The Summerville gazette. (Summerville, Ga.) 1874-1889, April 16, 1884, Image 2

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THE GAZETTE lUMMKftttLLB. <1 A. 3-. O. LOOMIS, Sditor and Proprietor. HITKA OF SDBSCEIPTIOJI; IK 4DUHCB OK Tim. ¥#•!▼• month* ... . . |IM l(< month* 76 JO fhroo month* AO 10 Corr**pon<Sonoi noHolUd; but to ro*lff**t- Aontton, Uttar* muit bo occompanlod by * r* fiponstbU oooio not tor pnbllootloo, but h* * ftoraoteo of good f*ltb. All ortlolo* rooommondloK oondldote* for Ofßo, or tatoodod forth*proonol brnoflt of **y uo, mu*t bo paid for at too r*to of 6 nonta poi lino. In adranoo. omtrlhuttoo* of now* aolloltod from quarter, 'UjooUd artloloa will not bo rrturnod unloaa aocompanlod by a atanip IIP* Adr*rtl*la(rato* and ootlmatoaflran on applluatlon. Alllottora should b addrooaod to J. 0 LOOMI®, # HumnaorTlllo, Oa. TOBMT mm APE IL 16th, 1884, POLITICAL NEWS. The National, or Greenback Labir, parly, will meet to nominate their camli date lor preeiden in lndianapoll*. Mi 28th. B. t. Butlrr will probibly be toominited. The uetroei in Telia ai.d Louisiana •re rebelling against thair white Republi can bosses. It ia thought certain that either Blaine or Arthur will be tha Republican nominee for pre'ideot, and Lincoln for vice president. Tha letters read belore the Republican conference oommittea at its meeting in New York City lait week showed Ed munds first, Blaine aeeond, for the presi dency. Independent Republioeoe thought that neither Blaine, Arthur, nor Login, had a good enough record. Recent municipal election! in Ohio •how Republioen atina in all the cities. During this month 28 States will elect delegatee to the Republican national con vention, Tha Republican convention for the District of Columbia, utter considerable quarreling, deoted Frank B. Conger, postmaster at Washington, and l'erry Canon, negro, delegates to tha Chicago convention. Henry B. Payne, ol Ohio, ia freqtit ntly mentioned aa quite likely to bo nominated hy th* Pemoerati for preaident. He will not nay whether he i a onfdidate or not, perhap! becauae he foara tho Dcmoorat! will be defeated. The Washington rorrespondent of the Constitution aayi the Tilden boom i* gaining ground daily: that Justice Field* •nd hia brother! have money enough, and would he willing to mm it to eecure hia election, bur he could not awaken wßthu-iaMu: that Payne ia uot going In for the nomination: aud that no man who hat acted with either wiux of the parry on the tariff question can l> nominated. This would leave out Randall, Uarlislo, M irrison, nod McDonald. A POLITICAL SPLIT. The while of Georgia met in Atlanta on the Sth inst., and were called to mder by Jonathan Nprcroea. He spoke ol the oeoeseity loraeparata organ ilation nf white! nd ntgroea. If white chairman called a negro to t rder, or negro ohnirman called • white man to order, thero wa* sure to boa row. Hepatite organirationa would avoid this. Hon. Wm. Markham waa elected per manent chairman. Uol. Thornton, being called on, made a long apeech. He aaid that, not being a candidate lor office, he oould dixeuas the great queaticn embodied in the call fairly, lliaatiaoka on Buck and Bryant mode Mr. Norcrosa appeal to the chair to stop him, but after consider able disputing, the colonel finiahed hin remarks. "Whig Republican'’ wax aelected aa tho name of the organisation A motion that the party meet in convei - tion May Ut for the put pose of organ ising a Bute central committee, electing • delegation to the national Republican convention at Chicugo, nominating a State electoral ticket, and taking such other action aa at that time may be deemed wiae and proper, was amended by striking out the second and third items, and then oarried. Letters were read from Uoo. J. sbua Hill, of Madison, J. R. W'ikle, ol Cirterrville, and Win. 11. MoWhorter, expressing sympathy with the movement. A resolution in viting the negroes of the Slate to meet in convention on the same day, to allow the two bodie# to cousult each other, il nooessary, wat ttferred to tho executive oommittea* The ttirpoae ia fully set forth in the following extraol from the closing addreaa of Mr. Markham, tie president: “Experience has demonstrated that white men tlone are oapabla of leadership io the organisation ofeiiber ol the great parties that are to control the interest and welfare of this great and growing commonwealth.’’ Most evila have some compensating good. Asa consequence ot' the Oiociu uati rio , it is now announced that the murderers iu jail are on trial now, and no man tries to be excused from jury duly; that the bar association of that place have agreed to represent to the legislature the necessity for amending the criminal Uw, so as to give the State some chance to convict; that some crooked lawyers will be disbarred; and that the tawpeiing with juries will be investigated. a, a > Information for ladies. —1 here is nothing a liousekee|er would like but can be obtained by reading the Uotuewift, the best and cheapest paper for ladies published. R-gulaf price sl, will lie seut ou tri: i one year free to every lady who sends immediately the names and addresses . f ten married ladies or house keepers with 12 two cent stamps for pottage. Address JkJ Hot's* WlPa, Rochester > k WAWHINGTOM NEWS. President Arthur ia asked to reoota* mend congress to authorise the various government bureaus to mike displays at the New Orleans reposition, and fo en tertain r< preaentativas of foreign govern ments who at'and it. Frank Moorehaad will goto Europe ebortly to anoint emu misait oers, and to work i p a boom there. The president has nominated Tho u is H. Triplett for postmaster atDsltcn. Brown’s speech on the educational hill is spoken of as a strong argument for its oonstitutionality. Some of the Republican !