The Summerville gazette. (Summerville, Ga.) 1874-1889, April 02, 1884, Image 2

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THE GAZETTE a(JMMKH?ILLK. OA. X.- CL LOOMIS, Editor and Proprietor. BATES Of SUBSCRIPTION: I(ADVA!*C* OMTtM*. ftfotr* months f1.50 #L7S flit month* 76 fbrac month* 40 50 Corraspondnnca solicited; hut to recnlvn at tention, letter* muit he accompanied by a re •ponsibl* uame-uot for publication, but an a jurantee of good faith. Ail articles roooiuinsnding candidates for offloe.or Intended for the personal benefit of any one, roust he paid for at tho rate of 4 renin pm line, in advance. 0 intributfonn of news solicited from every quarter. 'Vejsoted articles will not bs returned unions accompanied by a stamp IlF* Alvortislng rates and estimateagiven on application. Allletters should be addressed to J. C. LOOMIH. Hummervillfl, C a. mma mm mu, ism. ACCFPT THK INKVITABI.K. A loleErsm from Harriaburir, Pa., to the Atlanta Journal , dated March lilih, is aa follows: Secretary of Stale Stenper, who was a tßcmher or the Potter Committee 0:1 the Louisiana cipher dispatch inveatigation, and who is on intimate peraonal friend of Mr. Tilden, nailed on him a few dav* ago. The Ihlriot, of I hip city, print* an inter view had with Secretary Steeper. He nay* in the interview mentioned: “I hadn't aeon Mr. Tilden for several year*, and was pained and ehoekod to ace the preut chunitc that had conic over him during the interval. Instead of the plump, vigorous rpecimen of manhood he is waited *o that his skin reeiua to hang on hia bone*. So emaciated him he become, indeed, that all effort eeni* painful to him. Hi* hands shake so violently that lie find* it nece-Miry to res' them on a table before Inin, His voice is husky and weak, ana he enunciate* only wiih the gicate*! effo t His tongue a-em* swollen and paialyaed to some extent, anil hi* whole appearance indi cate* suffering. He seem* to realise hi* infitinity, 100, for there is a noticeable abienoe of that confidence in hi* powsi* that once charaetorixed hi* movements, and thnugh In walks alone, servants arc always kept waiting within access, a* if in preparation to amwer a autumn- a at any momcr.t. This change catne on me like an unpleasant revelation, and compelled uic to relinquish ilia hope 1 had long entertained that Samuel J. Tilden would aguin l.c elected president of the Coiled Stales, and then be inaugurated in spite nffr. ud and foroo. I am reluctant to give up this hope, for it was long cherished, hut after what f have seen with my own eyes and heard from his own lips, there ta to alternative hut to accept the inevitable.” It should he remembered that Mr Slenger was a strong advocate of the * old ti iket." KXTRACTS FROM OUK gXCHANttKR. A country editor says that il people knew how to pay their subscription* as well ss they know how to run n paper, editors would have tin easier lime of it.— Incinton Appeal. When o candidate runs foroffioe in this county hereafter, he will have to run on his merits, and not on whisky. Marietta Journal, (rood, if true. Bring out the candidate tl at favors a general killing out of dogs, and he's our man for office cow — Columbia Sentinel. No one in Clarke county wants to go to the legislature. It is on office devoid of honor and profit. Athene Banner- Watchman. The Atlanta Constitution of Sunday published the names of four or five prominent oititens of Albany who favored Tilden for the Presidency, but it did not publish the names of about 25 or SO other* who arc opposed to him —Albuny Medium. A teacher in one of the smallest district schools in the smallest State in the Union once proved that it may be emparraesing to use one's own self us an illustration. Bhe was hearing a c'a*e in spelling and defining words. The word “irphan" had been correctly spelled, but nono of tho class seemed to know its moaning After asking one or two of them she said, encouragingly: “Now, try again. lam an orphan. Now, can't some <f you guess what il means?'' The blank look upon their faoes remained, until one of the duller scholars raised his hand and said, with no intention of being saucy: “It's someone who wants to (.et married and can't." An observant young man, wliilo in Florid*, wa struck with the human like of the herou. The female, etand in * row aod look onoonoerned. while the mules strut and dance and prance around like Saratoga dudes. Then one oh the fair herons would smile on a dude heron, and away the pair would fly All those left invariably begun to cackle and chatter as soon as a match was an iiounccd, and sometimes a rival would pounje upon the lucky swain to wring his neck. Died in Georgia: J‘ J. Hunter, of Cos lambus, aged 7S; Aaron Daniels, ol Col quitt oonntv; Utban Patillo, of South Rcuie; Sarah Ellen, wife ot R. S. Abbo\ or Gordon county; G. Bostwick, of Mor gan couuty; Gasway P l.aiuar, of Baker couuty: Mrs. M. A. Greer, of DeKalb couuty; Louis H. DeMontmollin, ofSa vannah; Garrett Smith, of Houston. Clatke county ii fflicted with a female fortune teller, white, traveling alone, armed with two pistole. Whites and nogrro* flock to her; but the good eitiions are deteimined to