Georgia herald. (Thomaston, Ga.) 1869-1870, February 05, 1870, Image 4

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COLQUITT & BAGGS, COTTQN FACTORS AND r01111ISSI()\ MERCHANTS, BAT STREET, S -A. “V .A. IN' -A. 3rl , C3- A. . QFFER to the Planters of Upson and •nrrounding counties the following STANDARD FER TILIZERS. Wo attach to each its Analysis as given by 4 th« Heat Chemist In the conntry: RUTH’S CHALLENGE Soluble Phosphate, rrepnreil and sold by R. J. RUTII A CO., Baltimore, Maryland. ANALYSIS OF “RUTH’S CHALLENGE SOLUBLE PHOSPHATE,’’ FOR MESSRS. R. -I. RUTII & CO. Modestnre expelled at 212» F 5.88 Organic Matter 35.00 Yielding Ammonia 8.05 Soluble Phosphoric Add 6.40 Equivalent to Soluble Bone Phosphate 13.97 Common Phosphoric Acid 8.13 Equal to Bone Phosphate of Lime 17.72 A. MEANS, Inspector, Savannah, Georgia. Tills Fertilizer bears fine chemical characteristics for the purpose of agriculture. It has a sufficiency of Am monia to stimulate and develop the growth of the plant, r.nd its large amount of Soluble Phosphoric Acid, prom ises a prompt supply for the fruitage ot tire present year, while the portion insoluble will prepare the soil for good results in the ensuing year. A. MEANS, Inspector. November 30, 1860. Savannah, Georgia. CHESAPEAKE AMMONIATED Super Phosphate. ANALYSIS: Moisture expelled, a 2.12 3.10 Organic Matter 30.00 Equal to Ammonia 3.20 Soluble Phosphoric Acid 5.03 Equal to Bone Phosphate 10.98 Common Phosphoric Acid. 16.83 Equal to Bone Phosphate 39.95 Sulphuric Acid, Limennd Alumina not estimated 45-04 100.00 A. MEANS. Inspector. G. IT. WILLIAMS, Asst Chemist. CERTIFICATE. • Savannah, Ga., March 27, 1569. The Chesapeake Super Phosphate, just analyzed for Messrs, llnheesham Go., is found to con tain the leading elements for a good manipulated Ma nure. and in such quantities and relative proportions as must tell effectively upon the growth, as well as the fruitage, of most crops, if properly Introduced into the •oil. Its effects will not he exclusively limited to the products of the first year, hut from the amount of com mon Phosphate of Lime which it supplies, its nutritive effects will bo decidedly manifest for one or two suc ceeding crops, even w thou) fresh supplies. A. ME INB. Inspector. Q-. 11. WILLIAMS, AsA Chemist. THE PLANTER’S AMMONIATED SUPER PHOSPHITE OF LIE ANALYSIS : Moisture, (fiet. at 100° C l 11.091 Orennic Matter and Chemically Comb. Water _ 27.726 Capable of Parting of Ammonia.: 8,174 luoiganic Earthy Matter 61.1 S3 Containing of Soluble I’hosph. Acid 5.222 Containing of Insoluble Phosph; Acid...ll 594 Containing of Alkaline Salts 9.462 Or of Soluble Bone-plm*. of Lime It 401 Or of Undecompoßed Phos. of Lime 25.805 It Is seen by the above Analysis, which was made of a sample, taken bv myself at works, from a lot of about 800 Tons, that this article contains all the important cot otituents required of a No. 1 Fertilizer. It’s well and carefully manufactured, dry and fine enough to be used in tbe drill, «nd cannot fall to give satisfaction, when properly applied. G. A. LIEBIG. Baltiiaore, November 22,1869. Parties desiring to use Commercial Ma nures this season would do well to examine the claims of either of the above Fertilizers, as we feel confident'that no better can be found. We invite the Planters of Upson and the surrounding counties to call on Messrs. SUGGS & OLIPIIANT, of Thom aston, Ga., our agents for the sale of the above Fertilizers, where they can see sam ples of each, and- certificates from reliable farmers who have used the same in differ ent portions of the State. COLQUITT. & B AGGS, jan‘l9-tf Savannah, Georgia. One! Two! Save Your Money! Dry Goods -AND- * GROCERIES. B. D. Hardaway n\S iusfc received his second lot of GOODS for this season, which he Is offering and selling at Very Satisfactory Prices, to all who call on him. Jli3 Goods are warranted as represt nted, and satisfaction guaranteed In every in stance. The Grocery Department Supplied with the'best of SUGARS, COFFEES, SYR UPS, MOLASSES, &C., at reasonable prices. Drugs! Drugs! A FULL SUPPLY OF Drags k Medicines FINE LIQUORS FOE IKS, MEDICAL PURPOSES.