The Summerville gazette. (Summerville, Ga.) 1874-1889, August 09, 1877, Image 2

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THE GAZETTE SI MM! 8V11.1.K, <* A. •I.A. C3LEMENT, HD [TOR AND DROI'RIETQR. riacK or si i:s< kittion. Far oiif yvir, 5i.75; For (i mmillis *I.OO I'nyinwntJln'rMlvaiuM*. A1 v <ii*|s'rt ml . nrv hI.iMnUmI to vitluo or ni : Hri'ulntlng mcMlhim In ( ,• O . tt!4:tloii ir Oioirglti. INlhimU* j: .1 ; 1 1*. -iii.s clvt'i. on Voluntary (miumnnlcfttloiiNfrom the rcajl urs* of tUIB pnpcr rn welcomed. Ncwh of i II | ,i: Ih |h*- county nowr. If j,):i to .nipiovc yonn.i If in writlii/f. prae t i r. au a!il yiM. “ Practice mitkon pnrfeet." v : l i nit f.Jioo ni'i.'l bo i enompimieil by tho v . it' •' i nauio, or tboy cannot bo published. TfM ? ’> * UHiMNtJ, Ai Ol BTi>, 1H77. $•49 90. Tlii# amount of money is not only v ant' H, toil acinaUy iirrdal for tho good health ami free respiration o! the Ga y.Krir Over ;>OO subscribers owe u.s for u year's subscription. h'ecuurl look at your receipt, and if you are in arrears, please send us money i'or a year's sub scription inimcdiit/r/i/, then we’ll have one ‘rood night’s sleep, and you’ll feel all the holier and happier, bemuse you will have (,mo to our relief. Won't you? The New York Smi says the mail ■ arc running on time in all directions on all the railroads, except a few where the tiiicLi me badly burned, an) there tho mails go through on backs. ♦ •*- Will those readers of the Ga vEirt way offiu Texas. Arkan ML Lsippi, Louis! ana. Alabama, Colorado, Indiana and K ntueky, make us glad b, vnmr,/i'ili:li/ remitt iig to ui their year’s subscription for the i iic Uomuff fc o Final Revision on >f. uipumis, repo. ' a bill allowing a home : ad ol .; !,m)0, with the right to >0 ii, should tho parly not liftvo that n.iiouni when is is set apart; that it may he Waived under eortuiu provisions, ex cep ~ household and kitchen lurniture, Wearing apparel r. 1 provisions, for one year, selected iy the husband and wilt) to the value of three hundred dollars. The Trm a monthly periodica] published by the New Vurk Mercantile Journal e -to pany,' again upon our table. We cannot* too highly commend this treasury of scientific, a • iou’tma!, literary moral and useful kuowlcdgi to our many l eaders. I t lias 30 pages and is only y I per annum. Am! ess The NVw York Miimtilile J oiirual Cos., No. u.7n 1 'earl strict, New York eily. If you want to ~eo something you never saw before, and probably never will have an opportunity of again seeing, look out upon thj heavou.. during this month and September, and see the planet Jupiter, (wh'elt is J '-NO times larger than this earth,) Eaturu, \ nuns and Mars, 'l imy are all visible at the same time. Mars oil tho sth September will be only thirty five millions of miles from the earth, which is a rare occurrence, and hut ap pearance will, of courea, he unusually brilliant red as blood. William 11. \ audurbilt, president of the New York Central and Hudson River railroad, at the outbreak of the strike, issued an appeal to the 12,000 employees on In. roads to resist the wilful lawless ness of hands of iio'.i>rs, to protect the IHunortyVif the company, and assist in restoring order. The employees so nobly responded to tho appeal, that he has placed vlOiijOOO to he divided ratably among thorn nee-vding lojaiioir position on ilia |ay roll. Less (hull 500 showed any disposition to embarrass the road. Mr. YaulorbiU assm-qs these faithful men, that their pay will he increased the moment the bu. iness of the country will justify it. Now, which will be tho more nceoptab'o to the employees, the donation rtf the , i; 0,0;.9, or the promise and pros pect ol’an increase ol wages?. The Convention. There is so much time taken up in dis cussion of various subjects presented