rid themselves of the nuisance, * WASHINGTON SEWS, Sargent, United States minister to Germany, has been nominated and con firmed minister In Russia, to succeed Hunt, deceased. It is thought that President Arthur, to show that It’ dis likes the trtalnem of Sargent by Ger many, may leave the place vacant for sometime. In the dehate in the senate rn the educational hill, .Mr. Vance (N. C.) said in substanc : ‘‘Massachusetts is ten times as rich as N. rth Carolina, I ul gives only nine tin es cs much to school purpi sea The whole country has for many years been taxed to support Massaehu elts; North Carolina I as been compelled to contribute to that support. If is u con Stan' source ol mortification to me to hear senators taunt my State with illiteracy, but the torlifioation is deepened when the taunt wntne* from tho ropr sedative ol Tewksbury. (Mr. Hoar) of late.hat has sacrificed eveiy principle for gain, and that is mere responsible for slavery than any other State. The people of Massachusetts sold their slaves to the South, hanked the gold, arid then sung n long u clrc doxolngy through their noses that they were no longer responsible for the sin of sluvery.” In opposing the educational bill, Mr. Sutler (S. C.) raid, in suh-lnnoe: ‘I am opposed to the tendency which I see growing up all ovt r the land to ru h to the national treasury for:elief from every difficulty. I can find no authority for this meusuro in the constitution, twill continue to oppose a policy that I believe will lead to a subversion of the govern ment, by changing it from a governmrnt of limited constitutional power to a paternal government. If this bi'l passes, I believe that in ten years the school system oftl.e States will be in tho hands of the national government. I prefer to trust to the manhood, courage, endurance and humanity of the people of mv Stale.” The second trial of the case of Hatict Kilbourno against Mr. Thompson, ex sergeant at arms, for imprisonment, re sulted in a verdict for Kilbourne of •37,500, There is a s'rong inclination to abolish the fee system for pa\ing United 8 ales court officials, and to pay them fixed salaries. The substance of the testimony ol several witnesses concerning the Danvillr lint was that the while leaders, at. all the meetings, advised to avoid violence; thin the 15 whiles tr’ed to [ ersiiudc tho 200 negroes to disperse, and did not firo till the negroes leveled their pistols, ad stopped firing as soon ns the negroes ran; and that many negroesjstoppcd, fired, ad ran on. Senate—bills, etc., dismissed: directing tho oommiltee on library In inquire into the expediency of printing the official Idlers and papers of President Monroe (agreed to); r. paying Get rgia $22,567 spent by ber to defend her frontier from tie Indians from 1775 In 1818 (tassed); tie educational bill; allotting lands in severalty to Indians on various reserva tions. oml extending the protection of tbc laws of tbc States and territories over the Indians (pas-ed); re-appropriating fir the benefit of sufferers by tho Mississippi floods $125.C00 already appropriated lor siiflerera by the Ohio floods, hut not noedod (passed both houses); offering $25,000 reward for discovering the Grefly expedition (passed). House—bills, etc., discussed: the bonded ex'ension bill (lost); declaring that tillSJaniiary Ist, 1880 trade dollars may be paid into the treasury, nr ex obanged for standard dollars, and shall be coined into standard dollars. Senate—bills, etc , introduced: amend ing the constitution so as to allow women to vote; calling on th’ aeorelary of war for information concerning the unpaid portion ofthe war tax of 1861 (sgreed to); directing $35,555.42 I eretofore appro priated to Georgia, but withheld as credit on the war tax, to be paid in mo - ey. House—bills, etc., introduced: appro priating s3oo,ofoto protect New Orleans from overflow. Mr. BhiiJhll'h hj pf*a| in tl*.e canons wh>li was lifld to HoriGc, if |iossili|p, what course the party will pursue on ttic tariff, was certainly frank, manly, and reasonable. Part of what he said was: “I oame here for the purpoae of havinc harmony in the party. Rut I nsk for entire candor amone Democrats while tryine toaarec. Will they say that wc are not in honor hound to role for this hill, provided the resolution offered by Mr. Morrison passes-? Surely no question on which my peopleaerec, ormy constituents arc interested, ought to be hampered by action on thia resolution. Ought Ito be hound contrary to niy oonviotions as a Democrat, and against the interests of my Slate, or be placed in tho position of one lacking in party realty?" Mr. Ran dall has done too much for the party to Ire read cut of it on light grounds. Surely some middle ground can be laid down, on which all Democrats can unite, each one, if necessory, giving up a part of (he details, while holding fast to principle. James Kirk, a Haralson county moon shiner, drove off Deputy Marshal Cooper with a shotgun, but a posse gathered him in. He was ooovic'ed and sentenced to six months' confinement, but after 45 days he swore to re'orni, and was let our oo a suspended sentence. Testifying against the government