The Summerville gazette. (Summerville, Ga.) 1874-1889, February 20, 1884, Image 2

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THE GAZETTE IVMIURttLI.I. OA. X- O. LOOMIS, Editor and Proprietor. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION i IK ADVANCE. ON TIME, fwolvo month*... . . SLM Vii month* • • fkr m0uth*........ M Correspondence *ollolt4; but lorolet -tentlon, letter* rouit be *ctiODpMl<l hy * re • ponslble oaine—not for publication, but ana g urantne of good fith. All article* recomiaendloff candld*te* for Oflio', or Intended for the personal benefit of any one, raut be paid for at tn rate of # cent* pet line, in advance. C mtribution* of new* *ollclted from every quarter. Rejected article* will not be returned tin lea* accompanied by a Htamp. Advertising rate* and e*tlmate*glven on Application. Alllettere should be. addreaaed to J. C. LOOMI*. Summerville, la. WEDNESDAY EVENING, FIB. 20*.L 1881 EXTRACTS PROM OCR tXCHANUKS. The Atlonlt Jimmal tliinke ihM leap year parfie* ouirlit to i>e held cn 1h291h of February—that is, on Friday. The idea it a Rood one, for Friday is the day for handling haltera.—A'ncon Telegraph. A general dog killing would be a good thing for the country.— Acworlh New and Farmer. John Sherman and Billy M.lione arc po'itioally dead. They are lying in state at the national capital. —Macon Tele graph We suppose you mean that they are imJuUn: in lying statements. Cor red. Knemlea are as necessary to success as vinegar is to pickles. Our rule is to do as near right as we cn, treat everybody fairly and courteously, and let conso queuoen take oure of themselves.— Mai ietla Journal. n. i> OHHKKVATIONS. Wheil- you see a man going by yon in u great hurry, if y u want to see him on any business don’t tell him to stop, hui • just say, "Hurry up there, or you'll be left." He’ll stop to know what you moan. When u merchant advertises that he * will soil hia goods lower than anybody else in the world, alwaya keep your head level if you go into bis store to trade. When you go into a man's store, if y< u awe (rout the country, lie'll make right fur you to shake hands. If you don’t want your elbow shaken sore, just tell him you doo't want to buy anything. U’a always best to keep your patience in trading. Take time and think. If h in enchant seems in a big burry to sell tou goods, you keep your huriy inside of the patience ring. You will come out even, (hen. Never be too "wise in your own con ceit.” The ‘‘fool-killer” stopped be si ness long since because he found out it look too many fouls to make one wist ■nun. He tnay reverse the order of business and go to slaying wise men when they begin to increase too rapidly.— J'eter lVogress. In October, 1784, a small band of nten, representing about 4 H) followers, assem bled at Kiokee, in Columbia oounty, and organized the Georgia Baptist Associa tion. The outgrowth from this small beginning now numbers 121,564 whites, anil 179,542 negroes, with 1,781 churches and 780 preachers for the whites, and 1,022 churches and 580 preachers for the blacks. It is proposed to make this, the centennial year, memorable by iai*ing #IOO,OOO to more completely endow Mercer University, the pride of all Baptist ht arts. Already #50,000 have been subscribed. Murried in Georgia: Joint Rogers, aged 2), to Mrs. Caroline White, aged 50, both of Laurens county; James K- Bleckley to • Miss Savannah B. Cannon, both of Rabun county; Dr. Hollis S. Kcz..r to Miss Fan nie L. Faulkner, both of Houston county; Louis A. Dugas to Miss Maggie Barrett, both of Augusta; Charles S. Driskell -o Miss Flora llillburt), both of Atlantu;F. O. Kies to Miss Annie M. Koch, both ol Mion; A. J. Carver to Miss Dixie Cheat ham, both of Dawson; A. W. Patterson, clerk of superior court, to Miss Ella P. Lindsey, both ol Berrien county. If a Macou negro sickens a relative < r intimato friend tears off a piece of l bo nether gat ment, wraps in it a f ew locks of wool from his own head, old nails, glass, and rod pepper, sprinkles them with a ohicken's blood, selects a tree about the age ol the patient, bores o hole as far from the ground as the top of his or her hesd, ) uts in the rag, and drives in a peg. This insures speedy recovery, Sam Eol ols and Mitts Mary Vincent, both of Floyd, were married about four years ago. Two years after, ho went to Colorado as a Mormon missiorary. She relused to go. He is now in Rome, seek ing by a a writ of habeas corpus to obtain the child, which has been with its mother thus far. Decision in favor of the mother; taken to higher court. ♦ The State Agricultural Society mot in Savannah on the 12th. Mayor Rufus K Lester welcomed them, and Hsotilton You ig responded. A letter Irom Col. Hardeman, tributes to Furiuan, and addresses by N E Harris, Col. Mobley, Prof. White, Prof. C. V. ililey, Tilman N. Pool, and A. J. Hattie, and excursions, were the main attractions. A young man ol Gordon county, having bought some fine Berkshire hogs, after much deliberation put them in the mark of bis intended father-in-law. Another man Oil 4tiui;opt, and claimed the hogs. The fir.