The Summerville gazette. (Summerville, Ga.) 1874-1889, October 03, 1883, Image 2

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THE GAZETTE ■ UMJCKKVILLIC. UA. T- C. LOOUIS, Editor and Proprietor. HATES Ok' SUUMCRIPTION: IK ADVANCE. Twelve month* . . . . H J A;! Kls month* Thw* month* ........ W Oorr*iK>nJ**noo aoUeltnd; but toreeoivoat teutlon, letter* muit be accompanied by * ™ apuantbl® uaiu®—not for publication, but us a gurauton of good faith. ... . . - _ All artlM recommending candidate* for office, or intended forth© personal I.hiiwiH or*ny on®, mint be paid for at*tb© rat® of cent* p® line In advance. Contribution* of new* aoUolted from vory quart or *V®Jeotf*d article* wtH not be returned uuUmi accompanied by a atamp. {W* AdvartlalitK rate* and estimate* given application Alllotter* ahould be add reamed to J. C. LOOM Id. Bummerville, La. ~wsDinauT Eramn. ki. 3rd. isss. FROM ATLANTA. The memorial exorcises in honor of B. H. Hill, on the night of the 24th ult.. wore very impressive. The portrait ol Hill, by HBraoe Bradley, of Atlanta, tor which the logialalure appropriated $!,- 000, hung in IVont of tho speaker's dealt, between thoso of Jefferson and LsKoy etto. Senators Davii, l’eeples, and Mol drim, and Representatives Drewry, Gary, Huge, Humber, Wztts, and tho two Ras rella, were tho speaker#. Tho adjourned #oxioi#of tho legiala-, ture ooat the rtate $102,000. Silver water servioo* wero presented to Speaker Garrard and to Rankin, of Gor don, speaker pro. tew., and watches to Benton H. Miller, doorkeeper, and Smith, messenger, for their faithful dis charge of their duties. The joint committee to investigate the agricultural department made two re ports. One approved tho department un qualifiedly; the other disapproved some of its acts. The former was adopted. The joint committee on the peniten tiary reported that they had not found a single ease in whioh the lessees of con victs had violated the express language of the act. The report, and tho seooui parrying evidence, wero referred to lira governor. The juiot committee have soljotod Mrs. J- R. Gregory, ol Atlanta, to paint the portrait ol’ A. 11. Stephens. The governor has signed the following bills : to Kfluire solicitors to represent the state in oertain oases in the U. 8. courts; to require physicians to rorvo ns jurors in lunacy cases; to regulate the service of calos jurors in suporior courts; to repeal an act creating a county court for Floyd oounty; to codify all acts indor porating Rome ; to tax dogs in Floyd county; to repeal an aot establishing u county board for Uh ttooga county; to make it a felony to sell or rent a lot of land tho title to whioh is forged; to re quire all puhlio officers to uinko an an nual inventory of all public property in their eharge; to amend soetions 4500 4163, 4151, 1317,4194,809 of the code; to provide for the probate of foreign wills; to incorporate the Central City Loan and Trust Company; to submit the liquor question t > tlio voters of W hitfieid oounty; to provide for a pub’io roud sys tem in Wl.itfi.dd county; to authorize the governor to settle with the bondsmen ofHauiuclß. Hoyle, late tax collector of Fulton oounty; to incorporate tho 51 cr chants' A Planters' Bank of Forsyth; t. incorporate Kast Rome, to require rail road property not used in operating the road to be taxed where it lies; to supply notaries public with copies of the code; to pay the expenses of tho committee that visited Milledgeville to secure the medical records of the state. The seuato has passed tho following bills: to prohibit tho selling or furnish ing of any intoxicating liquors to an ha bitual drunkard, after notion from lather, mother, wife, brothor, or sistor, of such dtunkard, to define wire fenoes, and niako them lawful; to make it a felony to break open a railroad o#r; to provide against loss by fire ol books which belong to the state, but are in the bands of oounty offioers; to aompel tax collectors nod reoeivers to give an aco'>untv>l their doings when oallod on by proper authori ties; to authorize tho judge of the supe rior oourt to grant home stead, when 'he ordinary and the clerk of the superior court are disqualified; to authorize tho governor to insure tho library and public buildings of the state; to make ten days tho legal time for advertising constables’ sales; to authorize the issue of alias tax ti. fas., when the oiiginal# have been lost; to prescribe a penalty for illegal voting at luuuioip: 1 elections; to provide a special lien upon crops in favor of trans lorees ol'debls for rent; to provide bow conviu e in the ohaingang or peoiteutiary may bo broght into court as witnesses; u require tho principal keeper of tho p.