The news. (Washington, Ga.) 1816-1821, June 14, 1816, Image 3

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Th* Farmer’s Bank rtf Virgin ia bas recently received 1,50.000 dollars in specie from the Boston banks. Money will seek its abode where the property is to command it. Mr. Holman has purchased a lot of ground in Richmond, for the erection of a theatre, to be completed as soon as pr.Tible. The governor’s Garden, as it is called, which was directed to be fold by an act of the lad aflembly, was actually fold on Wednef.iay lift, for more than 50,000 dollars. The whole garden is but one acre. Bellville, the feat of Mr. John Bel!, near this city, containing a bout twenty acres, and, perhaps, the mod elegant honfein Virginia, was yefterd ( y foM for .51*, 000 dol lars. —Richmond Eh *uircr, >. \ 7 -h . Vfcr fp-'v ■* X’ - ‘ ** \ <■, e * r’ V.: v -£ - \ THE NelFs. WASHINGTON, JUNE 11. Ot the l.ih instant, an at'rmpt was* to jfpv the t-vvr> bv*somt- ineen'liarv—the buiniiri's now fy-pctmir by inr Thomas T.-n*ll and Joe! .\bbt*, m*re selected as Being l>* st calcu lated tr -m their situation, and ib*- combustible materials within them. to produce a general C “iH'igration—and the manner of commuilcut imr ‘he ft irne, evinc and an experienced and tho rough vdia.ny in .he pelpetra'or. \ con! of fire rdlcd no i.i a had of nicked cot ten, was p’ -’Ced in a parcel, if fivsh tig'ht-w.ind shat ig.-, aid the whole adbisted in such a way. as to p • •.! ice their hoi rible effect almut the hour of midnight.. Fellow -citizens, do rSot tile freauent nccur rence* ofnre, which I*ve taken place tv ;•... miy l>v accident, and this still more alai J g m. stance of design, create in you no disposition to provide against its fatal ravage ? A moderate tea* taking place in our town at an unusual hour, provided the wind should be the leas’ *y i. w'tii - oMsimeit bevoiul a < Kverv ’ ’ < H — l lliU iVS’ , \ no one acts; Like. then*. Audi o{ the approach or’ Phillip, project plans ■ re sistance arul defence, bin none have energy enough to carry ttiein imo effect ; while thus tlicv confernd, the victor came like the* whirlwind of Heaven! It has been demonstrated bv long cxpn i: nee that, immod ■rate use ot whiskey, makes a man thievish—and excess in any other sti ong drink, a brute* New-Castle, June 8, 1816. Slß—Your nofs of to-day by Capt Owen IT. Kenan, is before me—having acknowle ged your innocence ot the charges to be in ferred by try publication in the AugulTa Chronicle, of the 20th March las:. under ‘he signature ot 4t A Friend to the Army.” find Having fihcc been completely un decfivei,on the Object of your having paid out bills of the Banks of Georgetown and Alexandria to an officer coder orders for a dis tant tfoft. ft rental. s for mi to re lieve you from the charge of in con fntency, and to a {To re you that l intended nothing like a challenge in the conclusion of my pi.plication in the fame paper, under date of the 3d ult. (under the fa ne signa ture) of which you carnplain And with the exception of the juflifica* *\ >n due to inyfelf, the lalfc publi cation referred to, Was intended as a prompt acknowledgement to the feelings of an injured man, with a fmcere* desire, that whatever preju dices might have been excited a gain! you by the original publica tion, ihould befpeeddy obliterated. You are at liberty.. Sir, to make fach use ofthe above note, as will mhi likely promote the object in view. I am, sir, yours, &c. W. JONES. treat. John H. Mallory, } Pay maker 7th Infantry. 