The Summerville gazette. (Summerville, Ga.) 1874-1889, December 02, 1885, Image 3

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THE GAZETTE JSmATEVmjjcJaiISSS. rasms lodge no. m f. a, h Meet in their hall at S p. m. op the first Satur day of each month. J. T. HENDRIX, W. M. G. J. MOYERS, Secretary. ADVERTISING RATES. Six inches ortnore, oneiuonth, 50 cents per inch; less than six inches, 75 cents; three months, twice those rates; six months, three times; a year, fire times. Locals, a cent a word for first insertion, half a cent for each subsequent publica tion. Legal advertisements not included. TU'Q OADED may be found on file at Geo. P. I HlO rArCn Rowell at Cos Newspaper Ad- Tertlsing Bureau (10 Spruce st -kwhere aavertlslns contracts may be made for it IN N E\V x OKR. SMALL TALK. Oh woman, whose form and whose soul Are the apej and the light of each path we pursue; Whether sunned in the tropics, or chilled at the pole. If woman be there, there is happiness too. Died yesterday, at Raccoon Mills, Mrs. Tyler. Go to G. J. Briant, Rome, when you want pure whisky. A duck of a map genially makes » goose of a hu=band. Burial cases, coffins, and robes of all sizes at Cleghorn & Co’s. Died near Summerville, last Friday night, the wife of Robert Williams. There is a growing impression that Lot’s wife turned back to get her gloves. Died in Subligna, on Tuesday of last week, F. M. (Times) Lawrence, aged s<\ Thomas Leslie, reported to us last week as murdered, was in tqwn last Thursday. Go to G. J. Briant. Rime, for the best whisky, jorandy, rum, gin, and wine, of all grades. Cheek in man is not to be. admired, but what is nicer than a woman’s cheek? fler lips, of course. G. J. Briant keeps the largest stock of whisky kept in Rome, and sells cheaper than any one else. Man has 240 bones. U omau has 241. She has all that man has, and the bone of contention beside. G. J. Briant, Rome, gets his whisky direct from the still. When you want any, go and see him- Dr. Joseph Marsh, of Artuuohee, in Walker county, died last Sunday; from trie effects of a fiiil. IC. W. Sturdi i.ut & Co.'s is the place to g.t your Christmas goods, confection erica, fruits, toys, etc. Never be discouraged by trifles When your credit runs cut atone grocery store, don’t worry; try another. A largo ehipm nt of burial cases, coffins and robes for ladies and gentlemen just received by Thompson Hiles. Miles Hammond began wotk on the bridge last week. He thinks he will have it ready to oro>;c in a month. Married on Lookout Mountain, in the edge of Alabam-, last Sunday, Henry Chappel.ear to Mist? Lizzie Dearing. Goto G. J. Briant, Rime, and git some of hi; Frunin county corn whisky by the barrel or jug. It can’t be beat. Thursday el ar, thermometer 23°; Fri day clou !j and chilly; Saturday rainy and drizzly; ev< r since, cloudy and chilly. If some Methodist who lives in the C' untry would bting a load of wood to the church,, it would he appreciated. Goods worth 4300 were stolen faom th3 st. re of W. 11. Grace, io Texas Valley, Floyd county, dating the night ol Sunday 'before last. Two Tenr.e-sce horse drovers stayed in town Friday night, b* left for Rome Saturday morning, without having made much effort to so)!. Al. the members of the Baptist church in Summervi.le are rcqutvled to attend the meeting next Saturday, important cb irns.-itteof i >n. I must ask <li sc who owe for more than a yea; s sobs ription. or lor adver Using, to pay at once; I need the money. J C Loomis. J. W Maddox was told b. Mr. Will iamson last wiek that the contract hr grading the railroad from Rime l.; frion w >u!d ba let out within two weeks. Mi-8 Alice Close and her mother re turned from High Sh .als la-t Thursday In behalf if the young men of the place, we gladly welcm • Hi-s Alice back. B A Cb se is .