The Summerville gazette. (Summerville, Ga.) 1874-1889, February 06, 1884, Image 2

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THE GAZETTE SUMMICHVILLK. UA. J. O- Editor and Proprietor. KATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: IN ADVANCE. ON TIME. Twelve months $1.60 s*£s •lx months *6 fhrto muntba ........ 40 60 Correspondence solicited; but to receive at* tention. letters must be accompanied by a r sponsible name—not tor pnblicetlon, but as a *u rentes of good faith. All articles reoocnmendiug candidates for offloe, or intended for the personal benefit of any one, must be paid for at the rate of 6 cents pet Has. In advance. Contributions of news solicited from every quarter. Hejeoted articles will not be returned unless accompanied by a stamp. tWT Advertising rates andestlroatesglvsn on application. Alllotters should be addreesed to J. C. LOOM 18. Summerville, ( a. WEDNESDAY EVENING, FSB. 6th. 1881. rOKKIUK FI.ASHES. The liberal ministry in Spain have resigned, end the conservatives will try their bend t governing that country. In Peri* pleoards have been posted celling the people to assemble end compel the legislature to oomply with their wishes. The repotted order to evacuate Khar toum is denied. Joseph Schenk, of Vienna, is in jail for having lured • number of girls, by court ing them, to trust themselves and their money in hie power, and then killing them. The French htve blockaded all the ports of Tonquin, to prevent the im portation of war material: coman roe iu other things will not be interfered with. Placards proclaiming hostility to foreigners have been posted throughout Hai How, the principal city of the island of Hainan. In Hong Kong a mob attached all foreigners. They took refuge in the British consulate. Muoh damage was done in England and France by a gale on the 27th ult. A Catholic cathedral just about to be commenced in London will he 570 feet long, 350 feet wide, end will cost over 12.500,000. Baron Rothschild has lent the khedive nearly X 1,000,000. This is considered as proof that he knows that Euglsnd will hold on to Egypt. The purchasers of tho Maoon & Bruns wick railroad atill owo tha State $700,000. By the terms of the sale bonis of thia Btte, or registered bon is of the United States, would be taken in payment. Two weeks ago Treasurer Spoor wa* notified that the/ were ready to pay in registered three per oent United States bond*. Attorney General Anderson decided that tho bonds could not bo received, as no suoh bonds were in existence when the aw was passed authorizing the saio, and specifying what would be taken in pay ment. The purcheaera (the K. TANARUS., Va. A Ga. railroad) will very probably bring suit to compel the State to accept tho bonds. The CohttUution warns the Democratic party not to oomtuit itself to flee trade or the suspension of tax on whisky in bond Democrats cannot afford to do either Theoretically, perfectly freo trade is best; practically, thero are numerous objections to it. If the distillers buve made more whisky than the country needs, that is their lookout. When other manufacturers suffer from overproduction, they apply some remedy themselves, instead of ap plying to congress. John A Bohler, tax oolleotor of llioh mond county, called on the liquor dealers of Augusta on the first day of January to pay the speoial tax of $25. They claimed that when they paid $25 April Ist, 1883, it entitled them to sell liquor for ono year, and that the tax was not due till April lot, 1884, The attorney general hue deoided that they are wrong, hut they will probably staud a suit about it. Certain tax payers of Gainoj-ville ap plied for an injunction to prevent the collection of a tax to pay the interest on $50,000 of bonds issued by the city to aid in the construction of the Gainesville & Joflerson railroad. Judge Stewart re fused the injunction, deotding that the city had a right to subscribe, and must pay tho bonds. The ease may go to the supreme oourt. A popular doctor of Butts county, while gallanting a young lady tn Atlanta recently, was arrested by a policeman as i murderer from Kentucky. He was allowed to accompany the young lady to th# train, and on his way to the station house he met an acquaintance who told the policeman who he was. Within ten years T. !)• Warren, of Houston county, has bought a $15,000 farm, and paid for it. making all the money on the farm, lie has put on it many expensive improvements, and has several thousand dollars on hand to run his farm this vear. He makes 100 bales of cotton on 150 acres. Losers by fire in Georgia: J. L. Leon* ard, Oomnton A Bons, W. T. Mappin, Dr G. L. Harris, W. F. Williams, J. G. Fowler, E. J. White, Supples, all of Milledgeville; ManVi k Biothers, l). J. Jones, A. L. Pendleton k Cos , and J. E. Hunt, all of Valdosta; F. A. Bell, of Ae worth, residence, S4OO. Within 60 days one man in Upson oountyhas buiied seven persons whose aggregate ages amounted to 600 ears. One was 75 years old, one 80, three 84. one 90, and one 97. All of them had tptqt nearly all their lives in that county. WASUINUTON NEWS. The committee on ways and means seem likely to agree on a tariff bill which, with lew exceptions, will make a reduc tion of about 20 per cent in duties. Gen. Sherman says