■ tders think it will be best to let the Dsnioerats do ell the ta-ki'g on the tariff bill, and thereby show plainly the difference of opinion on that subject in the Democratic party. Toe organiaatioo of white Republicans in Georgia have sent in circulars explain ing thair purpose. The war on Long street will ba embittered by hia having Joined them. In the debate on the nival approptie* lion bill, the need for larger cannon was particular'! emphasised. Mr. Randall says i he appropriation bills will all be reptrled by May 15th, and that congress cugl.t to be ready to adjourn hy June 20 h. Gen. Huzen has begun trying, from the reports of the recent cyclones, to deduce seme laws whioh govern them. Tlie house committee on the judiciary will submit tiro reports on woman suffrage; tha majority against it, the minority favoring It. Jcho J. Knox has resigned his position as comptroller of the currency to become president afa New York banking house. It ie thought that Blaine's enemies, having become convinced that ba is stronger than any other one now named as • candidate, are preparing to bring out Grant against him. Yeaterday waa sc for a vote whether to take up the Morrison hill or oot. All the Republicans, and the Randall Deuio ctats, were ex peeled to vote egsinat it. Arthur ie working herd for the nomina tion. One of bis methods is to withhold nomination* to fill vaoeucies till after the convention, thereby to gain the influence of all the candidates for those offioea. Senate—bill*, etc., diroussed: the educational hill (passed: lots) outlay under it 977,00Q,(XX))i the naval appro priation bill; authorising the secretary of war to rxamiDc • claim of South Carolina for rent of Cl-ttlestoti aitadrl (passed); authorising secretary nf war to ai(just and -eltle the acoount for arms between South Carolina aud the United State*; author ising tbe prorident to recognize the Afrioan Internationa) Aseoeia'ion as a oootrolling power io the Valley of tbe Congo. House—bills, etc., discussed: author izing the president to appoint a com uiisMcn to mark the boundary line be tween Texas and ludLn Territory, con jointly with a ctti’Diission appointed hy the governor of Te*s (paw-ed); requiring territorial governor* to have bean re al ien Is of the territory for at least two Veers befnge appointment (passed); making appropriation for public build ing.-; 950.(810 ut Greenville, 8. C., #IOO,OOO at New Albany, lnd.. #IOO,OOO at Chattanooga, #l5O 000 at Augusta, Ga .#150(8)0 at Keokuk, lowa, 9100.000 at Waoo, Texas; offering #25.000 reward forreeoue ol Greely expedition, or news of it; declati: g that the charge- against H. V. Boynton are not sustained by the evidence, and that there is no ground of action by the tiouso (adopted); the pension appropriation hill (containing f‘20.684,400 in addition to #06,000,1 00 ro-appropriated) Fcnute—bills, cto., introduced: for feiting lands granted to the New Orleans, Baton Rouge k Viokshurg railroad; establishing a postal telegraph sy-tem. House—bills, etc., introduced: re storing the duty of 1867 on wool (lost); declaring it unwise and inexpedient for the present congress to abolish or reduce the tux on spirits distilled from grain (adopted, 179 to 33); directing tha post master general to investigate and apply the most effective means of protecting mails on postal cars from destruction by Are. REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. The regular Republican convention met in Atlanta Inst Wednesday, and was oalled to order by Colonel A. K. Buck, chairman of the Stale central committee. Alter considerable excited discussion. M. U. Clark, of Macon, was elected tem porary ohairntan. In his introductory speech, which was frequently interrupted, ho said: "The Republican parly lepre seuts the idea of the fatherhood of God and the brothorhood of man. It recognises no n an by the texture of his skin or hair. I believe the rarty will never die till equal rights ate secured to all men before the law and in civil lile." While the com mittee on credentials was making up its report, Cok 11. P. Farrow and John K. Bryant addresved the convention. Three contested delegations were not settled without considerable warmth. A. K. Buck, W. A. Pled.or, L. M. Ploasants, and C D. Forsyth, were selected as dele gates from the State at large to the Chicago convention. The matter of putting out a Stato ticket and nanimg pre-idcutia! electors was left to the State oentrul committee. Resolutions urging the payment of State and national debts, against the whisky traffic, and indorsing Arthur's administration, were adopted, after a lively discussion over whisky. In South Carolina, particularly near Columbia, forest fires have bedo more destructive than recent cyclones. Y\ m. Sloan, Sam Sloone, Capt. Henry Dixnu. and W. D. Kautlman, lost everything: houses, provisions, e'c. C. U. Jones lost his turpentine dis illeiy ar.d all the timber around it. Many nthers lokl everything. neoHina new*. 