The Summerville gazette. (Summerville, Ga.) 1874-1889, June 04, 1884, Image 2

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THE GAZETTE SDMMKKTILI.K, SA. 3". ©. LOOM IS, Editor and Proprietor. lUTKK OF SOnttCRIPTIOS: IN ADVANCE. N I*lll*. t’wolva months . . . . sl.N> fil * months rhrnn month* 4G Oomipondonea Molioitad; but to rffi?f>lvsat tnntlon. lattors muni bn accompanist! by a re upon dibit* name not for publication, but. ax a guranfmt of good faith. AH article* rac.ommending sanAUJat*** frr offlo’', or intended for the personal benefit of any one, must b* paid for at the. fata of 6 cant* pet line. In advance. (5 intrihiiLiona of new* solicited from every quarter, 'tojeeted article* wilt nrtt be returned unloxM accompanied by a stamp. .V Ivor Lining rate* and estimate* given on application. dll letter* h on Id be addrcH*cd to J. C. LOOMIS. fUifbmerville, Ga. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUKE lli 1381 rontinN FUSiiKA. The rzsr's oldest eon became of on the 18th ult. The event was celebrated with imposing ceremonies. The English eipedition for the relief o! Khartoum (12.0(H) men) will w art in Augnst. Prof. Blendmnnn, of Berlin, has ob- tained photogrnphs of tlic ruoon which, when enlarged by a micro-or pc, show towns and villages, and signs of industry and traffic. What have been considered oceans proved to he green fields, and mountains changed to deserts am) ocenns. Venezuela require* the corpse nf yellow fever patients to he burned to prevent contagion. So does Havana. Two terrific explosions startled Louden during the night nf last Friday. fJreot damage was done to property. Eleven persons were injured: five dangerously. Henri Rochefort, editor of the French newspaper L’lntransigeant, makes vio lent attacks on Gen. Grant. He gives as his reasons tliat Grant, in the war of 1870, embraced every opportunity to show his hostility to Frame. The sue cesses of the German army were toasted at the White House: Washburne, American minister to Franee, sent to King William weekly accounts nf the state of the seige; several American agents were expelled from France because they were spies for Prussia: in 1878, after a state dinner in Berlin and a review of tho German army, Grant onncludcd n toast to the emperor, to Bismarck, and to the German am y, by alluding to the •conquest of Franco, adding: “And after rvhat we have jus. seen, will always heat here.” Rochefort attributes Grant’s ingratitude to Franee for her aid to the Gnilod States in the war of 1776 to his desire to secure the German vote for his third term aspiration. Nubar Pasha, Egyptian prime minister, has written an urtiolo showing that Egypt cannot heaT tho reoent rates of taxation. In many eases the tai on land is more than the land is worth. Pursuaut to a call l>y the county ex ecutive committee, tho citizens of Chat too (in county met in the court house in PummervilleJunc 3J. Joshua Leo * patted to Ihe chair, and J. C. Loomis |Oted secretary. Dr. lludicil explained the oltject of the meeting to bo to select delegate* to the convention to meet in Atlanta Juno 18th to choose delegates to the Democratic presidential convention. The balloting resulted in tho choice of J. W. Maddox and W. Shropshire, jr., lor delegates; A. J. Lawrence and J. A. Branner, alternates. Tho proceedings of tho Democratic committee were read. Tho time recommended by the committee tor next mass meeting, July sth, was upi roved. Meeting adjourned. J. I.kk, President. J (', Loomis, Secretary. The Democratic Executive Committee of Chattooga county met June 3d, 1884. The chairman stated tne object of the meeting lobe to consult about (be method of bringing out the candidate for senator. Yptcd to call a mats meeting on the first Saturday in July to nominates candidate for Slate senator and choose delegates to the convention to nominate Stale officers On consultation it was the unanimous opinion that J. C- Clements was entitled to the nomination for the next term a representative. !♦*•> OEOSUIA POLITICS. Candidates for the house: J. 11-Ful grunt, from Burke; E. M. Word, mayor of Decatur; W. K. Williams, James M. Bean, and E C. Ledford, from White; William Carakor, 11. N. Lamar, and Dr Kenan, from Baldwin; Robert J. May, from Washington; Prior B. Vesz-y, from Taliaferro; Dr. T. J. Lumpkin, from Dade. Candidates for the senate: Hon. B. G. McKcnney, from Upson; Jond H. llixon and Samuel Flyut, from iho 19th district. Married in Georgia: Daniel S. Lambert to Miss Ida Spnliock, and A. B. McAr ver to Miss Mamie Quinn, all of Rome; Dr. W. T. Robertson, ol Buchanan, to Miss Bessie Higdon, ot Talapoosa; J. B. O'Perry, ofChauncey, to Miss IjeolaMar tin, of Port Valley; B H. Seay, of La Grange, to Miss Ada Awtrev, of Gaines villc; John M. Miller to Miss Louise Thrower, both of Atlanta; Wm. Monk to Miss Mary Williams, both of Ty-Ty; J S. McLean, of Gainesville, to Miss Klizi Hollingsworth, ol Conyers. California Democrats, excited by a report that the Tilden boom is to he adroitly turned to Judge Field, demanded that the State delegation shall be pledged not to vote for him in any ease. ' 1 lie National Republican convention tret in Chicago yesterday