The Summerville gazette. (Summerville, Ga.) 1874-1889, May 21, 1884, Image 2

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THE GAZETTE IUMMKKVILLR. OA. 3*. C. LOOMIS, Editor and Proprietor. RATES or SUBSCRIPTION: IX ADVANCE. OH TIM* Tvolffl month* . , . . . $1.50 $1.75 Six month* 7ft 90 Phrofl months ....... 40 Oorrn*pnndmo oUoii.*'l: but to r**cM*p at * nation. ltG*r* am At bn <w •' iitj .. mi* <1 lif A r. •>pon*iilo uamono' for jmbl!' •li'in, >u’ -*a dpi ran ton of food faith All artlrl.tH r' Oin'i** mi o*. h'l 'Gut 1 -* for ado*', or intnndnd forth* porn* nnl ivnolU ,f any on*, must b paid for at tho rat** "f 5 cent* per I Ine. in %'l v C'iM of new* ollnU<>d from rvurv 4'iartor 'injected article* will inf breturned Hole** Accompanied by a *tump. (#" Advertising rate* and eatimate* Riven on application. Allletter* should be addre**nd to J. C. LOOMIH. HuromerviHe, ( a. mvmi mm m m \m, KXTItACTft FROM OCR I XCHANOES Th titrrnom is a wonderfully potent footer in politic*. It governs most cities in tlio United States. Monroe Advertiser Georgia lias 16,000 more women than men. If divided by tlie ruin, tliis would give every man in the .tale al out >ne mod • quarter wives. Bern# badly "over croppoj” alre.dy, this editor lakes no interest iu that part of the late census returns. Quitman Free l\ess. Two widowers oalled on a oertain lady the aame night this week. She survived it. Barnesville Newt. There it no reason in a man’s looking gloomy this early in the year, if ho has any work to do. Hard work is good com pany, and it puts a premium on content ment and good tom per.-J/ucon Telegraph Miss Lula Hurst was warmly greeted \ry a largo house. Bho proved to be pre eminently wonderful. Those that came in uontnet with her paased away as if a cy clone had struck them. —Augusta corres pondent of Macon JWegraph ■ A cur dog haß privileges enjoyed by nothing eled in Georgia. —Qrtjfin Sun. I saw a fat mer recently purchasing hay. He was only buying grass to feed his horse to kill the grass, to make money to buy more gruss. That kind of farming will not do. —Dublin Gazette. When the Jersey cow liar settles down to regular business, the man with nothing but a eominoD fish or snake story to tell may aa well retire. He esn't oven win n share of the gate money.-Covington Star If the house is determined to pass the bill of Senator Edmunds for the retire ment of Gen. Grant, it should so amend it as to seeure the retirement of the whole Grant fan ily, and their purl tier, WarJ, from active business. It would probably be best to build a national home for them —a kind of utoss between a penitenti try and a iunulie asylum. Savannah News Lust Weiliicr!y an eventful day in New York City. T c Htook murliet -opened five point* Inver titan it eln.-od tho ovening before. In the first half hour fivo Wull Street firms euapendej. About n >on the Metropolitan Hank t-ue pended In a few miou’ea Genrxe I. Seoey (the liberal bon fitcur of’.'•ontheru literary institutions), bis son and ,nri-iii iaw, dosed doors. About I the I’tus lix Hank olosed. Tuesday Folfter gave or ders to psy out the money at once on tlie bonds which had bc"ii calk i in for June 20th. Money was loaned it three pet ent a day. On Thursday tho Metropolitan Hauk Tesutued payment. Only a small partot the depositors called lor their money. Ueorge I B,ney resigned the l’residenoy and Henry L. Jaqttos was eleetc i in his place. Diunok & Cos., and Fish ,fc Hatch, suspended. Oil declined from 83 to 72 in hour. The Turns Valley Hank, nf’ Bradford, I’enn., tl e Union Hank, of Quincy, 111., F. A. Hawley A Cos., and Hill, Stanford A Cos., both of Boston, suspendod. On Friday H. K. Hardy fi Sotie, of New York City, and the Newark (N. J.) Savings Institutions su. pended. Tho leading business men of the ooun try think that the worst is over, sud that business in other places will not he uf feoted. Tho baipks hold over $3 000,- 8)00 in excess ol the reserve repaired by law. Judge Willis, in charging the Musoo gee grand jury, says : "Pistols and whisky arc the causes of more crime than any other two things. Whisky is the constant companion of the vagabond, and the pistol is the bosom friend of the coward.” More truth was never com pressed into the same number of words; yut, uufiprtunstel/, good wen lend the •weight of their example on the wrong wide. Oue of the orytng evils of the present day is the rapidity with which the land is passing iuto the hands ol corporations, speculators, and aliens, to be withheld from market till tho giowth of tho coun try doubles its value. The interest of the oountiy requires that every possible facility should tie afforded to actual set tlers; but speculation inland s'ould be disoouraged as much as possible. Tho official chemists of (he different states were invited to meet in Atlanta tael Thursday to adopt uniform methods of analysis, takiug samples, giving com mercial values, etc. Nine states besiues tioogia were represented. Commission er Henderson delivered the opemug ad dress. We lia.e not seen any statement whether (hey agreed upon anything or Dot. The