to the convention that comparatively little ] has bcei e jected. W e observe also that a good deal of time is taken tip in recot. skicra'loi.s of matters disposed of the preceding uuy, Some of tho members ; . com cot to understand themselves what j ha ; been voted on and passed. Now if! they can't understand their own doings, j how can we at this distance? The papers i i,i to day tell us one thing, the next paper will tell us of its undoing. \Ve thi„k il t!.. u.emlc. - would always be in their . places, and pay attention to whirl w. s transpiring, and fewer consuming, bun combe speeches made, matters would sooner bo expedi ed, and be far better for the Ci nvei.'.ion ami “the dear people.'’ A bill i- presented by the i'mlTivemy - six Up jumps a fellow, "! move to strike o it,” or "luive au aitendment. An 0r;,., r one moves to la the motion on the t * ole "1 c ove an huiveba.ime to the Staeudmer.t' -aysoue. *1 >;i . a•" ■ I stiinto for the wlr le matter," says all ot hoi. And thus they go, and frequently wo have noticed things have gotten into such a snarl, that it. reminds us of tho meeting held in this place hist year, when Mr. Shropshire, the chairman of tho meeting cried out "\Squira Bellah! where are we?" Ami if it were not fi r the clear head of Mr. Jenkins, that convention would he confusion wor-e confounded. | For many are in the predicament, t f Mr. Hammond, of Fulton, who says, "1 don’t : knew what I have ‘ Upon. Ted! me where I am, and I will answer.” Tho right of suitors to appeal from the verdict of a petit to a special jury, was established. The jurisdiction and powers justices of the peace Wore also settled. The A Homey General is to be elected by the people, and his salary fixed at two hundred and filly dol ars. The salaries of the Heprotue Judges were fixed at f-f 01)0; Superior o’ir f judges at 2,000. The judiciary is to bo ejeete 1 by joint ballot of the General A -nmhly. After tlie saLt ins of the Superior court Judge * had been determined, tho follow* ing re dution by way if carimtui - m of ■ )! >1 i..v MW. 11 ud. on: Y ''Resolved, That in addition to tbeii salaries toe judges of the superior emir • of this State shall be allowed to peddle without licence while they are on the civ euil, end that one half of the net profits arising from :uid business be piii info the treasuiy oft ho Stat •, and no lugi.-le lure shall have power to revoke or imp-tit this special immunity, They .-hall he compelled by law to keep an in muci account." lliaughtor. | For such as this the people’s m m y goes. ... Chattooga Interests. To the jollier of i . Everybody, if not directly, a.. , b rocily dependent upon tho i- "joree. of the farm, and alike, all are intcie*lc 1 in that branch of industry Relieving (his to lie true, 1 send you the folio’'ing report witch a eousolidat'on of the ;.i ihtical return made to me by the is:, payors of tho county, and wmil I ad. w e to give it space in you. column-: rttOl's ft \NTEO 177. CVtrn -.acres planted 17,111 Win at .-acres planted 7 ti2,i Oats acres pinmeil .',030 C’iovei or grass to he uniVioi ... 12Ui Cotton-, .tu-i'.'.-i plnnled Fp! I ,' b-O'ghuui.-iiuies |d:nred ... 717 j Sweet potatoes .ter. planted. - 27 1 AMOUNT pa Win 111 IN INTO. Corn bushel- .nil.; •• :•! .... : Wheat bushel, prmkiivd . 2, - 7 Oats, -bushel, prodnis'l .‘123 I lay-, -ton. mowed - : I’ Fodder pounds - ‘JOT".. 3 Cotton-- bales produced 2,oft. Sorghum- il’ons 2.7. v 77 I’ot.itoes -bushels 11,212 Wine -—gallons umde lit) vouNti rtook kob t.ik ykau i-.ndino AI'HII. 1, 1577. Colts 89 Calves _ '.‘2(l Lambs ROW Figs fi,3'.tO Wool., —pound* l,2‘Jt> Die.vriis anp wtrrirs pott tiik ykau ! KNIIINU A Pill I, 1, 1577. White births 207 Colored births 52 White deaths . M Colored deaths. -. ... - .