WASHINGTON NEWS. Tho invalid pensions act is estimated to cost $100,000,000. It is said that if Judge Field is nomi nated, he and his immediate fri nds will put $2,000,000 into the earn|>aign. W. W. Kerr, testilying before the Springer committed, said in substance: “Bliss, Merrick, and 1 had a conference, raid Kellogg should be indicted because he was a public official; Bliss objected because it would break the Republican majority in the senate. Bliss became very angry when Meriiek secured the indictment." A writer in th? Washington Chronicle says that Gen. Hood’s sweetheart secured for him the command in the confederate army in place of Johnson, but rejected him when ho was defeated at Nashville. J. (). P. Burnside, superintendent ot the pay department of tho poatoffieo. bus been removed aid imprisoned for a, shortage of 945 000, lost in oil specula tion. Ferrate —bills, etc., introduced: a joint resolution of the New Jersey senate urging the passage of the hill to promote the efficiency of the revenue marine service; a resolution of the Methodist Episcopal general conference favoring the educational bill; amending the constitu tion by u,a 1 ing the president and vico presiJent hold for sii years, and not eligible for re-election; forfeiting the un earned land grants of tho Atlantic A Pacific railroad; requiring $35,555 42 appropriated by last congress to repay Georgia for money rxpended in the com mon defemo in 1777 to he paid in cash; to reimburse several S'atcs for intercat paid on war loans. Bcnato —bills, ote., discussed: prolong ing the Alabama court of claims till I)ecerubor3lt, 1885(paseed both houses) the Utah bill; the Mexican pensions bill; appropriating SIOO,OOO for sufferers by floods in tho lower Mississippi and its tributaries (cut down to $40,000, unex pended balance of former appropriation for Ohio sufferers, and passed); eon f'erenoo report on agricultural appropria tion hill (agreed to); District of Columbia appropriation bill (passed). Home— bills, etc., introduced: pro hibiting any officer of a national bunk from borrowing n oney tlrerelrntn, cilhe for himself or any corporation of which he is a member; appropriating $500,000 to build n coo fedora l e tuildiors' homo al Frodeiioksburg, Va. House —bills, etc., discussed: author izing the onuimittce on military affairs to inquire into the management of the national soldiers’ home (adopted); pro hibiting any member of congress Iron receiving any present from any foreign agent or ambassador, or giving any present to any such person, without per mission of the house to which lie belongs; the Wallace-McKinley eontoiled election ease front Ohio (Walluce, Dent., seated); the legislative appropriation bill; appro priating SI(HXHOO to, relieve sufferers by floods in tho Mississippi and its tributaries (passed). AIIVICE TO MOTHKItS. Are you disturbed at niclit and broken of your rest by a sink child suffering and crying wit L pain of cutting teeth? If so, send at onoc and ret a hotile of Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Children Teething. lis value is incalculable. It will relieve ihe poor sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, uioihers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stniuaoh and bowels, cures wind colic, mftens the gums, reduces ii fiumuialion, ami gives tone and energy to the while system. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children Teething is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription ot one of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a hnttle. Died in Georgia: Thotuaa Moore, one of tho oldest citizens of Columbus; Mrs. Elizabeth Caroline Young, mother of Gen. P. M. H. Young; Mrs. E. T. Echols, of Rome; Jacob Levans, of Carroll coun ty, aged 89; John Moore, of Floyd county, aged 75; Rev. S. E. Axson, long pas'or of the Presbyterian church in Rome (died in the asylum at MillcdgeviMe, buried at Rime); Mrs Hilary O’Connor, of Murray oounty, aged TO; the wife of Pomp Strick land, of Dawson county; the wile ol Jus. O. Mangl.aur, of Taylor county; Miss Lo ra Allgood, ot Walker oouuty. I*r. Leonard C. Belt died iu Burke O'unly about the commencement ol the wo. Elizabeth, his widow, is suing the executors of Governor Jenkins, who sold the land, for $1(10,000. It brought that, hut Gov. Jenkins first said that it was i, vistid in confederate bonds, and after wards that he still had the money in confederate treasury notes, hut sent her only $34,500 when she called for the proceeds a year or two ago. Losers by fire in Georgia: Jocl T. Si J. W. Conyus, of Slilesboro, gin house, $1,000; J. A. Hyde, of Coweta oounty, Benjan in Tolbert, of Polk county, J, P. Adair, of Franklin County, Mrs. A. C. Nason, of Augusta, and G. M. White, of Fulton county, all residences; Burns & Iho , of Bremen, mid R. B. Reppard, of Pierce oounty, both sawmills. Suicides; George Lowell, of Boston; Miss Nettie Craxier, of Evansville, Ind-; John J. Ntlson, of Wausheka, Wiscon sin; Fredericks Baker, of LaCrosse, Wis consin, because she had been seduced; Victor Hardman, ol Suiilhville, W. Va., because Miss Lillie Harduian refused him Value of property burned: in