5 S U M M A U V. ihc French police it laid to main tain no less tnan 22,000 fpiea and in formers. lhe taxes, legal and illegal, levied by the government of I?ranee and the police, on the newfpapa-8 of Paris, rt mjo it to the enormous Him ofonemil iicn five hundred and Curty thou land francs per annum. J rhf court of the Brnjula has ofhcial iY intimated its detern anation to the papil government, not'rohllow the el tshhfhment of the Jest us within the Portuguese dominions. Si mptoms. Whenever the national guatd j are called upon ;to “ reltoie the Public tranquility” in F< ance, which is iteqaently “ diiturbed./’ they always refufe to aft again ft the people. The .ri-colored flag is often 0 on waving ih places appropriated 10 the whi'e ensign. bi the f-iefence of the king, the people 111 u?, ixve it roi t and muttering, add, tit Rome The cry of hive /’ m[>e rur i? freq lentiy heard c> Though tkur m.iy be m reafok to hope that this f'ergh: f v,H iwiK T.ately i tii ve tbtrnje/vc cj ihtir chains ; apfe/v* very cer'aiti that thty wear them with reluftance. jHR LAW. Important regulation ! A berlwi journal announces, that in future, t lie ti. lets of Mr; M r£ . Mds> fhuli be .fupprefl” <1 m the play bills. Ihe aclrtflVs au* to be defignt ed by the title af fhau ; for instance, in die bill announcing the [day of 01 HE! to, which whs petformed ori th 3d of fviarc.a, Desdemona is perfon afod by, worn a 1 S.hiok ?; >* It is thus that the law is fftt by evew one, and in every thing done in regal goyarnrnents. a man ‘an hard !y rra..i.,(,t the most coov'viou bofioefa of hi**, * nhort feeling the iestraint of his f'vtjreign tie is always wa'ched and veal ’ ting ; Lis inouors are always emtnri { rl and restrained, and even his tiiouj lit can scarcely be called free 5 Tiiis Regulation of the Theatre ip of no othc * conk quence than to lliew that royalty i ttempis to rule every hiug, hdwev-i contemptible it may be. What would -re the people of the United I cn'atm,. , .link of fueh rellr.iir.ts ? what j would we do, if compelled to ch ain j p.-'fipo* fo< liberty to viut a friend, or attend to bufincf.r ten or fifteen miles | f om OH r dcmicil ? We hardly exaft so muclt ,>f our negro fl.svea ;bm so cial orb? r is restored,” and “ Europe is free l 1 ’ : ; gunpowder’ A ne • mile of manufadfuring gun powder lias been invented in France ; thegrai is are lpherical, of th. size of swan lhkt, well glazed, and conipofi-d of cop.oeiitric c ; tiie advantages wb- ch it pefi lies over com,no.; pun. powder, are, that the manufaftye ut it ‘ is much cheaper, and that it burn'; a? lead fix rimes more rapidly than com mon nq’'vder. ix ,? iie and dangerous pracncdi : now prevails of purring final! crackers under the wafer of blank or anoMyrnous letters. When Fie letter Is opened, the cracker ex plodes, with coii/iderable ncife. 1 ins psaefice is noticed because and citizen is at this time blind in one eye, ih consequence of injury re- i cetved from the e.xjSJofion’of one oithdfe crackers, GERMAN PROPHET Germany is occupied m attending to the sombre predictions of John Adams Muller, who (ince the year Ibbt, ap ( earu (and we believe httmelf ) to have foretold the wars, &c which have that period taken piace on the continent of Europe, it feemi chat at the age of 13 lie knew all the B.ble by heart , when he was 19 his father died, but Was refiored to life for four year* in consequence of his prayers ! had millions given him by an invifi b:e spirit ; foretold events in person to sovereigns, Nc ; the downfall of Bo naparte, and the battle of Waterloo, with, particulars, were correftly fore told by him. (Much like a inhale ! NEWS.) A Theatre is soon to be erected in Savannah ; over 30,000 dollars j were fubferibed in a few days ; i and the city council, have made a ! profent of a fm.dl Got of gfc’ufid and fublcribed 4,000 doiiara to wards the building. Reuben IVale announces to the public that the “ Muleum will he hereafter lighted by means of CARBURETTED TIVIIRO6EN GAS, 1 without the ailiilence of any oil, exhibiting the extraor inarv spec tacle ot what may emphatically be called a fountain of light. 