- 55 Ol tlie 259 births in the county 119 were females, and 1 in males. A. O. Fiu mvionp, T. K. Dirttown, August 1, 1577. Dri.slmm Young, the Mormon p ophet, with his su.elhtes, did not like tho States and they went to Utah Territory. Rrig ham has weeded a wide row out there for j many years, and been guilty of some j vuthor ilaik deeds, and now that lie lives in fear of being indicted and tried for ! murder, he is meditating another liegi a to Mexico. Sometime ago he fixed his j eyes on the Sandwich islands; but as the Samhvichians did not admire his polyga mistio doctrines and practice, that, had to bo abandoned; ami as Mexico oilers the best and safest place of rendezvous for the practice of their polygamous proclivi ties, hither the Mormons may wend their way in the future. But in the meantime would it not be just ami righteous for the United State to settle tlm-e little tua,- ters of nuttioums murders of which h is said to have been the in.-xb a tor? Are the United anthori.ies going to let, him go off lity so, without balancing accounts? If they do let him thus go, will they not he wi king at the awful crime of repeated murder? Mr. W. S. Kilgo, of Dirttown, under date of the 2d inst., writes us that, Kilgo, Gaines \ Cos., have thrashed 3,769 bush els of wheat and 1,219 bushels of oats the . pits, tit season. \\ ho will next rest end? I Come, gentlemen, let us collect all the j amounts of thrashing of grain in the ! county. Send them up for publication in the Gazcttk. i. i and beheld! it it isn't raining a.- wo Ft. t, plots Special Notice. Jot every reader of the Gazktve in Chattooga county, he prepared to settle with us on or by tho firt wook of our Su perior court noxt month. Money will have to come or we suffer. In this we lie n t Who Would Die in Summer? Oh, who would die in summer, When tho trees are clothed ,n green; When the June-bug warbles sweetly, And the g anger poles the bean? W hen the melon and tho colic. Hand in hand together go Filling youths ami lovely maidens, With their sweetness and their woe? When iec-creum, worms and piemen Reign, supremely thro’ the day; And the devil—and the doctor— At the midnight are to pay. When the house-fly spiffs.mi victuals Ami mosquitos spoil < ur sleep; We would think no more of dying, Than wo would il stealing sheep. Bible Society. Fjmms :vi ,i. C . Aiii\.l. J, 1. ... The Executive Commitiee of the Chat tonga liihle Society met this day, the fol lowing members present: Judge Benj. Brunner, chairman; G. A. K. Tucker, J. it. Rosser and Rev. W. A. Milner. The Treasurer reported Laving on hand *ll.lO received ibr hooks sold, and a balance of §sf..- 1 as belonging to the society. The Treasurer was or ;cr, and to forward both amounts to the I’urcnt Society; the first as duo that society on hook account, and the latter on donation account, The Treasurer was directed to order the following list of hooks, viz: Testaments —IOO at 10 cents. Bibles - 50 at 40 cents; l.s at 55 cents; 6 at K> cents; 6at 85 cents; lat $1.50. Testa ments and Fsaluis —21 at 60 cents; 12 at id ; li at #1.20. t'n motion, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, that a commit tee of three bo appointed in each militia district in the county, wiio arc earnc-ulj re quested to canvass said districts, to ascer tain the necessities of the several loealitb s in regard to the destitution of the Word of God, solicit and toko up funds wliere ever practicable to supply the needy mUIi the Bible, throughout the county, ad that these committees rep rt the results of their efforts as early as possible to this sueieiy. In pursuance to the foregoing res. lo tion the following were appointed for each district: I’eloga A. Johnston, W. F. Tapp, J. li. Knox. Alpine -Dr. J. M. 1). King, W. U. Strickland, R. M. Hendon. Dirtsollor li. H . Jones, W. M. Mose ley, It. S. Foster. Summerville J. T Hendrix, J. F. .Sewell, 11. W. Gilkesim. Seminole T. Scott Johnson, B. G. Adams', sr., ,1. F. I lonic. Uffdwator— J. 1! Knowles, 0. D. llcnley, Win Morgan- Dirttown—John A. Jones, L. i). Wootton, O. F. Ferry. Haywood—Win. llix, C. B. Atkins. Trioii Isaac West, G. B. Myers, W. W. Fui'seley. meeting adjourned to meet Friday 31 t inst. Bknj. Bua.nnbii, Chairman. Jambs A. Clkmknt, Secretary. From Colorado. Tt> the A.