Georgia herald. (Thomaston, Ga.) 1869-1870, October 29, 1870, Image 4

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I FIELD, GARDEN AND IdU»£IDLB. Common I‘a'T*. r a Pin.—The mgrvdi' AntH are : One and a hall pounds «>i B'fted i iur, three quarter* <>f ft pound of hatter which hoe houii washed. Tnie i.« sufficient to traka quo pie or two email one*. P*aCH PoTri*—Put a plain pie crust f, und the edjie of u i>an ; cut up aunie poaches ftnd put a lnjer of them into your pan, then a la)er of suyar and c.ver with crust, and bake slowly for two or three hours. I.rmon Ccstard B'i eggs, beaten ue'l. soda crackeis, rull. and fine or grated ; time lemons, grated ; two cupfuls of whitr mg r, a quarter of a pound of bitter, and a nu* meg. Bake on a crust. This quantity of inater a! is sullicierit for six pies. Dbied-Atpi-e Pis.—To a quart of dried apples or peaches, stewed and mashed, take one teacupful of cream, two eggs, well hea » en, and seasoning of cinnamon or lemon. Sweeten it to your liking. Bake in a pie paste. Another remedy for trees that do not mature their fruit, is given by T. M. Elyea. of Atlanta: Bore a bole through the body «>f a tree, and fill it by driving a neatly fitting piece, cut from the limb of some tree whose frur matures fully. "A little leaven, leaveneth the whole lump ” Cun* V“it Lustra*ati-at One "f the n and and approved physicians in Hartford, who has a very large practice, has for several years used with marked sucom*, a remedy for rlieuu atism, which we v. id publisit, for the reason that the article «i>ed can he h tained in the greatest abundance. IT is the berry of ilfcr common “pi fee-root ” Theso berries are pat i*it<* spirit s'- gin is the best —at the rate of two ounces to the p>nt. Os the tincture thus made, a tahlespoon'ul is given three times a day. We are told that this simple yfcmedv. presisted in fi r a week or more, has effected some remarkable cures of this common and distressing com plaint. Wiiitknino Yellow Flannel —IV Ar tus tells us that flannel which has become yellow w ith use may be whitened by put ting it for some time in a solution of hard soap, to which strong itmm<>ma has oeen added. The proportion he gives are one arid a halt pounds of soft water, and two thirds of a pound of strin g ammonia. The e .tne übjo> t may be a'tamed in t shorter time bv placing the garments fi*r a quarter of tin hour in a weak solution of hi-Milphate of s da to which a little hydrochloric acid has been added. This latter process, we dare say will be effectual, and probably the ox lie acid solution mentioned above would answer the purpose as well. A well-known Kentucky minister, sub ject to severe spells- of nervous Ifeadaohe, was in our office, says an exchange, during one of those attacks. Major Brown, of Mexico, was pre ent, and proposed- to relieve him in five minutes, which he did most effectually. The following is the presciption : Take a dessert spoonful of common soda Euch as is used in making bread, and dis solve it thoroughly in a quart of cool wafer. With this shampoo the beau well, for about five minutes, scratching the skin of the bead and back of neck with the finger naiV ; then rinse the head wi h clear, ci*!d water. Major Brown says he has used this remedy in perhaps a thousand caees since 180-1 ut.d never once failed to give relief in five-or. ten minutes. This remedy is for nervous headache, and is not for those afflictions of the head arising from a deranged stomach. * How to Eradicate Sassafras Bushes. — Gee-rge Levy, writing to the Daily Ameri can of this city, gives his mode of destroy ing this troublesome bush : Many farmers are infested with sassafras bushes, and many plans have been adopted for their destruction with little success, the trouble being that when they are grubbed up every small root left then, will the ensuing spring produce a separate eh< ot, and thus