The Summerville gazette. (Summerville, Ga.) 1874-1889, July 23, 1884, Image 2

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THE GAZETTE H( MMKKVII.LR, OA. T. C. LOOMIS, Editor and Proprietor. RATIO! OF Strnseltll’TlON : IITfOVAXCI. OWTIMK. I'f |lf HARtlll .. . .- $1 §l*2* Si* in until® Threw month; 40 W Correspond once *oUelt<l; but to roceivest nittien. letter* iiHint bp *tJ bjr io upouHiiilo iiHim l not for piiblU'ftllow, but an n £tirauti'6 of flood faith. All Articles rocuinm>mliiiK cwdltlftleH for oWeo, or liiti'ndod forth** personal benefit of iny tm®, miiM ho (laid for at tuo rate of b cunt* p< t liuo in sdvnn.f. Cnntri but ion® at now* nolle itod from overy quart <i•. Vlm'tod attlrlos will not bo returned uutrenft aocompmiiiul by a stamp. AUvurtiMiuK rate* and iiiUuu4osglvt*n on appllcAilon. All lottor® should bn addressed to J. C. LOOMIS. Hummerviil*. Ul. 'nmmmmvm ::i m In 1840 Cynthia Parker, nine year sold, ■was captured by the Comanche* of Texas. ■Several whites lost their lives in vain ■efforts to reacuo her. About IS years after a party of while men, visiting a Comanche camp, saw a woman whose 'looks convinced them that slio .was of ■white parentage. Inquiries showed /plainly that thi) was Cyuthia Parker. All efforts to induce her to return to tier relatives failed. Whe had been a chief s ■wife for years, was happy, and said that 'life among the whites would he a prison 'to her. In IS.W, while witli a wnr parly, sho was cut oil from the bravos,captured, recognized, and taken to tier brothers in iPurkcr county. Failing to escape, she and her youngest child soon sickened and 'died- iler oldest son is the principal ■chief among the Comanebcs. lie lately advertised in the Texas papers for a likeness of his mother, and exhibited great delight when one was sent hiiu. “What amount of tariff should he 'placed on sugar?" asked the political student of the Fat Professor, out at Podunk, yesterday, as the worthy gcntlo ■nian let tho slack in the redheaded hoy’s pants return and laid aside his rod. ‘‘My son,” said the old gentleman, putting on his glasses and regarding him kindly, “at this stago of your life the information should ho of no interest to you. Still, 1 don’t mind saying that about three lingers of the tariff on sugar w ill be found to aid the digestion and chock the spring panic ns readily us any oilier amount. Tho class in spelling will please toe the mark. ” Died in Georgia: Juntos Uadwo!l, of Telfair, aged '.*K; Mrs. Mary Huber, of Oconoo, aired VI; Hamilton U. Wylly, of Darien ; Victor Roberts, of Troup; Mrs Dorothy D. Upshaw, used 44, .Inures I litres, n very old uruti, and Miss Fannie Down, aged 15, all of Carroll; Mary, wife of Col. A. 8. Atkinson, of Cobh; Nolan Chandler and Joseph Boyce, both ol Walton; Mi s Tommie, daughter ol A. M. Northoott, of Acworth; the wife of IJ. '(J. Peters, td Borne; Mrs. N. K. Joins, of Bartow, aged 50; the wife of Prof, (’one, of Millcdgeville; Win. Blair and the wife of Capt. Montgomery, both of Athens; Daniel Kelly and Alice, w ile of 11. W. Denton, both of Atlonta. In Germany, years ago, lived an old titan with a young wile. A year after their marriage, ho died. Soon afterwards she married a young man who had boon 'living with them. Twenty yeamlator tho sexton, in digging a grave, cut into that ■of her first husband. Tho skull moved. Affrighted, ho run for tho priest. Ho found a mouse's ueif in the skull, aud also noticed that a nail had been driven through the bono into tho bruin. This aroused suspicion. After cousultation, oflicovs wore sent to arrest tho woman. Tsho nrct them at the door, and confessed Ter guilt before tlrey bad time to say a <word. “Poor old Jones is dead. Well, tbo Podunk road loses a faithful conductor, said the brakeman to tho wood-passer yesterday. “Yos; Jones would have becu an honor to any toad. No man ever ’accused Jones of knocking down a fare. Jlo was the honestest conductor l over seen. If a passenger got ou without a ticket and handed Jones a dollar, ho always gave tho road a fuir showing for it. He’d go into the express ear and flip the coin up. If it lodged on tho bell-line, why then the road got it. If it didn’t, then Joues got it. die was tho fairest conductor I ever seen.’’ Hung: in Paris, Tcntt., Shine Forrest, for killing his mother and grandfather last November; in Fort Smith, Arkansas, Thomas L. Thompson (for killing James O’Halleran, his partner, last September) and John Davis and Jacob Wowaukiller, Indians, for killing whites; in \\ nrrous burg, Mo., Billy and Charley Hamilton, for killing Cur! Steidler last March; in Baxley, Gu., Fletcher Lowery, negro, for killing John Bruuuuage; in Perry, tia., Jack Barrett; in Natchei, Miss., Albert Mills, negro, for wife-murder. lu Wilkinson county, Georgia, Doe Heuson was charged with stealing some clothes from Jonah liyal, but was ac quitted. On tiis way home some parties waylaid him, beat him terribly, tied him behind a wagon, aud dragged him over rough roads till he died. They buried him, and plowed over the spot. Three farmers of that county, accused of the crime, are said to have defied