-.i th .rize i to transac' any business of o:i; e as road supervisor, and ;.l:-o anv ou- -* K ir *k A Close- N v. 27. 1885 J. un W Close A recent wr. t-r »ajs that women give the tone m i> . •:> He was probably aroti i hen she called the old man tn a ■•< unt lor saying -he >i in the old fash ioned W.) . Last Monday miming J. W. Close commenced runri.'g as railway postal clerk between Atlanta and Chattanooga. We wish him -access and promotiou; he dc-erves them. If you want millinery of any kind, come to the store of Mr; A. J. Gatrnrd, in Rome. She keeps goods of ail grades, and will sell as cheap as you can buy the I janm grade anywhere. Bruce Harris. Agent, Rouse, Ga., will ] sell you paints, oils, sash, blinds, doors, , window gla.-s, and drugs and medicines, at the lowest Rome and Chattanooga prices. “One fire burns out another’s burn ing,” aud m st pains suffer more to be cured, but Salvation Oil is painless and certain It costs only 25 cents. Dialogue at the theatre. Wife. —“Are you a medium?” Husband. —“What a ridiculous question!’’ Wife. —“Not at all, not at all; you seem to hash* a spirit call after each act.” I have on my road-book about 40 per sons whose road-tax is not yet settled. If not settled within ten days, I shall com ply with the requirements of law. J. W. Close. Allen & McOsker are receiving and opening in their new store, corner of Elm and Broad Streets, a large assort ment of witehes,'clocks, jewelry, and all other articles in their line. Numercus legal advertisements, most of them brought in late yesterday evening or this morning, made it impossible to print the paper as soon as usual. Hope our subscribers will excuse the delay. When you arc in Rome, be sure to call and examine ou. stock. Goods as good as the best and as low as the same qual ity can be bought any where. si6 3m Allen & McOsker. Holiday Goodg of all Kinds vases, toilet setts, dolls, albums, china cups, saucers, ai d mugs, stationary, toys and notions of every description, just re ceived by E W. Sturdivant & Co. A New York woman has appealed to the courts for protection from her hus band. He hugs her too long and too hard. It is a sttange case. If she had complained that he hugged somebody else, we could understand it. Any ono owing me on account cr note carried from 1884 need not be surprised if they find their note or account in an offi cer’s hands for collection. They will save trouble and cost by paying at once. October 28, 1885. Joe W. Cain. H. D. C. Edmondson bought the Rowe land (170 acres) yesterday, for $200.12i- The Latimer land (160 acres) was bid off by J, I’. Holland. & Brother for $102'50. The Branuer land (480 acres) was bid in for the benefit of the creditors at $1530. The Scruggs land was not sold ROME COTTON .MARKET. (Taken from Tuesday’s Courier ) Middling 8} Low Middling 8j Good Ordinary 8 I ingos - B4 Stains 8 Louis Nelson, of Macon, was arrested some time ago and locked up on a charge of robbing Rider of S3B. When the case came up for trial he was dismissed. He sues the city for SIO,OOO for false in - prisonment, an 1 his wife claims $5,000 foi searching the bouse. HOME-MADE VEHICLES. Parties contemplating buying buggies will find it to their advantage to examine the work made by M. L. Palmer, in Horne. Prices lower than ever known for same quality. Several desirable second hand vehicles at low prices. Mr Freeman, of Bartow county, has a dog that minds the baby through the day, drives the co vs up at night, sees that they are milked, separates the cows and calves in the morning, puts them in their proper places, an i makes himself generally u el til Joe B. I’atton, Rome, G»., Has the only strictly builders' supply house in North Georgia. If you are building, send to