Newspaper Page Text
Volume I.]
I •
NINE months after date, appli
cation will be made to the honora
ble Inferior court of Wilkes coun
ty for leave to fell the real eflate
of Wm. F. Booker, deed, for the
benefit of the heirs and creditors of
said dec. <
Cftober 6, 1815.
Nine months after date appli
cation will be made to the Hon
orable the Inferior Court of
Wilkes county, for leave to fell
the balance of the real estate of
M‘Kinn-v Holdernefs, deceased,
—* t r. ..* ; si, i
fivehundred and twenty-teven
acres, lying in said county, on
the waters of fifhing creek. To
b e fold for the benefit of the heirs
cf laid deceased.
Afling Administrator.
February 5 1816
GEORGIA, 7To the Hon-
Oglethorpe County. $ orable Court
of Ordinary for said County.
UPON 1 he p* titionof Joseph
Cotton, by his agent W r yatte
Bulloch, dating to the court,
now fitting, that Nathaniel Bul
loch, in hi* lifetime, made and
, bL bond, to Joseph
Cotton, whereby he bound him
felf in the sum of one thousand
dollars, to make, or cause to be
made, unto the said Joseph Cot
ton, his heirs or assigns, a good
and fufficient right arid title to
fix hundied acres of Land, more
or less, except what is included
within M’Elroy’s lines, lying’in
Wilkes county, at the time the
bond was given, including the
flat lick on the waters of Little
river, adjoining Kennebrew, Vic
kers, and M’Elroy, the said bond
bearing dite the twenty-eighth
day of August, 1799, and said
Nathaniel departed this life with
out making titles, and your pe
titioner prays your Honors to
pass an order to compel the Ad
ministrators of the said Nathaniel
Bulloch to make titles agreeable
to the tenor and effect of the
said bond.
Wherefore it is ordered, that
the aforefaid Administrators be*
and are, directed to execute titles
to the said Joseph Cotton, to the
said trad of Land, defer.bed in
the said bond, unlcTs cause be
shewn to the contrary, at the
next term of this court, accord
ing to the Ad in such case made
and provided.
And further, it is ordered,
that the clerk do publish a copy
of this order in one of the public
Gazettes of this State, and at the
public places in the county, at
least three months before the said
Taken from the Minutes of
the court of Ordinary, 6th of
March, 1816
9 ) MAT. RAINEY, C. C. O.
The Tine Running Ilorse*
WILL fland the •ensuing
leafon at the fublcriber’s
■I ‘M, • tioui c< ;
coui t house, on Keg creek, at
the reduced price of ten dollars,
sent with the mare* 01 fifteen dol
lars, payable by jiotc on the firft
day of Decetnber next, which
may be diicharged by paying 12
within the fealon, and 20 dol
lars for infuiing a mare with
foal, but no responsibility if the
mare is traded. The fealon will
commence on t u e 10th of March
and expire on tue 10th of June
ner;t. .1 ; •„.
Florizel is a beautiful blood
bay, 7 years old, in full health
and vigor, sixteen ana. a half
hands high, well proportioned,
his figure, elegance and perform
ance, is equai to any horse on
b* .-d ud is 1 fnre 1
getter, from having been let to
a few mares only fall ipring, all
of which are in foal. The then
owner intended running him, but
in training, injured one of his
fore legs, and therefore declined.
rtis p, rjonnance ut the turf.
In the fpting of 1814 he ran
a jockey club race at Nafhvilie,
mile heats, againfl Mr Irwin’s
filly, by Potomac and others,,
arid aouble distanced the field $
in October following, at the
Bolling Gieen. jocky club, in
Kentucky, he ran a match race,
a hngle mile, againfl the best
hoik in that State, and beat with
great case ; he was
to Nalhvilie, where he ran the
firft uay, 4 mile heats, and beat
the celebrated horie Jackion, for
merly known by the name of
M’Lemore’s Colt, who was
ver s beaten before, and had won
the great Jweep (take at, Nash-.