financial statement of the Ueorgia Railroad and Banking Company, sub mitted to the stockholders at the annual meeting last Wednesday, shows the com pany to be in admiiable cot'ditioo. STAR HOtTTF. PKOHM'UTIONS. Hutchinson, foreman of the third star route grand jury, testifies that Bliss, prosecuting attorney, said it was a serious thing to indict a United Stales senator (n-fieri ing to Kellogg). Synopsis of Walsh’s testimony: “I discounted tlm drafts of McDonald, Kirk A C*e, contract ors on the mute from Sant i Keto I'rtvn ' it. fi r s.'i(J,oof>, on the rc< oimiiondath i of Hr civ. H. mid a-sistant p tmasl' a■nci'nl, an I his is u nee that the pay would Ibe Increa-cd, VcDunuld said the only way to pay me was to make me a suh contractor. For this he wanted $15,(*00. 1 refused to pay it. lie harass' and the department I finally took a route. The pay and service on the route were reduced. I was to gel 118,600. Pretty soon I lines, one of the line of McDonald, Kirk A Cos., w anted ♦2o,o''o I refused. He said, “If you don’t pay you’ll he left.” 1 replied, “I’ll be left anyhow.’’ He proposed to have the pay on the route increased. I agreed to pay him tlie money, and very soon the pay was raised to 1135,000 a year, to continue three years. The increase, however, did not continue long. Hines had gone too far, and an investigation was demanded. It amounted to nothing. After it was over, Chase Andrews, employed in the sixth and tier's office, handed me a list on which I was marked for SB,OOO “What’s this for?” said I. “That congressional investi gation,’’ said he. I refused to pay it. He then told me that llrady wished to sec me. I w ent. He asked me about the money. I did not pay. My route was cut flown, and the whole line was thrown into confusion. Hines annoyed me for money, and I told him 1 was being wrecked. “Have you not a temporary arrangement with Brady?” lie asked. '‘No.” Then he said: “You arc persecuted; I will go ami beard the lion in his den.’’ He did so. Brady wanted $2,400 from me. I refused for some time, but finally concluded that it was best to accommodate him I then asked him for an increase of pay, and tie said he was not making in creases just for amusement. I spoke of a petition, and lie said petitions were no good unless the fates were propitious. He wanted SB,OOO for the congressional investigation fund. I asked him to settle the matter and find someone to take the route off my hands. After some trouble, Lilly, father of a clerk in the sixth auditor’s office, offered me $25,000 for the route. My stock had cost me $35,000, and I wanted $50,000. 1 thought at fine time I could get that, hut failed. I concluded that I couM not make much money in Washington, so I went to New York among the wolves. 1 asked |>ernnssion to sub-let the route. It was granted. I told Brady I thought lie would be indicted. He said he had a corner on the grand jury. I hnd the mail carried as faithful!} as any one, but Brady said it was not carried properly, ami I was fined. My per mission to sub let was revoked, and 1 was declared a failing contractor. 1 went out. Anew administration came in. While I was tisitmg my family here, Woodward called to see me, and said the department had learned that 1 had been badly treated, and that IVistmtster-General James wanted to ace me. Woodward asked me about the tines and penalties. I told him all the lin ts, and they were remitted. 1 asked for an extra month’s pay, but Elmer, second assistant postinaster gcneral lit place of Brady, would not pay it. I told Merrick how 1 lmd test i fied before the grand jury about the Kellogg case. He said Bliss had not told him anything about the testimony. He said, “liliss is a d— d sooundrel,’’ an<l I said “I agree with you.” When summoned before the Hutchinson grand jury, [ had my papers with me, hut the jury did not seem to want them. Bliss remarked, “It is a serious thing to indict, a senator.” the men knew their business. There was enough evidence before the |ury to warrant 100 indictments. Merrick afterwards asked me to appear before the grand jury. I said “I will not, if Bliss represents the government. He is not an honest man. Ho is as much a criminal as any of the defendants. The prosecution has never had the moral support of the government.” The Housewife, a domestic journal for American housekeepers, will he sent for one year free to every lady who will sen<! at oipoe the names and address ol ter. married ladies or housekeepers aud 24 oeiits in 2 cent stamps for postage. It is the best family paper in the United States, and this offer is made only to .-eeure names to whom to send sample copies, as we know every lady who once sees The Housewife will subscribe for it. Regular price $1 per year. Send to-day so to seeure next number. Address The Housewife, Rochester, N. Y. <*♦•**• Miss Flora Stewart, of Ritchie county, Virginia, was engaged to be married, but on the appointed day the bridegroi m Cites not The preacher who was to marry them offered to tki- the mi-sing’s place, ap I was accepted. OEOltfilA NICWS. Hart count}' is r.fihe’ed with mcaslos. Fannin county reports a horse 39 years old. lo three wicks trains will he running to E'lija/. Dr I*i .