positively that be will not be a candidate* for the presidency, and would not accept it if unanimously elected. W. M. Maokcy, representative from South Carolina, died in Washington tn the 28th nit. Sherman and Mahuno spoke at length on Sherman's resolution to investigste the Danville riot and the Copiah election, (t was adopted without opposition. Tho hou.e spent considerable time in debating a retolution to appoint a com uiittee to investigate an alleged attempt of H. V. Boynton, uewspaper correspon dent, to influence the action of Keifer. ■peaker of the last bouse, in favor of tho McGarrahsn claim to lauds io California. Boynton denies making any such attempt; Keifer contradicts him. There have been 3,700 bills brought before tho house of representatives already. The senate has passed t resolution granting each senator a private secretary at $6 a day during the session, but many representatives will try hard to prevent any appropriation for that purpose. House: bills, etc., introduced: dcolaring that hereaftsr no territory shall bo ad mitted as a State till it has as much popu lation as a congressional district; appro priating 1250,000 to extirpate pleuro pneumonia and kindred diseases; to authorise the East A VVest Railroad Com pany of Alabama to construct a bridge across the Coosa river; to grant to the Alubatna A Florida Kai'r ad Company right of way through publio lands in Alubauiaand Floridu; to erect a public building at Columbus, Ga., not to cost over $100,(WO; to reJueo the taiiff on sugar and on woolen goods; to grant !o the State of Mississippi lands to aid in constructing a railroad front Brandon to tho Gulf of Mexico; to etoct a public building at Fredericksburg, Va.; to establish a bureau of aniinn! industry, and to prevent the spread of contagi >u* dis eases among domestic animals; to make the rates of postage on second class mail matter at letter carrier offices uniform at two oents a pound. Senate: bills, oto., introduced: to repeal tlie timber culture laws; to establish the territory of North Dakota; to instruct the oominittes on postoffi.'es and postroads to inquire whether telegraph charges had been injuriously affected by the large stook dividends of ti e Western Union Company, etc.; to instruct the same com mittee to it quire into tho expediency of admitting all printed matter into the mails free o ( charge; numerous petitions for prohibition in the Districtof Columbia and in the territories. Maokey'g Postal Tflfgraj'li Company offers to construe a teleginph line all over tlie onuntry, PitondUg to every town of 2,000 inhabitant*, to extend the line to the poetnffioa in each of these towns, to |>Ut an operator there, and to allow the govt rnuient the U e of these lines tree for official husinesa, il government will make nud sell tlie company's stamps. The charge will be halt a cent a word. Mr. Hauimond has been sick a long time, hut is recovering. W. 0. Tuggle is pressing the claim of Georgia for $20,000 expended in the Creek and Indian war* between 1812 and 1820- Gon. Longstroet has trouble about making anew hot an d.. Two bonds which he has offered have bcon rejected. Washington society is agitated over the question: "Bhall Mrs. Secretary of State, or Mrs. Speaker of tho House, be the leading lady?" President Arthur inclines to the side of the latter. Tho bill to restore Fitx John Porter to his rank in the army passed the house last Friday by a vote of 184 to 78. A large portiou of the workmen in Pennsylvania minea are working to secure a law prohibiting tho importation of foreigners under contract. Hills likely to he considered this week: in the senate: McPherson's banking hi!', and Kdmuuds' oivil rights and Utah bills; in the house: the tariff hill. Mr T. 0- A., of Atlanta, desires to say that “I have been a constant sufferer with G. and G. for over two years; have failed to secure relief from any source until l obtained Bonkoeine, two bottles of which effected so entire cu-e without any loss of time, change of diet, or the use of any internal medicine.” One bottle of B. B. B. will purify your blood. For sale by John S. Cleghorn & Cos. We see reports of a Madison county man who cun look through a stone as through a mirror [those are the words: me don't exactly understand them, as we never jouid see through a mirror], of a Dawson county girl vrho can sit down on a hollow log, and draw to her everything within 60 feet, and of a Miss Pierce, of Cartersvillo, who lias | owers equal to those of Miss Hurst. A etter published in the New York Tribune, from advance sheets if a life of Thurlow Weed, dated August 111 It, 1860, ar.d claimed to have been written by Judah P. Benjamin to the British consul ut New York, affirming the intention ol u large majority of the Southern people to resume their allegiance to Great Britain if Lincoln was elected, may very well be labeled, “important, if true.” Hanged last Friday: at Nevada City, Colorado, John U. P. Collins, for robbing Moore's stage, Sept. Ist, 1879, and kill ing W. T. Gumming*; at l’orl Gibson, Mississippi. Simon Bonner, negro, for having killed James It 1,-gh*, white, last November. OKOKOIA NKVVS. Darien supports 15 barrooms. Columbus is to hate a cotton compress. Bartow county hns anew woolen mill. Numerous places are