numbers increase. Thirty years ago a practical farmer, who had Been lour-score years, t>* and mo that if the bushes are grubht and the and y before and the day after the lull of the nn»on in July, and the day before and the day after **--*-“** -* •* — A --—•*«f the ama.ll roots left in the ground will never germin ate again. After thirty years’'experience. I am prepared to say to all who are troubled with them, suspend all other work, embrace an opportunity offered during the four days I have named, and in the coming sprit g you may sec one in a thousand ; but follow the same course next summer, and y< u shall see yocr enemy no more. I Speak from expeiience—l shall leave others to philosophize and theorize upon it. PKYINtT TIMBER. From the ffcirntific American ] Messrs Editors : —1 s. e in your valuable paper an article on the subject of drying timber. As the last clause of the article invites discus-ion I would say ibat I don’t propose to give a better or quicker wav of seasoning timber, but to give an idea or two derived from my experience for over twenty years. A point which the writer of the article referred to has left out is the time to get out or prepare the timber*.for dry* ing. The time for getting oui ti:nl>er for anv purpose, or aoy kind- of* timber, in this section of enositry, is- from- the loth of May to the lOih of June. 1 would say in the Northern States it would do something later, say fr m the 2S-h of Mav to the Ist of Julv. The question will be asked why I select this particular time for preparing timber. My answer is taut it is a time when the sap of the tree is in full flow, and when the timber is cur the sap runs out at once like water. It is thinner at the time mentioned than at any other time of the year, consequently the timber shrinks and dries faster than when got ou| at any other season, and it w»U Le harder, firmer, and came ela-tio, as ihe timber is in lull growth at this time. It will be the e’earer of sun cracks, and less liable to attack from insects. The timber when prapased should he put in the shade to ary,, if possible. When dried in this way it ne«d» m> boiling or steaming except to bend. it;. Wbwi the getting out of timber is delayed beyoad the time mentioned, the sap stops fl wing, and it gets so thick it can’t escape from the cells, consequently it bus to dry in the wood, and it takes a loDg time to dry. Timber prepared in this way will dry more, and make better timber when dried, in four months, than it will be in two years when got out in the winter. It is better lor sbV-building or any kind of work you may wi«h to put up. If some of y.>ur cor respondents will plrn<-e try this plan ot preparing timber for drying they will find it better than any other. A. A. Porter, OriStn, Ga. LEGAL NOTICES. Georgia up* n county —f- ur week* nfi.T dts M>pl.CHti<>n will be mad* to the Court of Ordinary of said count*, lor leaVe to »»-ll the wild uncull rated lands, belonging to the estate of Darnel Dmbatn, lute of said county, deceased, at private sale. aept24-4w UEQIiGK W. DENHAM. Executor. Georgia- Up on c- unty Four w**ek-* after date of this notice application will be cna ie l<» the Uonorable Court ot Oidinary of said co nty, for learo to tell the real e.-tnie belonging to the estate of Eliae VVataon. drei-ast-d. for the f>en«flt of tbs heirs and oreditors «f said estate. B«*pt*-rober 24. 18.0 •ept-24 4t II T. .JENNINGS, Adra’r. ry EORGIA Upion county—Whereas. T Henry T. Jennings. Temporary Administrator o f the estate x>f .Tames II Twiggs, deceased, appiiee for permanent Administration of ao and estate. Th.