The news. (Washington, Ga.) 1816-1821, July 05, 1816, Image 2

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the neighboring villages. MyneTttob- ‘ j< ft ‘v,ih to fee Laodicia ; in the road to ihi , is Guzel hifar, a large town, wit!) one dm ch and about 700 „cfem tiat:S. In cotm rfing with the priads'JieriV I found them so little acquainted with the Bible, ot even the Mew Teiuinent }n an entire form, that they h*d no diumet knowledge cf the books it cor. rained, beyond the lour gospels, but mentioned them indifcrimtnately with various idle legends and lives of faints. 1 havo sent thither three copies of the modern Greek T< ftament since my return. About three miles from Lan dicea, is Dentzli, which has been lti led. but I am inclined to think ertone* ovfly. the Anoient Coir (IV ; n is a con liderabie town, with about 400 Lhril rians, Greeks and Armenians, each of whom has a church I ‘egret, ‘how eo-r, to say, that her.; also the moil ex’ avagn.nt t.des m racles, end f:t b'li’ U iCo ant’ of angel . faints and r ‘U ‘ , had i•• tiluipeci tie* place of he fcrii’ u <•&, as to render it vry diihctnt ti t perate in then minds div ine truth, fr t tinman i.ivetuioiis 7 felt that her that unhappy time v'.,s ennie, when men Ihou;d “turn away their t'om tlie the truth, and be turned unto fab'e.).’’ I had with me fome copier of the gospels in ancient Grek which I dis tvrbuted here, as in fome oiner places thcuUjih which I had pafled. hi fay, clrffe to which are the remains of a icient Laodicea, contains abru fifty p'O-T inhabitant*, in winch number-are but two chtidiaris, who lire iognh;r in .. (mall mill ; unhappily, neither e aid read at an ; the copy, therefore, oi (he New Teltameiit wh ch I inten ded for this chu ch ! left with that of iJemZ i.| the off pring and poor re neama of Laodicea and Colofie j the prayer* cl .he (Viof-que are the only ptayia , which ate hcaid near the rums o* Laodicea, on v- Inch the threat seems to have been fully executed, in its ut ter rajeftiua ar a chmch I est it for Philadelphia, now Alah fhehi. it was gratifying to find at luff fome furvi.nog fiuus of early zeal ; and her , at n u whatever may be lot lof the spirit chihrianity, ihere is Bill t! i form of a clmifian chmch—h ls has bet ke, I iron) the hour ot len.pra tio i which t. me upon aii the Chrillian W'oiln t Hint* ar. here abou I 000 Ch'i unis, i.tin if Greeks, who. for the amd pait lpeakomy furkifh, there i‘ ‘'■‘"•tty five p ace., .-f public wor -1 fve ot which attf large regular C - ;to ttieit* ifiere is a refideut b t op, w h . cmy inferior clergy. A copy of the modem Greek Telia- Went was received by the bishop with thankiulnefs. 1 quitted A ah fhehr, deeply difap. pouiteu at the llatemeut I tec ived th'ieof the church of Sardis. I tiult c<i th*t i iit: utmolt tmL, it would not h tve been fullered ot perilh utterlyiand I heard wuhlurpuze, that not a veil ige of it remained. With what fa, if. faction, then, did I find on the plains ot Sardis, a Im Ui church efiabidhment the who dwell ,>ound modern Sait, were anxious to fettle there, and erect a church as they were in the habit of meeting at each oth er’ houies fur the exercise of religion} fro n this design they were prohibited by Kai Osman Og u, the Tmk lb gov- Crimr ot the diitrict, and, in confe rence, ab ut five years ago, they built a church upon the plain, within view of ancient hard is, and there rhey maintain a pncft file place ha gra dually men into h line village, now called la’ ar keny * thither the few chnftians of hart, who amount to 7, a* <’ thole of its immediate vicinty, re sort tor public worflip, nnd form to gether a congregation of about forty, i here appear ~ then, fid! a remnant, “ a tew names even in Sardis/* which luv. been preserved. I cannot repeat th ‘ ex predion* of gratitude with which they received a copy of rhe New Tef