-nireutiary to report tho names of oon v icts annually; to compel connecting rail roads to receive freight; to establish a board ••! pharmaceutical examiners; to an.end .notion 1355 4i>97 , 3974, 4512, .1971. 14J9, 1349, 2454. 4009. 4441, 4214, 344 of the node; to make Stern's calen isr evt ionoe as to dates; to appropriate #’;)d to pay for stationery of the legisla ture and SIOO to bind enrolled copies; to al'v.w ocunty school commissioners to name students for Atlanta University if ii- legislators fail to do so; to proved.' a bet iff for the supreme oourt; to aulhor ze ti c- trustees of the State University to elect the governor of the state a metu lier of the board; to pay the funeral ex penses of A. H. Stephens; to pay John M. Stubbs, David M. Roberts, and John T. Do Lacy for aiding in prosecuting tho Kastman rioters', to submit to the voters of Floyd oounty the prohibition of the : tale of liquor outside of Route ;|t> iucor- - poralu the Georgia Loan and Trust Corn pany; to incorporate the Georgia Invest no-lit and Ranking Company; to encour age private elementary schools hy making ampler provision lor public schools to lie taught in conneotion therewith; to pro vide a more current and efficient mode of taking the enumeration of the school pop ulation; to prevnnt rlieoriving of cuttle from localities nflliciud with infeotiovs diseases; to amend no a -t which provides for keeping in each county u record ol wild lands therein; to provide an addi tional way of working puhlio roads; to create the office of county administrator; to provide for ro-recording deeds, Ac , when tlui record has been lost or destroy ed by fire ; to require judges of superior courts to charier shell, plunk, and turn pike road companies; to prescribe the fees of justices of tho peace and oonstubles in proceedings to dispossess intruders, or tenants who hold over; to say when the statute of limitations shall begin to run against a creditor of an unrepresented es tate; to appropriate money to pay ex penses of patients from blind asylum while being treated t > restore their sight; to appropriate lialf tho money received hy the state from sale of supru i.e court re ports to buy books for stale library; to provido means of putting to death live stock tliut become valueless from injuries by railroads; to require railroad compa nies doing business in this stute to tile with the secretary of state a copy of their charter and of all amendments thereto; to require railroad conductors and engi neers to stop their trains within 50 feet of all orossing-; to appropriate money to pay tho expense of establishing the lino between this ; late and North Carolina; to authorize and require tho beurd ol com missioners of loads and revenues ol Floyd oounly to levy and oolli-ota tax lor road purposes; to make it penal to soil or oo ouwbcr personal property held under a conditional purchase; to prescribe tho costs of cases withdrawn or dismissed from superior courts; to appropriate $3,000 to repair tho buildings of the State University; to amend an act incur porati g the Rome A Chattanooga Rail road; to pay the contingent expotiso# of the legislature; to appropriatess,soo to repuir and refurnish the executive man sion nud the supremo court room; to pay $225 to stenographer of committee on agricultural department; to pay A. F- Cuoledgc, stenographer of penitentiary committee; to incorporate the Rome Fire Insurance Company. The senate has discussed the following bills: to providb for fire escapes for hotels (lost); to inereasc tho amount allowed to uonlederiite soldiers lor limbs (lost); to provido for the renewal ol the appoint ment ol state depositories, and for filling vuoiincies, to enlarge the power ol the governor and treasurer over such depos itories, and regulate the taking of bonds and suiulios (lost); to regulate tho feus of olerks of the superi r oourts for re cording dee Is, liens, und mortgages (lost); to amend section# 70S, 3565, 2011 of the code (lost); to enablo sureties on the offieiul bond of county officer# to limit their liability (lost); to prescribe the mode of proeoodure by the railroad commissioners (tost); to further pre scribe the duties of official stenographers for superior courts (Ios,), to pro.’ont the driving ol cattle from adj tilling stales into Georgia (lost); to repeal an uut to regulate tho practice iu equity eases re furred to masters in chancery ( ost); to exempt members of county hear ts of ed ucation from road and militia duty(lost); to make persons wlto live iu outmtios whore the stock law is in foroe liable for damages done by their itook in counties whore the stock law is not in foroo (lost) The house has passed tlio following bills: to authorize the trustees of the Atlanta University ,to nominate pupils, ti the wcmbcis of the legislature fail to do so; to authorise the judges of tho su preme court to appoint their own