viile,,.where 13 horses. Started j
at the Augusta jocky cjub races
in 1815, fourteen days after his
arrival from Tenndfee, he rai:
tne ad day agamft 6 fine horses,
and beat without difficulty ; the
3d day handy capped, he* ran al
io againlt 6 holies, and won the
firit heat with great ease—con
tended hard for the 2d, but from
the circumltance of the inside
rent of his bridle having broken
duiing the .firft heat, and run
ning out at the corners, the ri
der being unable to govern him,
together with his order and tra
vel, was beaten by Mr Gorden’s
horie Burnadottee by .Gallatin,
who is well known on the
Charleston turf .to be the firft rate
runner. Florizel afterwards took
two jocky club purses without
oppoluion. This horse is well
calculated to suit thole who may
wish to raise a racer, from his
fine Itrains, together with those
who may dtfire to raise a saddle
or work horse, from his superior
size and easy movement, being
hirnielt one of the fineft faddle
horfes of this kind. He was got
by the thorough bred horse flo
rizel, who was got by the old
imported sorrel Diomede ot Vir
ginia. Florizei’s fire was the
best running horse of his time as
a racer, and stands now higher
as a covering horse than any stud
in Virginia find to tarui at fifty
dollars \ nii grand fire stood at
fifty guifea;; \ Florizel’s dam
was by th! o> ‘ r ildair, ■’ Is grand
l^,,r ‘ j f dam I'v
the olu imported Partner, his
great, great grand dam by old
viaik Anthony } suffice it to say
that she was one among the fined
mares in Virginia, very little in
ferior to her son, who, l helieve,
and am authorized to say, is e
quailed but by few on the con
tinent. Mares lent from a dis
tance, and left with the horse,
will be taken care of, and fed a
greeable to directions at tire usual
prigs-, but no responsibility for
accidents or efcapesf ;■
Feb. 4, 1816
_ R. B. Since 1 have advertised
this horse, two of his v colts have
come, v kasd superiority in size
1 aid ■ ~ b, cs
furpalied ‘"''..ay heretofore seen
in this country, and it is also re
duced td[ r certainty, that he is
the only pile that ever put Ha
ney’s male to the whip (while
but a coin at Nalhvilie, and run
w ithin eiiiixen lucnes of her the
two mile 1 aits, two trials in sue-,
cellion. fyi will be (hown at this
place (W Qnngton) the 20th
April nex . where he will (land
the fall stlson, it eucouiaged.
March £9, 1816, (üb)
nesday, th Sth day ot May next
at the late residence of Robert
v ; -it dec cal-J, in
Elbert a quantity of gin
ned cotton, household furniture,
cattle, horses, hogs, sheen, goats,
and . geese, one waggon, and one
still, and e ther articles tod tedi
ous to mention; Terms made
known on the day of sale. All
persons having demands againfl
the said deceased, are requested
to render them to the subscriber
properly .proven within the time
prescribed by law ; and those
indebteef, to make immediate
payment to
Betsey C. Middleton,
March 29, 7 admx.
1816 -Qif 3 *f
ATl.tli.nFi UA i OH'S hA I .K.
At the Court-house, in the coun
ty of -Oglethorpe, on the firft
Tuesday in July next, between
the usual hours—
TWO trads lof LAND, be
longing to the estate of
Charles Hay, deceased j both on
Long creek ; one containing
three hundred acres, adjoining
Bird Parks, and others ; the oth
er containing forty three acres,
adjoining Ilham Rainey, and oth
ers : Sold by order of the hon
orable Inferior Cotirt of said
county, for the benefit of the
heirs and creditors of said eflate.
■GTEBEIfi HAY, 5 adms
T notice.
\ LL persons having claims a
-1 gainfl the eflate of John
Fling, deceased; are hereby re
queued to present them for pay ;
and ificf; iadsbted thereunto, are
desired lb make Immediate pa'yi
merit t those letHements mu(l
ma x. agreeable to law.
Joseph t?EKbfel
lohn Boitcjv. c> v-rs.
March 29, tk ib. \ i IL*.>
\\ 111 BE SOLD on the firft
Tuesday of June next, a
trad of LAND in the county of
Wilkes, Coatainirig 130 acres*
on Little River $ joining Paul
1 ilmaft Willis, and others.
Alfrq on the firft Tuesday of
July after, a trad of Land in the
county of WilkinFoh,(origihaliy)
coftiaihing 202 1 2 acres t Sold
agreeable to ari order bf the Ins
ferior Court of Wilkes county £
and for of the heirs
of James Ballard, deceased.
This tract is in tin* 4-th district,
and N° 10; joins N° D, i 1.1, & 2sv
■ , admini(trator. ;
March 29, i 816. (1 if j
The drawing of the Occned
Navigation Lottery, will positive*
ly commence, in this piaee, on
the firft Friday in April next —*
Persons disposed to Venture id
this lottery* will do well to fur
nifin themselves with tickets, veV
ry fhortiy. The tickets that
may remain unfold at the differ**
ent places of depofite, will
returned to my office the firft or
next month.
By order of the Commissioners .
! Greensboro ugh,
Feby. 10, 1816.
Washington.county . 3 Ferrell, clerk
of the court of Ordinary for said
county. / 1 *
WHEREAS, Elizabeth
Pearson and MichaeL
Pearson apply for LETTERS
of Administration on the E
flate of Garland Pearson, dec. *
These are therefore to cite arid
admoniffi all & singular the kin-.
di ed & creditors of said deceafed*-
to be & appear at the next court
of Ordinary to be held in and for
the county aforefaid, then & there
to shew cause, (if any they have)
why said letters should not be
granted. * •*••* *•.-
Given under my hand this 25th
day of March, 1 § 16.
New Advertisements.
Wilkes county, contain
ing three hundred acres, on the
waters of Clarke’s creek, bound
ed by Clarke, Watkins, and o
thers—a part of which is under
improvement. Terms will be
made liberal to purchasers. For
further particulars, apply to J.
H. Gibson in Wafhijjgton, or to
the fubfqriber in Angufta.
Aoril e, 1816. * (12<-y
On the road leading from
Washington to Coalman’s bridge
fome time in January last, one
1 bar of IRON, which the owner
Can get, by paying for the above
advertisement. E. COMES.
; April 5,’ 18161 (13a)
CN®. 14.