-i mm vows he’ll have the h gs, and talks.ol t<lki|ig out utils of habeas £WJ}U S , ■ WASHINGTON NKWlfta Separate bills are before cowgres* to make the Chattahoochee navigable from Gainesville to Atlanta, from Atlanta to West Point, and from West Point to Columbus. The second is said to bo easy, but the othor two very difficult. The United Htalea educational con vention met on the 13th. Dr. Orr urged unity in all efforts to secure lational aid to education, moved the appointment o! a commit'ec of’eleven to plead with the educational commit toes of congress lor an appropriatin.}, and was made chairman of the committee. The national Democratic committee will meet next Piiday to decide when nnd where to hold the presidential conven tion, and for other purposes. A lively qnarrtl is going on between the board ol health and the marine hospital corps. The latter is charged with inefficiency, nnd the forint r with squandering funds appropriati and lor their dishu moment. The Ite| uhlican majority of the com mittee to investigate the Copiah trouble voted to stop in New O leans, and take testimony there. Washington folks are organizing a st cio’y to build a crematory. House—diocuiied: the election case of Chataicr- vs. Manning, from Mississippi (voted that neither is entitled to a seat prima facie, and that both must wait ti j the house derides upon the merits); the navul appropriation bill; appropriating #2OO 000 additional for sufferers by the Ohio flood (passed). Senate—discussed: allowing national bunks to issue notes equal to the par value of the bonds deposited, but not In exceed the stock actually paid in; making all public roads and highways post-roads (i assed). Senate—bills, etc., presr nted: to pro bibit officers and emp’oyc J f the United States from contributing for political purposes. House—bills, etc., presented: petitions for pensions for Union soldiers who suf fered in confederate prisons; to refund the bonded debt of tfm United St: tea at '.'J pet cent; petition from Cleveland to appropriate 9I.QfU.UUO In relieve suffer: rs by Ohio fl ood. rOKKIOS FI.ASH KM. Oil the lllh, Brudlaugh advanced to the table of the speaker of the bouse of oouimons, administered the oatli to him s if, and placed u signed paper on the table. Tho home excluded him by a veto of 228 to 120. lie has resigned, and is a candidate for re electii n. Madame Van der Linde, of the Hague, Holland, is in | rison, charged with in silling successively the lives of 30 , ersons, ail related to her, poisotieg them, sod a i'll c i,ig the in-uranee. l.i Italy, Count Tfr.noUeo St. Augeiu fell iu luvo with the daughter of a peasant who worked in lii.-t vineyards. As his relatives violently t. ppo-cd iheir uiai riuge, they outuo to this country and wore riej in Jersey City on the 9th. lit Tonquiti, over 200 Chria'iuos have lit ell killed, and ftW mission house destroyed. The Cietaos have revolted been use ti.t Turkish authorities curtailed the privi leges of a Greek patiivroh. Turkish soldiers have been rent to compel sub mission. El Mahdi's troops oaptured Sinkut. Most of the garrison weic killed. Do Los.seps suys tliut the scheme f, r turning the water of the Mediterranean into the Sahara will soon bo reuliz and. The amendment which Mr. l’artwdl moved to the a -Lite sto thequecn. asserts that the policy of the government in Ireland lias failed to tranquilize the people, that ti e government h is want >nly prohibited public meetings and interfered with freedom of speech, and has per mitted magistrates publicly to u| plaud the oonduct ol Lord Ros-moro, who was removed from the office of justice of the peace for inciting ill will between different class s, mid it demands that tlie policy ol stimulating Irish emigration should be id undo lied at once. The Itriiish mo sending troops ns fast as possible to the relief of their garrisons, endangered by t lie successes of til Mahdi. Germany produces more sugar than any oilier country in the world. It is nil made from beats. This yoar's crop is estimated at 1,000,000 tons. A bridge over an arm of the China Sea, al Lagans, is five miles long, with 300 arches 70 feet high, and a road way 70 feet wide. Dr. L A. Guild, of Atlanta, who owns a large nursery nnd vineyard, has a lad on Itis place who was cured of u stubborn ease of Scrofula, with one single bottle of B. B. B. Write to him about the case. Frank Joseph, 245 Jones street, At lanta. has a sou who bail a sloughing, scrofulous ulcer ol the neck, and had lost his hair add eyesight, finding no relief. Ono bottle of B. B. 11. healed the ulcer, eradicated the poison from bis blood, restore I bis eyesight, an J placed hitu on the r >ad to health. For sale by JohnS. {'leghorn i’o. At Cincinnati, the Ohio was 71 feet above low water mark, and Several feet higher than lasi year. It lias fallen eight led there, but is still rising below. At Lswienoeville, Indiana, four rquaies are a total wreck: Athlta and lie pro, Ohio, aro inu-ses of ruins: at Shawncetown, 111, of many large btiok houses only the chim neys are visit) e; at Newport, Ky., 11,(XX) persons were driven fiom their homes. The rivers below are rising, and the whoio lower Mississippi is likely to