indulging in leap year entertainments. A little boy died of hydrophobia near Dalton week before lasi. Columbus peopio are buildings steam host to run in 12 inch water. Atlanta has engaged 40,000 feet for her exhibit, in the Now Orleans exposition. The city council of Atlanta has ap propriated $52,000 for publie schools this year. R. A. Paschal, of Geneva, from 32 hives took 4,500 pounds of honey last year. Atlanta negroes sleep with sharp knives under their heads to koep witches from riding them. A citizen of Gainesville, now worth $50,000, was 21 years old before he had a pair of shoes. Lee Brown, of Maoon, accidentally shot himself on the 28th ult. The wound is not very dangerous. Rev. Thomas W. Dupree and wife, of Wilkinson county, oelebrated theirgolden wedding December 29th. Gainesville and Summerville have each three barroom*. Gainesville has 4,000 inhabitants; Summerville 700. R. H. Jones A Cos., of Cartersville, have been incorporated as manufacturers of vehicles, sawyers, and millers. Near Lafayette, last Wednesday, William Newton was badly hurt by an explosion of powder while hunting. Three, four and fivo wild turkeys tic reported from different parts of the State as having been killed by one shot. Cuthbert is a “dry” town, but carri> s on a considerable jug tru fßc with Dawson on the east and Eufuula oo the west. A company has born organized in Columbus to build a female college to re place the one recently burned down. Iu Floyd county, Enoch Freeman ha* been sentenced to he hung March 21st. A petition is circulating to commute it to imprisonment for life. The Griffin Banking Company has re considered its resolution to receive no more State deposits, and haa been re appointed State depository. A pine *tump lutoly unearthed in Savannah in thought to be the remains of a tree cut Gown 150 years ago. It was all lightwood, and perfectly sound. Ambrose Smith, aged 80, lives within *ix miles of Tallulah Falls, hut has never visited them. Clayton, twelve miles off, is as fr from heme e he has ever been. Burglars took $17.80, and fotne liquor and cigars from the saloon of Mike Curran, in Rome, last Thursday and battered the safe, but tailed to open it. Misu Kllen Mul'.aley ran away from her Atlanta home, because her parents were too strict, and started to arc an uncle in Albany. She was arrested iu Macon and taken back. A young man of Crawford oounty, going with the minister to be married, was mot at the door by her father with tho message that she had deoided to take another fellow. The bids of Georgia companies to furnish material for the capitol are under stood to be higher than those of foreign companies, and these last ere likely to gain the contract. A lady driving a buggy mired up in the • (recta of Atlanta a few days ago. and had to get out and wade through the mud, having hired a negro to unhitch her horse and lead him out. Tho steamer Hill City found no difß eulty in going up the Dost Simula as far as llmnci, hut was stopped there by tlie railroad bridge. On second trip 9he reached Carter's Lauding. Five little children reached Niokolson a fow days ago to be taken care of by their grandmother, Mrs. Potts. Their father had killed two men and abseoudea, and their mother suicided. Since the war 29 persons have been killed in Kabun oounty. No one ha* been hung or sent to the chaingang. An im provement in thia respect is claimed, no one having been killed within two years. A Screven county raau last year culti vated 54 acres with one horse, and dug and sold $lO worth of bread trays, lie ays he oan make 14 hickory axe handles in half a day, and sell them immediately at 20 cents each. Richmond county is excited over a recent fence election. No fence oarritd the day, tho other side claim by illegal votes. A meeting was called for last Saturday to raise money and make ar rangomeuts for a contest. The Outmning Clarion says: “A mill daui was frrien over so thick in this county that horse men rode over it.” We suppose that in that county mill dams are so constructed that they will not hold up the weight of a horseman except when frosen. The Columbus & Rome Railroad Com pany have mortgaged all their property Irom Columbus to Chipley, and their in terest in the extension from Chipley to Greenville, lor $200,000. It is supposed this money will be used to build the ex tension. Rufus C. McNoriill and T. Brit Rogers were on trial last week at Waynesboro for the affray at Mcßean church. Burke oounty, on Sunday, several months ago, in which Tom Syuia and bis son Frank were killed, and Duff Syms was shot four times. The evidence is conflicting. Ver dict in ( guilty. CHATTOOGA’S ItOAO CAW. An act to alter and amend the road laws of this State, so far as relatee to the county of Chattooga, and to authorize tho board of roads and revenues, or if no board, then the ordinary of said county to levy and collect a tax for road purposes. Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, that it shall be the duty of the grand jury thut reorumends that this act go into effect to elect by ballot three commissioners of publio roads ,n each militia district in said coonty, whose rights, powers, duties, liabilities and im munities shall be the same in all re*pects as are now prescribed by law, except so far as the same may be modified or altered by the provisions of this act. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, that said commissioners shall be, and they are hereby authorized and required, as soon after their appointment as practicable, to lay off the roads in said county in reotion* of one to five miles or more each, as they or a majority of them shall deem most appropriate, the working and keeping in repair of which, in accordance with the road laws of this State, fur the term ol one or more years, shall be let to the lowest bidoer, attor due and proper public notice of tlie same, and it shall be (be duty of said comuiisiionrrs to make out specifications in writing of the work to he done, which specifications shall be the basis of the contract. Sec. 111. Bo it further enacted, that the person or person* with whom said road contract may he made shall be re quired to give a bond with approved security io double the amount agreed to bo paid to him or them under said con tract, which bond shall be made payable to the ordinary of said county, and con ditioned for the faithful performance of their respective contraots according to th, terms thereof, and tfie sums for which said work is contracted to bo done shall be paid by tbe ordinary only when the work agreed upon has been faithfully done according to the terms of their respective contracts, and tlie same ha* been certified by a majority of said com missioners. See. IV. Be it further enacted, that whenever it shall bo made to appear to the ordinary upon report of the commis sioners of any district, that the conditions of tho bonds required to he giveu in pursuance of the third section of this act have been violated or not complied with, it shall bo his duly to have suit instituted forthwith thereon, and the amount re covered shall be set apart and appropriated as a road fund. Bee. V. Be it further enacted, that the person or persons with whom such con tracts u.ay be made shall enjiy the righta, powo sand privileges, sod shall be sub ject to all tho pains and penalties now prescribed by law in reference to over seers of public roads, except so tar as the same nosy he affectod by this act. Seo. VI. Be it Igniter enacted, that in making the aforementioned contractu, the commissioners shall have power to pledge to saio contractor or contractors the lubor of such convicts as may be sentenced by the judge of the county court of said county, and the judge of the superior court when said offenses are punishable in the ohaingang, or of lesa grade; provided, that said contractor or eintraetors shall make such provi-ion for safe-keeping and maintenance of the same as shall be approved by the ordinary and alien IT of said county. Sec. VII. Be it further enacted, that the ordinary of said county be, and he is hereby authorised end required to levy a capitation tax, whhh shall be in com mutation of work upon public roads iu said county, of two dollars upon each and evtry person subject to road duty by exist ing laws in said couity, the payment of which shall operate a au exemption from road duty for and duriug the year for which said tax may be levied, and shall also levy nud ooth et a tax upon the taxa ble property of said county, when recom mended by the grand jury of said county, not less than ten, nor more than twenty five tier cent, on the amount of the State tax in said county, and any person who may be subject to the payment of said tax shall be amenable in all respects to the road laws of this State, if he or she fail or refuse to pay the same. Sec. VIII. Be it further enacted, that it shall be the duty of the commissioners of the several districts of said coun y to ascertain and report to the tax collector of said county the names of each and every perron in their respective districts, who may he subject to read duty, aDd give the same to the tax collector, and it shall be the duty of said tax collector to collect the tax which may he levied in pursuance of this act at such times as the ordiuary may direct, and pay the same to the county treasurer, who shall receipt and keep the same as a separate fund and pay it out only on the Older of the ordinary, and shall report to the said ordinary the names of all persons .who fail or refuse to pay said tax. See. IX. Be it further enacted, that any person or poisons subject to road duty, who shall prefer to work the road in person or by proxy (the contractor to have the right to reject the prexv), shall have the right to do so, and shall work four days in the year on the roads in his district, under tits contractor for the same, whose receipt for such good labor shall be good against the capitation tax, and be charged as cash against said con tractor; and any persou failing or refusing to pay the commutation tax lor road duty shall be sub.,ect to all the penalties already provided by law. and his wages subject to garnishment by the tax collector, whose duty it shall be to proceed by execution, | garnishment or attachment for contempt as now provided by law. Bee X Be it lor her erected, that the isx col tot or of ss id county slot 1 be en titled to the same per oent upon the col lection of said road taxes or receipts for labor as is by law allowed for the col lection of State taxes. Sec. XL