< 'Hot of The ixute I see by your paper the Mormons have mane their advent into Georgia. Wtut next shall you be cursed with? First, w.i.- Sherman's march of desolation from Dalton to Savannah. Then carpet bag and nigger supremacy. And now upon top of them all comes Jn .J >e an 1 Brig ham's mob. * 1 thought Colorado had her evils had enough; (i. e.) sh >rt grass and grasshop hers; but may Go I save our rocky clime from tj.e “iuu:jgcr.." I also sec our personal friend* aud companion in av s. of Company "11,” Sth regiment, G-.vr gia Volunteers, T. 15. Barbour, is look • • after them. I suppose he is mindful oi their treachery, which is not to be ex celled by the .Malty McGuires. They are fanatic in all their form >. No doubt in a short time if not checked, they will need a destroying angel to quiet some of the opposing Gentiles. Then some cut throat will be sent from under old Joe or Brig ham, claiming to be direct from God, and commence his bloody mission (that is if he has time). Why not make an example of some of their leaders? Have them to perform on ! j a tight rope, say just at one end? I should think the testimony of John D. ixio, in ! the ease of the Mountain Meadow mas sacre would yet be fresh in the memory 1 of Christian people. May God speed the day when we will no longer hear it said, it is only ignorance j that permits them to stop in the south. And may a sense oi duty allow others to see the evil in the same light a> T. J. j Barbour, anil help him in his good cause. J. D. DIIYMXO.NI). j Alma July ''sth, 1877. LOCAL NEWS The Knights of Honor meet to-night. Walker Superior court convenes the last Monday in this month. If your wife has a boil on her face don’t you dare to touch it. There’s a reason. I lie health of our county remains good, although levers begin to Jevelope in some sections. We smiled a xmale when he planked down the cash for his year and a half subscription—and we are now r :ady for another smile. if you want a Good l’air of H une tuiiilo Shoes, call at J. S. (’leghorn's. Made by A. J. Lumpkin. Every Fair Warrentod. ju264t Schools are opening up rapidly all over ttie county, as tho public fund is to ho appropriated to the first three months tuition. I Will take Wheat .tn<l Corn at the cus tomary price for Goods or Debts due me, delivered at Wyatt A Uleghorn’s mill or at my Store. June 21st tf J. S. Ci.Eiiitou.v. W e are plea ed to see among us Mr. John M. Hill, of Atlanta, who, with his family, is an a visit to his relatives and friends hereabouts. Chattooga Superior court convenes first Monday in next month. It will soon be be here. Frepare, O ye delinquents in justice and right, to tho solemn test. We are prepared to meet every one of our delinquent subscribers with a smile, especially when we see them put their hands In their pockets to square up i h t little that is betwixt us. While a compositor on the Montreal Witnm was setting up an advertisement of a lost canary, a few days ago, the bird flew in at tlie office window. 