8. C. Prudden has been postmaster at Ratonton for 49 years. Beriven county suffered by wind and forest fires last Wedaesdsy. Magsnssa ore le shipped in large quan tities from Bartow Couoty to England. A HXteen-yenrs-nld son of Councilman Dunning, of Atlanta, weighs 240 pounds. John Cobb, of Darien, drank four hot lea of whisky in 12 hours, and died. "Organ or no organ.” has split thi Baptist church at Boon Quitman county. Columbus ia s'irred by unmannerly behavior in and around church during divine service. In Clarksville on the sth, Fell* House shot Charlie Phillips. Phillips will probably die. The Georgia pharmaceutist,' ninth annual convention in Macon last week, was harmonious. A main between Georgia and Bouth Carolina ohiekcaa attracted crowds from both States toßavannah last Wednesday J. It. Burlier, of Cedartown, makes daily 24 pounds of rich yellow butter from sii rafona ol milk, the product of one oow. An ox hitched to a wheelbarrow, one .boy leading him end another holding up the shafts, was lately seen in Haralson counts. Dr K. B. MmrehaP, of Red Cl.y, h.e invented a plow which will pulverii the ground ten inches deep, without turning it over. J. F. Shepherd, of Welton county, owns a very valuable mica mine in Rabun oounty. Several blocke from it have sold for 997.50 eaeh. It is said that Major Hargrove will, in a few months, resign his office of post, master at Rome. A petition is circulating in J. D. Thouiee' favor. ■ The purchase money lor the Oglethorpe barraeks. Savannah, ban been paid over to the United Stelee, and the till* trans ferred to a hotel cotnpeuy. More than half the male population ol Macon ere aaid to have the firemen's fever, caused by the near approach of ike firemen’s tournament there. One of the Georgia papers speaks uf a cyclone that lifted a well out ol its socket, knocked out the bottom, and let the man who was in it drop through. Judge T. J. Simmons declines to be a candidate for governor. He thinks McDaniel has made a good governor, and should be re elected for the good of the party. A negro debating society in Btewart oounty reoeatly tackled the question, "Which it wmst useful to the eountry. lawyers or buiiaid*?’’ Decided iu favor of tbe buuardo. Iu Dooly scanty Ulysses M. Gunn set fire to dry gti te pa hia nwa farm; tha flame, extended into the farm of hi, neighbor, Wm. W, Chapman. Chapman sues for 92,000 damages. It is said that the Athens water works company charge ao much at to keep tha oitiiens from pat ionizing them, and that the tower leaks so badly that it ia a nuisaiioe to all around it. In Pierce county, Rev K. W. Flanders’ children were frightened while drawing water, and ran In the house, screaming lie ran out to see wimt was the matter. Colli ied with his daughter, and broke a rib. - ,ft Died in Georgia: Tom Morrison, ot Rome: Allen Kennedy, of Gray-vile, aged 77; Mrs. J. M. Reeve, of Culh< un; John P. Beverley, of I’atoo-a county; Rev G. W. Marsh, of Bartow county; Je-se Swain, of Gordon county, aged 89; Mrs. W. J. McClstchey, of Marietta; Mrs. Caroline Mitchell and Mis J. T. Lsmkin, both of Gwinnett county: John Wigle, Sr , of Paulding oounty; Judge M. B. Mershom, of Clayton county; Mr. T. J. Moses, of Augusta; Wm. Williams, aged 90, and Martin Turner, both of El bert oounty; Captain Thomas W. Mabry and Willie Echols, both of Madison Cos. Be it understood I say nothing dis paraging of the noblest, most inde pendent class ol women that live—the ones that bear the euphonious title of old maids—too brave to marry a man that is not their ideal of what a man should be, just to have the name being married. They choose rather to “paddle their own canoe’’ down the river of lima, regardless of the shafts of sarcasm and envy hurled at them by brainless men, disappointed wives, and giggling girl-.—Dad* County Timet. Baker, superintendent of the New York State prison, says that (he com parative advantages of the oontract system have been shown in the health ol the convicts, and in the morals and financial balances of the prisons. Our own observation corresponds exaotly with this. Individuals make oonvict labor profitable: we have never known a State to do o except by hiring them to others. Killed: in Vicksburg, David Malten by Walter Owens; on St. Simon’s Island Watt Rusaell by Rube Peyton, hotf ne groes; in Bnmingham. Ala , Jack J, n kins by Ben Royal, for seducing his wife (both negroes); in Haatehurg., Miss.. R. B. Rials by Bob and Hans Peun; in Coles coumy. 