Be it further enacted, that said commissioners shall hold their office for the term of four years, excepting those first elected; one half of whom, to be determined by lot on their first meet ing, shall hold said < fficefor the term of two years. Upon the expiration of the terms of said commissioners, their suc cessors shall be elected by the grand jury which shall first thereafter be in session in Kid county, and all vacancies, by death or resignation or otherwise, shall be filled for the unexpired term in the manner, and (lie result of all regular and special elections of said commisaiouers shall constitute a portion of the special presentments of said grand jury, and, when any grand jury shall fail to dis charge any duty herein speirfied, the next succeeding grand jury shall dis charge said duly. Beo. XII. Be it further enacted, that *aiJ commissioners shall meet at the capital of the county on the first Saturday in January, April, July and October of each year for ihe transaction of buaines*, and shall hive power to adjourn from d*y to day. Special meetings may be called by any three ol the coinmiiotier* upon personal notice in writing to all the com missioners iu the county at same lime, or upon publication iu a publie gaz ite at the capital of such county for ten days b f re the date of the meeting. Sec. XIII. Be it f irtber enacted, lhai tbe provisions of tl is act shall not apply tithe incorporate towns of Summerville, Triun Factory and Raccoon Mills, except that they shall be liable for any ad valorem tax levied by the ordinary ofaui county, the same as any other portion of sail county, and tlie same shall he paid into tho road fund of said county for the purpose of working the roads outside of said incorporations. Sec. XIV. Be it further enacted, that any person or parsons residing in any of the districts of said county for the space of ten days shall be subject to road duty and the provision* of this act; provided, that this act shall not be operative or go into effect until recomtneuded by the grand jury. Scc. XV- Be it further enacK-tl, that all laws and part-* of laws in conflict with this act he, and the same are hereby repealed. Approval) September 26, 189.7 (iKNKKAI. NEWS. The debt of New York City is said to be $130,000,000. Block ears at the North are now fitted up so that cattle are fed and watered on ilie cars. The quantity ol p, rk packed in the North is ten per c nt le-s than last year to this time, and the slock ou hand is less. Prices are advancing. The stocks held by Jay Gould at pres ent are thought to be about as follows; Western Uniou. 420.000 shares; Missouri P.cillc, 160,000; Wabash, 200,000; Man hatiati, 65,000; miscellaneous, 155.000; total, 1,00*1,000 shares. W thin the last two weeks strawberries have been solif in Non net n cities at from $9 to sls a quart; grapes, at $6 u pound; pe.ohea or cuoumb -rs, f I each; tomatoes 80 cents a pound. A Canada man has refused S3O 000 for one Jersey cow, Mary Aon of St- Lam bert. it is thought that, if put upon the block in New York City, she would bring $50,000. For eight months she has aver aged over three pounds of butter a w.ek. Oapt Yancey, of Clark County, Ua., lias lately bought some young cuttle of the same stock. Charlotte, N. C , :s excited over the pasting of strips of indecent literature on doors ami g teposts. In Hau,,ensack. N J., the Camelerv Coui| auy, after granting permission to tho First Baptist Church to bury theii sexton, tevoked it because tl ey learned that be was a negro. Excitement ro-e so high that Gov. Abbott sent a special mes sage to tho legislature about it. in New York City, on lhe24th ult., Bruno Know shot himself through the head. Ihe bullet lodged against the skull. With a cylindrical saw the doctors cut out a piece of the skull as large as a dime, removed the bullet, ano passed a dtain age tube through the bole it bad made, lie is likely to recover In Batavia, N. Y., Rowell has been tried for kilting Lynch, his wife's sedu cer. and acquitted. William Adams, a Gerrciun in Texas, was married last Thursday to the same woman lor the third time. —-c— ♦ The friends of Howard Chauncy will regiet to heur that he yesterda com mitted suicide in a novel ma- ner. He bad been for years a great sufferer from diseased liver, and hi- method of suicide was neglect to dse Port aline or 'fabler’s Vegetab e 1-iver Kegu ator, a permanent cure for disordered iiver and all its dis agreeable symtotus. Dyspepsia, sour stomach, sick headache, diiziness, etc.. readily yield to its influence. For sale by- Pharr & Cain. <!♦■ An old negro at and his no called on tl.e editorof a newspaper. ‘T wan's oiy sou ter work in yer office, sah.” “What can he do?” ‘‘Oh, at fust he can’t do noth ing but ediek yer paprer, but arterawhile, when he learns more sense, he kin black yer boots and sweep de floor.” Killed: in Lancaster county. South Carolina, Henry Clyburoe by Rochelle Gregory; in Saco, Maine, Thomas Bar row by his wife and Oscar E Blaney; at Cambridge, Maryland, John H. Btee e by John Murray. In Bis life al’ess try to help a man up bill; he ken go down by bi-se’f. B COrsiAL AMERICA'S CHIEF STOMACHIC AbllKE oitd Ilemrdy for the cure of all irregf- , iiiaritk* and duordvni of the Stomach and Bow el*, whr thor in children or Adult*. Fi-omptljrralirvlnf Dyoni-ry, Dutrrhu**, Cholera Morbu*. Cholira Infau turn. Flux, Grinin# Palmt. Flatulency, Nausea, Acidity of the btouou h. Heartburn. Mick and Nervous H adachoand DYSPEPSIA. May be used in all (L-ramp-ms-nta of the Stomach and f'' ro relaxation or the lnuetinud or a chantf* of food or wau-r. EN-OR-iM: A-N’S NEUTRALIZING CORDIAL Is ru* pleasant and Larml.