New York City, $69,000; in Chicago, $460,- 000; in Reading, Ming, $200,000; in Charleston, S. s9‘i,ooO; in Mi|fburg, Ma - ‘ 'o,ono OKOKOIA MEWS. Washington taxes every dog $2 a year. Columbus is striking for a railroad direct to Atlanta. In Hall county oowa ate dying with some strange diaeose. Walking matches are becoming com mon all over the Stale. lj F. Garrard will not be a candidate for the legislature this year. Carroll county reports a pig seven weeks old, weighing 21 pounds. Twelve marriages in one day is the latest report from Maysvill*. The damages to the Marietta paper mill by high water have all been repaired. The first ripe wa'ermelon raised in Fierce county this year was cut last Friday. Six stores and sliops, and three dwell ings, were burned in Sparta on the 26th ultimo. Screven county reports a sheep with six hoofs and a hoi n over fout inches long on one foot. Lowndes county reports a sassafraa tree which, one foot above the ground, is eight feet around. The tournament of the Governor's Horse Guards, of Atlanta, last Thursday, made Macon a gay town. Many negroes of Upson county refuse to work for less than $1.5.) a day. The farmers refuse to pay t is. Bishop Fierce has a cane 120 years old, made from timber of the first Methodist church built on American soil. In Burke county, Elbert Attaway was stabbed on the 24th ult. by Henry Jones, negro. He will probably die. In Dodge county, on the 24th ult., one flash of lightning killed three rngroos (man, wife, and son,) and a mule. George R. Dorsey hast received from the Augus'a Street Railroad Company $6,500 for cutting off his leg in 1878. The Idlcwlld, just launched at Rome, to ply the Ooatannulu, is <6 feet long. 18 feet wide, and drawß four inches water. In Laurens county, last Wednesday, Stephen L. I’adgett shot his brother John dead in a fight about a hor-e trade The Conttitulion of the 27th nit. wuh printed from new type. Many other im provements are promised in the near future. A ncjiro in Hull county olaims to !>o ('lirist, snil shows the w< amis (iiflictctj while on the croett. Ho hse utsny fol lowers. Two necroes and one white men were tried in Ssvsrnuh on the 27th ult. for beating their wives. Rather u bad showing. Two stations in Iwtwndes county’ have shipped 1,000 crates of cucumbers, nnd over 150 barrels of Irish potatoes. The returns were satisfactory. Arch Oruiu, general ticket scent in Atlanta, shot himself through the head last Bntnrdiiy morning. At last accounts he wns alive, but would t,ivo no re son for l lie act. The first services held in tho new Baptist church of Rome consisted of the commencement sermon of Shorter college lust Sunday, by Rev. Henry McDonald, of Atlantu. It cost $25,000, and the Romo Courier declares it the finest church in North Georgia. A young lady of Decatur county tried to kill herself by swallowing one third of a dram of morphine because her parents refused to let her marry When she seemed nearly dead they relented, and sent for the young man. By his per suasion she took antidotes (which she Ind refused to do) and was saved. The second trial of Ben Mitchell, in Columbus, for killing J. B. Wright, resulted in a verdict of acquittal hist Friday about dark. As Ex-Governor ‘Smith, one of his counsel, wns going home. Evans Wright, J. B. Wright’s brother, shot at him three times, hut missed him. Wright was fined SSO for shooting on the streets, and put under bond nf SSOO to appear at the next superior court and answer to tho charge of assault with intent to kill. Poetry for LnillfM. No art of talking, witty or wise. Will settle the coffee or mvke the rise, No doctrine or creed sinoe eating began, Was known to regale a right hungry man. Great thoughts gleam iu gravy, and nations are to(a)*t On billow* of aoup and finally lost. Then do not rebel, but with good common sonae. Submit ♦ o the stomach's omnipotence. And enter the ranks of the housekeeper’s strife, And descend, as your mother did, to everyday life. If you’d learn to keep house as slick as a knife. Subscribe at once for Thr I lon strife. The Housewife will bo sent on trial for one yesr tree to every lady who will send immediately the names and addresses of ten nißrried ladies or housekeepers, and 12 two cent stamps for postage. Address Tub HousKWiri, Rochester, N. Y. Killed: at Ala., K. A. Came ron; at Opelika, Ala., Clement Wynn by Tony llalster; at Belle Plain, lowa, Sam uel Dunlap and his wife, by himself; near London, Ky., W. R. Killian, deputy U. S marshal, by moonshiners; in DeKalb oounty, 111., John Gooding; in MitehUl county, N. C., Bowen by Line beck; in the easteTn penitentiary of Penn sylvania, M. F. Daran. one of the keepers, by a eonviot. e e w The Joe Mulhattan Club is the latest organization of Rome. If they ere worthy of the name, we shoald like *o attend one of their meetings. It consists of W. M. Towers, VV. J. Gammon. W. M. Gam mon, J. R. Murrell, R R. Smith, A. J. Little, A. w. Walton, Dr. G. W, IL.lun's, B I Hughes, Park Harper, and l’oa F -tt-r OKNEHAL NEWS. Bracelets are taking the plaoc of en gagetnect rings. The striking operatives at Fall River have resumed work. There arc over 400 female physicians in