him for what you need Being a practical mechanic, he knows the wants of the trade Why go to a shoe maker to get medicine, or to a blacksmith ■to have your iee’l, pulled? In Jefferson county a negro who car lad off the planks as they were sawtd, “lipped, and fell against the saw His tigh ! band was cut off, his left hand bad ly cut, bis left grm d slocated, a large piece of flesh torn from his shoulder, bis throat cut from the chin to the collar bone, aud so deep that he breathed through the hole, not through his nose or mouth. He was alive at the last ac counts. To Builders. You promote your own interest by budding up your own section. Y-u build up your own section by patronizing your homo manufaatories. Joe B. Patton, Rome, Ga., has the i niy sash, door and blind factory of North Georgia, and will compete in price withe agents of Western manufactories. William Hili n. of Cowetq couniy. vol unteered early in the late war. was taken prisoner, and keot at the Nori’ till peace returned. H ■ wro e to his parents, but receiver no v swer lie wrote to neigh bors. aud learned that bis lather, moi her and fbqr of the children, 'ere Head, and the other ch i Iren had moved away, no One ku-w .here. Hi- ci r.-iaut i-it'i-:,- ore to find them were unavailing till I about two weeks ago he sue a brother, Polk, who was very young when Wil liam volunteered, ,n<i John, w ;■> was born while William was in prison C ure Your Co ugh. A cough should not be neglected as it often leads to consumption, For the cure of ah lung disorders no remedy will com pare to “Mansfield's Hungarian Balsam for the Lungs. ” Thousands have been cured by it. physicians prescribe it, and it is the king of all lung medicines. If you have consumption try it —it has cured thousands.' A few do-ea heal and cure, ;as many certificates testify. Ask your ; druggist for it. Prepared by the Mans field Medicine Company, Memphis, Tenn. Four negroes in Savannah, drinking | and gambling, quarreled, and one was ! shot dead. Interesting to Both Sexes. Any man or woman making less than S4O weekly should try our easy money making business. We want Agents for our celebra ed Madame Dean Spinal Supporting Corsets; also, our Spinal Supporter, Shoulder Brace, and Abdom inal Protector combined (for men and boys). No experience required. Four orders per day give the Agent $l5O monthly. Our Agents report four to twenty sales daily. $3 outfit free. Send at occe for full particulars. State sex. Lewis Schiele Co., 390 Broadway, New York. Methodists in Council. The North Georgia conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, met in Newnan last Wednesday. Bishop A. W. Wilson presided. Reports were re ceived from the Methodist Publishing House at Nashville, from the general board of church extension, from the pub lishing committee of the Wesleyan Chris tian Advocate, from the visiting com mittee to the Georgia Female College, and from the Paine Institute. The Pub lishing House is doing well; $230,000 of the debt has been paid. A Mississippi layman offered to give $25,000 to Paine Institute if tho coiiferences would raise $15,000. The share of this conference, $1,200, was raised in a few minutes. Recent Dead. Mrs. Ida Kinohon, of Macon; Col. W, P, Johnson, of Jefferson county; Wm. 11. Chapman, aged 73, of Taliaferro county; Henry Hersey, of Coffee county, thrown from wagon and crushed; a ten years-old daughter of Thomas Higgins, of Bartow county, burned to death; Dr. G. D. Mason, of Washington county; Mrs. Ellis Phillips, ofColumbia county; Mrs. Chafer Howard, of Meriwether county; A. G. Harris, of Pike county; John 11. Whittaett, of Dooly; Robert D. Jones, of I’loyd county; John O'Connor, of Spring Place; Col. Marcus A. Bell, of Atlanta; Capt. Wm. McGhee, of Mar shallville; A. S. J. Bender on, of Alba ny; Sarah, wife of Presley Leslie, of Heard county; William Berrill, Sr., of Screven county; Riphard Winn, aged 27, U. 8. commissioner at Marietta; J. C. Coulter and William R. Woods, both of Walker county; James 11. Wade, of Polk county; Judge David Irwin, of Cobb county; James W. Irwin, of Camp bell county; Dr. George L. Mason, of Sandersville; Isaac Winship, oi e of the oldest citizens of Macon; a three years old von of J- T. Peddy, of LaGrange, from swallowing morphine which ho found in a drawer; Austin Ward, of Bibb county, stabbed by John Herring ton, of the same county, in a drunken dispute; VV. II Adams, aged 74, of Ba ker county; Mrs. Mary Jane Barker, aged 49, an * Mrs. Honora Phillipbim, aged 90, both of Columbus. ■*«-*. Georgia MnrriugeM. Fortune T. Farmer to NJ’-is Annie B. Subbs, both of Macon; 11. A Wash, of Macon, to Miss Mary Auu Brady, of Co" lumbus; J. D. McMillan to Miss Ella 0- Abbey, both of Atlanta; Joseph L. Deu chuyler to Miss Maynice A Chamblee, Reuben M Brad to Miss Dora Kin tiebrew, and Samuel J. Livingood, Jr., to Miss Fannie L. Bell, all of Elberton; J. D. Dobbs, of Jonesboro, to Miss Eth tene Percy, of Pass Christian, Miss ; G. W. Hall to Miss Lizzie Christian, both of Carroll county; J. M. Crocker to Miss J. 11. Hagar, both of Floyd county; Jas. Hamby to Miss Auai’ Reeves, both of Columbus; John Hardman to Mrs. Mat tie Gunnels, both ol Madison county; Ed ward Fletcher, of Forsyth, to Mis- Anna Howard, of Barnesville; Will Eady, of Heard county, to Miss Lora McDowell, of froup county; Col. Claude Estes, of Gainesville, to Miis Nannie Jones, of Macutr; Frank Owens, ol Umatilla, F.or i la, to Miss Carrie Wills Freeman, of Ma.on; Walter Wisdom, of Troup coun ty, to Miss Leia Arnold, of Coweta coun ty; Cicero C. Day to Miss Gertrude Blackwell, both of Walker county; John Audley Cooper to Miss Mattie Cecil Stu beiiger, and IV. J. Black to Miss Henri etta A White, all of Marietta; Berry Williams t< Miss Darian, aud WR. Howell to Mrs. Emma Howell, all «>f Haralson coumy; E F. Millican to Mi-s Mannda White, both of Floyd county; Adam Dunn to Mi.-s Lzzie Walker, both of DeSoto; W W. tluff, of Atlanta, to Miss Carrie Wade, of Murfr es oro Tenn ; J B Pound, editor of the Macon Evem i' New., to Miss Madeline Palmer, <d B irke county; S. J. Taylor, ol Bar tow. Ji ffersor. county, to Mi-s Ouida Al dridge, ot Davisboro. Washington c uo toutity; S. Y Jarrett to Miss Rhoda Pa person, hath of Blairsville, Union county; E Or-• <tu to Miss Lu: e Nvw ton. bo-r f .’o ■■ . Circle, Walton coun ty; Alva W Wilder, of Artansas. to Mi— F-uni B Morse, of Forsyte, Mot roe county; John R. Irwin, of Fort H I>.in'*H ' -15 ■** Maggie F. i’ll aV, I Mu- Ci*n -oi > ; a -tw- ill 187 Jack i ■! Bid Daniel, ol Jaca soncouni> moved ’ i Arkar.-as. an 1 set tied on rich i i i, -urrounded by govern ment lands. A mob was raised to get rid of them, bu l they defied the mob, and killed m-ny. I’hey had several bat tles, one with 6<) of ths mob. In 1883 they were driven off. outlawed, and a re ward offered for them. They are now in their former home, aud defy arrest. The liquor dealers of Atlanta have de cided to con eat the election, and have employed Tom Glenn, Julius Brown, Judge Tompkins, Albert Cox, Alex i King, and several others, as their attor- I neys- Samuel B'ackman, of Atlanta, has be ! come insane. Excitement about prohi j bition is given as the cause. Mrs. Cooley, of Atlanta, having beifl deserted by her husband, has deserted her two children, and c embraced a life of shame. Six months ago she was respect ed and esteemed by all who knew her. Most of the female clerks in Atlanta stores are paid $1.50 a week, or but little more; a very few get $10; industrious needle women can earn 35 