Georgia herald. (Thomaston, Ga.) 1869-1870, February 12, 1870, Image 4

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One! Two ! Save Tour Money I r y Goo ands —AND— GROCERIES. D. I). Hardaway nAS inst received his second lot of GOODS for this season, which he is offering and selling at 4 Very Satisfactory Trices, to all who call on him. His Goods a"e warranted as represented, and satisfaction guaranteed in every in* stance. The Grocery Department Supplied with the best of SUG A ID-', COFFEES, SYR UPS, MOLASSES, &C., &0., at reasonable prices. Drugs! Drugs ! A FULL SUPPLY OF Drugs & Medicines fins liquors FOR IR&AIEDICAL PURPOSES.-®® Faints, Oils, VARNISHES, TOILET ARTICLES, &C., &C., AC., C3fFor sale at low prices by B. D. HARDAWAY & CO. Thomnston, Dec. 3,1869-3 m WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR STORE Ii John D. George, (deader in pure liquors,) HAVING- PURCHASED THE ENTIRE STOCK OP Xn SLwa. ©rs I OF THE L ATE FIRM OF REID, GEORGE & PATTERSON, will continue the LIQUOR BUSINESS jn the CELLAR of the same building : and will keep a FT 7 ( L ST< 'CK of the best FOREIGN and DOMESTIC LIQUORS, of all kinds, and sell at WEOLSALE and RETAIL low tor CASH Griffin, Ga., December 3, 1869. 3m ‘GUANO HOUSE' OPPOSITE BRICK WARE HOUSE, GRIFFIN, GA. I,'OU the f„H for SMALL ORAIN, i ftnti for the Spri >gtrade for CORN and C'OT PON, wo Off T to the Planters the following POPULAR FER TILIZERS, vis: Zoil’s A miniated Bone Superphosphate, Chesapeake Guano, Andrew Cue's Phosphate of Lime, Soluble Paeifio Guano, Fiotir of Bone, P 'tan-(‘oe Guano, B ind Plaster, or Gypsumr, S-duhle Phospho Peruvian Guano, No. 1 Peruvian (supplv small.) California, (very similar to Peruvian,) Atnerican Guano, Peruvian Guano and Ground Bone, one o 1 1 it if each. i • connection with' our Fertilising Trade, we are doing a General Commission and Cotton Business, nnd will he pleased to 8' rve our old friends, and the pnb'ir generally. L. It BRLWEIt & SON. and oh Griffin, Ga. At SYA'V >l;l>. A. J. BLALOCK .1 W 8. AFFORD Stafford, Blalock & Cos,, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Staple and Fancy Goods, iIAUDWAIIE, CUTLERY &c M r » No ‘2l Main Street. BnrnesvUle, Ga. deeO-t.f RIWIirLiPHMTIIIiin GEORGE W. ALLEN, "I I AY TNG opone 1 a No. 1 Icq nor Store. _i I Will keep a stock <>f the best F' reign and Do mestic LIQUORS ol all kind*. TEN CENTS Plvß DRINK. declO ly THE OLD MAN HIMSELF c o »x x «=s- ? “ WATCH OUT FOR THE BOSS I” OLD JOHN ROBINSON! —————^ ————^ —””——— — — l ——■ WITH THE LARGEST AND COMBINED CIRCUS AND MENAGERIE o i-t e: ir. t pi , AND WILL EXHIBIT IN TEOMASTON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1870, TEN SHOWS IN ONE! jET^F 33 ADMISSION §I,OO. Children under ten years of age 50 cents. Do >rs open at 1 o’ckck, P. M. wominent among tne attractive Talent op thb arena are suen ce.»onties as tne JCWlng: M’LLE ALICE, Uie brilliant ani accomplished Lady Equestrian, the only flrst-claai MR, JOHN LOWLOW, the universally popular Ciown, and one of the greatest wits oi age. MR. ARCHIE CAMPBELL, the Clown, who is pe. petualiy engaged In personal diffi- culties with t-lie Master of the Circle THE NONPAREIL LEWIS, the Colored Boy aturat Aiaattfiir Equeitr^n, and vivid display of thiFwild animal, leaping gates through balloons-, at break-neck speed. In addition, the Troupe comprises the fam- ©us Juvenile department of Equestrians, con SreW. of SIXTEEN (TIIL A Herd of Tapirs, a rare and wonderful aniraal, from