sheriff; to instruct tho governor to provide a safe place outside the cupitol for storing tlie public archive#; to prohibit tlio running of excursion trains on Sundae: to pre scribe tho duties of county surveyor; to prevent the discharge of firearms on or near any public highway; to provide for procuring attendance of convicts as wit nesses in criminal oases; to fix tho juris diotinn of county oourts at from SSO to #3OO at monthly sessions, an 1 from SSO to SSOO at quarterly sessions; to prohibit any foreign insurance company from do ing business in this state till it agrees pot to transfer any eases to the U. 8. oourts; to require the supremo court to give oue day between any two circuits; to amend sections 1215, 3094, 4157, 4982, 1235 of tlio code: to provide an additional meth od ol foreclosing mortgages on porsonal property before the debt becomes due: to regulate the rate of legal advertising: to make it lawful Hr a tuariied woman to act as executrix: to prohibit any mem ber of tho railroad commission, or its olerk, from acting as counsel in any ease in whioh any railroad company is inter ested; to punish the sale of adulterated articles of food; to proscribe the oath to bo takeu hy jury commissioners; to amend tho law as to publication of supreme oourt repertsjte mike the seooudtarm he trial term iu justice oourts iu certain eases; to furnish the allowance to crip pled soldiers for artificial limbs every th ree years; to prescribe when the statute of limitations shall run -gainst an unrep resented estate; to incorporate tho .Mu tual Live Btoek Insurance Company; to | give the Marietta A North Georgia Railroad Company 250 convicts till tlio road is completed; to fix the matmer of paying the advertising and posting of notices of ordinaries. The house lias discussed the following hills: to amend and codify all law- con cerning the inspection, analysis, and sale of fertilizers (lost); to prohibit burning ami fishing on the lands of another after notice: to prohibit railroads from discon tinning stations (lost); to allow a person to insure with a company outside of the state, whioh has not complied with the law regulating insurance in this state (lost); to establish branch ooih.-goa at liawkinsvillu, Wafhourvillo, anl Mar ihalville (postponed); to uinoiiil seutions 1424, 3529 of tho codo; to require tho state chemist to analyze soils when so requested (tabled); to provido for tho appointment of a guardian ail litem in divorce eases when either of tlio partios becomes insane; to amend an act relative to tho return of wilt! lands (tabled); to declare all liquor dealers who bell less than a gallon to bo retailers (tabled); to ulliiw creditors to redeem property, sold nt tax sales (; 82 yeas, 19 nays); to require the enmmiasioner of agricul ture to analyzo specimens of soil when s nt to him (tabled). A PAItM IIOIIHK TKAIIKOV. A Crmi'il fftiNlmiHl Murder* III* Young Wife ami lllniHolf -Locked In Each Other’* Arum. Last Saturday’s Morning Newt con tained a brief statement of the farm hou-e tragedy at. Jsrsuyjown. Columbia county, Penn. The following account is taken from the Philadelphia l*reu of tho 15th : “The quiet farming village of .Jersey town, Columbia county, is stirred to its depths by an awful orituc. William Run yan, a prosperous young farmer, at least nine days ago out the throat of his re cently wedded wife and, taking her bleed ing body in Itis arms, uut his own. Lick ed in the bloody embrace of death, their deoomposed bodies were discovered only yesterday afternoon. There is every in dication that the slayer of his wife and himself was the victim of hereditary in sanity. Tho tragedy brings grief into some of the best families of the county. “William Runyan was mariiod last Mnrch to a daughter of C. Kramer, an extensive lumber merchant, und an own er t,f over I,IXX) acres of the best land iu the county. He is now engaged in busi ness iu Jorsoytown. The young oouplo wore given a farm two milos outside ol tho village by the wife s wealthy father. Ro far as neighborhood gossips knew, they lived happily. On Wednesday af ternoon of last week tlioy visited the hottso of Mr. Kramor, tlio wife’s father, and alter making some purchases at the store in Jorseytown, returned to their home. “It i an appalling commentary upon the isolated life which even tlio more prosperous of the lartners lead, that sinoc that time, though nothing had been seen of them, their absunoc wus unnoticed un til yesterday afternoon A brother of Mrs. Runyan, the murdered wife, went to the house tho day alter their visit to Jorseytown ; but, as he found tho house looked, lie supposed they wore making it visit, and returned to Itis homo. Day after day passed; the house was silent, and told no title to a casual passer. The cows moaned for fond in