Georgia herald. (Thomaston, Ga.) 1869-1870, November 12, 1870, Image 4

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FIELD, GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD. Shallow plowing operate* to impoverish the soil while it decreases production. Tiiere is an immense cranberry marsh in Washington Territory, yielding on* hundred thousand bushels in a single crop Pop-over Cake.— The following receipt for making the justly ce'ebrated pon-over cake. It is said to he well worth p trial. One cup of milk, one cup of flour, one *•!»•' n* egg, a little pinch of sal r ; increa* • i p*» portion to the family. Orange Custard (with Pe«ti v ) 1 gie dionts : The rinds and juice «>’ two a quarter of a pound of pujrar, »• scant qnaifc er ot a pound of butter, two egg , oo- gra ed nutmeg. Fill your pie dishes ah on half full. A COP.REsroNDET of the Rural N • Y ' er says that he has known a hurs .h w n for twelve months on three leg* .'torn g* bone, made perfectly sound bv »h*> arotbra tion once a day. of an «>inrm*' <•• -d of half an ounce of bluestcn* • f turpentine, thoroughly mixed - Ke ■ • e hoof greased. Apple Costard. —Take h*'Wi' <f b apples, and mash them as tine a p<>S'-ib , e. Add the yolks of six and whi'es oftb'ee eggs, well b*at< n ; one «e«cun f ul o 1 'We - cream, a little rosewater, some r.utmeu. .*ii*- namon, and a small lump of butter. M*x all together, and sweeten it well. Then make a good crust. Pour in the mixture, and bake in an oven Prrr Paste —Mix together one quart of flour, a quarterof a pound of butter, a little lard, ard pinch of salt. Beat together the yolk of an e<:g and a cupful of wafer and then add them to T he fl*ur lb • the pase very often ; the of;ener t i- robed ’be richer it becomes, and eeh ine «*• r 'l* ed or* and uiall par’iel'** (it out *>v rit Thi q y v of s w I m-»-• o» thr •* <* r or pio<\ c rwjt p Mi v CEeP.'E. — Four roiled crack . •; of molasses one ar and one belt • • r -' ■ rrar one cup of cold waV one '» r ei'lf-r or one half cup of bailed Cider '* w : -o wafer, two thirds of a cup of ;rj«. Iwo eggs well beaten, stirred io b n last *hing. Spices to 'be taste. This wtU make three or four pies. accord’Pg ?o the size. Bake like eomnion pies. Florendies.— Boil wo quor « of milk, und stir in half « pound of ground rice ; sri • constantly until it thicken*. Then po i »o a quarter and half qu rter of a pound o' batter, and let it b c .me c,i I «oe yolk of s x eggs, and <* e v>e*.r} of .okc together, and stir in w ith the . her a c> Beat the whites of the eg and M»r th**® • lightly. Then prepare :t nice o>e < **o t This preparation is sufficient fur five pies Bake in a moderate oven. To Train a Horse t> Stand The American Stock Journal oantai s e hal lowing directions : “Take your horse on he barn floor and throw a strap over his hack and fasten it to his right fore font ; 'e and him along and say ‘ whoa.” at t| lP *iin»o tim® pull down the strap, which thr >* - m on th vee feet and makes him stop . i dd This is the beet wav known to teach « . though you can but on the w r hi •.) and say whoa, and give him a sh *rn j rk Gv will stop him about as soon a* f’*p sn-ar. o his foot. Then put him in hame-s w ; ! ' *h foot-strap, and drive him ut> to he and <.• The moment be undertakes to move * *k** his foot and say whoa. Get in your c;*t riage and get out again; rattle the pbii's. make all the noise getting in f.nd out that you can; give him to understand, by snatching bis foot every time he moves, that he must stand until you tell him to go ; and after a few times you can put the whole family in the carriage and he won't stir out of his tracks. Why do Beks Swarm? -At the recent Michigan Bee Keepers’ Convention this subject was discussed. Mr. Oris is reported assaying: The strongest instinct God has given to the honey bee is the love for stor ing honey. This instinct is so strong th she will remove the young larvae from its cells and destroy it that she may make t “ in for the gathered honey But nhe dop* n . thus destroy the brood unless crowded for room by an unexpected rich harvest ♦ r honey. It is to guard against .he and- ••**- tion of the brood the queen cells preparatory to swarmuig wh <• as soon as one or more is -e* .