The Summerville gazette. (Summerville, Ga.) 1874-1889, July 30, 1884, Image 2

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THE GAZETTE XUStxtKUVII.I.K. HA. jr. a. i^oonszcis. Editor and Proprietor. RATES OF HUBBOItll’TION: iXAIIVANfIt. ON TIM " 4'wolvo mont h* ILW Nix month* ' r> r' Thrpo month* ........ w DU OofroHpondonco solicited; but t o Tocolroßt* ontlnn. letter* mn*t bo accompanied by * rv ■poriNiblo namo-not fur publication, but a* a gu ran too of good faith. .... # All article* recommend in* candidoN'* rr ft (Hoc, or Intended f**r thonoraohal benefit of any one, must bo paid fdr at tno rote of ft <*nU per I foe in .■: i Contribution* of now* nollrlt*il from every quarter. Rejected article* will not be returned unless accompanied by a stamp I HT A dvorti !ug rate* and oHtimatekglvnn on application. All lottor* should bo mMrot'Hod to J. C. LOOMIS. Nu minorvUlo* V n. WEDNESDAY mm, JULY 30 th. 1884. KXT It ACTS Vito >1 OUU 1-XCJIIANGKN. Homo galoot fahl tlio otlior day (hat the Iherniomelcr in (he Jtrnss in the rotlon in Lis neighborhood h(ood at 100 decree, in the shade Clinulcer (Ala ) Adrrrtitn. Maty cotton and corn fields have been lurnod out to grass. Our farmers are in n State of despondency. —North (Irorgia Tima. Whisky is tho fountain-hoed of nearly all the deviltry and outlawry committed in this country. —North (Irorgia ('itrmi. In several Slates of the Union a woman cannot legally make a “will." Her “won’t" stands good everywhere.— Savannah AVies. Peter F. Lawslio, editor of the Southron, has boon re appointed post master at Gainesville. Tho Southron comes out square for ltlainu and Logan. • Tho ox knoweth his owner," etc. — Dahtonrgn Signal. Our people want, to send a man to the legislature who knows tho difference be tween “doxology" and “technology.” I don’t know who it will ho. Cor. Muon Ttlegrajih. A correspondent nftlip Globe- M mot- of writing from tho Kiri Indian Agency, Idaho, says: Another custom hero and among the Osage*, of which no mention is ever made, is that of pnlyganu u mar riago. Tito Osage and Kaw Irihat law is that tlie man who first marries a daughter in any family acquires thereby the right to take all the other daughter* as his wives whenever ho pleases. Tho sisters to his wile can marry no one else without Ijisconsent. This consent is rarely given, nnd never except by handsome purchase. As n matter of fact, Osage and Kaw men often have several sisters for their wives nt one time. 'Hie women aro servants — (slaves—ami tho man who oan first marry into a family of sovoral gills is considered Very fortunate, for ho can take them nil Tor wives and servants and work very little himself. So far ns tho writer knows, tho United States government Inis ta ver attempted to break up thi* abominable custom, but has knowingly permitted it to go on for several generations. Don’t (livt< l'i VU It doesn't follow that a patient will die “because the doctors hnvo “given him up," or that ho will recover because they promise to “pull him through.” It is never too Into to try the great virtues of Parker's Tonic. Mr. Michael Guildyle, of Binglmmplon, N. Y., was cured of rheumatism by it after ten years of tin npvokahlo suffering. Mr. H. W. Mother, druggist, of same city, certifies thut lie ims sold over a thousand bottlos ol i’ttikcr’s Tonic through its roputation for this and other cures. The f ife of Copt. J. T. Mitchell was allot dead about 10 P. M., on tho 19th, apparently by someone standing about 15 Toot from tho window through which ho tired. Thirteen halls ctitore and her body, and six more lodged in the house. Her 'brother, Juuies Allen, killed Milton Stringer in Suuro think Stringer's rolutives shot her in revenge. Some think sho was shot by a negro whom C(tpf. Jhtchell had whipped two weeks before; some lay tho deoil to her step children, with whom she did not got along well, tfnd one or whom had committed suicide two weeks before. How to Mako Candy.—This book gives full direction? to confectioners nnd others for making nil kinds of plain and fancy oindy. Tbo recipes lor making cumnrvis, chocolate drops, French mixed ami till other kinds of candies contained in tin book are the same as used by tho loading "city confectioners. Any one can have theso candies at homo ut less than oui third the usual cost. No housekeeper can afford to be without it. Rout post paid for 80 cents, in ono or two cent stamps. Address The Hohmewike, Rochester, N. Y. Tho survivors of tho Grcely expedition wore found on the 22J ult. There wore we,on, but one has died siuce. They left the exploring station last fall, and came south, hoping to meet the relief expedi tion. To avoid starvation, they boiled their sealskin toots and coats, drank tbe soup, and chewed tho hides. It is thought that in two days moro the whole parly would havo starved to death. Within six weeks the W. & A, railroad has cut all salaries over SSO a month :c i per cent, reduced the time of shop em ployes to four days in tho week, and made a second eut of five per cent on salaries over SSO, nnd ten per cent on salaries under that. In Cobb county, on tho 20th inst., a daughter of A. J. llird, aged 11, killed her nine-years-old cousin Willie, daughter of Henry Bird, by snapping a pistol which Hhe thought was unloaded. III.AINI.'S I.KTTICR Of ACCI.rr.tM K. This document claims