ihc United States. Ban Francis®* is troubled with a burglar who. instead of stealing, amuses himself by tickling ladies' feet. Hooper'* warehouse, Baltimore, fell last Friday, crushed by the cotton stored in it. Eight persons were killed. The general assembly of the united Presbyterian church of North Auierios met in Cincinnati on the 28th ult. lee half sn inch thick firmed lst Thursday night in the northern pait of the United States, killing vegetables and fruits. It is now plain that. Gen. Grant was perfectly willing that his repu'ation should be used to keep up the credit of Grant A Ward. John L. Wells has within a few years obtained over $4,000 by su : ng corpora tions, cities or railroads, for injuries sus tained by iheir carelessness. A motion for anew trial for William Spence, convicted of murdering Edward S. Wheat, in Na-hvillo, has been denied He has sentenced to he hnng July 18th. Messrs Prince, Illglmni, Woodside, and Morgan took a ten-mil* raoe on bicycles in Washington last Wednesday for the championship of the world Prince won in 32:46. During paroxysm* ok insanity, Mrs Alexander Edir.ont, of St. Louis, cut the throats of her thiee children and her own, ar.d Mrs. Anderson, nf Bowling Green, Ky., beat her husband to death. On Dry Crck, Oregon, reeently. R. F. Wrightmin and George Manchester, while putting up a wire fence, strained it too tight. It broke, and the ends wrapped around them, inflicting dangerous wounds 8. F. Jackson, of New York, has been arrested for complicity in stealing $2,500 from the Cnrnmerci al Bank nf Auttisp, last March, and prohahhr in the swindles on Macon hanks a few Jays before. An officer has gone for hint. A letter directed to OnJ. J J. Seiheb, Montgomery, Ala-, postmarked , 1850. was delivered to his brother. Major Eoiuh-*Seihels, in that eity, a few days ago. Uol. Seihels diedfin 1865 No one knows where the letter has been. Adam Brnbend.r, president of the suspended Ktie (Fa.) Savings Bank, admit* that he and da-hirr Puttil lost SIOO,OOO speculating in oi, and grain, and that he took money belonging tn the hank, paid it to a friend, and left. While an engine waa standing on s sidetrack at Mechanicaville, N. Y , on the 19th ult , at. unknown person opened thi switch, started the engine, and jumped off. The engine soon collided with a 'rain. Several persons were badly in j tired. In Philadelphia, on the 26th nit., Henry Ward was driving a hog into it pen. The animal turned, reared on bin, threw him down, and before it could tie driven oft had bitten such a hole in hi stomach that he hied to death lx fore a doctor could be brought. J. c Stanton, while president of tfe Alabama St Chattanooga Railroad sold 6 (HH) acres of coal and iron lurid. The present owners of the road, now known as the Alabama Great Southern, sued for it and recovered it, on the ground that Stanton had no authority to aoll the land. In Greenbrier county, Virginia, John Biggs and Ellen Fsfrier eloped. W ile crossing a river to reach the minister, they were overtaken by her father and brother. The brother dragged her into his boat. The lather jumped into Biggs’ boat, nnd seized him The boat upset, and both were drowned. James Fish, president of the suspended Marine Bank, of New York, was arrested on tho 25th ult. for misappropriating $1,141,000 of'the bank'* money, lending it to Grant & Ward, of which firm he was a partner, but charging it to imaginary individuals, and entering it as secured by imaginary collaterals. lie gave bond for $30,000, and was released. Ocean View. N. J., is the home of two ladies whose husbands went to sea throe years ago in a vessel which was never heard of more Last year the two ladies, having regarded themselves as widows for two years or more, married a sec nd time. Word has just been received that their former husbands are alive, aid on their way home from a distant port in Asia. Among the accounts of the Penn Bank (Pittsburg) is one showing that D. Wilson A Cos. owe the bank $240,000. No such linn is known in Pittsburg, and tho account is supposed to he that of a number ol persans who have lost by speculating in oil. One prominent oil dealer owes $97,000. These two accounts are $7,000 more than the entire capital and surplus of the bank. A Llttir Gold wan Spent. Mr. R. A. Clark, ot Atlanta, Ga., in speaking of S4BO in gold, desires to say to the readers of this paper, that the whole of the above amount was spent in a fruitless effort in finding relief for a terri ble blood poison affecting his body, limbs and nose—presenting ugly running ulcers. He is now sound ana well, having been cured by tbe most speedy and wonderful remedy ever before known, and any in terested party who may need a blood purifier will learn from him that three bottles of B. B. B. restored his appetite, healed all uloers, relieved his kidneys, and added twenty-one pounds to hi* weight in thirtv days. For - il* ' \ John B Cleg horn \ Cos. A MOKMON OIRI. WANTS ADVICE. There has been an indescribable feeling all along on the part of the editor of thia great engine of civilization, that the habit of giving ad vie* through the columns of the paper to those who sought it would get biro