The Summerville gazette. (Summerville, Ga.) 1874-1889, August 06, 1884, Image 2

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THE GAZETTE mumMKIIVILI.K. <IA. cr. o. LOOMIS, Editor and Proprietor. IIATKH OF BOBHL’RIPTIOH: IK ADVAMC'B. OK TIMK 4’woliri' month* f* Sli months *• 5, Throo mouths ™ Oorratpondenoo nolleltnd; bwt to rocrWont eiillon, tatters mu>t bo awompantad by r* feporiHlhta namo not for publication, but i xunint.oo of k<kml faith. All articlfn roormimendluß ciand luateii r >r ofHnc, or Intorulod forth** personalhenoflt of any kuo, roust bo paid for at. the rate *>f I* cent# pot lino, in advance. Contribution** of news solicited from ovary quarter. Ho]otod articles will uol bo returned unless accompanied by a at amp. I W" AdvortlalDK ratoa and estimatesgiven on appn cation. All letters should bo addressed to J. V. LOOM lA, Hurmnorvlllo, 0 a. Wednesday evening, august 6th, m I l KVKI.AND’S lII'.COKIL In accepting the nomination for governor, in October, 1882, lie thus de tined liis position, from which lie line never wavered: "Corporation,, aro created by the law lor certain defined purpose, and arc restricted in their operation,, by specific limitations. Acting within their logiti mato sphere they should be protected; but when bj combination or by the exor 'cisool unwarranted power they oppiess the people, tho saino authority which created should restrain them and protect the rights of tho citizen. Tho law lately passod for tho purpose of adjusting the relations between the people and cor porations, should lie executed in good faith, with an honest design to effectuate Us objects and with a duo regard lor the interests involved.” Almost tho first not performed by him ns governor was in fulfillment of tho law hero referred to, tho railroad commission not, which authorized the appointment of three railroad commissioners, one from ouch ol the two groat political parties, and one upon the nomination ol the anti monopoly bodies. Despite great pressure to tho contrary, and without waiting fora proposed amendment ol tho law, Gov. Cleveland promptly nominated three oommissionars in literal compliance with the old law, accepting without hesitation tho anti monopoly candidate, Mr. 'O'Donnell, who now holds his office under the appointment of Gov. Cleve land, Tho fact that tho work of the railroad commission has boon so well done as not only to justify its cication to those even who were originally doubtful of its value, but also to he in a high degroe satisfactory to the anti monopoly senti merit which led to its formation, is duo to Die conscientious care with which Gov. ■Cleveland, ignoring every consideration but the purpose of tho law, selected tho ‘mouthers who wore to serve upon it. Plain (JumtioiH. Mythical iJeaa are fanning tho public brow with the breath of prejudico, ignorance or Ini at buggery. Have you the remotest idea that your scrofula wus created by the uso of potash and mercury V No matter what tho cause, li. B. B. s the peer of all other remedies. Do you presume that your trouhlosomo catarrh is the result of mineral poisoning? B. B. B. tho quickest remedy. Arc your chronic tlloors and boils and sores the result o( potash and mercury? Medical gentlemen will not tell you bo. but B. B. B. is the only sovereign remedy. Were your tern b!e kidney troubles croatod by mineral poisoning? Not a bit ol it, but B. B. B. has provon to boa reliable remedy. Are your skin diseases, your eezoma, dry tetter, eto., the effect of too much potash and mercury? The medical profession are the best judges, and tlioy say nay, but B B. B. makes rnoro pronounced cures than all other preparations combined. For sale by John S. Clegliorn Si Cos. and Thompson Hiles. Suicides: in San Antonio, Texas, M. L. Gilliland, originally from Cos rgia; in Nowton, Ga., Z. P. Wallis, a bachelor farmer, aged 60; in I tiea, N. V , Rich, bocauso his daughter eloped; io New York City, Julius tlolwug, for loss of money; Marie Salter, of Pittsburg, Pa. because her lover killed himsolt three months ago; on Beach Island, S. C., Thomas Calhoun, a descendant of John 4*. Calhoun; near Malloy I’own, N. C., Miss Sales, front disappointed love. Four carrier pigeons, raised in Full River, Mass., woro turned loose in Jones boro, Tenn., 715 miles from home, on the sth ult. The first one reached home i, 8 Jays. Three raised in Keyport, N. J., turned loose in Atlanta, 725 miles from home, maio tho trip in nine, eleven, and twelve daj-s. Tho fourtii one is missing Six raised in Newark, N. J., were turned loose in Mattoon, Illinois, 750 miles oft, on tho 19th ult. The first onceumo homo io seven days. Married iu Georgia: Morgan B. Pear son, of Atlanta, to Miss M. K. Wright, of Rome; Nolen Dudley to Miss Cornelia ltaiford, both of Columbus; J. R. Web ster to Miss Lizzie Burns, both of Futon ton; John W. Miller, of Columbus, to Miss Lula King, of Fort A alley; M alter S. llyall, of Sbelbyville, Tenn , to Miss Caroline C. Cleveland, of Marietta; J. S. Wilson, of Atlanta, to Miss Annie Reyn olds, of Greenville, Ala. ■— -♦.