proudly that tho Republican paity is the advocate of pro tection; the Itemociaay, of fiec (rale. Asa proof of it. wisdom, ho states that in 1800 tho entire wealth of tlio nation was *1 1,OW),000,000; in IHSO, under n protective tariff, it had increased to •44,000,000,000. Ho says no one ought to coinplain of (he surplus revenue, be cause it is used in generous pensions to oar soldiers. Ho denies the charge that our foreign commerce hns decayed, hut admits that pur carrying trade has de clined As proof that protection is not again't tl.e farmer, ho sayH that agri cultural nates have increased in wealth Caster than manufacturing states. Free trade, by destroying a home market, would he injurious to tlio farmer us well as to the mcehanio and w< rkinguian. Wo should cultivate cloter relations with other American nations, icek to improve our trade with them, and propose to them an agreement to avoid war by submitting all difference* to arbitration. Tho South is adapting itself to li e conditions of political tranquility and industrial progress. May (his ccolinuo. Impar tiality in appointment to office, and ncourily therein whilo tlio dulios are faithfully discharged, are necessary to secure good officers. Polygamy in Utah should bo put down; n common standard for the relative value of gold and silver should he oslnhlishcd as soon as possible; ownership of land res!rioted to small bodies; our shipping itilerests encouraged by judicious protection; and the purity of I ho ballot box prnsrrvod at all hazards. WANIMNfITpN M.WS. If receipts and expenditures continue sh they tiro now, two years will wipe out all tho United Stolesdeht which matures before 1891. Hy that lime tho surplu iu tho treasury will he sufficient to pay, at ono time, all tlio bonds which mature then. T lio claims again t tho government which havo been called in, hut not pro' senled, amount to •20,000,000. Homo of them were called for 5 I yea is ago. Tho cabinet has discussed tho best method of preventing the introduction of cholera. The president has issued a proO’air.ntioD requiring extraordinary vigilance from hedllli officers. Revenue cutlers will patrol ilie coast, to enforce quarantine regulations. One of the Republican devioeg to raise money for the campaign is to promote ihiiso departu cut clerks who are willing to contribute a reasonable part of the increase in wages. President Arthur has asked General Longstroct to resign. Tho charge has been made that the South was now entitled In more appoint ments to nflicD, in propcilinn to popula tion. than other sections, and that they would be made so as to control votes for tho Republican party. Commissioner I'.aton rtnphn'iinlly denies 1 o'.lt parts of the statement. < itimi:. Mi S. holes, of Hiohlarul county, Ohio, told her neighbors that she was going on a visit. Ten days afterwards her hit.hand returned, broke open tho lit use, nod found tho decomposing body < P their year-old infant, which (ho had left to starve. $2,000 were missing. She is supposed to havo eloped with Sharp, foreman of tho farm, who is also missing In Owonsburg, Ky„ on tho 1 fill inst,, masked men took Ilirk May, a negro ravisber, from jail and hung him. 11. M. Lucas, the jailor, killed two of the mob, nnd was himself killed, In Fort lvend county, Texas, on the lfiih, Hannah burton, aged 12, was out raged, murdered, and thrown into John’; creek. Webb Ilettan, an cx-oonviot, wns suspected. When arrested, lie confessed. A mob took him from tho officers, shot him 15 times, and left him for dead. After they left Ilettan got up, went home, dressed liis wounds, and lit out. Tho coroner went out to hold an inquest. At last account* lie was chasing the corpse, far behind; J. H. Douglass, who is believed to have tired tho shot that killed Roggan Cash, was mortally wounded in his field on the 18th. Ho says ho knows who shot him, but has told no one. l oitr.niN ii Asats. Mexican ladies are going on pilgrimages to tho shrines of saints to pray that the cholera may be kept out. At a meeting in London on the 21st in favor of tbo franchise hill, over Jilt),000 mon wero in tho procession. Tho Kgyptiauconference met in London on the 22J, and in about an hour ad journed without appointing another time of meeting. England, France, Turkey, Russia, Austria, Germany, and Italy, wero represented. The commission liuvs decided to widen the Suez canal, in preference to digging another parallel to it. Y ellow fever nnd dysentery aro becoming moro common in Panama, Judge Watkyn Williams held court at Nottingham, England, on tho iTth inst. After court ho went to a house ot ill tamo, and died there in a drunken revel. Tho niudir of Dongoia has defeated s,tit XI followers of the mahdinoar Debbeh, with heavy loss. (Jen, Gordon's gun boats are a great terror to the rebels. In Springfield, Ohio, keepers of cigar stores, news stands, i-io cream parlors, ! etc., having bean lined for doing business jon Sunday, prop,iso to arrest every ono | who engages in anything which has the I appearance of labor—drivers of milk 1 wagons and street cars, coach mon who ! take their employers to church, etc. ; They propose to stop tho church bells from i ioping, and ministers from proaeh ! itig- i.i.oneiA Several Arabs have been begging in Gainesville. A man in KmanUo! is credited with telling r,o lies an hour. Within 1 