>>.*» The Creator ha* implan * r e u bee such unparalleled bairn 1 * " that but one normal qm*e - * live in a fa.i ilv of bees T strongly developed that she w ers attempts to destroy a r the cell. But working ; ► - guarded, which so exasp* >• > o bv the time one irm*r* is e . ■ . ■ yjrr rusbe> from the hive <> ti< o a w ;:..m being accompanied by a m j-u-ny *• •he colony. These are, rhe*e’**» the r«*:-sous why bees swarm ; l*t. The v\, >: of comb* to hold 2d. To save the destruction of the brood. 3d. The hatred between rival queens. Salting Hay.— A* hay-making time will soon be here, ihe following from a c* * T spondent of the Germantown Telegraph copied for the benefit of those who m.t desbe to try the experiment of -m .tg »> their own huv th s season tVc vh »*•• doubt hut 'he erasses w’ l ! b .•■»*• tb* ■ Th wr er Sa.vs: “Woe * f vciis a b*v niv •> • •• •*. \ m,.ne i n:e *o s '• i>s lie.- >■-. w hauled in ‘it- spre. r’ >g a layer 'o obv -;i over *.he mow ami then spii’W i: gitwi h a li t:e s i and so on to s he top o^toe mow <>- on .1 '• Ik- y w.»« a:! i*. ll* was cot - »■ .eteo a good farmer, and that was toe ;»«•*• er rt i custom of the neighborhood, aid oobodv appeared to doubt its utility. Thus I grew nn into manhood so habituated to the prac* «'* •- ha’ when I went to farming on mv own h ok, I pursued the same plan for a time; hut some eight or nine years ago I somehow or other got to thinking that r! e ® It thus used was a wa>te. both of time ard mouey, and oftentimes of hav too. and con cluded to abandon the practice, at least fer one season. But my hay came out so clean and bright that I wanted another triai of Ir the next year, and the next, and have never salted my hay since, nor do I think I ever shall. I believe the only good effect it ha*, if any, is to season the hay s 'he cart e will eat it better; but that h » vew -m.. matter, for if hay is cut a r ‘be right *g» and properly cured 'here wi be if ie ;.:n hie on that score. Bu '>n he oh- r ad the sweati g of the hav can ed dissolve, thus making t..«»»v c •••of».*ure t . dry out without causing .'ie '• v *•* mould, which it almost i v«r-.,L v :;<!'« e .- I 1 t * r. 1 t''. the cows when a boy ” ’ LEGAL NOTICES. GEORGIA— Upon county —Wheeis. Henry T. .Teuninffs. Temporary AdmlnLtrator of the estete of .James H Twiggs*, deeen>e<l. applies for permanent A<lmini«tration of said estate. Those ar°, 'he therefore, to cite an*i admonish the kindred on*l creditors of said f o show cause, f any 'hev eve. on th" first -, on<'ay in ovcmSer m-xt, why fc-io perm .nent ftcmini’.trmtion should rot h» grant and. Oivea . nd* rmvhvd, ’hi 1 * ?9 : ti octl-td T 7. A CORK. Or<iijary. C>t ri« r * v TT .j .’'** w. i v«- '*>- -n * r '. -e •*<.': e o’ - t • r*.\ n' w n • c * ! per* of . .1 d.ed -creditor* o « i.'t I r r er, o ru», it anv they have o > the fr- ’ ".lav : .i .h. ir* ti. whr the praver of the T-it ic- o-i’ ,’ot ..-e g.- n and. Given under my 1) nd. r : <‘ m ■> \ v f * • 'he., IR7O. V.' ’ A. Ct *!• R. O *’i*m. v. e ept?4-td Administrator’s Sale. By ord"r of ’.e c*;, , V| . of O d : nrrv rtf ‘I alhot con "tv. Ha will r>e *o!d. before the C urt h re door, in the town of 'l’alhotton o the fir<t Tuesday in Decem v er nex*. the following lands, belonging to the Estate of -John R D* id. de ceased, to-wit: The undivided half of a c j rtiin tract of land situated in the Ifi'b District of Up.«*>n connty. On . in the fork of Potato© creek r>n<l Flint river, con i'' ining 454 aerpg more or leas, and known as the Alex ander place, sold for division. Terms cash ' A. P WIMBERLY, oct'29-td Administrator. f"4 F.ORO JA Upson rorNTT.