Georgia herald. (Thomaston, Ga.) 1869-1870, February 19, 1870, Image 3

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flit Georgia $ trail), <?a.~ feu. I- 1 . Fnnrr mattkiU Any of our subscribers who * sire to get their paper at the Post Office instead of the store of Suggs 6 OUnhant, wdl please send or give u , their names, as it is our object to accommodate all our subscribers, We mnde the change for their benefit as the Post Office is not always open. John- R. bins n’s Sh -w —Remember that M n6iv the 21st lust., is the day, and Thomaston the place to witness this mag. nifitp nt show. Don’t fail to come and *ee John Robinson’s mem moth combination ten .hows in one. The Griffin Star says, „ it ; fl t ho hugest horse theatre that now , TPS rn wheels.” Tho Star is correct, tr ,* ' 11 tor’s head is level. To white and b irk. we say come and have your ei orgies f-dnublrl 1»r the new year, by witnessing the standard arenie exhibition and eXfen eiro menagerie. “L*'tgh and grow fat.” fag* Just recievod at Webb’s now store *.♦ hhD C. Sugar —very nice. K Slicks Rto C'.ffee—the best. <j bblei -e Syrup bright. ?, B lies oi Seda Crakers and Cove Oys>* ter*. :>n and a good many more n ... jrrnceries that sba'i be sold for short ti( ;. So ali in need ot the above g -ods 7 i;i (In w»ll and save money by calling on J ho N. Webb. lebi9-tl sr planters wonl lints at Rbl2'2 r . WORRILL & VINING. NOTICE lO Til PUBlftC. The public are nerejiv notified n >t to trade f • (ji rtaiu note made by A. Low.'S & Br -s. payable r 0 N. H. Bayless, or bearer, nrtii d'u“ in May. 1867. The note was itTf -.'erred by N 11. Bayless to one James vV, [litht wer, ot U, son eo., woo now has no irtorext in said note, as the same has b<eu paid off, hut who refuses to surrender A Me Lewis, J hn F. Lewis, James M. Lewis, Os the late firm ot A. Lewis A Bros. Feb 16, W l ’. Person a i.. — o. 1 1 , luiner, who Rometime njj,, commenced business in Frederick City, b v > icui ivtrd his stock troin that place to Thotmifbou, rpflnn County Georgia, where be intends opeuing his business. We wish 4 >rn success m his new home in far of “Dix jc,” ariu commend him to tho citizens of Thoqjarton. Comet and Advertiser. I The above is train a p*per published in ■St. Michaels, Md. Mr. Turner comes to l,s we.l recommended. We are glad to see toferpriflirig, business men lc :ate in our r '•> town. It argues well for the future Inf Tb fouston. j LIT dust removed nt John N. Webb’s rh-up store 800 gallons of Corn and Kyc iNVhishv, which tie will soli cheap for cash. febl9-tf 100 Su 'k-i is,ni o<r sa'e bv LEWIS & SAWYER. I S*?* Gentlemens fine Black & Drab Hats It WORRILL & VINING. I ti&t Suggs & Ojihnnt sells goods cheap ■or cash. I Personal.— Mr. Bemj. Jordan, of Upson r)n i r 'ty. who was swer il days ago by Hi Inert Denham, (col.) and thought to be Be • <ly w tuj.d and, is recovering. Elbert Bk'ifliani made his escape at the time, but ■ s smee been apprehendetl and is now in V '!• Hfiftf'l wdl *n; il Whisky and Brandv cheaper than any house «n Barnesvilie. ''' l k ■ t \Vf;i*•.kv are lar ead nur , ® '"i tdi ma Liquor are o<| and oi’the les fi-' i’y. Cud when you wish to price ** v. VV. A. Johnson. H! ■* A VL . 1 . 4 i'». O-Jf .. I, '-..;.: at -V ORRILL & VINING. . D-> ».< =,' i t.■ >t in gi to Suggn & Oil- U a 8 to buy \ »ur goods. Nt'w —The new adver* '’"inert ot John N. Webb will be seen in I other column of this paper. Mr. Andy I the bnsinesi* man of the eatiiUitths i ■ V known the good of printer’s ink. — r a ‘lv. , rt’i.e;neotß will be continued what- I r the \alentine senders may bay to the I” n\ry -notwirhti.andii'g. He pays for r Als,’ and the eolmnns of the Herald ■ open to him. I . lb-op kkirt, Balmorals, Hosieiy I'' HtJkis*, Nubias, Arabs eer,, at r 12.