1- months ten pairs of twins havo been horn in .South ltomo, R. T. Speight, of Haralson, has been a Primitive liaptist preacher 10 years. Tho Georgia grand lodge I. O. G. T. began its 17th session in Atlanta on tho 22d inst. The Georgia Press Association left Atlanta last. Wodnosday night, on an ex cursion to Baltimore, etc. Tho fall of a house in Col b county recently killed lfi candidates for the legislature. So they say. George Clark, negro, is in jail in Terrell for an unsuccessful assault on the wife of li;s employer, Wm- Jennings. A family of five in Warren county, only one male, make a good living hy fanning. Ono holds the plow, the others pull it. Aaron Coachman, negro, was lynched in Early last Saturday for trying to rav ish the wife of his employer, Col. Willis. The walls of the Kimball House are now higher than those of the original building. When completed, they will be 25 feet higher. Mr. Cockrell, Lurried in iho Rome calaboose, sues tho city for $20,000; Cohen & Douglas claim $ 1,000 for over flow of property. John 0. Eads, treasurer of'Rome, has sold his slock of goods to obtain money to replace the city’s funds, lost hy the failure ol Hargrove's bank. Tho lady who died in childbirth in Chattanooga a few weeks ago is now said to havo been Miss Mattie Whitfield, who lived five miles from J’lainvillc, in Floyd county. In Van Wink'o’s iron foundry, Atlanta, on the-’lst, John N. Collier was killed instantly. His bend waacaught between a heavy iron block and an arch, and crushod. Iri Atlanta, on the 22d, two negroes were killed and several white persons badly injured by the explosion of a gas pipe in the store t.f C. M. Barry, 172 Decatur street. In Dawson county, on the Huh inst., tin eleven years-old son of John lhyson, while hunting, knocked oil plums with the butt ol his gun, and was killed hy the accidental discharge. ,J. J. A. Klwards was nvroaUd in Atlanta ontho2lst,charged with forgery, seduction, bigamy, and trying tn poison bin second wife, Miss Verona BoolL wriglit, of Richmond, \ a. The Valdosta 7,nos predicts that Lowndes and Brooks counties will raise no melons (or shipment next year. Freight and other expon.-es have in many in:tattees Lrotighl the shipper in debt. A Primitive Baptist congregation in Lee county were much surprised, Inst Sunday weel , when a jottmr stranger walked in, threw his arms around the neck of a middle aged widow, ami ki-tetl her, Alter a whilo she re, i eniz I him to her sen, whom sire had not seen since her truant husband earned him oil, about IMS. (H.M.11.U. m:\ys. Dor lard is tho latest remedy for con sumption. lit Wheeling, W. Ya„ Caroline Hamil ton, aged 110, fasted five weeks and died. Numerous seaports hnvo quarantined against vessels coining from ports where cholera prevails. Tho plague prevails in Caucasian Russia. Pilgrimages to Moslem holy places have been forbidden. A vessel from Marseilles is anchored tioar Liverpool. Two deaths from cholera occurred on board during her voyage. English courts have decided that teachers havo no right to give pupils lessons to be learned out of sohool hours. The Now York Morning Hour says that betting on horseraces is becoming very common among tho ladies of that city. Mr. Tilby. ol New York, left $500,000 to his w idow. She failed to got it, the court, deciding that she hud another husband living. Italy and Switzerland are examining all passengers and goods from France, to prevent the introduction of cholera. Cauada dues the sumo. Negro raviahers are koeping the white ladies of Dallas, Texas, in continual alarm. Tho whito men are determined to detect and lynch them. G. \V. Swope is in jail in Owensboro, Ky., for stealing. He was once senator and hnd a good law practice, hut lost everything by drinking. In Dallas, Texas, on the 13th, W. 11. Beale and a Mr. Bowie, quarreled and wont into a room. Outsiders hoard shots, broke open the doors, and found them both dead. The liquor seilers of Hamilton county, Ohio, neglected to comply with theSoott law, intending to contest its constitu tionality. The county treasurer is suing them for the tax and penalty. In New York City, 2,000 bricklayers, 15,000 laborers, and 200 hod hoisting engineers and framers have struck, de j minding nine hours for a day’s work I instead of ten. Some employers have | acceded to the demand, i Spiritualists from various parts of the United States have beeu conducting a catnpmeeting near Chattanooga. Accord ing to the Times and the Nashville Amrrietw, most of those who have been to sec them consider their attempts at wander working a fraud. EXCLUSION TO LOOKOUT. The annual tour to Mason’s, on Lookout Mountain, is looked forward to hy the young people of our town ns the climax of all tho pleasures of tho year. The mention in your last issue of tho party that participated this summer assured your readers who wore acquainted with us that our enjoyment could never he penned. My object in giving a short account of that tour is not that our party may havo “sweet written details” to over remind them of' Iho occurrence, for the hearts of all wero so filled with "that inward incxpressiblencss nnd outward allovorncss" that, even in old ago, all will be found clinging to tho dear memories without a vestige of paper and ink as a referenoe; nor is it an attempted expression of tho happiness wc all ex