any oue to make au investigation. In Athens, during the commencement exercises, Policeman Arnold attempted to arrest Sam Taylor, negro. Taylor carried his resistance so far that Arnold killed him. A corener’s jury pronounced it justifiable homicide. The conduct of the negroes since has been very sus picious. ri.NSIONS AGAIN. Wo have the chief provisions of the bo eallad Mexican pension hill, mid a more rascally measure never was unreduced in either house. Tho live Jh uiocralie sen ators who voted for the thing on its final pas-ngo cither committed a fearful blunder or they arc political cotrards. Tho hill, os originally introduced, gave a pension of per month to every sur vivor of the Mexican war who had been sixty days in tho service. The amend u.i'iits of Senators dnllom, Mitchell am) Conger changed this, giving 4s to only such Mexican soldieis as shall lie over 02 years old w hen the law may go into effect. Then came in aiuoudments giving a pennon of tH per month to every disabled Union soldier, whether his disability was caused by military service or not! A threshing machine, mowing machine, buzz saw, or any other kind of accident would he enough, under this Ihiovirg statute, to base a claim on for pension! Any malingering loafer or convalescent camp hummer, of the civil war, would only have to put his hand in the way of a load of shot, nr his toes under a freight wagon, to make him a legal pensioner! The hill trebles the allowances of several classes of pensioners of the civil war, and adds .00 per cent to allowances to soldiers’ widows of that war, and pendens widows and orphans of soldiers whether tho hus band and lather died in service or not! Estimates on the money that would he required to curry out the provisions of this hill vary greatly. The heller opinion seems to ho that, if made a law, the animal increase of pension expenditures will Lo very large and that the tot ul ex penditure would not lull short of *200,00(),0<j0. Tho impudent proposition of Senator Ingalls, compared with this pioco ol patched up sneakery, was a decent aid patriotic measure. —Chnltaiwmjn Timm. POLITICAL NKVVS. Kx-Scnator Tliurman, reluming rrotu tlm oonretition, wot met ut tlie depot nt ColuuiFuf by eeverul tliou.saod person:!. To llit-ut be said, in eubslanoe: “I um dec.ily touclicd by this expression of your regard. It would repay me for any disappointment you may think I feel, ltcully, 1 am not disappointed. 1 was not a candidate. For a year 1 have said that I would pot be a candidate; but after I reached Chicago many of my friends ineisted that I should be otic, and I sub mitted. Tho nominations were fairly made; the nominees did nothing but wlmt wa honorable; let us go to work and elect them." Butl.r refuses to soy whether ho will run for president ns the candidate nf the Nationalists arid Anti-Mouopolisls. Only throe papers in New York City support Bliiinc. The Republican convention of the 2d congressional district of Mississippi in dorsodUen. Chalmers. A portion bolted, und nominated Don Johnson, a negro teacher. Chalmers made a speech in dorting Blaine and Logan. Blaine’s loiter of acceptance, after being pronounced ready for publication, was at the last moment recalled and revised. Parties iri Now York sent SIO,OOO to Ucotgo Cassidy, of Baltimore, to bet against Cleveland, but countermanded tho order tho next day, before any hers had been made. Tho Urecnbaekcrs of Maine are said to prefer Blaine to Cleveland, because they think that Blaine sympathizes with the masses, and Cleveland does not. POKKIIIN vi.ash i - :s. In Peru, Gen. Iglesius bus resigned the presidency, aud ordered an election for president, vice-president, and congress. This is because Geu. (!aeeres, at the head of a considerable body of troops, has been continually resisting him, claiming that lie was not legal y elected. The final evacuation ol Peru by the Chilian troops has begun. Cholera is spreading in Franco. There was serious rioting between the Orangemen und Nationalists near White haven, England, aud Belfast, Ircluud, lust Sunday. Tho London Wines says: “Tho plat forms conooeled by tho Republican and Detuooratiu conventions are both equally unworthy of rospeet. They are dis tinguished by the absence of clear con victions; by evasions and trimmings; by servile rivalry in flattering the masses." The war between Franco and China is almost certain to be renewed. There is a Stubborn fight between the two houses of the British parliament over the franchise bill. General Diaz was unanimously elected president of Mexico on the 15th. lie will take his seat December 30th. The late Prince of Orange, son ol tho king of Holland, was buried with much pouip on the 17th. A plot to blow up the palace at Warsaw while the exar should be in it, has been detected. The Cuban insurgents under Agucro have lately defeated the government troops in two engagements. There were 40 deaths from cholera in Toukm, aud 57 in Marseilles, last Mou day. Mariied in Georgia: A. P. Fouehc to Miss lna Woodall, both of Marion; It. G. Strickland, of Carroll, to Miss Sallie Williams, of Dado; Willie I’,. Powell, of