Newspaper Page Text
3abscripti6n Price: $2.00 Per Annum, in Adnne*.
Coniimmicalions marked (kgs f are to bo paid for
u advertisements.
Physicians’ .Prescriptions.
Accurately compounded day or night, of
the purest medicines by W. F. Hollfyman.
See notice of reduction in prices of car
pets, in another column. Messrs. Jab. G.
Bailie & Bro., have 9. large and fine assort
ment, at reasonable prices.
Law Card.
In another column will be found the law
card of Col. John D. Ashton.^HMs useless
to Bay anything in his praise, as he is wed
known throughout this section. But this
we will venture—his accomplishments and
virtues are so numerous and his heart so
big, that we are obliged to give him t^e
'■‘right hand of follow ship,” forgetting his
Glu House Burned.
Mrs. S. A. Cates had the misfortune to
lose, her gin-house and half dozen bales of
cotton on Mondav last, by fire. . It is pre
sumed that the conflagration was occasion-f
ed by a match dropped into the cotton by
one of the pickers
We had the pleasure of a visit from Mr.
II. C. Stevenson, of the Augtsta Constitu
tionalist, yesterday afternoon. If the pa
per he represents is doing as well as he looks
we lnve only to say it is footing up a hand
some business.
To Phyniclans.
I have just received a large supply of
quinine, morphine, and opium, which l can
sell at reasonable prices. W. F. IIolley-
man, Druggist.
Cotton DXarlcet.
Tfp to noon yesterday the receipts of co
ton were 837 bales, of which one firm took
273. Prices were as follows: Good mid
dling, 12j; middling, 12J; low middling,
lit; good ordinary, lit; ordinary, 9|;
stains, 10 to 12.
Johu Wyeth & Bro’s
Elegant prepara tions of beef, iron and wine;
wine of pepsin; elixer iron, quinine and
sUychnine; terra Led elixer gentian, for sale
by W. F. Holley it an.
Fine Groceries, Dry Goods, Etc.
Gordon & Co. are constantly receiving
fresh arrivals of the best groceries tbo mar
ket affords. They have, also, a large stock
of clothing, dry goods, hoots, shoes, cigars-
tobacco, and in short, all the commodities
usually found in a first-class store. Call and
examine. lm
Belvldcrc Cologne.
The above is the name given to a most
excellent cologne, manufactured by Dr.
On as. Green, of Augusta, formerly of the
fi-,T of Green &. Rossigiwj, but now with
Tiy jf jfret This perfiwr.e surpasses **ny
it we have ever trie l, not excepting cwn
^famous German cologne ; and we advise
allour friends and readers, who delight in
such extracts (stud who does not 1) to try a
bottle—feeling confident that one trial will
secure a continuance. Dr. Green may be
found 11 the cornet of Greene and Jackson
streets, near the bell lower.
The New York Observer.
This best of family papers is as fresh and
intere.-ting, ,now in its fifty-third year, as
ever before: and, indeed, we think it more
so. Its letters alone are worth more than
the subscription price of the paper. It re
pudiates all offers of premiums, pictures,
&c., and sends to its patrons a splendid
family newspaper of the largest dimensions,
containing all desirable news, religious and
tecutaf, and an endless variety cf reading
for young and old, all of which is pdre and
good. Every family should have it, For|
specimen copies, address S. I. Primp. & Co.,
New York.
Hon. II. V. Johnson.
This distinguished statesman and erain-j
ent Jurist arrived in our town from Augusta!
last Saturday, and remained over with
Judge Corker until the following day
when he took the train for his home in Jef
ferson County. We learn that several gen
tleman called on. and dined with him, at
the residence of his hospitable host. We
arelnformed he had boen on a visit to Mr[
Stephens, at Crawfordsville, whom he re
ports convalescent—Mr. -S. being able to
sit up, and walk about his rooms, with the
aid of his crutches. Gov. Jphnson is in
excellent health, and speak with his accus
tomed earnestness and candor upon all the
political questions now engaging pnblie at
tention. . He is one among the few grand
old patriots who ^jhaiu of the purer, hap
pier, better and brighter days of the Bepub-1
lie, and we trust lie may long live to lu>nov
the county of his birth with frequent visits.
This, the name of a comparatively new art
that is attracting considerable attention at
the present time. It consists in transferring
pictures which have been printed upon pa
per in high and beautiful colors to any ob
ject one may wish to ornamedt, such as fans,
work boxes, vases, flower pots’ articles of
furniture, &c. When transferred these pic
tures look as if painted with a brush, unless
executed by a very skilfullartist; indeed
this beautiful art offers a complete substi
tute for the process of hand painting for
most purposes. These pictures embrace a
great variety of subjects, such as heads,
landscapes, animals, insects, flowers, comic
figures, &c. The art is easily acquire!, and
children even, soon become experts. Trans
ferring these pictures is n charming pas
time for old or young, and serves to culti
vate a taste for the beautiful. . We have re
ceived from H L. Patten & Co., 1C2 Wil
liam Street, New York, who are dealers In
transfer pictures, some handsome samples
of their goods. These gentlemen will, for
the small sura of ten cents, send full instruc-
tibns in this beautiful art, together with ten
/■handsome samples of the pictures, or for
fifty cents they will send, one bundled, at
tractive pictures.