(re, ofTurin, has been practic inr there 50 years. The annua! firemen’s parade enthused An 'tis’n on the 13d.. Bun pkin cniinty reports n mail 92 years old who walked 18 miles in 5 hours. I Wry is movie* for a monument over the confederate dead in her cemetsry. Mi- Belle False, of Wilkes county, e- on ■ forward a- a rival to Miss Lula Hurst. A if cf nt, luir in Thooiastf n for the henefif of It K Lee Institute, netted $2.5< 1 The Quito.*n South suggests that all dogs except shepherd dogs he taxed heavily. lo Colquitt county, Jim Murphy is re ported as shot dead in another man's smoke house. In Etnanu*.l county the ground is so dry that some of the (armors have had to stop plat.ting. J.aßt Thursday an incendiary fire burned every business house hut one in McVille, Telfair county. Henry House, two miles east of Acworlh, has sn'd the mining privileges on his farm for $10,OX). Mrs. Willis Nelms, ol Madison eounry. aged 16, fell dead while fishing. Moral: ladies, don’t go fishing. George Hunt, negro, is in jail in Ma con for outraging a five years-old daugh ter of Robert G. Douglas. In Lumpkin county two ludies are re ported as having seen 180 snakes in one morning in a certain meadow. Benjamin Dunaway, of Wilkes county, has been using the same wooden plnw stook 14 years. It is still good. Jule Ramsey, of Tnccoa, cut 13 pounds of wool from aCotswold ram, and lOlrom a ewe. It was nine inches long. George W. Thomas, of Atlanta, *< run over by a train at Whitehall street crossing, last Saturday and killed. A Jackson ciurdv man recently mar tied his divorced wife’s mother. The three are living in the same hou-e. In Lowndes county 1.0(H) acres more were planted in watermelons Inst year than this year. Fieight is tun per cent higher. A newly married eoiiple recently took the ears in Macon. In payment of fare the groom tendered the marriage cer tifirate. A negro of Harris county lived stic eessivoly with four women as wives, the fuurlh one being a gianddaughtei of the third one. Kd (hunker. l6 year old M illcdgeville hoy, while hunting last Thursday, aeei dentally shot himself in the armpit. He will probably die. A yoting lady of South Georgia pro pose! to marry u Habersham young man, was seeepted, and forwarded the wedding ring, all by let tor. Kd Swint, of Hancock count}’, oc casionally indulges in the luxury of wearing the si me ruffl' and shirt in which he was married 18 years ago. At least two marble companies are now working in Pickens county. When fairly under wav, they expect to furnish all the marble for the South ami West. The grand jury of Stewart enmity rep onrmends that the ordinary issue no more license to sell liquor, and that all citizens use their influence against it. In Augusta, Cl aries C. Green has been tried on a charge nf murder for kill ing Kd I’hilpnt at the engine house hall. Feb. 14th, 1884, and acquitted. When the court house in Walton was built, a live frog was placed in a hollow in one of the onrner stones, to see whether one will live forever thus excluded from the air. At the Inst division of convicts, Joe Brown received 75 more. He will em ploy them at Rising Fawn Iron Furnace. The employes there are much dissatisfied about it. Montgomery county reports a game rooster that followed a chicken-stealing hawk lo his stopping place, 120 feet from the ground, killed hint there, and flew down in triumph. The fund for the Atlanta walkers wns divided thus; Cheshire, $300; Bruffey nttd Carter, $225 each; Byington, $195; Clayton, $165; Small, $135; Ramsdell, $120; Logan, $lO5. Wsrren F Price, of Johnson county, was sentenced in March, 1883, to he hung for killing his son-in-law, R. F. Perry. The supreme court has affirmed the decision. At a recent firemen’s run in Rome, the Citizens’ Hook' and Ladder Company made tho best time on record, 31} seconds, to run 125 yards, ascend, descend and replace the ladder. The supreme court has decided that all the securities on the bond of the Bank of Rome are liable, except perhaps Mrs. Deason. The superior oourt is to deeido whether her signature is a forgery, as alleged. The Chattanooga ’iirnes of the 16th inst. says that two nicely dressed girls ran away from Rome tho night before, and came to Chattanooga. The Rome Courier of the 17th says that it has not heard ol at y such occurrauce. Judge V. S. Holton, of Crawford county, has been arrested, charged with forgery of papers for drawing the pon sion of Klixalcth Shirley, widow of a snid’i-r of 1812 and keeping the money. He denies eviry port of the charge, WAHIIINt.TON NKWS. One of the doorkeepers of the house lust both arms, and another both legs, in the war, between the states. Bribery iu the contest for U■ 8. Sena tor from Kentucky, last winter, is charg ed on both sides. There is a growing inclination to re peal the lax on tobacco- Kellogg and Brewster are quarreling arid snying hard tilings about each other. Over 1 ,(.00,000 copies of the different speeches lately delivered in Congress on the tariff, ure to he printed for circula tion throughout the country. Frank Hurd's speech l.cud the list with 2()0,- 000 copies. Most Republican Congressmen will at tend the Republican pre-idential con vention, either as deliguter or lobbyists, and congressional business will lie prac tically suspended during the first week in June. The cabinet decided that if the decline in government bonds continues, the sec retary ol ti e treasury shall tie author ize I to buy them in open market at the lowest price. This he is proceeding to do. Prominent aongre.