perienced, but simply that your readers may know something of tlm places wc visit, and what wo do there. Mason's is headquarters for us, and the noble old gentleman, and good wife nnd family, are always as glad to seo us as we to see them. Their homo is 20 miles from this placo on the Summerville and Valley Head road, and 4 miles from the last named placo. Wo go by piivato conveyance,-and it is rather a tiresome ride, ns part of tho road is yet new, and there arc many rocks and stumps not more than a foot high, to be worn off ly travel. It was only those who had never visited there (hat.looked, before reaching tho place, as if "they wished they hadn’t.” All the others sat patiently, their faces beaming with expectancy. At 11 A. M., after driving from sunup, lhe last of tho party emerged from a wood and -houted 'Mason’s' till the mountains echoed with the name. It was answered from ail over tho grove hy the parly already there, and all joined heartily in the first Comanche yells of the morning. A short drive through the clearing brought them to the large gate, which i so arranged that pulling a rope fastened at the top brings the bottom flying up over you in such a frightful way as always to call fortli a “darling" little •■cream. The gale past, you stand in full view of the Suimnervillians’ paradise. Close to tho hit hoi la up a beautiful -pritig with cemented walls, beyond which is an orchard sown in timothy and orchard grass, with trees full afluaeious fruit. To the right is a shady grove. Directly in front stands Mason's house. 'The yard is luxuriant with blue grass, and shaded with stately oaks. Tho house at first sight looks rather nna 1 !, hut you find it to contain twelve rooms of good siz •, conveniently arranged and well venti lated. Wero we to order a place and house for our summer party, Mason's would be the model. The barn is largo and convenient, and, leaving our burses with the servants, we repair to our rooms and prepare for dinner, which is a sumptuous repast, for which wear in ilubted to the energy, kindness and skill of tlie young ladies. The afternoon is spent in the parlor, gracefully twinging in In mtuocks, or strolling through shady promenades, Evening comes on, and, delighted with tho afternoon rambles, wo part, to meet alter a short while, Iran.-! ruiod into a bull I arty. The parlor and dance hall are lighted, and till the wee small hours every heart bows to tlw sceptre- of Terpsichore. The hour for retiring is when you please: the hour for sleeping, when yon can. Early morning finds all up, having been aroused, as tho girls say, by sortie hideous monster that was so anxious for a drink that it couldn’t wait til! a respoctablo hour to rise, which, of course, is a feminine joke. The second morning, before sunrise, we danced an ante billion cotillion, which made brcaklnst truly appreciated. Freak fast over, we find our horses and vehicles ready to carry us to Little llivcr Falls, near four miles (torn Mason’s. This drive is one unequaled for its beauty and grandeur of scenery by any in the State. It leads directly west to the west top of the mountain, then turning south along the brow. From this point can he seen tho valley below for miles north and south, dotted liorc and there with farm houses, and the Alabama Great Southern railroad running through the little village of Valley Head. All this is backed in tho west by mountain after mountain, til! the great blue chain and tho horizon kiss in an almost indiscernible line. Vehicles of almost every description, loaded with young men of lino physique, nnd yourtr ladies of graceful form, all shouting and waving hats and handkerchiefs to the mountain breeze, ns they passed over this mountain road, made a picture not soon to be forgotten. Farther on the road runs through young but magnificent vine yards, which this year aro producing as lino grapes as could be found on the “vine clad hills of France.” The day is not far distant when these vineyards will com pare favorably with any on the continent. In a short while we reached Little River Falls. Alighting fioui our conveyances, all rush to the edge of the high oliff that overlooks the fulls. Here you can sec Little River for a groat distance rapidly winding through a wild, uninhabited country down to where it makes its first fall in two streams nearly twenty feet, then, madly rushing together, makes a grand leap sixty feet into an inky pool below, lashed into great white waves of foam, seen through snow-like mist. A descent over rooks and elitfs covered with grocn moss and odorous wild flowers, proves tho pool to bo deep; tho bottom of black, moss-covered rock, that gives it the inky appearance from above; but the water is so crystal-like that a pin could almost be seen on the bottom. Next we visit the rock houses, about three hundred yards south of the falls, on the west side of the river. Here tho river turns short to the west, having a ■ it:'. : -ist under which arc the rock houses. A short distance brings you to them. They are excavations scooped out in the great rocks, varying in size, having partitions in which are entrances from ono tn the other, opening out the full size of tho house over tho c'iff, with a lodge of rock, nnswering for a veranda, running around the whole set of houses, the width of’which varies from one to lon