*2t W ORRILL & VINING. ■ -“-V* Rill, Sun, Martin and James, in > V fc . dr-n 1 ’ go and P ch Bra I rv Liar.dy, old Rye vt fiisky or oid l rn “ i: ! -h>, call on me at John N. Webb’s B' . w. A' JUHNisrN. ■ > 'l9-tf I*® ' ots an, i Shoes for Pale eoeap at SRGCS & CLIP HANTS. 1 T - Rs .~-~Mr. M. 11. Bayless, of Ky., the P* stock man is in town with o mulja that has been brought season. Plamers in need Bayless" " eH l ° CftU and 860 »i,? f :' r L ' ~ 0 ', ,e 11,101 vine land ir, Upson % o, y fnr .a:e cheap for oash A„ T ,! y 'to J* P* AIXANDER, _ _ At the Herald Office. luiat bum,; U W , ril ty w l»ere did you mi dv, v> " you had that 1 Let -" 1 member' that day, oh. yes, ,IT Wfcbb.” * 1 g" 1 from Andy Juhn Id Jou w ;fv. J e t,lp y havfU <l 0 , whssk °y ee L you go 1 Webb in I* le,,t y» ar ‘d besides old n ' c et:oL'd . n , clever old sort [•” and eas y kmd of a fellow any K“kb«w.kt B ,‘ 809 oM m “ and a ’ .. Qow you would say that.” feb 12tf Prof. McDonald and nis Book.—We have just received a little work entitled “McDonald’s Music, Dancing and Man* nerd,” published by Prof. G. F. McDonald, of Montgomery, Ala., the well known, popular and accomplished Southern Dans oing Muster. There can be no doubt that the Professor is tho very man to publish “The Code of Regulations” which should govern the “Polite Art.*’ His elegance, ease aud urbanity everywhere displayed, murk him as the true gentleman, and though he has seen fit not to be eo volum inous as Chesterfield was, yet he will not be the less referred to on questions of eti* quette because of his conciseness and accuv racy. That portion %f his book devoted to the art of Dancing contains evidences in itself that he knows “who eof tie speaketh.” His skill in “tripping the light fantastic toe” knows no bounds, and the grand soirees which have been given him wherever h n has taught shows tho appreciation in which ho is held by his pupils &o<\ patrons, and also shows that ho has tho gift of imparting to others his skill and graceful movement in answer to the sounds of sweet music. C. Teu Lb',* of yellow Pink Eye Pota** toes jus: reci e-i ul J hn N. Webb’s New Grocery Store. lebl9-*tf Ladies Dress goods very Cheap at febi2s2t WORRILL & VINING. Our friend, Mr. Joseph 11. Smith # agent for “The Maryland Life Insurance Company,” seems much troubled about a reply he wrote to a Valentine he received this week, which he handed to one of the young gentlemen in town, thinking it was ho who had favored him, and which has mysteriously disappeared. lie asks us to say to any who happens to get hold of his reply, that the “assurance” spoken of in it was meant only "'life assurance and that though a “stranger in a strange settlement,” he is not at ail backward in “pushing him-* self forward” when that subject is alluded to. * tsr Grier’s Almanacs given away at Webb’s cheap store. febl2~tf jLadies Congress Gaiters at teb!2'2t W ORRILL & VINING. Griffin Star.—The Griffin Star is the best Bemi-Weekly iu the State. It presents an elegant appearance. Success to the new firm who nqw have it in hand. Anew lot of Boots & Shoes at ieb!2, 2t VV ORRILL & VINING. ffcajp* 12 Cases Boots and Shoes just ar rived by LEWIS & SAWYER. 8 Just removed 75 prs. Cloth Gaite r sin es which wiil be sold very cheap. CaL early ror a pair at Webb’s. febl9stf Old Boreas was cutting up some of his “high didoes” on yesterday in our midst. 0 i all corners you could hear “oh ! so cold.’ In the language of an ancient pc et: it blewed and it frizzed.” ©aT* The State Correspondent of tho AN lanta Constitution gets of the following compliment od the beautiful and thriving little city of Griffin. And as it speaks our sentiments we are compelled to copy it: “griffin. When one is wearied pnd Worn with the cares of the World, and w-iuid recuperrte the exhausted faculties of mind and body, let him oorrre here. Hero the sun seems to shine with a more btutifal splendor, aid the winds waft a sweeter per fume Here tr• i- moon Se -mi t-» seed a Sifter, purs e>. holier i i, : itr, ; i the stars ro twinkle with a rn -i • ec-tadc joy riiati any where e’se or the . ice l rea ion. “And such ee-et trills —I tnenn su. h graceful Indies. Their very walk would make your os >m swell; W hil.- th«ir oveipowerim eyes, that turn jou {»ale, Flush into the heart. Beautiful city Os love ! ! bon an indeed the city of bright eye3 And picasaut boaei!” lion. Mr. Revel, colored Senator from Miss Bdrp’. is on the flm r ■ f the Senate till- m Fiji g He has 1 een made much oi by Sen at r Drake, Mort n, Sumner and others. There is a vuca t seat behind So inner, and Revel has his eye On tiiof. Ames, the oilier Mississippi Senator, lias been on the floor of the tlon -> i -the suggestion of these, new } : yy • •'on introduced tr> admit Mis-is ippi. Tn reply to the .object,ons of Gift counsel for the defen-e, a Vi"ginia justice ►aid he didn’t care ;,b ut “o .l r cutions,” and would try do case anyhow, and if dey didn't have so dacti >n, “dey iouhl repeal agio’ his ex< i m.” At Cedar Rapids, iowa, a conirn't* to' 1 , comp'■ sod ot one member from inch church, visits t-very bu-iaess house, office, bi Jar 1 hall aue salt on. asking their p o> p-ietor* to cloß early each evening ami ar. tend the religious uie tine, now in progress. The popuin.Km oi Si. Petersburg on the 10 h of Decamber w o 667,029, of which 376,523 was male, and 290,503 femah • IMr. Dalrympie, the great firmer of Minnesota, is sa.d to have made sls ,000 clear gain in three years of farming. When a rooster crows, he crows all over. Four thousand tons ofice have been packed this season in Dive port, I/wa. Fattening F* wls. —An exchange give* the following method Fir fattening in a week or ten lays, o redihie .is it may ap*« pear* We copy the method without any experimental knowledge of its value ; Set rice over the fire with skim-milk, only as much as will serve one day. Let it boil till the rice is quite swelled and add a teas poon tul or two of sugar, but will do well without. Feed the fowls three times a day in common pans, giving them only as much as will fill them at once. When you put in fresh rice set the pans in water, that no sourness may be conveyed to the fowls, as that prevents them from fattening. Give fresh water, or milk of the r ce to drink, but the less wet the rice is, when perfectly soaked, the better* By this method the flesh will have a clear whiteness which-no other food gives, and when it is considers ed how far a pound of rice will go, and how much time is saved by this mode, it will be found cheaper than barleyoineal. The pen should be daily cleansed and do food given for sixteen hours before the poultry is killed. AcJcnowledgniChts. —We are undr obligations to our Texas correspond ent “Justitia,” for late copies of tlii Galveston News, an excelent daily paper published in Galveston, Texas. TilOAi A STON M A UKK t\ Cotton W Corn $1 RL to $1 A0 Wheat #1 50 to il .o lineon 'ii)4 t* Flour 0o to Oh Meal * Peas *1 25 to il 5o But ier '25 to %<' Chickens 15 to 25 E*cs ... ‘-A Urto jUMfrttsn&ffit. THU ML-G A3 TO ii CHEAP STORE, The Old lieliabj- Store is WEBBS. The Store for the People is WEBBS. The Store for Dry Goods and No tions is WEBB’S. The store for Boots and Shoes is WEBB’S. The store for Clothing at cost is WEBB’S. The store for Ladies Dress Goods is WEBB’S. The store for the Young and Old is WEBB’S. The store for the Colored People is WEBB’S. The store for those that use Whisky is WEBB’S. The store for those that use Tobacco is WEBB’S. The store for those that