liawkiosvillc, to Miss Minnie Fenn, of Dooly; W. It. Jackson to Miss Mary D ! vidsou, both of Lowudos; Major W. A. 1 Towers, of Kausas City, to Miss Fannie I Hillycr, of Forsyth; Thomas C Hampton to Miss Viola Skiff, both of Athens; 11. C. Tarver to Miss Pearl Paul, both of i Dodge; Rev. K. B. Robertson, of Rakers ville; N. C , to Miss Georgia Bell, of'Ca- IIKIIItmA M WS. Dublin went "wet” on the Bth, Dalton's dog law is thinning out the canine race. Cold, county voted: fence, 1,42.1; no, I,OV t. Three Carroll eonnly bens are raising 9 chickens. One has-IS. A Clarke county Degress, 35 years old, is tho mother of 26 children. Thirty seven persons were immersed at Columbus last .Sunday wcok. One of the calieo factories in Dowell, Mass., is likely to ho moved to Atlanta soon. Gold and silver, in pnying quantities, have been discovered in Murray county, near Fort Mountain. Next Friday night the young ladies of Rome give a leap year party, taking the gentlemen’s places in every respect. Richardson, one nf the contestants in the 4th of'July walking match, ruptured a blood vessel, and died on tho 15th. At Cave Spring, a three weeks’ pro traded meeting, closing on tli6 11th, added 22 members to the Baptist church. In Oglethorpe, thousands of bushels of wheat; in some parts of Clarke, half the small graiu; arc reported as rotting in the fields. William Bell and Miss Toad Hindman, of Carroll county, have married, been divorced, and re married, within four years. An Athens negro has about 41 500 deposited in hank, lie made it all by running on e.rands and cleaning up rooms. A little daughter of Mr. Loudcruiilk, near Aduirsvillc, had both feet cut elf by a mowing machine, on the 12th. Shu is likely to recover. Henry Fleetwood, of Dodge county, will wear no clothes, and will eat nothing but sweet milk. He says the Lord feeds him from heaven. Near Daldonuga, ore which yields from 75 cents to $1 a lon is worked at a cost of 15 cents. Over 200 tons a day are run through the mills. Thomas Cook, of Washington county, has 10 acres in corn which will average from four to six large ears to the stalk. Some stalks have nine. Atlanta men arc organizing an athletic club, to include lawn, biiycle, lacrosse, football, cricket, base hall, racquet, and gymnasium. On the IXtli tho negroes of West Point forcibly opened the calaboose, and killed Sam (Jihson, of their own color. He had outiagcd his own daughter. The copitot commission met in Atlanta on the 15th ami opened the bids. Every one of them exceeded tho appropriation. They will adveitisc for new bids. In the Culiulta Mountain", recently, the wife of Dow Grace was killed, both eyes put out, a sharp stick run through her.breast and hung up in a tree. In Troup county, ou the loth, Willis Hardin, negro, Outraged Mrs. Heard. As soon us lie was fully idemiliml, over 200 men took him from the sheriff and guards, and hung him. The incessant flashes of lightning on the night of the sth scorched a patch of corn in Cartersville. Next day the blades were as dry as last year's fodder, the stalks withered ami dry. Ford, thu Macon walker, is to he prosecuted for bigamy by Miss Mollie Kerr, ol Atlanta. Fold is said to admit that lie was married to her in Marietta, while tco drunk to know what he was doing. John Miller, of Gordon county, aged 15, walks altogether on his hands His feet are twisted out of shape, small as an infant’s, and without any feeling. His body, on the right side, is well developed; the left side has but three ribs. The Georgia Marble Company, com posed mostly of Chicagoans, got up au excursion recently to their marble quarries near Tate's Station, on tlie M. AN. G. railroad. In his speech that day H. C. Clement said no marble deposit in the world equaled it. When the war closed .1. M Rodgers, of Buuiter county, had S3O, and 330 acres of land not paid for. lie now owns 0,400 acres, aud pays taxes on $ 10,000 worth of property, 110 has made it a rule never todepeudon buying anything which he could raise at home. An enthusiastic correspondent of tho Cummiug Clarion claims for Forsyth county “higher priced land, more com fortable white eottago homes, a denser population, larger men, prettier women, and more children,” than any other county in the State has. Don't Give I’n Vt-t. It doesn’t follow that a patient will dio because the dootors have "given him up,” or that he will recover because they promise to “pull him through." It is never too late to try the great virtues of Parker's Tonic. Mr. Michael Guilfoyle, of Binghuuopton, N. Y., was cured of rheumatism by it after ten years of un speakable suffering- Mr. R, W. Mother, druggist, of same city, certifies that he has sold over a thousand bottles ol Parker's Tonic through its reputation for this and other cures. •<> ♦ Wo learn, on undoubted authority, that the Democratic executive committee of Floyd, iu issuing a call providing, among other thiugs, for the clectiou ol delegates to a senatorial convention, only intended i to bo prepared, so that, if any dispute . should ariso ns to whom Chattooga prelers, it would not bo necessary to cail auother convention