feet. The scenery hero is beyond description. The high white falls to your left, inflight, and in hearing of its roar, the water coming down through tho doop gorge near throe hundred feet perpendicular under the cliff ori which you stand, rushing off to your right, und again turning sharply south out of view, all in all present a picture that defies a copy from the hand of man. Couple after couple, every boy with his “best girl,” we lined the ledge of rock that ran in front of the houses, and, ns a whole party, hero sped the most pleasant hour of tho tour. At first all were quiet, and seemed bent on seeing all that was to bo aeon, but after a whilo the merry little songsters bfigan to chirp out such expressions as "Don’t trouble about mo,” ‘Tin not frightened,” “Now, quit holding me,’’ etc. Tho crowd joined in pleasant talk; and pardon for repeating just here a part oftho conversation that will interest those who understand. Home one seeing fit to tease one of the girls said “that always in August Tursloy’ died." Another suggested “that it bad died this time in July.” Another “that it didn’t make any difforooee; (but she could live all winder on *('ain,‘ as it never died.” An >tl)er, in a "Horn.” Then a fair damsel looking out of the corner of her eye at the hoys ‘aid "Oh! yes, a 'Horn’ is to some very acceptable before break fast;” when an innocent youth, reclining against a rock, with the blue stuoke of a cigar emerging from under his hat, which was pulled down over his /rah lace, put in on answer at which thos“ who know it nro already laughing, "Yes, but very dista. teful to others at night.” Alter a good laugh, slowly, ar.d with regrets that life was not fitted up with such pleasant emotions as had for an hour filled the soul, the party regained tho summit, made for tho vehicles, arid again started for headquarters. How iihtppcnfil cone con explain, hut on the way hack, two hats, a pocket handkerchief, fan, rnd umbrella, all came tumbling out id'a hack at onre, very nearly followed hy another “Hat” and gentleman. Headquarters were reached about 1 I‘. M. lion. John IV. Maddox and (.'apt. O. If. Johnson, with their families, and the others mentioned in your last issue, met us as w e returned. Ik ;m this time fill a late hour at night the party reached i's highest point of excitement. The woods echoed with shoots and (filmiius laughter. 'hiring the evening the gallant Dr. Dave Powers joined tis, with the intel ligence that a party from Chattanooga was entiling down on the !l o'clock train the next day, with the expectation of meeting us at Valley Head, at;.! all joining in a visit to the the great Manitou e*ve it fort l’ayne. The next morning the excursionists who came in the evening before went to the falls; the others, to Valley Head. We reached Valley Head at ten o'clock, and the breezes gradually began to biow till the 11 o'clock train calmed the cyclone, in that short time every inhabitant of tho village was frightened from bis quiet place of abode, and hovered around to eo that the depot wasn’t blown away. We have reason to believe that tbe quiet village of Valley Head bad no regrets when wo left for Fort Payne- We found the party from Chattanooga ready tojoin in the fun, and in every respect oqnn! to the occasion. Wo were only sorry when wo parted that we bad seen no more of them. It is useless to attempt a relation of what we saw in the great Manitou, or to tell of the day's enjoyment. Suffice it, it was equal to any other day during tho trip. Tho jolly Johnnie Horn, a lavorito drummer with us, and one of the Chat tanooga party, cauio baok to headquarters with us. Johnnie, it's all right, but the tall and graceful “(’ain” still trembles from the effects of that unmerciful “Horn.” Wo got in from Valley Head tired nnd rather late; but, after a re freshing repast, the entrancing strains of the violin aea'n called us to the dance hall; but the tiresome trip cf the day soon began to tell, and, one by ono, the 'roses’ faded away. Even the boys who, the day boforc, had planned to shako up the house on this night, wero glad to quietly retire. Early next morning it was reported that one ot the party, expecting to leave, hnd settled with Mr. Mason, and his charges wero two dollars and fifty cents alt round, even for baby and servant, per day. Poor boys! How they sprang from their sweet beds of rest, and began sorrowfully to talk of promissory notes, mortgages on watches, shirts, etc. Some who expected to stay most of the day settled their bills before breakfast to the great astonishment of the kind old gentle man of the house. The charge for furnished rooms, corn and stables for horses, was only one dollar an-1 seventy iive cents per head for three nights. This was tho last day on the mountain, which every boy spent with his “best girl.” At three o’clock P. M. the last of the ex cursionists bade a sad farewell to Mason’s, and welcomed the dearest little village on earth, our Summerville, our home, when it rose up before us in the light of the moon and stars, offering us shelter and rest. As we promised, we have given you a concise account ot the places we visit on our mountain tour, and what wo do there; yet we feel that scarcely any part has been told. Each day’s proceedings would afford a history of interesting facts; and the parties who figure in them, a plot for the richest of fictions. It is over. Four days numbered with the past, hut in the far off future, when death has claimed his number,tears of pleasure will tremble over the furrowed cheeks of age, when memory carries us back to these four days spent at Mason's, and to the happy hearts that were linked in unison, •nth one sentiment. \Y. SENSIBLE MEN ;2.