use Brandy is WEBB’S. The finest Whisky and Brandy in town is WEBB’S. Those that want Leaf Tobacco go to WEBB’S. Those that buy Goods for Cash goes to WEBB’S. My friends my honest opinion is that the most of the goods is sold at WEBB’S. Thankful for past liberal patronage and soliciting a continuance of the same I am positively your best friend. JOHN N. WEBB, and W. A. JOHNSON, Ag’t. febl9-tf DR. J. O. HUNT, \\7 ILL continue the practice of nvdi- V v cine in Thomaston and Upson county. Will give prompt attention to calls, and will devote his entire attention to the practice. He has moved from his oid residence to the i:\vellingformerly occupied by Mr. A G Goree, on China s ivet. As soon as finished he will take an office up staiis in Messrs. Allen & Cheney’s n w building. Until then he can bo found at the Drug Thomaston, Pa., -lar.. 22, lS7(>-tf' R. N. PERRYMAN, RETAIL GBOOBRir BBAMBR K EEP constantly on hand a good assort ment of Family Groceries, such as— BACON, HAM?, LARD, FLOUR, CORN, OATS, CIIECSR, BRAN, CANDLES M U'KERV.L, SUGAR. . OFFER, RICE* SOAP SA RDIXUvS, OYSTERS, SALT, Ac., Ac. Also, lias on hand a good stock of fine WINES, LIQUORS* &C, which he will sell rea < - .ble ‘ r cash or exchange for prod ce jan22-8m Joseph Youngblood, . /•’ » tn re 1 “ ... . I J /~VE ' . ‘ -'j oali nn siugul'ir the 'li *1 ' : *h • F Turin, 1 • n -■ i. ■ u • ! c ,u* ty. .5- \ . 1 i in' ot cnm plaiti ‘ r i ' I ■ lea Wilson, defi-o n st. th .. tigust !’i'\':r), 18*fi, f ' ' ■ ij -1 ent An s-iiil action iu tiis favor for 'lie sum of four hundred and twenty eight, dollars principal, and l. rt-v-ijine dollars interest, vitu .imertst on the principal sum from August 4, Is. till paid, fid the lur tier sim of ‘even dollar- <••>»«•. oi said action. An said j-H nit nt. remains en tirely nos .ti find and the Jf ri far,in i isr ,e ! upon t e same, having li dno ftn r ry nunlo upon tt b.v any prop r ofi cerwitlii seven yeae- •;« pfuvldt and I.v 1.-'w," a ri by the failure to have such entry made having lost is lei., and became dorm nt. Aud whereas, the ti Am, H. Colquit'has remdv. and e.vond the limits of this State. m> that the o.diuarr process of law ca nut be serv. 1 upon him, and the said < 'hai !es Wils n, having died arid there b. ing noleg'd repri-sent aiivc. the -aid \ in. II Col unit-, is hereby notified to he and appear at the next rer i of the Superior Uou< t for sai 1 county on the first Monday in Slay next..then and there to shew cause, if any he h is, why -ai l jadg, lent should not be revived and an execution i-sued upon ilre same. Wit ness the Honorable James W Greene, Judge of the Su erior Court, theß th day of Der-ember. l-Gh. janl-lm4m II T JKNNING. ('lnk. t i>s«a Superior floiui —Tilay Term, 1870. George J. Lewis, | Rule Xi Si to Establish VS. r Daniel W. Mormand. ) Lost Note. Ir appearing to the Gdurf that, George J. Lewi« was tbeuwtiei of a promisory not.- ina e bv D. W. Alor nu.nd, tii nos said county, now of the of Texas. c 1 - lon he loth day of Septeiul er, i Slid, due the 25th in:,. J i ceniher, ■ seo, fur the sum of three hundred dollars with credits as follows . rn.* on the first of Sep tember. N S. or -1' 0, and one on the first of July, 1804 for "ii o, payab •• to si i George .!. Lewis or bear er.ahd which beiiigstlll ..ueand unpaid find has bee ft dig troyed. It is therefore ordered that the said D. W. Mormand show* cause on or before the next Term of this Court why a copy sh mid not be t) Il v established in li uof said ost original. Andi further appearing ihat said D. W. Mormand, resides in the State of is ordered that, this Rule Xi Si he served on said D. \V. Mormand. by public.ition in th>- G eorgia Herald, once a month lor three months next proceeding the next Term of this Court. Witness the