111., Mr. Fleetwood sod wife, proliably by a hired man; in Tesar kana, Mike Berry by J. F Cl rk. Governor McDani I has commuted the death senienoe of John Thomas, for killing Lindsey Weaver, to imprisonment for life. Weaver was the paramour of Thomas' wife, but 1 homes' lawyers had not time to get up the evidence of this before ih* trial. Both are negroes. PKNNWTLVANIA DEMOCBATS. The Pennsylvania Democratic Btate convention met in Allentown on the 9th, discharged its mission with entire har mony and good humor sod complete unanimity, and adjourned tine die at P. M. No instructions were given or prefer ences expressed other thin are contained in the platform, although the very men tion of UandnlPs name hy speakers was hailed with cheers. The following is the platform: 1. Tho Democratic party of Pennsyl vania, in State convention, declares is unalterable del* rmination to maintain those | rmciples of government ordained by the Federal constitution, and their interpretation wbi*!i the founder! ol the party settled, sod to resist the efforts ot the federal government to overthrow those principles by judicial legtl* ion and executive usurpation. 2. We are against centralisation, monopoly, extravagant expenditures, subsidies and the debasement of the civil service to partisan polities. J. We believe that the electoral fraud ol 1876-7. by which Baumcl J. Tilden and Thomas A. Hendricks were cheated out of the offioes rf president end vice presi dent, to which they were fairly eljcted, was the most deadly blow ever aimed at our system of representative govert meat, and the duty of driv ng from pnWLr the men end patty who mide that fraud triumph is the moat sacred obligation ever imposed os the consii. nee of free man. 4, We favor a tariff for revenue, limittd to tbe reeesailiee of the government eoooomieally administered. and so ad justed ia its application a to prevent uii equa 1 burdens, encourage productive in dostriea at home and afford just com pensation to labor, but not to create or foeiar monopolies, end to this end favor the abolition of the internal revenue sy,tem of taxes, and such adjustment of the existing tariff duties as will be oon sistent with theae principles 5 Every legitimate effort of labor to better its condition, enhutice its rewards and protect its rights commands the sympathy and support nf the Democratic parly The importation under contract of foreign | auper labor is an evil which ahouhl be remedied by ut legislation. Tbe sixth and seventh resolutions relate to State matters Ihe eighth arid last is aa follows: "Resolved, that Samuel J. Randall is the choice of the Democrats of Penn-yl vania as the candidate of their party lor preeident. By long, faithful public service he lias illustrated unfaltering devotion to high political principles and fealty to the Democratic party. His honesty and honor, hi* capacity and courage, his laitblul labors and signal abilitiea have merited and won tor him the confidence cad support of the people of the Uoited Ftatea" After the edop(io of the p'atform, a committee Was sent to uivmi Mr Randall to address the convention. H>- soon ap peerej snd briefly thanked the conven tion for tbe honor they had done him in their expressions in his behalf saying: ”1 do not attribute this Set on to uiy personal merits. On the contrary 1 rerognix and realize it a- an a| proval of the resolute and aigre—ive course which l have pursued in congress in the ad vosaey and defense of these cardinal principles advocated hy Jeflersoii, Jack son, Polk and Buchanan. As it hasbei n with me in the past, so it will lie io the end.” QkSkKAL MRS A headles* ghost io fem le apparel is exciting Nashville. Mary Chadwick got a divore because her husband hit-h< and hei to a plow by the side of a steer. During the last 90 years there have been 92 very tornadoes in ihe Northwest, ami only 32 in ihe South. Many comments, not complimentary, are made on th* conduct ol the Ohio militia during the riots in Cincinnati. Mias Annie Tate, of Henderson, N. C., has beer, married to two or ihree persons who were afterwards ascertained to have wires living. The First National Banks of Bt. Albans Vl., aud of Monmouth, 111 , sus pended list Wednesday on account of speculation of officera. Sales of tickets for the dramatic festival association in Cincinnati readied very little, because country people ire afraid of being shot it they go to Cincinnati. Miss Faoois G Porter, of Russellville, Ky„ is heiress to several thousand dollars leit her by a mao to whom she showed some little kindness while he was seemingly a tramp. A meeting of the Socialist Labor party in New York City on the sth. was ex pected ti furnish occasion lor riots, but the speakers all sain the ballot Pox was the only remedy for the evils of which they complained. Loaded cigars are manufactured in Cnicago and Cincinnati The Chicago firm claim that their curtrhig' goes off like a Roman candie, no matter how d,y th* cigar may he, but that the Cincinnati srtiole, when dry, explodes with a bang, and blows a mao's head off. Tbe Southern Press Association met in Atlanta last Wednesday. The pay demanded by the Associated Press, the postal telegraph, and