-ae are, 'he therefore, to cite and admonish the kindred and creditors of said <lecea-ed to show cause, if nby thev have, on the first Mon-iav in November nest, why said permanent administration should not be granted Given under tny band, this 29th -*ept., 1870. e octl-td W. A. COBB. Ordinary. GKORfIl \ —Up«'*n c<-itnty Whe-eis John W. Irvin applies for the administration of the estate of Alexander Irvin, late of sai l county, de- C6<*lSt~ri. Thene nre, therefore* to cite and ailmoni«h the k!n dred and creditors ol said deceased, to show cause, if any they have on the first Monday in November nest, shv the prayer of the petitioner should not he granted. Given under rny band, this 20th day of September, 1f.70. WM. A. COBB, Ordinary. Sept24-td C'l KORGIUrsnN cotntTT.- Conrt of Ordinary, W September Term.-—tt hureas Ambroze Murphy, Administrator with the will annexed of Stanley Penri fny. late of -aid county, deceased, has filed his petition for dismission from the administration of the estate of said d*ceased. . I» is, therefore, ordered that rnle nl si be published in the Georvia Herald, a public *axett»\ published. In Thomason. In said county, for three months returnable t., ».M c-ur. r» n fho a lot W-.nd» r In Tnnn.o.r ..CAI, iHHt all persons ooncerned may have notice thereof, and act aocordlncly. A true extract from the mlnntes of sa'd eonn. »epti7-8m WM. A. COBB, Ordinary. Fj'RGI t— Cpsox cottitt. Court of Ordinary, September Term. 1870 - Whereas Mrs. '’artha A. Greene. Adm nistr.itrix of the estate of Charles R. Ore-ne, bite of s id c- unty. deceased, has filed herpeM tl< n for dismission from her administration of said estate, aVerfng that she hss 'ullv administered and settled the same It is. therefore, ordered that rul ni si be pub lished in the Georgia Herald, a public ir ’tette of said county, for three months that all persons concerned may have notice that the praver of the petitioner will be eran»ed at the January Term next ensuing of this court unless cause to the countrary be shown. A true extract from the minutes of snid court bept27-8m WM. A. CoBB, Ordinary. Executrix Sale. ho suM at tho Court Tlouso in V V Thomnston Upson county. Ga., on the first Tmsdav in November next. Ten acres of land, more or less belong!ne to the estate of Win. 1) W> odson. de ceased, lyin" in sa'd c>untv near Thomaston adjoining I nls of W. T. Weaver A. P. Harp, and A F. Owen. Sold bv order of the Conrt of Ordinary, for the benefit of the hoirs of said deceased Terms cash. septl7-td MARTHA F. WOODSON, Execfitrix. Executor’s Sale. TTTJLT, Bp «nlil a*- thp Court ITousfi in V V Thomaston. on the first Tuesday in November next the bind belonging t*> the estate of Reuben M hite, deceased, vix! Part of lots No* Isl and3i 8, in the 11 th District of oriirinnlty Monroe now Upson county, con taining two handled an '■ fifty-three acres more or less. To be sold bv order of Court of Ordinary of Upson county, for the benefit of the htirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms cash. septH»-4t JOHN F. WHITE, Ex’r. Administrator's Sale. WILL 1)0 snl'l hpf' ro tbp Court ITon«P door 1" the town of Thomaston, Upson county, on ihe first Tuesday in November next, eightv acres of land, more oriesx, belonging to the es'ate of Narhaniel Sanders, deccrsed. the same beinzpartot Lot No. 261 in the 11th District of originally Monroe now Upson cotfnty, sold by order of the Court of Or- inary of said county of Ups n. for distribution. The same k' own as the widow’s dower, now occupied by W W r Watson, and a<Homing S. C. Mnuk and others. I’erms cash. Beptl7 td H. I . JENNINGS, Adm'r de bonis non. Administrator’s Sale. Xlf ILL h- -d'il iii-f re ’lip i’lutr*' House V y door in the town of Thomaston, Upson county on the first, Tuesday in November next, one undivided h *lf interest in a house and lot in the town o* Thomas ton, belonging to the estate of Peter Duke (colored.) .teoeased, k*»«— «- ♦*-» w- - —-» »-♦ **, '.*’” V*' David Lee and W. H Harris, (colored). «nd being the place formerly occupied by JF. Copeland, t*old by order of the Honorable Court of Ordinary of said county of Upson, for the benefit of the heirs sand creditors of said estate. 