overflow. a i > Congress has appropriated #500,000 to relieve the distress, and supplies are going Ini waid ripidly. Many cities have ou ’ "’ ut• and liberally. GKO ICG IA NEWS. Mr. Franklin, of Bartow county, is 92 years old. Major Mark A. Cooper will he 84 years o’d in May. Around Augusta, peach and plum trees • re blooming. Spalding county is tilling up with Jersey cattle- Athens is likely to have a fruit canning C-lablishment. Dalton ha received 8,000 bales of OOtto.i this season. Wulton oounty report* a breed of hogs with hoofs in ono pie-o. The effort to rebuild the burned female eo lege at Columbus ha faded. In I’iedniont, on the I lib, Joel Lindsay committed suicide with a pistol. The records of Coweta county sre Stored in n vault, thot cost #7OO. The Georgia Railroad has declared a quarterly dividend of2} percent. Emory Speer accuses Marshal Long street of disloyalty to the government. James Howell was run over by a train ami kill-d in Rising Fawn on the 12th. “Too Nigh,” in Cherokee county, is said to be about ten nil sf'rom any other place. The farmers of Uotnam oounty have bought #15,000 Worth of mules this season. Residence* and business houses sre going up rapidly in all the principal cities of Georgia. In Elbert county, R, 0. Adams is 80 years old, his sister. Mrs. Davis, 91, and his brother John, 97. Near Columbus, on the 12th, Dr. J. W. Drake shot John A Scarht rough dead, in a quarrel over an account. A couple in Oconee county killed and salted down 120 rabbits during the first wink oftheit married lifo. In Gilinor county, on the Ist. Rune! Brown accidentally shot his own brother dead while playing with a pistol. Mr. Hurst receives frequent letters from New York, inquiring whether Miss Lula can heal tho nick und raise the dead. Atlanta has secured space fur a full exhibit at Ne* Orleans, and is organizing rapidly. An exhibit by Atlanta ladies is proposed. James C Hi tler, of Lowell, was in Rome a lew days ego to buy an interest in the Rome Cotton Factory, and double its capacity. The council of Tenillc raised the liquor license from #I,OOO to #1 500. The bar keepers closed their doors rather than pay so high a tax. In Harris county. Fred Terry, aged 78. died on the 3d his brother Jack, a gad 80, on the sth, and the third brother, Stephen, aged 82, on the 8:lt. It is reported that eight men in Douglas oounty, quil their wives lust fall and went to Texas, and ibat five of them arc boarding at the same hono. The town council of Thomasfoa raised the price of liquor license linm #3OO to 1500. The liquor dealers raised ,heir price from ten to 15 cents a drink. In Savannah on the same day recently applications wore made (or marriage licenses lor two girls, one aged 10. the other 13. The ordinary relused them. Tho authorities of East Home 1 sve fined several engineers of the K TANARUS., Vu kGa railroad for w histling. The cases have been appealed to the superior court. Fletcher Walton, of Cartersville, lias been notified by New York lawyers that an inherit a: oe of #IOO,OOO is ready for him as soon as he establishes his identity. At Fairliurn, Kldridge McGee has been re-sentenced to be bung April 11 th, for murder. Friends are trying to have the sentence commuted to imprisonment for life. An old negro man recently came into Knoxvil’e with about 400 silver coins, dated from 1740 to 1858. He had saved them up before the war to buy his fruedom. The Madisonian speaks of a gentleman who has been cured Of rheumatism of the shoulder by currying two Irish potatoes, one in each pocket. One rotted, the other petrified Atlunta has 52 churnhes. varying in value (with the property attached to them) from #IOO,OO-) down- The sal rirs of the ptoaohers range from #3,000 and a house to #720. Mr. Mcßae, of Valdosta, lias bought a twelve-horse-power traction ongine to haul his watermelo: s to the depot. Truck farming is said to he on a boom pith' s tutlern counties. A house over 50 years old was lately torn down in Savannah. In digging the oellar for anew house, over 200 grind stones were found. How they oarne there no one knows. Since our last we have seen accounts of leap year entertainments at Gordon, Eastman, Calhoun, and Covington; and mad dogs at Tallulah, La(irange, and Jonesboro, and in DeK ilb county. The new Baptist church in Romo has C'st SIO,OOO, and as much more will he required to complete it. The Methodisis have resolved to commence building theirs at once, and have raised #16,000. The capitol commission, alter consulta tion with George B Host, architect from Near York, at a cost of #l,lOO, have adopted the plan of Messrs. E ibrooke & Burnham, of Chicago, and employed Edbrooke to superintend the work. The Marietta correspondent of the Te'egrtxph ,-ays that Miss Lula Hurst, in her exhibition there on the night of the 4th, moved two or three strong nen around by simply plains the palais ol , her hands on a chair which they held. MORMON REVOLT, A special telegram to the Cincin nati Enquirer from Manassas, Coneios county, Colorado, dated February sth, gives the following account of a high old lime among the saints in that State: There is a big revolt here of Ken tuckians and Georgians from the Mormon church. 