in another case, and subsequently saying, “I don’t ask the G—d d—J government any odds," “I have another distillery which they have never found," made the offoere resolve to have him serve out the rest of his sootenoo. He was arrested, but escaped, leuving this note; “Good bye, and be hanged to you.” OKOKIIIA NEWS. The whisky license in Rome is still •400. Brunswick is luxurating in new Irish potatoes. Amcrieus had a >70,000 fire last Wednesday. Laurens and Jones ci unties report an earthquake shock on the 22d ult. The 23d Georgia regiment is expected to re unite at Ac-worth August 31st. Fletcher i< to he tried to day for killing Griffin in Fast Rome some months ago. Tho editor of the Barnesville A’etfi* has seen a rat two licet long, one foot around. A correspondent of the Manner Watch man snj-s that carp taste like dried ocliards. Out of a resent judgment against an Oconee man fur >1,200, the lawyer* took >1.125. E. M. Evans is in jail in Atlanta for cutting his wife's throat. She will prob ably recover. Since our last issue we have seen ac counts of mad dogsMn Troup and Talia ferro counties. An Irwin county hoy recently let a trap for some pirtiidges, and caught—an immen'C bullfrog. Parrish Smith, a negro who died in Floyd county last Monday, was thought to he 106 years_pld. The Augusta hanks have inaugurated a clearing house *y*tein. Each hank will take its turn av the office. It Gwinnett county, a wreek ago last Saturday, Judge Rrandon and hia neigh bnrs killed 325 rat* in his crib. A graveynrd rabbit's ears, and a black sow’s tail, are supplanting the rabbit's foot as "luck-pieces" in Macon. 8. B Council, of Arnericn*. celebrated the 60th anniversary of l is marriage on the 25th ult., and died on the 20th. In the sth congressional district the contest for the nomination seems likely to be between Jackson and Hammond. Henry Mallev was arrested in Waynes boro on the 24th nil. for killing his brother at Aiken, 8 C., ISvtsrs ago. In Macon a tobacco merchant has agreed to pay a 3nndy merchant >l2 for all the candy that ho can cat in a month. In Dooly count--, lately, Rufus Van-fin's three years-old child was knocked out of a door by * dog, and in stantly killed. The military encampment, at Rome, begin ing July 2d. i* expected to h- the largest gathering of Southern soldier* - incc the war. The corner stone of the Catholic church now going up in Rome wras pulled rut during the night of the 23d ult , and the valuables stolen therefrom. Burglars took >3BO from a trunk at the font of the heil of J. P, ('ox in DeSoto, last Friday night, reloeked the trunk, and left without disturbing any one. While John Cunningham was d:iving across the Oemgia railroad track near Aui usta on the 22d ult., his h ose balked, and both were killed by the train. Whit Wright, of Pi.uhling county, has sold 276 pounds of butter thi- year from one common scrub cow, beside* all that his family of four persons needed. In Baldwin county T. M Smith, negro, haa been making incer diary speeches, urging the negroes to rise on April l*t and kill all tilt whites. He has evaded arrest. In Union county, recently, while woik ing the roads, James Cook taunted Jet ferson Anderson till he provoked a blow and then shot him dead. 'I bey had been jealous ol each other for a year. In Screvcu county Charles Wilson, negro, had his wile arrested for leaving hiui and living with aunlher man. i?ho gave fond, and had him arrested for wife-hi a:ing. He was imprisoned. Tlie tax collector oi Habersham county lias been sentenced to the penitentiary for four years lor eiubeitleuient. Another oounty officer has been fined $530 for misappropriating the county funds, Tho Republicans of Bartow county met in convention on the 24th ult., elected delegates to the district and state con ventions, ami endorsed 11. P. Farrow as a candidate lor United States judge. A negro bus been tiaveling thrt ugh Washington ooun'y, organising "labor societies." Their obj ct is to striae lor higher wages, and demand $2 a day for men, $1.25 for women. Hu claims to he sent by “Governor Grant," and says troops will be sent to make unwilling ones join. A. S. Hamilton, ol Fort Valley, and Mrs. Hood, of Rome, have succeeded in setting aside the will of Mrs. Malinda Hamilton, formerly of Atlanta. !dhe died in Rome, and the case was triel there. She left most offer property. ($15000), to Mrs. Wyly, of Atlanta, and Mrs. J R. Freeman, of Rome. An appeal is likely. W. B. Riddle, a Washington county farmer, borrowed at different times over SIOO ,000 from B. J. Wilson, a commission merchant in Savannah, and gave him a mortgage on his farm of 10,000 acres. Wilson now wishes to foreclose, but Mrs. Riddle olaims the land, and a lawsuit will decide the matter. The land is said to he worth $230,000. Emory Speer is one ofthe counsel. Jones county furnishes the following tough tale: During last week’s cyclone, two little negroes were arleep. The house was blown down, (he floor lifted up, oarri.d a mile and dropped in the ruins of another hou e. A falling tree broke down one corner of the bed on which they lay, and lightning set the bedding on fire, but they slept on, till waked