Judge Gibson’s Charge to the Grand
Mr. Foreman and Gentlemen of the Jury
In obedience to the requirements of law
we have assembled to organize a court to
transact the required business for the citi
zens of Burke county. Yon, gentlemen, are
required to investigate and pass upon all
the actions of your county officers, the pub
lie records, buildings, roads, bridges, and
Stale and County taxations. County pride
and self-interests I doubt not will stimulate
you to a faithful discharge of all thes duties
I am required to give you in charge sev
eral sections of the penal code. In the
tenth division of our code, you will find the
many Sections against gambling ai:d gam
ing houses. By the common consent of the
good and true men. not ouly of this State
but of eve r y civilized or Christian commu
nity, every species of paste-board cards,
pins, or balls have been declared to be
criminal, and yet it seems to be by the
same consent tolerated aud allowed. This
species of crime, gambling, has done more
to demoralize our people and to induce
them to attempt to live in violation of that
commandment, which requires us to live by
honest toil than all others. Gaming, theft,
larceny, robberies, burglaries, cheating,
and swindling, have a common parentage
and I know no reason, why they
I should be classified or graded, and the mor
als of any country that would tolerate eithe,
is to be greatly deplored.
I also give you In special charge, the sec
tions of our code prohibiting the use of
vulgar, obscene, or profane language, at
places of di vine worship. The creature who
would attempt to desecra.e the public wor
ship of any Christian people uuder their own
vine and fig tree, in the mode and manner
dictated by their own consciences, should
be punished to the exteni of the law.
I have almost despaired of punishing per
sons for carrying concealed, deadly weapons,
yet I give this law in special charge to you,
and while the offense may be difficult to de
tect, yet when a fL-hfc or disturbance occurs,
many pistols are drawn, and then the viola
tions of this law may be discovered and if
you, gentlemen, choose, may be punished.
There are many other provisions of our
code for the prevention of crime and preser
vation of life, liberty and property contain
ed in our code, but none more important
than the restriction of retailers to the re
quirements of the law. If a man for ten or
even twenty-five cents could furnish or sell
an article to a man to degrade him, and
cause him to abuse, degrade or iusult his
wife and children, can he ever be said to
be a friend to humanity I What good has
his trade ever done to society or the coun
try 1 Some of them are wonderful produ
cers, for on two acres of land planted in
cotton, they have been known to soli thirty
odd bales of cottoil, yet their mode and
manner of culture has uever been given to
the public. One or even two bales of cotton
may be easily expended after the applica
tion of a few potential drinks, and the stii"
pefied dupe expends the whole earnings of
a year in a few ribbons 01* other as useless
articles. No man can, or ever has claimed I
that societal a its 11. orals, or a country -fn
kvealt-h, vas benefitted by this trade.
Neither wealth , houses or other things of
lvalue can be desired in a country filled
|wltli licentious grog shops, and drunkards,
for nothing could be secure, the hen-roosts
]and products of every value would be sub
servient to the demands of the besotted
and drunken orgiests.
The next greatest and most injurious
crime in your midst is vagrancy ; in the
absence of the means provided by law for
detection and punishment of the crime of
vagrancy, I would suggest that your body
name five or more persons in each militia
district whoso duty it shall be to ascertain
the names, occupation and means of every
person residing therein and to report aU
idlers, loafers and vagrants to the proper
authorities. Every one must eat, and all
must be clothed, and where no occupation
or visible means exists to supply them,
stealing must and will be resorted to, to I
supply them. This vagrant and idle life is
one cause of our present pecuniary troubles
The agricultural products of the State is
the source from whence all must live, and
from which alone, property can come. The
number of non-producers that a country
can maintain has been variously estimated
hut I apprehend no man would be willing to
undertake to provide for more than six or
eight by his own labor, and I vety much
question if all the aged, infirm professionals
of every kind, officials, children and va-
; grants were counted, that not more than one
j iu six would be found to be producers, and
if you add to this class and their raids up
on the honest labor of the country the num
berless cheats and swindlers in the various
callings and occupations of the burgomen,
with contraction in currency, stealage and
taxation, the wonder will be how we can
possibly do as well as we havb r and why
we are not *
Your county*, has been the scene of great
excitement the past year, and I do not donbt
but that some of the principal agitators
were busy and active in bringing about
troubles in the past, and if real danger had
ever occurred, would have been invisible'
when their presence was really necessary as
they were courageous and invincible when
no real danger existed.