11. JR Cff/tJtLrON, h/<*>kiel ilaiTiss, in Jus \ ivortisrmont t•• his 1. I lor ciiizviis, l.avnijf ilcvi.iictt * far i-oni (he | pit us of recfitiKU 1 ; uiul ohm u-il s.. t;ir on ilic j j mm.vJs ot calming jml abu.-i', 1 think him mikl ; ! *'F p'otc so voi ‘, far hoiuaUi mr notnv, iliut I j shoiihl trrai n Witt, cinitcrn|ii, vv... u nut j that Hc XKWS max circulate hc'.o.ul mi at- | , fjimintenor , for, his arrow of ni..ic''. .I ‘lice i 1 only shot, in tils’ ncupibovlioot l 1 !,.■ j “r :•■. s n.m roai A* in, it vvvalil i’iiJ sMo 1 ill Ins j .oil odf(l 01 ].<•>, I'tl as it I'niy re ‘all rieip.ltx i lioi iis ti,a ;r ‘lOl acfj'iain nl with mr U- 11 -v. ! 11 1 1 ilia, part of nix trieiuls ami j k*i -e.ii/ ii--, M- I;w e.l know some i 1 iiie | 1 nos j./o. ~ik it tea'll iv sol t.-e eases In: has re j w . u'<l u>. , j As to his Cost •n; • .r. R i .SivOlh of *iml j - .10, 1:1 >.t .le! 1,- iI or. >e, tin, s ore Cool- j , ‘ ‘ r ‘ *••'> ■ K 1 ; •/oiifii!, whirlt ,ltcl not hold | ; • “ ‘! “ Virnista, sill I Ido | ; n ‘ 1 ‘ ‘*■. ’ svv e -be reason trial lie-got tv a ut me Ins spiiniig ! ’ -;t> 1 . i .1 1! < : -\\.rds ; somdinie ulu r lie . 1 I ,J ’ 11 ■ ■ .(• ■■ii. die- graiiello jii slot tin I , 1 > couple of Ins in’s i' 1 !* u 1 was at vaf-iajiCe- wMli, l 1 ivtulr | :>-■( k in Imn c <>! my own k’uorrle.ige, 1 knew . 1 ‘.l o “ aft r, lid 1 do s.ippose he ,1” (’ 1 1 ■ a(e 1e 1 evmii -1 not as- ,Si h i'll in j '"'i.l>,;liiv ~:(• CC oil Ins neigtiboliis ai. he ! c ‘.el ‘ter 1 / a.- e.-asp-nw ala . popular;!\, ■* -* !'c!! s".ed’ u, LOl. tins cotton, which suit, Inr. ‘1 .1, : s.iyr and ‘cr*Timat< il a-lus cast. * - sale Mat t e jdtaM;s ‘ 0 mill b aud ule nt, 1 base no (l. ’ibt that a ini* *b. r r.fyou wdl reel- : le. (, h..t 1 aelve'i 11 /,. <t it at the Louti'y ;COUfl i lioti-.. ;o ii , *io'.iy i -(< my reasons for and i. i':Cigioye e<*ii(M'S to ctOTl’ aad purch ase, Mm * W. or iel allow ehem a-iibw al rlisCoilll.. j !■'!!, ‘to my broii'cr being- u CrcdiU.r of limit, is a prsiiivt-untruth, he was not at that time, iv-iUK i’ is nr iiihv, iintess lie ttaj got some 01 my t rs that have .not yet con. to my know l ‘l V- ■ \''o;i>. v Uucsatrng-hint to purchase • •'/ ‘-hing lor .ue, I ir-ut jliu j Mrs. it.-e.ksal ■’ ’> -’ ; ‘j s she did not, and so far from Mr. liar. ‘ is-’ be lit vinj/’ u tc* be HtVfmdi’f-m sale at ‘luu *ime. tna.. lie even sent Iris dae'.'iitei’ (ALs . .’ igioon to Mrs. Pr<c*ks ; uesinng her to hm. Mi. most vaiimbleJlnugs, particularly the j I ne: in mt are, and net ie> me sell Lheni as she . ail w ori ■ u so hard to g'e e them, as soon ua M. Hougiiton wasoonc, Mrs. 1i.,,.01<s told me o; it, i told her not to do so at any rate, but let hem go, Unit die Lend would I rue llr. Il.uriis did buj’ in some tilings aril gun his nmt with stetirity, bs otlie is, at. ! j n,e ai the ‘iti.e h<- gave Ins note, Hut l.e | d.tliii.i w..i,l die’ ptoperty, tliat he was s-.rn j - <Jl ’ “ s iiie: c!nldre:i and bought it J 0,1 tomr acc rjiit, d/sired l would maS:;; lise of j Ilia note as Olliers, and wh. never l.cmdd make . it convenient, lon lid pay mm fortt ? I'm yv-Jucli ii ti.anke< \ f\v day s after til sA. Suiion* j !