{. Pamphlet upon th* rye* y • i. t<> t a nM and *hc unl-ar.ei. nhow ng h • t' *• • b-*e-mca impaired, a* t-t. “hy g.-.”a * !. -' -■ v < the v r!a inv • . re-twati >” of t>.- * rbf. it fr<c >.n r- ipt | -*nt*. Agent wa led <•* -r .vh rc. < nr. r. r. o" \ Mi'h- r ..f Plal . II 1 ic ' *1 (tKItTAINLY YOU CANNO I FIND * in any other n* w*j ijcr, no matter where it i- 1 published, or however large it may be, so much j of per&onal interest and local benefit as appeurx •vary w. . k in The Siiuiuierville iiazette. i I*l :-*li C .*-< biLMoUi: & ( . Sil'Tt '>vi 4 t<* _ i 629 F . P•: -ii v , , g- .Mi ' -I i Mi; l-.v . M . . ■ sun* in li tb ti > ' ' - i' !>*•..Hot.;: >'.v . '* * 'MI MU: I'Oli li. t' l r i\. i m. - **. United Star-: fc .' * .T .< tmens Ola bn* pi ii . - t onum-- i -o :md a.i.. - . i - iln- l v. u i\> H | i -of Tuy t*d .c . y OtKlM.ii* -i ■ •' n l v !••:: t the I:I c war ibe i . i! .;u. . -•■ ' i iLi lui io luoiie* fom ilietMtv ii mi- t. l w i.i . !h*> nave 110 kUOW ..nlgi* U ! li.Mmi >t | Kt'l'VU'f, ;i|ld state aLiMi-t.: • f j tv and i . ui \ veil. Kn cb*c - .amp aim ii. . i-*-: -• . -liter ex.iiiiiiiativin, Wlil be g. v -i> > oil tic-. Pensions All ei vn r: . .1; o on* wound.-d. *lt i: *’ . S’-l.vJ ! u . -Aii S’ . n Cent . l-.tnu Mi. i pa: mo nt 4 I the uu . t r old0 l d Dounty Laud Warrants. TANARUS - .1 .1 i ( oniin;*--1- tier of the (1. ;.e ia l i item, e d.ovv V lores ot I'oun i\ • a -..lit- oni-I.Hiding 1 hose were Is sue.l i . •> m -l pilot’ acts Wh }ay c,. ~ .;. 11 >.t s-i ,t i • gisici el ,e: er. W lie re . i • i .. a r nupei la-* t wc give iiisli u. tionx io j ii i* v i ; t.ein a Li.h depar'iuelit ofconducted - 4hait e ■ expe* lit ifl i tornevs "V 0 and. >lm.T ‘in -i n amt vt>- i ii V' i' 44 1,.■ -c b- -n id gratuitc lurni.-la’d vwjHPti and priip* r pat on us A*44 • iiarg*- mt- HBa- * p for re. n p siage u Lilnn il :u with atrorneys in aii oias*e* of i•ll'lm•-*^^^^F Address GjUnDRE &c CO., P, o. Box 14 ll* .s It ( \V 4MMM.TO':. I* C, S • n • .4, iSTn I take pleasure in e\p.i **mg n.v • i- conli teiue in ine - • . . ' , aml . I the Uw, IbK'lil l O llv 1.(1 Home;.; '. i.. 4; (•I; h kill • ii. r. v. iijtl i (rira.e r ' : - j ... n ■■ik.) Subscribe For The Summerville Gazette. >HILETUS P. CLEMENT! i ECUSE & SIGN PAINTER j * . * ROM E, ('■ A.I I AM NOW PREPAItKD TO FILL ORhKILS FOll ALL KINDS OF House, Sign arc! Crnair.ental Painting, Upholstering, etc., etc *' herß*f*clS> given. Addre** I*. 1. ( I.LMLNT, Koine,(ia, l| , . jj . ■?' ’ •; - i&A* . y : i ■ Kf “ .. ■ I | THE “SILVER TONGUE” ORGAN ‘SSt* A TEST OF THIRTY YEARS. The cheapest because the best. Fully warranted New Styles just ready. Send for Catalogue and Price Lists. Examine our new method of lighting the music for evening performance. Constant improvement our policy. Styles specially adapted for Parlors, Churches, Lodges, Music 1 lulls and Conservatories. Address the Manufacturers. E. P. NEEDHAM & SON, Nor.. 243, lit & 117 East 23,1 St., New York. THE NEW d.l 10MESTIC”i" i M L “ !L Efim \ Machine. v v MS'S |g&||p|j it St--- <t: facility the lightest ami finest as a ii a eat trial coarsest fabrics . THE LIGHTEST-RUNNING MACHINE IN THE WORLD. With our printed directions, no instruction or mechanical skill is required to operate it. The construct: n of the machine is based upon a principle of unique and unequalled sim , \ tv. comprising simple levers working upon centres. The bearings are lew, and they :re hardened and polished. The machines arc made at our new works in the city of Newark. N. J.. with new special xtented) machinery and tools, constructed expressly to accomplish what we now offer. llwry machine j'tilly warrante*i. “DOMESTIC” SEWING MACHINE CO., New York nn<l Chicago. TS SJ trn TJ W T m SAVINGS—Bv usim thr •* Dnmr.tlc - Po rt /a AJ| ! * B Rvl pr Pn*lilono the most stylish and perfect-fitting - JB. N —* *9l fW costume, can be rrodueed, at a large saving in ; ; 2 g i, ,4 1 MONKY t, th .se who choose to make,or superin tend the maki.i.: d’. their own garments. With the • .... .J-, ■ ... ■ ; , ; all deoartnu-nts. and the best ideas of the most skillful : ...... .'tafe ■ 1 to attain results far above the reach of the ■ . r 'ot.r stvl.-s are al.vavs the latest and best. Our elegantlv-illustrated ■ ue'ma. u;.v ladv sending live . •■•rits with her address. Agents wanted everywhere. “ DOMESTIC ” SEYVINC MACHINE CO., New Tt'orJL: aud Chicago. nirSKIA A S lIi:CO3IMi:XU /r It* a machine that can Or used u'ithout harm 0y any one, it requires so little effort of any hind, it Oeiuy £jj~