the interior of Asia. TL.» Herd taas been imported at an immense expense for xoßinson’s Great Combination, and more- aver, they are the only living specimens of animal ever brought to the United States. The Performing Elephant “ Empress,” in produced by Mr. Johnson; African Lion and Lioness, Ruffed Lemur, Ocelot, Wild Dog oj llyrtary, Civet, Copyhara, Ground Coati, Alpine Marmot, Silver-crested Cockatoo, Zebra, SAVE YOBIGYiONEY FOR THE MASTODON) THERE IS ONLY ONE JOHN ROBINSON! Rcmeml or the Raw and Date. TIIOMAS I ON. Monday, February 21, 1870. Will also Exhibit at Talbotton, Frid .y, February 18 ; Tleasant Hill. Saturday, ]0; Bapnesville, Tuesday, February 22, 1870. fobs-2t j! 0. DAVIS, Agenf.- Equestrienne in America. n M’LLE FRANCES, the beautiful and bril liant Tight-Rope Dancer. MADAME MARGARET, the graceful ant, steady bridle-hand Teacher of Equitation, of School for Ladies. MADAME GERTRUDE, the celebrated Llot Enchantress, MR. J. WILSON, the great European Seen, and Character Rider, and Four-Horse Princa pal Equestrian. MR. JOHN ROBINSON, Principal Tn vtk Rider and Somersaultist. Mlt. J McDONOUGH, SLaksperiac. anu Nautical Equestrian. MR. GEO. SLOMAN, the daring Sf-utb American Equestrian and Acrobatic Per former. MR. G. N. ROBINSON, the great Dramatic Equestrian and Vaulter. SIG. ADOLPH ERANDISI, the Italian trick Clown. MR. FRANK ROBINSON, the great Ameri can Jester and Side-splitter, and General to the Sovereigns of Momus. / i 'V. C3\ v \;«a j Sr V§j m Os C haem a. Mandril, Red Monkey, Chimpanzee, Diana Monkey, Great Flamingo, Lyre Bird, Persian Lioness, White-nose Monkey, Rose Cockatoo. Alexandrine Parroquets, African Deopara, Tiger Cat, Ceylon Tiger, Ichneumon, American White Bear, Russian Cinnamon Bear, Wormbat of Australia, White-headed Parrot, Australian Kangaroo, Grizzly Bear American Buffalo, African Bison, African Porcupine, Wapita, Mona, Barbtwy Ape, Mar* mazet, Red Macaws, Rose-winged Parroquets, Blue and Yellow Macaws, BanKsian Cocka too, White-eyelid Monkey, GoodwitCassowa ries, Long-billed Curlew. Proboscis Monkey, South American Dusky Paca, Golden, Silver and Chinese Pheasants, Agile Gibbon, Ursine Howler. The Procession will enter the City at ten o’clock, A. M.. preceded by the Chariot oi Oberon, containing THOMAS CAN>-'Awl r l» OPERATIC SILVER CORNET BAND JITST RECEIVED LOEWEHSTEM & PFIEFER, A FINE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF DRY GrOODS! Os Every Description. .1 Large Stock of Flothing ! THE LARGEST AND FINEST IN THIS MARKET. Gentlemen’s Furnishing Coods f IN ABUNDANCE. HlTcj \ Os the LATEST AGONY, from the COM- ff i'T'W ? A O « MONEST to the FINEST ! A . SIIAWLS AND CLOAKS! Our SHAWL and CLOAK Departments are complete. We offer great inducements Fine Line of White Goods ! Call and see for yourself. B6L. Captain C. F. REDDING, of Pike, is with us and will be glad to see all his friends. Griffin, Ga., December 10, 1860*-3m. R E MO Y A L, I HAVING REMOVED To the Large & Commodious Store House fctf-OUNT IIILL STREET -©* Now occupied by Mr. ISAAC WINSIIIP—Beets’ old Stand—where we shall open a much larger stock of Moots , Shoes , Leather , Shoe Findings, sc., sc., than we have ever offered before. JfcjT’We shall continue the MANUFACTURE OF Hoots, Shoes, Leather, tie., on a VERY EXTENSINE SCALE. work warranted. Bc%~Profits short 1 - ftSL. Terms CASH! Also— The HIGHEST PRICE paid for HIDES, TALLOW, and TAN BARK. PATRICK <3c BROTHER Griffin, Ga , December 10, 1869-3 m NEW -STOKE XX 2 Stores Combined! XX J. C. K I N G, — CORNER OF Mill Tjiylor Sts, XX r pilE New Store House stdjnininfr the one Y occupied by me last season, h-ip been fitted up in ELEGANT STYLE, and I haveiust received and open ed in it, a large and beautiful stock of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions, &e In the Old Store will be found a MAMMOTH stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, HARD WA. Pt E WOODEN & WILLOW WARE. J~- CL KIXl>Ta-, October 12, 1869. “ AUNT SIIADV.’ SPREADS HER BANNERS TO TIIE OUTER WALL. NEW MILLINERY Choice Puterns and Latest Styles for FALL WIHTER will be found at my ESTABLISHMENT, and I am de terminer! to do work in my line CHEAPER and BET TER than anybody. M HS. S. A. JACKSON. Gridin, Ga , Dec 9 3m Over Drewry ic, Cos . Hill st. A. 11. COLQUITT, .... JAMI-S BAGCIS. 11. H COLQUITT Colquitt & Baggs, GENERAL Commission Merchants, Bay Street, SA rAXXAII GEORGIA. /CONSIGNMENTS of COLTON and oth- V J er PRODUCE solicited. aug. IT, 1869-3 m A EOliO! A—Upson County—Whereas Jordan Lyon ~ 3 applies to me Ur the administration of the estate of William S Lyon, late of said county, deceased These are, therefore, to cite an t admonish the kin dred and creditors of said deceased, to show cause if any they have, why said administration should not be granted on the first Monday in March next Given under my hand this 20th January, IS7<V jan22-td WM. A, COBB, Ordinary I l S'SO.Y SIBHKIFF’S SAB.K. WILL he sold on tlie first Tuesday in March » » nexy he'ore the Courthouse door, iii the town of Jnomaston. Upson county, between tlie legal hours ot sale, the billowing property to wit: Lot No. 6 in ihe North West hack square wi h the im provement, thereon in the Town of Thonmston in-aid county of 1 pson, the same being the [dace now occupi ed by John Bland Ihe same leveid on as the prepert yol said John Bland by Virtue of an Execution tend from the Superior Court of Upson county, in favor of I) Young against John Blaud. Sold for the balance of the pur chase money for said Lot. t). C. SIIAIiM \N jan29-td ' Sheriff. B T l»soia Superior Court—May Term, 1810. George J. Lewis, ) Rule M Si to Establish V*. V Daniel W. Mormand. ) Lost Note. IT appearing to the Court that George J. Lewi* was the owner of a promisory note made by 1) W. Mor ! mand, then of said county, now of the State of Texas i dated on he 15th day of September, 1860, due the 25th day of December, 18(10, for the sum of three hundred | dollars with credits as follows: One on the first of Sep tcmbi-r, lSt.3, or Slut), and one on the first of July ; lsn4 frr *IOO, payable to said George J. Lewis or b.-ar | « r.and which beingstill uuc find unpaid and h;is beer. r!i.> i troyed. It is therefore ordered that the s-iid 1). W Mormand show cause on or b sere the next Term of this Court why a copy should nor. he t'.-lly established in lieu of said lost original. And if. further appearing hat said D. W. .Mormand. resides in tlie State of Texas it is ordeied that this Rule j \ r i Si be served on said D \\ r Mormand, by publication in t he Georgia Herald, once a month tor three months next proceeding the next Term of this Court. Witness the Hon- James W. Greene. Judge of said Court, December 30th, 1869. H. T. JENNINGS, Clerk Super Court, Upson county, Ga. A true copy of the origi ; ,1. jan29-Im3m H. T. JENNINGS. C. S. C. Joseph Youngblood, j VS. " cr • r- . William H. Colquif, \ Scire facias to revive Principal j Judgment Charles Wilson E< >KGIA—Upson countv.