Georgia herald. (Thomaston, Ga.) 1869-1870, February 05, 1870, Image 3

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|l,t (filrorjiit i'ltnlt J, I\ l ASTOKG^BRJJ * - This loathsome disease has ■V * >' l ' *°* rtl 1 I , t „ Bfl pearance id our county. Ihe Ijnnrv tookiirtneJiate steps to prevent its ■ ■id by establishing a suitable hospital m „,; n p regulations. The patients and quarantine » * rT \ an n ] ae ed under the treatment of ha»e been P 1 ... , , , I C Ho-ers, and under his acknowledge akil! «e hope those afflicted with this drea ’• Hjisease will spot, recover. Ot lv-Made clothing for -ale cheap Jr 1 * suggs & oliphants. in st"re and for sale 2,000 lbs. of Jl ? ground country Flour, thebestquali- S n 25 and 50 pound sacks for family JS' and it shall be sold for a less price Kn any house can sell it in Thomaston, Barnesville or Macon, at Webb’. Store. Jan22*tf. Boots and Shoes for sale cneap at SUGGS & OLIPIIANT S. Jfiioßiovs News.—We are informed thpt J| in ' n. Webb has completed a house call- I the Thomaston Market House good Sivs 1 a Market House at last in Tnomas'- t| n __iiiid by-the"by what adds more to a \vn or city than a good Market House, hich we know this will be, for the right m has charge of the establishrnetit^-- Mr. I [idy Johnson, ho, ho, for Andy! If you mt Breakfast Bacon or a nice Ham call t Webb’s Market Store. They have on imd and to arrive in a few days any thing nil wish. They also have 2,000 lbs. of , sh Flour, good quality, at less money than ; cft n he bought at any bouse in Thomas j|n or Barnesville, Go to Webb's Jjan22tf __ 1 IjSX, We call the attention of the public Sid especially our business men to the ad* irtisement of the following Atlanta houses in to-days issue: Messrs. M. C. & J. F. Kiser, wholesale dealers in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, |o. 4 Messrs. Rondeau & Cos., dealers in Furn iture. If Mr. M. E. Kenny, the celebraled Ah Ban. I These are all No. 1 houses and we hope when our business men make an order for g. nds from Atlanta that they will patron le the men who are willing to help our tpwn, “as one good turn deserves another/' go whon you want Dry Goods buy them fr im M. C. & J. F. Kiser, as they will treat ■on right. If you want Furniture buy it fr im Rondeau & Cos., as you will get the host that is made. It you want Ale, Nec tnr Gin, or any thing of that kind, buy it from M E. Kenny, as he keeps nothing but What is good, and will sell it as reasonable ps you can buy it anywhere. So read the advertisements of these gentlemen and give ■hem a trial, and we guarantee you will be latisfied. Suggs & Oliphant has almost any thing you need in the way of Dry Goods, Uruggs and Groceries. Do not forget to go to Suggs & 01i<i phant’s to buy your goods. 100 Horse Collars wahhoo per steamer Dowel Chamless by LEWIS & SAWYER. Now is the Time. Fourteen hundred pounds of old Virginia Leaf Tobacco at a low price, the finest kind, and a complete stock of Chewing Tobacco at 20 to 50 cents a plug. Go to Webb's. jan22tf An Unfortunate Affair —A few days ago Mr. Benjaman Jordan, of this county, went out to his negro quarters to quiet some disturbance between his hands in regard to the division of some corn, when one of the negroes, Elbert Denham, became very much enraged and fired his gun at Mr. Jordarr, lodging the contents in his right side. Mr. Jordan was not dead at last accounts, but he is pronounced mortally wounded. The negro made his escape. 40 bbls Extra Family Flour at $lO per bbl LEWIS & SAWYER. Tite Last Call.