“ that of tho many diHcnttcft and dernngeinontH of tho body * *ch ha* a separate cause or origin, und that each not'd* a different method of treatment In order to effect a cure, ami a moment** reflection muFt convince that any of tho quack nostrum* foisted upon the public claiming to cure all of a number of diametrically different disease* muat Crov failures, even In wo do nut call them urn bug*. POOR PrnPl F and people of moderate ■ vsvjii i lui L.L p.i'i'iin, mid even people wel to do or wealthy ilnd that the enormou* chary** of practicing physician* are a aorlou* burden to them, and aI ho Und after paying themselves poor that no benefit has accrued to them, that in fact they have thrown their money away. To overcome these evil* wo offer \Vh**ltr' N*. Hft Hurt Hem (dim to the sick and suffering • r AM h Mi ,i f<*r i moment claiming that ono remedy will cure auy other disease than the ono claimed for it. nnd a* tneao remedies havo stood the test of years ■ . tntmfj/ paid in every instance where a cure is uot positively effected. The remedies nro entirely vegetable, can do no harm, and will positively cure every disease fur which they are prescribed. RHEUMATISM. Neuralgia, are relieved at. once and positively cured by tho use of Wneeler’* No. '.Mi Rheumatic Remedy. We say boldly that in tho worst of cases of no matter how tony standing, how a. ur how ;<(//■•■/V, wo cannot only give relief but p* nit:, r.ltf t ttre fur all time. Failing to do this we will nof itivfly refund the money paid for the treatment, and If y<>ur sufferings are not positively stopped for all time you have not thrown y *ur money away oh you would on any other tl an these guaranteed remedies. The price of Wheeler’s No. % Rheumatic Remedy is only SO cents, obtainable from druggists or sent free by mail on r ceiut of prioo. Stamps taken. SUFFERING WOMEN. nature with a pretty face beautiful figure, fault -I**kh complexion, as well as tho sweetest of tempers and faultless mental qualities grows prematurely old, gray and wrinkled, her form lohcs its perfect contour, the complexion be • on. r allow, the brightness leaves the eye, a igoui . of tbe once buoyant spirits, an irritable nervous fractious- ness makes life a burden, tilings that once wore trifles u irry her till life becomes unbearable. Ail this being caused by the physical derange nients s< common to women, which the innate modesty of feminine nature prevents their making known, and of which the ignorance of the medical pr< fession prevents a cure. Lady reader, pause and consider, *tis ft fluty you owe yourself, your family nu ! your Clod, tnafc you should < r ■ yourself of the *<* troubles and once more feei tie glow of perfect health and spirits that future intended for you, Wheeler 1 * No. % Prepara! ions ar e pleasant and palatable to take, contain nothing or au iij irious nature, and may be taken by all apt s at all timen and in all con ditions without possibility of ill effects, and will positively care any of the peculiar disease* to which females are subject. Failing to produce a perfect cure, tne proprietors will retuml the money paid for tho treatment. Jf you have a sallow complexion, constant or Intermittent headache, backache, restlessness, loss of ap petite, suppression of monthly flow, or irregu larities thereof accompanied by headaches, nervousness, hysteric* and similar symptom*. Wheeler’s No.OH Preparation *‘l>" will positively restore you to health. If you have u sensation of lu at and throbbing In tits back, frequent faint ing spells, Leurorrhea or white discharge, painful or scaldirg ?.cm<atit>u in urinating, red dish or white deposit in urine, hot and dry skin, Whe*->r’ No Preparation “C” will give im mediate and lasting relief. The price of Wheeler’*No. 9Q Prescription* *'IF and “C” are r>o cents, obtainable from druggiats or sent by mail secure from observation ixmtpaid on receipt of price, roatftge stamps taken. PATfIRRH It is need ie-.-, to describe the Ln 1 nnim. di.-oaKe that i* rapping the life and strength of only too many of tue fairest and boat of both sexes, old ann young, differing alik** from the poisonous dripping in th* throat, the foieouoa* iio.*,*! and; charges, the fvtid hr *ath nnd general weakrn del llity and iang’our, a -ide from the acute miff-ring* of this disoawr*. which if not checked can only end in loss of palate, hoarse* n *, weakened sight., loss of memory, deafness, and p> DGitnre. death if it is not cheeked before it 1* too late. Labor, study and research, in America, i.urope, and Eastern lands, havo re suite 1 in Wheeler's No. fW Instant Itelief and Sun ( tire for Catarrh, a remedy which contains no hdruiful ingredients, and that la guaranteed to cure every c.a.-eof acute or chronic catarrh or money refunded. WheeierV No. (Hi Instant Relit f and Sure Cure for Catarrh will cure every case of c.Atatrh, hay fever, or asthma: price 91 j*t puck ago, from druggists, or sent by mailpost paid in receipt of price. Vk j.ctder’M No. 9ft Bure Cure for Kidney and Liver Troubles cure-, -.1! wmkn- -s and soi -mv* of th' kidney*, inflammation of kidneys or liver, price sl. Who and. • \ V, g-table Pi!’