taineru, in a language with which they were familiar, Several crowded about the pried, to hear it on the spot ; and 1 left them thus engaged. Ak hifar, the ancie t 1 hyafira, is said to contain abou f 30.000 inhabitants of whom 3,- 000 are cur (bans, all Greeks, except ab.'ut 200 inneoians There is how- : <tvei, but one Greek church, and one Arm-- an. ]he fupe tor cf the Greek chuicti, to whom i pktUuta i the Ko. j maic Testament, esteemed it so great a tr afure that he earnedly prefied me. if ptnf.Ule, tofpare another, that one’ rnigUr ‘s? secured to the church, and fr, c from accident*, wi.ile the o'her •• ent round .unong the people for ihejr private reading. I have, there fore, (ince try return hither, sent him foot <op e*. The church of Pergamos. in respect to numbers, may be said to flourifh flill in Bergamo. The town is less rhan- Ak hifar, but the nurrtberof chttftian3 is about a* great, the proportion of Ar •nc-inan* to Greeks nearly the fame, and each nation a’lo ftas one church. The Bil’hop of the difiri<s\, who occafianally resides there, was at that time absent, and s exnei ienced with deep regret, ‘hat the resident clergy were rorallv in capab e of eftunating the gifr I intend ed them; I therefore delivered the Tef rument to the Lay Vicar of the b-fliop a’ his urgent request he having afTur red me. thtit the bifliop would highly pit?’ so valuable an acquisition :o the ciiu ch ; he seemed much pieafed that tfie benighted Hate of his ration had excited th attention of strangers Lhu fi . 1 have left, at lead one c py of the unaduiternted word of Gou at e.tch of the Lven Afiaiic churches of the Apocalypse, and I irv.ft tliey are not utterly thrown away ; but whoev er may piani, ir is G -d only who can give'ue increase, and from his good tu>(% we may hope tliey will, ir. due time, bring forth fruir, “ {< m thirty, fume sixty, and fome a hundted fold “ Believe me, (ir. ever yout's most truly, •HENRY LINDSAY. ■TortTgn Articles. Lrices ;> c..’ on, I,<iiuLdii, A|>. it 16—-Sea-lsl aiui, At; bo'veds, 2od to 20 1-2. A: I .iivrpooi, April 13—bowed, 2i) to 21(1 ; Ni ivOrleans, 20 1-2 to .41; S. a-lsiarul, 2s. lid. to os. I obarco at London, 13d. Virg; rice 265. in bond. <. Id is rft nur With hank notes in England, owing the sc.uu iTir of the latter. I I is said that Fbui-lic ts abcut to write the memoirs oi Ins own life. Ihe empress Ausiri'a is dead- She was m tl. 29th year of her age. ‘She died at \e ,>ii!. ou U.c ytli “I April- Th. North Star, of 20 guns, arrived at P>v mouth, tiiii;. aboui the loth of April, from'Jk on.t llav-mna, w ith 1,131,UUU doiiars— lie greater pai i on account < t government. (.rvio quant i lies of “deteriorated silver coin” . .|\l r* .'C fcl lh.gli.tul t. orn . ,1” which the hu oi k*u"s 2U or >U per cent, as slated in par liament.—Tins sort of money had been “ cried down’’ a< some piac< s- Miii li an\n tj lias been felt in Europe to know ‘he object ot a heavy squadron of Hnnsii ships, Evinouin, in die Aiediierrunean. 11 s force coils vs u> of six 74's, with a number of t .gal. sand sonic smaller vessels. An opinion pi walls that he is Ucatined U with tile Algerines and other Barba:) powers, oh certain .subjects agried upon by tin congress oi Violins'—s. oil as dial they should hereafter n jfulu e itn ms. Ives in by the rules ot Civdiml natioh.-t, and g.\e up the ‘business ot making slaves ot th. n prisoners. So far so ,;. od bn;. \e,- ba.