—To nil and singular the J Sheriffs of said Sta'.e Whereas at the February Term, 1556, of the Upson Superior Court ol said coun l ty, Joseph Youngblood instituted an action of com i plaint, against one VYm II Ooiquit and Charles Wilson, defendants, of said county. An-1 at the August Term, 1856, of said Court, obtained a judgment on said action in his favor for the sum of four hundred and twenty eight dollars principal, and forty-nine dollars interest, with interest on the principal sunt from August!, 1856, till paid, and the lur her sum of eleven dollar- cost of said action.. And wheieas said judgment remains en tirely tins ,ti tied and the fieri facias issre l upon t ie same, having had no entry made upon it by any proper officer within seven years as provided by law, and by the failure to have such entry made having lost is lem and became dormant. And whereas, the said Win H Colquit has removed beyond the limits of this State, so that the o.dmary process of law cannot be served upon him, and the said Charles Wilson,having died and there being no legal representative, the said Wm. 11 Colquit is hereby notified to be and appear at the next Term of the Superior Court for said county on the first Monday in May next, then and there to show cause, if any he has, why said judgment should not be revived and an execution issued upon the same. W itness the Honorable James W Greene. Judge of the Su, erior Court, the 3,th day of December W>‘» janl-lm4m 11 T JENNIXg'. Clerk. ZELL’S AMMONIATED BOSE SUPER PHOSPHITE. Thom aston, Ga., Jan. 3, 1870. We are agents for the above Standard FERTILIZER. All persons who intend using it this sea son will please call at our place of business and get Certificates, and we will give all information needed. Respectfully, ATWATER & SIIARMAN. janß*tf Worrili & Yiiiiug, Dealers in Staple and Fancy DRY GrOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, CLOTHING. Ac ,me offering Inducements to cash bu\ er- Call and" examine our stock. dec9-lm N O TI C E . ALL persons are here by notified and prohibited -..gainst trading for any notes or papers on me as I do not intend to pay them, unle.-s paid with similar notes or Confederate money. D. W. MOM AND. Huntsville, Texas, Jan. 4,1870. jan2J-4t TO THE PHYSICIAN; OF* TH2 SOXJTIj Bit. E. P. BIHIU. js Late Vice-President and Associate Ph BANNING iNSTITUji NEW YORK, AND DR. C. L. GREEJ LATK PASSED ASS T SIT.G. t s. \ A NNOUXCR to the Mi-.licnl p,, I\. ion of the South that thev have form i A nershipfor the purpose of introducing dac °.‘ DR. RIMG’S to their noti e; fee ingnssnred that they will of ineaictiWble assi-rinee m sh- trectm-.,,‘ ' chronic Uiseases, such psi..,. i», V Uv Displacements, Spin .1 lVfor'raK 'Stf,?,!' l v u cele, ftennral Weakness. Ac , Ac. ThJl o ’. V are endorsed and used by many of the r l hysicians of this countiy ami of Kurom " testimonials will be sent on application ’ ' I>«. IIAWIYG’S Sl|*i* OUl A I.noMINAL AM) SPINAL SIIOfLDEP. | tKvcr For effect vely supporting the iibdonn-n h ch. st, ands r correcting drooping and i 1 Its action upon digestive, spinal, eh J a weaknesses is immediate.' an “ PfMI’LK BODY BRACE hns not the spinal and should.-r attachment ports a weak abdomen; and the lower t«u-k t„ . , ' , C h i. t° r o 1n ' p,e * abdomen anj,, acn it U efliCdcious f i pregnancy Brace. For supporting the back, ab,lumen and r lr j veins during pregnancy. lr PILE AND PRoLAP-US-ANJ BL’ACE With the spinal and shoulder attachment. ] mediately effective 11L - THE BRACE TRUSSES. Are so effective ns to core the rupture* | n , eases and have been adopted by tl,«tS„rg.