by an an who came to put out the fire. GKNKKAL NEWS. Chester, S. C., exhibits volcanic symp toms. Hog cholera i very prevalent in New England. Twelve State conventions were ap pointed for the 30th ult. Memphis is excited about the enforce ment of the Sunday laws. Bogan Cash is said to be roaming the swamps of Pedoc, disguised as a negro. Gon. Sherman is mentioned as a possi ble Democratic presidential candidate. The oil from an exploded still burned lhrec met. to dealh in Cleveland lately. The cases ot loot and-mouth disease, in Missouri at least, have been decided to be frozen feet. Jay Gould’s property is valued at >58.706,413 His income i* >4,640.011 a year, or >8.95 a mini te. About 25 person* are thought to have been poisoned by canned corned beef at a recent church sociable in Chailanooga. There is at least one man in N-w York who makes a living by buying from the hotel* the provision* left over, and selling them to families. Iu Washington. D, C., last Thursday night, Loui* Karcher found John W. Grimes contested in his (K's) wife's room, and killed him. Near Gallipoli*, t'hio, recently, Mor gan Martin, coming to dinner from his work, found his house falling in, and hi* wife and child burned up in it. The publishers of Blaine'* new bonk, "From Lincoln to Garfield,” pay him a royalty of 80 cen's a volume. They ex pect to sell 300,0fX) volumes. This will yield him >240,000. Admiral Porter in hi* testimony nn the steel cruiser question ciied one ease in which over >200,000 were wasted. A hot house for one of the officers at Trenton was charged to the government. In Canton, Kansas, a Mr Herald opened a saloon on the 21st ult., con trary to law. On the 24'h. in a row with a drunken customer, he was shot by a constable. Next day the wmnen rsided his saloon, end poured all bis liquors into the street. Ed Sullivan, of Spring City, Tenn., was very drunk on a Nashville <fc ('Hat tanong* train on ti e 22d ult. He became very when the conductor attempted to quiet him, and remarked “1 11 leave the damned tiain." He jumped Iron the platform, and broke hia t eck. In Valot'ia, Penn , on the 23d ult., children went out to find a ‘sugar-camp/ Not fin ing it, they tapped an unknown tree, and drank the juice. All were tak en Nick ij a short time, with every symp tom of poisoning. At last account*, one was dead, and three other* were dying. Wonderful gold diaooverics have been made at Coeird* Alcne, Idaho, prod Doing the following effect on prices: board, $4 it day; whUkv, 25 cents a drink ; fl >ur #6O a barrel; ha con, 65 cents a pound; coffee, #1.50 a pound; lumber, #l5O |cr 1,000 feet; picks, #lO euoh; shovels, #4 each; drill at*el, 50 cents a pound; nails, 35 cents a pou: and. A CIKCH AR CIKCCLATM). The course of true love never did run smooth, says the Atlanta Journal, and i vrr and anon this trite old adage i* verified by a sort of Hi sent ion between tho white and blick Republicans of Fulton county At tho late convention held in the custom house it was charged that (be white Republican* Were too proud to affiliate with the negroes, and it was hinted that it was “getting time to see about it." The following cirrular, which was quietly passed about yesterday, vi rifles the fact that the colored brother's apprehension* were well grounded: To Union men and the Friends of Re form —Atlanta, Ga., March 17, 1884. At a meeting ol prominent white men held this day for the purpose of consulting on the present polities! situation, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted: Whereas, the elective franchise, which is the real si uic* of all true liberty, and the foundation of a republican form ol government, has beoouie feat fully coriupt and degraded by political trickstcrain our State, be it Resolved, that we, the white li en here assembled, together with such other white men, regardless of past political party afflictions, who are willing and dcsiious to co-operate in an effoit to bring about reform in our State, will n eet in Atlanta, Ga,, on the Bth day of April next, at 12 u>., for the purpose of con sultation, and to take such political ac ion as may, at that time, be deemed wise and proper. J- Norcross, Chairman. VV. L. Cl ARK. Secretary, James Longstreet, J. C Freeman, Jonathan Norcn ss, A. G. Murray, Wm. Markham, Thus. S. King, R. M A uteo. Committee. FOKKUIN FLASHES. There is a general disposition among Europeau powers to adopt stionger measures against anarchists, and lo banish them All the tribes in Noithern Nulia sre said to be flocking to El Mahdi. The British troops are suffering much from heat and bad water. The British deleated the rebels at Tamanieb on the 27th ult. The Duke of .klhany. Queen Victoria s youngest son. died siidocnlv at Cannes (France) on last Friday a, a iw A now trial has been granted to Alf Doyal, ol Griffin, sentenced to death for killing a policeman, in the ground ihat one of the jury had before the trial expressed a determination to long Doyal il bs Rs ou t bo jury. AN OLD BACHELOR'S CONFKBSION. (Concluded from last week's issue.) I never shall forget the party at Mrs! G V It was what I always did detest, a small and sociable party, composed of