To arrest a peaceable, quiet citizen with
out sufficient cause, whether black or white,
to drag him from his family, and then to in
carcerate him in a dungeon or jail is a
crime of no small magnitude, and no man
should do. it but for sufficient causes, sup
ported by affidavit of a good person, and in
due form of law. At Columbus, in the
sweat-box, and other places in the South
the usurpations of power in the past few
years, should certainly attach every sensi
ble and true lover of the principles of liber
ty ana freedom to the principles asserted in
tbe Magna .Charta of the rights of man.
If I have offended where are mine accus«
ers, and in what have I offended 1 is the le
gitimate demar.'t of ev-ry freeman, and, I
ask yon, gentlemen to demand the accusers
of all persons who have been arrested and
imprisoned to make good their accusations,
or to at least furnish you with the informa
tion upon wljjch they acted that the inno
cent \Yomen aud children of this cqpnty
may be protected from the fiendish purposes
of the barbarous aud malignant criminals.
I urgently ask you gentlemen to regard no
technical rules or points, and to fully dis
cover any plots and plans on the pnrtof any
person or persons to cruelly murder our wo
men and children, or to resist the legally
constituted authority of the State of Geor
gia. Jamaica and St. Domingo furnish us
sufficient evidence of the cruel barbarity of
one race towards another, if the fact of cru
elty and barbarity did not exist even among
themselves in Africa ; and as long as this
color lino is kept up by designing, corrupt
and mean demagogues for partisan purposes
we cannot be too watchlul or vigilant in the
preservation of the lives and homes of our
people, against the malevolent and malig
nant purposes of this corrupt and evil class.
I hope, then, gentlemen, you will throw
wide open the doors of evidence /or the pur
pose of ascertaining llie truth, and if any
person by implication or otherwise, has at
templed or endeavored to create a servile
insurrection, resist the constituted authori
ties of this State ; or placed in jeopardy the
lives of our women and children, or our
homes, that you will spare no time, effort
or expense to discover aud detect tl e guilty
person or persons, I will hold this court
until Christmas or longer if necessary to dis
cover the demous and punish them who
would attempt the enactment of the scenes
of St. Domingo upon our soil, and no tech
nical rales of evidence shall, in this court,
exclude facts to discover the evil designs of
such demons.
If we have such an element among 11s the
sooner it is discovered and developed the
belter, for whilst such antagonism exists, or
must feel a common interest in all and have
no color lines to determine right or wrong.
We can afford to be just and do right /or
the simplest and best of reasons that in
thus acting we can have tbe approval of
lour own conscience, and because it is right
land just. If the antagonism at present felt
and acted upon is maintained, sooner 01
later the conflict must and will come, and
whilst I have no doubt that the black race
will be the sufferers and must succumb, yet
many innocent lives aud much suffering
may ensue even from the conquest. In every
country there must be labor, and I know of
no class of labor, if designing carpet-baggers,
corrupt preachers and demagogues could
be controlled, than our present colored peo
ple adapted to our wants and condition, and
when 1 remember their fidelity in 1802-8
and ’4, if I had no earlier reraembrauce, 1
but hope that the day may soon come when
we may have a correct appreciation of their
value as laborers and endeavor in every
possible manner to improve and elevate
them, never forgetting that whilst we claim
to be aud are the superior race it imposes
the stronger duty to so act by precept and
example, as to convince even tbe negroes
of our superior intelligence.
No man can complain when the law is
faithfully administered. The rope may feel
rough, yet the consciousness of having de
served it causes the culprit to seek pardon
from a higher source. None of us cm
say the Bible is a myth, or its eternal pun
ishment will be postponed or deferred to
our caprices and whims. lienee the impor
tance that-all persons whether in position or
not should act justly, uprightly aud honest
ly in every transaction and business of life.
I trust and believe, gentlemen, that you
will faithfully discharge your duties, and I
can promise you the aid of our efficient
Solicitor General, and nil the powers of this
Court, that full, complete and perfect justice
may be done.
The court, pursuant to adjournment, met
on Tuesday morning; but owing to the con
tinued absence of members of the bar, in
attendance on the Supreme Court, it was
adjourned until to-morrow. The true bills
found, by the Grand Jury were sealed; they
will appear iu our next. -
nfse Ulmer’s Gem of Savannah.
Ptofessioual aud Hi
s. a. ooiJ^
attorney a
$V ,
Will practice in the Superior!
guotn, Eastern and Middle Ciu
various Justice's Court of this <
tho Au-
e, in the
Hubbard—Are you lhere3
Use Ulmer’s Pride of Georgia.
New moon on the 27th, at 0. 43, p. m.
One month from to-day will be Christmas.
Christmas is almost here but nary turkey.
Expositor for sale at this office at 5 cents
e ich.
Drake’s Liniment is for sale by W. F.
Quite a crowd of darkies were in town
last Tuesday paying taxes.
Our Post Office has been finished and will
be occupie 1 in a few days.