-'lli expect il.Mt the report is true. ijn.ust have ‘(men atronglv urged., ik ad. obe made the agent of such severe nicasuics against her dear allies , who have al. •o h ,nso useru: tuber m*Ktm;hcr :o inono])- “ii/- 1 in. commerco ot the Moxlrterrtmeah sc •. I’,-maps, the it mibling that .i'intrica, under oi> gallant ‘)( cu ur, gave those pirates, mao have roused the pride of slumbering Kumpt, and have provoked all ixertmn to wipe oh the shame duo has so leng n sled upon the Vvhole comii-tut for is das'ardh submission to those uifc.giiitieant baibanau . H-- the .suit as it ntay, and is dm glory ol tmr Tsim'n/ to have first diended a (mace, without tribute in any shape whsiKoev. r, to them Uhivikn sraxr.N. T!it'following*:s an extrac troin a iiaiul-bdl published a. Li verpool tor the purpose ot gi\ mg’ reltei to tbs. res sod seamen— A tiumber ot live ahnve uofortunale men, many ot wh ’:) have n.-kedl their lives m tii. U nee m our etnmtry, a’ p.-t sent wa.iclei u-g aoout .he town m demos’ deplorable stan o nisi tss■ In iiig abs Inn 1- destiuiieof 1..-id a. .: lodging, anti .-tali’ so f clothing, batin’ ij tht-i't /wi.r-fvr vt. i ni.-ds in the tpm tor .it .Vir’ //'.riitigian hue silk* oiAi’rs A..- ry-e/.i i.'ie ‘■ light* muit r curts, w., ~ s *e. ttbn V not ujew /a- jv tukeit tirem in the atone qum i ‘tear hit J it,net li - it true;’ upon the cttfU rori , .i'iihotu uni/ cmcring hot men weichul'Clettu n$ ! 1 .ley iiav e i. dnerto t \ - . t. b. ‘.lie preea. n us aal o. casual char ly, ehiejiy Oettowed by Oei aotiein ■iitmhte ,/e, wliohavt r.ti.i ■- and lie.rims . lame e.ondi hxi.* 1 pHKNca e taieAH jirs The window s ofsev era! shops in TL-Inmo e have bC. ii sett rff bv many ret tsidy HUpoi tl caricatures fron f ranee, some 0 them rivafting the most ludi- C’. -his Knghsli protiucitons ot the kind. have no itecl til l-dlown g : 1. “ Ktiyiish /iA ty of the Pmss”—represent i°K tj.*":;’ •, “i h ‘ >s. m roul’n an. •rnhlt! countenances, knocking down-and s. . amg upon afirigliietl ci izc ns. and forcing them i-v the roughest manner possible, on board ;• ship. 2. “ Eng : !*r j~"; oients in fsintlonV —The principal tigure in is a very tat man, with a vacant countenance, having a pipe in one hand and a pitcher of tbaming porter at his elbow, I.i te,tong hi at vht scenes around lum— wuicli . .tidbit one man hanging by a rope ano ther firing a pistol imo his oven mouth, anti a third nimbi) jumping from a bridge to drown himself in the water below- J. “ £ngit*h umuMemcMU in farit.” yke f#^ min is here sp a ;n Introduced, with a mr.s'e l turkey in his hands, which he is most greedily devouring, widiout the use oi knife or fork almut him are aA-umb-r of women with lc. , .lank necks and U an faces, and other* ise tnUre ahlv pourtrayed, with their laps and hands <i led v/illi fruit, winch they are crumminy dow their throat* Mitli all [mssible expedition. TANARUS cvnicsTi’iiE. From the C'-mprer II isi ntitled “ the IxT-.nvn w, or Jlits out oj hex teek*’’—turns npon the high-life scene which are now exlub.'.ing f-,r die amnsemt i-t of pour.lohn Bull,—The prince regent his gcu ty foot wrapjied in flannel, ,s pushing in wid. his crutch, lus highness, price- Leopold, “ L m •'age,"man 1 don’t be bashful,” —die prkice, n a utri ic.rfrtis uniform, and witli a long sworn, i ad-lressing himself to hi- earn tpot cl with ti ts emphatic Words : “ Madtm, l iiav.; nt trio” , hut I am of die right bleed, true f-ermtuv and b roval.” The princess Lharlotte, like a true fib\<G.i,Tip[:e*rs * itli askippi grope, and 1 us ans'Vi rsdds salu aiion, “ I hail radier y n w .e English ! but a German husband is bettei j ban noia ” —while tier grandmodmv, queen j Chario te of England, is pushing her to; wards, saying “ go along scape-grace, speak kindly to j liidi!” There is some humor it (bis royal cu- j ncatun. “ JIEsTOIfATIOX.” r.tßis, April 7On th- subject of Ur: Lancastman mode ofcditca tn.n a-.u inpted to be introduced into France, j ‘tb- Moniteur of the 4th contains the following nolic/j: “By a k-tt/r of die 3d of February, the grand annouer bus acquainlcd the prefect ot the “Seine, i a- having made known to tin- toe al aiius of the Catholics, on the plans ot Bell and Lancaster, his majesty hud charged him to communicate the same to the pl'efUet, and at the same time to inform him, that without wishing to deride cn die new method, his ma j.s-y was desirous, lhai it should be laid down as a pi mcvple, both for . stabiislmn hts already midi, and future ones-- 1 lnu the Catholic, A pus olic and R man religion shall be taugn m the new scliools,'ts the every odier. 