'i ho Mormons iti this Colorado colony are nearly all from Southern States. There are, ns nearly as I can make out, about two hundred Mormon missionaries scat tered throughout the Southern States, working like beavers for the glory of the Mormon church. The class they work upon is mostly the comfortable, solid class of small farmers who have homes of their own, and, without much amlftion to rise in the world, have always been above want and have the mean), by turning their property into cash at a ruinous sacrifice u hen this Mormon craze strikes them. It will aid those unfamiliar with tin methods of the Mormon church to propagate its faith to explain that this missionary labor is not the sacrifice, the sublime abnegation of private interests that on its fare it appears to be. Stripped of all sentimental drapery, the naked facts show it to b a scheme of saving souls on percent age. Every missionary goes at. Ids own expense. \\ hy do they want to go? Why do they clamor to be sent? The man who clamors to be sent as a missionary considers the little per q jisites, the shabby honors, the tinseled glories and the tat dividends. lie wants to go on the mission because it is the first great step to preferment. President John Taylor, successor of Brigham Young, began life a poor mechanic in Toronto, but he has served so fait fully in the Lord’s vine yard, keeping a prudent eye mean w hile on the Lord’s revenues, that he is able to live in a palace at 8-alt Lake at an cx| ensc of #50,000 or #60,000 a year, lie began a poor missionary. He held the post for many years of missionary agent or of emigration at New York. A Georgian, one of the early con verts, bad settled with bis family in Spring valley, a remote and isolated region. Last summer, beei ming thoroughly disgusted, he apostatized stood up open’y against the church. His cattle began at once to c. me up missing. His gates were found open, his fences broken, bis crops trampled and destroyed. Next the ditch was broken when it was his turn to irrigate. He kne v wlutl it all meant, and it only made him the madder and the more determined, lie could not sell out; nobody would buy. He might have got away if he had gone quietly before the sun was up and left the property behind him, tut he couldn’t do that. I?e was a man of spirit, and he began to speak Itis mind. He said t hat as soon as he could get away he would go back to Georgia, and he’d like to see the Mormon church got any more converts from that, region after lie bad told his story ii the news papers. In December this bold man died. He died away from home. His body was found two or three days after he was missed. The coroner’s jury said it was snow-slide. The coroner’s jury were all good Mormons. They were also good neighbors, for they insissed on laying him out at and fixing him for the grave themselves, to save his w ife’s feelings. But the w ife meddled when left alone with the corpse, and discovered a hole in the breast just over the heart; but she was a woman of sense, and she let the funeral proceed quietly. A meddle some blend who took it upon hirnself to investigate discovered that the body had been found sixty rods from the snow-slide, and a judge of Utah snow slides gave it as his opinion that if the man had been caught in sneli a one ns that he would have been pulverized. That was in Utah. It is not so difficult to get away from this Colorado colony, for it is only nine miles to a “Gentile” village. The fare, however, back to Kentucky w here many of the colonists are from is about #SO for each indi vidual, and to a poor man with a family this is something of an obstacle. To Tennessee, Georgia and Virginia the obstacle is greater. This colony was founded about six years ago, and the greater number of Southern converts since then has been sent here. Probably two thousand in all have come, but there have never been so many here at once, and it is doubtful is there are more than nine hundred southerners here now. Some have gone home, some back as far ns Kansas, where they have settled on government land, and others have dispersed to different parts of the State. Ol the sixteen hundred in habitants claimed for the colony at present about two-filths are fiom Utah. They are sent here because they understand the Monpon motive better than it can be imparted to [ southerners, l-’ully halt the soul hi j-ners in tho colony have lately broken into open revolt, and there is every reason to hope that nil will soon join in de nouncing the cruel deception by which they were induced to leave comfort able homes in a mild climate and come to this elevated and frozen region, barren and timberless, w Lose firewood has to be hauled nineteen miles. About two months go there was a disturbance among them on account of arbitrary measures employed to Compel them to v to the ticket in the November election which the priest hood had dictated. Fourteen of them had drawn up a petition to the “First Council’’ol the church at Salt Lake City, praying for redress. Anti- Mormons advised them not to send it, but to take an independent course and hold their ground. Led by William L Ball, of Russell county, Virginia, F-.