♦ *■- The Republican printers who have been discharged by W bitelaw Reid, of the New York Tribune, sent a committee to Blaine, and to tho national Republican committee, requesting them to influence Reid lo accede to the printers' demands, or the printers would vote with the Democrats, llcid's answer was that he would not do that, if he kuew it was the only way to secure Blaine’s election. FOHLION t I.AMICx Cubans me sowing more wheat than ever before. Henry M. Stanley, tho African ex plorer, lias returned to England, lie has in establishing trading stations along tho Congo river, for 1,400 miles from its mouth. The Spanish soldiers at Duetto I’rincipe, Culm, have not been paid for a long lime. Merchants ref used to credit them. '1 hey went to the stores ind helped thcmiolvos. The tnudir of Dnngola lias telegraphed that ho will begin to retreat towards Cairo on the I fit It inst .; also that it is re ported that Gen. Gordon has ro captured Berber. A paper read by Berlin doctors, saying tliat the eh ole r a was a blessing because it swept away beings unfit for the sttuggles of life, has been widely published in France, and lias led (ho lower classes to believe that doctors try to kill their patients. Many doctors have boon driven from tho sick man’s bedside by armed neighbors. Near Arles, in Franco, a boy at wotklmi a farm was attacked with vomiting. His employer would riot admit him into the house, and the hoy died in the field. Tho boy’s father came, but had to leave the body in tho field while ho went for a coffin, as the farmer would not admit it into his stablo. lie could get no help for burying, ami dug the grave, took the body there on a wheelbarrow, lowered the coffin, and fi led up the grave, by liimsolfl About 6,000 refugees from France arc ■liiarantincd oil the Italian frontier. •Switzerland lias pro! ibitod all meetings of the salvation army. Tho British house of lords, by infusing to pass the franchise hill, has provoked considerable discussion about its rights and powers. Tho end cannot he foreseen. Massowaft, Egypt, lias been nearly destroyed by an earthquake. M. l’asteur, a Frenchman. iH expeti inonting to prevent hydrophobia by in oculation. Ho is likely to succeed. The Egyptian conference in London could not agree, and adjourned nine <//"• Inst Suturdny. Probably England will carry out tier programme. The land act has effected a yearly re Juction of nearly #2,000,000 in the rents paid by Irish farmers. During last week there were 90 deaths front cholera at Marseilles, 39 at Toulon, and 32 at other points. Tho disease is abating considerably in Marseilles and foulon. POLITIC A I NEWS. Tho Prohiliitioni-t leaders expect, to poll about 1,000,000 voles, and probably to carry Kansas atnl Maryland, and throw the election into tho house. The Democratic convention of the 14th congressional district of Missouri was in session five days, took 117 ballots, and adjourned tint die without nominating any one. Tho New \ ork .S'iiii prefers Cleveland to Blaine bocauso "An incompetent pres ident who is honest is better than a suiuit otto who is not.” Wo are told that the Republicans ot tho West and Northwest expect the electoral votes of Virginia, West Vir ginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, und Louisiana, to be cast for Blaine and Logan. It is bard to sot a limit to human credulity. The Constitution oluitns that a large portion of those Gormans who have hitherto boon Republicans will vote with the Democrats this year: tho beer drinkers liecauso of Blaine's prohibition record, others because they think the Democrats hold out the best promise of good government. The national committee of tbo National Labor Party met in Chicago last Thurs day. and adjourned till June, 1888. Members of that party will vote for whom they please. Mr. Hendricks thinks the Prohibition ticket will grt many votes in Indiaim, mostly from the Republicans, and that the Democrats havo a lino prospect of carrying the Stato. Mr. Flower will do all ho can for Cleve land, and is confident of his election. Stephen B. Elkins, of the Republican nntional committee, had a conference with prominent Republicans and Green hackers of West Virginia last Saturday They were as secret as possible, but. it. is thought they offeeted.a fusion. Demo crats say this will amount to nothing; tire Stato is surely Democratic. PRIME. In Denver, last Friday week, Mrs. A. G. Gould shot John Ferguson three times because he promised to marry her, and then married another woman. In Sabina, Ohio, during last Thursday night, masked men blew up two houses of ill fame with giant powder, having first driven out all the inmates. In Parksville, Ivy., Joe Caldwell and Millard Clark, negroes, havo boon ar rested for attacking Miss Rose J. Woods. She cannot bo found. In l>ano county, Texas, C. Davis, ac cused of horsestealing, and, in custody ot Jas. O. Bonner, deputy sheriff, snatched Bonner's pistol, shot him dead, aud escaped. Lizzie Bradley was decoyed from her home in Pittsburg on the 2ltli ult. The next day she was found in a lumberman's camp, almost dead from outrage. Over 50 persons havo been arrested, but 30 have been released. In Shelby county, Indiana, Simeon P. Bryant is in jail, charged with incest with his 17 years-old daughter. In St. Martin's parish, Louisiana, a young negress, seduced by her father, gave birth to twins, while her mother lay sick in an adjoining room. Her father cut tho children in pieces, and fed the fl.'slt to the hogs. rticoiuiia siavs. Franklin county gave prohibition 400 majority. Two drunken women in a buggy re cently disgusted Athenians. 