tho burn; other live stock rosined unto tide 1 in the fields. “Yesterday, however, a neighbor no ticed that (he horses and cuttle were hud died together in the pasture during a heavy ruin. He knew that William Run yan was a careful fat liter, und much per plexed, lie went to the house. It was looked. Almost dazed, the neighbor went to the burn, where lie found the cattle dead and chained in tlioir stalls. Their ribs stood gauntly out; they bud evidently starved. “Thoroughly alarmed, he dragged a ladder to the house, and planted it against the siding. Mounting to a second story window, ho found husband and wife lyiug in bed looked in each other's arms, and covered with blood. Tbo man raised the window, but the bodies were in snob a state of decomposition that it was impossible to enter tho room. An alarm win sounded, and in u few hours the entire neighborhood wus urousod. Dr. Truit was tlie fir-t toenter tho room, but was ootupolled to return after having made the discovery that Mrs. Runyan’s throat was out. He could stay to leurn no more. This morning, however, sev eral persons entered the room. The dead wife lay folded in tho dead husband's arms. The bod was soaked with blood, whioh had oozed to the floor. “Evidently, a double luurdi r by any one who had enter, and the. bouse was im possible. It was plainly the work of an insane husband, and this was confirmed liy a memorandum lound in one o! his pockets, disposing of some of Ids and her personal e(foots, and stating that ho had committed the deed, and that the fami lies would find out why. Only a few days before the fatal Wednesday, while threshing in the barn, he told his brother that there would he a funeral before the week was out. A sister of tho murdered woman says that Mrs. Runyan told her that if ho was to die ha wanted her to die with him. “The condition of the room clearly in dicated that Runyan had cut his wife’s throat while she slept at his side. After murdering her lie rose and walked about the room, as there were bloody trucks all over the floor. Returning to tho bod, he had evidently clasped her body in his arms and then cut his own throat. No inquest has been held, nor is any likely to be held, as both families are satisfied that it is a ease of suicide and murder. Runyan's uncle and grandfather died by their own hands. His fattier, when told of the tragedy, said that ho ‘expected nothing else,’ as William had been ‘act ing strangely ol late.’ “Of course, the country people, filled with morbid curiosity, have beco flock ing to the gloomy house trow miles about. The wife will be buried separately to morrow by her parents, who are distract ed by grief. Kunyau’s family endure their sorrow with a kind of stolid despair. To-morruw’s funeral is expected to at tract crowds from the entire county.” Till-: LMIISLATIIIIK A.NII ITS VVOIIK. The legislature that closed its labors yesterday, was an unusually in-lustrums, painstaking body. If it left undone some things that it might have done, it had tho courage to kill many bills that would have worked a puhlio injury. It had to deal with rnuuh pithy legisla tion that seems, howevor, to have been demanded by Icoal exigencies, and it had to work against tho obstructive spirit and machinery ol tho constitution. Wo re grot that it did not pass the law providing for tax assessors, the bill establishing a school of technology, and the general dog law. These will come in time, however. The bill redislricting tho statu is a good one, the oapitol bill is wisely guarded, and liberal in its provisions, and the bill pro hibiting the i uniting of Suuday excursions is in the right direction, Indeed, this legislature seems to have east its influence in the direction of morality on all ooca sioos. W bile it failed to pass the general temperance bill, it did pass more than 70 special tenjporanee bills. We may have had more brilliant legislatures, and more progressive and liberal, but it js doubtful if wo ever liad a safer und more conscien tious one. Wo certainly never bad a more industrious one. 'i be members have been away from home and business more than four months. Not one duy of this time has been wasted, and the puy is wholly inadequate to the loss entailed hy their absence. For this service they are omi tied to the thanks of their constituents. — Atlanta Caiutuutuiu, 27 th ult. WASHINGTON NMVS. Mahnne’s assessment on the employes of the Norfolk navy yard has. on a hint from thin place, been dropped. It is thought that iu his forthcoming report Postmaster General Gresham will advocate strongly a postal telegraph and a postal savings bank. Gen. Sherman wiH turn over tho com mand of the army to General Sheridan on November Ist. On the Bth of Feb ruary he will be placed on the retired list oftho army. The appraised value of