a stiff circle around the room. In the midst of this circle I found myself in that situation dreaded by ail gentlemen, but particularly hateful to tne, standing up before a lady, endeavoring to make up a con versation out of nothing. llow I got there I cannot tell, but as soon as I discovered w here I was, and saw many lair faces turned towards me in a listening attitude, all self-possession vanished. I grew redder and more confused, and lost the thread of my discourse. While vainly endeavoring to recovt r my scattered idcis, I espied, a* I thought, MissG ’glove lying at her feet. I snatched it up hastily, but found to my horror, I had caught up the young lady’* foot. She was only saved from a complete Somerset by tl-e quickness of a lady nest her When I again summoned up courage to call on MissG , I was told by the grinning hlaclcie, ‘Missie says she’s not at home.’ Thu* one by one I 10-t all these fair creatures, and by degrees my relish for society. One evening, however, I wa* persuaded to accept an invitation to a party given by the beautiful Mis* I) . She resided in an old country house naar my Aunt 8 , where I was then on a visit. The rooms in which the company were to he received had been added to I lie rest of the hou*e sometime before, and to enter them it was necessary to descend three steps; a most detestable arrangement by the by, and I wish her old Dutch ancestor who contrived it had tlrow ned himself and his bright imagining* in tho Zuyder Zee. I had reasoned strongly with myself before I went: “What is there in the faeeol a woman that I should fear to look upon it? I am a man of fortune and figure, and ought to succeed in society. I will c-xert myself to throw off this mauvuite honte; I will be a man.’’ With hese sentiments I drove boldly up to the hou*e, strode loftily through the h ill, forgot the three steps, and ctnie thundering down in the raid*t of the a*tonished guest*. I turned my back and fled. From that time I have shunned the face of woman. Yes, woman, to whom I have al wav slocked as the source of every blessing here below, I must fly from. She is that bright and particular star which I rnav not hope to obtain. Dear madam, do you not pity me! Is it not a cruel fate, that one feeling should render the world a disc it to me, and Ibrce me to be what I always dreaded and hated, a dreary old bachelor? Tell me what I shall do. fake pity on my distressing care, and leach me *onic method to exorcise this evil spirit which ha* usurped such dominion over me.” I’ — m c DI ■ ■ ■ KIOT IN CINCINNATI. On last Friday and Saturday night.** Cincinnati was the bcene of the worm riot* that have occurred in the United Suite.* *ince the Pittsburg riot*. Oi* the 27th of last Decern! er W'tu. H. Knk whs found dead iu a oiilUtream. Joseph Paluier, negro, w> arrested, and con* tes ed that lie killed Kirk, incited by Wm Berner, white, for the purpose of robbery. Palmer wa* convicted of mur der. Berner's counsel succeeded in securing a verdict of manslaughter only. The judge said ti e verdict was an out rage on justice, and sentenced Berner to the penitentiary hr twenty years, the limit of tho law. There was g eat dis satisfaction outside, and on Friday night Music Hall was crowded with uien who K ad turned out to express their indigna tion. They adjourned to the jail, and attacked th front dooi. Ail the police Wv re collected at (lie jail, and ordered to gre. but no one was hurt. The militia was oidered out. Three men were wounded by their fite. one of wh m. a policeman, died the neit day. The streets were crowded all Saturday. In the evening the streets near the jail were b.rrteaded by the deb nders of the jail Two regiments of Cincinnati militia were ou duty, and three other*, with two batteries, were ordered to be ready in Columbus at an oment's w. ruing. Early oil Saturday night the treasurer’s office in the court bouse was *et on fire. The troops ther tirea wout ding nd killing many: how many, is not The fourteenth regiment had to fight itt* way from the depot to the jail: over 1 ih• men are reported killed by them. The fourth regiment started foi the jail; turned back oidered again to ’he jail and sen it e red on the way The uub afterwards secured ihrce galling guns, hut before they c*u and procure powder, the police charged them and cap'urtd the guns. Two giinMon > uer, broken open; the p.opriehT I *i.o kltied *ev* of ihe mob. Berner was lodged in me penifenuaiy '■‘aturday evening Puriru the riot, threats were nude to ntirn a hotel belonging to Hunt, (he coimiel at the jail. The pu<‘**ia left it. hue tEe threats were not carried out. Hundreds oi prominent people of Miauiisburg. Ohio, testify to having seen a ghosi in tne g.a eyaru. Shot, cubs, and bullets, had no effect oo the misty figure. The next day they began digging up the graves tofi .and the ghost's home. NORmANS corf AMERICA'S CHIEF STOMACHIC A St UK an I effectual Item* <ljr for the cure of all irreg- A übtntkn and dmordarN of th Htomarh and Bow fl*. wht-thw In children or adult* lYomnllv relieving Dywsntery, Diarrhu-a, Cholera M>rbu*. < nolrra In fan tun Una, Griping I‘ain*. FUtuli-nry. Nausea. Acidity of