'J’hc Slate Agricultural Convention will meet it, Uotnc next Tuesday. Arch Ormu continued to improve till last week, hut died last Friday. The 18th Georgia regiment, 84 strong, rc-unitcd at Conyers last Friday. About 100 persons have joined the different churches in Columbus recently. General Longstraot will open tho Piedmont Hotel in Gainesville in a few days. In Towns county there aro within a mile, seven persons whose united ages are 638 years. 11. I, Hine, of Glynn, has a colt which will come up whilo he is eating, and drink hits coffee. Tho morphine tiabit is said to he grow ing common among the negro women of Handersville. Col. Shorter’s legacy to Shorter Female College has been paid: SIO,OOO iu bonds, $9,157.93 in cash. The Cedarlown mails are taken Iron) the trains to tho postofficc and back in a little wagon drawn by goats. Mrs. S. E. Gaffney, of Troup, aged 52, has never tasted coffee. Her only pair of scissors have been in me 17 years. Cochran, with 1,500 inhabitants, has only two lawyers, and no loafers. So says the Messenger, of that place. In Fannin county, about two weeks ago, a little boy named Garret killed him self by drinking half a pint of whisky. Dick Richardson, negro, of Columbus, is in jail for paying a $1 debt with a $5 confederate bill, receiving $4 in change. Charley Fancy, David Furthermore, Anonymous Higgins, January White, and Weary White, are negroes in Floyd. Dr. Kincaid, of Home, says tho first killing frost will come November 3d, four months from the first croak of tho katy dids. Andrew Rowland, sentenced to death hut granted anew trial, made his second escape from the jail of Murray county a few nights ago. From Macon county eotnes a report of a tt.ati who paid a dentist to tile off his child’s teeth because it bit its mother’s breast while nursing. In Macon, on the 25th uk., Robert Flournoy and 11. (’. Fryer, employes of the E. TANARUS., Va. Si Ga. railroad, quarreled, fought, and Fryer was killed. A prominent young gentleman in Crnwfurdvillo called on a young Indy friend, hut went to sleep on tho sofa before she walked into the parlor. A rccont. eating match in Albany was a draw, each negro having dispatched the eatable part of half of a twenty pound watermelon in about ono minute. J. 11. Wheat, of Floyd, has a mad stono about the size and shapo of an acoru. It was taken from the maw of a deer killed by his father-in-law, in Pulaski county, 40 ycurs ago. Primus W. Jones, of Baker county, sent his first bale of eotton to Albany last Saturday. It brought 154 cents. Join Childre, of Taylor counly, had a hale iu market a few hours earlier. A large number of the melon growers of Brooks county met on the 27th ult., and signed an obligation not to raiso any more melons for shipment till the rail roads reduce tho rates materially. Tho superior court of Terrell county couvenod in special session last Saturday to try George Clark, negro, charged with outraging Mrs. Wm. Jennings. 11c was convicted, mid sentenced to he hung on the 25th inst. Floyd county jail contains six whites and 13 negroes. The vvliitesaro Kirk, Davis, and Fletcher, for murder, John Jones for assault with intent to murder, J. R. Porter for horsestealing, England for assault and battery. Pink Pettit, of Murtay, killed his wife last Saturday week because sho refused to surrender the deeds to some land which ho gave her when they were married. He stole a horse, was pursued, over taken in Alabama, and resisting arrest, was killed. From several parts of the State come complaints of fishing with dynamite. The objections to it nre two-fold: it kills fish of all sizes, the small ones perhaps in tho greatest proportion, because they aro least able to get out of tho way; it kills many fish that the fisherman never gets. B. 11. Camp, assistant postmaster at Boston, and Theodore Myler, postal in spector for this district, comprising eight States, have been arrested. The accusa tion is that, while they had charge of the Atlanta postoffice, after Gov. Conley was removed, they appropriated to their own use about S4O worth of stamps, and $!35 arising from tho sale of waste paper. Don’t Give l ? i Yet. It doesn't follow that a patient will die because the doctors have “given him up,” or that ho wil! recover because they promise