ITon- James W. Greene. Judge of said Court, December 80th, '869. H. T. JENNINGS, Clerk Super Court, Upson county, Ga. A true copy of the original. ja»29-lm3m H. T. JENNINGS, C. S. C. UPSO\ SHERIFF’S SALE. ITT ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in March VV n?x', before the Courthouse door, in the town of Thomaston, Ups< n county, between the legal hours of sale, the following ptoperty to wit: Lot No. 6 in the North We-t back square wi h theim proveine t- thereon in the Town of Thomaston, in said county of Upstfh, the same being thg place now occupi ed by John Bland. The same leveid on as the property of said John Bland by Virtue of an Execution issn* and from the Superior Court of Upson county, in favor of D Young against John Blaud. Sold for the baliance of the pur chase money for said Lot. o. C. SHARMaN, jaD29-W Sheriff. SUGGS fe^LIPHANT, this method o ' informing ’heir friend and pu’ci that thev have remove 1 to the new building of Messrs. ALLEN & CHENEY, South Eutt C truer of the Public Square, THOaHASTOST, G-A., Where they continue to keep a full and complete stock of DRUGS Medidnes, Oils, Paints, Dye Stuffs, etc., »tc. Anl have added a well selected stock if DRY GOODS, Itats, Boots, Shoes, and Ready-Made CLOT JEX ING, We also have a choice selection of Heavy and Fancy GHOCBHIES, Queens’ Ware, Notions, Fancy and TOILET ARTfCTES. We sell Cheap for CASH. SUGGS & OLIPIIANT. Th'ima&ton. Ga.. Feb 12, 1870. G. J. LEWIS. w. bAV\ Y£R LEWIS & SAWYER, GENERAL mm m provision DEAL E*S. S -”T Est- r sale L ARGE ar-d WELL • J SELECTED STOCK of iLMILY fiIOuEEIES. i diIEFLY FOR CASH; or, we will re ceive 1 reduce for Goods. TO Barrels Extra Family “Flour at sl') per 1 arrel. 8,000 Papers Garden Seed, fresh and genuine, at 5 cents per paper. 5 Barrel* New Orleans Sirup. 10 Bairds of Extra Syrup. 25 Barrels of Early Goodrich Po tatoes. 150 Pieces Potting, Large Wash Pots, Large Bake Ovens. LEWIS & SAWYER. Thomaston, Ga., Feb. 12, 1870. • BUY Y 0 U R t g an m ss r ryS &1 1 Uit t O !•' • ■ romkaii & co., ■m 15 DEG ATI 0. -T. Q-JS.. fclis-ly DR. O. S. PROPIIITT, ATLANTA, G-A.., Is still Manufacturing hi? Celebrated FAMILY MEDICINES. CONSISTING OF IIIS LIVER MEBIOINE, ANODYNE PAIN KILL IT, iNTI-BILLIOVS PILLS, AGUE iFIXaIIS, D YSEXTER Y CORDIAL , FEMALE TONIC AND — PURIFYING PILLS. As beretr'f re and wiil attend t all busi ness in his line that comes to his office. Will prescribe for patients when consult' ed. and examine any that will come his office at any time, (Sundays excepted ) Will treat secret diseases of all kinds. Special attention given to Female Diseases both acute and chronic, etc., etc. Prompt attention given to al! orders. 0. S. PROPIIITT, Con. Walton and Broad Sts. Atlanta, Ga. Sold by Suggs & Oliphant, Thom sston. Ga. febl2 T 3m. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, FOfe PIUIFYOG IliE BlOOff. • The reputation this ex* a . oellent medicine enjoys, Z derived from its cures, yV\d ' many of which are truly marvellous. Inveterate dr * cases of Scrofulous dia /¥ ease, where the system h*'l seemed saturated with J - |<PS corruption, have been Hv-..,.---! V' purified and cured by it. -v r= Scrofulous afl'ections and _ _A disorders,which were ag gravatcd by the scrofu*. ■ J ate*®*??" * lous contamination until they were painfully afflicting, have been radically cured in such great numbers in almost every sec tion of the country, that the public scarcely need to be informed of its virtue; or uses. Scrofulous poison is one of the most destruc tive enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and unfelt tenant of the organism lnuiermiues the con stitution, and invites the nttm K of enfeebling or fa tal diseases, without exciting a suspicion of its presence. Again, it seems