-o„ (; . n . ' iubj«a. ,n " y lr ““ >,n ' l ,ur “*• I THE UTERINE BALANCE. For the immediate correction of nnteversion , rK I trover-ion of the womb. Personal reference hi c . 1 remai kable cures wil begiv, u. THE V.\RIC CKI.E BRACE. Promises to introduce anew era in varicocele. UTERINE ELEVATOR. A substitute for the pessary, in the most extren-- cidentio uteri ifallingof the womb) it doe- not essaries distend the vagina or touch eiili. r tin womb, or bladder, but-imply lifts, : ,t , „ ( -h .- womb like lifting a person under each arm Ii i , e astic outside base,and gives n • uneasiness in v ... tu:< ami may in many coses he gradually I ,id Ihe elevator arrests every t,| j n „ ... when the Uterus i constantly in he enter world THE BPINAL PROP Always reliey. sand often cure- spinal curvature less anchylosis ha- taken place. Their headquarters is at Atlanta, Oa.wlinvt: I can be consulted, and physicians are requested r I respond in relation to the in trmm-nis and cie I cases All communication- addressed to ATL A-ISTTW, ga. I will receive prompt attention Instrume ts t- i any address C O. I) on receipt, of the un a-ureu i I In spinal cases two pbotogiaph* one -id-- I rear vif*w of the patient's black -»bouW ac-'-on; ■» ■ measurement, to insure an accurate adj i-timnt. ■ ■ for descriptive circular. HOW TO MKASUKE KuU TIIE SEI.VCTIO.X OK AM ONt I H HACKS. Ist. Number of inches around the body, two S > below the tip of the hip bones 2d. Do. straight, around the ehe-t closebv thean 3d. Do. from each arm-pit to the tips of hii> U: ■ eu-h side 4ih. Height of tlie person. de -JV TAILOIUAU John P. array VG ATX rehirns his thankp for th ral patronage he has received in the | informs his Old Friends, and that he is now at the Store of WEAVERS ii- Tliomaston, Oa Thoroughly Prepared TO DO TAIIuOKING. Making and K's : ing, &c., iu all its branches, m : as fine style as can be done in orl - the State. Satisfaction guar teed. CASE Thomaston, Dec. 3, 18G9-tf CHAS A. SINDAL. p. W. f* 7l ® ' (BIBLES 1. SIM.IL 4(l OFFICE PL.iNTi RS’ TVAj tE-W Guif-fis, Ga. Sept. 1, I '" To Planters and Shippers of Cotton rPoE old PLATERS’ WARE HO 1 ; 1 on Broadway, fronting Cotton Wharf, ha' ; ' ; rebuilt under direction, we would call niter,'. Plant- rs, Shippers and Buyers of Cotton to th *■ Wc are also prepared with ample close stomp to receive B \CON, HAY, GUANO, Ac,> B •~’ h Onr charges for weighing will be 25 Cents per Baß’ To be paid by the Buyer. Our Shipping f‘ iC 1 unsurpassed ; and we hope, by clo-e attention ness, to merit a share of your patronage ... , ( Our correspondent-at the ports are firms”' ‘ n this community, and Planters and others ' '" ‘ship, may rely on having their interests prou-ct-'- are prepared to make liberal CASH ADVANCE on Cotton eensigned to us for shipment. If Mr. FLEMING MOBLEY will have charge ol ing, and will be pleased to see bis old friends. Respectfully. T ANARUS, .f? dec9-8m CIIAS. A. SINDALL * N. 11. SIM<» Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRY GOOD SI CLOTHING, COOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS. j FURNISHING GOOlj MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS; all kinds of STKT V I also WATCHES; JEWELRY', GUNS, and than'the cheajtest, East side Hill str^" * nß^| Ga. Call and ‘examine my Geyds before 7°° * . any whei x