-®® Faints, Oils, VARNISHES, TOILET ARTICLES, , AC., &C., AC., fcSgF'Foj sale at low prices by B. D. HARDAWAY & CO. Thomaston, Dec. 3,1869-3 m WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR STORE !! John D. George, (DEADER IN PURE LIQUORS,) HAVING PURCHASED THE ENTIRE STOCK OP "ff~- Jl wb. ors! OF THE LATE FIRM OF REID, GEORGE & PATTERSON, will continue the LIQUOR BUSINESS m the CELLAR of the same building : and will keen a FULL STOCK of the best FOREIGN and DOMESTIC LIQUORS, of all kinds, and sell at WIIOLSALK and RETAIL low for CASH. Griffin, Ga., December 3, 18G9. ‘GUANO HOUSE’ OPPOSITE BRICK WARE HOUSE, GRIFFIN, GrA. IT'OK the fall trade far SMALL GRAIN, I and for the Spring trade for CORN and COTTON, ■We offhv to the Planters the following POPULAR FER TILIZERS, viz: Zell’s Amoniated Bone Superphosphate, Chesapeake Guano, Andrew Coe’s Phosphate of Lime, Soluble Pacific Guano, Flour of Bone, Potapscoe Guano, Land Plaster, or Gypsum, Soluble Phospho Peruvian Guano, No. 1 Peruvian (supply small,) California, (very similar to Peruvian,) American Guano, Peruvian Guano and Ground Bone, one o half each. In connection with onr Fertilizing Trado, we are doing a Genernl Commission and Cotton Business, and will he pleased to s- rve our old friends, and the pnbiic generally. L. R. BREWER & SON. dec9 Griffin, Ga. A. STAFFORD. A. J. BLAI.OCK. J W. STAFFORD Stafford, Blalock & Cos,, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Staple and Fancy Goods, IIAPvDWARE, CCILERY &c., No 21 Main Street, Tlarnwvilie, Ga. dec9-tf RETAIL MU GEORGE W. ALLEN, HAVING openel a No. 1 Liquor Store. Will keep a stock of the best Foreign and Do mestic LIQUORS of all kinds. fSP'” TEN CENTS PER DRLNK. declO ly G. J. LEWIS. ' W. SAWYER. Lewis k Sawyer, Grocer Dealers Fat Bacon . and Lard. Flour, Meal and Seconds. Whisky, Gin and Rum, and Tobacco. Boots, Shoes and Pumps. Thread, Cloth, Cards and Brooms. Nails, Horse Shoes .* and Mule Shoes. BY Steamer “Bishop”— 2,oCo*galions of Earthenware ; JS?“TO ARRIVE BY Steamer Patridge -1,000 Ginger Cakes. Cop eras, Ginger and Spice, Soap, Powder, Shot, Wadds, Soda, Starch, Paper-,. Nutmegs, Indigo, Madder, Potash— USgp’All the above articles for sale CHEAP FOR CASH ONLY, by Lewis k Sawyer. H@uWe will soon remove Dar large stock of Groceries and Goods to the large Brick Building built by Messrs. Allen k Cheny, on the south square of Thomaston, near George Town— close to Wallace Tomb. invite everybody, aris all their kinsfolk, to come and see us— and tell all their neighbors to call soon, and bring along your little pocket change and divide with us. EoSjUMessrs. Perryman & Brother —and the great Conductor, A. G. Goree —each one of these gentlemen will be more than glad to meet you, and wait on you, and hoping to ac commodate —and,for God’s sake do not forget to spend your little change to please the hoys. Respectfully , ’ LEWIS & SAWYER. Thomaston, Dec. 3, 1869.- .11'ST RECEIVED LCEWINSTeM & PFEIFER, A PINE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF DE Y G-OODS! Os Every Description. JI Large Stock of Clothing ! THE LARGEST AND FINEST IN THIS MARKET. Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods ! IN ABUNDANCE. fff 4 mej \ Os the LATEST AGONAL from the COM- TIT 4 J fil /V 1 , MONEST to the FINEST I 11 A . SHAWLS AND CLOAKS! Our SILYWL and CLOAK Departments are complete. We offer great inducements Fine Line of White Goods ! Call and see for yourself. Captain C. F. REDDING, of Pike, is with us and will be glad to -see all his friends. Griffin, Ga., December 10, 1860*s3m. —II" _ ' —— ■— mm, ■ **. ■*——mmm i■ ■ ■ ~mm m,m> - ■ »-■ w _ _ _ _ REMOY A. L I HAVING- REMOVED To the Large & Commodious Store Souse HILL. SST’aFtIEIES’S?. “%i# Now occupied by Mr. ISAAC WINSIIIP—Beeks’ old Stand—where we shall open a much larger stock of Loots, Shoes, Leather, Shoe Findings, §c., se., than we have ever off-red before. As&rWe shall continue the MANUFACTURE OF Boots, Shoes, Leather, Ac., on a VERY EXTENSINE SCALE. work warrant and. Bs&*,Profits Short!