the Stomach. Heart burn. Rick and Nt-rvoua Headache and DYSPEPSIA. May be u*ed In all de-ranira-merm of the Stomach and • Ik from relaxation or the Inteetluca or a chance of food or eater. n-ormjltst’s NEUTRALIZING CORDIAL M a* jlwoint and hermlcee as Itluokberrv VJn**—-contain* no Opium Aud will not conetl* ate, SjuvtAlly rr^cmmended for NeaiickneM ’-ad Teething Children. Gt-nnan and Engtlch Directions on each Mtt*, Price jc and ti.oo. r*rge slae contain* nix time* a* much a*small. Bold bf all r>ruirrlt* and Dealers iu Modidnes. THE EXCELSIOR CHEMICAL CO., Bole Propr’tora, WALHALLA, B.C U H A MLVD A 2c. BTAMF J-uU IJTTLJC BOOK, New York office, 70 .Malden Lane. SENSIBLE MENlirr. that of the mAny diseases and derangement* of the body each has a separate cause or origin, and that each needs a different method of treatment in order to effect a cure, and a moment s reflection must convince that any of the quack nostrums foisted upon the putJUc < laiming to cure all of a number of diametrically different disease* must prove failures, even is we do uot call them humbugs. POOP prnpf C and people of moderate I UUn I LUI Lu mean*, and even people well to do or wealthy find that the enormous charge# of practicing physician* are a serious burden to them, and also And after paying t hemtelves poor that no benefit haa seemed to them, that in fact they have thrown their money sway To overcome these evils we ofler Wheeter'e St> i Sure litmtilit* to the sick and suffering one. Remedy for each disease, without for a moment claiming that one remedy will cure any other disease than the one claimed for it. and a tnese remedies have stood the test of years without a single failure, we agree to refund the money paid in every mat stice where a cure is nt positively effected. The remedies are entirely vegetable, can do no harm, and will positively cure every disease for which they are prescribed. EiUKTIIMATIQM Oout, Lameness of nnc UmM I lorn. Joints, (Sciatica and Neuralgia, are relieved at once and positively cured by the use of Wheeler’s No. 96 Rheumatic Remedy We say boldly that in the wor*t of cases of no matter how Utnq tandinq, how eeriou*, or how painful, we cannot o lv give relief but pwltirely cure for all time Failing to do this we will ooaitively refund the money paid for the treatmen . and if your sufferings are not positively stopped fur all time you have not thrown your money away as you would on any other t‘ an these guaranteed remedies. The price of Wheeler’s No. 96 Rheumatic Remedy is only 50 cents, obtainable from druggists or *enl free by mail on r> ceipt of price. Stamps taken. SUt FERING WOMEN. SSLVJMJ nature with a pretty face, beautiful figure, fault less completion, as well as the sweetest of tempers and faultless mental qualities grows firemat.urely old. gray and wrinkled, her form oeeg its perfee* contour, the completion be comes sallow, the brightness leaves the eye, a feeling of lani our takes the place of the once buoyant -pirlts. an Irritable nervous fractious ness makes lib* a burden, things that once were trifle* worry her till life b.-comes unbearable Ail this be ng caused by the physical derange rnents ao common to women, which the innate modesty of feminine nature prevents their making known, and of which the ignorance of the medical profession pi events a ure. Lady leader, pause and consider, ’tie a duty vnu owe yourself, your familv and your Ood. that you Hiiould cure yourself of these troubles and one* more feel tbe glow of perfect health and spirits that nature intended for you. Wheeler’s No. 96 Preparation* are pleasant and palatable to take, contain nothing or an injurious natur .and may be taken by all ages st all times and in all con ditions without possibility of ill effects, aud will positively cure any of the peculiar diseases t# which females are subject. f ailing to produce a perfect cure, me proprietors will refund the money paid for the treat raent If you have a s.llow completion, constant or intermittent headache, backache, restlessness, loss of ap petite. *uppre*-lon of monthly flow, or irregu latities thereof accompanies by heada hes, ncrvouane&M. hrateiies aud Ritntiar symptoms. Wheeler’s No. 96 Preparation *'B” will positively roatore you to h alth If you have a sensation of beat aad throbbing in th s back, frequent fainting spells, l.euc>rrhca or white discharge, pal ful or acaldit g sensation iu urinating, red dish or white deixadt in urine, hot. and dry skiu, W’beeler'a No 96 Preparation **C" will give tro mediate and lasting relief The price ot Wheeler’s No 96 Prescriptions *‘B” and “C” are 6U cents, obtainable from druggists or sent by mail secure from observation postpaid on receipt of price. Postage stamps taken. PATARRH It in ne**rll'** to describe the I Mrinn. symptom* of this n*u***ous di**a*e that is sapping tin* life aod air* tigth of only too many of to** fait eet and beat of both k**x*-s, old and young, Kuff>*riiig alike from the poisonous dripping in th** throat, the f oisonnu* iiaaal diet harg<-e. the ftid breath and general *eakm*M, debility and langour, aside from the aut sufferings of this disease. which if not checked can