—Now if you want a gppd mule or horse go and see Andy Johnson, as he has six head that he intends to sell. Come soon or you will miss a bar gain. This is your last chance for cheap stuck. jan22tf BP&.. If you want good bargains follow the crowd and you will stop at Webb’s. He sells cheap and no mistake. Great bar gains to be had. Complete stock of every tiling and especially Clothing. Come in W® I jan22tf B®* Our old friend Doc Anderson, the celebrated meat man, is in town, and has made arrangements with Messrs. Worthy & Brooks to furnish our people with meat at living prices. We are always glad to meet Doc, and only wish he could stay longer, as there is no danger but what we will always have something to eat where he is. All those that come to town and wtsnt to go back home with a pocket full of good bargains see Webb when you first go ,n town * jan22-tf *» received one dozen Silk-Bound Hed Blankets at Webb’s Cash Store. Jan22-tf. w°y?l‘ V o~'^ you want a K ood oafc g° 1- ebb ® Sto: * e and get one for $3,50 to r*i Besfc Black Gasimere $6,00 to SB,OO. clothing at cost for ten days only. Go and see the suits at $6.00 to SIO,OO. Fine U °th coats at SIO,OO. jan22vtf. Do not forget to read the advertise ment of the Misses Johnsons in to-day's paper. They have opened anew Millinery ur e in town r and have almost anything y u need in their line, and will sell as eheap ** you can buy, in this, or aay other Sowth* ern market. They have procured the ser 'ices of Mrs. S. E. Paytw, who is- well “ No. 1 Milmer. Giro theme LIST OF LETTERS. The following is a list of letters remain* ing in the Postoffice at Thomaston, Ga., on the first day of February, 1870. If not called for within thirty days will be sent to the dead letter office ; Milton Adams. Bryant Butler. Richmond Gilbert, (col.); Thomas Gibsonj Robert Gilbert, (col.) James R. Huggins, Joseph Horton, W. M, Jimmerson, W. Jimaierson, Thomas Jones. J. Leary. Mrs. Harriet May, Francis Murray (col.), Tbos. T. McMullen. Miss A. M. Patridge. Gardner Smitn, J. 11. Stockton, Col. S. B. Spencer. W, U. 11. Vnun, Aaron Vincent. A. T. SHACKELFORD, P. M. Parties calling for the above letters will p’ease say they are advertised. §6s°* Suggs & Olphant sells goods cheap for cash. 12 Cases Boots and Shoes just ar rived by LEWIS & SAWYER. 100 Sacks Salt for sale by LEWIS & SAWYER. 175 Sacks Virginia Salt at Macon prices at Webb’s. janß*f W&*. For Ready made Clothing at your own price stop at J. N. Webb’s corner store. janStf H you wi&h a fine suit of clothes 10 per cent less than any where else stop at. janßtf Webb's. Dan the black Devil of 1 the Herald office was married a few days ago, and is on his way rejoicing. The Circus. —John Robinson’s great combination is coming. Let the little folks and every body else save their dollars aod come and see the great show. GEORGIA NEWS. The Sandersville Georgian announces the death of Dr. J. J. Newsome. The Augusta Constitutionalist the burn ing to death of Mrs. Mary Langston, in Columbia county. The Rome Courier says Col. Nathan Bass of Macon, has settled in Rome. A good acquisition. The Savannah News reports the robbing of flowers from the graves in the Cemetery. Tom Winter a sub-marine diver, drowned. Mr. John Gilliland, an old citizen, dead. Killed by a Dog. —We hear it reported that a negro man, some time ago, at night, entered the premises of a Mr. Jack Welch, in the neighborhood of Clapp’s Factory, for the purpose of stealing chickens, and beiore Mr. W. could get into the yard, was so violently bitten by a dog, in the bowels, as to cause his death in a short while.