or 40 cents a day; those who work in the factories earn from $1.86 to $7.20 a week. Sells’s circus exhibited in Rockmart last Thursday. After the performance, Thompson York, drunk, became boister ous. Policeman Booz threatened to ar rest him. York knocked him down, and with brothers and friends, followed him up, threatening to kill him. Alex Bul lock, policeman, walked forward to ar rest York. Some one of York’s crowd knocked Bullock down with a large stone, cutting the head badly, As he retreated they pressed on to kill him. Joseph Hulsey, policeman, armed with a shot gun, kept the crowd back till Bullock es caped, but was shot near the heart, and died in a few minutes. The West Ppint Press nAmtions three instances of snakes concealed io cabbages, one of which was cooked beiore jts pres ence Wae detected. R. L. Lamkin, of Columbia county, hunted all day, shot 70 times, and killed —a jay bird. An artesian well in Savannah, 306 feet deep, afforrds 50 gallons of water per minute. It spouts 16 feet high. An animal without a head is annoying belated travelers near the “Devil pools'' in Coffee county. A broken arm, and a broken plank in the floor, were the results of a fall of H. M. Richardson, of Dahlonega, while dancing. In Stewart county a thirsty soul drank the alcohol from a jeweler's spirit lamp. The jeweler said, “Replace it.” The man got a pint of alcohol from a druggist, saying that the jeweler sent for it, drank it, and died. A Sumtci negro never drinks less than a pint of whisky at a time, if he can get it. Elijah Youngblood, aged 65, of Coffee county, has killed 991 deer, and hopes to make out 1,000 before he dies. In Mitchell county the fivc years-old son of C. P. Palmer, playing in a pile of cottonseed, dug a deep hole, and crawled into it head foremost- It caved in, and suffocated him. In the election last Wednesday, Fulton county gave 216 majority for prohibition; Atlanta 321 against it. In Preston, last Wednesday, an old negro woman was burned to death in the cabin which she occupied alone. In Atlanta last week, J. C. Pope shot Albeit Howell, in a dispute about (rains. The wound is serious. Au irate darkey of Richmond county broke up an elopement by seizing his in tending son-in law by (he eoll&l’, just as (be fleeing couple reached the 'rain, and wearing out a stout hickory club on him- Eugene Beck is said to bo breaking down fast. While I. Y. Rogers, of Washington county, was in Milledgeville icceutly, SI,OOO were stolen from bis room in the hotel. Mrs. McNulty, teacher in the South west Georgia Malo and Female College, at Dawson, fell out with MuClellan, the president, and opined a school herself. McClellan managed to keep seven of the stu lents; the other 63 followed her. OENEKAL NEWS. In Carroll county, HI.. Miss Hattie Lines, being called as a witness in court, refused to either swear or affirm, having conscientious scruples, claiming to be sanctified. One night in jail satisfied her, and she was willing to tell what she knew with the prescribed formalities. Prominent Gentiles in Salt. Lake City have been arrested for lewdness. They deny the charge, and say it is a trick of the Mormons. The colored orphans’ ho ne in Chatta nooga was burned on the 22nd ult. The inmates, about 60, escaped, but lost ev tliing. Florida produces 60 kinds of oranges. As a very fashionably dressed coupls were about to enter a church in Newark, N J., a week ago last Sunday night, a holy jumped from aoarriage. rushed up to them, hissed out. “You would take my h'lsbi-nd from me. would yon?” and cow hided them tiP both rar. away No names are given. Whisky made from petroleum oil is a new product. Not long ago a statement was publish ed that Joseph L Dyer, of Cape Eliza beth, Maine, who apparently died nearly two