to “pull him through.” It is never too late to t-y the great virtues of Parker's Tonic. Mr. Michael Guilfoyle, of Binghampton, N. Y., was cured of rheumatism by it after ten years of un speakable suffering. Mr. R. W. Mother, druggist, of same city, certifies that he has sold over a thousand bottles of Parker's Tonic through its reputation for this and other euros. In Florida a few dissatisfied Democrats havo coalesced with the Republicans. In spite of this, tho Democrats feel more confident of carrying the fixate than they did at this time four years ago. OKNHItAI. NLWS. Chicago claims 029,000 inhabitants. Wheat in the Northwest is less promis ing than a month ago. The drought in Texas has lasted 40 days. Crops arc suffering. Growing crops in tho Ohio Valley arc suffering very much from drouth. The total expense of tho Greeley relief expedition is estimated at $700,000. The first bale of now cotton was re ceived at Houston, Texas, on tlic 2!st ult. One hundred drummers in Chattanooga said that business is very dull every where. Texas fever is causing many deaths among cattle sent to Chicago from the plains. Of two burglars arrested at Saranas, Mich., July 29th, one proved to be a woman. Tho Texas Pacific Railroad refuses to receive cattle for points north of Denisou and Texarkana. Fire in the wheat fields of San Joaquin valley, California, on the UOtli ult., caused a loss of $150,000. Panola county, Mississippi,' is excited by a report that R. I). Durnctt his found $40,000 in a hollow tree. One Bcr.cdick says that 80,000 Amer icans are hold as slaves in the Sandwich Islands. He was one, but escaped. Anew process for spinning, not yet perfected, is thought likely to reduce the cost of cotton manufacture otic half. Competition between two gas com panies in Chattanooga has reduced tho price of gas to $1 per thousand Act. The grand jury in Chicago have indicted 13 doctors who advertised to cure secret diseases, for practicing without license. The Keely motor has moved a good deal of money out of tho pockets of sub scribers. * ‘Only that, and nothing more." Moses, ex governor of Smith Carolina, has been lately brought before the courts of different States, for cheating anJ swindling. Tho engineer officers in charge of the coast and harbor defenso report that the coast, both lokcand Atlantic, is practically defenseless. Two Chatlanoiga policemen, attempt ing to make arrests, were kept at hay by the wives of the culprits till other police men arrived. The national board of health have resolved to be very vigilant for cholera or any other epidemic, or anythin; that may produce it. In April the Harrison Bank, of Indian apolis, registered its assets for taxation at $566,059. It has failed, and its a.-sets nre valued at less than $3,000. Col. E. W. Colo, the railroad magnate, has bought the entire Whiteside interest on Lookout Mountain, and will at onoe commence building a railroad to the top. The coal miners around Belleville, ill., who struck sometime ago for 2 cents a bushel, havo resumed work ot the old rate of I j cents, not being able to hold out longer. Rev. Sam Jones is stirring up Corinth, Miss. He preaches three times n day, in the largest house in town, and it is Sited. At last accounts there had been noarly 100 convex-ions. Tho prairio dogs of Texas aro said to be slowly migrating eastward, a few miles a year. Wherever they establish them selves they eat up all the grass, leaving none for the cattle. Very high wind and heavy rain last Thursday noon at Valley Head, Chat tanooga, and points in Tennessee to the northeast. Many parties damaged slightly, none seriously. A visitor to Washington City received a dispatch from his uncle in Richmond. After reading it, he remarked to tho hotel clerk, "I dou’t believe this is from my uncle, it isn’t his handwriting.” Having learned to make steel rails more rapidly than English manufacturers, Americans have produced them beyond the demand, and the price has fallen below what it costs at some mills to make them. Tho citizens of I’opo county, Arkansas, havo notified tho lessees of the peniten tiary to remove the convicts from the coal mines in that county within ten days, as they have determined not to allow convict labor iu the county. Equal parts of tincture of opium, red pepper, rhubarb, peppermint, and cam phor, are said to make the best known remedy for diarrhea, and similar diseases. Dose, from ten to twenty drops, in three or four tablespoonfuls of water. In Westchester county, New York, two couples of youngsters, from 1C to 19, were married in fun on June 30th, without the knowledge of parents or guardians. Suits have already been brought to set aside the marriages, all parties consenting. Mr. llosenfelt, of Bridgeport, Conn., has perfected an appliance which, if fastened in front of a locomotive, Will pick up any person who may be walking on tho track, pass hitu over the engine, and drop him unhurt in the first passen ger oar. Thomas Conroy, of Tannor’s