into water too deep to wade, and too cold tu swim in. It haa been easy enough, comparatively, for thia paper to regulate the affairs of (he oounfiy eaat of the Rocky mountains, hut a letter from Utah shows that the editor haa got to nelp the Mormons out, or back out entirely from the advice business and go to a convent. The fotlowiog ia the letter alluded to: Salt Lake City, Utah Mr. George Peck: Dear Sir—l am a young lady of 18 years, live in Salt Lake City, and was born and bred in the Monuoo Chutch People call me gny and pretty. I borrow the Sun from a Gentile neighbor, and write you for nJvice. For eighteen months past I have been ceiling company with a -mart intelligent poor Gentile clerk Hu has proposed marriage, and I have accepted his heart and hand. In fact, I love him dearlv; but a mountain slants in my way. Fresi dent John Taylor i* now paying his re spurts to me, and says if l will marry him hr wid make me his favorite wife and mistress of the "Gardo Hou-e.” Aayou probably know, he is an old man of 75 years, and ha* seven wive* already I hate polygamy; hut aui a firm believer in the Mormon religion. If 1 marr the one l dearly love, I shall be cut off from the church, and turned over to the buffering* of Satan, while, it I accept the pre-id' nt’s heart and baud, nay position in the churoh will be a high one. Hotting you will advise me at once through the Sun, I aiu, yours in trouble, Thia is more than we bargain'-d for. but it ia a mean man who would go back on a poor Mormon girl, so here gees. Jane, come here. You solemnly swear that yon are a Mormon girl, honestly, that is in earnet, and not trying tn fiol the old man and get him to give a lot of adviee, and then get killed by the Dunites. You swear it, eh? All right Now, we don’t know what the consequence* will be in Salt L ike if you decline the offer of the president of the Mormon church, a: and take up a Gentile, I ut it it i* nothing worse than idsiarit death, you freeze tn that Gentile ao qui k that it would make his head swim, and, it old lay lor goes to kicking up a it uss about it, you yell for the police so it can be heard all over the earth, and the hnya will come out there Itotu all over this fair laud and thrush the ground wi'lt those Mormons This is supposed to he a free country, and no g.rl eighteen year- nld hus got to marry a seventy-five years-old euss with seven wives already, unless she wants to. You do mil tell what kind of a fellow your Gentile clerk is, I ut if he takes the Sun regularly, and haa got grit enough to marry you in the face and eyes of the whole Mormon church, he is a thorough bred, ahd you will make uo mist ke 19 •liking him into camp. When John Taylor comes around you next time, with hi* proposition, you listen te h n r* -pectfuily, and then tell him you ap preciate tho “honor” he would confer on \nu. of placing pou over lis flak of wive-, hut yon have made different ar rangements. If he seems mad alaiut it. or attempts to place I is trembling hand on you, or tries to pucker up his old tripe lip- to ki- your eightecn-years-rdd lips, slap him oernss the mou h. T' en, if he get- wild, and attempts to force you 10 accept him as your husband, pull a revolver, that your Gentile lover shall have given you, out of your pocket, and make a tin skimmer of John Taylor, wli|i -oven hole* in it, and charge it to the Sun . But you wont have to-hoot An old onto of seventy five years, clothed with power, as he is. who would Compel a poor little girl to be his slave, is a coward, and lie would run away and leave It is hat when you pulled the pistol. Then you go and marry that Gentile, in a Christian church, if you eaefind one. and if the United States gnverntne- t will not protect you it is a mighty mean govern ment. But you have got to be recon structed some. You say you hate polygamy, but believe in the Mormon religion. That is all bosh. It is said that the Mormon church teaches that polygamy is right. You have got to go the whole hog or none. If you marry the Gentile, and remain in the church, you will catch the very devil. If you marry him and leave tl e ohnrch, you are all right, mid you oai find lots of other churches that will stand by you Don’t be afraid about the ’’buffetings ofSatan ” Satan isn’t around buff ting folks if they attend to their own bustne-s, and do the -quare thing by all. If thr Mormon church would turn halt its female mem bers over to the “buffetings of Satan,’’ whatever that is, and not marry them to people they do not want to be married to, they could marry a husband apiece, and not lie buffeted by Satan halt as much as they are. Don’t you ever feel that you arc sacrificing anything by refusing to be John Taylor’s assistant wife, and don’t let (he loss of the high position in the church bother you. Your high po-i tion would lust until John found another gi. I that was handsomer than you, and then you would have to get down off the ladder, and let the new one crawl up there, anil you would look around fur your Geotile, but he would be otherwise en gaged If you are like girls out East here, at your age, you want a young Gentile who will love you entirely, and hug you till your corsets will break, and not an old walking cemetery, whose kiss will be divided into eight equal parts, and whose every caress will -eem to you that you are hugged by your gteat grand father. You go on and marry that Gentile, and be a good wife to him, and il John Taylor seems to lay it up ugainst you. and goes to being mean, you tell him that he better look out. or t'-e Sun will bring a regimepf Ot Chicago pew-hoy.