to breed Infection throughout the body, and then, on some favorable occasion, rapidly develop into one or other of its hideous forms, either on the surface or among the vitals. In the latter, tubercles maybe suddenly deposited in the lungs <>r heart, 01 tumors formed in tiie liver, or it show its presence by eruptions on the skin, or foul ulcerations on some part of the body. Hence the occasional use of a bottle of this SaysajxivUht is advisable, even when no active symptoms of disease appear. Persons af flicted with the following complaints generally And immediate relief, and, at length, cure, by tho use of this SAIiS jFA I'll, l A: St. Antho ny’s Fire, or J'ryslpclas, Tetter, Salt Jtheum, Scald H‘ad, Jtingicorm, Sore Eyes, Sore Ears , and other eruptions or visible forms of Scrofulous disease. Abo ii> the more con cealed forms, as Dysnepsitt, Jroj>sy, Heart Disease., Tits, Epilepsy, Feu ralyia, and the various Ulcerous affections of the muscular and nervous systems. Syphilis or Venereal and Mercurial Dis eases are cured by it, though a long time is re quired for subduing these obstinate maladies by any medicine. But long-continued use of this medicine will cure the complaint. Leucorrhcea or Whites, Uterine Tflcerations. and Jem ate Diseases, are commonly soon relieved and ulti mately cured bv its purifying and invigorating effect.* Minute directions for each case are found in our Almanac, supplied gratis. Rheumatism and Gout, when caused by accumulations of ex traneous matters in the blood, yield quickly to it, as also Liver Complaints. Torpidity, Con yea tumor Inflammation, of the lAver, and Jaun dice, when arising, as they often do, from the rankling poisons in the blood. This SA It SA FA HI LEA is a great resto-. *r for the strength and vigor of the system. Those who are gyid. and l.isflcss. Despondent, Sleepless, and troubled with Ferrous Apprehensions or Fears, or any of the affections symptomatic of Weakness, will find immediate relief and con vincing evidence of its restorative power upen triad. rRE r A LED BY 3r, J. C. AIEB & C 0.. JCowell, Iff asa«, Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY AiL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. F<»rßn,ffi in Thom as ton by I>. D. Harda way & Cos., and Druygi-fs e e ywnere. febl2-iy TAMES S. WALKER, Attorney at Law LaGarJ£o, Oa. V. ill practice in Circuit Courts of the State, and in the United states District Courts, declO-ly JOB ViORK of all kinds neatly executed at the HERALD OFFICE, deois-tf THOMAS F. BETHEL, DEALER IS DRV GOODS AM GROCERIES J_JAS on hand a Well A**nrt«? »nd one of the BiO<T SELECTED STOCKS brought to thU Ifarkct, and which he Jeelrcw '.o m cbttDg*' so» Cotton or Greenbacks, Planter* In this and adjoining eounJew, who irl*h Good GOODS would do w*ll to call and emsmlne hi* *tonh efore purchasing elsewhere. Tb.’.nk:ul for past f .vors, he beg* a eor.iinc.tAoe of the giraeat hie SEW FIRE PROOF STORE, Thorn**- ton, Ga uea-gtf GRIFFIN CARRIAGE REPOSITORY! r U'IIIS Repository, which for the last twcnty-flve years hns supplied kiddle Georgia with the best CARRIAGES, BUGGIES and PLANTATION WaGOSJ, ever known In this country, la now stoeked again horn the samo Factories, and can supply any stylo of Carriage or Buggy, that may be wanted. Will always keep on hand the celebrated Buggy called “The Woodruff Concord," which are known to be superior to any other. The axles of this Burgy are all made ofacrap Iron manufac tured expressly for this work. The dash frames are of Norway iron that will bend flat down and back without braking. No Buggy can run lighter, ride easier, or last longer, or bo bought cheaper to Its real value than this. Will also keep on hand the WOODRUFF PLANTATION WAGON, which la known all over the