<ad me tai lnwi’ h a e>. ka or a'a to ihe a j tiiouni oi’ <So dollars not having die mone y I j w-.s obliged to auh.iiit to the rtgor of the law ; 1! fore i icit home, i put Mr. JL.itiss’ not. m , <.anub ot AM ■ . Miirphey, dcail'iitw him if ni, i..Hilly soon id want any ii.iiigbr.fy;, Iretur ; ,l B .to. to ict in m soil. , hut io make us:: of Inal nob in proviilifii; for dn in, however 1 re -1 .mii'il in a few days, my liui.iiy had need u , *'* : "".d n . v ah.- * ’Cc, ami Murpe. had not le ■cu .1-e note; Ih*w, ver Air. ‘! upily died slior - ! iv .dlc'f'Vards, anil ok note felt into , the A'.- i l ato'V hands, 1 lidvhi v,, •„ a : 1.- j s. .e.e tq get lioi'i *.! <>: !. -.imi iij jure given it j up .o liiae He has in,: smet. 11 n.d o *i ke; i strife aoo-'t it in tu- Ini’ the minist.i- ! would iw.t listen to him I imu hirn !,. sliomu ! ‘B property h<- pttrchafccd at any time, atiel sti.. mil itlln so, v.. nli liendoses io tai.i, and stil. :i d.ssati.-fied. Ine rest of liie notes made by die-sale, l let. n.y cn ditors in.\e nn.i'edia; iy, say • ‘i, . jr s M. Tailiol, V\ . (Jor* belt, VV >t ai.inK, U. MoJlniay and min is. . sto .\H.;p ay note, lie > arm omy house early ill the nioriiingon the day of sale, and says ni me, ti.ere was some nice Jffcifihrs .vriiji, hat lie wink, not i li, .1 iiewas in r.r, place, I .toldo'iii that I as obliged to sell all ! had to i i i,. .ne v,or the property would !a sold far me : sayr. he, 1 n.y note for tliirH -.i bars, nhir 1 ’ you may pass off, mil I wilt take tie ll* de l s (s.,y four) and a .>u\e,uiid piggs in s curi'y, and it y oti can pay the note oli by next j Christmas. I oh.n-el Murphev’s ad.mV. the* sue note or the amount ot ■•(,’ and keep die J -t as ne was, he said no, lie would i l.avc the mock, I jold him that if lie was so de- ! M, he inns keep the ea He as Murphev j iiad to cm m possession, hut as to'the sow and j'.:, -M'liplic) had n.\er hatl the.’ii in pus-I was;**!, nor ted them at all, and he should not ! lu-ze tlun. The cade lie sold for dodoliais, wn ictt overpaid Murplu j \ note. As o wlml he sue s Covington told him, 1 be* ’ eve it is as palpable an uni ruth as he ever in vented, for I never have yet Sworn out of Jail, ,ior n.o< dmy property, itpr my pep-on in an: irtft i* -ftp (.Aty 9 nor tttcvjflt* justice, ~ * ‘ ‘‘ f ’ y ‘o I was on a large .‘.rale if harming’ and under heavy, s..y 7or 800 lollars. through the act of I'rovidence m ti,. course ol n s months of that year, I los t fom teeii head oi valuable horses and three negroes u course, you may suppose, los t my crops, b ; - vmg out three hoi s* s left, f,, ihe fear 17PP, iie nionth of.fmu, I petitioned to the Covert or lor relief, stating- that f leit tny self utirbie to satisty mycirditu; s unless they would take nv property, he received an attested list 0 f property, appointed a commissioner, who sold tne same ant paid it to the creditors, at this 1 time Covington was h * ween 8 and 9 years of j age so thi; tam satisfied that he knew little or * nothing concenimgthe matter. As to tuc plantation tiial Imu now living on i | ands ner-ro hov, I Tarry, to Nathaniel Rau >y tjr-ri full c “isi lea: mu, w itli the prop erty in secun v,ntKl have tv, .since (when I had •any trtd.i will) it) been under rent ; so that Mr. ifarriss wall nil Ins L-.w-Icnowteilge, ninsp'ii thyofii linn fall short of being a good com sellor, wihui he toils you, that a Alan’s r<n t ing his land disjuikstss/i Inin ’ and ‘iis as. sert ons educe ruing the trunsaetiuiis of'tins hit smess like the rent of Ins vain a • wrtioiitt. Mr, H: .mss certamlv must have forgot i|c g’otnl Ovlv;Cv, *he that fiiw* in j'li a (.:■ .r.t ■ “iwhiot thvn-u *um ■• ’hiii as it don’t hrcmne m -Jn.ii aiiy man of,m-.