—oen grumble about his conduct. Gen. Grant is mere liked by the com mon .oeoplo around Washington than •ny other man, atm great sympathy is felt lor him. Secretary Chand'er invited all the for eign legislators to aocompany the Sio me-e embass<-ry a nd. wo the Potomac to Mount Vernon- Most of them went. Sunale: hills, eto., discussed : the In dian appropriation hill (passed): estab lishing a hur< au ol labor st jttstics- Semite : bills, etc., introduced : p'ac ing Gen. Grant on the retired list of the army with rank and full pay of General ; (passed without, debate). Appropriat ing f3O 0(X) to erect a monutneD' to commemorate the Inndit g of Sii Waller Ilalitgli - expedition on Hoi noke Island, N. C , about July 4'h 1584 A communication from the President recommending an appropriation for car rying nut the convention with Mexico, concerning the boundary. The Invalid pension hill; appropriating $l.O X),- (Ht() to aid I lie New Orleans Exposi tion (passed) ; appointing a committee to examine into the of the fail ures of National Banks in New York City, this month; Prohibiting represent ation on the part of officers of intii nal hanking associations. House ; bills, etc , discussed ; to pun ish counterfeiting notes, bonds, and other securities of foreign governments (passed both houses) ; appropriating SSiH),(KH) to erect a bridge across the Potomac at Washington ; the consular and diplomatic appropriation bill ; pro viding a civil government for Ala-ka (passed in both In-use ) ; providing tbnt hereafter no Territory shall form a con stitution, or apply to lie admitted us a Slate till its p pulation is equal to that selected os the basis of represontntir n (laid on the table) ; the i-my appropri ation bill ; authorizing the construction of bridges across the Rio Grande from Eagle Pass, Texas, to Piedras Nigra*, Mexico, and from Laredo. Texas, to Nu evo Lstedo, Mexico ( passed both houses). Mouse bills, etc., introduced ; to plug Gen. Grant on the retired list of the army ; to modify existing laws relating to duties on imports and to internal rev enue taxes, nttd to enlarge the free list; to repeal all internal tax on tobacco and on brandy and wine made from fruit; to abolish tariff taxes on articles of food. While several young couples were strolling along the wooded waiks at Sheridan the other evening, ono of the ladies felt that she was being squeezed, hut said nothing al,ut it until she noticed that the gentleman who was walking with her was iw itiing his cane in the hand she imagined was producing tho pleasant sensation about her waist. On investi gating the matter she was horrified, and her escort terrified, to find a huge black snake coiled tightly around her. Her “company” wouldn't go within a rod of her, fleeing precipitately when she at tempted to approach him. Finally a farmer’s boy went to the rescue, and whacked the snake on the head with the butt of a whip until it let loose The reptile was over four feet iu length, and had squeezed the girl so tightly that several of her corset stays were broken, and it is feared that two of her ribs are orncked. — Aew York Graphic, If we are to believe Vermont news papers, there is more rum sold in the Stato to-day than at any lime duting the last twenty years, and this in the face of a rigid prohibitory law, which is each two years made stronger by legislators who, for fear of their constituents, vote prohi bition between drinks. It is a very handsome law, but is not practicable; and it uioy not be rash to prtdict that the people of Vermont will sometime he con vinced by the logic of events that a limited license law, strictly enforced, is more effective, at least in the larger towns, than any statute which is a dead letter eleven months in the year.— Boston Herald. A married lady in Athens is a mind reader. Recently she asked a gentleman to think of some text in the Bible. She held her hand on his forehead for a few minutes, weut into a dark room, opened a Bible, and o arked the passage of which he had been thinking. - -w, a Atlanta is tailing about a walking match for men who weigh 300 pounds or over, and another between ex judges of the superior court. Cols. Fatty Harris, Fat Lynch, and Acton, are entered for the first. Judge Lester is trying to get up the second. QUEEK-SIGHTKD folks. "You have no idea of the number of absurd things that happen in our busi ness," said a salesman in the store of a piomincnt optician. "Not long ago a prom moot Third street hroki r, whose i 'cas ut lift- go but little way beyond mar gins ami futures, walked busk y in and sui<* that he Wanted u pair of 'gold p’o tncles. ’ There wasa number of frames lying on the counter at the time, an *, in a business-like way, be began try ing them on. Finally he go a pair that ap parently suited him, and, afier inquiring the price, walked to the door and lookei into the street. " These aro excellent,", ho said; "I can almost see the print on the paper that gentleman is reading on the plat form of the car going down the street.’ He threw down a $5 note and was about to rush from the store. He was rather crestfallen when I oalled him back sand asked whether he wanted glasses in t• e frame or not. "There's an old fellow, a regular habitue of Mercantile Library, who has glasses c' ongtj on an average times a year. Oculists rsrely order hanges in glas-es inside of two years. Every day at s certain hour the old gen tleman comes down the street and, stop ping in front ol the door, peer- hack into the store at tie test card, on which are printed those large black letters, if he experiences any trouble in discerning the characters he at once lias his glasses changed aid goes away contented. Not long since ibe mischievous s:ore boy, learning that be was on his way down here to male hi-daily test of his optics, pasted a piece of it-soc paper over the card, thus giving tie letters to a person s.sliding at a disunee a blurred appear ance Dismay spread over the old uian . lace as he squimed at the card. Afier taking off his glas-ts and wi, ing them vigorously he carefully aijusted them ami made another effort to decipher the characters and failing fo do -n satisfacto rily came hustling in, amuz and at the sud den change in hi sight. Meauwbile the tissue paper bad been taken from tin card and when the cx-vniiiuii n- mad lor new glasses bis own, of course, ere found to be all right. Bu’.. n 0 fo! y sat isfied, he retired to the pavement end. as he was wont to do daily, to. k his long distance scrutiny, which apparently give Liui satisfaction, tor he srratohed his head meditatively and with a ptizz'ed look resuuied hi-stroll down the Mrect. A 1 this juncture iw i fastiioriahiy-dresa i and young ladies entered and the connuu nieativc sale-man was lor ome minutes absent. "Now, there’s another care," be said, as lie leaned ovi r the show c ,*c alter the lair eu*tomer had depatted ‘Those Udics wanted artificial eyes, butolemir-e we could not accommodate them. Fash ion has everything to do with tin se odd freaks. Both of ihoc young women have as sound eyes as either you or I. One of tin ui said she wanted artificial b.ue eyes and when I set the case of gla. - substitutes before her said emphatically that they would not do. I informed her that they were of the best qua ity and a very good article. Then with some eur barrassment she told me that she wanted a pair of delicate c’ass optics to wear over her own. She had had her hair which was presumably black —bleached to an ultra blonde hue, and of course wanted eyes to complete her ensemble. I sujiling’y told her that such a thing was impossible. She said that she had read that the ladies in l’aris had adopted this method, the invention having been made by a skillful French optician. Of course that was all bosh, and probab’y a story started by some inventive newspaper man. '' Philadelphia Times OEXKMAI. NEWS. Red River has overfl >wed its banks, and done considerable damage. The difference in cost of manufacturing in tho tw i sections is a theme of lively discussion now James F flicks, of Rvansville, Ind., i suing for divorce. Obp rea-on is that his wife pr ys every day th„t he may die, and he fear* her prayers will bo answered. In St. I’aui, Minnesota, Isaac Dos noyeis is suing to establish Ilia title to the e-tate of Kt enne Desnoyers, valued a' $300,000. He was rai-ed by Antoine Desnoyers as his child, but claims that Etienne Desnoyers wms his father, and sent liiin to Antoine alter iris mother’s death. It is pr iposed to construct in island in Lake Michigan, nppo-ite Chicago, a mi e fr m land, where th w vr i IS rent deep. The materials am to !e‘lrwdged ftoui the bottom of the i. e. The estimated oost is $2 DO OO* The projectors hope to make it , m table ly selling sites for summer cottages.. B. B. B. I’his is the conce l att if ~ i Fur ti, r that saves time and into e> hy Us u-e hi cause it euro Blood poison in the quickest time on record. it cures Serofu a in thirty cays; the kidneys re lieved witli one Kutle; Hereditary Taint of children removed with one bottle; Skin Diseases and eru tions cured with two borlus. Syphilis of ail stages cured under sixty days. Each bottle proves its wonderful value. Large bt ttles, sl. Druggists sell it. $1 50 spent for Bonkocine will cure any case of G. and G- within forty-eight hours, without loss of time, change of diet or any internal remedy. For sale hy John S Cleghorn A Cos. If. Williamson, who died in Carroll county recently, at the age of 97, is re ported not to have drunk a gallon of wa ter it ring his whole life, and not to have take u a driok of water in 15 years. SENSIBLE MEN that of the many dUeaHet* and