the new*copyright hill, weie under consideration. The last was approved, the s, cord condemned. While Atlanta is moving lor a canal to bring the watet of the Chat tab, ochee to her doors, Columbus protests, fearing that her supply may Is- thereby cut abort. Arbitration or legal measuns ll! proba bly l-e necessary. THE EAGLK A PHENIX MILL. Charles E. Collier, who id a stock holder in the Eagle A Pht-nix mill ut Columbus, relumed last night from that city, where he attended the stockholders’ annual meeting. In reply to a query of an Atlanta Constitution reporter, lie said: “The mill is in excellent Condition :ind its record is ;i mutter of pride and Surprise to its stockholders. The past year has been the hardest ever known in eotton spinning. In spite of this the Eagle A l’be .ix earned and will p:ty a dividend of p*t cent on its capital stock of n million ands quarter. It had extraordinary ex penses in having to purchase large river property and make anew dam. It also had to rebuild everal flumes. In spile of this and the unequaled hard year its net earnings above these unusual ependitures was 993,000.’’ “This is the largest mill in the South?” "Yes, it has used more cotton than any other southern mill, and 1 believe than any other single m il in America Its success has been wonderful, and demonstrates that tbe South is the section in w hich to manufacture cotton profitably. It was reotganixed about 1867, and since then it has paid one million tluee bundled and seventy thousand dollars in rash dividends and built out of its earuiugs anew mill c -sting one million dollars, and has a 1 irge sutplus besides.*' "Is it proposed to extend tbe mill further?" “Yes, a proposition was submitted to build anew mill nt an estimated cost ol nine hundred and ixty thousand dollars. This will lie built on Ihe Alabima side just opposite mill num ber three, and connected ith that mill by wire bridge. It will be devoted to the manufacture of a cer tain class of goods for which the demand largely exceeds the supply. I think there is no d-übt that this mill will be built. Indeed the ar rangements are practically made to go ahead w ith the work." DANVILLE INVESTIGATION. B B Mu in lord, Virginia lexis a or: "The coalitionist apportioned the Blate so that on* .trong negro distrr t contained 121,636 inhabitants, while a -troog white district had 187 907 inhabitants. Tl ey el.-o proposed to gerryn sod, r Lynchburg and Lexington so a- to give lhe negroes control ol them. Ihr Inhere inspection Ini I authorized thr govern r to appoint unitiy new officials Thr-r mea.ur.a the Democrats considered up presstve. and a’ upsgSuy effml |nf relief Beforirvbe elecfton T deysr ited money with l e tax collecor to pay the pull lax ot Deu oorat to voters. On settle ment we found n was not enough to pay the taxes of ail to shorn tie had given receipts, and I paid him the balance.” John J. DrZendorf, of Norlolk, Va., regular Republican candt 'ate for tfci co gre-s: *’l lieiievethat if' lett li them selves 999 out of I (KX) Viiginta negroes would volt’ the regular Republican ticket, but since M ihnne’s advent to power, the negro vote line been muni pointed more than ever Ms hone even sent out a cir cular purp rting to be signed hy the president of the United States, saying that tie wished them to support the Rc adjuatcr ticket. Every time that l spoke I I e Coalitionists tiird to break up die meeting. It was understood that the offices of ti e S’ate were all controlled by Mahone. I know one negro preach, r wlio was turned out of the church by Coalitionists for voting the regular Re publican ticket, and another whom t ey tried to exclude. A Republican county chairru n was turned out ot office for Dot supporting the Coalitionists: 1 then >b tamed a place tor him in the public printing office, and Mahone had him turned out.” Mr. A P. W., of Hampton. Gs.. has recently emerged from oe of the most remarkable cases of Blood Poison on record. His body rnd limbs had no less than four hundred small ulcers —his Ooncs tormented him with pains—his appe.itc failed—his kidneys presented Irightlul symptom—and ail doctors an t 100 bottle* of the most popular Biooo Poison remedy failed to give him any relief. He secur'd B. B 8.. the concentrated quick cure and five bottles healed the ulcers, relieved all pain, e ireU his kidneys, rest ’red hi appetite, and made him a healthy ano happy man. Any one can s- cure his full name and corr .-pond with him. Bonkocme will oure any case ot G. and G within lor’y ep-ht hours. For sale hy John 8 Pl- gh >rn A Cos. Losers by fire in Georgia: Dade, Wells, A Cos., of Wayne county, sawmill,93o.- 000; Will W iilis, ne-r Columbus, store, 91 5'H); Dr Green "f Gainesville, rest donee. #5 000 W N Luch. of Dodge oounty mill, 97 tK)"; L P. Warner, f foluin us. resi-lei ee, 92 500; Abe M. Cnrmi’k. of '* t cox county r< si.h i.c-; Jesse Wilson, of Douglas cnui ty, r si Jenoe; H.irper Coleman, f Hancock Countv. residence*, Junes 1, flight, nf Dallas, unfiul-h and h -u-e. 6tht; Dr Ja-. L Ham It n ol (’ohm ho, county, gin house; J. W Bu er. ol It"Ck im* count) residence. T. ree hundred >ih.,-h n gr--- me - a week ago last night, a.m n> .