1 his shows the value of advertising' Like Is antitul jewels in brazen settings are handsome features upon a face marred by signs of blood poisoning. The great purifier of the blood is Dr. Bull’s Blood Mixture. It may he well enough to whip a R y when he needs it, but it is a waste of t.u e and tale.,t to undertake to convince him that you intend the thrashing for any thing hut your own amusement. We would think no more of trying to run a newspaper without money, than we would ■*' li m.. i.ig tor tiipo-tsi 1 rit; at the bottom of the ocean. Rev. li. U. Christian eiosej a protract ed ills Fng at Siiiilh Cur. Jinn camp ground last Friday, resulting, as we under stand, in tho accession of 2(i members to tho Methodist church. The Baptist protracted meeting in this place, ot nine days continuance, resulted in the accession to the church of two by experience and ten by letter. Cash for Wheat. We | ay cash for wheat; and would in vite tho public generally, to give our mill | a trial. It is in fine fix and giving good satisfaction. We are now up and will keep it so, if possible. Wyatt A Cu: miorn, July 19th. Race Mills. YVe have no thanks to render to that uian who didn’t bring us a watermelon or i a poach; but to kindest of'old ladies ; ii town, we hereby tender our heartfelt ! thanks for the oft- repeat'-1 gift of roast- j ii.g ears. * May lu'r sun in <*m‘leßdw*Uno, And br'n" a pleasing ■ hi.” New Goods! New Goods!! New Guilds received ry week, and sold at bottom prices; aud country pro- t duee taken in exchange at it* highest market price. April S-tf Thompson lin t s. NEW GOODS!! More Goods! CIIHAPKR GOODS At THOMPSON HIRES than any where else. A friend of ours saw an advertisement in a Rome paper the other day, which j in r ormed the public that ‘‘redueed rates j of transportation to the Centennial could be lid by addressing the passenger agent i in Atlanta." He remarked that he 1 “thought the show had busted.” Two More Great Questions Settled! 1 ."%ot isy S (o 7 But by all the Ladies and Gentlemen of Chattooga County. Ist. Thompson lliie.s’ is the Cheapest and Lest place to buy anything you wish. 2d. Thompson Hiles is the best place to sell your Wheat. U rn, Bacon, Bees- i •VOX, Rag-, etc. -juu2af Subligna High School. The Trustees of the Subligna High School, hereby announce to the people of Chattooga and adjoining counties that the Second Ses.-ion of tho Seh ol will open on Monday July 9th. Rates of tuition: For Ist class $1.25; 2d class $1.50; 3d class $2; 4th class $3 per month. Each scholar will bo charged by tho month, not by the day or by the session. Board can be had at from $8 to $9 per month. Competent assistant teachers will be ! employed as the school increases, and no : pains will be spared to make it a success. This school will have the benefit of tho l Public School Fund. For further particulars, confer with ,J. M. .Jai tvsox. Priii. Subligna, Ga., June2sth. Isn’t it over? YVe thought it was—we mean the political campaign of IS7G. But we see in the (’irtersville Krprrss, an advertisement of the Savannah AV cs, ip which the fi'flowing is found: "The political campaign of I 76, w hich includes National, State and county elections and which undoubtedly will be the most active j and hotly contested of any since the I memorable canvass of ISfiO, is now fairly j open.” YY’e would re peetfuily remind our ! brother that it is yver, and l>cg leave to | say in the language of the Poet, “ Jack Hind-m in, union'd, for a number of years a figure head in Summerville and its vicinity as a notorious vagrant, gather ed up hi* alls, iiiebidiue his wife and 8 or 10 children, and left for Coweta county, one day last week. “Farewell brother YY adkins. The pc >pie of Cowi ta h v:: our Byaipcithi, s. YVe would give a little bit of advice to some people, who like to appear in print. That is, 1* careful how you send to editors articles as original, when you have stolen the fame or thunder of somebody else. YY’o received an article a few weeks ago about “Quarrelsome neighbors," with which we were well pleased. YY u pre pared ic for the printer, when 1 ! upon a little further examination, uc found the 1 said article to be from the p-n of (he celebrated 1. S. Arthur. Now thi icl'ow that tried to imp,use upon u , has the wind knocked out of'liis sails very cicely. 