.-5 are the r nly remedy that cutes constipation,giving natural action of tbe bowels without physicking, purging, griping, or pair.. Price *see: to, nt druggists ur by mail. Wheeler's Nervine Tonic for mental depres sion. Joss of manhood, langour. weakness • r over taxation of the bruin i * invaiuab! price £ r > eta. WE GUARANTEE : ,Vv d? paid. Wc place our ptice for th. sc remedies at !*•* than uno-lwcutloth of tho price asked by ■ '•hors for rcmediesupon which you take all the •. h.u and we specially invite the patronage of the many pen-ons who have tried other remedies without effect r depleted their purses by paying doctor cilia that benefited them not. HOWTO OBTAIN : .V; ns! fur them. If they have not them, write ;tt oroo to lhe pi prieto: S ex,closing the price in money or stumps, and they Will bo sent you at once by mail, ju st paid. Cotraspondeuce .solicited. Address plainly, L. WIIKiCLEIt & CO, So. tk W. Baltimoreßt., F'SZ-’dly. Haiti more. Aid. WUHOOTMEDrcniE MAGNETIC BELT 13 WARRANTED TOCUREM^sfe vrßhontiwvlli'lfWi-l’filn In tbf boek, hit)*, hesd, vr Umbo, Dorroo* (IcbttllT.lumbafrn. general debility, rt*fimntJ~m, paraly*!*, n unilglu, • Ini leu, Mol the Lldner,plnal <iiiciuiei. torpid liver, gout, •fnliml flfc*lon, Ire not. nor* heart dlt* e•■, dypep*ia, cor..i,> 4 .U >n, ery•tprla*, ludlfefi- Han, hen.ln or rupture* u-turrh, t lice, epilepsy, dumb ntrue, rl\ When As.ydebility Of the GFNERATTVFORGANS OOCffnk l*xt vitality, lock of nerve force odl rigor, viuticir weikM*e, and all tbw dlacaaea of a per &aai*i nature, from whateve r cause, the continuous •Cream of M/iffneilsm permeating through the part* snu*t restore them to nh altby action- There in no mistake about this appliance. AsVoHIHM.^UPraRTER. Warranted TO THE UOIESi— Ksknnatlon.DT*p4 > pala,orUt> Waoaifthe Liv er. Kidney* llcodaoho or Cold Peel* Bwollea or WMk Anl.le* or Swollen Foot, (tn Abdominal Bolt Od & pair of Muguetlo Foot Untterioa have no superior •atliO relief nnd core of all these complaint* Thor cajrry a powerful maguotio foroo W tbo seat of tttt For Latno Hock. Weaker** of tho Spine, Fa11?.34, ?.34, of the womb, Lctoorriima, Otranlo lrnuuruX* £!on and Ulceration ot the Womb, Incidental lint orthimo or Floodlnj, Painful, Hopprcawd nod fe pejraal r Wonatruatitß, Haovnar**, nn.t ehanre of Lire, thin lathe Best Appliance and C until v a A cent Known. | For a.ll fprmd of Fcfanlc Dlfflccltle* It Is tmacr-l passed by anything before invented, both ns acuratlT#! agent ai>d osatouraofpovcr on<l TtlnJlzatWn. Price of c*tlicr Ik-lt with lla+cnetic Foot Lotteries, $lO. Bent by expreaw 0.0. D., and • x'vmln&tion ntlovnl.orbv fooll on receipt of price. In ordering, ss-nd mens tire oJf wnlst nnd sino of rhsx*. KenHtumco amx bo nuulu lu oai rency, sent in (otter at our risk. Th<* Ilasnoton Garments far.' udaptani to alt ogea, at* worn over the under clothing, (not next to tho body Ukc tho many Galvanic and Electric Koai- Vac* advertised so extensively’’ and sitt.uld bo taken off at nipht. They bold th-lr pot*~r /orvti-r, and are worn nt all wosons or the year. Bend etanip for the ‘Now l>eutvrt-tirn in Y edaoal Treat ment %%’ttkoat ModUitac, ” with tboUiituulw of te*Uao -I’HK MAGNETON APFIiANCECa. ° SXb bU4t SL, CBicaco, lIL FREE g TTvIAL HANOVER’S SPECIFIC. Ar. nr.fmiin" and gpoody cure for Nervous Debility au l Weakness, L< s of Vitality and Vigor, Nervous Prostration, Hysteria, or any evil result of indiscretion, ex cess. over work, abuses of Alcohol. Tobacco, etc. (Over forty thousand positive cures.) |sF~Sen<l 15c. postage on trial box of 100 pills. Address, Dr. M. W. BACON, Cor. Clark Sc. and Calhoun Place, Chicago, 111. 3P ; i'T#RUW, F-lversid.... . T “, a .-> . • rr* , nr<, Nosh, Throat, Latu-s, iail iJt q p., raute, cost, tre<^. U\ A R R i AS CAII that the doubtful curic-xscr thounhtlal want to> J knew. Cloth nnd snlU bind n :50 ct*.i>R;>ersse.M:ir-> J r’re Guide. 1U p IV, sent Mated. money or stt’S.bri cUR. WHIHIER a c 9,& A N C N E A?“ R “ T '’ \ <The crreatst'eei.-'list. Nervous ! ‘eUHi'T.I mpe’laittnts/ 1’..-: jetYrwa. y ranmuioKßiam Meet Ih their hall at 2 P. M. ;on tho first Battir* day of each mouth. W. A. STORY, W. M. O. J. MOYERS, Secretary. JOH.’V VV, imiDOl , ATTORNEY AT LAW, ICMMERVILLB, CEOftOIA. Will praotico In tho Superlot, County, aa* District gourtH. f.rgal Advertisrnientf*. r.ejgal Advertisement* Payable in Ad vance. Don’t you forget it I Administrator s Sale. GKOROIA, Chattooga County: In accordance with an order of the court of ordinary* of said county, will be sold at auction, at tho door of the court house of said county, on the firatTueaday in September next, within the legal hour* of *ale, tho following property, to-wit: Ono (1) acre of land off the northeast corner of lot of land No. ninety nine (99), and nineteen (19) acres off the southeast corner of lot of land No. one hundred (100), all in the fifth (sth) district and fourth (4th) section of said county. These land* form a single body, or tract, of land, being cut off and hounded from the remainder of eaid lot* of land by the public road. Thero are upon the tract three acre* in cultivation, a common dwelling house, nnd a good