--Court of Ordinary, W Sentemher Term.—Whereas Amhroxe Murphy, Administrator with the will annex*'*’ of Stanley Penri foy. late of said county, deceased, has filed his petition for dismission from the administration of the estate of said deceased. It is, therefore, ordered that rnie ni si he published in the Georgia Herald, a public gnzett*\ published in Thoma.stnn, in said county, for three months, returnable to said court on the first Monday in January next, that all persons ooncerned may have notice thereof, and act accordingly. A true extract from the minute* of »a’d eonrt. sept’7-8m WM. A. COBB. Ordinary. fiKOROIA— TTpsow oot-MTT.—Court of Ordinary, September Term. 1870. Whereas Mrs. Martha A. Greene, Administr->trix of the estate of Charles R. Greene, late ofs *id c*>untv. deceased, has filed her peti tion for dismission from h< t administration of said estate, alleging that she has f ully administered and settle*! the same. It is, therefore, ordered that rule ni si be pub lished in the Georgia Herald, a public gazette of said county, for three months, that all persons concerned may have notice that the prayer of the petitioner will be granted at the .January Term next ensuing of this court unless cause to the countrai y be shown A true extract from the minutes of s-rid court. 6cpt27-3m WM. A. COBB, Ordinary. Administrator’s Safe. WILL f* h * doo . t th. <>i—r> 'T'o ir as*on T7o -r co*i *v, Ga., on the fi*•:•,» r FY.e <!.u ec n* e v ' . '• the highest btd.le* x p i !’<• 11 *he " eof .’osenh .’odd. I ti* o’ Cr- a'v Said land He '» *1» F! •* D! 'cof g - 1 "o ton. now Upson county, v. ' •• i.-i* o Hundred ; n«l Fieh’eeo ‘ o.';h I 1 ' dre*’ and Ninete.-n. tid T • •>* three (all joining! and al** g-thr- i dred and Six an*' s-quavt ■> u s vn< ■' o con* - eni ntl.v si'u t dto good echoo's. ■1» * u - * fe-ent denominations, find in v« t v go* *' -o* e nc.'tr the Factories, and eight mile- rom 'hen on where a Railroad will ven s**on terminate he o- ce has a good *lwelling. good kitchens, goo*’ barns an*’ stables, and all other improvements necess-. v. It i* well and conveniently watered. It is abe .utiful -n ' pleasant place to live, and has a large amount of w-*od land, and the prettiest timber in middle Georgia. Th** cleared and wood land is * roperlv ilivide w*tb «*ood fencing enclosing the former. an<l a lava*- surplus <»*' rails. The premises will be sold in lots to sn’* nn che er*. Titles perfectly good. All persons wishing to purchase land in a healthy section tnd situate*! a.subove. are requested to visit the Administrator on the place or communicate with him at Waynmanville, Ga. Terms cash. II W. TODD. Xdm’r The above sale is postponed t’ll the first Tuesday in Dec miter next. Terms one half cash and halt on twelve months credit. H. w. TOOD, »evs-td Administrator Executrix’ Sale. BY virtue of the host * v»«nie"t •-f AVil|i..m D VA oo*'**on. dec-ess <l. will he sold on the first Tuesday in D •cem’ > *' n \t. he* - re the Courthouse door in Th''m'*«t<*n. G *.. wMon iti • leg.*! hours of sale, the to! owing specifi** parts *• lots, ill sit atedin the East front square, in'he town of Thom a«ton. ITp«on count,v f'eo'gia, to wit; Ail of tha» part of Lot No and. beginn ng at a point distant North forty feet from the Southwest corner of said L t No 3, and running thence N r'h twent.v-font feet, thence Fast one hundr and and twentv feet- No 4. th once South twenty four fed, and t >ene- We r t one hundred and twenty feet to th** pi a e **f heginni a All of that part of I«>* No- 2 and3heginningat a point distant North sixt* -four f**et from th*- Sonthwe tconvr of I,ot No. 8. and running t ence v o lh ’w rtv f**nr feet, thence Fast one hundred and fwentv <e?f ’*' Lot No. 5, thence South twenty four feet, an*! 