11. so care how you other men's I productions. Boat and Shoe Factory. Mr. A. .A Lumpkin, formerly of Route, announces to the public that lie has leased the tannery of Mr. K. Marsh, two miles above Trion. for five years, would ru-neet fully inform the public that he is now prepared to tan all the hides that maybe brought him, and will pay the highest cash prices for them; and that lie is also prepared to make as fine Boots and Shoes as can lie made in Rome, or any* here in the country. Re sure and give him a call. A Sad Affair. On last Friday as Mr Benjamin Hear ing and a Mr. Johnson were passing through the woods on Lookout it ountiiin, near the Walker line, they suddenly eamc upon a Mr. Have Blaylock, who was sitting by a ireo with his head down, who upon hearing them coming, r tse up -ud douly and shot at them; the load taking effect in or ah ut the s otuaeh of Mr' I'earing. About twelve buckshot entered. No good cause can be assigned why Mr. Rearm was hot, as they had no difficulty or unpka uitness. It is sur mised that he thought i was a Mr. John Hamilton with wh ui he had previously had some difficulty, and without due re flection tired his gun, and committed the rash and fatal deed. Mr. Blaylock im mediately fled, an 1 tuts not been seen, or at least lias not been arrested. At last accounts, Mr. ,itearing was not expected to survive. Sale-w Grange. No. C7f>, will hold a \ egetable Fair, at the white house on the La Fayette road, on lion. Will. H. Penn’s place, it being (heir lodge room, next Saturday at 10 o'clock, A. M. All Grangers and their families are invited to participate, bringing samples of whatever vegetables they may havij, and to bring their baskets oi such provi ions as they may desire. Also all citizens are invited to eon e .ndhiiag ) i visions, and thu join in having a social time. 1 he committee appointed to receive all articles design and for exhibition, consists of .Messrs. Ho :d, Saylors, Benefield, Penn, Marsh, Mrs. Wootten and Mrs. Benefield. J. T. Hkxm ix \V. M. A Correction. In 'nr i-Mie of the L’.'t.'h ult.. Quidnunc in :o- 1:-. log to ' 1 oat road.’ says; "V, hy <!Yt tin: e oirt order then: e iin..* of this ■ road u ; ion a ov-vt p,-titiou without giving ■in opportunity for a counter petition?” which might insinuate tint there was an ! underhanded game played in the matter. I f' poll investigation of the subject more ! thoroughly "Q tidnune” is .satisfied that tlie Ordinary acted in accordance with the ! law, made and provided in such cases, as ! will be found by reference to section 73:? of the eo Jo. Last Sunday morning Mr. J. J. p. Henry, who feeds the pris ner„ in our county jail, had carried the | risoners | their breakfast, and having to g,. after water for them, shut the door, and either | did not lock it, and they knowing it, ; easily got out; or if he did leek it, left the key in the door, and one of them reach ing his hand and rm through a hole in the middle wall, unlocked it and both ; made their escape. One is a white man, John Fowler by name, who when last seen I was making his way to Alabama; the ! other a negro, named John Withers, who uas seen late last Sundry evening, over the mountain, wending his way towards Rome. The jailer and Sheriff have been in search of them, but have n t yet captured them. Since the above was put in type, cur ever vis ilatn aud energetic Sheriff has succeeded in capturing John Fowler, ami has him again in jail. Hereafter, let a stricter watch be kept upon the prison doors- YYo would call the special attention of our readers to the fact that llonry A. Smith, Bookseiler, Broad street, Rome, : is ever on