Falls, Penn., is a poor shoemaker. Every year he is notified that $25,000, with 26 years’ interest, are in the Batik of Dublin for him. He will not touch it till his uncles admit that they wronged him by accusing him of being a Molly Maguire. The health officers of Now York City have sent an officer to Chicago to learn ; whether the meat that is sent to New York ready dressed is properly inspected before shipment. It is sold much lower : than New York butchers sell theirs, and they would be glad to find an opportunity 1 to denounce it. Tin: I.Il'K OF MAN. Man, horn of woman, is of lew days and no teeth. Indeed, it would he money in his pocket sometimes if ho had less of cither. As for his days, he waiteth om - third of them, and as fur his teeth, lc has convulsions when he cuts them, and as tho last one comes through, 10, tho dentist is twisting the first one out, and the lust end of that man’s jaw is worse than the first, being full of porcelain and a roof-plate built to hold blackberry seeds. Stone bruises line his pathway to man hood; his father boxes his cars at home, the big boys cuff him in the play ground, and tho teacher whips him in the school room. lie buyeth Northwestern at 110 when he had sold short ot 96, and his neighbor unloadeth upon hitu iron Mountain at 65j and it straightway hreaketh down to 55L He risetb early and sitteth up' late that he may fill his barns and storehouses, ana lo! his children's lawyers divide the spoils among themselves and say, "Ha, ha!” He growleth and is sore distressed be cause it raincth, and ho heated) upon his breast and sayeth: "My crop is lost!” because it raincth not. The late rains blight his wheat and the frost biteth his peaches. If it be so that the sunshmetb, even among the nineties, lie sayeth, “Woe is me, for I perish,” and if the northwest wind sigheth down in forty-two he crietii: "Would I wore dead!” If be wear sackcloth and blue jeans, men say: “lie is a tramp,” and if he goetli forth shaven and clad in purple and fine linen all the peoble cry; “Shoot the dude!” Ho carryeth insurance for 25 year-, until he hath paid thrice over ail his goods, and then he letted) his policy lapse one day, and that some night tire destroyed) his storo. He budded) him a house in Jersey, and his first horn is devoured by im squitoes; he pitched) his tent in Now York, and tramps devour his substance. He moved to Kansas, and a cyclone carrieth his house over into Missouri, while a prairie tiro and ten million acres of grasshoppers fivht for hi crop. He settled) himscll in Kentucky, and the next day is shot by a gentleman, a colonel, and a statesman, "because, sab, lie resembles, fall, a man he did not like, sah.” Verily, them is no rest ! r the sole of his foot, and if ho had it to do over again he would not be born at all, fi r "the day of death is letter than the day of ono’s birth. ” — Burdette. CiL.OIX.I V POLITICS. N. C. Barnett is a candidate for re election as secretary of state. Candidates for tho senate: Col. T. L Lewis, of Milton (39th district); Jjhu S Davidson, from the Istli dhtiict, from the Slst district, J. F. Craft, of Hart; Frank Rico aud Col. Reuben Arnold, both of Fulton. Col. If. C. Humber will not run for Stato treasurer. Col. I!ch Hardeman is now the only candidate. The negroes of Terrell county have nominated one of their own color, K. B. Fitzgerald, for representative. On the 29th ult. President Arthur suspended Gen. Lnngstrcct as marshal. O. E. Mitchell, chief deputy, will have oliarge ot the office till J. E. Bryant makes his bond and eoteis on his duties. The primary election in Fulton county last Wednesday gave Hammond 2-tU majority. Cupt. Jackson has withdrawn from the contest. Candidates for the hrvjse: Pr J. T. Chappell, D. M. Linden, and J. E. Hightower, all of Laurens; John W. Johnson, of Screven; B. B. Parker, of Hart; Capt. W. D. Ellis, Cupt. Bray. Col. B. F. Abbott, James A. Gray, allot Fulton. Candidate for judge: in the Oecnee circuit. Col. I). 51. Roberts, ofEaotman. Joseph L. Cobh, of Carrollton, will probably he an independent candidate for congress. Tin: SCOTT I AM. Some lime hack the legislature of Ohio, in response to the demand of tho people of that State, passed a high licen.-e enact ment, which was known ae tho Soott law from the name of its proposer. The liquor dealers to get rid of it applied to the courts, but the latter have just re turned au evasive decision which practi cally keeps the law in force. This de cision will be worth millions of dollars to the tax-payers of that State It must be oonfessed that our State courts have too often played into the hands of the liquor dealers. They have in effect partially nullified the prohibition enactments of the States of Kansas and lowa. Tho time has come when the moral sentiment of the community must array itself against the judges who interpose legal quibbles to protect the infamous traffic in intoxi cating drink. This is tho giant evil of our ago. Over $.100,000,000 per annum is spent in this country in the purchase of ardent spirits. The use of liquor must cost a vastly greater sum indirectly, in the criminals and paupers it creates, while there are uo figures that can convey an idea of the misery and the heart-break which result from the liquor traffic. The prohibition sentiment is growing in every part of the country, and every man and woman who think of the future of tlieir children should unite to discountenance in every way, moral and legal, the sale and use of every kind of intoxicating diink.