— Co\ Enquicr. Marsh Bullock. —A man yesterday had succeeding in employing three negroes to labor ou the Port Royal Railroad, and was carrying them off, when the crowd was ap proached by a Radical city darkey, who told them that tney had better remain in town for good news was expected from “Marse Bullock” that night. And the ne groes remained.— Augusta Chronicle. The Macon Telegraph and Messenger reo ports busiuess activly- The Mountain Signal says Miss Thula MeCrosky has died from her burns. The Sparta Times reports the death of Mr. Wm. Parish. The Columbus Sun says Columbus is to have another large factory. The Rome Courier says that SteiWart who killed Wood, has been acquitted. Judge Underwood presided. Rome has 229 busi ness concerns—3l dry goods, 20 lawyers, 11 doctors, 20 family groceries, 9 liquor shops, 6 milliners. The Augusta Chronicle reports the fol lowing as the officers of the Fair AsSOcltion ; President W. 11. Tutt •, Vice-President, R. Y. Harris ; Board of Managers, P. J. Berk mans, T. 11. Nelson, T. F. Stovall, G. A. Oates, F. U. Rogers, A. R. Wright, Jas. W* Bon es, W. H. Warren, Dr. Beckwith. The Talbotton Standard says some of its best citizens are going to Texas, among them Mr. L Davie and Dr. Keating. The Elberton Gazette reports that the survey of the Augusta and Hartwell Rail* road has beg. n. The Madison Examiner says Motfgsn, of New Jersey, bought tha Madison House for $5,000. Meningitis in Madison. The Bainbridge Sui announces the death of Mrs. Dutton. Major Harris Says the Bainbridge, Cuthbert and Columbiis Rail road Will be combleted to Colquitt by June. In a case before the Superior Court yes terday, Judge Johnson decided the Statute of Limitation was suspended November 30th, 1800.—CW. Sun. The Prince.— A Graphic Picture of Ms ’lgiiness and His Staff. —Prince Aufchur is described by the Boston Post as the pern feet picture of an English “swell,” exactly as represented by the late John Leech in the pages of the London Punch. His whisk* ers are of the long blond kind, full wavy, and abundant. His features are rather sharp than otherwise; his nose is aquiline, and in statue, though rather above the medium height, he yet bears a strong resem blance to his brother, the Prince of Wales. His dreg© smacks of St. James street, Lon* don, (not St. James street, Montreal), and he has the precise, gentleman-like, correct appearance of those loungers in Hyde Park, who ogle the ladies over the railing of RoU ten Row, or hold sly converse with pretty anonymas in pretty broughams. To par ticularly, he wore an olive-green broad cloth surtout, dark pantaloons, a standing collar, light scarf, and on his head a black silk hat was rakishly cocked ; gloves and cane completed his whole get-up. He ap> pears to have a careless, easy, affable way about him that seems natural and not as sumed. All members of his suite are nobs of the the first water. Col. Elphinstone is a man of the highest fashion, of large forture, a fast liver, and well knewn in London and Montreal for gallantry, prodigality and courage. He i p \ cool duelist, a good sol dier, and a thorough-paced man of the world. In point of looks he is as prep os® sessing as the Prince himself, arid as royal in air and bearing ; but of course yields in birth. Not eo tall as the Prince, he is more foppish in his dress; his eye is black and peircing, his beard and moustache dark and full. The remainder of the party were ordinary*looking enough, and tho orod of royalty vanished with their presence. Four linereied footmen, regular Jeemes. of the true yellow plush breed, brought up the’ raar.. Nothing could be more gorgeous and impressive than their appearance in biasing livery, hair-powdered; calves of prodigious size, full**whiskered pompous,- imperturbable and Sgornfdi.” The Texas Legislature bar ten negro members—two in the Senate and eight in the House.