the alert tosatisiy the tastes of j all classes of the country round about, by keeping on hand a great variety and well ’ assorted books, and everything usually kept in a first class bookstore. N r,v that ■ the schools are opening up all through I the country, parties interested w. ul i do | well to call upon, or r: fto him to supply their wants. He keeps on hand school : books for children ami grown pc pie, as 1 v.' 11 as works of the highest literary ami j and erudite ohara ter. Mr. Smith keeps J on hand j aper window sh riles of the must ' beautiful patterns; wall paper to suit the ■ tin t fastidious; sheet and book music of the most desirable character. Be sure and give him a call. Trhrt News : To the Editor <>f the Guztit* : Rev. T. C. Boykin, Evangelist arid : Sunday Seim I w >rk • lied li :v li t night, file notice being hi.a R v min utes, not so large u an! .-nee was o:t as otherwise would have been, though a re spectable number met him • He ma le ,i fine inipres ion upon ivj.-e who i. . ird him, am! it is hoped dme much f io *1 in the way of .stimulating fi md iy S.di >oi workers to a renewed liiigeue ■ ti.e dis ci: urge ot their duties. iR left this morning to fill other appointments, and will be at tlie Coosa Association pu 3t)th, 11th end 12th in*.., at Beth:! church, \\ alkcr count;', hi . u :u August 4 h. TiuoN. Mcuey and Life Saved by its B ag. Impoitant Discovery. —Galileo in vented the telescope; Columbus i.'i cov : ered anew world world; Harvey, the cir ' eulation of the blood, and to Prof r | Morse is due the credit of tun-bin r the j lightning how to talk, but it was reserved | to Rr. J. Brad it' Id to penetrate the mys j tic-depths of sci nee, and drag therefrom ! the wonder of our century. The victory ; has been won, and woman is flee. Ihe sale of I’r. J. Cr.idfleld's ! male Regulator is unprecedented in the history of populai ri-mediw and thousands of ' certificates are coming in from’jjrateful wo, -a. throneh mt tie I .imi. at', -tjnA . its powers and up; lauding it, uii'old ‘ Ou efits to tin ir sox. * .1 Jlcauttful UcHin u. ina neighboring villa.e Hurt lives a young lady who, two rears was an object of pity to ah who knew her. Fr-.ui a httio i imprudence at an in.proper ti bio, si: ■ he [ came irregular, and was the victim of ; suppression in all its hair ,r... Such store j tile ravages of the disease, she was luis | erable apd unfit for social enjoyment. After trying many remedies, and paying j much money to physicians, a friend sent | her a couple of bottles of Regulator. Mho improved after taking the first, and tu j lore taking the second she became sound | and well. Now, two years after : ki, .; j the hr i Pottles, she is uily restored to | her former health, and a m U auti j ful woman. Proper res;e-.i lor the fam ily, prevents our giving the name. j The Cincinnati (,'umnienial says: ‘‘President Hayes has given politics a ! I>ft, Ihe right to steal is no longer tee, g ' iez-d as one ot the j rercrpii.-ites of pa ; t riot is. n.” Then it seems it has been recognized as a prerequisite of patriotism fora min to steal. \\ hen and where? Was it during the reigr. ot Grant as President, and the wide-spread and wholesale plun der of radical rule? But then lor Mr. Hayes to hold on to the presidency which tie holds hy fraud and stealage, and talk a ut not recognizing the right, to steal a pi n pn ire to pat: iutism, looks very tj ugh like the i tea ot Old Scratch hitu se.t castitig out .'in. "An evil tree can not biing tort it good fruit,” ‘‘neither can ae •nuptlbuutaiu send forth pure water.” Now. who can put this and that together. Dalton District—Third Hound. McLemore’s Cove Aug 23, a Spring Place, Murray’s e. g Sep; 1. 2 Summerville, Penn’s Chapel—-Sept s. 'J Subiigi.a, Dirttown c. g Sept 13, H Alfix. M. Tuiupex.