— Demo rest’s Monthly. While Robert Acker, of Chattanooga, j was drinking at Sulphur Springs, near Nashville, on the night of the 2Sth ult., Elise Downs, of Chattanooga, placed a pistol to his head, and said, "What did you come here to see her for? Come with me.” lie went. N cither would explain. Within the week wo have noticed ac counts oflS murders; two women by their husbands, oue mac by his wife. SENSIBLE MEN Strss <*l the ninny dineasi-A and derangement* of the body each bun a separate can hi* <r origin, and that each in*. '!* u different method of treatment in ord**r to effect a cure, and a momout's reflection imiHt convince that any of the quack nostrum* foisted upon the public claiming to euro all of a number of diametrically different disease* must prove failure*, even la vre do not call them humbugs, POOR PEOPLE well to do or wealthy find that the enormou* cJotryt* of practicing physicians are a serious burden to them, ami also find after paying themselves poor that uo benefit ha* accrued to them, that in fact they have thrown their money away. To overcome those evils we oiler WUetler * Xo. to Sure licmedle* to the sick and suffering ■ •u, U’U > I'l fur eaeh diIMM, WithtMlt f'r V moment claiming that one remedy will cure any other disease than the one claimed for it. and as trifji* remedies have stood the test of years without a single failure, we agree to refund tf< money paid in every instance where a cure is not positively effected. The remedies aro entirely vegetable, can do no harm. un*l will positively cure every disease for which they are prescribed. RHEUMATISM. Neuralgia, aro relieved at once and positively cured by the use of Wheeler's No. 96 Rheumatic Remedy. We say boldly that in tho wor.t of cases of no matter how ttUmdiny , how xeriout ■, or howw cannot only give relief but poeiilttly vure for all time. Failing to do this we will positively refund the money paid for the treatment, and if your sufferings are not positively stopped for all time you have not thrown your money away as you would on any other tfan these guaranteed remedies. The price of Wheeler's No. to Rheumatic Remedy Is only SO cents, obtainable from druggists or sent free by mail on r* ceipt of price. Stamps taken. SUPFERING WOMEN. 11 nature with a pretty face, beautiful figure, fault less complexion, as well as the sweetest of tempers and faultless mental qualities grows prematurely old. gray and wrinkled, her form loses Its perfect contour, the complexlou he comes sallow, the brightness leaves tho eye. a feeling of huigour takes th place of the once buoyant spirits, an irritable nervous fractious ness makes lib* a burden, things that once were trifles worry her till life becomes unbearable. All this being caused by the physical derange ments so common to women, which the innate modesty of feminine nature prevents their making known, ami of which the ignorauce of the medical profession pi events a cure. Lady reader, pause and consider, ’tis a duty you owe yourself, your family and your God, that you should cure yourself ot these troubles and once more feel the glow of perfect health and spirits that nature Intended for you. Wheeler’s No. % Preparations are pleasant and palatable to take, contain nothing of an injurious nature■. and may bo taken by all ages at all times am] in all con ditioris without possibility *>f ill effects, and will positively curt* any of the peculiar diseases to which females aro subject. Failing to produce a perfect cur#*, trie proprietors will refund the money paid for the treatment, if you have a sallow complexion, constant or intermittent headache, backache, restlcssne-s.-*, loss of ap petite, aurpres-don of monthly' flow, or irregu larities thereof accompanied by headaches, nervousness, hysterics and similar symptoms. Wheeler’s No. 98 Preparation "IT will positively restore you to health. If you have a sensation of heat and throbbing in ths back, frequent fainting spells, Laueorrhea or white discharge, painful or M aiding sensation in urinating, red dish or white deposit iu urine, hot and dry skin, Wheeler's No % Preparation will give im mediate and lasting relief. The price of Wheeler's No 96 Prescriptions ‘'ll” and *’C” are 50 cent*, obtainable from druggists or sent by mail secure from observation postpaid on receipt CATARRHS ; disease that is sappiug the life anti strength of only too many of tb** fairest and best of both sexes, old and young, suffering alike, from the poisonous dripping in the throat, the foisonouo nasal discharges, the fvtid breath and general weakness, debility and langour, aside from the acute sufferings of this disease, which if not checked can only end iu loss of palate, hoarse ness, weakened sight, loss of memory, deafness, and premature death if it is not checked before it 1 tc*o late. Labor, study and research, in America. Europe, and Pastern lauds, have re suited in Wheeler's No. to instant Relief and Suie Cure for Catarrh,a remedy which contains no harmful ingredient*, and that i* guaianteed to cure every case of acute or chronic catarrh or money refunded. Wheeler’s No. to Instant Relit-f aiuiiNjn Cure for Catarrh will cure every cas.