years ago. and was buried, had sur- Drised his parents l.y walking into the h use a few days before Dis now said that this statement is all a fabrication of Rli eh Elwaid- of Portland whom >e «;•« courting when he died * lie pub lished explanation of her ','Otives is ob scure. In Denton, Texas, 15 'rainp- were confined io the calaboose for refusing to work. A mob overpowered the guards, took the tramps out, gave each of them 39 lashes, and told them to leave. They left. Dr. Charles McLean, paster of the Ninth Presbyterian Church, St. Paul, Minnesota, was charged with undue inti macy with Miss Lily Russell, aged 17, an inmate of his family. Last Sunday he delivered a public lecture on “The Church Scandal,” proclaiming his inno cence, and denouncing the session of the church as hypocrites for closing the church to him. WvaCTKir'.jnjggv~ • ~ ~r-"—jasyg'Taswi Cures Coughs. Colds, Hoarseness, Croup. Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Incipient Consuntp tlon’ ant * relieves consumptive persons in advanced stages of the disease. Price 25 eta. CYitt- Genuine Dr. Dull’s Syrup is sold only in ; .D and bears our /W registered Trade Marks to wit; A Dull's Head in a Circle.aJled- Strip Caution-LaM, and tho far-simile signatures of John IF. «*-■ Heyer Co., Sole ■hoe we rropl3> Baltimore, Nd., U. 8. A. Chew Lange’s Plugs—The great Tobacco An tidote!—Price IO Cta.—Sold by all Druggista. W. B. Chew, conductor ;n the Balti more & Ohio Railroad, was charged wiih embezzling sls, tried, and acquitted. Be now sues the road for false imprisonment and malicious prosecution, claiming sls - 000 damages. In Pittsburg, Penn., the Knights ol Labor, 1,200, have boycotted Glaser & Frame, cigar makers, because they em ploy 150 hands who do not belong to a trades union; in other words, they have bound themselves not to buy anything from any merchant that sells cigars made by Glaser & Frame. In New York City, the trial of James T. Holland, ofTexas, for killing Thomas Davis, who was about to swindle him in a trade for counterfeit money, has been indefinitely postponed. In several Northern cities, notably in Buffalo, the performance of the "Mika do,” a Japanese play, of which a mar riage forms part, has begotten quite a craze among amateurs for plays embrac ing the same feature. Preachers denounce these mock marriages, as lead ing to disregard of the obligations taken in actual marriage; some contend that these ceremonies are legally binding. Dakotans now use straw pressed into blocks for fuel. The Andamanese paint corpses; red, white, and blns. Near Clarion, Penn , on the 20th ult, three masked men went into Jacob L’ps’s house, and demanded bis money. He said he had none. They tied him, pour ed oil on his feet, and held them to the lire till he gave up $75. Miss Cora Erwin, of Kansas City, sued Robert L. Jacobs, of Excelsior City, Mis souri, for breach of promise, and recov ered SIO,OOO damages. The jury must have thought he would make a better busband than the common sort. Six years ago, in Cass county, Indiana, Miss Gransiuger was found dead. Cir cumstances indicated suicide, and her father affirmed it. Ten days ago, on his death bed, he confessed that lie had been criminally intimate with her, and had killed her to nvoi I exposure. The discovery of immoralities between the boys and girls of the high schools in Cleveland has caused six of tho pupils to be suspended. In New York City F. N. Ackerman’s overcoat was stolen. Curran and Rey nolds, detectives, suspected Brown as the thief. Reynolds pretended to be a clair voyant and mind-reader. A'ter a few exhibitions of bis power, they appointed a place io meet for a full exhibition. Cur ran aud Reynolds m< t first, an 1 wrote with phosphorus on the wall. Os course the writing