to elect delegates to a senatorial convention. Both Floyd and : Bartow will ratify the selection which 1 Chattooga lias made. UKNKKAL NVtVS. The population of Chattanooga is 21,090. In Chattanooga horses are dying with symptoms resembling lung fever. A lodger 21 ioolics by 32, K laches tbiek, weighing 87 pounds, has been made at the government bindery for the United States sub-treasurer at New York. During the lastsix months, 470,000,000 have been invested in industrial enter prises in the South, either in establishing new ones or in enlarging those already established. In New York City, Alexander Boyd claims that a part of the consideration of his marrying a widow was that she should give him half her dowry. After the marriage she refused, and he sues her. Farmer Lewis, in Pike county, Illinois, being unnoyed by the depredations of a neighbor's tame deer in his peaputch, set a spiing gun. Tho next morning he found his S.IOO mule dead in front of the gun. Eighteen Philadelphia yrung ladies wont to Baltimore to play baseball, ex pecting to make money. They failed to “draw,” their manager deserted them, and they were left without money to pay their hoard, or their passage hack to Philadelphia. In Nashville, on the lilt, C. 8. Evans, on his way home, sat down to wait for a street car, and put by his side a small valise, containing SSOO. When he reached home he found that lie had for gotten tho valise. He went hack, but was too late. The valise was gone.” In New York City, on the 4th, Bedford Karl shot himself through the head, in tentionally. The ball canied in pieces of thu skull, and lodged against the opposite side. Tho doctors removed the ball, picked out the pieces of hone, and drew oft the blood and matter through a tube. At last accounts Karl was likely to re cover. • The following misfortunes held A lain Baser, of Wayne county, Pennsylvania, on three successive day*: one day his ten years-old son fell in the well, but was drawn out alivo; the next day his wife wis badly hurt by u runaway horse; the third day his horse ran away wilh the plow, jumped two pairs of bars and a gate, and scared several cows; one of theso in running fell into a well, but was drawn out only slightly hurt. A AI.AKAMA NKXVS. The Bunk of Mobile lias assigned. Citizens of Tuscaloosa county are searching for a negro ravtslicr. The Republican State executive com mittee have decided to make no nomina tions lor State officers. Thomas Duocan, of Brownvillo, was killed by lightning lost Thursday, while standing in the door of bis saloon. M. P. Blue, of Montgomery, exhibits a cucumber two feet long, ten inches round, weighing four pounds two ounces. Mariied; Khjuh Wells, aged 57, to Miss Maty Peyton, aged 77, and Herbert Cbristler to Miss Auna Cromer, all of Cherokee county. Reports concerning the projected town of Sheffield are conflicting. Some say that it has been abandoned; others, that improvements are going on rapidly. Near Springvillo, Jefferson county, last Thursday night, Mrs. Thuu. Rowland and her children sought refuge in a storm pit. Lightning struck a tree, followed its roots into the pit, aud killod her. Died: Mrs. Ann Griffith, Frederic Rush, aged about 70, and dames L. Snider, all of Cherokee county; Judge J T. McAfee, of Talladega; and Mrs. Rachel MoKlrath, of Calhoun county. A child recently born iu Etowah county bad five’teeth. Whcu only a lew hours old it said “It will rain every day till August Ist, and rain no more for five years.” So says the Gadsden /ions. CHIME. About $1,700 in money, S7OO in checks, aud SIO,OOO in notes were stolen from the safe of Howard & Stuart, I’ikoville, Tenn. The next day all was fouud under the house of 11. C. Hall, druggist. Hall escaped. At Ilulton Station, Pa., on the Gth, James Graham and John Lynch engaged the hand of the same lady for the same dance. Lynch took his place with her: Graham quarreled, and was shot -lead by Lynch, In Denison, Texas, on the 9th, Joe Kuntz shot his divorced wife twice, and killed himself. W. R. McGill, president of the Cin cinnati & Eastern Railroad, fell from the door of a baggage car on a trestle 50 feet high, and was killed. The discovery that he had been raising money on forged notes has raised a suspicion that he com mitted suicide. In Orange couuty, Florida, on the 21st ult., a young lady killed W. M. Clark, for repeated failures to keep his promise to marry her. Near Charlotte, N. C., on the 12th, a negro festival culminated in a fight. Two were killed, twelve wounded. llow to Make Candy.