John C. Baker’s pure cod liver oil will le
found at W. F. Holleyman’s,
This is “Thanksgiving Day”—and we’ve
no turkey, no pudding, no sauce, aud no
money. Hard, ain’t it |
If somebody will give us a turkey for
Christmas we’ll have a splendid time ; but if
not—we dislike this way of payiDg out mo
ney for. luxuries.
Not having heard from Hubbard, only in
a questionable manner, through our Savan
nah correspondent, we presume he has been
captured, sure enough. In conspq tence of
which we hope there’ll be no broken hearts.
Wilkins & Co. have juSt received the
first car' load of coal ever brought to
Waynesboro. It is a superior article. The
best of all is, they sell it at four dollars a ton
less than can be laid here from Augusta or
Wilkins & Co. keep on hand the largest
stock of drugs of any merchant in the
country. At the head of this department
J,hey have Mr. J. R. Dunn, a licensed
Apothecary, lon^a^d fjiY°rahly known its
trie head clerk of the distinguished and
learned chemist and druggist, Dr. Barry,
of AngusLa. Prescriptions will be careful
ly and skilfully prepared at all hours,
night and day on the most reasonable terms.
Use Ulmer's Boquet de Ulmer.
H, O. GELiItShUjN^
~p7p. JOHNS*
■L A IV,
Augusta Advertisements.
Froil.S. lloshcr, Proji'r. I Jusiali iliislicr, Sup!
No, 36 Jackson Street, Augusta, Ga,,
Ill!AT,rill IX
Florida Oranges, BannniiAs, Malaga
Grapes, Northern Apples, and all other
kinds of Fruits, iu their season, can be
found nt mv store. oc 21-1 in ,
Will prnctico in tho Suporior C,, ( s 0 f t ) 10 yy u _
guttn, Hustorn nnd MulUlo Oiroftr tta ,i 1Lld( , i n
tho several Justices’ Courts of t| 4Dl | adjoin
ing Counties. 1 Jan21
J. JB.,
Office villi lion. JOll.N J. J0.NK3, a/ ‘ ]| 011M ,
Will prnotioo in tbo Suporini'rjvni ft
gusta, Eastern, uud Middle Ciroj rn tho
arious Justice’s Courts of this
Aug. 6.—tf. T
L> &JSJ T 1ST JP ^ *
Plows!! Plows!!
JL Fine Lr t of Ready-made STEEL and
IRON PLOWS, Which will be sold at very
reasonable rates.
Tho Allen Plow of both Steel and Iron,
nicely stocked, with turned handles, and
very superior, will be sold at a price to suit
the times,
Solid and Wing Sweeps, of all sizes.—
Scooters, 8]iovels, Heel Bolts. Rods, Clevises,
aud Scooter-stocks, all of which will be
sold low foi Cash.
Person® who have been annoyed by having
ly.QL^JjxdJy ‘ as uuistedS
amTne niy work hefoKe making their arrangtj
mentis., JNO. J. IvVANS, J
Cor. Jluy auil Centre atreeta, '
ar.8-Hin Aususln, Oa.
R. O. LOV I-fi'T.
4 T1 ORNEY A r |
A W.
Will practice in the Superio
Augusta, Middle, aud East!
3| ecial alien lion given to
Court of tl e
slice Court
feblb-l3 T
(7nro Yourselves.
The 8th Wonder of the World has been
found in Georgia. The discoverer is a phy
sician of long experience, extensive observa-
li n and profound judgment, and his dis
covery has proven such a blessing to woman,
that it is already known throughout the
country as ‘ Woman’s Best Friend.” With
remarkable quickness and certainty it.cures
all cases of suppressed menstruation, acute or
chionic, and restores health in every case,
Dr.J. Bradfield’sFemaleReguIator supplies a
remedy long needed in the treatment of dis
eases peculiar to woman. This the Medical
Faculty knows and admits, while many of
our best physicians are using it iu daily
practice. The medicine is prepared with
great care, by L. II. Bradfield, Druggist,
Atlanta, Ga., and sold at §1.50 per bottle by
respectable Druggists everywhere.
State of Georgia, Trwitp Co.
This is to certify that 1 have examined
the recipe of Dr. Joslah Bradfield, and as a
medical man, pronounce it to §e a combin
ation of medicines of great merit in the
treatment of all diseases of females for wnich
he recommends it.
Wm. P. EeabieyjM. D.
This December 21,1868.
Use, Ulmer’s Sandhi, >yood colojjue.
v no css.
ing in the
able rate-
I jko
' Sharing, Sbamipj 1
f st stylo of tho arti
Satisfaction guami
ng, and Dye-
• nt reaspn-
. ap30-y
J. B. ARMST\ 3NG-,
(next DOOR TO JETlfLlP*^ 1104148 )
mSIm 1 CL0CKS -
Waynesboro.—Mr. John it}. . .mnerlyn, A.TL
A. Bell, Esq., Capt. P. H. Woj </W. H. Bolilor
Augusta—J. C. C. Blackj^ijSsq.. Rev. J. S.