would be invisible as long as the lamp was burning. Brown came in, ami Reynolds went into a trance. After so ne conversation, 1 urran said: “Rey nolds, who stole that coat? ” At the same time he blew out tho light, and on the wall, in large letters, shone the words: “Brown, you stole that coat.” Brown fell on his knees, an 1 owned his guilt. ■-mr m-rr- . . ■ r- ~ . ■ ■Ti —— II M MAGIC Wk o||s Prepared from Extraat Ar-nba, Oil of Camphor, Rare Es.iCKllal Oils, CMoro dine and Mayor tic Fluid, Chein icfilly combined. The Best Certified Medicine in the Union! Wanentsd iu Cars Pain !a Fha Minutes. J-? r>r ne»r' , te« through the masci ob, and tr, tf>o bo-,- iti’if, x.’.us pr«> lnclnsr a healthy rvn.f ;i. «> -ii (•..m rat he riad v.’kh any other rprjH •’ Tii< ivr rw helming testimonials from all th** Mkl'lJp. I’bern, '»rti ru Stales, prove It*?*' '’f ‘ ■ Rh* . .at ';'! » K$ve!lln««» Vk»>! ‘-iw. '■ •’ ’natter from '» <)!■>•■ i ’ mpidly an«l J ■ ” r.ji» can iii*t exipt «vhere th IN Fluid -*s 'li'plj’il. Directions, ta-atuicut aud aassi reproof around each hottie. B-w:t r .d’fafrons. Sold by Dealers at SOc. and SI.OO !-<- Bottle. «CIKE COMPANY, Bl EVi ?' ll TEH .V. 80’ F ArTUREWS. BARKSDALE HOUSE, (Corner Howard and Franklin St.) Immediately opposite the r aider ee of Dr. J. B. 8. Holmes. Rome, <jra. PATRONAGE SOLICITED. -GOOD- Day Board and Lodging AT REASONABLE RATES. 11. T. Connally Has wliat ynu need in BOOTS AND SHOES. There you will find a l kinds and any s 7. s you may ca 1 for. He has the best line Shi* season tor the FARMER he ever carried in stock. ZBocts, SHloqs, T_»esitlxer, etaacL ZEBxiToToer T Q 6 Broad St, Home, Ga. RELIABLE PIANOS AND ORGANS. ' ZLjO'w lEPrices and. ZECsissr We are better prepared than ever to sell P anos and Ortrans a' lowest cash prices, and on easy payments. We handle only such instruments as commend themselves to our judgment alter an experience of 30 years No shoddy instruments sold at any price, believing it better for the pur chaser to pay a litt e more for a go"d instrument. earOall on us or write for catalogues and prices. . A full line of Musical Instruments ot all kinds always on hand. A choice stock ot staple a.vl fancy Stationery, School Books, School sup plies, Blank Books, at very low prices. ffegrWe do not sell Pianos and Organs at manufacturers’ wholesale prices, nor even promise to do so to citch the unwary, believing honest represents tion the best for us and our customers. 13. FL CLARK & CO., (4 doors below Opera House,) ZSorxxe, Georgia. THE LIGHT J [WHWffii USJJrfO SIMPLE • i ■ . ; g f . 3 ' S'i-. •> I • IJHE OkS SaCKIHE . 1 r ’ HA S M O E Q U A Tbtnii MACHINE CO. CHANGE MASS. 30 UfUOH SQ.N.V. CHICAGO ILL. •ST. LOVIS MO.ATLANTA GA. L-- FO n SM.E BYjEm. Henry, Cain, & Kirby, SUMMERVILLE, GA. THE CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN Has attained a standard of excellence which admits of no superior. It contains every improvement that inventive genius, skill and money can CTO EVEBY OHG AN aim wap.- 18 EANTED f for These excellent Organs are celebrated for vol ume, quality of tone, quick response, variety of combination, artisUo design, beauty in finish, per fect construction, making them tho most attract ive, ornamental and desirable organs for homes, schools, churches, lodges, societies, etc. ESTABLISHED REPUTATION. UN EQ LA LED FACILITIES, SKILLED WORKMEN, DENT MATERIAL, COMBINED, MAKE THIS THE POPULAR OR3AH Induction Books and Piano Stools. Catalogues and Price Lists, on application, tbIEX, The Chicago Cottage Organ Cc. Conor Haadolph and Am StreeU, CHICAGO. ILL. / I All examples based on actual transac / I tiona. The most practical Business Col- I f le P e in thc United States. Indorsed by I / Bishops McTyeire and Hargrove, Dr. \y McFerrin,and