-lix B. Mayer, of Home, Ha, and J. II Totty, nf iiickman county, Ten nessee, they did so, and now half the southerners in the colony are with them, and have withdrawn from the church, and the rest are on the fence. The sufferings these people have passed through sinee leaving home, their religious disappointment, their hopeless poverty, their heroic stand for the right when driven to the wall, all entitle them to the greate-t and kindest consideration from "the old folks at home.” -—-—-** ♦ *♦- crisis:. In Cincinnati, nn the 31-t ult . Patrick Harnett killed his wile with m ax, and trie-1 to chop the body in pieces and hide it under the floor. For a time he defied the police. At Readville, Ohio, during tl e niglu nl the 2-1, Heter Cliff-n and < oallrd to the -loor and shot. Ho fill in Ins w:fV iriu*. saying, “Tho Hickeys have killed q:e." and died in a few tuinu'es Fom Hickeys and Joe R ddy, a hi other-in-law and one of them, were arrested. Next -light several bundled tueo took Richard Hickey and Reddy Irom the j.ii! ti (’uffnil’s grave, and hung Hickey. 11 - would neither confess nor deny his guilt. They strung up Red ly, but the rope broke. He protested bis innoeenc- at-d bcgL-ed till they Ook him back t.n jail. At Raeinj, \\ Lcnnsin, on the 4'h insl.. Andrew Johnson ki lc-i l-is sweetheart, Martha Bresstuan, and hiuist-if. Near Millcrsbure. lowa on lie 6th, a German shot Mary Shua'cr lor rijeelint him, and killed himself In New Orleans, on the Bih, James Graham killed Ids wife ar.d himself hy >ho ting. In New York Ci'y, on tie 12th, Miss Jennie 11. A'tucy, aged 24. shot Victo C Au Tee and herself. She died in stantly, and he in 24 hours. Both were t-aehera, hut in different school-. He had broken -iff un engagement of marriage between them. In Milwaukee, Wi*., di-ring tin tiiglu of rite 10th, Jerry Starnold shot Bri-lg -t Eigen and him-olf. i*he had refused to marry him. Both are dead. ALABAMA NEWS. A Texas wi-loaer with 19 children proposes to marry an Ala 1 uma widow, with 21. Col. R. D. Boykin was killed near Itehohnth, Wilcox county, la-t Wed tree -lay. Two negroes have confessed that -hey -hot him, and were paid (55 apiece t y a white man. Tho wife if Henry Stribbli.i, nl Chambers county, was outraged aid -tabbed m the hack and throat hy a negro recently. Tho negro was taken from joil two nights after and hung. Henry Hart, marshal of Opelika, was killed by James A. Aberemoih e Friday before last while trying to qne'l u rnw between Abercrombie and a negro Abercrombie is in jail bail having been refused. 'lhe State sued Fred \Yolff- fur #I39,(KM) of State noney which she claimed tbnt Vincent I ad given to Wolff, to speculate with. The jury gave aver diet for only #20.000, a draft payable to Vincent, which Wolffe’s agent took in bis ab-ence. Wulffe will appeal to the supreme court. Household decoration being tho order of the day. Mary climbed in the chair to hang a picture. Ala-; the chair turned and spillinv Maty on the floor a severe sprain ensued which forced her to invest 50 cents in a bottle of C’ous-euji’ Light ning L nimer.t. ’litis invaluable remedy cures Rheumatism, Lame Back, Sprains and Bruises. Its efficiency as a remedy for those ills is unquestioned, as well as for Spavin, Ringbone, etc., ou horses For sale by Pharr & Cain. During the night ol December 28:h, ISB3, Dr. Wallet Bruce, of Micanopy, Florida, dre-tned that hi* brother-in-law, R. M. Sttibling. ol Fauquier county, Yitginia, had his throat cut in a fight, and died In a few days he received a letter from Virginia mentioning Strib ling’s death at the very hour the dream oceutred, nn i in the manner iud-.oatcd. Stribling’s sister in Kentucky dreamed the same thing at the same hour. Fun and candy. —lt is impossible to j have more full these long evenings than jhy making candy at home. You can j learn how to make every kind of fine ' candy sold at the best confectionery stores in the cities, from that valuable book, “How to Make Candy.’’ No home can afford to fie without it. Sent postpaid for 30 cents (in one or two cent stamps). ! Address, Ihr UouseiCtfr , RV 1 Cste". n, y. NgHRS bDRSI AL AMERICA'S CHIEF STOMACHIC A KI Kh and efftictußl Kcmr-djr for thi* cur* of *ll irrtr uLui'ictf and dixordun* of tb* Ntonuu h and Bow tin. wh- tlier In rhiidrvti'Or adult*, Dj'wnterrjr, liinrrluira, Cholera MorhtJn. < holcra Infan tum. Hu*. Gtiuinff Pain*. Platnli ney. Nausea, Acidity of UicbktUdu lt, Heart Hum.ftirk and X rvcwm IK-Mdachrand DYSPEPSIA. Mar be tied In all d.Tanuvment* of the Btomach and P-i It* from r. Uxatlon of th* inluatine* or a chaos* ■it food or water. 2TO&I*A.N’>B NEUTRALIZING CORDIAL ra p>fu*Hnt and liannlwm a* lllnokberry Ittffioo Opium amt will DOC oon*tl i sin. K|*M’lnlly rvcGimueiHloil for Seuaicknoa* tad Tucthing Children. German and English Direction* on each BotUflk Price *sc. and li.oo. '/true dw> contains six times m much sssmalL Bokl by all Drufrjrists and 1 •cal.