the vessels re cently condemned and sold was $271,30 *; tho accepted bids wore $308,297. Jumes G. Blame has leased his mag nificent new residonoo tor several years. He and his tamily, however, will not leave Washington this winter. The first omptroller of the treasury reports that there arc in circulation in tho United States $743,317,573 in coin, and $831,757,069 in paper; total, sl,- 575,104,642. There are nearly 1,000 cases on the docket oftho IJ. S. supreme court. They usually dispose of about 300 a year. I’OUTIC.I L NKWS. Wendell Phillips, long tlio foremost titan in the anti-slaveiy party, denounces the Republicans, and hopes that Duller w'JI be ro elected governor of Massachu setts. Mahono's tyranioal bpssi-mi lias di gitated U. s. Sonutor Riddlebergur ami Governor Cwmeron, and they are toking no part in the campaign. D. 11. Chambcrlu n, cx-govornor ol South Carolina, says thu Muhono move ment “was brought forth and ciadlcd in fraud, and fraud alono, and its manners and methods have been consistent with its inborn cliaraelor." The Massachusetts Greenbaekers ami Democrat# have both nominated B. b Butler for governor. Scnat >r Bayard emphatically protests against Butlor's being recognised as a Democrat, in vijw of his oourse iu the days of reconstruction. John Kelley expresses himself as satis fied, and determined to support tho Democratic nominee. CBIMK. Near LaKayc ttc, Indiana, on the 24th ult., Mss Atkinson, aged 18, was out raged, murdered, and horribly mutilated while at home alone. Near Peru, Indiana, on the 28th ult., three masked men robbed the express car of $15,000, and escaped. At Cartledgc, Kansas, on tho 29th ult, a gang of cowboys attacked a train, killed the engineer and fireman, but were re pulsed. In Jersey City, John Wane is on trial for having betrayed Hattie Wagner by a uiook marriage. In Dallas; Texas, last Friday, Henry Shanks killed Adam Woimor in a dis pute about religion. ALABAMA NEWS. Montgomery is building up rapidly. Property worth $500,000 was burned at tho Oxwoor furnace, near Birming ham, on the 20th. The deputy sheriffof Talapoosi killed Bradley ou the 22J ult., while try ing to e.-eapo from arrost. Oxford is raising money rapidly to build a cotton factory. Tho State University at Tuscaloosa is full; no room for more students. The books of the city assessor of Bir mingham show an increase of nearly $1,000,000 over last year's values. The Alabama River is lower than it lias boon in 25 years. Joseph Medill, editor of the Chicago Tribune, being called before the labor committee of the senate, said that the chief cause of the poverty of the working men of this country is their impiovidence. They spend too much for whisky and to bacco; $400,000,000 annually lor whisky, aud $10,000,000 more for tobacco and cigars. The figures are high, but as his reputatiou is at stake, he probably knew the truth of what he said' If so, is it not a strong argument for banishing whisky? OKOItnIA NKWS. On the 19th of August the Mitchell House, at Thom isville, “the pride ol all South Georgia," was burned. Work has already been commenced to replace it with a building fronting 365x130, con taining 160 sleeping rooms. A young man calling himself Henry Z Morse was cowhide,! m the street in Savannah on tho I9t.h ult., by a young lady. Without having secured an intro duction, lie hud written a note request ing an interview. In DeKalb county Henry Cato, negro, has been sentenoed to be hung November 9th, for murder. The old soldiers of Madison county held a reunion at Madisou Springs on the 20tli ult. In Clarke eoun’y, on the 21st ult., Robert Stark, negro, put ground glass in the bread for Robert Calloway’s family. They have recovered, and he isio jail. A Clarke county negro licked molasses from a rook ; fragments thereof got in his throat, and killed him. Two negro women in Cobh county jail are charged with infanticide, and one with killing her husband. Jackson Street, Atlanta, has a big ghost sensation. After some Sandcrsville young gentle men had playe-l a number of pieces in front of a house, a servant opened the door and said, “If you’l! wait, I’ll go and tell the young ladies you're here." They did not wait. In Henry county, A-u Oglesby, aged 12, picked 3-W pounds of cotton on tho 17th ult., ami stopped nearly tin hour at dinner time. • A Wilkinson farmer is reported as having taken his wife, baby, cradle, and sewing machine to town with him recently. While returning he rocked the cradle, and his wife tmmiptilated the sewing ma chine ori he newly purchased goods. Georgia has over 30 insurance compa nies. Talbot ooonty lawyers aio reported as making, altogether, los.