—This book gives full directions to confectioners and others for making all kinds of plain aud fancy candy. The recipes for making camareis, chocolate drops, French mixed aud all j other kinds of candies contained in this . book are the same as used by the leading I city confectioners. Any one can have these candies at home at less than one j third the usual oost. No housekeeper j eau afford to be without it. Sent post | paid for 30 cents, in ono or two cent I stamps. Address Tut: llot'sEwtt’E Rochester, N, Y, THE ELECTRIC GIRL. The power which Miss Hurst claims to possess is nothing new, and the fact that multitudes may he simultaneously im pressed with thu baiue belief is no guarantee that tho belie! is founded on reality. "I think irom wbatyou tell me of tho experiments,” said Dr. William A. Hammond, yesterday afternoon, to the Timet reporter, “that Miss Hurst succeeds solely by the principle of sug gestion acting on tho mind of tho in dividual. Outside the realm of mathe matics, I don’t deny that anything is possible, hut the principle of suggestion is a well known foreo. Miss Hurst is probably a strong woman, too, and knows how to use her strength. There’s a good deal in that. But as to the principle of suggestion, let me tell you. Homo lime ngo I performed an experiment myself. I took a small Japanese table, weighing about a pound and u half, and placed it in the corner there in the prcscnco of a young man of a highly nervous organiza tion, and hence well fitteJ to he acted upon by the force of “uggestion. ‘Now,’ I said to him seriously, ‘l’m going to make this table so heavy that you cannot raise iu ’ I placed the ends of my fingers of both hands on the table and stood there some minutes. Tho young man watched me with great interest- When 1 saw that his attention was concentrated, I moved my hands and told him that the table was fustened to the floor. He took hold of it with both hands and appeared to he making a violent effort to raise it from the floor, hut lie oou'd nut. i saw that instead of lifting, as he really believed he was, the young man was in reality pressing with all his might toward the floor. Finally lie broke tho tablu by pushing. Then ho desisted and asked uie to lighten the table. I made a few passes, told him he could raise it easily, stud he did it without appreciable ex ertion. There it all is. When you thought you were trying to hold the umbrella in Miss Hurst's hands still, you were in reality moving it yourself. That’s my o| inion. The people at the theatre to-day wero *8 impressed w ith the ouc idea that everything in Miss Hurst's hands would move, that tiieir actions were uneonseiously directed in accordance therewith. As i have so fully detailed in my hook on spiritualism, this principle of suggestion and its influence are com potent to explain many phenomena, so called. ’’ “But how about moving the ehair, doctor, as Miss Hurst did when a person was seated in it?" “What kirn! of a ehair was it, and how d'd she hold it?” “A light earie bottomed chair. She held it by placing the palms of her hands against the sides of tho buck, tho base ol her thumbs giving her a grip, if any.” “Why, I cun do thut myself,” said Dr. Hammond, stepping behind u massive oak chair, weighing at least six'y pounds, and placing his hands as the reporter directed. The ehair was lifted easily. “With a littlo exertion." said the doctor, "I’ve no doubt I could lift a ehair with a good heavy person seated in it. it's a great deal in knowing how to concentrate force. But this girl, in my opinion, depends mainly on the principle ot sug gestion. There are magnetic girls and other girls of peculiar powt r springing up all the time. There was the magnetic girl, Aogeliquo Uottin, of whom Faguier gives au account iu his “Ilistoire du Marvcillieux.” She was employed in a factory at the age of louitccn when the table at which she worked with several other girls was violently overturned. All plans lo keep the table quiet failed. People of the village, unable to explain the phenomenon, thought Angeiique be witched. Several physicians examined her and reported the most wonderful occurrences. Everything touched by her was reputed violently. Her parents, prompted by a desire to turn an honest penny, resolved to travel with her from city to city, and finully take her to the metropolis—l’aris. There she arriv and a committee of the Academy ol Sciences was appointed to cxauinc her. The inquiry was entered into calmly. None of tho phenomena which she was said to produce were discovered. Sus picions having been aroused as to sudden and violent movements on the part of the girl when she was seated in chairs which moved mysteriously, the commission an nounced that they proposed to see why the movements of the hands and feet were made. Then it was declared that the young girl had lost her 'magnetic' faculties. This girl's performances, like those of others, whether called electrical or odic or what not, are incapable of resi-ting the inquiries of scientific men. This is the way this case will end. It is simply the influence of suggestion.”