Patterson, Otis Q. Lynch, W. ftf. Wobb Lodge,
and Z. McCord V. . ocl-3in
sale, at lowest prices. * Qarge a ud fine
. H. V. OipDBEE, -
jy29—tf Wityljesboro, Ga.
Notice to Planters.
T HE UNDERSIGNED woulld respectfully
I inform the Planters, and others cl
Burke county, that he is novy prepared to
execute in the most durable manner all jobs
in his line of business with which he may
be favored.
Plows pointed and made, ^.and Stocks
manufactured to order. Carriages, Buggies
and Wagons repaired.
All kinds of wood and iron work executed
in the best style and at reasonable rates.
Cooper Plows, Shovels, and Sweeps, with
Stocks, always on hand, and made to order.
my 13 Shop in rear of Court-house.
Buggy Building
W ~B_
rebuilt < ur shops, to repair ..
in a workmanlike manner. Paihting, Trim
ming. and Blacksinithing executed in the
b,est style, nnd at reasonable, rates.
We solicit orders from all omlold, and as
many new, friends that may deqre anything
in our line.
gy Special attention given jto building
and repairing Wagons, Plow Sticks, Plows.
Horse Shoeing, by a competent smith.
New Buggies aud Harness fonsale.
Positively no Work Flowed t
Leave the Shop until PAID fOR.«^3
J. & E. AH AWAY,
my6 Waynes>oro,-Ga.
Jno, H Muimerlyn,
A gent for the
Insurance Comp;> lies:
The New York Life, '
Cash Assaqjy iB,500,000
Liverpool and London and filed •.
Cash assets §21,0rd,000 gold
“ (America) 8,3(1.000.
Piedmont and ArlingU .
Home, of New Yoik. Virginia Tire Marine.
London Qjid Lancashite.
je22, Waynesjoro’, Ga.
t ji
3d District! %
: — ■ ■ <3
ki Hsnvaa any
Legal Advertisements.
B iihuf. sheriff
Will be solid!, before the Oniirt houKe
door, in the town Of Waynesboro, Ga., on the
betw een the legal hours of kh!p.follow ing
property, to-wit: Tim Do; Unrest 0
Mrs. Electa A. Curt m wttd ‘ iMnlmo
and Thirty-six Ac:# .rof 0, lyii
and being iu the.County■ of Binlve, adjoin
ing Jan da of Elisha Walk ins, Dr. '1'Ih s. Bur-
dell, II. V. Gotlbee, J. J. Jones, nnd others;
said dow’er Interest levied on to satisfy a fl.
fa. issued from .Morgan Superior Court, in
favor of Edward O'Doniu II (transferred and
now held by M's. Mary W. Anderson), vs.
Electa A. Caller and J. M. Burns, principals,
and Mary W. Anderson, security, Notice
given to tenant in possession.
Also, At tho panic time and place,
will be sold the following property, to-wit:
The southern half of Lot No. 18, in to.wn ol
Vnynesboro, said county, bounded by lots
Nos. 17 and 18, Stone aud Liberty streets ;
levied on as the properly of Ezekiel Alta-
way, guardian, to sat isfy a fl, fa. issued from
i urke Superior Court, in I’ayor of James R.
Moore vs. Ezekiel Alta way, guardian.
Also, At tho same time nnd place;
w’ill he sold the following property, to-wit:
One Hundred Buriiels ol Corn, more or less,
Four staples of F’oddePiOue TJiou>ond lbs.
of Seed Coit.m, and Sixty bushels of Cotton
Seed ; levied on ns the property of FulwoqdJ
Byne to satisfy a distress warrant iss
from a Justice of tho Peace in favor o’
L. Jones ys. Puhvood Byne. Levy j
will l>.* sold the following | roperl*, to-w',1:
One lot of land lying nnd being in Vlie town
of Waynesboro, said county, and known in
the plat of said town os lot No. 149 ; If vied
on as the property of Tlios. II. Blount, 8r.,
to satisfy a Justice Court fl. fa.,, in favor of
George Paterson vs. Tlios. II. Blount, Sr.—
Levy made and turned over by Simeon Bell,
constable of the 00&G2d District, Q. M.
Also, At the same time and place,
will he sold the following property, to-wit:
Six head of Slock/ Cattle, three hundred
stalks of Sugar Cane, One Thousand pounds
of Cotton in the-seed, Seventy-lire bushels
of Cotton-seed, more or less, and Twenty-
five bushels of Corn, more or less; levied
on ns the property of Joe Law'son, Sr., to
satisfy a distress warrant in favor of Jos. A.
Shewmake, guardian, vs. Joe Lawson, Sr.,
Joe Luwsoii, Jr., and Win. Kelsey.