'hence W -t one hundred and twenty feet to the pbo-e of h g-nning All that part of T>ot No. 2 begi ning at anoint dis n* North eighty-eight bet from the Son'hwest, corn* r of Lot No. 8, and running tbenee Nort, twenty four reef, thence E»s* one hun’Ved and twenty 'eet to Lot No ft thence South twenty-four feet, and thane** V»V *. one hundred And twenty feet, to the nl *ce**f heginninu \li that part of Lot No 2. heginni g a a. poin di t ><t ' orth one hundred and twelve feet f m heSonthva mine, of the Fast front, square, «nd .unnirg hence '* t ’■» •*■ the Noithern line <*f the faiindation *> p K - e !>i>ck e house built, by W. D Woo"-on on *1 'ot- N**. 2. and thence Fast along the s ,5 d l*n*- e" id *>*i' •dntlon on** hundred an 4 twenty fe* t .* To' No. ft n e on nto a point. Ea*t of the point of in*- nd I nee West one hundred and twen’v fee* o the id ce *J nr. All that, port of Lot No ’ h *i. nip a' t!_No*' , '>c *st corner fsaidT.ot No 1 dr" *i g ft ‘W ; *r tv four feet, thence Sop ' r • 1 thence East forty-fou e a »'"*.- v • • “«■ eet to the place of begin" o>' ’ pit >■ r. 1, beginning at the Southen tea n -ro ,- s > 1 ! o. J • n tunning thence West thirty fiv e feet » • th*- place- » be ginning AIT that, part of Lot No 4, hegii-nlw* at. the Northwest corner of said lot No 4. and rnuntng Hi ce South fonv feet, thence cast'hirt five ’***•> thence North forty feet, and t*,enc-* West thirty-five tect *o the p*aceof leginning. AN that part <f• ot <* ** he gi ning at the Southwest corner of sai*'L<* N<< anti running th-nce North to ■* pot- t East from t e North ern line of the foundation of the brick store bni by W D Woodson, deceased thence Fast, one hundred ami twenty feet to a street, thence "<*uth to the s o*’thea«t corner of Lot \o ft. and thence W stone hundre** and twenty feet to the place of beginning. \ls*>, an nn*li vided one-half interest in part of Lot beginning at *he Northwest corner of said Lot No. 1. ard runningi hence South thirty-nine feet more <>r less, to the -barman l**t, thence East sixty feet, thence North to t e Northern boundary of said lot, an*' thence West sixty !• et al ng said Northern boundary to the plaeeof beginning Also an undivided one-half Interest in that part o Lot Nh. 1, beginning at a point distant East sixty fed from the Northwest corner of said Lot No. 1, ami running thence East sixteen feet, thence South forty feet, thence West sixteen feet, and thence North forty feet to the place of beginning Iso, an undivided one b*a'f interest Lot No. 6. Also, an u dp bled one half interest in parts of Lois Nos. 2 and 5, heginni g at the Northwest corner of Lot No 2 and running thence South to the founda tion of the brick store house built by W. D. Woodson, deceased, being thirty feet more or ess, thence East two hundred ands rty feet more or le«s, thr ugh Lots No. 2 and 8. thence N rth to the Northeast corner of Lot No 5, and the ce West two hu dred and lorty feet to the p ace of beg! ning Also, that part of Lot No. 2, lvlng and being in the town of Thomas on, in said county, in the Northeast front square co taining sixty two feet In front **nd running h**ck ei hty f et. begin ning at th-* ontheast c*-rn* rof said Lot and running due Nonh eighty feet, thence due We*t sixty two set, thence due South eighty feet, thence due Kast sixty two feet t** the hegi.-.ning corner of said Lot. These Lots are »mme*ii*teiv in fr< nt of the Court. House sqtr-re, and arc considered the most desirable business lots in he plac Thomast.on is the terminua of the Upson county Railroad, which will soon be in operation, and supported by an extensive and superior section of country, offers extraordinary In ducements io business men T erms made known on day of sale W. F. WOODSON oct2*2 40d Executrix. THOMAS F, BETHEL, DEAL’R IN DRY GOODS m GROCFIIES SHOES. II ATS, OLOTHTyn CRO ’F ery ware &c, &a WOUTiD *ofo* rp cik* t nf find p citixens of this and adjoining connti's flia* he has received his entire -took of SPRING AND MJ JMFR GOOD' and would respectfully solicit rll who wish desirable and sabstaatta) goods to _ive him a call and examine hi- large and varied stock before p irchasin elsewhere. Th *nkful for past avors, he earnestly begs a continu ance of the same, at hi< New Fire Proof Store, on ain street, Thoft nston, Ga apl2 -ts D BNTI^TRY. under-ienetl 1-ieimr re intly I. located in Thomston, still tenders thier pr«>fessional services In the practice of Dentistry to the citixens of i’pson and adfotnlng <mmies Teeth inserted on gld and e -. aiiarv»nt,i e o- *•"hber. vlt w.rk **:>-r rded an-t g r’fit guaranteed. Office no Ft drs .iVf? WILSON sA v Y FR’S store. daOf* Pr.-YA.N * SATTYUR. J. C. ZIMMERMAN, ATUFACTDUKB AND DEALEK IN FUIINITURF of ALL KIND . K* -v ». h v' » » OuD A' JO'T MEN? of FUFNITUSF o Ison rr e- f Wes.erti ' ann‘actnre-3. F v- gr*jrv.rn enrea: wi*.» FEONDFAU A CO., of At’cpta, the largest FURN- I-U’ EDEAJ ER G t v eSon.b.*-r ’ri ire to fll’ •lets of any size r or any qu.x '.Ly w;;hex rxnoe SHORT KOT LB, i I shou’d ro have the kind o.t ni-v wis ? t. ETE* STEADS a sp*cl o’eu v o them r w ysoib'ci that are good. li> retumin r thanks for *oa* lib?ra’ patro sge !n th** past I would rcspect ully B<dlclt a no. ice o' t’ e sa<ne. Call and see my goods **efore you buy. I flat ter myself that I can please all that know GOOD WORK when they *ee it My increased facilities have enabled me to offer larger quaetitics better variety and bet or bargains. Final y I earnestly reqneit a’l that are in need of anv my line to call and exam’ne my stock. dec2fi tr J. C. ZIMMERMAN. Great Medical Discovery! Jr WALKER'S CALIFORNIA *• INEGAR BITTEHS, Fwr Female Conplalatt, whether in young or old, m r ried or single, at the dawnof womanhood or the turn ot life, these Ton ic Bitten have no equal; are safe aud reliable in all forma of disease. Hundreds of Thouseuds Bear testimony to their wonderful Curative Effects. WHAT ARE THEY? THEY ABE NOT A VILE FANCY DRINK, M*de of Poor Bum. Whisker, Proof SpiK its. end Kefuao Liquors, doctored, spiced, and sweetened to please tite taste, called “1 onica 1 * •* Appetisers,*' •* Restorers," Ac., that leal tha tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are atrua Medicine, made from the Native Roots and Herbs of California, fr ee from all Alcoholi a Stimulants. They are the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIES and LIFE GIVING PRIN CIPLE, a perfect Renovator and Invigoratof ot the System, carrrinc off all poisonous matter, nnd restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can taketheso Bitters, according to •ections, and remain long unwell. 9100 will be given for an incurable ease, pro* :.v.ig the bones are not destroyed by mineral >,is ms or other means, and tho vital organs v, is!.-d bevond the point of repair. For Inflammatory nnd Chronic Rheu matism, nnd Gout. Dyspepsia, or Indi te tion. Bilious, Bemittent. nnd Inter* mittent Fevers, Diseases of tho Blood, Liver. Kidneys, nnd Bladder, these Bit ters have been most successful. Such Dis eases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which H rurally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. ...... They invigorate the stom&eb, and stimulate the torpid liver and bowels, which reader them of unequalled efficacy in cleansing the blood of • 1 impn -i es, nnd imparting new life and vigor , .uj v system. dyspepsia or Indigestion, *che, lint . Shoulders, t.>u.:h%Ti "t of the v-i. Dizziness. Bour t .m&c--, .. ‘Jv in T.outh.Bi'lioun Attacks, I alp; Lor. < jha ii. Copirn* Discnaroa of 1 1 , ala tvs regienvofthe Kidneyi, ini ftL-i -'' »' her ja tluful symptoms wine i r.. 3 V'.i c inr: of Dyspepsia, are cured by tb r '-,n T le:". Cleanse the Vitiated Bloc iwh ,c T its impurities bursting through the t irlrn pies. Eruptions, or Bores; Taonitis foul, and your feelings will t lyo'tv • - the blood pure and the health of fie r ' will follow. PIN, TAPE, and other WORSTS ? In the system of so many thousands, ai. itually destroyed and removed. For full directions, read carefi l !; tsmbr around each bottle, printed in four r - English, German, French, andßparo - J. WALKER,32 A34 Commerces r*jt,N. Y. Proprietor. R. H. McDONALB & CO,, Druggists and General Agent* Ban Francisco, California, and S3 and 34 Com* ■ST ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. *„ • « >-j ►« p I. (im GRIFFIN CARRIAGE REPOSITORY! 