* , f catairh, hay fever, or asthma: price $1 per package, from druggists, or sent by mail post paid on receipt of price. Wheeler's No 'Jh Sure Cure for Kidney and Liver Troubles cure* all weakness and soreness of tbekidney*. inflammation of kiduev s or liver, |.ru .- SI. W heeler’s Vegetable Pill* are the cnly rt raedy that cm es constipation, giving natural action of the bowel* without physicking, purging, griping, or pain. Price 25 cents, of druggists or by mail. Wheeler's Nervine Tonic for mental depres sion, loss of muphuod, langour, weakness or over WE GUARANI EE jV paid. Wo plae.o our ptice for these remedies .it less than one-twentieth of the price asked by others for remedies upon which you take ail the chances, and we specially invite the patronage of the many persons who have tried other remedies without efft et or depicted their purses by payingdocior cilia that benefited them not. HOW TO OBTAIN ask for them. If they have not got them. * rite at once to the pr* prletors, enclosing the price lo money or stamps, aud they will be sent you at once by mail, pest paid. Cor ropoudeu e solicited. Address plainly, L. WHEKLKR A CO . No. if! W. Baltimore St.. 8-23-’3-ly. Baltimore, Md TUTTS ■ lllff'l -lir-V UldtAi.' PILLS orrMMOMia TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. i* rotn these sources arise three-fourths of tbo diseases of tho human nice. Theme symptoms Indicuto their existence la**** of Appetite, (towels costive, M k Head ache, fullness niter a version to exertion of body or mind, Ernctatiou of food, Irritability of temper, Low spirits, A Feeling of having neglected some duty, hlMluu f I’lutUrlr.g nt tho Heart, *Goretiic eyca, hltrhlv col ored (Vine, G>.\STIPATIO, an*l de mand tho use of a remedy that acts directly on the Liver. Asa Liver medicine TI TT'N P11.1.N have no equal. Their action on lhe Kidneys an 1 Skin is also prompt; removing nil impurities through these three “ irav eii£r>i of tho system,'* producing nt>pe tite, sound digestion, regular stools, a o'ear skin an<l a vigorous body. TFTT’N PILIA e.urse no nausea or griping nor Interfere with daily work and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. (XT, FEELS LIKE A A J-AV MAN. “ I have had Dyspepsia, with Constipa tion, two years, and have tried ten different kinds of pills, and TlTf’S are the first that have done me any good. They have cleaned me out nicely. My appetite is splendid, food digests readily, and I now have natural passages. I feel like anew man.” \V. D. EDWARDS, Palmyra, O. Sold everywhere, a.%c. Office,-14 Murray St.,N.Y. WfsllMlmr Gray Hair or Whiskers changed in- Atuntly to n GIOMY Black by a single ap plication of this DTK. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt off 1 . Office, 44 Murray Street, New York. TUTT'B MAMUALOFUSEFtiL RECEIPTS FREE, HARDY & CO., Rome* Ga.: DEALERS ;i.N HARDWARE, SASH, DOORS, —and Y2ST" octlT-Gm. rpHE GAZETTE will be sent to any address X I r $1.50 in SUXmmiß LOME NO, 109, f, A, 1! Meet In their hall at 2P. M. on tbo first Kutur day of each mouth. W. A. STORY, W. M . G. J. MOYERS, Secretary. JOII.H W. TI A 1) 1)0\, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SI’.MMEKYILLK, GEORGIA. Will practice In the Superior, County and District courts. •mmmmmmmmmi l-eiral A fiver linemen f*. Legal Advertisements Payable In Ad vance. Dou’t you forget it! Administrator's Sale. GEORGIA. Chattooga County: In accordance with an order of tbo court of ordinary of said county, will be sold at auction, ut tho door of the court house of said county, in the first Tuesday id September uuxt, within the l**gal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One il) acre of laud off the uortheoat com* r < f lot or land No. uiaety cine (99), and uiueteeu (19f acres off the southeast corner of lot of land No. oue hundred (100), all in the fifth (sth) district and fourth (4th) section of said county. These lands form a single body, or tract, of laud, being cut off and bounded from the remainder of said lots of land by the public road. There are upon the tract three acres in cultivation, a common dwelling house, and a good blacksmith shop, at a good stand for custom. Sold for the purpose of administration, as tb** property of Matthew Karp, lain of said