-ed i u call of Norcross and oil era lor -. party ol white Republicans Tiiev said I Was a move to cut loose from dr-honesty .uni rascality. NORMAN'S CDrhiAL 'MS CHIEF STOMACHIC .li •Ct’ctaal K*-Itiljr for tb- cure of all M-. and disorders of the Ntomarb and Bow In rbiitlnrn or adUIU. I'i oiniAly rellerillC tarrbusa. Cholera N-.rbua, *oMf* Inf**- . . r**r Pain*. Flatub ■noy. Nou*e. Acidity of ! nrthurn.Klrkad Kerffuffs lie*dnciw**d YSPEPSIA. !* all rlnuipcm**nu Off the Stumorh and uutlofi of the JnUwttiiM OT * cLuuigfW ilmr. 2TOXU* A.N'S 'ALIZINC CORDIAL -ml and li*rmle*s a* ItUrkberrr Mininciio Opium and will not conau — ini y ondoU for Hriaickocti cthiug Children m*H And Eiwrllßh Dtrertton* on *ch Bottldh Price *sc. and ti.oo V 'wvntainflfrix tim** on tnurh unmlL Bold by All D'.'unrMs and Lual-tn In Medicine* 'HE EXOELB2GK CHEMICAL CO., Sol* Proprtor*. VMJUUi. A C USA •* v Vf7 A *r. fT A MP you IJTTLIC BOOK. Naff York ofleo, 70 Maid** L**. SENSIBLE MEN r.I.VTZ that of the many diaeaara end deranfomonr* of th# body eai-h h*a a separate cause or Olivia, and that earh needs a different method of trestasentlu order to effect s cur*, snd a moment s refl4*etloa must cooviuce that any of quack nose urns foisted upon *.he pul lir rlannma torure all of a number of diametrically different mart trore failures, eren Is we do not call thsm umbujra. .♦ POOR PEOPLE meamt. and even people J well to do or wealthy find that the tnormou* cA./rpe* of practicing physicians are s serious burd* n Cos them, snd also find after paying them*-elTe* poor that no benefit has teemed to them, that in fact they hare thrown their money sway To overcome ttk*sae evils we ofler WkstUr't So kA RsmnefiM to th** sick snd suffering ess Rwdy for each disease, without for a moment claiming that oue remedy will care an/ other disease than tbe one claimed for it. and a • tneee remedies have stood the test of ysare without a single failure, we agree to rrfuni tK* mttnty paid in every ins'snee where a cure ie sot positively effected. The retnediec are entirely vegetable, nm do ao harm, and! will positively cure every disease for which they are prescribed UUt IIAA ATICAA Gout, Lameness of Pnt UWIH I IOM, Joints. Milica sod Neuralgia, are relieved at once and positively cured by tbe use of Wheeler's Vo M Rheumatic Remedy. We say boldly that in the worst of rases of no mat ter h*w Innq ttanding, how Mrtova, or how poinful. we cannot o ir gave relief but poiti9*ly eurt for all time. Failing to do this we will ooei'.tvrlv refund tbe money paid for the treatmen . and if your snfforinga are ant positively stopped for all time you have not thrown your money away as vou would on say other tf an theae guaranteed remedies. Tbe priov of Wheeler’s No. 96 Rheumatic Remedy is only s<) cents, obtainable ftom druggists or S4et free by mail on r- eelpt of price. Htampe taken SUr FERING WOMEN. >7?^ nature with a pretty face, beautiful figure, fsu't teas completion as welt ae tbe sweetest of tempers ami faultless m-ntal qualities grows ftremsturdy old, gray snd wrinkled, her form oees tts pi*rfec contour, the couipfeXioa be comce sallow, the brightness leaves the eye, a feeling of lan our takes th<* plai’e of the oace I buoyant pints an irritable nervous fractious nea* rnak' B Ilf— s burden, things that ones were trifle* worrj her till life b-eomea unbearable. All this be ng caused by the pnysirsl derange inents so common to women, which the innate modesty of feminine titture prevents their making known, and of which the iguorauce of the medical prrfeseion picvents % cure. Lady leader, pause and consider, ’tls a duty you owe yutirwelr. your family and your Ood. that you should cure yourself f these troubles snd once more frel the glow of perfect health snd spirits that nature intended for you. Wheeler's JVo 9# Preparations are nieaHatit and palatable to take, contain not king or an injurious naffur .snd may he taken by all ages at all times and in sii con ditions without possibility of ill effeots, and will positively cure any of tbe peculiar • incases ts which femal s are subject. T ailing to produce s perfect cure, tne proprietor* will refuud the money paid for the treatment If you have a e-.llow complexion, constant or intermittent headache, backache, res’.leseneea, loss of ap petite. 