'p'l Kn.nsitory, which for the last t vent;,-five years h:s supplied iddie Georgle with th best CARRIAGES, BUGGIES and PLANTATION v AOONS.ever known in this country, Is now stocked again from the same Factories, and can supply any style of Carriage or Buggy, th-t maybe wanted. Will always pp on hand she .'.l-brat'd Bnvgy called “The Woodruff Cenco.d,* , i-r'. ~re bn.rvn to be superior to any other. The Br "y :re '1 n-"de b pjrs'ir ’ t *; > th! T7o >. The and v.i, - y « » Vo . y l-o •th • will f ♦ <*.i- •> -■ e * ovd or:* * v. > o Bnggv ca« t r-r , t • ,y i »t 1 ... r , -r. be borcht ' to it* e*’ thou this Will nlro k> ep on h-nd the WOOIIRDFF PLANTITIOS WAGON, tch is known all over the State and took the firs ,».mium at the late State Fair of Georgia. W. W WOODRUFF. dec9-ly Griffin, Ga. JOB WORK f all kinds neatly executed at tha FtP.AT TANARUS» OFfICF, de«l|-tf ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. New V«rk, Philadelphia and Baltimore! COME TO ATLANTA! 11. K. SHACKLEFORD, TVEOUiSAiK LIOTJ *l7 DEALER. NO. 8 . RTM • A 0 * ' l RE?’. ATLANT ©'SOr.GIA. S"’e A, • o’’ e 0 V*-. 'd TOBIAS B i ' } ' YEH S . DE \LER it rP \VTNE C . t ~ * 1,-1! P. .e P LiQUO I 4 * h . e.* ve *eo »o*rd n-.; kei*. Grocers ;i Up ler L ; qoor i-* Mddie 0; on ,t-u ;> ve ev hv po'choio* ■ root my ; ouse. i c , fP i| ( (JAMP\3NE pLr n*p»- by be « p • •» : >e hon-shi ouftde ot New York. *>nd ior Circular- and Price Cutr;'*. _____ Jr£. JSL. SHACKELFORD. June 4 1870 A THOUS4IVD WOME.\ TESTIFY. DR. J. BR ADFI ELD’S FEMALE REGULATOR, * WOMAN’S BEST FRIEND ! A CERTAIN CURE FOR WHITES. SUPPRESSED MENSES, and other disease* peculiar to women. Prepared and sold by L. 11. bRADFIELD, Wholesale Drug* gist, Atlanta, Ga. Friee $1 50. TESTIMONIALS : Tuskegeb. Ala., Nov. 21,1869 —Mr. L. 11. B radJHd—Sir: Please forward us im* mediately, another supply of “Bradfield’s Female Regulator/ 1 We find it l<* be all that is claimed ior it, and we have witnessed the most decid and and happy off t produced by it. Very re •pcctfully, HUNTER & ALEXANDER. We. the undersigned Druggists, tak*i pleasure ip commending to the r rade Dr. J. Bradfield’s Female Regulator, believing it to be a good and reb ible remedy for the dis eases for which he recommends it. W. A DANSDKLL. Atlanta, Ga. W. C. LAWSHE, Atlanta, Ga. W. ROOTS & SON, Marietta, Ga. PEMBERTON, WILSON. TAYI.OR & CO., Atlanta, Ga. State of Georgia. Troup County This is <* cer i.v »i»ar. I have exrninod ihe re* ceipt of Dr. Josiah Bradfield. of thi ■con v tod <* medic i m , pronounce i obe a combination of medicines of great .n Tit m he srea-meti! of :i 11 the . is°.* -e« <*• female for which he recommends it. VV M. P. BEASLEF M. D. This Drcember 21. 1898 Feb’y 26, 1870-ly PATFNT MhTAI.LIC WHITE WIRE CLOTHES LINES. WE beg leave to call your attention to an entirely new article known a* “Patent Metallic White Wire,” p qualities which prevent it from ever corroding or turning from its color during any number of years, and on which letters Patent have been secured. It has been found to be the only article suitable for a Clothe* Line. The <»ld fashion rope or chord always causes so much trouble and annoyance by breaking, rotting out, and discoloring clothes, and by being obliged to b>- put up and taken dowo every time used. With this WIRE CLOTHES LUSTE, ' You have none *>t th *p annovances, ond when it is once pur op it *»ive<’ you no more trouble. After using it we are confident v-u will fully corroborate ihe s, a cment of th nß»rnd ot others in its praise. Every bmiily should, and will eveniu.'Ux kve *»ne. It will no. rus» nor corrode, though you may keep it in water lor any length of time, even salt wat^r. SIX REASONS WHY EVERY FAMILY SHOULD HAVE ONE OF THESE PATENT EVERLASTING WHITE WIRE CLOTHES LINES: Ist You have to lake it out of the weather. 