- out there, and tear down hi* darned old house. Then he will let you alone. John knows the power of a great pious news paper as well as any of the boy*. And then, after you marry that Gentile, if he doca not treat you like a little queen, and love you lieller every day. for sacrificing your religion tor him. ,we will send ti e bad hoy out there and maul tutu within an inch of hi* litis. Dwe have got to ruu this whole country, people have got todo their part to m ke it a success. Good day, Jane. Give oar love to Brigham Young j- , and Gannon — Peck * Sun. OCMOIDI C UFU ml women OLrIOIDLL men know *re this that of the many disease* and derangement* of the body each haa a separate cause or ori-fn, and that each need* a different method of treatment In order to effect a cure, and a moment s reflection moat convince that any of the quack nostrum* foisted upon the public claiming tocure alt of a number of diametrically different diseases must Cross failurea, eveu ia we do not call them am bugs. POOR PPnPI P and people of moderate I UUII ILUILC means, and eren people well to do or wealthy llud that the tnormou* dotty** ot practicing physician* *re a serious burden to them, and also find after paying themeelvea poor that uo bonellt hns 11 rented to them, that in fact they have thrown their money away. Toovercome those evila we ofler I Yktelert Ab>. 9 ft duet tlemoiliet Ut the aick and Buffering on* Hemttly for each disease. without for a moment claiming that one remedy will cure any other disease than the one claimed for it. and na tnese remedies have stood- the teat of year* without a single failure, we agree to rtf nnd r/,0 money paid in every instance where a cure is not poailixely effected. The remedies *ra entirely vegetable, can do wo harm, and will positively cure every disease for which they are prescribed. CUCMMATI6H Omit. Lameness of nnc UmH I IOIE, joints, B<-i..tiia and Neuralgia, are relieved at once and positively cure* by then*,* of Wheeier's No. W, Rheumatic We say tsddly that In the worst of raws of no matter how tony etuit'liny, how ssrfott*. or how painful. we cannot o ly give relief hot fmniti rely curt for ai! time. Railing to do this we will noeitlvely refund the money paid for the treatmen-. and if y,mr sufferings are not positively stopped for all time you have not thrown your money away as you would on any other tf an theae guaranteed remediee. The price of Wheeler's No. 9b Rheumatic Remedy ie only ts) cents, obtainable from druggists or sent free by mail on r. ceipt of price, Stamps taken. suffering women • nndowed by nature with a pretty face, beautiful fifttuw. fault !♦*** com/iffxfon, * well a* the wet>t*l of temper* and fault len* mental mmlitie* grow* fireiuatureiy old. Kray and wt Misled, her form ones it* perfect contour, the complexion be cornea Hallow, the brigbtiiff** Ihawm the wye, a f‘t'iiHKof Urn-our take* the place of tli oflt’v buoyant xpirit*. an irritable nervous fractious neiut make* lif** a burden, thing* that once w*r** trifle* worry her till life lidcnmr* unbeeiahie. All thia being caused by the phy*ici derate incuts an common to women, which the lunate modesty of lerninin* niture prevent* their umktnß known, and of which the ifOOTMiae of the medical prcfeesion prevent* * < ure. Lady trailer.pause and uon*tder, ti* * duty vou owe yourself, your family and your God, that you Mhould cure yourselr of theae trouble* and once more feel the aiow of tmrfect health and spirit* that nature intended for you, Wheeler *No tlB Preparations are pleua&nt uad palataide to take, contain nothin* of an injurious netur , and may be taken by all **•* at all times and io oil coo ditinm* without poMilHliiy of ill effect*, and will positively cure any of the peculiar Ueaee* le which female* are aubj*ct. Failing toproduce a perfect cure, toe proprietors will refund the money paid for the trenttm ut. If you have a 9*llow complexion, constant or intermittent headache, backache, re>lessneso. loss of ap prtite. suppression of monthly flow, or irreKu laiHica thereof accompanied by heads hen, nervousness, hy*teilo* Had similar symptom*. Wheeler’* No. Preparation ‘ B will pewflively restore you to health. If you have a settaatiou of h**Ht am) throbbing tn tb * back, frequent faintiuK a pell*, Leucorrbea or white discharge, pairful or *ca|tl> f sensation la urinating, red dish or white deposit in uriue, hot and dry akin, Wheeler *No Preparation *C” will give ini mediate and lasting telief. The price ot Wheeler’* No iHI Prescriptions “B" and **C" are 50 cents, obtainable from druggi*** or sent by mail secure froiu observation postpaid ou receipt of price. Posture stamps fak< n. P ATARRM ***** n ****}!