-sa a HlacklNurrv Wine—contains no Opium and will not oonstf pftte. Specially recommended for Seasickness and Teething Children. Gorman and English Direction* on oacb Bottle. Price 25c. and ti.oo- Ijtrffs six* contain* six tlrm<* a* much astmaU. Sold by all Druiftriftt* and I H-aW-r* in Mudh-'inca THUEXCELSIOR CHEMICALOO., BoleProprtor*. WALHAIXA, HO U 8 A BEND A Sc, STAMP FUIt LITTLE BOOK, New York office, 70 Malden Lane. SENSIBLE MEN that of the many diseases and derangement* of the body each ha* a separate cause or oritrin, and that each needs a different method of treatment iu order to effect a cure, and a moment s reflection must convince that any of tbe quack nostrums foisted upon tbe pul lie claiming to cure all of a number of diametrically different disease* must prove failures, even is we do not call them humbugs. POOR PCfIPI C and people of moderate ruun rtUrLt means, and even people well to do or wealthy find that tb* enotmous charge* of practicing physicians are a serious burden to them, and also find after paying therm-elves poor that no benefit ha* accrued to them, that in fact they have thrown their money away. To overcome these evil* we ofler Wheeler * No. tiHSure Retn&li** to the sick and suffering one Remedy for each disease, without for a moment claiming that oue remedy will cure any other nieease than the oue claimed for it. and a*' tnese remedies have stood the test of years without a single failure, we agree to refun l ihe. money paid iu every instance whereacure is not positively effected. The remedies are entirely vegetable, can do no harm, and will positively cure every disease ft.r which they are prescribed, i II r | I'yuß ATICM Gout. Lameness of r tIC U ivi r\ I lOlfl. Joints, Sciatic* and Neuralgia, are relieved at once and positively cured by t he use of Wheeler's No. 96 Rheumatic Remedy. We ay boldly that in tho worst of cases of no matter how long etanding , how eeriout, or how painful, we cannot o' lygtverelief but jyoeitirely curs for ail tim**. Failing to do tlus we will Dosltively refund the money paid for the treatmen . and if your suffering* are not positively stopped for all time you have not thrown your money away as you would on any other tl an these guaranteed remedies. The price of Wheeler's No. 96 Rheumatic Remedy is only 50 cents, obtainable from druggists or sent free by mail on r cefpt of price. Stamps taken. SUf FERING WOMEN. “T/.L'UJ nature with a pretty face, beautiful figure, fault l**r*s complexion, as well us the sweetest of tempers and faultless mental qualities grows prematurely ek), gray Mgd wrinkled, her form Joses its perfect contour, the complexion be comes sallow, the brightness leaves the eye, a feeling of ianyour takes the place of the once buoyant --pints, an irritable nervous fractious news makes life a burden, things that once were trifles worry her till life becomes unbearable. All this he ng caused by the physical derange ments so common to women, which the innate modesty of feminine nature prevents their making known, and of which the ignorance of the medical profession prevents a < lire. Lady reader, pause and cousider. 'lis a duty you owe yourself, your family and your God, that you should cure youtseif of these troubles and onoe more feel the glow of perfect health and spirits that nature intended for you. Wheeler's No. 96 Preparations arc pleasant and palatAhle to take, contain nothing or an injurious natur , and may be taken by all ages at all limes and in ail con ditions without possibility of ill effects, and will positively eurs any of the peculiar < incases to which females are subject. Falling to produce a perfect cure, tne proprietors will refund the money paid for the treat tnent If you have a sllow complexion, constant or intermittent headache, backache, restlessness, loss of ap petite. 4uppres<ion of monthly flow, or irregu larities thereof accompanies by heada ties, aervousness, hysteric** and similar symptoms, Wheeler's No. ufl Preparation "B will posuivtly restore you to h alt h. If you have a sensation of heal an<i Lit robbing in th $ back. Deque** fainting spellsT Leucorrhe* MT Walts discharge*, pai ful or sealdit g sensation is urinating, red dish or white deposit in urine, Hut and dry skiu, Wheeler's No 96 Preparation *‘C” will give im mediate and last ing eiief The price of W heeler’s No 96 Prescriptions “B" and “C" at e 50 cents, obtainable from druggists or sent by mail secure from observation postpaid on ret eipt of price. Postage stamps taken, p ATARRM It *• needless to describe tbe I Mil nil. symptom* of this naus-uus disease that is sapping the life and str ugth of only too many of the fairest and best of both wexHH, old and young, suffering alike from the poisonous dripping in the throat, the j oisooou* nasal discharge*, the fetid breath and general weakness, debility and langour, a*ide from the