2. -very teacher, who docs not profess the catl-o ----■l;:t htidi, •shall be excluded front these schools. 3 Tliat regulations for these schools, slvaii be drawn up in concert with lie diocesan authori ty. 4 Tlikt'thesiectoi shßl.atl be authorized to visit the schools establislu and in then punslies, and take care chat the ca't.olic religion shall be there carefully taiiglit. ‘5: In fine, dial the u tabltshuients of the new schools shall innoies pec trench upon-hose of the brothers ol d.i ciiristian schools ■ and that in the places or parishes where d-e latte’ - shall nave been al ready (s-abhf hed in sufficient mUT-bcr, new schools shal’ iim be admitted to con-e into com pel it ion with them. “ Thost articles were sanctioned by his tr.a ji’!*ty’.;sigi ature ; and in Consequence’ot their conitnnnicalioti, those of he clergy ot l’ar-, iviiti were members of the committee ot prinm ry instruction, have no longer aetused to act. ’ Cfj What o glttrtau* subjec fr “ rejoicing” is this * ‘‘ Legi’ irnaie” things nciw ruled It is abominab'a dial such proct t ilings should be counienunceil'by a Chrininti people, much less bv Protestant communities, li Bonnpc.i te had attempted—but he, bang die c ii- sen < *l die people, was an “ uaurper.” Europe is rapidly “ advancing backwards, ** ns ‘Baiuiy said —the dark ages se* m about to be “ restored,” ai.d then re ‘•ancient and veitetablc !” \ ir.s .a, ‘March 30 The hist reWs from Turk- v inform-, us that th* O'.ii man Porti for mally refuse* 1 toseknow ledge the independence of the Indian iso s. \\ e can no longer, ‘.hen, be surprized at the little interest ‘lie divan shews in according the chums of the English respect ing continental places. It will, perhaps, be nt isessarv that they employ force. Fisni KxEsr—The British recently captured sen ral lishing vessels in the bay y f Finny, ai-vt sent tl-etn to Newfoundlacd, where they w ere released with* cautton against fishing there in future. Died, h few days f.nee, at his residence in Dorchester county, Maryland, Mr. John J\ lit ih ell, aged and 9 months. From Europe haixily a vessel readies the'U nited S utes Without several passenger*. There would he an immense precipitation of pi e-plt on our short s, if the means were furm-hed to bring them hither, millions woukl ‘com, —ln the Hope, arrived al'Cli'-rleston from Naiitz, Were 28 passengers, cine Hv labourers and coun try people, flying li n the “ deliverance, 51 Which delivered ‘* .'/ir - fourths of triery bush el of wheat t hey mvsc'l, to the yevenmu nt.” t.en. Lall; >t vni>, wiio latelv arrived at Rbil adelphia, is not the gcutleman v\ ln> acce n.pan.- ed Bonaparte on board the B. llnroph- n. a.ul was sen’ to .Malta. The laticr is wi held, vvt helicue as a prisoner of v ar. Mad. Guruei in travelled 36 longues, in a right line, from IVis, in a ball-iou, in thru hours, Oil the 2'i’h of Am il In'st. Trench Chamber ‘of Peers. Bulletin of the sitting oj April *7. The report ot the lpeciai commit ree ol lVven, zppointed to exnn i:.e the law pre-j. cl oh die finances, was made by Coutii Gamier. It was divided in to three heads 1. The edabiifnment of the budge: for 1816; that is to fay, the expcfitior cf the ordinaries and extraordir-aries c-t (he army, and the ways a: and means tc which the government may resort, to provide for rts expenses. 2. The difeharge of the debt in ar rear, and due on the Ift January, 1817 and the means adopted to pret-Li iherefor. 