4nnpres4ion of monthly flow or irregu laxities thereof sccompauie.j by heads he. nervousness hrsteiicri and similar symptoms. Wheeler's No. Preparst iou “B” will pr sitively restore you to b< aith. If you hwve s sensatiou of best as l Ihrobtdng in tb back, frequent fainting spell*. Laucorrbsa <>r white discharge, pai ful or acaidii g sensation in urinating, rad dish or whit* depnsftTn tiritie. hot and dry skin. Wheeler’s No 9b Preparation “C** will give im mediate and lasting lellef Tbe price of Wheeler’s No 96 Prescriptions * B” and “C” are 50 cents, obtainable from druggists or sent by mail secure from observation postpaid on nnieipt of price Postage stamps taken. P ATARRH It i* needless to dsscrihe the GH I Mil n■• symptoms of this nauseous dtscaee that ie sapping the life snd sir ngtb of only too many of the fai'-est and best of both sexes, old and young, suffering alike from the poisonous dripping in the throat, tbe f oisonnus nasal discharges, the fetid breath and gsuerai weakness, debility and langour, aside from the scut sufferings of this disease, which if not checked can only end in loss of palate, hoarse ness. weakened sight, loss of memory, deafness, snd premature death if it is not checked before it is too late. Labor, study aud research, in America, Europe, snd Kastern lands, have re sulted in Wheeler’s No. 96 Instant Heltef and Suie Cure for Catarrh, a remedy which contains no h*mful ingredients, and that is guaianteed to cure every case of a"ute oi i hroaic catarrh or money refunded Wheeler’s No. 9* Instant Relief and Sure L ure for t starrh will cure every case of catarrh, hay fever, or aethroa: price $1 per jack age. from druggists, or sent by mail post paid on receipt of price. Wheeler s No 96 Sure Cure for Kidney and Liver Trouble* cures all weakness aud soreness of thekidneys, in flam (nation of kidneys or liver, price $1 Wheeler’* Vegetable Piliaare the rnly r< raedy that cui es constipation, gmng natural action of the bowels without phyan king, purging, •. ripiug. or pain. Price <5 ee ta <*f druggists or by mail. Wheeler’s Nervine Tonic for mental depres sion. lo*s of manhood, langour. weakness or over taxation of t he brain is invaluable, price JK eta. WE GU-tRAN fEE 5'255 fiaiti, We place our price for these reinedi#m at ess than one-tweutleth of the price asked by others for i etncdiesupon which you take all the chances, and we specially invite the patronage of the many persons who have tried o;h*-r remedies without effect or deplete I their purses by paying doctor mil* that benefited them not. Lintii To HQT AIM these remedies. Go HUn IV# UD I Mill to your druggist arid ask for them. If they have not got them. Ante at ore* to the pr prietors, enclosing the price i • money or stamp*, and they will be sent you at once by mail, pest paid. Cotrespuudeuce solicited. Addres* plainly, L. WHKKLER A CO , No. 8f W. Baltimoreßt . 8 <B-’3-Iy. Baltimore. Md. UPBATE’S SPECIFICS!^ Prepared from formula* used by an eminent physician during twenty years uo cesafur practice. ftpsrlftc No, 1. --tiua -anteed to effect a raiicai cure of all affection* of the Blood, whether Scrofulous or acquired. Skin diseases, pimples, moth patches, etc., are permanently cured by Bate s Specific No. 1 Pricv, fl. Specific No. t.—Cures Seminal Weakness, Nervous Debility, from Youthful Indiscretions or Excesses, producing Exhaust'd Vitality and Loss of Manhood. This remedy is unequaied in tbe cure of these complaints. It is a powerful stimulus to tbe weakened Nervous System, assists Nature to renew the strength and vigor of the debilitated organs, and effects s radical cure Price, sl. specific No. 4 —Gives instant relief and permanenUy cures Rheumatism, Prise. $8 Specific So. ft.—A positive c re for sii weak nesses e>mm>n to females. Price. sl. Sold by Diiiggists. or sent on receipt of price by J. W. Bate, 59 N. Clark t , Chicago. SEND FOR CIRCULAR! FREE g TRIAL HANOVER'S SPECIFIC Ac unl.illng nd ! tpeedv • ure for Nervous Debility and Weakness, j Loss of Vitality and Vigor. Nervous Prosfraiiou. Hy-twria. or any evil result of indiscretiou. ex eesa. over work, abuses of Alcoboi Tobacco, etc. (Over forty thousand positive cures ) LWSend 15i postage on trial box of 100 pills. : Address, La. M. W. BACON. Cor. C.ark St. aud Calhoun Place. Chicago. 11l PATK.YI'S. F. A. Lehmann, Solicitor of American snd Foreign Patents. Washington, D. C. All busi ness connected with Patents, whether before the Patent Sice or the Courts, promptly at tended to. No charge made unless a patent is secured. Send for circular. N from Youthful Imprudence i U caUs,inß * erTOUB l ability. w w mental and physical weak ness. Valuable information for home cure ; runic. Used 583 veao* successfully. Dr. A. G. Oiin. Box Chicago. (TITIZENS OF CHATTOOGA COUNTY ARE ■j respectfully invit and :o subs rib for Thk Gasittk—the only paper publi hed in the ccnnvv li give* .£• news msxmmmmiLi Mrt ia their boll at 10 A M on tbe flrei Bty, dej ot eerb month. W. A BTOEY, W M O. J. MOTKIUt. Seeretery •IOH 1% W. MADDOXT' ATTORNEY AT LAW, HMMEKTIM.K, GMIRGIA. Will practice in the Superior. County, and District courts I rgal Advn likin < rfa. legal AdvertUei.,nta Payable in Ad vance. Don't you forget it ! NOTICE. W II b* sold on the 14<h day of May. iftfci. be fore the court house door of Chattooga • nuntj between the legal hours of *|- t tts** following Crope rt 4 , to-wlt: One two-horse wagon. on uggy. on* act of harness, sod one black mar* mule shout ten Trrt old. Levied on as the property of J. D Smith, to satisfy a fl. fa. i*ued fri-m the County Court of said county in favor of B F. Laugh bridge, for use of J W Maddox J his April Uth. 18H4, C. V. AKKIDQK County Bailiff. Application for Sitcharge GEORGIA, Chattooga County: To all whoa it may concern: T. B. High, Seardtan for R L. McLeod, applies to me for (•mission