-, than SS,UJO a year. Mtdvillo, in the Savannah Nnvx, coin plains that the turpentine men are mak ing nothing, ami calls for a meeting of all engoged in the bmdm *s to eon. ult about wages of employes. William Moss, living noar McDonough, •lied on the train as it left Atlanta for Mucon lust Wednesday, of heart dis ease. 'llie sucoessful candidates for cadet ships a week ago yesterday wore Krncst K West, of Rome, for Aunapotis, and P. C Harris, of Ccdariown, for West Point. Capt. S L I j of Auwnrtli, has a cow that gives eight gallons of rich milk a day. lie values her at sl,<H. Uoorge Wallace, negro, wa- hung at Savannah last Fliday. His counsel tried hard to iuflxence Governor McDaniel to interfere with the sentence of the law. When this attempt failed, George ap pearel to beuomo craz , but u jury de cided t at it was all pretence. L. Du Give, proprietor ol the opera bouse in Atlanta, is to bo tried to-day for having a negro ejected because lie in sisted on sitting among the whites. Tho Constitution of last Friday men tions two casus ol men taking out u. s. liquor license, and proceeding to keep a bar in prohibition counties Oio of ilium has already paid SSO and costa iu each of two oasce; the result of tho othtr attempt >• in the future. Lee Jones, of Gordon oounty, had his shoulder dislocated hy a frightened horse. M. M. Scott, of Gordon oounty, had his ankle broken by jumping while the team was running away. The bone stuck through the flesh. Bicycle riders in must avoid Broad and Howard Streets. So says the mayor- Mrs. Ida Mosely Blasingame, of Mad ison county, peisistently affirms that her lather attempted to outrage her. He de nies the accusation. F’rom all parts of the state come state ments that the crop is short, and is going into market vory rapidly. Most towns are considerably ahead of their receipts Si this tin o last year. William Reed, a negro one-hor e farmer of Stewart oounty, has three bales ol last year's cotton crop on hand Thomas S. Ilueka' ee, r-f Carroll coun ty, claims from Superintendent Nelm $35 as the value of clothing stolen from him by the rccon'ly escaped convict . Two fine silver candlesticks were re cently stolen from the Catholic church at Albany. Herman White, livitig near Rock Run Furnace, aged 63, lihs never sworn, got drunk, or taken a chew jt tobacco. In Carroll oounty, two weeks ago. Toni Jourdaa, aged 17, pioked 417 pounds of cotton in one day; his brother Jclro, aged 13, 220 pounds. In Sumter county cotton picking ;# nearly finished. Two horses driven to death is one of the results of a negro asso.iation in Lau rens county. J. M. Faulk, of'Laurens oounty. has in his yard a coffee tree three feet high, growing finely, but showing no s : gti of fruit. The bridge eleetiou in Floyd county, comes off'next Wednesday. Rome gives a big barbecue; the bridges will be free ‘or that Jay, aud the railroads also, vo ters. Tile wife of Lucius Harper of Mor gan county, .as recently killed by the cow that she was milking. OXNXKAL NKWS. The Timet, a New York daily, has re duced its subscription from $lO to $6; and the price of a single copy from four cents to two. This caused great excite ment urnoug the other papers, but most of them have done likewise. The manager of a large summer hotel in Now York sells his swill for the season St SSOO, and thinks the contractor will make $l,OOl by his bargain. A street ear propelled by a spring is to be tried in Philadelphia. When once wound up, it will travel eight miles. Dr. Niles’s well in Jaoxeonville, Flori da, is 301 feol above high water mark on the Florida ooast, only 14 feet dsep, but rises and fails with the tides. A hotly was recently exhumed at Ful ton, N. Y., after lying iu the ground 27 years. The lower part was petrified, tho upper part hard and white. The hair had grown several inches since burial. Several boys of respectable families iu Mobile have been arrested for stealing. They belonged to the Jesse Jam is gang. Ditue oovcls did the work. During thu vale of August 28th and 29th. 49 sailors ol the Frenuh fishiug fleet off Newfoundland were drowued. Veunor says thu earning winter will be open, warm and wet. Texas lias adopted constitutional amendments, levying a separate tax for school purposes, and authorizing the in vestment of thu school fund. Detectives at San Franei-oo have cap tured one of the moo complete counter feiting outfits ever ocn on that coast The operator gave his name as {Tpoo. An international wrestling match, to come off this month, between 11. M. Dufur, of Marlboro, Mass., Duncan C. Ross, of Cleveland. Ohio, ami George W. Flag, of B diitroe, Vt., eicttes con siderable interest iu New York, The jewels which dazzle the eyes at Boston partios arc frequently only hired from a jeweler lor the night. Many of the "presents’’ at weddings arc said to be hired by the bride's parents, to make it appear that their daughter has hosts of friend-. The triennial council of