— AY to York Times. ADVICE TO MOTH LRS, Are you disturbed at night, and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so, send at once und pet a bottle ot Mrs. W inslow’s Soothing Syrup for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor sufferer immediately. Depend upou it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Children Teething is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription ot ono of the oldest and best lemalc nurses and physicians in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. —— A Western fanner, a widower, has nailed a box to his plow beam and keeps his baby in it while he works. SENSIBLE MEN SS.JSK that of tho many disease® ami derangement® of the body each ha® a krfmrate cause or origin, and that each toted® a different method of treatmeut in order to effect a cure, and a moment*• reflection must convince that any of iht* quack nostrums foist* and upon tins public claiming t<> fure ail of a number of dt>metrically different diseases must prove failure®, even is wt> do not call thorn hu mbug.s. POOR PEOPLE well to do or wealthy find that the <•? < rmou* chorgm of practicing physician® are a serious burden to them, ami also find after paying themselves poor that no benefit ha# accrued to them, that in fact they have thrown their mouey away. To overcome these evils we ofier Wheeler e X. 96 Sore Hrmedie* to tho sick ant! suffering one lUux t'i for each and Least*, without for a moment claiming that one remedy will cure any other disease than the one claimed for it. and as menus remedies have stood the test of years without a Hingis failure, we agree to refund the iHt.ueu paid in every instance where a cure is not positively effected. The remedies are entirely vegetable, can do no harm, and will positively cure every disease for whieh they are prescribed. DLJniM ATICM liout. Lameness of MIiLU mi H I 10m. Joint®. Sciatica and Neuralgia, art* relieved at ones and positively cured by the use of Wheeler's No. ** Rheumatic Remedy. We say boldly that in tho worst of case® of no matt Sr how long stand ioy , how h< riu ma, orfcowpf/i#/t//, we cannot only give relief but pvitirnly < nre for all time. Failing to do this we will Dositively refund the money paid for the treatment, and if your Kiifferings are not positively stopped for all time you hava not thrown your money sway as you would on any other tr an these guaranteed remedies. The price of Wheeler’s No. > Rhenmat i Remedy is only 50 cents, obtainable from druggists or sent free by mail on receipt of price. Htiunps taken. SUFFERING WOMEN. “X’Xli, 1 , nature with a pretty faer, boant iful figure, fault less complexion, a® well ** the sweetest of tempers and faultless mental qualities grows prematurely old, gray and wrinkled, her form lose* its perfect contour, the complexion be comes sallow, the brightness leaves the eye, a feeling of langour taken the* place of the once buoyant spirits, an irritable nervous fractious ness makes life a burden, things that once were trilies worry her till life becomes unl>earsble. All this being caused by the physical derange ments ho common to women, which tho innate modesty of feminine nature prevents their making known, and of which the ignorance of the medical profession prevents a cure. Lady reader, pause and consider, ’tis a duty you own yourself, your family and your Clod, that you should cure yourself of these trembles and ouee more feel the glow of perfect health and spirits that nature intended for you. Wheeler s No. 96 Preparations are pleasant aud palatable to take, contain nothing of an injurious nature -, aixl may bo taken by all ages at ul! times and in all con ditions without possibility of Iff effects, and will positively cure any of the peculiar disease® to which females are subject. Failing to produce a perfect cure, tno proprietors will refund the money paid for the treatment. If you have a sallow complexion, constant or mtormittent headache, backache, restlessness, loss of ap petite. suppression of monthly flow, or irregu fmities tnereof accompanied by headaches, nervousness, bystetto* aud similar symptoms. Wheeler’s No. % Preparation *’B” will positively restore you to health. If you have a sensation of heat and throbbing in th j hack, frequent fainting sfieUa, Leucorrhen or white discharge, pair ful or scalding sensation In urinating, red dish or white deposit in urine, hot and dry skin, Wheeler’s No ‘.m Preparation ‘’C” will give im mediate and lasting lelief. The price of Wheeler’s No. 96 Prescriptions “R” and “C” are 50 . cuts, obtainable from druggist® or sent by mail secure from observation postpaid on receipt of price. Postage stamp® taken. PATARRH It U UeetUre® ti !*•*< ntf the rA I Hfinn. symptoms of this nauseous disease that is sapping the Fife and strength of only too many of the fairest and treat of both sexes, old and young, suffering alike from the poisonous dripping in the throat, the poisonous nasal discharge®, the fetid breath and general weakness, debility and languor, aside from the scute sufferings of this disease, which If not checked can ou! v end ui Icon of palate, hoarse ness. weakened sight, loss of memory, deafness, an.l premature death if it is* not checked before it is too late. Labor study ami research, in America, ICurope, and Lantern hinds, have re suited in WbetW'n No. t# Instant Relief and Suie Cure for Catarrh, * remedy which contain* uo h#ri£ful ingredient*, aud that is an tend to cure evry ea**s of acute or chronic catarrh or money refunded. Wintrier'* No. iMi Instant Relief and Sure (hire for Catarrh willcure ext*y etuie of catarrh, hay fever, oi asthma: price $1 I>er package, front druggists, or by mail post jiaiil on receipt of price. Wheeler's No. Sure Cure for Kidney and Liver Troubles cures all weakness and sorcwuuu* of thokldncya, iu thuutu at ion of kidueya or liver, price sl. Wheeler'* Vegetable Pill*are the rixiy re*e*fy that cui e constipaturn. giving natural action of the Imwela without physicking, purging, griping, or paid Price -S> cent*, <>f druggists or hv mail. Wheeler's Nervine Tonic fur mental attprefc sdoti, loss of manhood, langour, weaknea* or over laxalii >ti of t lie brain is iuv aluahle. price <*ta. WE GUARANTEE pirn.. W.