Also, At the pann time and place,
will be sold the following property to-wit:
Four Thousand pounds of Cotton in the
seed, more or less ; levied on as the proper
ty of Nelson Burns, colored, to satisfy a dis
tress warrant in favor of Mrs. Ella V. Lawson
vs. Nelson Burns, colored. Levy made and
turned over by W. H. Buxton, constable of
of 73d District, G. M.
J. W. II. BELL, Sheriff.
November 3, 1875—4-4w
Mi«f;olIaneous Advcrliscn:
the first dav of JANUARY next a fin
Class MERCHANT MILL, aud will be V'
pined on and after that dale to gn ‘
com and other g ain that (he Pu'-.
|Fit •tiifli ne with. I wM a 14) ly* p«v- -
vjlip C’otfou m REASONABLE »
all of tliohc who may favor me v.,
patronage. This Mill is situated mi M •
lush creek, within two miles of Waytiesboi
Octoler 13, 1876—14-3 m
J.\. within two and a half miles of :I
town of Waynesboro, containing S x K ■
dred acres—-about three hundred of «’i if 1.
are under good fence, llie remaiudei in op n
and woodland. It lias on it a good dur
ing with five rooms, and all necessary mo
ho uses. Tenants are now on th-* r lace vi '
whom arrangements may be mad-
other year. Apply at THIS OFFICE-
/"IURTIS & KNOX, of Thomson Ga., i.
V-/ iug purchased the Patent Itigbi on
Pierce’s Well Excavator for Llie follow
ing counties : McDuffie,Columbia,
u aferro, Greene. Putnam, Baldwin. Yv
mi, .Tolmson, GlnKKcof.k.
. Burke, Emanuel, KichnHi
^rt* prepared l/> y\W
-line , ■
ilepcn, at $1.00 per foot.
They refer by permission to 'the following
well-known citizens for whom they,have,
done work: A. B. Thrasher. Ordinary Mc
Duffie County; Dr. W. Barton, W. Keen,
Johnson & Branch, Capt. T. A. Hamilton,
all of McDuffie County.
COUNTY RIGHTS will be sold to respon
sible parlies. Add 1 e s
oc21—lm Thomson, Ga.
Opposite the Court-house aud between the pop
ular Dry Goods nnd Grocery Stores of Messrs.
Wilkins & Co. Ilnir cutting, Shampooing nnd
Shaving done in tbe most satisfactory manner
and at reasonable rates. Twelve years’ experi
ence at m3’ business is the reference I offer.
Doois, Sashes,
®g T^rns, ri-ooRiNG, &o., &«.
Builders’ Hardware,
The National Sffifl Paint Company.
The Great American Fire Exlingnisher Company.
Page lincliine fieltiug Company.
Vos. 20 & 22 Ilayno anil 33 & 33 Pmcknoy Streets.
Ashley River, West End Rroad Street,
We want everybody in the United States to
see our large, eight-page, literary and family
p iper, “Thi; Souvenir,” and in order that all
may judge of its merits for themselves,, we will
send it, on trial, six months for only GOcts.,
and to every subscriber, wo will send by mail,
postage prepaid, one of our Mammoth Pre
mium Packets containing 10 good Envelopes,
10 sheets extra note paper. 1 good Penholdor, 1
good lead.Foncil, 2 steel Pens, 1 Memorandum
Book, 1 Corel Photograph of all tho Presidents
of the United Slates, and a nick Premium of
Jewelry, worth from 25 conts to SI. Don’t
let this pass you, try one package. Evorj'body
is sure to get more goods than they ever bought:
before for the price, and the luckiest get from
6ve to ten times the value of iheir money. The
paper alone is more than worth 50 cents, and
we give you this magnificent prize extra. Re
member the paper ani Packet for only 50 cts.
Agents wanted
Address W. M. BURROW,
• P.O.Box53. Bristol, Tcnn.
Three Months Trial for 30 Cents,
“ Hie Warrenton Clipper
H. W J. HAM, Editor and Proprietor.
A paper for the Homo Circle—;tak°s anywhere,
on sight-—and whose influence and circulation is
.not bounded by local limits.
Enclose two cont stn mp forspoci inon copy.
Advertisements inserted on liberal terms.
K-^'We publish only l ‘tho freshest of thoi best.’
Vf^hing i-^n^l.« OUX-ool^ ,US.
oc28—-3m Wavrentoft, Ga.
Notice to Planters,
gin gearing, or gins sharpened, can
have it done at short notice bv applying to
je-24-2w Waynesboro, Ga
FOR 1875.
JL uarv Number just issued, and contains
over lOO Pages, 500 Enqravinol, desorip,
tions of more than 500 of our best Flowers
and Vegetables, with Directions for Culture,
Colored Plate, etc. Tho most useful and ole-
gnnt wusk of tho kind in the world. Only 25
cents forthe year. Published in English and
Gorman. Aldress,
JAMBS VICK, Roohcsfrr, N. if
A 'VTVASSERS wanted for fwe superb
V_y/./“Y. LN works of French, art, Li ttle Run
away and her Fets,” and tho pretty pair.