- FUNNY MENTION. ”0, Pshaw, Gal 1” is the title of anew song, by Will S. Hays. Hugging set to musso is the latest definis tion of waltzing. A Hartford man who discovered that his wife was untrue to him, said “he never had any little thing make him so mad in all his life.” The Saratogian says if the hens woule do as much “laying around” as the loafers of that town do, eggs would be as plenty as bank robberies. The editor of the Western (Mo.) Land mark asks his readers to excuse the looks of his papar as he is in bed from the effects of a fight with a delinquent subscriber. A little three year old girl in New Or leans recently astonished her mother, who attempted to correct her, by motioning her away with a chubby little hand and fc r>« fully saying, “Shoo, fly, don’t bodder me!” A newly married couple at Manton, Rhode Island, who refused to treat a party of serenade™ the other night, were e tnnon* aded from 10 o’clock until midnight. The bombarding was heard in Providence, two miles away, and created considerable ex citement- The couple did not give in and peacefully resumed their slumbers after the enemy’s powder was exhausted. ~THOMASTON MAIiKET. Cotton „ W Coro II 25 to |1 50 Wheat fl wto *2 CO 8ac0n.................... ... 2* t* 80 Flour 05 to 06 Meal ll 60 Peoa $1 25 to $1 50 Butter 25 to 85 Ckickefis 15 to 25 Egga 20 to 25 DR. J. O. HUNT, WILL continue the practice of medi cine Jn Thomaston and tTpson county. Will give prompt attention to calls, and will devote his entire attention to the practice. He has moved from bis old residence to the dwelling formerly occupied by Mr. A. G Goree, on China sireet As soon as finished he will take an office up stairs In Messrs. Allen <fc Cheney's new building. Until then he can be found at the Drug Score of Col. B. D. Hardaway & Cos. Thomaston, Ga., Jan. 22, 1870-ts W. L. CLAY & CO., WHOLESALE. LIQUOR DEALERS AND Commission Merchants, NO. 1 GRANITE BLOCK, BROAD ST. J—z A. "JL." Ay Car.^ a y PRICE LIST. X W. P. per gal fl.oo XXW. P. poigal 1.15 Ten. Corn Whisky, per gal $1.25 to 2.25 Ten. Rye Whiskey, per gal 1.50 to 8.00 Roberson Whisky, per gal 2.00 to 4.00 Clay Bourben Whisky, per gal 1.50 to 8.00 Clay XXX Whisky, per gal , 1.25 to 2.00 Clay Ky. Bell Whisky, j>er gal 2.00 to 6.50 Lee’s Best Whisky, per gal 2.00 to 4.50 Ky. Marshall Whisky, per gal 2.00 to 5.00 Old Crow Whiskey, per gal. 2.50 to 7.00 jan29-tf R. N. PERRYMAN, RETAIL GROCERY DEALER constantly on hand a good assort ment of Family Groceries, such as— BACON, HAMS, LARD, FLOUR, CORN, OATS, CHEESE, BRAN, CANDLES, MACKEREL, StJGAR, COFFEE, RICE, SOAP. SARDINES, OYSTERS, SALT, Ac., Ac. Also, has on hand a good stock of fine WINES, LIQUORS, &C., which he will sell reasonable for cash or exchange for produce. jan22-3m BOGS! HOGS! HOGS! *yn *p| g LOOK TO TOW INTEREST! THE BERKSHIRE HOG is the hog for this country. We keep them for sale all the time at reasonable prices. We also have an English Berkshire Boor which we will stand at Five Dollars. We give below the product of five sows for one year, belonging to Gen. John S. Williams, of Kentucky, as we find it in the True Kentuckian: PRODUCTS OF FIVE SOWS. Gen. John S. Williams, who, whether acting as a Soldier, Politician,- Life Insurance Agent, or Farmer,' works With all his might, gives ns the produce of five sows that were presented to him by friends when he took charge or hU father’s farm, a year ago last Septem ber: Sold hogs to the amount of $ 480 Shoats 850 Killed hogs 600 Other shoats aao Sows Total value #1,925 janaa-tf E. B. THOMPSON As CO. ZELL’S AMMONIATED BONE SEPER PHOSPHITE. Taotf astow, Ga., Jgn. 3, 1870. sre agents for the above Standard FERTILIZER. AH persons who intend using it this sea son will please call at om place of business and get Certificates, and We will give all information needed. Respectfully, ATWATER & SHARMAN. janß*tf TAMES S. WALKER, Attorney at Law ff LaGange, Ga. Will practice In Circuit Courts of the State, and in the United-States District Courts. declO-ly PEOPLES’ CHEAP STORE. “SMALL PROFITS, QUICK SALES!’ ■1 fin. Is now offering one of the BEST and LARGEST STOCKS OF l>ry Goods NOTIONS, HAttb SAWS>, READY MADE CLOTHING, WELL HOPE, HARDWARE, PLOW LINES, PLATED WARE, DOUBLE and SINGLE BASKETS, WOOD and BARBEL SHOT GUNS, WILLOW WARE, BUGGY WHIPS, BROOMS, BUCKETS, RIDING WHIPS. WASH BOWLS, SEIYES, TRUNKS and VALIECES, AMES’ SHOVELS, SACHELS, SHOVELS and TONGS, LARGE TRUNKS, WELL BUCKETS, SMALL TRUNKS, COFFEE MILLS, WORK STANDS, CHURNS, COFFEE POT STANDS, WOOD SAWS, WATERS’ CANDLE STICKS, CROSS CUT SAWS, CANDLE SNUFFERS, BRASS BOUND BUCKETS HINGES. TABLE SPOONS, TEASPOONS, SILVER FORKS, KNIVES and FORKS, LOCKS, etc., etc., etc. GLASS W ARE, 50 Doz. Cups and Sausers, 25 cts. sett. 74 Doz. Goblets, $1 20 sett—All Good. 100 Doz. Tumblers, 50 cts. sett-The best. PARLER MATCHES, MASON’S BLACKING by the Groee, SHOE PEGS, SHOE NAILS, SHOE TIIRED, BAR SOAP, HONEY SOAP, SHAVING SOAP, POWDER and SHOT, CAPS, NAILS HINGES and SCREWS, 2 Dozen GOOD CLOCKS, eight of them ALARM CLOCKS, Just received from the Manufactory. They are good and we havo sold a great many. Ladies and Gentlemen I only mention a few things; if I was to give you a list of all my entire stock I would fill the GEORGIA IIERAfiD full, notwithstanding it ; s a laige sheet, and a most excellent paper, and I think every body ought to take it. Remember Ladies, that we are still going to continue giving one beautiful BASKET to all that buy as much as Twenty Dollars at a time. Our Ml GOODS DEPARTMENT, Is now complete in everything such as: 300 Bolts Calicoes at 12Jo to 13 12c per yard. Delaines. All wool Marinos, all colors. Opera Flannels, Common Flannels. Linseys. Jeans and Casimere. Doe Skin Casimere, Fancy Casimere. Broad Cloth. Linen of all kinds, ail cheap. Farmer’s Saiten. Black Silk. Lace Collars. Lace Handkerchief, and Silk, Cotton and Linnen Hand kerchiefs, and we have the Great Celebrated Velosepede Handkerchiefs. Ten Dozen Suspenders, etc. JEWELRY AND NOTIONS. BREAST PINS, VEST and COAT BUTTONS, EAR BOBS and RINGS, SHAVING and HAIR BRUSHES, WATCH CHAINS and Keys, FINE and LONG COMBS, SILK GAURDS, COMBS and BRUSHES, NEEDLES and PINS, ROUND COMBS. POCKET BOOKS, PORT MONIES. Buck Gauntlets, Shirt Fronts, Photograph Albums, Nubias, Hoods, Jackets, Comforts, Capes, Shawls, and Cloaks, Hosery. Balmeral Skirts, Neck Ties, Collars and Shirts, Pens, Ink and Paper, Blank Books, Letter Paper, Billet Paper. CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! Cheap Clothing, Good Clothing. A com plete stock of CROCKERY and m Tea barrels good Tennessee Aples, Candy, Oranges Cocoa Nuts, French Candy, and in fact anything that is good. My friends we advise all to go and give Andy a fair trial, and we know that you will go away well pleased. We have been told that in the last six months that Mr. Webb’s trade has doubled every month; and the reason why, this house b the only house in Thomastrn that is willing to divide profits with the people. Ladies and gentlemen we know that if you will give John N. Webb your trade as a great many of our friends have done in 186*9, that y6u will come out like they did, with fifty dollars * a ved and the same amount of goods