- [,1a.:.. <mr pike for Iheae,-, ol less than ono-tweutietJi of the price asked by others for i ocdenpou which you take all the chain es. and wt specially invite the patronage of the in.HIT persons who have tried other remedies without effect or depietei theirpuraes : i that ' ' x ttei HOW TO OBTAIN ask for them. If they have not fcot theta, write to the pr prietois, enclesnug tWe price in money or stamps, aud they will b • sent you at once by mail, pc st Comspondeoca solicited. Addre* plainly. L. WHBICLKR k CO . No. s# W. Halt ini ore lit.. 8-ii-VMy. Baltimore. Md. TUTTS PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From these sources wise throe-fourths of tho diseases of the human nice. These symptom* indicate their existence : I<oas of Appetite, lloMcln costive, Nick Head ache, fullness after eating, aversion to exertion of body or mind, Kiuetatinn of food, lr liability of temper, I,otv spirits, \ feeling of having neglected some duty, Hlxzluess, Fluttering at flic Heart, Hots before the eyes, highly col ored Trine, ro* UTIPATIOW, find de mand tho use ol remedy that acts directly on tho Liver. AsaLivur medicine Tt’TT’H Tl Ll.s imvtt no o.pml. Tholr action on the Kidneys and Skin Is also prompt; removing all impurities through these three “ scav engers of the system,’* producing appe tite, Bound digestion, regular stools, a cear skin and a vigorous body. TFTTS PIT,I*M cause no nausea or grtping nor interfere with tluilv work and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. Hr FEELS LIKE A Nil.IV MAW. “I have had Dyspepsia, with Consitpa tbm.two years, and hitve tried ten different kinds ot 'pUls, and TTTT’N are the first that have done mo any good. They lutve cleaned mo out nicely. My appetite is splendid, food digests readily, and I now l.uvo natural passages. I feel like anew man." \V. i). EDWARDS, Palmyra, O. Foldcvcrywherc.a.Tc. Office,4l Murray St.,N.Y. TIiTT'S HAIR DYE. Gray llatr on Whiskers in* stunt ly to a glossy Black by a single np pHention of this Dyk. Sold by Druggists, or amt by express on receipt of $ I. Office, -14 Murray Street, N>w York. TUTT'S MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE. NO iVE\V_TIIING. STRONG’S SANATIVE PILLS Used throughout tho country roil OVER 40 YEARS, And thus proved The Best Liter Medicine in the World. NoGripinc. Poisonous Dnurs, but pnrnly Vn get a bis, safe ud reliable. Proscribed even by Physicians. A apeedy euro for Liver Complaint. Reirolating the Jewels. Purify in* the Blood, Cleansing from Malarial Taint A |*erftct cnrtu for Hick Headache, C'onatlpaflon and nil Bllloat DUorrftere. Hohi by ihruggisti*. For Pamphlet*, etc . address t. t HVLI‘,I I ’O.. TH ( > .V. C llv. FEEE H TRIAL HANOVER'S SPECIFIC. An unfailing and speedV cure for Nervous Debility and Weakucss, L<*ssof Vitality aud Vigor. Nervous Prostration, Hysteria, or any evil result of indiscretion, ex i ess. over work, abuses of Alcohol. Tobacco, etc. (Over forty thousand positive cures. 1 Send IV. postage on trial box of 100 pills. Address. Du. M W. BACON, Cor. Clark St. and Calhoun Place, Chicago. 11l before the Patent Office! I and the Court*. Reasonable terms. Opinion as to| |nate nUbilitv. free of charge. Scndforurcular^ SMEMIEMfICEMU UI Meet in their hall at 9l\ M. on the llrnt Hatur dsy of each mouth. W. A. STORY, \V. M. O. J. MOYERS, Secretary. JMHV W. KAIMMI, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SrMMKRYJLLt, GEORGIA. Will practice In the Superior, County, asd District courts. Le;inl AdrerlixrinrnlN. Legal Advertisements Payable in Ad vance. Don’t you forget it! Notice to Debtor* and Creditor*. All persons having demands age Rut the estatss of A. J. Herron, A J. Byrant, T. 8. Dickson. U. O. Smalley. Mrs. A. R. J ohnson. Miss Eva Knox, and A. H Dsvis, are requested to file tho same with me within the time prescribed by law. and parties indebted to 'said estates are asked to make immediate settlement. July 21st. 1864. (j. D. HOLLIS, Administrator. Easter Perry v* Turner Perry. GEOROIA. Chattooga County: Notice is hereby gfreti lo all concerned that I have filed with the clerk at the superior court. f said county, my petition addressed to said court, returnable to the term thereof, to be held on the first Monday in September next, for the remoral of the disabilities imposed upon mo by my Intermarriage with Turner Ferry, which application will b* heard at the court house it* said county at said term. This 2Tth day of Mav, 18*4. RASTER PERR•< £ Chattooga Sheriff’s Sale. Will b© sold on the first Tuesday in August next (IHB4 . at the court bouse in said county, within the legal hours of sale, to tho highest bidder, for cash, the following proparty,’to-wit: 40 acres of land as the property of K. M. Law rence, with oil the improvement® thereon. 