11. T. JENNINGS Adni r. si ptl7-td Administrator’s Sale. liriLTi bp hpf-TP tbp c urt H 'UPO \ y door, in the town of Thomaston U[>«on county, on the first Tuesday in November next, five hundred and forty acres of land, more or less, belonging to the esta’eof Mrs. Eve Ragland, deceased, the same being parts of Lot* No 20b in the Ist. District of origin lly Hon-ton cotV'ty and Nns 186, 1 SB, 189 in the 11th Dis trict originally Monroe county, all now situated in the county of Upson. Sold by order of the Honorable Court’ of Ordln ryof said c-unty of Upson, for distribu tion. The same known as the Raeland plantation near Log Town, in said county. Teims positivel ’ cash. 11. T. JENNINGS, Adm’r. septl. -td with the will annexed. Postponed Upson Sheriff’s Sale. \\TILL be sold on the first Tuesday in N<>vem er bat,ire the Courthouse door, in the *‘"* rn ut Triomaston. (ij»s n c— mt legal hours of ■ale. the following p’operty to wit: Lots and parts n I fractions of Lots of Land as fol lows: No. 288 t go. 221, 97 127.? 87. 236. 91,”02, ‘22i.283. 92. 289. 98. 224. 235, 99, 232, and 223. in the 16th I istri-t of Upson county. Also, I ots Nos. 1 and 12 in South west back square o< the town of Thomaston, having a front o 80 teet. and runm g back 240 te*-t. Paid pro perty levied on as the property ol N. F Walker, and to he sold to satisfy one fl fa i*«uod from Upson 8o perior oart in favor ot James R W’alker against Nath nlel F, Walker, l’artie; in possession notified ■eptlO-td O. O 811 ARM AN. Sheriff. Administrators Sale. II 7 ILL be obi 1 pforp rhp Court Tlousp v V door, in the town of Thomaston. Upson county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in Novemher next, to the highest bidder at public out-cry, all the Real Estate of •Joseph W Todd, late of Upson county, deceased. Baid land lies in the First District of originally TTous ton. now Upson county, and consists of Lots Nos. Three Hundred und Eighteen, ad Bouth half of Three Hun dred atid Nineteen, and No Two Hundred and Nlnty three (all mining) and altogether containing Five Hun dred and Six and a-quarter acres more or less, and is conveniently situ ded to good schools, churches of dif ferent denominations, and in very good society. It ig near the Factories, and eight miles trorn Thomaston where a Railroad will very soon terminate The place has a good dwelling good kitchens, good barns and stables, and all other improvements necessary. It is well and conveniently watered. It is a beautifkt and pleasant place to live, and has a large amount of wood land, and the prettiest timber in middle Georgia. The cleared and wood land ig • roperly divide.! with good fencing enclosing the former, and a large surplus of rails. The premises will he sold in lots to suit purchas ers. Titles perfectly good. AH persons wishing to purchase land in a healthy section and Situated as above, are requested to visit the Administrator on the place or communicate with him at Waynmanville, Ga. Terms cash. H W. TODD, Adm’r. Macon Telegraph and Messenger copy three times and forward bill to Gkokwia Hfrald. septlO-td THOMAS F. BETHEL, DEALER IN DRY GOODS Ai\D GROCERIES SHOES, HATS, CLOTHING, CHOCK ERY WARE &C., AC. inform bis cuntomera and the v T citiaens of this and adjoining counties that he has received his entire stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, and woul i respectfully solicit sll who wish desirable and enl-stantisl goods to give him a call and examine hi* large and varied stock hetore p .rchasin elsewhere. Th 'Dktul for past avors, he earnestly begs a continu ance of the same, at hi* New Eire Proof Store, on Main street, Thou aston, Ga apl23-tf DBKTTISTELX. TJ’MIE nnder-iwned batni; pp~mHnpnt|y 1 located inThomgton,still tendfers thier professional services in the practice of Dentistry to the oiti*ensof Upson and adjoining counties Teeth inserted on g Id' silver, adamantine