bought at Webb’s as was bought at other places before. This is true, for we have been told by the most reliable men in Up son County that January,-1869, they set in to deal with Webb & Johnson one year, and that they kept a close account of what they bought 1868 and 1869, and in 1869 with Webb & Johnson they saved clear cash fifty dollars. So I think Ladies and Gentlemen that this is quite an item. Allow me my friends and customers to thank you for your very liberal patronage through 1868 and 1869. I wish you a happy new year and continuance of your liberal patronage. Mr.- W. A. Johnson with myself promise our best efforts and services. JOHN N. WEBB, Thomaston, Ga., Jan. 8, ’7O. W. A- JOHNSON. Agt. DRUG STORE. W L take this method of returumg oar thanks to our friantla ami the public generally for their very liberal pati unage during our bueiuees career. And a’so to Inform them that »t will apart no palm to etUl i«rve aud please them, protnMng to sellout goods m low sa can be afforded in thlr market. We ahall atudy the Interests of oar customers as well aa that of oar own with the conviction that It la only an honeat way of dealing that can succeed long. We claim to he Judges of all goods kept by ca and «rj hold oureelrae responsible for ever) thing we soil aa being j *at aa rep resented. We make DRUGS a speciality and will keep everything naually found In a llrst-elas* village Drug Store, such as: DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Fine TOILET SOArS, HAIR and TOOTH BRUSHES, rERFUJf- ERY, and FANCY TOILET ARTICLES, GARDEN SEEDS PURE WINES and LIQUORS for Medical purpose* PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES and DYE STUFFS CAr and LETTER TAPER, PENS, INK, ENVEL OPES, SCHOOL HOOKS, TOBACCO, GLASS and PUTTY. Fire test KKROSINF. OIL, LA MTS and LAMP CHIMNEYS, with all the popular Patent Medicines, of the day. We also offer a small though well selected stock of Heavy and Fancy GROCERIES, such as COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR,J FISH, CIIEESE, CRACKERS, OYSTERS, SARDINES, PICKLES, CANDY, APPLES, ORANGES, NUTS, Ac. Also, to arrive a nice lot of CHRISTMAS TL.ICKS. In store and to arrive five hundred sacks of Extra FAMILY FLOUR of celebrated Rogan Brand that cannot fall to please the moat fastidious. dec 10 if SUGGS A OLIPHANT. THOMAS F. BETHEL, DEALER IN DRV GOODS 11 GROCERIES HAS on hand a Large, Well Aeeorted and one of the BEST SELECTED STOCKS brought to this Market, and which he desire* to ex change for Cotton or Greenbacks, Plantera In this and adjoining counUea, who wish Good GOODS would do well to dall and examine his atook efore purchasing elsewhere. Thankful fer past favors, he begs a continuance of the sameat his NEW FIRE PROOF STORE, Thom*- ten, Ga. uec-gtf GRIFFIN CARRIAGE REPOSITORY! r JMIIS Repository, ibDh for the last twenty-five years baß supplied Middle Georgia with the boot CARRIAGES, BUGGIES and PLANTATION W 4fiOSß.ee* &owa' is this country, la now stocked again from Soth#**, And 06 n iapply toy stylo rs Carriage or Buggy, that may be wanted. Will always keep on hand lb* celebrated Buggy called M The Woodruff Concord, 1 ‘ which are known to be auperior to any otbar. lbs axles of this Buggy are all made ofscrap iron manufv. tured expressly for this work. The dash frame* are of Norway iron that will bend flat down and back without braking. No Buggy can run lighter, ride easier, or l«*t longer, or be bought cheaper to it* real value this. Will also keep on hand the WOODRUFF PLISTITIOS WiGo\, which is known all over the State, Rod took the first premium at the late State Fair of Gecrgi* W W. WOODRUFF lT «*Tt»o. <1