2*l ucre®, more or less, cleared land. The said P acres is apart of lot No. 45, in 95th district ami Id section,of said county ithe said land i® known ,i® the 40 acres that F. M. Lawreac© bought from David llatii®ey). Said laud was levied on a® tha property of V. M Lawrence, to satisfy 6 execu tion® issued from the county court of said county in favor of 8. S. Lawrence against F. M. Lawrence. Levy made and returned by C. V. Akridge, county conatable. This July Ist,. 1884* W. I). KELLKTT, Sheriff. Chattooga Deputy Sheriff'* Sale. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in August next, at the court howae in said county, wR hiu tb e legal hours of sale, o the highe®t bidder, for cash, the following property, to wit: one town lot in the town of Summerville, No. 5* in block 1U 0 feet front by 120 back -fronting n main Ktreet, joining Johnson A Clemmon®’ property on the south und want, and J. M. Ilill s on th*r north: known as the lac where the IMod Templars' hall once vnu. Levied on a® thw property of J. A. Starling, to satisfy one 11. fa. issued frin the superior court of Haiti ” county, in favor of J. T. Taylor against J. A. Stirling. This Juhr let; IM. 8A ML M. KNOX. Deputy Sheriff- Application Cox Administration. GEORGIA, Chattooga Comity; To all whom it may concern: John A Hosteller has in due form applied to the undersigned for permanent letter® of administration on tko estate of Andrew J. Mo*teller, into c.f said county, deceased, and 1 will pas® upon said ap plication ki tW firm Monday in August, IN*L indei rny band. June 26th 1884 JOHN MATTUX, Ordinal?. DU£*®%) without Medicine THIS MAGNETIC BELT IS WARRANTED TO CURE^sR wtthoqt mwllHw -Pali t*a Ibofc—h, hip*, head, or tint*. ar*M4WlU|,lD*il>aff* general tfoMIUy . rheumatism, parwlyafa. n>-uraiicia, aclatlr*. dlaeaa Mat th,' kl<lfTi.*l**l SltmuM.lerpld Ihfr.ffoai, ipmlnnl >-mUlon*, Impoteney, aafhma. heart dlo- TTI-T dT• [>*'ft*l*, cnndipßtlon, rrylp, I**, Indlfr*- Uon. k, rt*l ar ruplwrw, ml*rrk, plica, epilepsy, a of the F.!ffKRATIVEOR4JA!tff Ocean, loot vitality, lark ofarno force aa4 wa*tine ** i aAnroor*. a<t tall th**e A laruac* of a per tonal aatwre, from whatever rauw*. the continuou* stream of Maffivettain permeating tb rough Ike pan a must restore them to a healthy stilus Tb*srs is do mi*uU c about this appliance. co feSSwßpk zo CO MjjPpf ABOOMINAL SUPTORIIH. L* 1 umuoiEis—nanss -r, XO.-i. UriUvkK .r <V>U rea •wan.',i r AwLlo. t,rHoll •*> AUloraliuJ Balt and a pair of Magnet le Foot Batteria* hara no upertor Ath# reU-f and .rare of all Ihr-ae complaint*. Tliej carry a powerful magnetic forou to the seat uf ths FoT l-amc Meek. Weskaeas off the Aalaa. FalL tna of the m uak, Lt aiwrrfcwa, C'hroais ladamm*- tloa sad riveraUas of Ike Worn* V, lac44< atal Boa orrka ar l looito*. PaialWl, HaswreaM*A *a4 Ire ran bar Uraatrwattoa. Itarrea aaaa. mmA rkaasr, at Mh, this la UelkatAppUaaov an 4 OaaaUra AgsaA Fo*aTl forms of FeSaale Mflraltk* H Is unsure | {Mrd by anything before In* mini, both as a ctuiMvt f surer, t and as a -un> of power and ettsllaalhm. Price of either I>U with M agnotlc Moot liaUx-rIM. Ilflk. •entby eipmwC.O. D .and .-tasatnalion allowed or be mail on reoetps of price. In ordering, send measure ef waist and sire >f shoe. HemiUaitoe can be made la cure penry. sent in letter at our list The Magnet*-n Garments ar* adaptrel to all ages, are worn ov*-r tiie under clothing, (aei aril te the body Hke the assay Calrute aa4 Eke trie Han bags ada rKlaed ae axUiaalToly > and should be trdfc n off at *HphC Thrr bold UuJr and are worn at ail seasons of the year. bend stamp for the "New Iwp*wrtir* In Medical Treat*. m< nt Wltkeoi Medida.. “ with thonsanUs ui tmti-os- HA(iKKTON ,ITI.IXCX CO.. * *lB 3U.U tC. lU. H. A. SMITH, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN SCHOOL :am> MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Stationery. Fancy Articles, CHEOMOS, Engravings. Picture Frames, Sheet .tin sic, bawaii am mm. A ' j // Mf / AtUud U> //// / //// Of Kentucky l niversity, Lexington, Ky. Student* can begis any week-day in the year. V 'anilon. Time complete the Kuß Cmiree sheet hi week*. Aera<r Total Cost, tacludia* Tuilloft, Set -.r >V>ki and Board In a fan.tlr. |3". T Ircraphy a ieialtr. Literary Ourse Trtoi. received. .S,no successful era!'ist-a. (Her V>o pi|ihaM rear from 15 to tS y.-ar* of acv fr"i.i .State*, ln- Mroetia* in practieallY and individually imparted by 10teacher,, a f - prreeßlcl to its graduat*-* This ■■ r.•.■ ejti is noted far its healthfullness and Mteietr. and i* ob i. a Uos ft&ilrnads. | r*U S'm Umr.l *?•'. *f* VoT.-if.-uiarsandf.-ipar: itar*. •drtn-M it* Preside, t WHlttlf If. KM ITII. UalagUa, Isy. PATENTS F. A. Lehmann. Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents, Washington, D. C. All busi ness connected with Patents, whether before the Patent office or the Courts, promptly at teniled t >. No charge made unit-.- , a patent is .... ~r , . i v. ... T cirr-uLir