or rubber. All work warranted and ago and fit guaranteed. Office up store over WILSON SAWYER'S store. ts BRYAN A SAWYER. j. C. ZIMMERMAN, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN FURNITURE. of ALL KINDS. Keeps on hand a GOOD AMORT* MENT of FURNITURE of bU 0»r« make and th** °J Western ''amfactureri. Havingan arrangement P.EONDEAU A CO., of Atlanta, the largest FURN- I I'UKE DBALERS in the Booth, enables me toRU or ders of any size for any quantity with extreme SHORT NOTICE, it I should not have the kind you may wish. BED STEADS a speciality, plenty of them always on hand that are good. In returning thanks for your liberal patronage In the past, I would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. Call and see tny goods before you buy. I Set ter myself that I nan please sll that know GOOD WORK when they *ee it My increased facHitlee have enabled me to offer larger quantities, better Variety and betior bargains. Finally I earnestly request all that are in need of any my line to call and examine my stock. dec2s-tf * J. C. ZIMMERMAN. Tin Great Medical Discovery! Dr WALKER’S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, For Female Compluint*, whether In young or old, mar ried or single, at the dawn of womanhood or the turn ol life, these Ton ic Bitten have no equal; are safe and reliable in sill forms of disease. Hundreds of Thousands j Boar testimony to their wonderful. Curative Effects. WHAT ARE THEY? ! \ 1 THEY ARE NOT A VILE FANCY DRINK/ Mado of Poop Rum. Whiskey, Proof Splp-' its. and Refuse Liquors, doctored, spicc<L and sweetened to please tuo taste, ca led “Toruca *• Appetizers,” “ Restorers,” &o. f that leadtha tippler ou todrffukeniwss aud rum, but are atru« Medicine, made front the Native Boot* ana PURIpifiRandXIPBOIVINQ PRIN CIPLE, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator ot tne Hystem, carrvingofl! ail poisonous matter, end restoring the blood to » healthy condition. No person can take these Bitters, according to directions, and remain long unwell. k 100 will be given for an incurable case, pro \ uir.ig the bonea are not destroyed by mineral jioisons or other means, and the vitul organa wasted bevnnd the point of repair. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheu matism and Gout. Dyspepsia, or Indi ce <tion. Bilious, Remittent, and Inter mittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver. Kidneys, and Bladder, thc»o Bit ters have been most successful. Such Dis eases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which IS V nerally produced by derangement of tho Digestive Organs. « . Tucy invigorate the stomach, and stimulate the torpid liver and bowels, which render them of unequalled efficacy in cleansing the biaodof all impurities, and imparting n«w life and Tigor to t he whole system. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headache, Vain in tne tihoulders, Coughs, Tightness of Lae Uitest, Dizziness, Sour Ctomaeh, Bad Taste in the Moulh, Bi lious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Tlopiou# Discliarges of Urine, Pa ,x in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred o .her Kiinful symptoms which nro the offsprings of vspepMa, are cured by these Titters. Cleanse the Vitiated B’.oo 1 whenever you find its impurities bursting throuph the a’iin ia Tim ples. Eruptions, or Bores; cleanse it when it is foul, and yourfeelmgs will toll you when. ’Ceep the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. . PIN, TAPE, and other WORMS, lurking fa the system of so many thousands, axe effectually destroyed and removed. For full directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle, printed in four languages— English, German, French, and Spanish. J. WALKER, 32 & 34 Commerce Street, N. Y. Proprietor. It. H. McDONALD St CO., Druggists and General Agents. San Francisco, California, and 32 and 34 