“The Dinner, and.the Nap.” Those pic
tures are worthy of a place in costly homes and
inexpensive enough for the simplest. Selling
rapidly, and take on sight. We guarantee
ready sales, good profits, and quick roturns.—
Any active person who will tako hold can make
a handsome income. Sond for our host terms at
once. J. B. FORD & CO.,
jyl5—12u 174 Elm St.,‘Cincinnati
Seed Oats I
Wilktns & Co. have just received a car
load of best rust proof seed oats, which they
offer for .sale at low figures. Now is the
time to sow, if ye would reap, i: reason..
jO CORGI A, Burke County.
VX J. Wkrlkv Bell applies for exemption
of personalty and selling a part and valuation of
homestead; and I will puss upon tho same at 10
o’clock, a. in., nt my office, on tho 26th day of
November, 1875.' E. F. LAWSON, Ordinary.
November 151 h,1875—■ nov18-2 w
Burke County.
Whereas, John E. Brinson, as Executor
of Harriot- Landing, deceased, applies to the
Court of Ordinary for leave to sell ail the real
state of said deceased : -
These are, therefore, to'cite and admonish all
persons interested to bo and iny office
on, or before, the First Monday in December
near/, to show cause (if any they-can) why said
leave should n *t be gro'ntcd.
Given under my hand and official signature,
at Waynesboro, this November 1st, 1875
• nov4-4w Ev F. LAWSON, Ordinary.
JT Whereas, James' II. Rovall. Executor of
John C. Poythrpss deceased. applies to me fox
XefTors DTsmissory from said esUile :
These aie, therefore, to cite and admonish all
persons interested .and appear at my office
on, or before, the FirsI Monday in February,
1976, to-show cause (if any they can) why said
letters should no: be granted. ...
Given undo my hand and official signature,
at Waynesboro, this October §ih. 1875.
ocl4-2m E. F. LAWSON, Ordinary.
G \ CORGIA, Burke County.
I Whereas, Troup B. Hodges appUes to
me for Permanent Letters of Administration
upon, tho estate of Fetlos Milor, 'a person of
color, of.said county, late deceased^
These are. therefore, to cite* and ndmonit-'h all
persons interested to be and appear at my office
on, or .before, the First Monday in November
next, ro show cause (IT any they can) why said
letters should granted..
. Given under my hand and official signature,
at Waynesbdro, this September 18'h, 1875.
dc23-4w K. F. LAWSON. Ordinary.
O CORGIA, Burke County.
Vjr Whereas, John W. Carswell, Executor
of James Anderson, deceased, applies to me for
Letters Dismissory from said estate:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
persons interested to be and appear nt my office
on, or before, tho first Monday in February.
1876, to show cause (if any they can) why said
letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand and official signature,
at Waynesboro, this October 8th, 187l>.
oc!2-—3in E F. LAWSON, Ordinary.
G CORGIA, Burke County.
Whereas, Joseph A. Shewmake,'Guard
ian ‘of..Georgia A. Herrington (formerly Georgia
A. LnSseter) applies to mo for leave to sell the
real estate of «aid minor:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
persons interested to'be and appear at my office
on, or before, the First Monday in December
next, to show cause (if any they can) why said
application should not bo granted.
Given under my hand and official signature,
at Waynesboro, this November 1st-,’ 1875.
nov4-4w E. F. LAWSON, Or Unary.
r^\ CORGIA. Burke County.
Or Whereas, Edward Walker, col’d, Guar
dian of Thomas Walker coPd, of said county,
applies to me for ioave to sell the real estate be
longing to said minor:
Those are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
persons interested to be. and appear it my office
on, or before, the First Monday in December
next, to show cause (if any , oan) why said
upplioation should not bo granted.
Given under my hand and official signature;
at Woyuesbqro,^liis November 1st, 1875.
~ noY'f^Tw ' EVF. LAWSON. Ordlnnrv.
\JX Whereas, John W. Carswell, Executor
of Molvina P Anderson, deceased, applies to me
for Letters Disinissory.from said estate :
These wo, therefore, to eieo and admonish all
persms interested to bo and appear at my office
on. or Before, the First Monday in February,
1376, to show causo (if any they can) why said
letters should not be granted. •
Given under my hand and official signature,
at Waynesboro, this October 8th, 1875.
ocl4-3m E. F LAWSON. Ordinary.
OTJCC to Debtors and Creditors.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
having demands against Abram P. Belcher late
of said oounty, deceased, to present thorn to rue,
properly made out, within the time prescribed
by law, so as to show character and amount.—
And nil persons indebted to said deceased are
boroby required to make immediate payment
tome, A. R. WALLACE,
Exocutor of A. P. Feloher.
August 19th, 1875—12-6w
N OTICC to Debtors and Credltoi s--
J GEORGIA, Burke County.