2d. L will la t fifty or more. 3d It is the cheapest Clothes Lin-' i«* »v >rld. 4-h You cannot load it heavy pu.mi »’ wi*h •• >thes to brake it. sth. It does not in any way discol .r. »"«' i jure clothes that are hung upon it. 6 f h It will save »t* mice in saving cloth#** every six months you own it,. IRBY H TRAYLER. *>f Thomason. U •••*>• c-unty. Georgia, is the authorized agent ■*t • ne Hudson R t ver Wire Works in G»* eg AH -.rders to Irby H. Tmvler, Thomas** ton. Geargia, will be promptly filled when -he c.« >h a**comp i*>ies the order. IRBY H. TRAYLOR, April 2. 1870-;f A i t for Hudson River Wire Works. Th* r are a CJeatlePargatlYa M well ma aTenie, posset lt>g also, the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver, and all the Visoeral Organs G. H.& A. W. FORCE, wholesale dem.srs in BOOTS AM) SHOES WHITEH ALL STREET, ATL ANT 1. C A. jan's-ly M/KTCKN N Y’S ar.W ALU D3PO'% NO. 14 P> YO”. Si'RF.ET. ATI. NNTA GA. vNY S .» e A .eot for the celebrate ed qLD WICELIFFE. CT KENNY i« Agoat for LUl't CHICAGO aLR. 0F" KENNY Is Agent 'or London Royal Noetar G!n. g# KENNY is Agent Tor ©’a Tom G-n KENNY nnno'sciures All Gr?des of Segsrs KENNY'S BITTERS cannot be excelled as a to Me. Try them! Go and see KENNY a; his new stand on Pryor Street. febsly W. L CLAY WHOLESA LE. LIQUOR DEALERS AND Commission Merchants, NO. 1 GRANITE P.IOCK BROAD 8T ATLANTA, G-A., PRICE LIST. X W. P. per gaL SI.OO XX W. P. pei gal ... 1.15 Ten. Corn Whisky per gal $1.25 to 2 25 Ten. Rye Whiskey, per gal 1.60 to 8.00 Roberson Whisky, per gal 2.00 to *.OO Clay Bourbon Whiskr, per gal 1.60 to 8.00 Clay XXX Whisky,per gnl. 1.25 to 2.00 Clay Ky. Bell Whisky, per gal 2.00 to 6.50 Lee's Best Whisky, per gal '. 2.00 to 4.50 Ky. Marshall Whisky per gal 8.00 to 5.00 Old Crow Whiskey, per gal. 2.50 to T.OO Ja JUST RECEIVED! ! V G revived lieavv iiipmen*s of w if s rt: lo y , * "»• ie. wr ©Trr h nn' lie the GREATEST INOfTCK* -i i r ~,, r n t!,is market. Our LIQUOI.'S re boil hi iOl CASH, end therefore, very low. Are C (JAiJANTEED PURE. Orr ' rprr es being very small we may confidently ; i'a. v/e ctn CHEAPER than New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore houses Giro us a call, and j.vlge for voueselves. > Agents for SOLOMON'S BITTERS. It. LOiIEN & CO june'l-f!m Atlanta, Georgia. Ul'EliV MD SALE STIIILB. \LW AYS ON HAND, PIIiEiONS, XJL Carriages, Buggy and Saddle Hoises. FINE BLOOD HORSES, both for sale and livery. Extra accommodations given to and ovr a. WALKEIt Sc BRO. 3 GRIFFIN, GEORGIA.. Will furr’ hKood tea ns for he In<’i . Springs and Chalibeate r and Wrm Spiicg.i, o*i re'fc ble ter'. 3 jnnei -if A. fTArpyiKD. A. J. 1. LA LOCK J w fll AFFOBD Blalock & Cos., Wt-01-.-lc ar'd Retail Derlrr !n Staple rad Fancy Goods, HAHD\ ARE, CUTLERY &c., CT* No i.l Main Street, Barnesville. Ga dee* ’?OQD NEWS FOR THE PEOPLE! A \ T EW YORK DRUG STORE. AT BARNESVILLE GEORGIA. WHERE tl»c people or* purchase everv thin? pertaining to the. line, at a saving of 50 to m> per ■ ent Friends and Fellow-Citizens: This is worh saving; and now it is for you to call and see whether these things are so or not. Pure Kerosino Oil at oil cts. per gallon; and all other articles in same proportion. Yours truly, jniiyQ-ly PHILIP P. VAN ALSTINE FOR SAX.F. ONE fine buggy Horse in tiD'top condU tion, also, four young Mules, strong and sound Enquire immediately of eeft24-tf W. T. WEAVER. A HEROIC EEMEty HENRY’S CATtBOT^Ic CONSTITUTION RE NOVATO! Er* -ED ON SCIENCE r iiiMnj'D will! BKILL, r #d nH f ear HaWe