blacksmith shop, at a good stand for custom. Sold for tbe purpose of administration, as the property of Matthew Earp, late of said county, deceased. Terms, cash. This July 18th, IW4. W. T. HERNDON, Administrator. Application for Discharge. GEORGIA, Chattooga County: To all whom it may concern: George \V. Mill*;, guardian for James F. Mills, Applies to me fur letters of dismission from said guardiamhip, and 1 will pass upon his application on the first Monday in September. at my office in Sum merville, in said county. This July sth, lAM JOHN MATTOX, Ordinary. Application for Leave to Sell- GEORGIA, Chattooga County. To al) whom it may coueern: Andrew L. Millicaii. administrator of Andrew Millicar, deceased, has in duo form applied to tho un dcrs'.guod for leave to Mil the lauds belonging to the estate of said deceased, and said appi cation will be heard on the first Moudav in Sep tember next. Witness my hand. July 7th, 18M. JOHN MATTOX, Ordinary. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. All persona hay in#r dvtnands Bgai , 'st the estates of A. J. Herron, A J. Byrant, T S. Di. kson, O. G. Smalley. Mr*. A. It. Johnson. Miss Eva Knox, and A. H Davis, are requested to file tho (tamo with me within the time prescribed by law. and parties indebted to *suid estates ate naked to make immediate settlement July 21st, ISM. 44. D. HOLLIS, Administrator. Chattooga Sheriff s Sale. Will be sold on the first Tuesday fn August next (18NX at the court house <n said county, within tbe legal hour* of sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following pruparty, t< wit: 10 acres of land a the property of F. M. Law rence, with all tho improvements thereon; *JO acres, more or less, i 1 ared land. The said 40 acre* is a part of lot No. 4. r >. in 25*.b district and .'id flection,of Kaid countv (the said land is known as tbe 10 a< re* that F. M. Lawrence bought fr< nn Davit'. Ramsey). Said land was levied on a* the property of b' M. Lawrence, to satisfy ft x*;cu tlons issued from tbe county court of said bounty ia faror of S. S. Lawrence against I'. M . Lawrence. Levy made end returned by (!. V. A k ridge, county countailo. This July Ist. I*M ! W. I). KELLETT. Sheriff. Chattooga Depnty Sheriffs Sale. Will be sold on the. Tuesday in Anfust next at the court house in said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, for < o*h. the following piopertv, b> wit: one !■ wn lot in tire town of xsutmrerviile, No. 9 in block 3d - ftd feet front, by 120 back fronting on iii-lii street, joining Johnson & Clemmons property on the south and west, and J. M. Hill's on thr? north: known as the lot where the •> < and Tempiirs* btF. once was. Levied on as tin* projierty of J. A. Starling, to satisfy one li. fn Issued fr m the superior court of said county, in favor of J. T. Taylor ugalnst J. A. Stirling. This July Ist, Ihki. SAil L Si. KNOX, Deputy Sheriff. Application for Administration. GEORGIA, Chattooga County: To nil whom it may concern: John A Montelb r has in due form applied to the undersigned for permanent letters of administration on th® estate of Andrew J. Most (Her. late t.f said t minty, dot t uned, and 1 will pass upon said ap plication un the first 31 on day in August, ISM. Given under my hand. June -ftth, IHM. JOHN MATTOX, Ordinary. TUTTS PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA, From sources arise tfeire- (norths of tho (llseuttea of tho human race. Thoso symptoms indicate their existence: la>*% o< Appetite, Howvln costive, Sick Ilmcl ache, fuiluej* niter rutinr, avrrtion to teuton of body or mind, KrartAtlon of food; IrriUbility of temper* Low spirits, x of having neglected some duty, Wwluett, Fluttering t tho Heart, Dots before the eyes, highly eol— orsd Urine, C’OjrwTIPATION, and de mand the use of a romedy that acta directly on tho Mvor. Asa Liver medicine TUTT’S PILLS hnvo no oqnn). Thoir action on tlio Kidneys nnd Skin is a!so prompt; removing all impurities through those three “ bcov e£*>rs of tho syatcra,” producing appo tlto, sound digestion, regular stools, n clear skin and a vigorous body. TTTT’N PII.LN c.iutMo no nausea or griping nor Interfere with daily work and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO_NSALAR!A. HE FEELS LIKE A MW HI A TV. “I havo had Dyspepsia, with Constipa tion, two years, and have tried ton different kinds of pills, and TI’TT’M arc The first that have done mo any good. They hnvo cleaned mo out nicely. My appetite is splendid, food digests readily, and I now have natural imssanrea. I feed llko a now man." \V. I>. EDWARDS, Palmyra, O- Scl j c very \r ho r, a Tic . (fficc, 44 M umiy St.,X. Y. TUTT'S HAIR DYE.' Grat Hair or Whiskers changed in stantly to n (ilossy Black bv a single ap plication of this DTK. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of sl. Office, 44 Murray Street, New York. TUTT’S MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE. H. A. SMITH, ROME, 01., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Stationery, Fancy Articles, CIiECMCS, Engravings, Picture Frames, Miccl Mihic, PM AND CABINET CRSANS. PATENTS. F. A. Lehmann. Solicitor of American and Foreign Patent*, Washington, D. C. Ail busi ness connected with Patents, whether before the Patent Office or tbe Courts, promptly at tended to. No charge made unless a patent St ud fv. t circular. TRY ONE,