-rs in Medicines. EE EICELBIOB CHEMICAL CO. ( Bole Propel on. WAUIALLA, 8.0 USA BEND A &’. STAMP fOU LITTLE BOOK. Nrw York office, 7<> Malden Lane. SENSIBLE MEN jjui= that of the many diseases and derangement* of the body each has a separate cause or origin, and that each needs a different method of treatment iu order to effect a cure, and a moment a reflection must convince that any of the quack noetrum* foisted upon the public claiming to cure all of a number of diametrically different disease* must move failures, even is we do not call them humbugs. pnnP DCnPI P and people of moderate ruufl r lUILL mean*, mid even people well to do or wealthy find that the enurtnou* charge* of practicing physicians are a serious burden to them, and also And after paying tbenti*elven poor that no benefit has accrued to them, that in fact they have thrown their money awav. To overcome these evil* we ofler Wheeler* Sv (M Sure Hemeslie* to the sick and suffering one Hr>e<hj for each disease, without for a moment claiming that oue remedy will cure any other disease than the one claimed for it. and a*- these remedies* have stood the teat of year* without a single failure, we agree to refund the money paid in every instance where* cure is not positively effected. The remedies are entirely vegetable, cun do no harm, and will positively cure every di*4?a*e for which they are prescribed. h HE UMATISM. “T Neuralgia, are relieved at once and positively cured by the use of Wheeler’s No. Hbeitmarie Retnedy. We say boldly that in tho worst of rases of no matter how long *ianding % how teriou*, or how painful, we cannot o* ly give relief hut curt for all lime. Failing to do this we will nositively refund the money paid for the treat men , and if your sufferings are not positively stopped for all time you ha vs not thrown your money away as vou would on any other an these guaranteed remedies. The price of Wheeler’s No W Rheumatic Remedy is only fiO cents, obtainable from druggists or sent free by mail ou r- celpt of price. Stamps taken. SUr FERINS WOMEN. nature with a pretty face, beautiful figure, fault less complexion, as well as the sweet eat of temper* and faultless mental qualities grows ftrematurely old. gray aHd wiinkled. her form uses its perfect contour, the complexion be come* sallow, the brightness leaves the eye. a feeling of lan . our takes the place of the once buoyant . pirits. an irritable nervous fractious ne** makes llf* a burden, things that once were trifles worry her till life Income* unbearable. All this le* ng caused by the physical derange lurnts no common to women, which the innate modesty of feminine nature prevents their making known, and of which the ignorance of the medical profession pt< vents a (lira. Lady leader, pause and consider, ’ti* a duty you owe yourself, your family anti your God. that you should cure yourself of these troubles and once more frel the glow of perfect health and spirits that nature intended for you, Wheeler’s No. 9t> Preparations at e pleasant and palatable to take, contain nothing or an injm lous natur . ami may in* taken by alt ages m all limes and in all cun dition* without possibility of ill effects, and will positively cure any of the peculiar < iseason to which femah s are subject. f ailing to produce a perfect cure, tne proprietor* will refund the money paid for the treatment if you have a s.llow complexion, constant or intermittent headache, backache. res*.h‘rtsn*’ss, loss of ap petite, Mppressiou of monthly flow, or irregu laiities thereof acrumpanieu by heada he*, nervousness, hysteito* and similar symptoms. Wheeler’s No, Wi Preparation * R‘’ wiilp< sitively restore you to b exit ti. If you have a sensation of beat an<l throbbing iu thj back, frequent fainting spells, Leucorthe* or white discharge, pai l ful or soaldii.g sensation in urinating, red dish or white deposit iu urine, hot and dry skin, Wheeler’s No 9t Preparation ’*C” will give im mediate and lasting teliej. Tho price of Wheeler’s No *.*> Prescriptions “B” and *'C” are .V) cents, obtainable from druggists or sent by mail secure from observation postpaid on receipt of price. Postage stamps tuKi ti. OAT AO DU It is needle** to describe the I v H ■ Mnnn. symptoms of this n*u***oue j disease that is sapping the life arid str>. ngth of ! only too many of the fahcHtand best of both j sexes, tdd and young, suffering alike from the poisonous dripping in the throat, tne | oisonous nasal disebargt s, the fwtid breath and general weakness, debility and languor, aside from the acuL suffering* of this disease, which if not j checked can onlv end in loss of palate, hoarse ness, weakened sight, loss of memory, deafocaa, ! ami premature death if it is not checked before ! it is too late. Labor, study and research, in America, ICurope. and hasl- rn lands, have re- j suited in Wheeler's No. % Instant Relief and Suic Cure for Catarrh, a remedy which contains no h->r:: ful ingredients, and that is guaranteed to cure every caaoof a- uteof chronic catarrh or money refunded. Wheeler’s No. l**i Instant Relief ami Sure Pure for Catarrh will cure every case of cat at rli, hay fever, or asthma: price #1 per ckage. from druggists, or sent by mail post paid on receipt of price. Wheeler's No. Wi Sure Cure for Kidney and Liver