— V&L, Terms CASH ! Also—The HIGHEST PRICE paid for HIDES, TALLOW, and TAN BARTv. T ,Of PATRICK eSc BROTHER Griffin, Ga., December 10, 1809-3 m NEW STORE —< XX — l Stores Combined! XX J. C. KING, —CORNER Or Hill &c Taylor XX New Store House adjoining the one _l_ occupied by me last season, has been fitted up in ELEGANT STYLE, and I have just received and open ed in it, a large and beautiful stock of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Ilats, Caps, Notions, &c In the’Old Store will be found a MAMMOTH stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, K .A. H ID W.A. PL E WOODEN & WILLOW WARE. JT CL TUTInTO, October 12. 1869. ‘ .41M Ml tin. SPREADS HER BANNERS‘TO THE OUTER WALL. STEW lOILLINERT C^F Choice Paterns and Latest Styles for TLi & WI3NTTEB will he fonnd at my ESTABLISHMENT, nnd I am de termined to do work in rov line CHEAPER and BET TER than any body. MRS. S. A. JACKSON. Griffin, Ga , Decti-Sin Over. I)re wry «fc Cos., Hill st. A. n. COLqtUTT, JAMES BAG OS. 11. U. OOLQUIXT Colquitt & Bag^gs, Gomraission Merchants, Hay Street, SA TANKAII. GEORGIA. CONSIGNMENTS of COTTON and oth» er PRODUCE solicited. aug. 17, 1859—3 m rfN EORGIA—Upson C unty— Whereas Jordan Lyon applies to me for the administration of the estate of William S. Lyon, late of said conniy, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish the kin dred and creditors of said deceased, to show cause if any they have, why said administration should not be granted on the first Monday in March next. Given under my hand this *2oth January, 1870. j&n22-td WM. A. COBB, Ordinary. UPSON SHERIFF’S SALE. be sold on the first Tuesday in March > v next, before the Courthouse door, in the town <>f Thomaston, Upson county, between the legal hours of sale, the following property to wit: Lot No. 6 in the North West back square wi h fin* im provement* thereon. in the Town of Thomaston, in said county of Upson, the same being the place now occupi ed by John Bland. The same leveid on as the property of said John Bland by Virtue of an Execution issn-d from the Superior Court of Upson county, in favor of I) Young against John Bland. Sold for the'bsliance of the pur chase money for said Lot. O. C. till ARM A \, jan29-td Sheriff. Upson Superior Court—)lay Term, IS 70. George J. Lewis, I Rule Xi Si to Establish j Daniel W. Mormand. j Lost Note. IT appearing to the Court ’hat George J. Lewis wn« the owner of a promisory note made by D. W, Mor- I mand, then of said county, now <>f the Suite of Texas, J dated on he 15th day of September, i St>G, due the 25th 1 day of December, 1860, for the sum of three hundred ! dollars with credits as follows: One on the first of Sep tember, 1808, or 9000, and one on the first of Jn'y, 1804 for #IOO, payable to said George J. Lewis or bear er.and which beingstill due and unpaid and has been dis troyed. It is therefore ordered that the said I). W. Mormand show cause on or before the next Term of this Court why a copy should not be felly established in Ifcu of said lost orignal. And it further appearing that said D. W. Mormand, resides in the State of Texas,it is ordered that this Rule Xi Si be served oh said D. W. Mormand, by publication in the Georgia Herald, onec a month tor three months next proceeding the next Term of this Couit. Witness the Hon- James W. Greene, Judge of said Court, December 80th, 1869. li. T. JENNINGS. Clerk Super Court, Upson county, Ga. A true copy of the original. jan29-Im3m H. T. JENNINGS, C. S. C. Joseph Youngblood, 1 William li.' Colquit, ! Scire Faria*, to revive • Principal | Charles Wilson. J (N EORGIA—Upson county.