onlv end in loss of palate, hoarse nee*, weakened sight, lose of memory, deafness, ami premature death if it is not checked before it is too late. Labor, study aud research, in America, Xu rope, and lands, have re suited in Wheeler's No. Utt Instant Kelief aud Sure Cure for Catarrh, a remedy which contains no h*rt:~ful ingredients, and that is guaranteed to cure every case of a<-ute or chronic catarrh or rnonev refunded Wheeler's No. W Instant Relief and Sure Gpr* for Catarrh will cure every case of catarrh, hay fever, or asthma: price f! t>er jack age. from druggists, or sent by mail post paid on receipt of price. W heeler's No W Sure Cure for Kidney and Liver Troubles cures all weakness and soreness of thekidneys, inflammation of kiduey* or liver, price sl. Wheeler's Vegetable Pills are the cnly r* medy that cut es constipation, giving natural action of the bowels without physicking, purging, griping, ot paiu. Price 3® cci ts, .f druggists or bv mail. Wheeler's Nervine Tonic for mental depres sion, loss of manhood, langour. weakness or over taxation of the brain is invaluable price 25 cts. we gumßan tee faiu. We place our price for these remedies at ess than ouc-tWHiitieth of the price asked by others for i eim-dies upon which you take all (he chances, and we specially invite the patronage of the uianv persons who have tried oiher remedies without effect or depleted th**ir pur-*** by paying doctor utils that benefited them uot. uf)\AJ Tl* DDTAIM these remedies Go nUW It UD IAI P! yo Ur druggist and ask for thr*ra. If they have not got them, vrtte at orce to the pr prietors, enclosing the price n money or stamps, and they will be sent you at once by mail p<st paid. Coirespondeuje solicited. Address plainly, L. Wim.LER A CO , No. 8f W. Haltiirore St . H 22-’3 ly. Baltimore, Md. ABATES SPECIFICS!^;] Prepared from formulie used by *n eminent physician dunng twenty yean* suc cessful practice Specific No. I.—Goa *au toed to effect • raiical curt of ali affections of the Blood, whether Scrofulous or a- qin red. Bkin diseases, pimples, moth patches, etc., are permanently t ure>i by Bate’s Specific No. 1 Price, fl. Specific No. 8. -Cures Semina] Weakness. Nervous Debility, from Youtbfui Indiscretions or Excesses, producing Exhausted Vitality and Loss of Manhood. This remedy is unequaled in the cure of these complaints. It is a powerful stimulus to the weakened Nervous System, assists Nature to renew the strength and vigor of the debilitated organs, and effects a radical cure Pri< e, sl. Speciflr No. 4 —Gives instant relief and permanently cures Rheumatism, Prise. (2. Sp**ciflc No. 6.—A positive r re for all weak nesses common to females. Price, SI. Sold by Druggists, or sent on receipt of price by J. W. Bate. 59 N. Clark St , Chicago. SEND FOR CIRCULAR! FREE g TRIAL HANOVER’S SPECIFIC. Ar. unfailing and spaed v * ure for Nervous Debility ami Weakness, Loss of Vitality and Vigor, Nervous Prostration. Hy teria, or any evil result of indiscretion, ex cess. over work, abuses of Alcohol. Tobacco, etc. (Over forty thousand positive cures ) iJF"Send 15c pottage on tri*l box of 100 pills, j Address, Dr. \\. W BAO Ji, Cor. C.ark St. and Calhouu Place, Chicago, 111 I’ATI.NTS. F. A. Lehmann. Solicitor of American ami j Foreign Patents, o aalmigtou, D. C. All busi- I ness connected with I ateuts. whether before i the Patent -fhee or the Courts, promptly at- i tended to. No charge made unleß a patvut is secured. Send for circular. .ifpAM'kHD from Youthful Imprudence OU II Cl t/l O musing Nervous Pebility, mental and physical weak ness. Valuable information for home cure FKr.t-.. Used Si years successfully. Dr. A. G. OJin, Box 242. Chicago. C CITIZENS OF CHATTOOGA COUNTY’ ARE j respectfully .invit ;d to subs rib for The Gaxette the only paper publi bed ip the county, li gives .‘atast news. sroramuuinmui!, Mset tn the,r hall at 10 A. M. do tbe first Btur day of each month. W. A. STORY W w O. J MOYKRS, Secretary. ’ * JOHN W. MADDOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW. BU*MERTILLI. GEORGIA. Will practice In the Superior. County, and District courts. 7 Legal Advertisement*. Legal Advertisements Payable In Ad vance. Don’t you forget it! Application for Dlicharge. GEORGIA, Chattooga County: To all whom it may concern: T. 8 Illah guardian for R L. M'-Lrod. appllaa to ma for dtrmtaatoo from *ald guardlanahip, and I will oaa* upon hi* application on the fl-at Holiday la May next, at my ofllce in Bumm*rrUla. la laid couDty Wilt,,** my hand. Marta S6tb ISS4 _ J™* *‘ ATTO *. Ordinary. Application for Leave to Sell GEORGIA. Chattooga County: To alt whom it may conceen: John A. Junes executor of lh' will of Amanda C. White, de creed, has in due form appl ed to the under signed for leave to aril the lan s belonging to tb** estate of sr id deceased, and said anelicatior will be teard on the first Monday in May u*i’W Witness my hand, March 11th. sum JOHN MATTOX. Ordinary Application for Diichar?e STATE OF GEORGIA, Chattooga County: WhsraasJ. M Yanp*-lt and M. M. Hens, ad mini-trafora of Wn. S. Vanpelt, deceased rep resent to the court in their petition duly filed, that'tbey have fully administered Wm s Van pelt's estate; this is therefore to cite all persona concerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they have, why said administrators should not be discharged from their administration and receive ihe usual letters of dismission on the first Monday in July. IPH4. JOHN MATTOX. Ordinary. Notice to Creditor.