Notice is hereby given to all persons having de
mands against Pendleton-Sapp, lite of said
county, deceased, to present them to mo, pro
perly made out, within the time prescribed hy
law, so ns to show thoir character and amount;
and all persqns indebted to said deceased are
hereby required to make ,immediate payment.
Administrator of Pendleton Sapp.
November 1st, 1875 —4 6w
I OFFER for sale or rent my residence,
with on© acre, more or less, of gromvl.
For particulars inquire of the Editor of The
Expositor. - J* W. Mosely.
Oct. 18,1875 r 21-lm
XTl late firm of FULCHER. & CO.,
hereby notified that P. P. JOHNSTON,
torney at Law, is authorized to receive
collect such indebtedness and receipt
amounts paid him, in the name of said f
aud are requested to call on him imincdi
ly and settle up their accounts.
October 12, 1375—14 -tf
A NOTE, given '
iV F. Cr. God bee
One Not© and Lien of Iv A. Perkins. • »
horse, dated July 26lb, 1870 and go-
uary 1st, 1871, payable to F. 0. God bee—
$250.00. Credited March 20th, 1871. witfi
$27.50, and signed N. M. Perkins; Nov.-;
ber 19th, 1871, $80.00 : January 22d, 167 !
All persons are hereby warned not to trade
Jor the said note. This publication is jor
the purpose of re-establishing the same.
September 15, 1875—16-3m
Waynepboro, Ga., Oct. 30.1875. j
COURT MARTIAL, to consist of the
Commissioned Officers of the Com
pany, will convene at the office of Mr. R. O.
Lpvett, on th/ 29th of NOVEMBER next
at 8 o’clock, p. m., in accordance with the
By-Laws and Regulations of the Company
and with Sections 1131 to 1141 iucHv.d vo
the Code of the State. All members no.;
fled will appear punctually, to answer sn
charges and sfJSCTftcarC!jus ae intty -be -]>•- ■
ferred against them.
Lt. R. O. Lovett, Judge-Advocate.
A 1
&l\e C&rottitlf & jffnfind,
One of the Oldest Papers in the Country
One of the Leading Papers in the Sont i
Largest Circulation in Eastern Georgia
The Official Organ of Several Counties
daily, tr:
JL is filled with interesting Rending matter
of every description— ! Telegraphic; Local; Ed
itorial ; Georgia and South Carolina and Gene
ral News; Interesting Correspondence, and Spe
cial Telegrams from all important points. Sub
scription, §10.
The TRIWEEKLY Chronicle & Sentinel
is Intended for points convenient to a tri-weeklv
mail.; It contaics nearly everything of interest
which appears in tho Daily. Subscription, §r.
Tni?AVETEKLY Chronicle & Sentinel is a
mammoth sheet, gotten up especially for our
subscribers in the country. It is one of the
largest papers published in the South, and gives,
besides Editorials, all the current news of the
week, a full and accurate review of the Augusta
Markets.ana Brices Current. The Commercial
Reports are a special feature ol the edition.—'
Subscription, $2.
Specimen copies of any issue sent free.
WALSH &, WRIGHT, Proprietors,
sep30—3ia Augusta, Ga.
Savannah Weekly Morning New»
Will be sent to any address six months for
One Dollar. This is one of the cheapest,
weeklies published. It is not a blanket-sheet'
in which all sorts of matter is promiscuously
thrown. It is a neatly printed four-page,
paper, compactly maxle up, and edited with
■great care. Nothing of a dull or heavy
character is admitted into the columns of
the Weekly. It is an elaborately compiled
compendium of the best things that appear
in the Daily News. Tbe telegraphic des
patches of the week are re-editci\ and care
fully weeded of everything that Is not strict
ly of a news character. It also contains full
reports of the markets; thus, those who
have not the advantage of a daily mail, can
get all ilie news, for six months, by sending.
One Dollar to the publisher; or for a year
by sending Two Dollars.
The Daily Moaning News is the same
reliable organ of public opinion that it has
always been—vigorous, thoughtful and con
servative in the discussion of the issues of
the day, and lively, sparkling and entertain
ing in its presentation of the news. In gath
ering and publishing the latest information
a"d in discussing questions of public policy,
the Morning News is fully abteast of the
most enterprising journalism of the times..
Price $10 for 12 months; $5 for 6 months.
The Tri-WjjEifcLY News has the same fea
tures as the Daily News. Price, $6 for 12-
months $3 for 6 mouths.
Money for either paper can be sbuv by P v
0. order, registered letter or Express, at
publisher’s risk.
The Morning News Printing Office
Is the largest in the State. Every descip-
t-ion of PriutingjJ.ono at the shone-1 notice^
Blank Books of all kinds made to order.
Book Binding and Ruling executed with dis
patch. Estimates for work protnply furnish-*
ed. Address all loiters, J. 11. EST11-L.
. Jyt29. y Savannah, Ga.,