Troubles cures all weakness and soreness of thekidneys. intiamruatiim of kidneys or uver, price $ l Wheeler’s Vegetable Pills are the cnly rt raedy that cui e constipation, giving natural action of the bowels without physicking, purging, griping, or pain Price cei t*. of druggists or by mall. Wheeler’s Nervine Tonic for mental depres sion, loss of manhood. languor, weakness <*r over isxaiiou of t he brain is invaluable, price J" cts. WE GUARANTEE or refund mousy paid. We place our price for these remedies at le*H than one-twentieth of the price asked by others for I euiedies upon which you take ail th* chances, and we specially Invite the patronage of the many persons whtf have tried other remedies without effect or depleted lh-ir purses by paying doctor bills that benefited them not. HOW TU OBTAIN ask for them. If they have not got them. * rue at oi ce to the pr pnetora, enclosing the price It money or stamps, and they Will be newt you at once by mad. pest paid. Coirespuudeuce solicited. Address plainly, L. WHKKLBR & CO. No. Ht W. Baltimore St . 8 ly.. Baltimore. Md. BATE’S SPECIFICS!^ Prepared from formula? used by an emineut physician during twenty years suc cessful practice. Specific No. 1. —Gua*anteed to effect a ralical cure of all affections of the liluod, whether Scrofulous or acquired. Skin diseases, pimples, troth patches, etc., are permanently cured by Bate’s Specific No. 1 Price, sl. specific No. 2.—Cures Seminal Weakness, Nervous Debilit}. from Youthful Indiscretions or Excesses, producing Exhaust# and Vitality and Loss of Manhood. This remedy is uiiequaled in the cure of these complaints. It is powerful stimulus to the weakened Nervous System, assists Nature to renew ihe strength and vigor of the debilitated organs, and effects a radical cure Price, $l - No. 4 Gives Instant relief and permanently cures Rheumatism, Prise. $2. Specific No. 6—A positive o re for all weak nesses common to females. Price, $!. Sold by Druggists, or sent ou receipt of price by J. W. Bate, 59 N. (.'lurk Rt . Chicago. SEND FOR CIRCULAR! r f\| f% for the working class. Send 10 cents fcULU f° r postage, and we will mail you free, a royal, valuable box of sample good that* will put you in theway of making more money m a few days than you ever thought nossible at any business. Capital not required. We will s art you. Vou cat wot kali the time or in spare time ouly The work is universally adapted *o both *• xes. young and old. Vou <an easily earn from 50 cents to $5 every evening. That ell who want work may test the* business, we make this unparalleled offer: to all who are not well satisfied we will send #1 to pay far the trouble of writing us. Full partieulars,dire* tkn.s etc. sent free. Fortunes will be made by those who give their whole time to the work. Great success a solutcly su e. Don’t delay. Start iu w. Address Stinson & Cos., Portland, Maine. FREE m TRIAL HANOVER’S SPECIFIC. Ar. unfailing and speedv cure for Nervous Debility and Weakness, Loss of Vitality and Vigor. Nervous Proatration. Hyiteria, or any evil result of indtecretiou. ex cess, over work, abuses of Alcohol. Tobaoco. etc. (Over forty thousand positive cures.) |ySend 150. postage on trial box of 100 pills. Address, Dr. M. W. BACON, Cor. C.&rk St. and Calboun Place. Chicago, I!| r pHE GAZETTE sill be sent to any address i X postpaid one year for $1.50 in ad/fance. SnniE&TZLLS LOS6E VO. 109. F. U. 10 A ; * ° n "• "• Sa.r (i. J MOVERS. K,*i r.'tury. BT ° RV ' W - *• 4 JOIIft tv. TIADItOX, ATTORNEY AT I.AW, SIMMERVILLE, GEORGIA. Will practice |„ the Superior, Count, Dlutrlct couite. ‘"d l-cgnl Adifi li*( DM'iifa, Lexal AdTertl.ement, Payable In A,l. ▼anew. Don t you forget it! 3 Ad Sheriff z Sale. GEORGIA. Chatto—fpi County: Will he .old on the tlr.t Tueedev In v,.„t. IHB4. tit the court h-u.e -10.-r h, • ithln the lc(tnl hour* of to the bistO-h bidder for ruh, the to-wit: one undivided half Interest in two United States utiils, situat'd on lot of ‘and No. W, in th* sth district and 4th gecllon of said county, with all the fixture* and appurtenant* a thereto belonging together with one half interest in taid lot of land, which contains one hundred and *ixtv acres, more or less. Ou said lot of land there are one still house, one government B tore house and three tenant houses, and SO acres of cleared land iu a high stute of cultivation, with other improvements. Levied on as the property of John H. Love, ;o satisfy four fl. fas.; two in favor of W. M Johnson, one in favor of Thomp son Hites, and one iu favor of T. HilesftCo Said fl. fas. issued from the Justice’s court of 4 •R*sth district, G. M Levy ma.b- a,„i returned B by C. >. Akridge, constable. Property pointed out by defendant This January ih, 1884. kELLETT, Sheriff. Application for Administration. STATE OF GEORGIA. Chattooga County To all whom it may cot cent: W T Herndon having in proper form applied to me for perma nent letters of administration on the estate of Matthew Karp, late of *aii county, this is to cite all am singular the creditors and next of kin of Matthew Earp, to be and appear at mv office on the first Monday In March next, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not b* granted to W. T. Herndon on Matthew Karp’s estate Witness mv hand Jan ttd, 1-84, JOHN MATTOX, Ordinary. Application for Adminlitration. GEORGIA. Chattooga County: To all whom it may concern. John W Close ha* in du-* form applied to the undersigned for permanent letter of administration on the estate of Ed ward L Close, la*e of said county, deceased, and 1 ill pass upon said application on the first Monday in March, 18M. Given under my baud aud official signature January Atl) 1884. JOHN MATTOX, Ordinary ’ Application for Discharge. GEORGIA, Chattooga County: To nil whom it may concern: B. O. Smith, f;uardi*n for W. J. Goodwin, applies to me for etters of dismission from said guardlanship, and I will pass upon bis n| plica'inn on the first Monday In March next, at my office in hummer ville in said county. Given under my hand, January 28kh, 1884 JOHN MATTOX. Ordinary Application for Discharge. STATE OF GEORGIA, Chattooga County: Whereas G. D Hollis, admtnistiat<>* of D. W. Carroll, represent* to th* court iu hi* petition, duly filed, th t he has fully admin stered I). W, Carrel) s estate; this i* therefore to cite sil person* concerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they can. why said administrator should not be discharged fiom his administrit tiou, and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in April. 1884. Wituess my hand, December 18th, 1888. JOHN MATTOX, Ordinary. Application for Discharge. OEORGIA, Chattooga C- nuty : To all whom it may concern: J F. Ferry and Mrs. Mart Frrriu, repn sentativesof tb ■ estate of J. J Lawrence, aeceuaed, apply to me for letters of diaaiisskon fiou aaid •o.u.inistralien, and I will pan* vpon their *j-pl cation on the i.rst Monday tr. March. 1884. a. my office, in bumu er viile In said coui ty. Witness mv ham). Noviiu l er2Bth. ISNL JOHN MATTOX, Ordinary. withostMediomi MAGNETIC BELT WARRANTED TOCURE^-sfe withoutmedlein*: -Pain la the baeL, Lip*, haaii *r limb*, aervou* debility,lumbuc* general debility. rfcesmstUm. parol7*l*. acarmtc>a, aelatlea, caot the kldaer*.aplnal dt*ene*. torpid liver. f*C •emtsul onlwitizA, tmpoteney, ••itioia, be*rt dU* ease, dy*pep*lo, e©a*ripaUe, eryelpelaa, Injilgri*- tina. hernia ar raptara, oaturrk, pliea, epllopty, of o. cr.frxiTrTT ono an* Oacura. I.*t vitality, lack of nerve foree and vigor, wasting neatnesses, and *H these diseases of a per aaaal aature, from whatever cause, the continuous stream of Magnetism permeating threw*h the part* anal rr.tore tH-m tea healthy actloa TLer* Uuo misuiko aco:it thisappliaucc. *on^ Sis ABDOMINAL* SUPPORTER. TO THE LADIES:— Zsfcaastlen Dyspepsia, or wlih Diseases of the Liv | Kidneys. Headache art old If©*t, BweHca r • rank Astlea, crKwolioa Fee*, an At<!on inol Bs* I and a pair of Magnetic Foot Bnttorta* have no superior : mth* rw'tef and eure of all these complaints. They : cmrrj a powerful magnetic force to the seat or th* FoT l.*e Rack. Weakness sf th a Raise, FalL lag of the Month, Leacerri ru, < hronle. Infiainuta> tfoa and I'lecrutton of the Womb, Incidental Ht*** orrhage or Flooding. Painful, huppresaed aad Irj regular Menstruation, Barrenness, and change at Life, this U tho Boat Appliance and Curative Agent Forman forma of Feusolo IMffileultlea It Is UMfIP) passed by anything before Invented both as a curatzv* 1 agent and as a source of newer and Titallratl<n. Price of cither Belt with Magnetic F oo * Batter***, 810. Bent by express 0.0. I> .and examination allowed, or hy ms ilon receipt of price- In ordering, send mensure of waist and aizo of rb<A. lien ittnru* can bo mode in cur tuner, sent In letter at our nk. The Magnet.-n Garments are adapted U ail ages, ara worn over the orider clothing, <aot aert to the body tike the many Gatranto and FI-clHr iina baga *dverUed ea extensively' and should hu taken off at night. They hoi i tbeir forever, and are worn at all seasons of tl;e year. . _ Bend •tamp for the "New Departs*# tn Medical Treat l™ -* tU>t ■’ wtm ii,ut imumtitol 08-™- "“ iHZ BACVETON APPMAICFCOt tin but, be* cbjet>, ul TESTED VY TIME. STRONG’S PECTORAL PILLS nr BuccsaaJFrL usx fob HALF A CENTURY. The best Remedy few Cough#, CNakda, Dyrpca. ala and Bhi-umaibm. Insure H*aJthy Appf.iti, (k>od Digestion, dewuiarity of thu Bowens. A ore tie*# boon to dvlleate femtvle#. ar.d bracing Ihe nervous system, and vigor ano health to every fibre of the body. Sc!d hr Drurgi?\ For Pamphlet*, etc., address C. E. 12 (JlLl< dfc 00. 19 Cedar 9L. 3T.T. City. y nirnmimvm 3 y wM B| * rc ’ ,rn H althy <%■ 9 0S- I pactioaio the Live^* HH 8 9 21 fe a d relieve all bil* j troubles. Purely TeiUble; Sc ar:p:rg. Pri 2a All ’Sa ADDI7C Semi al* cen:s for postage. rnlLL. and re ‘ f A> Frve. .• - tij Lor of goods '* Lie will hf!p you to more money right sway thee agi>ihiug risr iu this world. AL, of eiihei sex. *uv<.t*rd frotu first hour. Jlie h”iie and rr>aJ to fortunv opens before the workers, sbsolutt ir sui e. At add re-a. True flr Cos., Augusta, Maine. pmZKKS OF CEATTOOJA < t ARE V> respectfully invit and u subs, rib lor l ug, Gazette—tho only pupeu publl ly $ thq, county. It gives .’atest mvis,