*. GEORGIA. Chattooga County Ail persons having demands against the estate of W I). Davia, Ist* of said county, deceased, are notified to at once render in their drmande to the undersigned, according tc.*law Th;s 19th day of March, 1884. W S. KENDRICK. W D. DAVIS jn.. Executors of W. D Daria, deceased. Application for Administration. GEORGIA. Chattooga County: To all whom it may cot,earn: Mrs. Jane Love baa in due form applied to the undersigned for permanent letters of administration on the estate of Mrs. Margai et Carre? of said county, deceased, to be granted to G. D Hollis, clerk of tbe Superior eoutt of said county, or some other flt and proper person, and I will pat hon the ame oil lb- first Monday in April, IftM. Witness my hand this February ff'th. IBM JOHN MATTOX. Ordinary. Application for Discharge. GEORGIA, Chattooga County: To all whom it may concern: Mm ftarab A. Chapman guardian for Susan A Chapman, ap plies to me for letters of dismission from said guard nship, and 1 will pass upon her applica tion on the first Monday in April. 1894. at my office in Summerville in said county Witness my hand. Fek ruary Ist. 18*4. JOHN MATTOX. Ordinary B# s s“hD withwtMedicme ;ji ri THIS MAGNETIC BELT IS WARRANTED TOCURE^^fe without medicine -—Palm la tbsbssl, kip*, head, mr limbs, mertomtt debllltj,lumbago g—smJ rfeeamutUm. paralysis scuralr'a, Mlatlea, Amm mI the kid nr/ a, •*(*! and !•*•**>• torpid ltvrvgeal seminal rmlmlawa. Impotent*/, asthma, kmrt dl*> nn. drsprpala, raaactpatlaa, rndptlM, tadlgcm Uaa. bora la er ragtara, aatajrrb, pllas, aplUpar, 4 Vt.“ j"3*'!utr of ta.cERRBXTrrraBCARs Occurs, lat vitality. lark ofaerra fores aad vigor. VMliac waaLaasaoa. aad all Ikaao dlaraaos of a per sonal aalaro. from whatever tho contlnuoa* stream of Magnotlsm psrmoatlng tbroagb Ibo porta mid re*tora them to a health/ aeUoa There U M miatai.o about ihtesppUaace 30 co 42 LflB ,E S ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER. m "0 THE LADIES: —”**7 rfK-ssas .V I lli. knuivvi Nearalgla. Nerveaa ■ ■haaaiUo.DTß with plyeeeftbe Ur -*w K IGa y•, Hoa/aebe or Cold Foe* bwolUa er ■rmk A a Lira, or bwallea Feet, aa AMommtl Bolt eadapeir of Magnetic Foot Batteries have no *n porter at the rv'tef xnd core of all there complaint*. They spy t powerful utagaoUo fores lo the seat of toe For Lame Keek. Weak aces of tbs ftolao, Pall. Isa of the vaak, Leeeerrhoa. CbroaU Ia flam ma- Moa aad Meoratloa ofthe Womb, laeftdealal Hem. orrhage or Flooding, I*alaful, Happroaaed aad la regal or kr net ra atlea, Karreuaewa. aad ebaaga of life. UUUUv Boat AppUuaoe aad CamHva AgaaA For all form* of Female IHHeultkee t* Is “nSSP j Famed by anyrtbing hot ora Invented. Golb as a cwti*t| ageat and aa a source of power and vitallsaUoa. Prior of eltbor Belt vita MagueUo Foot lUtU-riea, flh. Booth/ sxpreaeC.O D .aod exaoxlnation aiUrood.orm[ mail on receipt of price, lo ordering, send measure m want and stae of vhoe |to*iut taoe caa le Bod* la eg* reney. aent in letter at enrrlak. The Magnet, n Garments are adapted to al’ agv*. ar% worn over the a niter clothing, (wot next to the bod/ like tho mao/ lislvaal* aad F.loetrle flam bigs advertised ao estoualvt-lrl and should bo ‘okra off at night. They hold tho*r prnr/www, aad in worn at all aeasonv of tho /oar. goad stamp for the “Nrw Oe artura in M*d.9ai Trmk men* W Ukoot MoAUiae, ” wi*h lb stands of knsfms ““llix HAONFTOM AmjAFCTICO. SIB bust* ht, Cklcags, XIAo NEUHALGINE XW ftitat Sgaatf* hr SawnlgU ul fafah An Internal Peroedy. containing no quinine, opium, chloroform, chloral or narcotic of any kind Safe end quick in its action. Mavnr> Office. 1 Lrcsßvro. Va . April 19. 1879 i Hutchison A Bro: Gentlemen-It affords me gveat pleasure tote-fify to the great virtues cf your •‘Neuralaine'’ for the cure of neuralgia and headache It la the best remedy for these most distressing complaints I have ever used. It should be iu every family in the oountry. Yours Truly. Geo. R Hud. Uayor of Least urg. Va. Messrs. Hutch torn A Bro: lam happy to say that your "Neuralgia#** acted as a specific iu my ease, relieving me in an incredibly short time. I would advise all suffering from neural gia and headache to try it. Yours, etc . L. V. Rims. M. D. PATENTS MT7NN A CO., of the Scromrtr A*krtca*. con tinue to act as Solicitors for Patents, Caveats. Trade Marks. Copyrights, for the United States. Canada, England. France, Germany, etc. Hand Book about Patents sent free. Thirty-seven years’experience. Patents obtained through MUNN A CO are noticed to the Soigyrrinc Amrbican. the largest. and most widely circulated scientific paper 1130a rear. Weekly Splendid engravings and interesting in formation. Specimen copy of the rscleullAc A mer lean sent free. Address MUNN A CO.. S< lXVririO Amjuucam Office. Ail Broadway, New York. ud the Court.. *..a.t>U term.. OjW.aa.Ul