State, and took !h« trw* premium at the late St *te Fair of Georgia. W. W. WOODRUFF. dec9-ly Griffin, Ga. stylo of HOGS! HOGS IfMOCrS! LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST! r rilE BERKSHIRE HOG is th* hot? f. r L this country. We keep them tor sale all t.ha time at reasonable prices. We also have an English Berkshire Bo- r which wv w 11 stand at Five Dollars. W e give below the product of five sows for one year, belonging to Gen. John S Williams, of Kentucky, a* we find it in the True Kentuckian : PRODUCTS OF FIVE SOWS. Gen. John 3. Williams, who whether acting E* a Soldier, Politician, I it- Insurance Agent, or Farmer, works with 11 h;s might, give- us the produce of flea sows that were presented to him by frienos when h*» t ook cha-ge of his f .lhc. 't, farm, a year ago last fteptetn her: Sold hogs to the amount of ( 4sg Shouts < id Killed hogs. cgn Other shoats jjftf) Sows remaining ’" 5543 Total value FI trvfi j.n22-tr E B THOMPSON & GO. i BLAZE § i!LU TV! 3-370. 1070. 1870. STARTLING ANNOUNCEMENT FREE, A SPPPRIS JOCRML FREE. Intense Excitement! Extraordinary Attraction I THE CIRCLE OF BRILLIANTS; nr, TOE BRIDE OF DEATH. In that Unequalled Unique Family Journal “The Gem of Literature/' ONE of the npatest, most eleenrrt, tabfe bil and attractive Literary Journal* n the world. I lie La Alt * adore it. Tho gentlemen are fr intic widt delight over i . Its pages are, crowded with the q int essence and cream < f that which tends to s ir the heart improve the mind at and elevate the char cier It is a perfect literary gem Spark ing I Brilliant f Attractive l A model japi r, none- <;»• compare with it Try it for one yt nr 'I he organ of no -ect «.r party INDKPEN- I> M NT, FEA It LESS and FLEE IN ALL i HINGP NEI ri’.Al. IN *o'i RING '1 he be>twrit ■rs writ- fo it. THE KINg AMONG THE MONTHLIES. Each number is beautifully embellished with spiend-d engrav ing-, and Contains a vast v-ricty of choice an ! Interest, ing live reading matter. Brilliant Novelettes. Spl.-nd and Moi ies. So 1-sti.rf. g P.-etiy, Spark lng Uit and Hum or, Brimful of 1-un. News, Gossip, Goirecp nde; re, Puzzb-s, &c. No oilier paper like it in Am rka Will -soon be commenced a Wonderful Startling, nd power fully written Storv of Love, Pa ion, Adren.n o, Ro mance, and Herd. Darin" entitled THE »lii< iE OF BKILLI.MTS, cr, TFI E BRII) I' o F I) EA T H Bv ap< puHr author. This will b< r. D c of the m«t F.ia- Tnarttab.e, \ ML and absurhingly Thrilling, Son! Stir uig Sensational Stori -g ih,i have •mu Bated from tho jieri of living mortal Written in glowi gl. aguax*, \'i;h alen ot li\|d fire—A st- r} - *-> i to fe y in ! crestlng that it wlfl hold lot-reader breat less and Si ell bound from b< ginning o end. Don’t (ail to read it. Ovr ir t > t e imincuse cl-dilation ot the Getn of Lit; mture, and in 01 dor to pi-ice it within the reach of everybody) we have concluded to offer it at the extremely low price of ONLY SIXTY CENTS PER YEAK. A spt en . did Premium 1- given to every subscriber. All persons Vi.o subscribe n- W wild get the paper Free for the rest of the year. UDpar le'e l inducem-n s to C lubs, Pianos. Parlor Organs. Music Boxes. Sewing Machines Albums, Boobs Ac, given away. We want KHO osubscriber*, and wHi give a present to each one E-tablished TEN YEA RS, no new thing. CIP.CUL VTIuX Tv\EN iY- Fi3 L h 110US.\ N!). Advertisements Ificenta per L rie. [J Subscribe and get nil of tho Great Story. Specimens Ten • ents. Circulars free Address, EQBGIA Upson Coitsty—Wiliiam W. (.ibson, of said county, has applied for setting apart and valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon the saint* at my ofhee In Tbomaston, at 1O o’clock, a. m., on Friday, the 11th day of February, ISIO. fish \ ls7o-2t*i WM. A CO»», Ordinary,