derangement* of the body each has a separate o*um or orl'/10. and that each need* a diflarent method of treatment in order to effect a cure, and a moment * reflection niUHt couvluce that any of the quack noatrtim* foiated upon the public claiming to cure ail of a numbor of diametrically different must Erove fuilurea, even iu we do uot call them umbo** POOF? PEflPt P and people of moderate 1 rt wrLt means, and even people well to do or wealthy Hud that the tnonnou* chorytH of practicing physician* are a ueriou* burden to them, and aluo find aftei paying thernuelve* poor that no benefit ham accrued to them, that in fact they have thrown their money away. To overcome theue evil* we otter Wheel nr'* y<>. Sure RemeelU* to the i<.k and Buffering on* Runt tidy for each diueoue, without for a moment daimiug that one remedy will cure any other di*ea*e than the one claimed for it. and a* tneee remedies have stood the teat of year* without a Mingle failure, we agree to refund money paid in every inntance where a cute i* not positively effected. The rernodie* or-* entirely vegetable, can do no barm, ami will positively cure every disease for which they are prescribed. RHEUMATISM. i'S. „ 0 i Neuralgia, are relieved at once ami positively cured by the use of Wheeler's No. % Rheumatic- Remedy. We nay boldly that lu tho wor*t of caees of no matter how lony ntandiutj , how neriou*, or how painful, we cannot or ly give relief but potUirtly cure for all time. Failing to do this we will noaitively refund the money paid for the treatmeii’, and if your suffering* are uot ponitively stopped for all time you have not thrown vour money away aa you would on any other tf an tbeae guaranteed remedies. The price of Wheeler’* No. 96 Rheumatic Remedy U only Q 0 cents,obtainable from druggiata or! free by mail on r* ceipt of price. Mamps taken. SUFFERING WOMEN. nature with a pretty face, beautiful figure, fault leas complexion, an well rh the aweetest of temper* and faultless mental (jualitie* grows prematurely old, gray and wrimcled, her form lottos its perfect contour, the complexion be comes sallow, the brightnena leaves the eye, a feeling of lanrour takes the place of the once buoyant fplrits. an irritable nervous fractious* ness mum-s lif** a burden, thing* that once were tritlea worry her till life becomes unbearable. All this being caused by the physical derange ments so common to women, which the innate modesty of feminine nature prevent* their making known, and of which the ignorance of the medical profession pi events a < ure. Lady reader, pause and consider, ’tis a duty you owe yourself, your family and your God. that you should cure yourself of these trouble* and once more fffel the glow of perfect health ami spirits that nature intended for you. Wheeler’* No. W Preparation* are pleasant, and pulatable to take, contain nothiugor an injuriousnatur , and may be taken by all ages at all time* and in all con* ditioriH without possibility of ill effects, and will positively cure any of the peculiar diaeosesta which females are subject. Failing to produce a perfect cure, tne proprietor* will refund the money paid for the treatment. If you have a Hollow complexion, constant or intermittent headache, backache, restlessne**. las* of ap petite. uppr*A-tiou of monthly llow. or irregu larities thereof accompanied by heads he*, nervousness, hvateiic* and similar symptom*. Wheeler’* No. l’reparation “B" will p< sitively restore you tln alt h. If you have u sensation of beat ami throbbing in th* back, frequent fainting spells, Leueorrh<*a . r white discharge, pait ful or sc aid ii g sensation in urinating, red dish or white deposit in urine, hot and dry akin, Wheeler’s No Preparation •■("’ will give irn mediate and lasting relief The price of Wheeler's No M Prescriptions “H" and ”C” are !i() cents, obtainable from druggist* or sent by mail secure from observation postpaid on receipt of price. Postage stamp* taken. PAT APPU It is m e.!:••-* to d-scril.e the LAI Annn. -vnqt r this nans- - disease that i* sapping the life and str ugth of only too many of the fairest and b-st of both •exes, old and young, suffering alike from the poisonous dripping in lie- threat, tue | oiaonou* na*ai disebarg*'*. the fetid breath and gw tier.a) weakness, debility and languor, aside from the acut. suffering* of this, which if not checked can only end in loss of pulute. hoarse ness, weakened sight, lo a* of memory, drufm .