county, deceased. Terms, cash. ThlsJuly 18th, 1884. W. T. HKIINDON, Administrator. Application for Dismission. GEORGIA, Chattooga County: Whereas T. K. Weathers and -I. M Vanpelt represent to the court in their petition duly filed that the j’ have fully administered F. 1. Weathers’ estate: ibis is therefore to cite all persons con cerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said aunduistrator* should not be discharged from their administration, and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday iu November, 1884. Witness my hand, August 4th, 18M. JOHN MATTOX, Ord nary. Application for Discharge. GEORGIA, Chattooga County: To all whom it may concern: George W. Mills, guurdian for James F. Mills, applies to m#< f(.r letters of dismission from said guardianship, aud I will pas* upon his application <>u the first. Monday in September, 1884, at my office in Sum merville, in said county. This July sth, IKM. JOHN MATTOX, Ordinary. Application for Leave to Sell GEORGIA, Chattooga County. To all whom it may concern: Andrew L. Millican, administrator of Andrew Millican, deceased, has in due form applied to the un dermgned for leave to svll the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased, ami *aid appii ration will bo heard on the first Monday in Sep tember next. Witness my hand, July 7th. 18*1 JOHN MATTOX. Ordixiary. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. All persons having demand* *igii‘st the estates of A. 1 Herron. A. J. Hyraut, T. S. Dickson, O. G. Smalley. Mrs. A. R. Johnson, Mis* Eva Knox, ami A. II Davis, are requested to file the same with me within the time prescribed bylaw, and parties indebted to'said estate* are asked to make immediate settlement. July -Ist, lss<i. G. D. HOLLIS, Administrator. withootMedicikl MAGME-11C tItLT WARRANTED TO CIIBEWs i *mg an* <mmi wtthont mMldbn - Pain In Um> bL, hlfXlitMid, ar limbs. m rToostlcWlllj rheaitatloni, purtlyl. msiraiclk, trlaOr*, 4lmtw {*•l iki- LlJn\vpl)i*il JUmm* trpl4 irmtnal mbilml.mb*. ImpoDncf, txlltiiK, heart dl*- I (M*!, --Aotiliifltlo*, (rjilp l**, li.'l'f**- h-rla or rapiwrm, naUrrh, dHw, cpllev*l j of theUEXTUATITEORUANB | eetwnt. !•** •Kul'ty. lark ofawvo force aud * lyor, mUh< aval and all tf.tac dUraM* of an r •oaai amiu re from whatever cauw*. the coutlnuoiui rtTwun f VafrneClMn permeating thn>afb U part* *- r.-torv them to a biaUfe? artloa TU>ro is Do rniatoLo about this appliance. ■42 ss ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER. 1 ’0 THE LADIES:— KXkaaat Ua. I>s H>ew(a,ar wttk l>Uea*-* ©/ the Ur* •f, kldai-rs. li.auaehe nr 4-old FixSL Kwollea mr tiMi Aah lea, or fcwollea Fret, an Abdominal PrU ana a r*or uf Foot batteries have no ni*'rtoc j OB Uva rvHef nrvl eurt* of all romplalntf. Thag j oy a powerful LuagneUo force Ui tho mmU ot SO* hack. Weak arms of ike ftalaa. Fait, fjkj, aT the wnmh. Umwrrkn b. Cbroolo Inflamma tion and rict rutla of ike U omb, Itv-ldcßlai ! i ckn oer-fcatft- or Flooding. I’islnfbl, **ppr*Md ••*! Ir rvfhmr Ylenoti-tiutlon. l(umnD<<M. and fhnf f Uro, th.l* L; tho BcaiAppinuMMA aud Carutlva Ag*nt . Known. i For nJ) form* of Pemale IMtfi.-altioa It Is tMOf-1 : psvsfAvi by anythin* be loro lnrenUtl. both a-t a rurtUyt I I acer.t and asa*t'uroi‘of power and vilahzaUon Prt'M* rd either wtta MopvUeFoot IlßUrrka,llOL Ben* by exprcmC-O. D .an-t < xamlnatlon aikiwrd.or by I mail on rooelptof price. In ordering, send tuoiriw df • waist and t lto of rboe. Bemlt-tanco can bo nat*io tu ear* I r**Tv-y. mnt In lett rat tmr ntJc. j The n (iarmcntH are rnlapbd to ail aga*. ar* worn over tbo underoiothing, t>4 ar.At t< tha body ULr the maay tanlvank* and Flretrte llaia hnt< ndvertW-d *o cxte*tx rl) and lhmi!<l Iw* ; taken (►IT a* nurhb Th* j hold tfwtr for*i\T, njul ar* w< >rn at ail aeaaona <>r tl<- yen r Mend t-tatnp fi-r the *'New looaxtiir* In M.-dseal Treat m- . t Wllkwut FUxliolac, ” with tiw.nondt* of fco*U''-r - AFPI.IANCK CO., 41 2 iti btaUp BC, i'hcairr>, IIL 11. A. SM ITH, UO.VIE, <t., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS 800 KS, Stationery. Fancy Articles, CHECMCS, Engravings, Picture Frames, Sheet Itfiisic, BtH'V AV* a PARfVfl 1 ? AB*)V>* fIASiS r.,). DKBmS FEES e TRIAL HANOVER’S SPECIFIC. An unfailing and :v ' ■ or Nenroufi Debility and Weakm b< - - * \ ;ta:;ty and Vigor, Nervous Prostration, Hyeteria. or any evil result of indiscretiou. ex ("*vs. over work, abuses of Alcohol. Tobacco, etc. • Over forty thousand positive cures.) a*” Send 15c. postage on trial box of 100 pills. At. lress, Dr. M. W. BACON. Cor. Clark St. and Calhoun Place, Chicago, 111 JIP FREE! SELF-CURE. A favorite pregrrtptfon of one of tha most noted at successful special• r Jb elbS. in. i■ y r •• r-'d for the cure of ATercou* SJrbilitV* M t yianhood. IVraku**: ,n\ l/ecay.&eßM In plain seui J envelope* free. D* Jggtsta can fill It* _ Addr,<t DR. WARD 4 CO , LouitUna, Mo. riITrZEN.- I >F CEATTCOGA COUNTY ARE V rwpoi-t fully iurtto.t to mitMcribe f. r The Gazette—-tho only paper publl hei )n tho