—To all and singular the Shei ills oi said State. Whereas at the February Term, 1556, of the Upson Superior Court o' said coun ty, -Joseph Youngblood Instituted nn action of com plaint against one VVm 11. Colquit and Charles Wilson, defendants, of s;dd county. And at the August Term, 1856, of said Caurt, obtained a judgment on said action in his favor for the sum of four hundred and twenty eight dollars principal, and forty-nine dollars interest, with intercston the principal sum from August 4, 1856, till paid, and the further sum of eleven dollars cost of said action. And wheueas said judgment remains en tirely m* ti ffed and .the fitri jacian issue 1 upon the same, having had no entry made upon it by any proper officer within seven years as provided by law, and by the failure to have such entry made having lost i;s lein and became dormant. And whereas, the said Win. if. Colquit has removed beyond the limiLs of this State, so that the ordinary process of law cannot be served upon him, and the-said Charles Wilson, having died and there being nolegal representative, the said Win. H Colquit, is hereby notified to be and appear at the next Term of the Superior Court for said county on the first Monday in May next, then and there to show cause,lf any he has, why said judgment should not be revived and an execution issued upon the same. Witness the Honorable Janies W Greene. Judge of the Superior Court, thefiothduy of December, 1569. fanl-lm4m 11. T. JENNING, Clerk.* Adnilnlsfralor’s Sale. ho gold ’'''fore tho enurt-hnnse ▼ 1 do »r in the tm mos Thomaston. Upson county, 'Ga , botr ••), the usual hours of sale, on the first Tues d y in February next, the real estate of Benjamin Walker, fide'of Upson county, deceased, except the widow s rfi'wer. Consisting of one half of Lot No. (156) onehhr; bed .r.d fifty-six, containing one hundred one arrdiouuh (101 a.res more or less. Also, the Dallas Lot. No. not known, containing two hundred two and a half acres more or less. Also, part of Lot No. not known containing one hun dred and fifly-two and a half (152 X) more or less. Also, part of Loi No. one hundred and fiity(l.V),) containing one hundred and ten (110) acres, more or less. All the above described lands lying and being in the tenth district of originally Monroe now Upson county. declS tils A. WOKRJLL, Adrn’r. GM EORGIA, Upson county.— Whereas Charles J. Harrell, temporary Administrator of the estate of James Harrell, late of said eounty. de ceased, applies for permanent administration de bonis non, of said estato. These are therefore to cite and admonish the kindred and creditoi-s of said deceased to show cause if any they have, on the first. Monday in February next, why said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand this 15th December. 1869. declS-td WM. A. COBB, Ordinary. EORGIA —Upson county.— Whereas Henry T. Jennings, who is temporary administra tor of the estate of Mrs. Eve Ragland, late'of said county, deceased, applies for permanent letters of ad ministration of said estate, with the will annexsd. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish the kin dred and creditors of said deceased, to show cause if any they have on the first Monday in February next, why ;he prayer of the applicant should not be granted. Given under my hand this 21st December, 1869 dec2s-td Wiil. A. COBB, Ordinary. WoiTill & Yin log, Dealers in Staple and Fancy Diiy goods, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, CLOTHING, .Ac, are offering inducements to cash bujers. Call and examine our stock. dec9-lm TO THE PHYSIOji OF THE SOU T ji -4 w DR. E. P. BIVMU Late Vice-President and Associate - BANNING INSTiTii new York, and * • DR. C. L. GREF, * LATE PASSED ASST SURG. u ?. A NNOUXCE to the MpilieaJ n. * -T\ inn of the South that tbev have form. - nership for the purpose of introducing DR. BIMBO Hill.i to fheir notice ; fee ing ns«nred that they vrii; < o; inealeui: ble assistance ,n the treatment chronic diseases, such as Piles, Prolapsus v Displacements, Spinal I) -so mities, Hup ceie, • emiral Weakness, Ac , Ac. Du * arc in. rsed nnd used by many of the n, • Pl.YsiciH- sos this Country and of Kiiropt testimonials will be sent on application ’" ; DR. IU\MYR\S