Com me-oe Btr et, N. Y. K9*SOLD BY AT.T, DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. , 6( pl.l-6ra GRIFFIN CARRIAGE! REPOSITORY! twenty-five years has supplied Middle Georgia with th»- best CARRIAGES, BUGGIES and PLANTATION WAGONS, ever known in this country, is now stocked again from the sane Factories, and can supply any style of Carriage or Buggy, that maybe wanted. Will always keep on hand the celebrated Buggy called “The Woodruff Concord," which are known to be superior to any other. The axles of this Buggy are all made ofctrrap iron manufac tured expressly for this work. The dash frames ara of Norway iron that will bend flat down and back without braking. No Buggy can run lighter, ride easier or lust longer, or be bought cheaper to itfr real value than this V Will also keep on hand the WOODRDIF PLANTVriON WAGON, ich is known all over the State and took the firs .mium at the late Stale Fair of Georgia. W. W. WOODRUFF. deeply OrHfin, Ga. XOB HOLK >f all Vincis neatly exo<*uted ts at the HERALD OFFICE. J deolS-t/ ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS^ New York, Philadelphia aod Baltimore! COME TO ATLANTA! H. K. SHACKLEFORD, WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER, NO. 8, BROAD STREET, ATLANTA, Q-EORG-IA- Sole Agent for the Celebrated TOBIAS BITTERS. DE \LER in fine WINES. BRANDIES, WHISKIES, GINS, Ac Will duplicate any bill of Pure Proof LIQUORS bought in the ab.»ve mentioned markets. Grocers and Dealers in Liquors in Middle Georgiacan save money by purchasing from my bouse. I can sell CHAMPAGNE cheaper by the case than can be bough: outside of New lurk. Send for and Pr.ce June 4 ISTu A TIIOUSiHD WOmkTS Tfc»t»ri. DR. J. BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGHJLATOR, ROMAN'S BEST FRIEND J A rFRT\IN CURE FOR WHITES. SUPPRESSED MENSES, and other diseases A peculiar to women. Prepared and sold by L. U. BRADFIELD, Wholesale Drug-* gist, Atlanta, Ga. Priee $1 SO. TESTIMONIALS j Tuskegek Ala Not. 21,1869 —Mr. L. H. Bradfleld—Sir: Please forward ns im* mediately, another’ supply of “Bradfield’s Female Regulator." We find it to be all that is claimed for it, and we hare witnessed the most decidod aj.d happy effects prngjjte'd bv it. > ery respectfully, . HUNTER & ALKXAN lh t. 'We the undersigned Druggists, tak-* pleasure in commending to the trade l»r .J. Bradfield’s Female Regulator, beliering is to be a good and re iV\y e for tb ® d,B eases for which he recommends it. W. A DANSDELL. Atlanta, Ga. W, C. LAWSHE, Atlanta, Ga. W. ROOTS A SON, Marietta, Ga. PEMBERTON, WILSON, TAYLOR A CO., Atlanta, Ga. State or Georgia. Trotjf County -This is to oertify that I hare examined the ceiot of Dr Josiah Bradfield. of this county, and as a medical man, pronounce ?t to be a coipbinat on of medicines of great merit in the treatment of all the c iseases of females lor whifcß recommends it. M * P- M. I . wnber 21, 1898 -->■ Feb j 26, 18i0- ly T- *■ PATFNT METALLIC WHHE WIRE CLOTHES LINES. . WE beg leave to call your attentions /in entirely new article known ns “Patent Metallic White Wire/’ p -ssessing qualities which prevent if from ever corroding or turning from its color during any number of years, and on which letters 1 atent have been secured. It has been found to be the only article suitable for a Clothes Line. The old fashion rope or chord always causes so much trouble and annoyance by breaking, rotting out, and discoloring clothes, and by being obliged to be put up and’ taken down every time used. With this WIRE CLOTHES LIJNTHL You have none nt these annoyances, and when it orrse put up it gives you no more trouble. After using it we are confident v<»w will fully corroborate the statement of th usands of others in its-praise. Every family should, and will eventually have -me. It will not rust nor corrode, though you may keep it in water tor any length of time, even salt water. SIX REASONS WHY EVERY FAMILY SHOULD HAVE ONE OF THESE PATENT EVERLASTING WHITE WIRE CLOTHES LINES: Ist. You never have to taker of the weather. 