engenriiy nr *’• (. t’ cri of nhartrscy of i ■l* and v r,* > co*iiii?jOie. Ani Co# , v ' ii C'u tee n aiel lorui tbe most Valuable Vegetable kk Known »*t tbe H ? storv of rur.iF'-ING THE laipa*t’*»g NUTRITION TO TIIE arsm**, r 0 THE bTOMACH. A ’d a Healihy nc»\« n »o the Li»f r * nev;-;, Sucre*ive and Excretive Or 4 A DYING ZUAVj Lay breathing his last on the battle \ his companions surged on and left alone. They knew the cause ot b;* r proaching end it was the deadly bull? friendly voice could cheer him tolifsl l human skill could save him THOUSANDS OF PRECIOUS LIVLI are to day as rapidly sinking, undies I ly tottering on to an untimely md, in\ sering, Agony, Wretchedness, and J. . ance of the cause which Science can arrest and Nourish into new Life and And cause the Bloom «f Health To dance once more upon their ed Cheek*. DISEASE, LIKE A THIEF Steals upon its victims unawares,md!* fore they are aware of its attack, pki, it elf firmly in the system, and'tbs;* neglect or inattention becomes seared, d#-tie all otdinary or trmporarr trenorn to relinquish its merciless grasp. DO YOU KNOW THE CAUSE or The wasted form —the hollow cheek? The withered face—the sallow conplerm! The feeble voics—the sunken, glass; Tbe emaciated f*rm—the trembling(raa The treacherous pimple-the tortnnnga•• The repulsive ei uption—tbe inflamed ft* The pimpled face—the rough calorics*.t t' and debilitating ailments of the pit*; age ? The answer is simple, nnd covers!:; whole ground in all its phases, viz: ;lt Fangs of Disease AND HEREDITARY T A IS! ARB FIR MI.V FIXED IN THE FOUNTAIN OF LIFE—THE BLOW Top INDISCRIMINATE VACCINATE during the late war, with diseased Lyi . ha* TAINTED THE BEST BLOOD in the entire land. It has planted the <*f -he mort melancholy disease in the * < «>f men, women and children on a.l i and nothing short of a HEROIC REMEDY will Eradicate it root and branch, f 1 Such a Remedy is HENUV S CONSTITUTION RENOVATOR On reaching the Stomach, it Miiw*’" at once with the food and liquid* w and from the moment it passes w* Blood, it attacks disease at it* I head, in its germ and maturity, »na. pates it through the avenues of the f with unerring certainty, and senib oe* < pure Blood bounding through er erjW and vein. , The tubercules of Scrofula th»t times flourish find stud the inner c" ■ the ahd,.» >, like kernel of corn, are * erod. .cd ad eradicated aod tM ~ eased parts nourished into life. ni<* Live,-and Inactive Kidueys» r ' !:• : t to a liealthy secretion, r: oral (unctions restored to rfD! * health and activity. I.s action upon the blood, . body, and Glandular System, ate Purifying and Disinfectant. At it* disease droops, dies, and the vict violence, ns it were, LEAPS TO NEW LIFE It relieves the entire system off' 11 ,,,, Aches, enlivens the spirits, iaJ Sparkling brightness on the j . A rosy glow to the Cheek, A ruby tinge to the Lip, A clearness to the Head, A brightness to the Gomp‘ ei A buoyancy to the Spirt f!, » And happiness on a II Thousands have been r ® 9CU . verge of the grave by its tun’ > ' \j This Remedy is now offered , ~»J ’7»th the most solemn assuranc 'ri»is»c medicinal virtures, & fi r 1 Healing properties. riDVH^i For all Affections of the .* J RETENTION of URINE, and W* Women and Children. h er^ [ : iti * lion. Weakness, General La- jj Lo<?« of Appetite, it is Hnguishci Affections of the l>o°e < Ci.rtivenees, Debility. Disease* Jf ■, neys, Dy Eryeipelt*. 1 regularities. Fistula, all ft Liver Complaint, Indigestion, , monory Diseases, Consumptio D » k - King’s Evil, Syhillis. PEFPAE t 'D bt Prof. M. E. DIRECTOR- GENERA 1 or m« , ' , BERLIN HOSP J”/ M A.. L. L. D., r. HENRY & CO., Wi,, Laboratory, 278 Peat*" Post office Box, 5272, > e REN° v A,»ff f 1 per bottle, six bottles for j whereon receipt of P rice . ]pQt iallJ» requested to correspond conna .j reply will be made by foil*'" ll '*. (S< St>ld by all respectable Drug-. - mch2G'ly