- . anti premature death if it is not checked before it I* too late. Lolior. study and research, in America, ICnrope, and Eastern lands, have re sulted in Wheeler’s No. l M Instant Relief and Sure (’ure for Catarrh, a remedy which contain* no hart: ful ingredients, and that 1* guaranteed to cure every case of a- utt* or chronic catarrh or money refunded. Wheeler** No. Instant Relief and Hurt* Cure for Catarrh will cute very case of catarrh, hay fever, or asthma: price J! per oacknge, from druggists, or sent by mail post paid on receipt of price. Wheeler's No Sun- Cure for Kidney and Liver Troubles ettres ail weakness and sorene** of thektdiieys, inilaimuatuu) of kidney* or liver, pric- J 1 Wheeler’s Vegetable Pill* are the . uly r rnedy that cures countipation, giv ; g natural action of the bowels without physicking, purging, -riping. or pain. Price 35 vtu to, of druggist* or by mail. Wheeler * Nervine Toulo for mental uepi*. *- slon. lo- s of manhood. languor, weakne** or over taxation of the brain i* invaluable price 35 eta. WE GUARANTEE paid. We place our price for these remedies at les* than on-tw**nteth of the price *ked bv other* for i enu-dicsupon which you take ail the chances, and we specially invite the patronage of tb** many per*on* who have tried other remedies without effect or dopleteJ their parses by paying doctor mil* that benefited them not. HUW IU OBTAIN I ’ ask for them. If they have not g-t th -tn. * n at once to the pr prietor*. enclosing the prit < i . monr-y or Mtatup*. and they will bo soul you at once by moil. |h st paid. Coir*p<ndencc solicited. Addre-; plainly. L. WHKkLKII * CO . No. 3F W. Baltimore St., ft tt-’JMy. Baltimore, Aid. li. a. s.\i mi, i:ifiwi a t., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN SCHOOL JANU MISCELLANEOUS 800 IvS, Stationery, Fancy Articles, CI-IEOMOS, Engravings. Picture Frames, Sheet Jiti'if, PIAN3S AND CABINS! QE&AN2, ABATE S SPECIFICS! J Prepared from formula' u*<-d by an eminent physician during twenty year* suc cessful practice. specific No I. (iti’t -a ntced to eff.-ct ft radical cure of ail affection* of the Blood, i whether Scrofulous or acquired. Skin diseases, \ pimples, moth patches, etc . are permanently ! cur‘d by Bate’* Specific No. 1 Pro-*, fl. specific No. 2.—Cure* Seminal Weakness, Nervous Debility, from Youthful Indiscretion* j or Excesses, producing Exhausted Vitality and Lorn tit Mail hood. This remedy is unequaled iu • the cure of these complaint*. It i* a powerful ; stimulus to the weakened Nervous System, ’ Resists Nature to renew the strength and vigor of the debilitated organs, aud effects a radical i cure Price., fl. Specific No. 4 —Gives instant relief ;iud permanently cure* Rheumatism. Prive. $2. Specific No. <>. -A punitive r* 1r ail weak nesses common to female*. Price. £l, Sold by Druggists, or went on receipt of price by J. W. Bate, 59 N. ( lark rit . Chicago. SEND FOR CIRCULAR! FEES gj TRIAL HANOVEICS SPECIFIC. At. unfailing and speedy cure for Nervous Debility and Weakness, j I.oss of Vitality and Vigor, Nervous Prostration, Hysteria, or any evil result t*f iudl*eretii'U. ex- j cess, over work, abuses of Alcohol. Tobacco, etc. J (Over forty thousand positive cure*. ■< i-$r“S nd KV. postege on trial box of 100 pills. Address, Da. M. W BACON, Cor. Clark St. and Calhoun Place, Chicago, 111 "jgf o FtJ&ffi Jg: meet no- * ’oe---. o _ •*! Inow r " l.recGrc... •’ - H •Lout'- ? ‘ f * ’/•. ...... ' . . w. • • IIIf C DTEC2IASLS ! 9 M WB H g Q Secure H ulchy 9 W i B Baction to the Li ■ V 188 £6 Bar and relieve all bil* troubles, Pwely VsgsUUs: J?c iripiag. ::c. *u. Zr &te mmmu ussniaios, r. a. h, Meet In ibi-ir hnl! at aP. M. on tbe drat Btur day of eat h mouth. , , „ W. A. STORY, W. W. G. J. MOYERS, Secretary. JO lift xv. ntnsroA, ATTORNEY AT I.AW, SI .MMKItYII.I E, GRORGIA. W’ill practice in the Superior, County, and Dltrlct court*. Legal A fiver tine me at*. l egal AdvertlHainant* Payable iu Ad vance, Don’t you forget it! Application for Homestead. GEORGIA, Chattooga County: Mr-. M A Ellison ha* applied for exemption of personalty and -etting apart and valuation of homestead, >d I will porn upou the same at ten o’clock A. M., on the *id day of .Tune, imm a t mr office. JOHN MATTOX. Ordinary. Notice. GEORGIA, Chattooga County: To all whom it may concern: AU persons interested are hereby notified that, if no good cause be shown to the contrary, an order will be granted by the undersigned on the sth day of June, ISM. establishing anew road or change in the public road from Summerville to Chattooga ville in said county, as marked out by the road commissioners appointed for that purpose: eon*ll curing or leaving said old road at th* corner of W. 11. Berry’* fence on the left of mid road, going south about one hundred yards, proceeding thence from a stake upon entering the Johnston farm, keeping within n hundred yards of the present old road, and entering the Smith farm uearihe month of the lane, running southwest through Smith’s field, and intersect ing the eld road lu front of Thomas Smith’s residence. Witness my band. May sth, Jnm JOHN MATTOX. Ordinary. Notice to Creditors GEORGIA, Chattooga County: All person* having demand* Hgain*t the estate of Matthew Harp, late of said county, deceased, arv notified to render in their dt iuhiklc to the undersigned, according to law. All indebted to said Matthew Karp are notified to settle im mediately. Th.sTth day of May. W. T HERNDON, Adm’r. Notice. GEORGIA, Chattooga County: Price's bridge will he let out for repair to the j lowest bidder on the first Tu*sdar in June n**xt at the courthouse door, wtrhin the usual hour* of put lie salt**. Said .ridge repairs are as fid lows: The rortbenst corner <>t the pic. c i the west bank nt the