**** to describe the I Mfinn# symptom* of this nauseous disease that it sapping the life and tr> t.yth of only too mmy of the fairest ami best of both sexes, old and young, suffering alike from the poisonous dripping in the throat, the poisonous naetti discharges, the fetid breath and general weakness, debility and langnvtr, aside from the Buffering* of this disease, which If not cheeked can oidy end in loss of palate, hoarse ness, weaheumr sight. of memory, deafness, and premature death if it is not cueeke I before it is too late Labor, srudv and re*earch. iu America, Europe, and Eastern lands, have re sulted in Wheeler's No. Hh Instant Relief and Sute Cure for Catarrh, a remedy which contain** no h-’ri: ful ingredients, and that id guaranteed to cure every ease of acute or chronic catarrh or money refunded. Wheeler's No % Instant Relief and Sure Cure for Catarrh will cure every case of catarrh, hay fever, or antlmis: price $1 per jackage. from druggists, or sent by mail post paiu on receipt of price. Wheeler’s So. Sure Cure for Kidney and Liver Troubles cure* all weakness and soreness of thekidneya, inflammation of kidneys or liver, price $1 Wheeler’* Vegetable Pills are the enly r* medy that cutes constipation, giving natural actioq of the bowels without physicking, purging, criping, or pain Price ;JG net ts. of druggists or by mail. Wheeler’s Nervine Tofik for rnnuts) depres sion, loss of manhood, laagour, weakness or over taxation of the brain is invaluable, price 'A cts. WE GUARANTEE or refund money pain. W# place pur price for these remedies at less than one-twentieth of the price asked by others for i emedlesupon which you take ail the chance*, and we specially invite the patronage of the niaur persons who have tried other remedies without effect or depleted their purses by paying doctor oilis that benefited them not. HOW TO OBTAIN to your druggist and ask for them. If they have not got them, *riie at ores to the pr prietors, enclosing the price in money or stamps, and they wtil be sent you at once by mail, poet paid. Coirespondeoce solicited. Address nlaiujy. L. WHKELKR & CO, No. 8f W. Baltimore St . 8 sW-’3-ly. Baltimore, Md. H. A. SMITH, KJ5ni M *%., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IK SCHOOL ;a x i) MISCELLANEOUS 800 KS, Stationery, Fancy Articles, CHEOMOS, Engravings, Picture Frames, Slicfl Jlti'ic, rm m cabinet mm, ABATE S SPECIFICS!-] Prepaid from formula? used by an eminent physician during twenty years suc cessful practice. Specific No. I.—Gua'anteed to effect a raiic-al cure of all affections of the Blood, whether Scrofulous or acquired. Skin diseases, pimples, moth patches, etc., are permanently cured by Bate’s Specific No. 1 Price, sl. Specific No. Cures Seminal Weakness, Nervous Debility, from Youthful Indiscretions or Excesses, producing Exhausted Vitality ami Loss of Manhood. This remedy is uuequ&ied in the cure of these complaints. It is a powerful stimulus to the weakeued Nervous System, assists Nature to renew the strength and vigor of the debilitated organs, and effect* a radical cure, Price. sl. Specific No. 4.—Gives Instant relief and permanently cures Rheumatism, Pri*. Si Specific No. 6.—A positive c* re for all weak nesses common to females. Price. sl. Soid by Druggists, or sent on receipt of price by J. W. Bate, M N. Clark St , Chicago. SfiND FOR CIRCULAR! FREE e TRIAL HANOVER’S SPECIFIC. Ar. unfailing and speedy cure for Nervous Debility and Weakness, Loss of Vitality and Vigor, Nervous P roar ration. Hysteria, or any evil result of indiscretion, ex cess, over work, abuses of Alcohol. Tobacco, etc. (Over forty thousand positive cures.) ISTS-Ud l.v postage on trial box of 100 pills. Address. M. W. BAC<N. Cor. C.ark St ami Calif ul Pin.***. Chicago. 11l sromrau wee n. m Meet in their hall at SP. M. on tb* first Satur day of each mouth. W. A. STORY, W. M. GL J. MOYERS, See ret ary. .tom w. tmibox, ATTORNEY AT I.AW, SVKMKItVILLE, UEOHGIA. Will practice in the Superior, County, and District court*. I.rgal Advrr titiciiiciiiN. I.ecal Ailvart is.*inrittn I‘ityablsi In A.I ranee. Doa t you forget it! Application for Order of Sale. GEORGIA, Chattooga County: To all whom it may concern: W. T. Herndon, administrator of Matthew Karo, deceased, hat* in due form applffd to the undersigned for leave to sell the land* belonging to the estate of aaid deceased, and said application will be heard on the first Monday in July next. Thi* Hd day of June, 1884. JOHN MATTOX. Ordinary. Administrator's Sale. By virtue of an order from the Conrt of Ordi nal y of Chattooga county, Georgia, will be aold on the first Tue day in July, 1884, at the court house door in said county, between the legs! hours of sale, that traotof land in said county whereon Y. J.Wea hers resided at the tim* of his death, two-eighth* <t 8) interest (eighty o4?rea, more or le**. lin lots of land Nos. W and 86, all ia the 15th district and 4tb section of said county, s joining land*, of John Bouchillon anil dower of Mi>. Josephine Vanpelt. About m.* hundred and fifty acres of the two lots are io cultivation, and in goo l repair. 