the Congrega tional churches uf the United States will meet in Concord. N. II , on the 15th lost. The damage to corn in the North by Irost is now estimated at live per cent. It is thought as uiuoh will bo : ive-l as last year. Pork and laid arc declining s uie wliat. At Lock Haven, Penn , Charles Les lie (’lark bar* for months been unable to retain food >n hi- st-mneh. O . the 22 i ult., something came from his stomach into his mouth; he grabbed it, and d-cw out a blank snake eight inches long. In Nashville, on the 19th inst., Dr. Thomas O Summer# sou dly caned a drummer named Scroggins who had written an insulting note to his (the doc tor's) wile. In Milwaukee, recently. Miss Melinda I’ope married William Cumin The next morning she wont to the justice, an-l asked him to undo his work. She hail marri-'d the wrong man. There were twin brothers, so much alike that they could hardly bo told apart. One was so ber, the other a drunkard. She bad married the latter, thinking he was the other, Mrs. J 5. 11. Wallace, of Cincinnati, claims to be sole heiress to $152,000,000 in lljllaud. Charles Oglotree has lately created con siderable excitement in Georgia ami Ala 1 awa, having kidnapped f. ur hoy< within a few laumlis. llis last exploit of this kind was stealing a son of James White, in Madison county, Alabama, August 29th. lie was closely chased, and last Thursday the boy was recovered in Coweta county. Oglotree had not been caught at last accounts. In Nashville, William Boyd ha* been convicted of the murder oi Birdie I’at terson, alias Lottie Rosa, and sentence I to the penitentiary for 13 years. Four couples moving iu the upper cir oles of Paris, Illinois, have married and separated within a yeor. One couple have agreed to make another trial of life as one; the others are still separated. At Branchvillc, l’- nn.. Rev. W. 11. Mvers, Methodic , lias eloped with .Mrs. Ralph Trice. A-tronmn. ra have discovered a comet, not yet visible to the naked eye, not far from the north star. It Is thoueht to be the same one which w- e visible in 1811. That had a tail 100,000,000 milos long. I’robably about TW-tn >er 1-t it may bi seen wi bout a telescope. Suicide*: Cornelia- Tobin, because he was haunted by the (ajp of one wh mu he had ki led, R. L Login, of Wetumpka, Ala.; John Mock, of Knoxville, Tenn ; Mary Kind, of Philadelphia, from dis appointed love; Col. Frans Davidson, at Van Bureu, Ark. *•>*. On many countenances we see traces of time, or dissipation, or evil thought, which are no unintelligible hieroglyphic*, but uuDii.-takahle language on a fair page, from which wo tuoy learn lessons of wisdom and truth. Tbe beauty of the face is olten marred by sallowness, the usual accompaniment of a disordered liver, which can be cured by Portaline, or 'fabler's Vegetable Liver Regulator. Trice 50 Cents. For sale by Thar. & Cain. A young man recently victimized jutn erous Baltimoreans by stopping before their stores about dusk, calling out the proprietor and saving in substance, "I am the son of ; this lady is tny wife; I have started to a party, and have left my purse behind; l have not time to go back for it;.will you lend me $10?” stnrasafauiMraiou l i Meet in I heir hall ut I(J.A. M. on the first Satur day of each juamil. , J”; 4 *. HENDRIX, W m G. J. MOYERS, Secret arj\ JOII\ W . MADIIOY, attorney at law, A M M.MKKYIUK, OKORUIa ' Will practlee iu th® Superior, County, aud District courts Legal Advcrtienient. Legal Advertisement* Payable In Ad* vane®. Don’t you forget It! Application for Discharge. GEORGIA, Chattooga County: R. D. Pettyjohn, guardian of John >f. Hosoh, having applied to the court of ordiuary if u<i county for a dUchitrg* from his guardianship® John M. Huach: This i* therefore to cite all rnKNM concerned to show cause why rh® said D. Pettyjohn should uoi be dismissed from his guardianship of John M. Hor.*h, and receive th® usual letters of dismission, on the first Mon* dsy in November next. Witness my hand, this September Bth, 19*1. JOHN MATTOX, Ordinary. Administrators' Sale. GEORGIA, Chattonga County: By virtue of an order from the Court of Or dinary of said county, will b® sold on the first Tuesday in November, HUM, ut the court house aoor iu said county, betweeu tho legal hours of sale, tho following laud belonging to the estate of W 8. Van pelt late of said, county, deceased, tow it: North half of lot 41. east half of lot 31, b'th in the 15th distr'et and 4lh section. Ther.' ur** about 10acres of cleared land; dw ! ling house, gin house, aud good spring The widow has n lifetime Interest in one undivided third of this Und, and ths sale is subject to her dower. Terms, cash. Sept. Slat. 19K1 J. M YAK PELT, | M. M. HENS, ) A lm’ra. Administrator's Bale of Land. GEORGIA, Chattooga County: By virtue of un order from