2d. It will last fifty years or mover. 3d It is the cheapest Clothes Lines in the world. 4th You cannot load it heavy enough with clothes to brake it. sth. It does not in any way discolor, wear or injure clothes that are hung upon h. 6r,h It will save its price l i'n saving clothes every six months you own it. IRBY II TRAYLER. of Th'mrraston, Upson c-tfuty. Georgia, is the authorifed agent for the Hudson River Wire Works in Georgia. All orders to Irby H. Trayler, Thomas*- ron, Geargia, will be promptly filled when the cash accompanies the order. IRBY H. TRAYLOR, April 2. 1876-ts Agent for Hudson River Wire Works. They are sk GestlePurgativ« •! well m aTonlc, posses^ ing also, the peculiar merit of acting aa a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or InffaouL.atioaof the Liver, and all tho Visceral Organa G. H. & A. W. FORCE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, OA. jantMy JSL. TC. K ENNYIS NEW ALB DEPOT, NO. 14 PRYOR STREET, ATI, ANTA, GA. is State Agent fo»the celebrate ed oLD WICKLIFFE. KENNY Is A feat for Lill's CHI-CAGO- ALE. UF" 4 JvENN Y U Agent for London Royal Nectar Gin. er KENNY is Agent for old Tom Gin. K 7“ KENNY manufactures All Gradee of Si-gars. K.',NNY’S BITTRRB cannot be excelled M a teuie. Try them! Go end see KENNY nt his new stand on Pryor Btre>et. febs ljr W. L. CLAY & CO., WHOLESALE. LIQUOR DEALERS AND Commission Merchants, NO. i GRANITE BLOCK, BROAD BT. ATLANTA, OA., PRICE LIST. Ten. Corn Whisky, per gal ft. 25 to 22A Ten. Rye Wh skey, per gal l.ftO to 8.00 Roberson Whisky, per gal 2.00 to 4.00 City B«»arbon Whisky, per gn1.... 1.60 to 8.00 t ay XXX Whisky, per gal 1.25 to 2.00 ? l**r gal 1.. 2.00 to 0.68 Lee s Beat Whwk|. per gtl 2.0f» to 4.5,) Marshall Whfgky per pj 2.00 to 6.00 pergnL..., 2.50 to T.OO J*mZ9-u JUST RECEIVED! H .WING received heavy shipments of W II I S K E Y, of late, we offer the public the GREATEST 1 INDUCE MENTS ever offered 1 a this market. Oar LIQUOKB are bought FOR CASH, and therefore, very low. Are GUARANTEED PURE. Our Expenses being very small we may confidently assert, that we can SELL CHEAPER than New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore houses Give us a call, and judge for youeselves. er AgenU for SOLOMON’S BITTERS. L. tOUEN A CO Junell-8m AVdanU, Georgia. LIVERY Ml) SALE STABLE. Always on hand, phaetons, Carriages, Buggy and Saddle Hotses. PINE BLOOD HORSES, both for sale and livery. Extra accommodations given to drovers. WALKER <3e BRO., GRIFFIN,. GIO RGI A. m Will’ furnish good teams for the Indian Bpring*, and Chalibeate and Warm Springs, oa reasonable terms junell-tf A. STArrOKD. A. J. BLALOO* i W SI AVToXD Stafford, Blalock & Go., Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Staple and Fancy Goods, HARDWARE, CUTLERY Ac., U No 21 Main Street. Bamosville, Ga de< 9 GOOD NEWS FOR THE PEOPLE! A NEW YORK I>RU(x STORE. AT BARNESYILLE GEORGIA. WHERE the people can purchase every thing pertaining to the line, at a saving of 50 to 100 per f-ent Friends and Fellow-Citbsens: This is worth saving; and now it is for you to call and see whether these things are so or not. Pure Kerosine Oil at 60 cU. per gallon; and all other article# in same proportion. Yours troly, July9-ly PHILIP P. VAN ALSTINE FOR SALF7 ONE fine buggy Horse iir fin't/>r* condi* tion, also, four young Mules, strong and sound. Inquire immediately of Esept24-tf W. T. WBAYER. A heroic mm\\ HENRY’S) CARBOLIC 1 CONSTITUTION RENOYATOIjj BASED ON SCIENCE PREPARED WITH SKIU, and all the available engenuitv and it , ness, that th 6 art of pharmacy of tb, 1 * sent day ean contribute. And ecu in Concentrate 1 Form the most Valuable Vegetable Juice; Known in the Historv of Medicinn PURIFYING THE BLOOD Imparting NUTRITION TO TIIK