- feelings,’ even to tell tiie truth, io mv tcllow-citi/.riis’cr, unless C'llilpelled in a cmtrt of j‘ is r iccnr liono - J theretoi-f refer you to Air. Haiviss* creditors, ask them what lie lias and no With ’hat mass ot property that he had in An. go sta, ti:.,’ da y .e lag it ("iv’i'd their dm ; tiupui'Cu. the r a ms theivut his general chu* reel r, and a ii.t u.,., the reason lira’ ins Imuse was sorts Min, led night ~f crridil dill, rent ni'ib.; come into tins neigl|J)oiiiij.;d and a-k Ins IJiack-Mtiuii’s, S'wi” miAus, Carp/ntcrb, ALI let’ , I).stiller’., t. a:n r’s,; Overset *’s Ike, a’ i.l m 1... 1. ms ia- g I .hors mgi a. . a|, v. hat ia the t natter that thcr.- i.i st.rh an ado’ about irno, i 1 a'!;er, tui’ead, nails, toll spiiMis, cotton and l.d> tli, and wha’ Uilicre , n that sis gate n mi tinged a id thrown ouotiu- creek t alia B- ll; A t that 1..S lmisi.’s n aue iii!,l tail's :tt\ arid oli, and I vckon it vou could suj) cuo ■ • *i'.hii’ •, pom AI,. Haiu'i, ml, toi .nertf of \ .ig'usia, can'd tell you soiin ihjiig ahoiivtit. I rlends and fellow cili/ei.:, 1 doii’texftecFlo 11 oi.iney mi more on tins head, the reason J - * a,M |!1 fir't place conscious ol mv ina i’ lily to d.le. ss the public, in die.second pirn o I hay.■ not money to .spmv . pay for pi imnig, t.n i am poor, and have got ten children io so port niitofiny own labor, except vvma l hire , —m\ four eldv'st children heing females, i Hie public’ss,ineia Inyial SAMi. CROOK3. 1.77 lb JhlnO , ll’ilki ) county. Georgia. y m< ( iNsI.LV “ JNVORIVIG the public, that he fv.fs commenced the practice of .e* diciiie, in conjunction with Dr Ab bot-—-at whose houl’e he may ai any time be found, june i.f. 3 t * !. 20 Dollars Reward. . RAN AWAY from the fub* f’Jiibcr on the iothinft. two negro fq:!ows i one, by name, Torn, and about 20 years of years old ; the other, by name, Bob, and about 32 years old. The oldtffi of these two negroes has a downcast look, thick upper lip, answers pertly v\hen spoken to, and,is about five feet ten or eleven inches high ; had or, when he went away, an old sAvan’s ■ down waiff-coat. Flit; younger! is a fine looking fellow, upwards of 180 pounds in weight; his eyes iuli, and he has a cheerful appearence. 0- These negroes, it is bejicvcd, are making for St John’s, in Florida, or, perhaps, Virginia. Ten dollars will he giv en for the apprehanfion of either of them, or twenty/tor both, either delivered to thejfu'bfcfibtr, living in Lincoln county, or lodged in so as to be obtained, fhc old • a fellow can read tolerable well. h r l.tHb.K U/EIiKSITMCEP., N- B. Ihe Augusta Gazelte and Miliedgeville Journal will give the above advertifernent a place in their ctdumns twice, and forward their accounts to the News office for jettjen.ent. MUR THEATRE. 7 he Grand Romantic Dra ma of A REEL LINO, G r, 7 IJE GREAT BANDIT\ is now in re he arse 1 by the Thesf/an Society, and will be speedily produced. The re ception this Play has hitherto received in New-York, Phila d< fphia, B.c ; the excellence of its monl; the pleasure that an enlightened and liberal au dience may receive, have been principal motives in stimulate >ng the ‘Thespians to the ar duous office 1 1 attempting h>, exhibition. (j^T-It is more than };robabic this Tragedy will dose the performances for this bummer. June 14.