from *aid guardiaoship, and 1 will K* upon bis application on the fl-t Moat*ay In v y next, at my ofll< • in SummerviUo. in raid county Witness my hand. Mann 96th. UW4 JOHN MATTOX. Ordinary. Application for Leave to Sell GEORGIA. Chattooga County: To all whom It may concern: John A. Jones, executor of ih* will of Amanda C White, da ee* ed. has In duo fora applied to tho under signed for leave to sell the laa s ooloegiag to tbe estate of a* 14deceased, and aaid aoh< at ion will be teard oo the first Monday ia May next. Witness my hand, March lith. IBM JOHN MATTOX. Ordlaary. Application for Ditcher** RTATn or GFOEUIA, Cbetteof* Cowty: Wbereft, J M Vftnpelt end M. M. Bftx. ftd mlnistrators of Wa H. Yanpelt, deesaasd, rep resent to tho court lnthsir petitioa duly filed. ihatThey bare fully admiaisterod Wm. a Vaa pell's estate; this is tLerefor* to cite all persona concerned, heirs and creditors, to show ooaoo, if sny they have, why aaid sdainistratoro should not be discharged from their adariatrslios sad reecive 'he usual letters of dkaaisa4>a ou the first Meaday ia July. I^S4. JOHN MATTOX. Ordlaary. Votioe to Creditors. GEORGIA, Chattooga County AH persona having demands against tho eutate of W I). Davis, lots of said county, deceased, are notified te at oaee reader in their demands to ths undersigned, according to law Th.s Iftb day of March. 1864 W S. KENDRICK W D DAVIS, ji., Executors of W D Devia, deceased Application far Adminiitratioa. GEORGIA. Chattooga County: To all whom it may coi.csrn: Mrs. Jans Love has indue form applied to the undersigned for permane t loiters o' administration on the estate of Mrs Matgai et Corrsv, of said county, dseeased. to be granted to U. D Hollis, clerk of tbe Superior of said county, or some other fit and proper person, snd I will pax* on the une on tb- first Monday in April. Ifi64. Witness my baud this February *th 1864 JOHN MATTOX, Ordinary. Disused withoutMedicvhe THIS MAGNETIC BELT IS WARRANTED TOCoßEfi3rgr Wtthoat tnadldlk* P*ln la iIkVmI,. kil#* h—4. * 11mHa, arrvem 4c6lU#y .lemkage fCMrai rknumutt.m, aoanilc'*. mrfatlfa, 41mm v* kiJ -t •. •*!! 41—a—. taryl4 Hr—, MM, —aalaal aMu#a. lanatear;, Mthaia. SMrt *W MM. 4yaTc!!•*. •—e—laail—. *a4!c—- Boa. fcarala or rtfUre, Mlarri, v •ptlmpmy , w a-crmiTinaaatsa ••ear*, loaf vitality, fa—k ofa—v* tor— aaft *I(M6 waodagr w.aLawzea, —4 all 4>— a—• af a—s MMtl aatare from wkaUvtr cause, the continuous •fer—M of Racnotlsm pero>ettn( tbraaflt tho Sarto •t rrwioro lira to * ffieolU kj —Uoo Ti—TO is ■* allU.l about this vpll*nce. pa 130 pa _ -S LAI> i£ 3 AtOOatNAL BUFFORTCH. L 'OTHELADIES:-^^ E4Koa—loo. Pt esns*loor with Hl—aa—of th * Llff lUn-ffc Heoiooho oriol* F—h *woHa* i mr .rank AoLleo, or Booltra Feet, Ab<lon Inal Bolt •BOt pair of ViffiMUtc Foot Batterio* hare no supOMar 4*|ha rc lrf nd sum of all tb—e roaplainu. They —fry o poworful uiefmetie lor— th* aaa* ot tft* For U Book, W—knew of tho Wm. Fslh baf the *mk, Loan—rha m, i hroato lalla——so a.4 I*l—ratio. aTtho Womb, i—Moatml B-a arrhaa or FUa4la- Polaftal. ffops—O—4 o*4 Ifa rofalor ffraatraalUa. Uarrvaae*o —4t■— C UV UU Is tho Mss* Aisllaa— 004 Oassfivo 4*a*l For"afl forms of FssmU MSmIIIm •* I* —P>l ymi Iby ooythtn* boforo Invented both —a cars—9' •Lt and M# wuroe of power m 4 nutiuUsa Prt oT.lift.. Iw l wllk Iwt BftUsnsft. CIO •on tbr • x pro— C. O- D , and exaiuptMlM •Bo—4. or s— ■util oa —tp of prveo. In r.rdrrtn*. ss4 ammts ’oalst and ■!— of hoo B—nittaa— sob bs laoiia ia saner, —nt In loiter at o,r risk. Th# MafitzWn Oarmonls ere sUoptoiS to all a*r— sort or or tho end— doihtaff. iml_M*‘ ta •*— My Ms tho atiaoy Golroal* —4 Fl—aHo ■om klgt #4rr4lor4 sstroalvrlr 1 on 1 '•• Wkoo oF ot ntchk Thor hobl UiMr psmer/h— *n4 tresorn si oil —mm of thr yoor. , , *on<l atorop for Iho “Srt lO' ortoro In H4o< • a*n> WiUmt Met Mae. " with Hue— srls of *—**"■• “nni HfiONTTON AITUAWfff ’On, 3U UU hU. Chis*A>, ZXL DR. STRONG’S PILLS! Th# Ofel, W#l. Tried, Wonesvful Heahh R#n#wlns Remediea. MmiNL'C tfiMATltlC Bill C Fv* - (Ivor. aIKURb o oARAiITC lULiA p—4e l.irot OiMDiiisl, Mf—Ußf ths Bbtfl* Punir< tho ftiood Clisasm* frost Maianal Time A Fr. frel esse hr tejt Moadaoho. C—oHpoll— is IbfMßls* dnrtri hotLisgulirtiy of tho h—is A pr*— ••* • Vlkntc ftraoMloo wotkim n4 tr*r.t. tho nemra* system and moiaa riffisr and hooith io orory •broof Uksbodf bsMbyDrafftw oe Uomphiota, ou *44s C W MviX*Oo\*U*4a/B>..N.Y CsRF tOWLT 820 for. PHIUDU.PHIA SISGtB of tbit style Equal Ut mnf ptoger ia the market. J4r- SMo—hst, iiqt sreid it to Om rjrowißFd (ff/inrr. 8—94 py for it. This Is the some st) 1* othero*cn?*a|s rsioii furt I*o. All M*rh:nr* srrantr<i Us 3 jr—ft, Brniif'r|!l*#frmtrdl lr tni r*nUTs*iiiUAmuls. Ad J -1- eff4ELm A, A ffl ffiC^Stv^Ffttn^ftU*.Ser.r,tfa?.Ui,tO u .ciq Iftad tk. Couit*. term.. Opinion ft. t| |patent.bitity freft lchai*.. gon<forcireulftf, | taIHTAaiUM. ™ No— , Thrcnet, x-u*i.-. 1 ii.;.i,"p, r ■’* c MARRIAij &i 1 alltbftttbftdo,,btf[.l < : v-""’. : agbtnd e. n* - - in . Clolh .Kt pn*:* I i-S n fl;r-wr e-i rlng.OfttO.lU•-* '“k l OR. WHITTKR j 1 Thwrm*w- i: ’ ••’i'! r."-r Wj ; toMorri—.< '♦