1 he payment of the Joan cf one hurt tired millions-, ra fed in virtue cf a rev al ordinance, dated August 16, 1815* In considering rhefe topics in fuc CcEion, the committee difcuiTed fevera, important quefltons, particularly what is the competence of legifi.itive cham bers with refpe£t to the public revenue \ in a monarchy ? lhe report concluded with recommending the adoption of (jje hiw # v.-hteh the committee thought j could not be longer deferred without occafi tning irteparabieprejudice toour finance*. Some debate arose on the quellion for printinfi: the report. One peer proposed to expunge cer tain pafTages, whicli in his opinion, could not be assented tc by the cham ber. This motion was seconded Other members observed, that the printing of the report did not imply the approbation of al! that it contained ; on the contrary, by making cur'admen re and corrections, an official char after would seem obe given to the palTige* which were retained. The question for priming was then :put and carried. The chamber then proceeded to bal lot on the law project. The number of votes was 135. which was after wards reduced by the nullity of three ballots to 182 ; and the number that finally voted for the law was !31 The prufident accordingly proclaimed ite adoption. Private Correspondence. “ Paris, April 17. <c The report relative to the duke cf Wellington being fuperct'ded 1 y the prince of Orange in the com mand of the Ruffian and Piufliaa ‘contingents, tale all credit ; and these rumours are otilv the inven j tions of an enemy, for the purpose of tawing diflentions and division among the allies. I here is now another ftnry in circulation, name ly. the difeover'y of feme feditioug and infurreftiona! movement a mong the troops cotnpofiug the royal artillery, who are said to be implicated fin tin plot to overturn the government; —1 have no doubt there is just as little foundation as the other. “ M. Talleyrand quitted Paris yesterday morning for Valency. “It appears that the king will not go in person to the chambers, but thai a cotnnnfiiori preftded by the chancellor, will be nominated by his majesty for that purpefe. - T *y rfe’j.’ that the prorogation will takepl'A towards the 6th or 7th of next month.” COMMUNICATION. TO the honorable Foreman and members of the Grand fury, cf Wilkes county. (Geo.) reigmnp at the June term of tre hupirior “Court cj said County , A. I). 1816. THE petition of the Senators Re ■prefentativess and Delegates in n and e feveial State* and 1 en iiorfe-: of th, TJ. nited States, compcfing a;, a body, die 14;h Congrefr ; i the Unived States of America, humbly rerrefent to your enligh ened bedv. thai we ate f .-ly grieved at l aving incurred your tilf pleafute, by < ot ‘are law to change tfrfe • mi df- of conVpeivfarcT) ro l e n.eft,bees oi Cor profs Ou: grit! has been n v ore acurtifincfc we have cblerved rhepMbiic ni.mner in which (>ur conduct has been t xpefed tc the at in adrerfu nos the people a: large. With much humility and cormioon v. e atknew edge the er ror we have coir mined, aid promilp a itrifter regard to tlie interests oi the public in future- Your honorable In qufclt may rest afTured that noflittig lhali be wanting on cu parts to at c< rd to the plans you have propoLd for cur conduft hereafter. V. e hope, be leech, pr.ty that your anathemas may he laif od from over u& •, and we be fi fFercd •o appear before you in the moll hum ble, or indeed afcjeft charafter, impio ing your unmerited forgivenefs. We cknowledge ycut mighty wifdcm ; we plead cur acknowledged ignorance; we da)e not (uggelt that the paflioa ve entertain, is attribuiabie to you—a love cf gain .* but w hile our empty purses mourned the fate of out high Rations, we braved the dangers of de lay, till ftarvaticn threatened us—then in a last extreme we ventured to give iiberfy to our body, to remunerate themfelvcs from the public trrafury, lor the services and expences ol uur attendance cu tlie governuieut, |t