SYSTEM Tn< TO THE STOMACH. ’ And a Ilcalthv actii n *o the Liver, p neys. Secretive and Excretive Or^ Xk DVZMa ■XTTA.Yr* Lay breathing his last on the battle $J fiis companions surged on and left ju alone. They knew the cause of hii,. proaching end it was the deadly bullet \ friendly voice could cheer him to life— 1 human skill could save him THOUSANDS OF PRECIOUS LIVE} are to-day as rapidly sinking, and tin-, ly tottering on to an untimely end, ins. sering. Agony, Wretchedness, and 1». ance of the cause which Science can arrest ard asstiftrr Nourish into new Life and Vigor And cause the Bloom es Health To dance once more upon their with ed Cheeks. DISEASE, LIKE A THIEF, Steals upon its victims unaware*, and. fore they are nware of its attack, p] tt itself firmly in the system, and thu neglect or inattention becomes seated,* defies all ordinary or temporary treata* to relinquish its merciless grasp. DO YOU KNOW THE CAUSE OF The wasted form—the hollow cheek! The withered fsice—the sallow complex The feeble voice—the sunken, glnusj The eimieiated form—the trembling 1%. The treacherous pimple-the torturing-. The repulsive eruption—the inflamed tj The pimpled face—the rough colnrleiink and dehili.ating ailments of the pre*i age? The answer is simple, and cuvem whole ground in all its phases, viz: tbi Fangs of Disease AND HEREDITARY TAIN] ark riKm.r rixin in tiii FOUNTAIN OF LIFE—THE 11LOOI The INDISCRIMINATE VACCINATE during the lute war, with diseased Lj®;| has TAINTED TIIE BEST BLOOD IS in the entire land. It has planted the jr | of the most melancholy disease in the» J of men, women and children on all imj and nothing short of a HEROIC REMEDI will Eradicate it root and branch, forf* j Such a Remedy is HENRY’S CAKBOL CONSTITUTION RENOVATOR. j On reaching the Stomach, it assimuis at once with the food and liquids tbet and from the moment it pusses intu a i Blood, it attncks disease ut its fount head, in its germ and maturity, anddist pates it through the avenues of theorpT with unerring certainty, and sends new»4 pure Blood bounding through every »’i and vein. The tubereules of Scrofula that » times flourish and stud the inner coatir'l the abdomen, like kernel of corn, are *- ered, dissolved and eradicated and the eased parts nourished into life. TheT J pid Liver and Inactive Kidneys arc sti® ; lated to a healthy secretion, and li ‘ natural lunctions restored to rente health and activity. Its action upon the blood, fluids e. o body, and Glandular System, are i Purifying and Disinfectant. Mi it* 1 disease droops, dies, and the victim wl viulence, as it were, i LEAPS TO NEW LIFE. } It relieves the entire system of Aches, enlivens the spirits, and imp*'-* j Sparkling brightness on the Eye, A rosy glow to the Cheek, A ruby tinge to the Lip, A clearness to the Head, A brightness to the ©oEvpletiwib A buoyancy to the Spin's, And happiness on all sides. Thousands hare been rescued from ■ verge of the grave by its timely u*e. This Remedy is now offered to tbe p with tbe moat solemn assurance of' a trinsic medicinal virtures, and p°* ( Healing properties. - For all Affections of the KIDM 1 RETENTION of URINE, and Dis? B * Women and Children. Nervous tion, Weakness, General Lassitude * Loss of Appetite, it is unsurpassed. tinguishes Affections of the Bones, H Costiveness, Debility, Diseases of the “ neya, Dyspepsia, Erysipelis, regularities, Fistula*, all Skin Liver Complaint, Indigestion, monary Diseases, Consumption, t>cryl u King's Evil, Syhillis. PTtIPARID BT Prof. M. E. HENB^ DIRECTOR- GENERAL or TBK BERLIN II OS-PITA 1 " M A.. L L. D„ F. R. 8 , HENRY k e&lyfroprff Laboratory, 27ft Pearl Stre* f - Post office B .x, 5272, New RENOVATE $1 per bottle, six bottles for $5- v (J ii where on receipt of price. \ requested‘ to* correspond confident 18 . reply will be made by following®* 1. Sold? oy all respectable Druggt* I®* 1 ®* ntch26'ly