1 he balance is in the original wood* Term* of vale, cash This MayfTth. IW4. THOS.K WKATRKRB. Administrator of F. JT W eat beta, deceased. An Administrator to be Appointed. GEORGIA, Chattooga County: To all whom it may eoneero: Andrew L, Milli <an ha* iti due form applied to the undersigned for permanent tetters of adminis tration on the estate of Andrew Mililcao, de ceased. to be granted to tn*- dark nf the *U|e>ri or court of said county, or some other fit and proper person, and I will pa** p<>n said application on the flret Monday in July next. Witness my baml. May ’2-4th. IMKJ. JOHN MATTOX. Ordinary. Notice to Creditors. GEORGIA. Chattooga County: Ali person* having demand* against the estate of Matthew Karp, lata of said county, dvceaaed. are notified to render In their demands to the undersigned, according to law. All indebted to said Matthew Karp are untiAed to settle im mediately. Thisith day of May. IKH4. W f HERNDON, Adm’r. NOTICK. Will he sold n ilie 9th day of June. 18M, be fore the court bouse door of Chattooga county, between the legal hours of sale, the following: property, to-wit: One two-boroe wagon, otic buggy, one *et of harne**, and one black mare mule about ten years old. Levied on a* the property of J. D smith, to *ati.fy h fl. ta. issued from the County Court of aaid county in favor of B. K. Laugiibridgc, for use <rf J W Maddox. 1 hi* April llth, IHM. C. V. AKKIDGE, County Bailiff. Application for Discharge. STATE OF GEORGIA. Chattooga County: Wheroo* J. M Van pc It and M M. Hen*, ad minifftratorsof Win. K. Vaupeit, deceased, rep resent to the court in their petition duly filed, that*ibey have fully administered Win. S. Van pelt’* estate; this i* therefore to cite all persons C Mict rned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they have, why said administrators should Dot be discharged fr*>m their s<itm*-i*tration and receive the usual letters of dUmiSKion ou the first Monday in July. I**L JOHN MATTOX, Ordinary. WITHOUmEDIOMt, MAGNETIC BELT t* WARRANTED TO Without medicine -Pain >■ the Wk, Mims head, or Uanl, aKPTMM d>blllt> ,lnnhfo > eaorol doMlity. rheamitUzm. parlr*f, acurolglo, oolotiro, dlo'W root th kliiifp.Hlacl dtxwwM.f*fyl4 Uvr, fovt, #cmlntii valMlonz, lonolMiej, awthox, hoort dl~ tM, eooii|MUso#. Indlcro- ItiNi. kerula or rapan, aaUnk, piles. opUepey. *’Vfi*nTftwßVx or tboeE.WKBATtVF.OReAWS Occur*, loot vitality, leek ofaervo ioreo aud vigor, v/Mtim wrokorooro, ood all tkaw dlortzooo of • per •anal nature, front whotovor eauvr, tho oontlnuoa* •t retain of MogneUtmi perataatlfig thro nets the perto unit rr-wtore then* to a hrolthjr actio■ IkaTf ÜBO mistake about this appliance. 3E aodohinal” supporter. L 1 1 -o THE UOIES:-S£jff™aa Esfcanttan.f>ToiH>pata,r with Dtocoowo of thr 14v cr, kldncvt, HcaJoohe or Cold Foot. *wolli or .rook A*l Ire, or Hwollr* Feet, an Abdominal Belt end a mut .f M/vgnrHc Foot ttatfcrrtot hero no superior dltbo ro'it'f iuml euro of all thowa r-ontpialnt-v They pu awful ukj-guetic fozoe to the net of tha For Lame Bark. Wakneao ef the ftatne. Fall t>L f tkc womb. teurßrrhim, t breele lnle*eu*a tlon and l Ire retina of ike Womb, larideaUal ovrhngo or Float! In*, Painful, Supprrooed oed Ir* regular Mcuetreatioa, Harreuaem, and ckmce * Ufa. tfa U to tho lUo4Apilaeoo and Cemtlm iffml For all forma of Female fMßlrulttea t* uuaßF penned by anything before Invented. both a a curatlv* ' awer.t and aa a nturoe of power and ri lalization. Price of either Belt with Magnet te Fmit Bettertoa, flO. Sent by evpremO.O. D .and •xanrtnaMo* ado-trad. or tog ■sail on receipt of price. In ordering, wend mrosnre of waJst and ciae of shoe. Rom It eon be made is cur rency _ aont In letter at ournsi. T)te Magnet*’" Uarmetita are adapted to all age*. ar% worn over the under clothing, (net seat te the body Bke the many halraab aed Fleetrlc Hnm kac* •dwerttaed an extenalTt ljr) and should be taken off at night. Th v hold thrlr ponwr/orew, and are worn at all aceaona of tho year. Bend stamp for the "New l*n artnve In Medtoa! Treai ■n nt M IthnuA Medletao. with tbouaaraia ot teaUxu*. Tins MACNKTON AKPIJANCECO^ ZlB State bt-, Chicago. lIL Of Kentucky Vniversity, Islington, Ky. Ktndrou can h**ia any weak-day in the year. Ho 'fcatloo. Time to cooaj* - *" rii- rail Wpbuia Be-iuaae Court* a-wul 10 vrevk*. Average Total Coat, incitalioc Taitioa. Set of HovA* and Board fa afaroiir fBO TANARUS ierraphy a wpaciaMv. Literary Coarm free I.jwUet received. c,-esfal cra-lnaie- Over SOU nupfk fa-t vr* r fhitn I.S U> iS year* d*t. bm 41 Stale*, la •true lino U iwaetleall* aud indlvfdaehy Intfartel Lv itf.-a, ht-n. Special mure* far ■feachorw and Mtuee s•<■! I'uivaraitT biptoma wit* gr.lqau . TLi l*u ifu. ettj l itotrd S-r lu FaM teji -r' Vit HieaW-*•! full par'h ular*. ad*irv* tt- wt tViMH'B Bf. sMITIL S~tae<e. ky FREE! SELF-GORE. A tkruf m piMoirlptrua if <>•> ““ itosl Fd.i/HKfd, a. -- -I . . •japltuustnl -slctiVfl.ipr jn ■ ’ . OR. WARO & r, • '• w - I B m GB W* gTS Pc cur H aithy H 3 U R Sf ‘-tion to thr- Liver BH ■ W SSH Sla and relieve r*.l bil ij^MaHlM^Mawaßa^||^j^^ BW ioua troubles. Purely VegsUble: HeSrlpisg. ?rits 25c. Aii Snggifid COR£S WKEfcC All I:SC fM?S. Ber,t-Ooti4'h Syrup. Tn-.t * m CKiutimp, bold by iln.iulfci.Jd: S&S&nSESafeiS^i rj HE GAZETTE viU terenr tonuv s* 1 \ sti . • vrai ftr in f,