acute sufferings of this disease, which if not checked can onlr end in loss of palate, hoarse ness, weakened sight, loss of memory, deafness, and premature death if it is not checked before it is too late. Labor, study and research in America, Europe, and Eastern land*, have re sulted in Wheeler’s No. 96 Instant Relief and Sute Cure for Catarrh, a remedy which contains no ful ingredients, and that is guaranteed to cure every case of acute o chronic < Atarrh or money refunded. Wh****ler's No. W In* taut Relief and Sure Cure for Catarrh will cure every case of cat at rh, hay fever, or axthma: price $1 per package, from di uggiats, or seut by imul post paid on receipt of price. Wheeler's No. 96 Sure Cure for Kidney and Liver Troubles cures tut weakness and soreness of thekidneys, inflammation of kidneys or liver, price f l Wheeler’s Vegetable Pills are the r nly r* reedy that coiet constipation, giving natural action of the bowels without physicking, purging, i ripiug, or pain. Price -iS c© is. of druggists or by mail. Wheeler's Nervine Tonic for mental depres sion, loisof manhood, langour. weakness or over taxation of the brain is invaluable, price 25 cts. WE GUeRAN i EE [•aid. We place our pi ice for these* remedies at es than one-twentieth of the price asked by others for t can dies upon which you take all the chances, and w© specially invite the patronage of the many persons who have tried other remedies without effect or depleted their purses by paying doctor uiils that benefited them not. HOW TU OBTAIN ask for them. If they have not got them, vrite ut to the pr prietora, enclosing the price io money or stamps, and they will be sent you at once by mail, pt st paid. Coi respondence solicited. Address plainly. L. WHEKLER & CO . No. 6T W. B:ilLitrore St . 8 22-’3-1 y. Baltimore, Md. {ABATES SPECIFICS!^! Prepared from formulae used by an eminent physician during twenty years suc cessful practice. Specific No, 1. Uus *anteed to effect a raiical cure of all affections of th** Blood, whether Scrofulous or acquired. Skin diseases, pimples, iroth patch*-*, etc., are permauwntly cured by Bate's Specific No. 1 Price. sl. Mpeciflc No. 2.—-Cures Semina) Weakness, Nervous Debility, from Youthful Indiscretions or Excesses, producing Exhaust'd Vitality and Loss of Manhood. This remedy is unequaled in the cure of these complaints. It is a powerful stimulus to the weakened Nervous System, assists Nature to renew the strength and vieor of the debilitated organs, and effects a radical cure Price. sl. Specific No. 4—Gives Instant relief and permanently cures Rheumatism, Prise. $2. Specific No. ft.—A positira et re for all weak nesses common to females. Price. sl. Sold by Diuggista, or sent on receipt of price by J. W. Bate, 59 N. Clark 8t , Chicago. SEND FOR CIRCULAR! ( ril P| for the working class. Send 10 rents vj, y L- J for postage, and we will mail you free, a royal, valuable box of sample good thats will put you in the way rf making more money iu a few days than you ever thought possible at any business. Capital not required. >Ye will e art you. You <hl work all the time or in spare tim • only The work is universally adapted to both sexes, young and old. You an easily earn from 50 cents to $5 every evening. That ell who want work may test the’ business, we make this unparalleled i ffer: to all who are not well satisfied we will send $! to pay for the t rouble of writing us. Full particulars.directions etc. sent free. Fortunes will be made by those who give their whole time to the work. Great snccess a solutely su e. Don't delay Start ucw. Address Stinson & Cos., Portland, Maine. FREE g TRIAL HANOVER'S SPECIFIC. At unfailing and ! speedv cure for Nervous Debility and Weakness, ! Loss of Vitality and Vigor. Nervous Prostration, i Hyfteria, or any evil result of indiscretion, ex j cess, over work, abuses of Alcohol. Tobacco, etc. I (Over forty thousand positive cures.) tW Send 15c. postage on trial box of 100 pills. ! Address, Dr. il. W. BACON. Cor. Clark St. and j Calhoun Place, Chicago, 111 rTNHF. GAZETTE will be sent to anv address X postpaid one year for $1.50 iu advance. EKmrau iiDsno. ns, r. u. Meet in tbeir hall at 10 A. M. on the first day of each month. W. A. BTOBY, W. U. G. J. MOVERS, Secretary. JOHN uLraudoi, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 81MMEKVILLE, GEORGIA. Will practice in the Superior, County, and District courts. I.ffial Adver liarmrnlft. I egal Advertisements Payable In Ad vance. Don't you forget It! Sheriff s Sale. GEORGIA, Chattooga County: Will be sold on the first Toesday in March ISM. at the court bouse door in said county’ within the legal hours of aale. to the highest bidder for cash, the following property, to-wit: one undivided half interest in two United States stills, situatad on lot of land No. 69, in tbe sth district and 4th section of said county, with all the fixtures and appurtenance s thereto belonging together with oue half interest in said lot of land, which contains one hundred and sixty acres, more or less. On said lot of land there are one still house, one government store house, and three teuaut houses, and 30 aerre of cleared land iu a high state of cultivation, with other Improvements. Levied on as the property of John H. Love, to t*atisfy