th-* court of ordi nary of sold tA>unty. will be sold In front of the court house door, iu riwmim rriHt*. on Tuesday, the rttb day of November, 18hd, within the legal hours of sale, ail tL. tool estate belonging to the estate of C. D. Gaines, late of Raid county, except the widow s dower. B&id Ixuds wiil 1m: sold In two divisions, n fo'lows: 75 acres of the south half of lot No. s&l, 80 acres in southwest corner of lot No 255, 35 acres of southeast cor ner of lot No. 21W; in all of said division 145 acres •ore or lum. About 60 sores of the above la n ds sreiusgood <*tn:e of cultivation, wall watered, creek running t brought he plantation; building . oue log cabin. The Sad divislouof said lands is as follows: 115 acres or lot No. 2U, 45 seres of lot No. 855. h Ing in the northwest corner of ssul lot; 42 k.cru: of i->t A. . 2.a), lying in the northeast corner of said lot, containing in ail acres more or less. Tho cieek is the dividing hue be tween this tract of Isml aud the widow's dower. About 50 acres of these lands at e in a good stnt< of cultivation Tbert are on this plait: two good log chtn, am! twrognod lasting springs, llie-so laud* are ail lying i*i one body, m the sth dn£ aud 4th faction of said county. Pleuty of goou timber on each *ciiiemeut. Terms of sale, twelve mouthe* time, vrith good notea, with in terwt at Mper cent. Bond given for U;les. This o‘pl. M’.h, 1883. J. W. BELUAN. AJui'r. An Administrator to be Appoiuted. GEORGIA, Chsttoogn County: To all whom it may concern: A. H. Davis, late of said count*, having departed this life testats, •aid will having bi n duly proven in common form, and the person 1 smsd as executor in said will also having departed this life, and there be ing no legnl representative of said estate, this is to cite a U and singular I he creditors and heirs of A H Dnwia to m* and appear at my office at the November term, INHS, < t the court of ordina ry of said ccunty, and show cause, if tuiy they can, why letters of administration with the will annexed should not !>•• granted to G. D. Hollis, clerk of the superior court, or some other fit and proper person. Witness ny bund. September 8, im. JOHN MATTOX, Ordinary Application for Discharge. GEORGIA . Chntfo* grv County: Wher- ts D F. Aligooil, executor of the will of Mrs. Alice L. Ailg t I, deceased, roprosunts to rbe court in his petition, duly filed, that he has fully administered Anoe L. Allgood’sestate, this is therefore to cite sli persons opneyrned, heim and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why e\ef it'vr hould not b> discharged from his cxet utorstip, und receive letters of dismi ksion, on the first Monday in November next. Witness my hand, July itth, 1888, JOHN MATTOX, Ordinary. KING OF THE SINGERS. Abofi i th® rxiviH, represuntation of the Sewing Machine we sell for S2O It is iu t'vc iy respect the very beat of the aiugor f iMarhinca, Whtci\ tire by ftir the moat popular J/urAiutiu in . .. .1 • . PiniahcKl in tht* beat manner with the latest iin provernent* for winding the bobbin; the most convenient style of table, with extension. long, large drawers, and beautiful gothic cover, it at an da without a rival. kin}; l'J*iiigcr Vfarhinew. Having adopted the of selling Machines without the aid of agouti*, ant: by giving to the purchasers tbe benefit of the com mission usually given to the agviita. enable them to obtain machines at tme-hnlf of th regular prirex. We th relore soil fur $-*' tu* abo>e st.yle t -f machine, fully wr.rrant it for yeais. W> du not >t*i~ you io pt’i- lor it until j<nt .->■ a hat you ur> buying. W. wish tokuow that yon want to buy a swing nj'' hine and arc wilting to puy 4MO for tlic *>*.•.! xii the market. Write io us. sending the tuinie of your nearest railroad station, und we will the machine, and give matrui’l ciiH 7 - uilon to rfantint it before yen pay Jot it. WILLSIAKTJJ St CO., 182$ N. Jdth St., Philadelphia, Fa. FREE a TRIAL HANOVER'S SPECIFY At unfailing and apeodv cure for Nervous Debility and Weakness, Loss of Vitality anil Vigor. Nervous Prostration, Hytteria, or any evil result of indiscretion, ex ceus, over work, abuses of Alcohol. Tobacco, etc. (Over forty thousand positive cures.) |3P F “Bend IV. postage on trial box of 100 pills. Address, Dr. M. W. BACON, Cor. Clark St. ami Calhoun Place, Chicago, 111 DOUGLASS & CO. 1 Feed anil Livery Slable, (May’s old stand.) RROAD STREET HOME, GA, Splendid Top Boggles. H acts. etc., wtt h grind safe burses, always un hand., Prices to suit the times. Aug-19-ly. FREE! Jp%iiABLE SELF-CUP.E SEt'uLe • vm~ avail— . is—,, tIR W 0 &Of L-'mi.n*, Mo. AteEa&Eßl H CUES WhClt All CISC FAU.S, S Iff BentO-UTh Syrup. Taster g od. H *■) Use in dme. Stud by druggksta. S rpliE GAZETTE will be sent to any addr< JL postpaid or. year for $1.50 iu advance.