river has fallen off. and i*tob* replaced. The rocks must betaken off by steps as fur hack as any porthm fit has fallen off as shown >n specification, or drawing, flgme No. 1. The rock will then he replaced in a substantial and workmanlike manner, until then er is raised to If * proper lieig t. •nd thee the crossties and cap timber* i which are now there) will be t-r* pcrlv arranged, keyed up, *<> as to take the height of the bridge upon the pier Tho re w-jll be two wooden ur- hes put up under the bridge at or n* ar where the old one* now stand. Thesa arches will be ft a met! on the same plan of the j old one* now ther*-, morticed, tenoned, anti well drawpitiued; timbers must, be of soui and heart white oak, and o f the following dimensions: imidaiU*. l*xl-’; posts, Dxl 2; cups. 9x12. Given under my hand nd official signature, April -iHthJNKd. JOHN MATTOX, Ordinary. NOTICE. W II be sold ( n the 9th day of June, !BM. be fore the court house door of Chattnoga c ounty, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, r<-wit: One two-berse wagon, ono I iniggy, one set of harness, and one black mare muie 4bo nt ten vc.-rs old, Levied on as tho pr pert v of J. D Smith, to satisfy a fl. fa. iasued lr >m the County Court of said county in favor of H. . l.aoghbridge, foi use of J W Maddox. This April lllli, lf*S4. C. V. AKKILGE. County Bailiff. Application for Discharge. STATE * K GEORGIA, Chattooga County: Wheron* J. M Vanp. p and M. M. Tien*, ad mlui <tra*’ts of Wm, S. Vsupelt, deceased rep. n-sent * the court i’llhcir petition duly filed, that they have fully administ*rad Wm. S. Van jcd’w's estate: this is therefore to cite all pcrs<.iis c >ll. rued, creditor, to show * suae, if any they have. w’.:;. s-i i administrators should not be ciiKchfirgcd tr* rr. ’heir a diu-i rat ’on and i• ceive 'he usoai I-ti-)* of disiuissiou ou the first Monday in July. I'M. Jt’C N MATTOX. Ordinary. magnetic belt is WARRANTED TO ClißEM'sJr I Ming atse&aes j wttboutraedletaie Pain Iw theboei., hii>. he**, or 1 tlnh*. DN-vDU* ti'WUtj,lMmt>u*o. gt irMl Aebllitv, rt*omal!*m, pMrwGSm nrurnli.-:*. cfatter!, dlar.r 4w-W dte kl !n. v,4plbr| filucw*. torpid lit er, rout, Hcfutasi rntwun*, lattolczcj, axtkuia* heart dln uma, dyxjH'jMli*, cnnuipaCiDD, crjubdiu, Imllgc*- I tl<m. hernlM or rupiurz, eitlnnh, pliM, epUoiM}, 1 dumb Mgao, cto. V hen on/debility of the GENERATIVE OBGANB 1 occur*. lof i-Knlltj, ofaerve foree and vigor, | Wttxtlnff hcbldcom. an>* ail tLore dlw’uw* of a per ' wugl nature, froui whatever mu**’, the continuous j Stream f biagnotlnm porme.itlng (hmugl* the t>arv& n*( rwtor* them to a hralJijf gOlwit luos la to j iiouut this appllaSica. g# - ‘ 4m AOCCMiKAL SUPPORTER. L “ TOTfIE i-AO!ES:-H:/F^. Erh aurtion I)v i*'pla,or wiiit IMm u-, • of t he IJ - rj, klfit: ‘Y*. Ilruuaobe er(’lfi Feet, Srolbs r • leak Autles, er swoilrn Fte ,n Ahdorr.inaJ Ret* and a pair > f Magnettc Poov Bai tor: have r. . superior . .nth* re i-f and cure of all f -.n>)<ialztt*. They i carry a puseiful magnetic f U**> Boat of the cdieAao. Far hum- )art. Wta! hh • f tie Fall fng of ll v mh. larreorrh . i.. rhr**rlc lrfiamtna iion and *u of lac * .Jnh, la'.ld.ntai kieza. *rrbu<* or Fl.mdl ig, Pidwfil, - upm-reix-d aad Ir rolar W'MiCraatlon. Karri’Mi ji*, nnHc-bantre of Lite, (TiU U’.ii'j aad Curative Agan* Known. For nil f< rn4 of Female IljfT -ulttea U umCT- | paired by anyth lc*ore Livi- : '• t a curaClm ’ egei.t n1 as; a source of power and vita!' Prle. of clGiar with Magmetu- F• r i .ait, rlre. #IC, Bent by asnrv.,H (*. o. D .aci cxamlnaf. •'.a; wed or by mail on receipt of price. In ordering, me/rsure tyf wl>t and of rbue Ik.-r.fftAnoc oui b,- mjuio Ui ctu* - renry, nent in letter at our r sic. The Magnal’-a Garmeßtsarr adapted to ail ages. r. worn over the underelothhig, inot nest to th© body like the many Galv.i!c and Flfdiic Hon bug* advertised so •!* i and *1:1 be taken off at night. They hoi.l their po'otr forwer, at a are worn at all soason* of the year. Pen.! Btanp for tl e "Nt-w IN--artiieain Medical Trr*t sv-nt Vt lttwut ktedloiac, ’ with tUoCaarui* of TH E.IGNFTON APPTJANCI? CO.. bu, flil-n. ia DPn STROHS 5 S ?m\ The Otd, Wo). Tried, Wonderful Hoafth Renewing Remedies. SIHUNVS SANATIVE PILLS - Lire* Complaint; Kegalatmir the Bosn'- I’ tha B‘o*>d Cleansing from Malarial Tuiuf. V t. - - feet euro far Slelc Headache,Con%(ill. all fillloiM Dlaorrter*. STRONG S PECTORAL PILLS:L : 'VC - : KhoumaiUm. Insure healthy n( ’t • •* c •: u. r-jfuiarity ■>! tiie boweU A L■> 1 lo rllcuu- female* sooth in/ i or* • t nervo’i:* -ystem and giant rigor and utot *. - 7 fibre of the toxJv Sold by Dru/p-; -.: .. , eu ;.Jdcß. V F lluaiCD,w(,'u;.o'. C.L / 520 rw, 1 Bi!.Al)Eir;ii}si.';ci.K m.TH.Vr, tir s. ntl it to be J \ • ' ■ rsso. fCE JAI >'•’■'•ra. S.-mlf.ri’!isstratedCSr cu ;ar amlTrsfiujon iala. Addtes* CHAPLFS A. \v0!) A 00., 1 1 X. Tcuih it-, 1 iuiaikljiua, i’a, A . JCC— from Youthful Imprudence SutTsrers >•■■ Shinty. mental ami phy.-ical went- < ness. Vnlii.ibia informaluui for Lcn-e cure { yy ■ •’. IVo 23 veA.*s I’essr’ jy F c A. G. Glib, Hex -4-. CbJC:-. T ).