SUfPo: ABTIOUtXAt. AMD SI’IXAL SIIOPI HER i iIU , For effectively supporting the .t donnn h, chest, ami f-r correcting drooping nnd round,. Its action upon digestive, spinal, chest w eaknesses is immediate. SIMPLE BOpy BRACE. has not the spinal and shoulder uttachmer* ports a weak abdomen; and tin* lower hark n tent For simple weakness of the -abdomen „ is efficacious PREGNANCY BRACK. For “upporting the back, abdomen r~| veins during pregnancy. PILE AND PIMLAP USI-AJn BRACg With the spinal and shoulder 1 attachunnt n mediately effective THE BRACE TRUSSES. Are so effective as t«» core the ruptures a cast sand have been adopt-'d tty the ns the army truss S. ml for the pamphlet subject. THE UTERINE BAT AVCK. For the immediate correction of anteversinn , troversion of the womb. Personal reference l remarkable cures wil. be given. init VARICOCELE BRACE. Promises to introduce anew ora in varicocele. UTERINE ELEVATOR. A substitute for the pessary, in the most s-tr«- citlentio uteri Galling of the womb). It does n t . pessaries distend the vagina or touch cither the.-, womb,or bladder, but. .-imply lifts, M t t ach ml, womb like lilting n person under each aim. It elastic outside base, and gives no uneasiness nt ture. nnd may in many cases be gradually hdii • The elevator arrests every degree <>r fnlli • when the Uterus i> constantly in he outer won-, THE SPINAL PROP Always relieves and often cures spinal curvutm less anchylosis lias taken place. Their headquarters is at Atlanta. Ga., wW can be consulted, and physicians are request.-.]! j respond in relation to the in-truments and c. iicr cases. All communications addressed to -A.TXj gYTsTTyk., GA will receive prompt, attention Instrmneidf nr any address C O. 1) on r. ccipt of the im otce In spinal cases two pbotogiuphs one» * re.-ir view ol the patient's black - should aceorniw measurament, to insure an accurate adju-tuit iit for descriptive circular. HOW TO MKASUKK KOK TITK SFt.VCTION Or ART OX# • R HACKS. | Ist. Number of inches around the body, two below the tip of the hip bones. 2d. Do straight around the chest close by the r 3d. Do. from each arm-pit to the tips of hip ' side. 4th. Height of the person. dec- TAXLOIUAO: John P. BSurray 1 i GAIN return? his thnnk« fur the jj J-31. ral patronage he has received in the p.v •' informs his Old Friends, and ELSE,.£4 ! that lie is now at the Store of WEAVERS A •' 1 ‘X’Xd.'osxd.aston, Gc I®*WHERE IIE IS“tSB Thoroughly Prepared TO DO *37^.X3I.C>I^IINrO-. Making and Repaid ing, &c., in all its brandies, and' as fine style as can be done in or I of the State. Satisfaction guar teed. m»TERMS CASH. Thomaston, Dee. 3, 18G9-tf CD AS A. BINDAT.. D. W. PATIf | CUiILES 1. SIMM & (t OFFICE PLANTERS’ WARE-HOr?E“ Griffix, Ga, Sept. 1, Of>9. To rimiers and Shippers-of Colion : J rpilE old PLATERS’ WARE IfOF- I on Broadway. fronting Cotton Wharf, havir; rebuilt under direction, we would call Httent: »» Planters, Shippers and Buyers of Cotton to the sa®» Wc ere also prepared with ample close storage r to receive B \CON, TIAY, GUANO,. «®c, o:> sW* Onr charges for weighing will be 25 Cents per Bale < To be paid by the Buyer. Our Shipping facility unsurpassed; and we hope, by close attention iob» ness, to u.erit a share of your patronage Our correspondent* at the ports are Arms .a this comnrtenity, and Planters and others desirir- may rely on having their interests protected, are prepared to make liberal CASH -A.ID V^ISTCIES on Cotton consigned to us for shipment. Mr. FLEMING MOBLEY will have charge of fry ing, and will be pleased to see his old friends. Respectfully, dec9-3nt CIIAS. A. BINDALL k 0-1 N. H/SIMON Wholesale and Retail Dealer in goods' CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, lIATS, CAPS, Gt> FURNISHING GOOD MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, all kinds of STRI>U also WATCHES, JEWELRY, GUNS, and FIST { t cheaper than tho cheapest, Blast side Hill street, Gr - Ga. Call and examine my Goods before you pnre any dec*