the Merchants and Bank ers of Nashville. For terms, testimonials etc., write for circulars. DOUGLABS & CO. Feed and Livery Stable, (May’s ohl stand.) BBOAI) STREET HOME, GA. Splendid Top Buggies, Hacks, etc., with good sate bursas, always on baud. Prices to suit the ttuieo. Augis-ly TUTTS FILLS S 3 YEAE?3 IN «BE. K—WW'fl Ml—Ts The Createit Medical Triumph es the Age! SYMPTOMS OF A torpid Liver. I.osnofnvpctito, Howcli.costive,Pal;, la tho bead, iritis a dull sonsation In the back part. I’nin under the shoulucr blade, I'ullneaa after eating, wish udla tncllnc.tlcn to exertion of body or mln.!, Irritabi.iiy of tompor, Low aplrile, with a fooling of hnvlns ueslectcd some duty, Wca.-ineaa. Dlzulneaa, lOutterlnx nt tho Heart, ilatu bofcro tho eyes, Headaclto over ties rraht ey«, ftcstlcaaneaa, with I atfal drruuiß, Kicbly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. TVTT’S FIULB are eepeciallv adapted to ftuch rases, ono <lobq oifcefa such a cl'aigi of/coling .lito&atnnish tho sufferer. T;i*?v increasetho AppeiHe,and canec tho t dv to Take oi> Flcaiittnu’* the •rutcm Is now-. f'j’krrt. cnl by their Tonic Action on tl’.'.: Si too! a are i. Price 4f- Murray St-.IV.Y. TOITS iteHi CilAl' Hath cr WutrZBKS chnnged to a • r Black by a sinsin nppllcation of t’ : il>rr.. It Impartsn natural culor.aota Ins'smaneouHiy Bold by lirnggtets, or ,■•mt. bv nxprw on reodptef 9Z. Office, 44 tzurray St-, Mew York. ,o &r r ar v li-! hhlln;; Tjvkrr. RuHL r- In..' Her;tiner.’ andlih tr.and hmuni outfitot twel _ l*?rr9StHl 3 W io i tiichiur i mutjtirturtr in she st.lf* (lures to nut/. fGv H.irn.- 1 ' dur ih’v, nr.<l ln-i. ■ --XF rrr’Uv'. *!■»■«s 6S o!h.“ cm (:-!■:?$ chira* ffin 13 *.iU- PurchiiHe from u* a >»l •*:»• •• - JO. s< or circular .mhJ ) C. A. ’A'OnU C O. . tCHtiuionialu. ) tT N. Tc.-itU . t-, i h'.lH l'M, I*m. rS DaILIS v,rVkA /L n The loiidr •• nhai irSk* J? picri i»cly nl* »■ • * tie her.rd front one to twomilrx Exact x . ‘ ’&• size of a ijD-nHi-* 1 r hr-centre in • -"w or co able man tro f us z A a. fhoJd a. Zc CM. free. ’ yvT/’' ’ m - al, for *ZS cent b’ t kA Btumjie. Ordei- a % an< ' 1 our ca -» ll ‘ Lj'-!' Guru. «te. A-i i'esc pniLADELPHiA, I’ENM’A* ■H anil al! Bilious COHPUdhTS arc relieved by taking WHICH! S INDIAN VeCETAUE PILLS ! Pwsly VsEetacle; Wo G'Jrfaf. fries 2uc. ZU penbtrativl & POSITIVELY BURKS STUMPS. No crude petroleoi'', Biiiphur.pattpeier orex ploiuveM, but is u cmu.- pound, which, if put In iho bitsmp and uvt to, will Mura it, ROOTS ANB ALL. GREEN OR BRY. fend tl.oo for enough T’encirulivo to burn 13 lai Lcorlbsmull stump’, fcj .Isf act ion gijft ra n teed on. oney cheerfully re funded. Send for i.Lus trated circular, <tc. Wxuilcd. Address F. E. Frosi? &. So. Lock Box T>. XewCarlialo, Ohio. i "the CREAK of all BOCKS cf j Pioneer Daring Heroes Deeds. I Tho thrilling adventures of all the hero ex plorersand frontier fighters with Indians, out | laws and wild beasts, over our whole country, from the earliest times to the present. Live* 1 and famous exploits of DeSoto, LaSalle, Stan ’ dish. Boone, Kenton, Brady, Crockett, Bowie, Houston, Carson, Custer, California Joe, Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill, Gens. Miles and Crook, grea Indian Chiefs and scores of others, GORGE jUUSLY ILLUSTRATED with 175 fine en gravings to the life. AGENTS WANTED. Low priced and beats anything to sell. STANDARD BO jK CO., Philadelphia, Pa AGENTS WANTED TO SELL Mormonism UnveTed, , The moat COMPLETE ar.dOVr.RWHELM ING expose of the CRIMES and PRACTICES of Mormonism. Includes the Life and Confes sions of the Mormon Bishops John D. Lee. and Brigham Young. STARTLING a d THRILL ING REVELATIONS ! ! PROFUnELY ILLUS TRATED. A lively book to sell. H. P. SCAMMELL& CO., Philadelphia, Pa. ■ Fop Siiiie IJere,