four fl. fas.; two in favor of W. M Johnvon, oue bi fsvor of Tbompt son Hiles. and one in favor of T. HilesACii Said fl. fas. issued from the Justice’s court ef 925th district. G. M Levy made and returned by C. V. Akridge, constable. Property pointed out by defendant. Thla January >th 1&4 w KELLETT, Sheriff. Application for Administration. STATE OF GEORGIA, Chattooga County: To all whom it may concern: W. T Herndon heving in proper form applied to me for perma nent letters of administration on tbe estate cf Matthew Earp, late of sail county, this is to cite all am singular the creditors and next of kin of Matthew Earp, to be and appear at my office on the first Monday in March next, and show cause, if anv they can, why permanent administration should not b% granted to W. T. Herndon on Matthew Karp’s estate Witness my hand Jan 22d, JOHN MATTOX. Ordinary. Application for Administration. GEORGIA. Chattooga County: To all whom it may concern: John W. Close has in due form applied to the undersigned for permanent letter* of administration on the estat** of Edward L. Close, late of said county, deceased, und 1 ill pass upon said application on the first Monday in March, 1884. Given under mv hand and official signature January tb H 4. JOHN MATTOX, Ordinary. Application for Discharge. GEORGIA, Chattooga County: To all whom it may concern: B. O. Smith, guardian for W. J Goodwiu. applies to m* for letters of dismission from said guardianship, and 1 will pans upon his application on the first Monday in March next, at my other in Sommer viUe iu said county. Given under my hand January 23th. 1884 JOHN MATTOX. Ordinary County Bailiff’s Sale. GEORGIA, Chattooga County: Will be sold before the court house *-f said oou nt v. between the legal hours of *!© on the second Monday in Febi uary. 18*4. the following property, to-wit: two bay mules, levied on as tbe pr<’p**rty of I>. M. Rogers by virtu** of n mortgage flfa issued from the County Court of said county In favor of T Ililes. Tins 15th day of January, 1884. C. V. AKKIDUK. County Bailiff. Road Notice. GEORGIA. Chattooga County: To all whom it mav concern: All persons In terested are Hereby notified that if no pood p-sum he *fcown to the contrary, ar. order will bn granted by the underpinned on the 7ih day of February, 1884. establishing anew road ae marked out by the mad commissionerr ap pointed f- r that rurpoae. leaving the old Romo road on the land line of W s, Kendrick a> and .S. K Jones, fn the 940th district, G. M.. of said county, running a northerly direct f on through th* rami ol W.,H. Kit p an* w '•**• - <--**. *•••-- sect mg the old road about one half mile further on iu aaitl diflttlet and countr. January ?ih, 1884. JMUM MATTOX ordinary. Application for Discharge STATE OP GEORGIA, Chattooga County: Whereas G. D Hollis, administrator of D. W. Oarrell, represents to the court iu his petition, duly Bird, th i he ha* fully admin stered D. W. < arrell s estate; this is therefore to cite all persons concerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they can. why said administrator should not be discharged f; om hi? administra tion, and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in April. 1884. Witness my hand, December 18th. IKS3. jaws MATTOX. Ordinary. Application for Discharge. GEORGIA, Chattooga County: • To All whom it may concern: J F Perry and Mrs. Marv Ferrin, representative* of th? estate of J J Lawrence, deceased, apply to me for letters of dismission from said numiuiatration. and 1 will pass upon their appl canon o the first Monday in March, 1884, a; my offtce, in Summer ville in said coui tv. Witness un hand. Novem ber 28lh. 1883. JOHN MATTOX. Ordinary. MAKE ? SAVE! Money. Any farmer can do It by sendieg his or his neighb .rs' name* on a pottal card It r sample •topics of thut great agricultural paper, th Farmers’ Friend, ONLY FIFTY CENTS A YEAR. Circulation 4G.GCG. Ir contains H larg*-pges. 48 columns, few ad vertiseoMstit*, and almost double the reading matter given by the $1 50 and £2 ag-ieultural papers Pi- tniurns to every wubacrit er, pro "■turns to club raipers, and ftd special j renaiums besides for th* 5 larg* st clubs, v ■nsistlng of a Stu rbaker W; gen. Cagady Sulky PI .-•i F’-. w, wing Machine. s,: ■ r -i-t-Ms ill hC 1 I if ti •• club <<•►!• tod liiHK': 's- I, •r* The r )9 U'gMfet - e i-riL*. I 11. each leu- up to date iHp'' “ huc fuit i* I eg.;i V r l. I*^H& S- me ( .f the depart men* m -f the SHf lU'it v- in Kurin 1 pica," 'Live SuH||'" brut: K.iim. *P- uitry and bens." I^H| H* ai h " i-t n.rsti Kcom m v." "Y< I’urrler." he Story Teller." "M Place." >uuday Reading." "The Dairy,” "Letter i “Various 1 Corr spondence," "Hints for the W orld 8 Record." e’e Practical farmeis and" the best writers contribute toil. Agents n aka money ca'-vassing for it. Any autacriber authorised to act as agent. San U for Premium List and Terms. FA KMhits* IHIK.VD PI B. CO. South Item!,. Ind. Linimenl Proprietor!, Atlanta, On. 43 r-tk-n'XL “2'o‘uux fox lt.^S* For all lujurle* in man or ba*t nothing ©quail Hamburg L4j*uuut& For pale by J. A. Brann , ~ ahk & Cain and at The Gazette CITIZENS OF CHATTOM3A respectfully Invlt and to subs rib for The Gazette—the onlv pap-r piibli h. and iu tn county. It tires j’iis V.*t i.cWa.